The Brooklyn Boys SLICE TIME for Ep. #327

Published Mar 10, 2025, 7:13 PM

The Brooklyn Boys' "SLICES" comments, feedback and iHeartRadio Talkbacks for Episode #327 and earlier.

Brooklyn Boys podcast getting reactions. This podcast all depends on you.

Baby, incis.


It's Brooklyn Boys Slice time for episode three twenty seven and before what's going on? Scary Brody, Brody scary? This is the feedback show. It's all you. We got nothing to do with this. We cannot be held accountable or responsible for its lack of entertainment.

Or no.

If it's just too much incredible, if it's if it's if it's too much, if it's incredible entertainment, we we uh, we're just bearing witness to this with with everyone else. We're on the sideline for it, for inspiring the genius that we get from from the from the fans. No, no, either way, we were not responsible, all right, could be. I don't know what that was all about. Now, usually the way to start this.

No, do you think of nothing more creative than to ramble on about who's responsible?

All right? Led Zeppelin? So yeah, no, no, but I'm just saying like, yeah, this is this is the listeners are in control. We like that.

Twenty minutes now we've wasted talking about it. This is like the one hundredth episodes, Like the first time you're hearing our audio. This is the companion podcast to the Brooklyn Voice pod. This is the first time you're hearing our audio. We apologize. I'd apologize to all of you for what you've just heard. We're normally very amusing and entertaining. Oh wow, let the record show that I suggested we delete this and start over again.

But if you're hearing it, scary said no, no, because we don't edit. Why do you want to be disingenuous? This is how it This is how it rolled out of our mouths. Does this is genuous? Mean funny? Then I want to be that We're not going to pash it up. When I'm sorry, We're not gonna make it. You're not going to make you.

Listen to us.

On the Allheart Radio app, you can hit the microphone button. If you've updated to the latest version of the software. You hit the microphone button. Leave us to talk back and make it entertaining.

Yeah, and also, not only that, make sure we remind you this is the weekly reminder to put the Brooklyn Boys podcast as number one in your presets. Okay please, And if you don't see the presets on the iHeartRadio app, it's because well you'd update the software, So update the software and put us number one. People are watching us.

We need to thank you to the people that sent me screenshots of them putting us at the number one.

Thank you, appreciate you. All Right, here's this week's talkbacks.

Broken boys all from hers been out of the country so I've been kind of quiet. So just keep Bryan's uncle. Dog's name is Brody's scary? Do you know that Brody is the name of the villain in the nineteen eighties movie Point Breaking. Want to see all time favorite characters that Patrick Tracy did in the movie. So I don't think just keep Bry's uncle like Brody that much. Maybe just the villain.

Brody the dog. He's referring to the fact that his uncle named his dog Brody.

Okay, for those slices that are now screaming at their phones or however they listen, the villain in Point Break was b O d h I Brody, not Brody, So you're wrong, But thank you for thinking to me and subconsciously hearing Brody. But that is not a Brody. Now the sheriff and the chief of police depending on which movie because he changed titles in Jaws, was Brody, but no point break not Brody, all.

Right, Brody is still the favorite name for dogs and wise asses and and Oscar winning actors.

Yeah, brooken boy. I was going Fulton Curz again on the topic strange dog. No, sorry, I'm still catch up on the podcast. But borgies and forges.

People I brgeal tend to go ahead and name their dogs based on their color. So if they're black and the dog's name is black, the yellow the dogs name is yellow.

That kind of stuff.

So that's pretty weird.

Okay, all from Jersey.

Okay, Scary one to the University studios, and you forgot how to be a kid? Scary, I saw you grew up on Nicki Minaj' Not that old buddy, you're still remember how to be a kid?


You forget easily? Or is it maybe because you're fifty years old that you don't remember?

Come on, bro, you gotta pick one.

Either you grew up with Nicki Minaj and your youngest fuck or you're oldest fuck.

So Scary knows how to party, but he doesn't have fun Like he doesn't do like roller coasters in water parks and I do.

No, you don't. Where's the last time you want a roller coaster. Well, yeah, Universal Orlando.

Yeah where roller coaster did you go on? Now, you didn't get dragged on?

All of them? Yeah, every single one in the fucking park. I was leading the way.

And the last time you went to a water park, I don't like water parks, yeah, right in and out.

Well, water parks are disgusting, a lot of bacteria. I don't like water parks. So they will move, all right, keep.

Going, Reggie here, slices slices. I hope you're paying attention. Okay, because the Trucker and Sean and all of them, when they played that clip about me having gone missing, they put my last name in it, and I've never given my last name on here, which means he is in the Brooklyn Boys Slice group on Facebook.

We can figure out who he is. It's Ben Dover. We know that already. Yeah.

Also, your your name is on social media on Twitter and Instagram.

So just saying, no, Brody, I don't want to hit that. When it comes to any woman, I'm not gay, I understand. So my talkbacks may have alluded to that.

I'm not hell.

I'm saying I'll come and mess her up for you if she's threatening her husband. You say it's all right, Colin. Reggie here, she'll be here. Will from CT. I love your idea for the new podcast. Everybody, Let's do it. Clothing optional, of course.

Thank you, Reggie.

All right, Reggie here.

I didn't know what Coney Islands Whitefish.

Was, so I googled it.

Nice whitefish.

Wait a minute, Wait a minute, time out.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, scary. You went through the Brooklyn Boys.

Website and found out there's only extra small and triple xltsides left. And you guys want to know all why people aren't flying?

What's send it an email to Matt Merch. Click go to Brooklyn Boys dot bigcrtail dot com. Brody, that's Brooklyn. That's Brooklyn Boys dot, Bigcartel dot com. And email the Brooklyn Boys through that website and Matt Merch will see it and tell them to get some friggin normal size on.

Tell them which ones you want to buy that you're committed to buying, and and and they'll get you know, but they're not going to just print them because you're like, hey, you're out of the mediums. Oh, let's print a bunch costs money. Yeah, but yeah, if this if this style is missing, you know we will fill them in. We want to sell the shirts I'm trying to go. If not, guys, you have two choices. You can lose weight and fit into the small well, go out to a buffet and fit into the extra large and double X.

Make the effort, slices, make the.

Efforts here, Brody. The last slice time, you mentioned how it was ridiculous that you could see city Field in an episode of Daredevil as the guide drove from Manhattan to Brooklyn. That reminds me of my dad and I watching clover Field a few weeks though. The movie Colverdfield is set in two thousand and eight. So this guy's in the subway station and he's talking on a foot phone in the subway. So I said, how is this guy getting a phone call on a flip phone in a subway station in two thousand and eight? You couldn't do that on a good day, let alone when Godzilla or some shit is sucking attacking and correct. My dad's familiar with the subway station was mad that they get in at one stop and yet the next stop is the stop that had seven stops in between in real life. Fucking makes me mad when non New York people right New York can get it wrong.

Yeah, they think of the average person won't notice. Yeah, but I'm not the average person. So I noticed Birdie Bear is smarter than the average bear.


Booboom Brooklyn Boys at three twenty six. This is from Washington. Yeah, I know, sly SUMMERTI came out. I need to I need to leave this comm Scarry Jones, with this economy, you out there with your thirty dollars hair jail. Put it in a check bag. You know the rules on ounces toothpaste. Put it in your checked bag, or just don't bring I don't know.

I don't recall if.

You had a chance to talk to supervisor or you almost got to that point. Let me tell you something, my dear friend. Those people who do that shit for living and check somebody's toothpaste and shit like that, they're doing their job.

They're simply doing their job.

They're not out there to get you. So you will be without your hair jail on this bougie poster Eco vacation. That's the bottom line.

They got off on it. They got it, and they let me through the first time. That's the thing. They just let me do a couple of days earlier, So make up your mind. The same guys flag it up. Yeah, it doesn't matter. But they're all TSA. They work for the same agency. You know what you should have done. They should the same standards.

Hey, I was just in another one of the airports where your coworkers work in another city.

I told them. They let me through. I told him.

They be like, oh, of course, Hey, terrorist slices, that's the move for you.

Don't take it from me.

Don't hear that, scare of the slices who were terrorists, don't pay no attention to that. Don't try the old They let me through in Chicago, so you should let me through because apparently, according to Scary thinks that works.

So I had to I had to leave this talk back Scare Jones. Do you think somebody sits in the airport and kicks how much how many ounces of flation or toothpaste you have left? It doesn't matter if it's visibly half gone. Nobody gonna check that shit on a scale. If it's as four ounces, it ain't happening. You're not bringing that ship with you. You know you're bougie and you're grown man, going on Amazon and buy self travel.

Sits roundabout the roundabout. You you can eyeball it, Okay, yes, okay? Who's calling my phone? Who is potential spam?


Not answering? Fuck these people be around. I can't believe in this. In twenty twenty five, they still haven't figured a way to block these robo callers, even though I'm on every do not call this known to man, I can't believe you missed the yes reference I just made. Yeah, I'm not that deep into yes, owner of a lonely heart. And that's it, dude, that's that's fuck.

That pregnant Karen and the Karen who was not pregnant yes symbol. This is how people get shot in the parking lot doing shit in the movie theater.

All right, A little.

Brazed about not like in your tone this week, buddy.

Why somebody pregnancy has to be somebody else's inconvenience?

I would have been.


I just don't get it, man. People are so fucking crazy.

That's correct, You're right. People are just rude.

Brooklyn boys.

It's been from upstate scary regarding your airport debacle with the gel Listen, you knew the shit cost thirty five thousand dollars. You should have taken a precaution, took half the container, or transferred some of it to a smaller container or something so that you could get it through. You knew the limit was three point four. You yourself said, the bottle is three point seven. That is on you, sir.

Yep, it wasn't on him. It was in the trash. Yep, lesson learned.

I have been in a similar situation where I think I had a bottle of here grease or some shit like that, and it was clearly less than the amount inside the container, and they let us slide. But ultimately it's on their up to date discrestion. So sorry, sir, that's on you, buddy.

Thank you, all right, Scooty Scooty Jones. What's going on? Guys?

Commenting on the latest episode of Slice Time and someone made a comment on Scary's fear of bit I'm terrified the bed books too, But you're not going to catch them in a movie theater current day as you would have fifteen twenty years ago when they were running way.

Come on, Scary, give it the time is man?

Eight times I beg to differ.

Been from Upstate again. Another comment on recent's lifestyle, someone mentioned, oh it was cute. She said that Scary should call in while he's on vacation to give us more podcasts. Now listen, I would love another podcast also, but vacation, vacation, scary while you're off, be off, motherfucker. Don't listen to her. Got good intentions, c but fuck that if I'm not vacation on more vacation.

Thank you.

By the way, it sounds like he's on a train. By the way, bed bugs. Bed bugs also appearing on trains. They find them on trains now too, You know that, right? Yeah, I've not seen one story about that. But okay, all right, any place where there's lots of people, you can find bad bugs, hotels, bed bugs everywhere, carpets. Okay, there, Brody, I lost you, I lost I lost my partner, folks, my co host is somewhere else. I'm right here. All right. Took you like long enough to respond. Sorry, my apologies. I was waiting for sorry. Oh he's back again.


Another comment been from upstate about the taste of testing or the testing different flavors. She was in the wrong only because she had someone behind her Brody said in the episode that she's wasting the employee's time. If there's no one else there, what time of his issue wasting?

All right, So thank.

You you have an answer to that. No, no, I just I just know you had nothing, okay. I just add's frustrating, that's all, okay.

But to clarify, I do agree with both of you guys that if there's a line behind her, she should have moved to the side, because if she had time to taste all those different flavors, she had time to wait, so she could have let Scary go first and then went back to her testing seven different flavors. Personally, I don't find anything wrong with that. I know it's annoying, but listen, I gotta try to see what I want.

Chocolate, don't miss you on the quiet car, don't miss your stop, buddy. Yeah.

By the way, until you work in uh fast food and restaurants where you're on the other side of the counter having to give the seventh sad, your opinion will change when that happens.

Also, Jamie the Queens, it's a little bit different comparing the tasting of ice cream versus perfume cologne. Like Scary said, sometimes you're paying fifty dollars a bottle up sometimes upwards of four hundred dollars per bottle. You want to make sure the shit spounds good, make sure it's worth your money, make sure something is gonna stick with you, because you're gonna have.

It for a long time. So a little bit different.

Scary trying to explain not like Us to brodius hilarious. I've heard Brody say plenty of times he doesn't listen to pop culture. It's not a fan, he's a fan.

He a fan.

Brody has said that Taylor Swift is one of his favorite artists, or as a fan of Taylor Swift, and it doesn't get more pop culture than that. Thank you so well, Like you do listen to some pop culture, but also if you're not a fan of hip hop, I get it, to be fair though, scary with you. I would have thought Brody would have heard not Like Us at least once or twice. But I mean, if he doesn't listen to the radio, which I'm assuming he doesn't. All he talks about is news radio and sports radio some I'm assuming he doesn't listen to music on the radio. Show doesn't surprise he didn't hear it, but I am with you that I would have thought he would have heard it at least once. It's fine, great point Brody bringing up Avengers endgame. If Brody started rattling off important scenes that everyone should know, excuse me, Black, I don't.

I don't watch more we I'm not into that. You guys are nerds.

But yeah, so if Brody's not into rap, then you can't expect him to know.

Not like us. Even though it was the most popular song last year.

It show was the number one song of the year.

You know, it's so popular they never played it on rock stations that I listened to. So that's thats why I would never hear it, Okay, and I would never be in a store that would be playing it most likely, so I didn't hear it.

All right, it's not my you know.

If I still worked in radio, I probably would have heard it. But I don't, so I didn't.

Hey, Brooklyn boys, this is Maria from Union City. So I'm here listening to Slice time and I forgot to leave a talk back last week about how Scary doesn't like movie theaters because of the bedbugs situation and because of the crowd. But meanwhile, he's trying to go to the fire Festival because there's not going to be a crowd there and possible bed bugs jumping from one person to another.

Come on, scary.

If you don't like movie theaters, just say you don't like movie theaters, all right, love y'all.

And I'm not going to fire Festival. I don't know where that rumor started, but I'm not. There's no shot. I don't trust this guy as far as I could throw him.

Hey, it's Maria again from Union City. Also, I know I'm late with the homework. But the whole woman being pregnant in the theater, it's just bullshit. First off, she has a mouth. If she had a problem, she could have said something like, why is that woman saying my friend is pregnant? My friend is pregnant, Yo, bitch, let your friend talk. If she has a problem, she can say something, I've been pregnant twice. I've been to the movies many times, just saying fair point.

Yeah, if she needed to, like if just to clarify one thing that I left out, if she needed me to sit up so that her pregnant friend could walk by my seat, right, Yeah, but here's the other thing. Your belly doesn't reach down lower enough where the seat leans back, so your ankles are pregnant. I get to probably swollen. But again that's not what she was asking me to do. She was asking me to sit up the whole movie with my seat up, which again does not affect her belly.

So I'm with you. Thank you for calling and supporting.

Hey, it's Maria from Union City. Again scary. I'm not against Kendrick Lamar, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe is always going to be a thousand times bigger than Kendrick Lamar.

Thank you.

They have fans all over and I'm sure Kendrick does two, but it's much bigger and spans over years, over a fifteen minute showing at the Super Bowl.

Just saying thank you.

Mark from Stay here, I got a good one for you about the TSA, so with you on my own batteries. They have a limit of how many wad hours let's say it's ten, so you can't bring a battery that's fifteen wat hours on the airplane. But you can bring as many five watt hour batteries, let's say, as you want, so you can have you know, one hundred wad hours and a launch pal, no big deal. One twenty wat hour battery, No, no bueno.

All right, you heard it from this man.

Keep that in mind if you're trying to smuggle batteries on planes.

Exactly right.

All right, we're about halfway through, Brody.

Nice way, should take a break, come back and play some more.

I like that idea.

My boys podcast.

Again, thank you if your talkbacks. These are all unlabeled, so I don't know where they're from, but people are just commenting on That's what they do everything. No, I'm trying to see what episode number they're not. It's attached to you and I'm not I can't find out. Well, you know what they'll probably tell us. Yeah, there's a good bet i'll hear somebody that left four in a row.

Hey Victoria from Brooklyn. Yeah, about the pregnant lady and the movie theater. It seems like she didn't say anything, was just her friend. So I'm just curious to see if like she actually chimed in, because I will tell you that most pregnant women are just fucking nuts. I can say that because I've been pregnant twice, So no offense to anybody. So maybe she was just driving her friend crazy but just wanted Victoria from Brooklyn again. Uh, scary. If you are upset about the TSA thing, let me tell you my family, my husband, my two kids, we are on a checklist or a watchless whatever you call it. So every time we come back to the US Border Control of Homeland Security, they pull us aside, they ask us questions. This happens every single time. And so if that happened to you, I know that you'd be really, really pissed. There's no way we can get off this line.

I wonder why, No, I'm terrorists.

It's just because my husband has like some very common name. Before I got married and changed my last name, I was not on this list. But ever since I changed my last name, I'm on this list. And without fail, one of us, if not all of us, always gets detained by Homeland Security. At last trip, it was my four year old who was detained and had to go into a room with Homeland security with guys with machine guns. So it's always a fucking drama. So thoughts on the word pussy or twat instead of just all right, some suggestions, come.

On, Victoria, let's keep it classy here. Now I know why TSA is pulling you over for you twat God, By the way, I was going to sign two reasons why you get pulled over at t s A want you have the same name as someone who's who suspected a suspected criminal. Or two you have a Brooklyn attitude that you going through my bags for you pussy, then you can pull And by the way, pussy is the least of the three. The other two are I would go, I would go c t P c TP. I had to rank them, I go c TP. I think what in order from the least defensive to most No, most most of the defense is the word I'm gonna go t I'm gonna TCP. I think you think twatt.

Yes, Come on, man, No, if you call somebody the T word, I said the T word, you're calling them like a like uh. When you call somebody the T word, you calling them like a nasty person or like you know, like you're you're Yeah, That's.

What I'm saying. But that is if you really want to impact.


No, the C word is like a step above no slices. Leave us to talk. Do not say the words yeah, no, no full words T that we're gonna get right. By the way, if you're from CT, you can leave us a talk you're from c T. There's all half of our slices are from c. Yeah, all right, God, I'm discussing. I'm disgusted thoroughly. Podcast evolved into Yeah, really, I don't want to get slapped with like a triple X rating because of because AI goes through the dialogue and this stuff gets all written out and people see it don't say the full words. Yeah, please please don't.

Hey, Scary, I'll tell you what next week when you bring home the Jingles, I'll put the Brooklyn Boys podcast as my number one spot on the I Hurt Radio.

Up too long?

Man, what are you doing?

All right? Yeah? You all the artist ideas and the jingles. Listen and bring home damn it Brooklyn Boys. Paul from Jersey.

Holy shit, I almost crashed into the fucking median in the highway.

Scary, you just fucking bluelind You want to go to fire Festival?

No, wow, I could not see that coming.

Holy shit, Scary, it's a lie. I'm dumbfounded. It's a lie.

Come on, we don't know you want to go there to go.

Hey, scary and Verdie, This is Renee from Lancaster. Hey, I don't even want to go anywhere and listening, well all that is the whole thing. But scary, they are using you. They do not they deserve a like this is not they must deserve her. This is rude.

But like this is like Birdie said the station event And sorry, I can't help you out if they haven't talked to you for years and only want to contact you for this.

Yeah, Jonas brothers.

Just give them a sorry, but no, or.

I can ghost them all together. They want to go to Jonas khn.

Hey, guys, Laura from Connecticut. So to answer you, Brodie, I work for car Max. So we have every type of car from trucks to Sedans to SUVs. So yes, people want to test drive all different Mercedes, a BMW, they want to toest drive a Subaru, you know, Toyota, Honda, and then they'll decide what they want. So we try to limit it to two so it doesn't take up for our whole day and we could work with someone else.

Oh okay, okay, so I did I did point out that if you're a multi car dealership, then yes, I said, the average dealership, if you just sell toyotas, doesn't have five cars you'd want to drive. Now, I want to play a piece of audio real quick, and in terms of car Maax, hold on.

After that car drove right through the glass front doors and inside the building.

And this wasn't an accident. I went as do as your putter, Tim Caputo spoke with eyewitnesses. If I have the audio here, prez, oh, I gotta find the audio.

A car, A guy was pissed off a CarMax, and he drove his car right into the into the uh.

Right into the hell. Let me see here in his head.

Hold on, he drove it right into the dealership, right through the glass doors, and eight people were injured. So I'm not making fun, but let's see if they have the audio here.

Hold on outside Los Angeles, a driver plowing through the doors, mowing down customers and employees.

ABC storing Shaw is in LA with this unbelieva.

Inside this California CarMax.

Hot on.

Oh yeah people at wan.

Yeah, so he was a disgruntled customer. I wonder if they didn't let him test drive seven cars could be got upset. So uh, make it fun. I'm saying, he's speaking of CarMax. They're in the news today, so be.

Care fell from Brooklyn here. Love to hear Spruce on the on the loose back on the podcast.

That was awesome.

Uh, and Brody, I know what you're talking about with the accents with the politicians, And uh, it's not equivalent to what you're saying, only because that particular politician is not from those areas like you are from the Jewish community or Spruce is from the Black community. And uh so, yeah, she shouldn't have been doing it.

Okay. I wasn't singling out any one particular. They all do. I've seen several politicians do it.

What I was saying was that sometimes black politicians will put on more colloquialisms that black people use because they're comfortable around their people. And sometimes Southerners will use southern or or they pander. You might or you might have spent the whole day there and you're picking up things. Listen, if you want to make yourself come fftable or relatable, Listen, you're trying to get votes. Everyone everyone does it. If you have the ability to do that, you understand regionalisms. Every politician does it.

This will stay would do it by being authentic though not trying it. I'm just saying.

I'm just saying, if you happen to be ethnic and you're around ethnic people, if I'm around Brooklyn people, I tend to sound more Brooklyn because I feel comfortable in letting myself go. And I think it's no different than than than politicians of a certain persuasion feel comfortable on their people. It's no different when you go to church, people get a little more churchy, you know, they get.

A little more churchy. There's this person here carrying.

Brody Is Shave University by way of Philadelphia, home of the world champion Super Bowl Philadelphia Eagles.


Uh so I'm.

Listening to the latest One Man, and you're talking about the homies that you haven't caught up with in like a hot minute from the job, and you have been you think about getting a gift and going to the event, Like, what the fuck for?


Why that shit is ridiculous?

That makes no sense?

Thank you?

I agree?

Okay, So this is again that that just don't make any sense.

What the fuck kind of friends you got?

That the dude lives in the area and you haven't run across him. He's gone on and lived with life and then y'all mofucker's coming back like, hey, yeah he's moving to Florida. Let's go give him a gift and well wishes. Not like that, nah, man, we donet moved on with life. Why are we giving out life advancement gifts which for fucking strangers? Okay, so this is my last one too, this smile thing.

Like this chake again.

Sorry, I know it's chucky cheese. It's not like your motherfuckers was in the platoon and no like y'all was in the ship.

You know what I mean?

Remember that the summer of fucking ninety seven, the the great like cheese Blitzcreag where the kids were.

Hopped up or pop.

I haven't put to flashbacks, Jay.

My one request is that you participate every week. Thank you. That was hilarious. H what away with words that guy has? That's great.

In my defense, you've never seen kids when they get when they lose their token in a ski ball machine and the right amount of tickets don't come out.

Yeah, that was a gift. Fitz Tricher from Connecticut.

Next time you're in New Haven, modern is the best, definitely, but also try bar Bar pizza.

The mashed potato bacon is awesome. I've enjoyed. Thanks, Really, I haven't had bar I guess.

I guess you don't remember, but I did talk about in twenty twenty two. I just looked at my old photos and I was looking to see when I went. I was there in the twenty spring fall of twenty two, and I did have the mashed potato and bacon. It's basically like a potato skin pizza.

Bring my good, all right. It's a novelty, not pizza, though it's pizza esque adjacent pizza pizza adjacent second cousin once removed from pizza all right, but it is excellent.

For Queen's Here. Brodie's comedy of Error's travel story reminded me of two quick stories I have. My grandmother and I were traveling to Delaware, and we're on the Delaware Turnpike and stay to the left. You keep going to where we needed to go in Delaware, but if you stay to the right, you end up coming back to New York. Well, my grandmother and I were chatting and she ends up taking the route back to New York and we end up having to do like an hour of a three hour trip over again. My only good story is that I was commuting back from New Jersey. It's the middle of summer. It's hot as fuck outside, which means it was hotter as fuck inside the train station. I'm sweating, I'm tired. I'm standing in the station right by Penn, waiting for the E train, and it was half an hour before I walked ten feet and saw the sign that says no E trains at that station that day.


Yeah, it happens, especially on the weekends. But the F is running on the D line. You know, the J train is skipping these stops. Awful posters. Otherwise you're like, hey, why didn't it's oh, it's not stopping. Not today. It happens, Reggie.

Here, if we all gather our spit together, we can have a good drink.

Simple. Yeah, eloquent.

Brody is scary and never scary and brody. This is well from CT scary. Don't feel better. I completely agree with you, man. Sometimes the rich folks they don't really have a thick accident because them they're not really in the streets around the real people, so they just stay amongst their peers, you know, who are snobs and uppity, don't really have that accent.

Thank you.

So I completely agree.

With you, brother, appreciate you got Thanks for getting my back.

It's work from CT again, just trying me back in. Once I started hearing about New Haven pizza. Yeah, so I have a theory about that whole argument. Once you said, uh, No Haven is really good, but New York is better. Unfortunately, in my opinion, uh, No Haven is the best pizza. Sorry, guys, but I have a theory that if you're from New York, then you will be biased and say that New York pizza is the best. If you're from anywhere else, you will say No Haven is better.

Okay, that's not true. Nobody says that the amount of people that say New Haven has better pizza on the grand scheme of things is minuscule.

There are a good pizza again, We've had this conversation. They are very good pizza places in New Haven. They're all thin, crossed bar style pies. There's no variety.

New York has three thousand pizza places in Manhattan alone, with every kind of pizza imagine. I will say new Haven has gotten nationwide attention. Yeah, for there's six pizza places. Yea, they have six pizza places that are good. It's a small New Haven's a small town with some good pizza is good.

It's fine. But Sally's tastes like like peppies and modern and are starting to say that that Haven.

Is emerging as a New Haven.

And get yourself an upside down slice or a thick Sicilian slice or a deep dish slice or a freshmoodsedal slice like like, So you really think there's a it's a two horse race. It's Chicago versus New York.

And I think New Haven has very good pizza for the limited amount of varieties of pizza they have and the small number of actual pizza places.

New Haven is like a neighborhood in Manhattan. That's the size of New Haven. Yeah, the pizza's good. I drove, I had good pizza. I enjoyed it. But there's one hundred and fifty two hundred pizza places in Manhattan that can replicate it and have better pizza.

There's no Auto Chok pizza. It's the sheer two pizza. So the sheer numbers of New York pizza.


Yeah, in New York. Right, yeah, but are you saying, Okay, okay, New Haven's best six pizzerias. Put them up against New York's best six pizzerias. Not a chance.

It's the same pizza over and over again, thin pizza bar style. It's it's good pizza. It's not life changing pizza. Here's the way to do slices. Go on social media. Go on Instagram and follow m A m a apostrophe s too, Mama's two Pizza.

Just look at the pizza.

One pizza place has eight different slices of styles of pizza. They're all fantastic and you can't get any of them in New Haven, Connecticut.

Okay, you can't.


Listen. New Haven's great.

It's like Philadelphia is a fantastic city, but don't compare it to New York. Boston is a great city. Don't compare to New York. Let them stand on their own. Boston's a wonderful city. Philly is a great city.

New York is It sounds like these are the jealous younger brothers of New York. So the jealous younger brothers of New York pizza. New York is the capital of the world. With many things.

Look, it has it has problems, but when it comes to art and theater and food, there's.

So much of it. Yeah, it's hard to come. Even New Jersey. The pizza New Jersey is fantastic on its own, has got a bunch of yes. All right, Okay, New Haven has very good pizza. You want to name it top top three?

Fine, all right, thank you, David Brody And Chicago I love Chicago pizza.

Take a very similar take a deal boys podcast.

We will be right back.

We should do a podcast where pizza is in our logo and we talk about pizza a lot.

That's a great idea, Brody, I'm gonna get working on that right after we're done with it.

And again, no offense to New Haven. I really I've driven three hours just to get pizza.

It's good pizza, all right, Come to New.

York the do okay, Brody and scary. If you don't have a slice, Army, what do you have? Just a brothel of people who consistently listen?

Come on, yes, you have a lot of loyal fans and slices. Why the heck do they have to keep telling you to put them in the number one spot? Just don't already.

My god, wow.

From Ohio. I'm went to Ohio because of Tennessee. I used to work in Catlinburg, Tennessee. Hell of traffic. It took me three hours to get ready and drive because of the traffic. And on top of that, we got Carfleet Week and it's home rends. Yeah, so I understand what your guys are feeling.

Thank you.

I'm so glad to hear Spruce on the list bringing back legends. And I was thinking about him a little bit. I and the one on the grab, Greg T, and I was wondering about and you know, the people that we know. I'm so glad you guys brought him back. This is awesome bringing his people back to you. Guys are the legends.

Thanks guys, you got it man.

Anytime Hey leave Ohio, you guys get Dan Yell and Elvis, the other boys in the show Nate for serial Killers, Scotty. Great to hear that conversation, Andrew, hilarious.

Thanks guys, Hey, speaking of getting the old gang back together?

Uh scary? Did Greg T live today? Yep? It's the podcast that he does from a car dealership and in every Monday morning at eleven am. We're live on video and audio and we are there at not we Greg T is you and daniel showed up today. We were we were guest hosts. Garrett is his main host with him, Garrett's his his it's it's him and Gathar show. But Danielle and I we we basically had a great time this morning. Brody, he's been requested. Brody has now been requested to be a future guest on the Greg Ta Life podcast. Apparently I've been invited for a Monday in April, so we'll see. That's what I've heard. Good, good, good, it was. It was a lot of fun and you can always catch that on replay or on all of Greg T greg T's World, Greg T's World and and where to Go excellent party time from So you're back racism.

I have three brothers. They're black at us that cares. I'm adopt from Russia. Okay, all of them have gun charges and jail time, so let's stop with the racism. Is called facts. It happens, and it's facts.

Thank you.

Enough with the racism.

Okay, I'm not sure what.

Is Hitler and Stalin. Racism is hating a certain group. People don't understand the real truth of the term, and then they just want to scream out and call out you for being truthful. That's the problem of yeah, all right, well, I've always said that's scary.

If you say everything's racist, then nothing's racist. Nothing's you have to kind of save that word for one.

It's you know, it's got one more for us.

For I like the way it sprus said, the adapt to your environment.

It's very true.

I adapted to Georgia, North Carolina, Jersey, Tennessee. I adapted to all the environments, and I couldn't found out. I got like a accent that people say I have.

I don't believe I have.


Argued all the time, what was that?

Did you? Did you hear that? It sounds like or he took a dumb sounded No, listen, I'm gonna go back and give.

The adapt to your environment.

It's very true.

I heard it.

I adapted the Georgia, Mark Carolina, Jersey, Tennessee. I adapted to all the environments, and I couldn't found out. I got like a accent that people say I have. I don't believe I have it all.

But he left us a talk back from the toilet he left us a short back.

There from Ohio.

I have no issues with you guys on iHeart Radio.

I love you guys in there. I follow you only through these app.

All right, but thank you.

Serial killers constant get dropped off and I had to constantly.

Refine them. I got constantly look for them. Speaking of dropped off, locked off, So talked about about that.

Thanks Patty.

Here's one from three thirty four in the morning.

Hey, yeah, scary.

As long as you don't believe that you're better than somebody solely based off of the racial qualities, then you're not a racist. Words do have meaning, and you are not a racist if you don't truly believe in your heart that you're better than someone based on that. So keep doing what you're doing. I think you're doing great. Other than that, we'll calculate in my man.

So we're calling your response to the.

Most recent time app.

Yeah and scary. You're just wrong on Kendrick Lamar's rule being bigger than Avengers. If any award an endgame, I mean they still literally make memes every single week of than oh snapping his finger.

Part two.

If the other one didn't go through because it said it didn't send. But if it didn't, just ignore this. But uh, it's still relative. Were relevant if Anie war, they're still doing the NATO snap all that stuff. Kendrick Lamark, great super Bowl, but no one's gonna care two or three months.

Thank you.


By the way, I don't know when you're hearing this, but again it lives on YouTube. But Wednesday at three pm E coast, I will be doing the Marvel Movie Talk review of the third episode of Daredevil Born Again, So check that.

Out, you guys talking about cowboy truckers alias being Ben Dover. At the high school I work, there is a mister Dover. First name Benjamin. Oh yeah, I almost forgot. My name is mister Cox, the human biology teacher here for all my friends call me seymour.

Seymour Cox, perfect, Cox love, very nice.

Did one of you.

Just say lil Billy.

On Spruce on and he said the guy called him a black bill billy.

One of you said lil Billy.

I yes, I said blill Billy. Yes.

Hey, broken boys.

MJ from NJ.

I don't know if you're getting this, but anyway, I didn't finish. I'm in the middle of three twenty six and the hair Gail. I was wondering if you could have squeezed it or kind of stuck it in a three ounce bottle. They have those travel ones the two paste a sample size, and I know I don't think they have.

The chalcoal, but that sucks. They should have let you go.

No, I wouldn't check my bag.

Yeah, I know better for next time.

All right, pot too. I'm probably gonna leave another one.

I don't know.

No, I will not check my bag. I think it's like twenty five dollars or thirty dollars to check a bag. It's probably more than the Hairdjoe. I know, I probably would have put it in a sample, like I said, a sample bottle. They sell those travel things, you know, those empty bottles.

That's what I have to do.

Yeah, the sons of bitches. No, I wouldn't check the big and I gotta go through the there's no more samples, no, no bye, Yes, a.

Right, scary Brodie's stays. Anyperware sounds like my uncle.

So my husband still won't let me live down the fact that we had a housewarming party when we first brought our home. I invited his side of the family, my side of the family and one of our good friends. Their family owns an Ainy Baby Great for like fifty years and it's local here right outside of New Haven. So they come over with every Italian pastry possible. So on top of the cakes and the cupcakes and everything else that I had, we had a shitload of Italian pastry.

Thank you all right, last two and these are all dozes.

So I'm unloading everything and I'm putting the Italian pastry out on the counter. And at some point I went back outside because the party was outside. I come back in and my uncle was like saying bye to everybody. He's like, oh, I love you, and he's and gives everybody kiss and he goes to leave, and then I realized that like half of the Italian pastries are fucking missing. Come to find out, one of my sister in laws saw him stuff in all of the stuff, all the Italian pastries and to go tupperware containers that he brought from home.

I love that shameless cousins still.

Won't let me live it down. He's like, oh, when your uncle comes over and takes all the pastries. So everywhere we go he always jokes around. Every single time we take something to go. He's like, oh, you're like your uncle. Your uncle is take all of our ship. All of our stuff is gone. You're gonna take it home. You're gonna bring your own tupperware. Anyways. So that's that, Vinnie. You might as well be my uncle at this point.

I don't know.

Vinnie sounds kind of.

Cute too, by the way.

Oh and just as a side note, I'm a super huge Spruce fan. Love Spruce on the loose, baby, Thank you guys for having him on the show.

He's great. We're gonna have him on more where we always say that, but it's up to his availability.

Yeah, and I'll remembering, but who knows.

He's the best. All right, thank you for your comments this week. I enjoyed those book the boys most of them. I enjoyed all of them. Oh yeah, ex definitely intro of our show, slice reactions.

This podcast all depends on you, baby, Incise.

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The Brooklyn Boys Podcast

Funny, thought provoking and usually right about the dumbest things! Skeery Jones & David Brody have 
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