#327: SPRUCE-ing Up Your Accent

Published Mar 7, 2025, 8:56 PM

#327: Brody's trip to the city for a meeting turned into a disastrous comedy of errors; Skeery thinks the more wealth you acquire, the less of a local dialect you develop- and he gets Spruce on The Loose on the podcast to help defend his position; The boys talk to Vinny Primetime from iHeart about bringing his own Tupperware to the food table after an Italian restaurant made a free food drop off; Brody was asked to bring a "going away gift" for a party to celebrate a friend he hasn't seen in 30 years; Skeery's sick of people he hasn't seen in years coming out of the woodwork looking for favors.

Start up, dot up, start up, Brooklyn Boy Boy, start up, Brooklyn Boy, start up.

Dot dot up.

They making noise dot up, start up, dot.

Dot up, Episode three twenty seven. It's the Brooklyn Boys podcast. What's going on there? David Brody's going on there? Scary Jones? How's your mic sounding today? My mic sounds amazing. Yeah. Good moving out for a second. That's the connection. It's only coming out on your end. I'm very good. Lices got me loud and clear. Man man oh man, wow, you know, uh, first of all, before we get going, Brody, I don't even know if I could talk about this. You sent me a video on TikTok and you make it. You pointed out something to me on TikTok. Oh yeah, well a slice. I don't want to out the slice. A slice sent me a video of Well here's the thing. Somebody claiming to be Cowboy Trucker was was in the Facebook group, the Brooklyn Boys facebook group, right, Ben Ben Dover, Ben Over, we are not part of the Brooklyn Boys facebook group, but uh so talk amongst yourselves. But but Ben Dover was in the slices group. Right. Somebody messaged me that hey, his real name is Ben Dover And I said, you know Ben Dover is bend Over. Yeah, it's Joe. It's a joke, right, play on words a pun. Well, Ben Dover has a TikTok account, uh huh. And somebody sent me the video who then I sent it to Scary of Cowboy Trucker. Now, if you you don't listen to Slice time, you missing out because Cowboy Trucker is quite the character. Z uh okay, But he's wearing a mask. Can't see his face? Was that captain an American mask? What kind of a mask? Was that wrestling? Like one of those Nacho Leebra deals? Right, yep, yeah, So I gotta tell you. At first, I just know what the arms and his arms look like. I skimmed through the video and at first I didn't think anything of it, and You're like, no, that's really him, And I went back. I said, hey, look it's Cowboy Trucker and he went ha ha as if I was like saying, oh, this guy might be No, no, that's actually him. So I went back, Brody and you didn't know this. I analyzed it. It's definitely him, speaks in the same cadence. But the crazy part is he's on these tized. I analyzed it by listening to it. Yeah, well I analyzed it. I listen, I watched it under a microscope it. Yeah, but no, I audio analyzed it, you know. I orally analyzed it. A you are a ll y Orally And so I gotta tell you that's fucking him. I mean this guy. But the crazy part is he's in all the videos with a freaking mask on. So we still don't know his true identity. He just wears a mask in all the videos, but that's his voice. Yeah, so we have some idea the shape of cowboy trucker. Yeah, the way his arms look and his legs. We're getting closer. We're getting closer. We may or may not know his first name. Now we may we may or may not know it. So yeah, right, he's like lions may and it may or may not work. Yeah, And I just I keep getting Brodie. I don't know what to do. Think about this. Think about this. Back in college, you had some friends that you don't speak to anymore. Right, Oh, I've got a similar story. Go on. Well, no, I don't know if you know where this is going. I don't, but I trust me to have a similar story. I think, all right, well I have I have friends from college. What I haven't spoken to in years? Mm hmm. These people have gone off, they've gotten married, they've had kids, all the other start of family, all the good stuff. Yeah, all the non scary stuff. Yeah, all stuff that I cannot relate to. Well, all these years later, I get phone calls and I get text messages occasionally from some of them, and they're asking for favors, like I know them, like we're still in touch, Like we're still so you know, like we see each other every week, like you know, me and Jetsky Bryan like that kind of relationship. Right. So there's this event happening in North Jersey on March twenty third on Sunday called Jonas Khan and it's at the American Dream, which is that huge complex. They got mall. This's a mall, they got entertainment, and they Jonas brothers are like taking over the place for the entire day. Okay, not a sponsor, by the way, Actually we are going to be partnering them with Zee. You grew up like fifteen to twenty minutes from there, correct, And they've always wanted to do some huge event. It's almost like comic Con for Jonas Brothers fans, and it's going to be doing the con part convention. It's not cons in this as a scam. It's CONSI right. So there we go. So they're gonna be doing all these activations, but you have to in order to get in, you need tickets. So because we are listed as a partnership with them with you know, we're kind of hosting some of the things there. I got people coming to me left and right, and and you know this this I'm not gonna I don't want to out her, but I this girl I know from college.

You know.

Uh, he's like hitting me up. Hey, remember me, old friend, My daughter would love to go to Jonahs Khan. What can you do for her? Can you help her out? Can you get her tickets? There's no tickets available. So I'm sitting here thinking like, why do I even entertain the thought of texting her back? You know, I don't really owe her a text back, but I feel like people like this, and she's not the only one. I have some some other friends, a couple of guys that I know that around jingle ball time, they come out of the woodwork. And again these are people haven't physically seen in person for we're going on twenty twenty five years now, maybe more. Where does your allegiance lie? Like, where do you draw the line? Do you would?


Do you ghost them? You tell them I can't help you. Yes, make the effort and be a good old friend. And nope, nope, nope, you right back and you say, hey, I really I'm not involved with this is the station event. It's not a morning show event. And uh, you really don't get access to giveaway tickets. It's very strict the rules and this this contest rules, and the mall is regulating it. You know, I wishing you just know me though, Brodie. I like to help everybody. I like to make everybody. I'm ape like to give money to scammers in office buildings a ticket back to I'll never get scammed again, like that, I'll never get but get scammed again. I'm a do good I'm a people pleaser, and I just want to always be seen in a favorable light to everybody. That is who I am as a person, that is my being. Oh you know, you know a good way that you could make somebody very happy? How is to take me to a stake dinner. Fuck you. You know. In fact, I'm such a people pleaser that yesterday Yester please people. Hey, actually today, So Mario Carbone came up to the show, the guy who owes to all the famous carbone YEP restaurant, and he has his sauces, and I had a bunch of sauces that I was gonna bring home some jars of sauce. Carbone Find Foods not a sponsor of this podcast. Well, as I'm walking toward the and you know the station towards around the corner, everybody's sitting around at their desks, and and then people like, oh, is there any more sauce left? I'm like, oh no, I don't think there's anything left. I said I got, And then before long, I'm like offering a jar to Scottie b a Jordan producer, jar to producer Sam a Jarred And you know, Andrew, people who didn't get your sauce, you're giving them out like when you gave away my chocolate covered strawberries to everybody. Do you know how many jars of sauce I actually walked out of the radio station with. I'm going with zero correct because I would have walked out with how many I know. See, that's the diffgion between you and me. In a nutshell, I'm like, I'm more happy to give it away and be like, you know what, do I really need this? We need to play red hot chili peppers, shut up dickets. I didn't take me a second on that one, So I said, you know what, I'm just gonna give it away. Fine. That that's the kind of person I am. I'm a do gooder. I always wanted to portray it in a positive light. And there's nothing wrong with it. Just it just people can't come out of the woodwork.

You can't.

You can't be given woodwork tickets. You can't. I had that. I had woodwork when I when I was working there. I get the woodwork, jingle ball tickets, requests, I get deb But listen, I have to be honest with you. I did it once, so uh we have We have a friend who I haven't seen and I don't know six or seven years used to work at another radio station in New York, and I like your you know, we were friendly. She went to work for the company that produces concerts. So when you when you see like, oh, such and such on tour. Uh produced by blah blah blah company. Yeah right, she works for that company, so uh. I want to say a year and a half ago, I wanted to take my daughter to see the the band Ghost and they were putting on the show and I couldn't get good tickets. The all the tickets low low down was sold out. He only had like nosebleed seats, and I wanted to try to get at least decencies. So I hit her up again. Hadn't spoken to her in five six years, and was like, Hey, I was wondering if your company, if you could help me. I want to purchase these tickets. I don't want them for free, but can you get me better seats? She's like, oh, let me see what I can do. That was the last time I heard from her. Never even got back to me to say she couldn't think she I think she did what you're supposed to do to your woodwork friends. She should at least got back to me and said, hey, I tried, we don't have access to those tickets whatever, blah blah blah. She didn't get back to this. Oh let me look into that for you. Absolutely respond to her, Hey, let me see what I can do for you and just ghost her mic drop done. No, no, no, tell her you can't. I'm saying, be honest. Unlike unlike our friend who said, oh, let me look into that for you, and I never heard from her again. This is a person I knew for like ten years, but I hadn't spoken to in a few years. Pandemic, she quit, she changed jobs, And it's also about what can you do for me? Right? If I'm gonna do for you, then you do for me, Which is also why I also don't like reaching out to people for favors, because I know there's gonna come a day when they're gonna hit me up for a favor.


Maybe that's why she didn't get back to me, because I don't work in radio anymore, so I can't help her. I can't help her. You're You're useless to her, You're dead to her. Right, Yet people still ask me for We had a listener ask me if I can help with do something for them with the Elvis Durant Show social media account. Well, I said, I don't. I don't work there anymore. No, I'm not not gonna what I'm gonna reach out to the morning show and be like, hey, Abby, who you don't I don't know you really except that I know you want to do an only fans for your feet. Can you follow this person because I think you unfollowed them. I don't like, I don't, I don't. I don't work anymore, but I have I have a similar old friend question I need your help with. And for those of you listening that want to leave us talk back. By the way, I'm going to call you slices. But I was told by a very good friend that I say slices too much. Someone who listens to the podcast a friend of mine. So I'm gonna say this one time, slices. That's the second time. Let me know your opinion on scary situation about the tickets and my situation which is similar like a third cousin to scary story. So when I was seventeen, when I was seven twenty, Yeah, when I was seventeen to twenty years old, it was a very good word. I had a job, and I worked at Chuck E Cheese Chuck E Cheese's, and I had a group of I had a group of friends. I had two different groups of friends. The manager friends like the people that were supervisors and managers, and I had the grunts like me when I started, And I'm still very good friends with a few of the people that weren't managers. Those were my rock friends. We went on rock concerts to get right. But I'm also I was really good friends for many years with the managers. I got promoted, I became a manager. I was part of that circle also, And even after we we all stopped working there, and when I was twenty, we stayed friends for a couple of years, close friends, and then we sort of grew apart. You know, you don't work with someone for a while, you grow apart. That's understandable, right, sure. And then I don't know, I want to say, maybe five years after we stopped working together, we got together. We hung out, We were boys, all good and I want to say there was like five or six of us roughly. That was our group. We used to go to restaurants together, We go to diners after work. That was our group. Okay, twenty eleven, some of us got together for a reunion. We had a reunion of where we work. So some of the six showed up, some of them didn't, and it was great. To see them. Love the guys, but we're not really friends anymore. They someone, they got married, they're kids, like you. You haven't seen him in a while. He grew apart, they moved, they're in different parts of the area. You don't see them. So one of the guys, who again, I like him very very much. He was one of my best friends back in the day when I was twenty and I've seen him a couple of times over the years. And you know, I'm not in my twenties anymore, so it's been a long time. Okay, I get an email from one of the guys from that group's wife because my buddy's not on social media. My old friend who I haven't seen, I want to say, since two thousand and two, but again occasionally. All right, I'm painting the picture. The wife says, Hey, the gang's getting back together. One of the boys from the group is moving to Florida, and we're throwing them a going away party. It's gonna be in a couple of months. Save the date, and we're all chipping in. We're getting them gifts. He's moving to Florida. We're not gonna see him again, right, follow me? God with you have you seen the problem yet, I haven't seen you haven't seen this person since two thousand and two. No, no, before that, I have not seen him. Maybe in thirty years. Oh even more than that. Oh wow, he didn't to my recollection. I don't think he was at the reunion in two thousand and eleven. That's wait a second, So how do you We're throwing a goodbye party party. It's somebody that nobody has seen for twenty years. And guess what, you already said goodbye thirty years ago. That's my point. We're having a goodbye party for someone that we don't see anymore. It's weird who who got married and and and moved and and has been nothing but with his wife. I don't think anybody's seen him, so kind of all kind of have to buy him a goodbye gift, a going away gift. Ah, I like you said, I already said goodbye. I'm gonna go because I want to see him. I do like him very much, but it's like not seeing someone since junior high school. I have to go. We're gonna going away party for a guy that you know when he lives here. He lives in the ne New York area. We haven't seen Yeah, No, that's yeah, that's weird. Florida. We're still not gonna see him, but now we're gonna have an excuse not to see him. And I gotta get him. I gotta shout out for a gift. Right, he lives in Staten Island. Is not that far. No, hardly. If you're in New Yorker, he's maybe like forty five minutes an hour with traffic. Would you go to the party and just not bring a gift? Well, that's the other question. How can I go to the party and not bring a gift? I gotta bring a gift. What do I get a guy that I don't know?

I don't know?

I mean on tan lotion. He's moving to Florida. I mean, how do you remember him best? I mean when you care. I remember him as a manager of Chuck E Cheese when I was twenty years old. Get him a Chuck E cheesehead. No, I don't know. That's my dilemma. You have going away parties for people that you don't you certainly not. No, that's what we are you apparently we are. But are you gonna wax nostalogic with these people and you gonna show up and he'd be like, hey, remember the good old days, because that's what they turned into a bunch of reminiscent sessions. Listen, I'm looking forward to seeing the guy. Is it a formal party? I mean where? I mean? Is it a at a fancy place? I mean, what's going on here? It's a decent restaurant. I think it's not even like it's a bar and people getting together sitting around having a may be a bar restaurant. I don't I haven't checked out a gift. Then I'm that guy. Mmm, I'm already that guy. Fuck it. And Brodie, Yeah, don't be putting us in awkward situations like that. Yeah, I don't know. I'm again. I'm excited to go. And if any of them are listening to this podcast, I love you all, like family, like brothers. I just, uh, it's just awkward. Something's missing, you know. You know, a couple of years ago, and I might have talked about it on the podcast, I had a kind of a a reunion of people that I hadn't seen since, like public school, elementary school, like neighborhood friends, and you're friends with everybody from you no I'm talking about elementary school K through six. We had a few, you know, and it was great. We caught up with a good time. It was a great. Remember when when I barred your blue crayon and didn't give it back. Oh yeah, a bunch of us shut right. That was the kind of stories we had.


Remember in third grade, Miss Barrow, we can sit Indian style, and now you can't anymore. You have to do criss apple sauce.


Remember we played Remember Duck Duck goose and I had I said goose and you chased me. That was awesome. Remember we played tricks on Miss Barlow in her class. Remember the old hot she's not because she's seventy, the old water seat, pour the water shit out, plopping some water like those were the story and we shot spitballs. Remember those were the stories we had. Yeah, so yeah, so, I mean, listen, it's nice to catch up with people. I'm okay with his and I'm very excited to see them. It's just I would have liked My point was in that story. I would have liked to have had a union get together before he was moving to Florida, because now we're gonna have a great time. Yeah, and I'm gonna see him and be like old memories, what a great guy, because he's a great guy. He's a solid guy. They're all fucking funny. They do movie quotes like we do, they do song quotes. They're just funny guys from Brooklyn. But now he's moving to Florida, So I'm gonna get happy and then say it again. I think we should have gotten together for a better reason than one of us is leaving, you know, hey, speaking of having a reunion. Yeah, let's call our boy Spruce. Oh yeah, we told him we wanted to talk to him tonight. You better be available and Spruce on the loose. We haven't spoken him in a minute. Is he moving to Florida? That's that's kind of a weird ring, isn't it.

Hello, Hey, it's on the loop.

What's going on?


Hold hold on? I gotta play his theme song because I have it the scary doesn't hold on? Sonne now here, Spruce? Do you ever play that? Yes?

No, I've never heard that before.

That's kiss right, yes, kiss deuce deuce for Spruce. Hey, listen, I got a beef. So everybody's been missing you man, It's been a long time since we've spoken on the podcast, Everybody, I run into where Spruce? When Spruce coming back on the podcast, why do you guys banish me?

What happened?

Whoa whoa, whoa whah. When you said that thing about Scary's girlfriend, we were like, can't have Spruce anymore?

Okay, Scary?

And every time I I you know, the thing is, I do see Spruce sometimes in the hallway at work and I put he puts a big smile on my face. But you try to give him money for his train, That's a whole other story. Tell Spruce the story real quick, real quick, Spruce, I accident twice. Twice. I got hit up in two different neighborhoods for twenty dollars for a guy that was trying to get back to the Jersey Shore because they confiscated He didn't have his car, he had no money on him, and he just needed money for the train. You fell from the oldest track, my dude. Oh my, he fell for it when he was sitting in his car in downtown Manhattan. Then he fell for it again by some black guy's both times, right, a guy named Tyrone, Yeah, Tyrone in his suit in the building you guys work in. He was in the lobby, which is a walkthrough. You know, you can walk from one end of the street to the other. So I work in the building. Yeah, No, I was sitting. I was sitting Rode hold on a second. I was sitting on the chairs in the lobby. You know that lobby. There's that bench that you wait in the building. Yeah, oh yeah, So I was sitting there. And then he comes over to me, and he comes out of the turnstiles and he's like, yeah, he was. I work in this building, and I'm trying to get back to the Jersey Shore. I got no car. They towed it. It's up at the lot. I need I need money. You have eighteen dollars or fourteen dollars for a tray. And it's the same exact story. Different. I told him a month his name.

His name was Tyrone.

Yes, his name was Tyrone.

You know what in the book, in the Book of Suspect names, Tyrone is on the first page.

Yeah, page one, a alphabetical order. So I will see. I will say it's nice to see you in the hallways. Before I see see spruce, I smell spruce. Spruce has the best cologne. He's always dude, you are always smelling fresh. I don't know what you wear. I don't know what your secret is, man, but I'm like, oh, Spruce must be around that corner because I could smell him.

I don't know if that's good advance hear it's a good guy.

But we always hug it out. And I don't care. I don't care what you said about David Brody. I think he's a good guy. He would never say.

I just want to know why he had to keep mentioning that it was a black guy.

They did this to you. The reason, the reason, the reason I mentioned it is that both guys were black, and he first he thought it was the same guy because he can't, you know, get the part. You know it is shut up, look alike, scary stop that goes No, that's not true, only because the stories. The only reason why I thought it was the same guy in different neighborhoods was because it was the same exact story. He had to get back to Tom's River. Both the guys, both the guys hold on. Both guys took their empty wild out of their pockets and showed me there was no money in it. He had no credit card on him and Spruce. You know it's funny. You know, we do slice telling our listeners leave us voicemails. Somebody somebody this week somebody somebody left the voicemail and said, he's scary that guy you gave money to in the lobby. Did you man him? Listen. The reason I actually wanted to talk to you because they were being ripping me on the Big show, that Alis Durant show, because okay, I know somebody who who she's Italian and she's from New Orleans. Okay, she's from from Louisiana originally, right, U huh? And the morning show and the listeners crucified me because I made an observation and this is just me talking, right, okay, and I need your help. Maybe not, but I want you to be honest. So she wanted to she let us know that, you know, all of her friends have these Southern drawls. They talk like kind of like unto a New Orleans accent. Right, she doesn't have one, but I happen to know she comes from money. She's she's parents are rich. So I said, oh, I said, well, you're next of kin in a rich family. Yeah, that's why you don't have the accent, because we're all trying to figure out why don't you have an accent? But your all friends do because she was actually doing a russions of her friends from New Orleans. But she speaks all scholarly like this, and oh, okay, she's got that college that college accent, you know I'm talking about when you go away to school, you come back four years later and they all sound the same. So I think when you're from a place of affluence, you lose the accent. But people are telling me that that's racist. So what does that mean that poor people can't speak right? They speak with dialects, and they're crushing me left and right. But I wanted to talk to you. And Brody he's hearing this story now for the first time as well. I can't be out of my mind, right, I'm not crazy?


Well, I told Brody knows this about me. When I first came to New York. The artistic director in my school, because you know, I'm originally from Louisiana.

And I grew up in Virginia.

Yeah, and the artistic director in my school called me in his office and he said, you sound like a black hillbilly.

We have to think a BLI that's what he told me.

So I spent three years taking voice in speech classes, and that's probably why I do other dialects pretty well, pretty good, I think, because I just had this. They just they hammered me like that drill instructor in full metal jacket.

They were just on me my southern accent. I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. Holy shit. So wait a second, Spruce, so let's hear your accent. I want to let's hear the original accent. I'm sure you can get back to it if you wanted to.

Right, Look, Brody, you know this when we did when we did some stuff for Ed Lovers Show, Remember.

That brod buck buck McDonald.

Buck McDonald, buck McDonald was a variation of what I used.

To sound like. Well. So, so, just to give an example, so I heard a guy on the radio to Spruce did his character called Buck McDonald, and he was the southern guy who was maybe had some racial problems. Uh well he was, yeah, right right, So Spruce did a character he's a radio as a as a yes, as a racist member of the clan Jesus and nobody knew that Spruce was black, and I helped him write the bit and I'm, you know, I'm a Jewish white guy. But I heard a guy who does a commercial in the radio all the time. I remember the guy's name is Buck McDonald. I recorded this guy because he sounds like Spruce's character. See if you can hear it to day, hold on, here we go. Are you a victim of the Tom Shuir trap and think there's no way out?

I'm Chuck McDowell, founder of Wesley Financial.

Yeah, okay McDonald was.

I was Buck McDonald. I was Buck McDonald, one of the original boys in the hood.

Okay, that's the way he's that's the way spruces just found sound. Okay, now that was okay. But you went to uh, I guess finishing school. Is that what it is? Speech? Classic speech classes? I finishing school where they it's on his head.

Yeah, I want to finish.

I went to finishing school in Europe. Is mainly on the plane. Here's the thing I always you know he is. He's the princess of Genovia. Now, yes, I am listen. I wanted to bring this onto this podcast because because I wanted to bring this on to this podcast because school we could speak at will here and I don't get cut off, and I can't. I can actually my thought cut off. No, I can have thought all full thought and it's not out of context like sometimes. Right, So she does best that you work with on the morning show, and I'll let you speak. All I'm trying to set over you. They talk over you. So what I'm trying to say is time you try to speak. Somebody's just stop. Enough of that shit. God, I get enough of that way, I don't want to.

Okay, go ahead, I'm.

Sorry, finishing right by the way, scary scary spruce. What was the name of your polo pony?

What what was the.

Name of your polo horse? His name was Prince Roger? Okay, thank you, all right, Prince Roger. So so am I wrong for thinking that that as money? You know, you come from a wealthy family that all of a sudden you lose the accent and you become more well to do because you hear people all the time, not just British, you know. But oh I think I'm going here and I'm doing that, and like if people lose it so so, but then the opposite is also true that I guess if you never get out of the neighborhood where you're from, people, whenever we get out the neighborhood you're from, you only hear people talk like that. So you stay with the local dialect. And that could be any dialect that doesn't necessarily mean a Southern dialect or anywhere else. I'm talking about people from Brooklyn who never got out of Brooklyn. You know, I get a blue collar family in Brooklyn, and you can hear my Brooklyn in me. Now, Yeah, I tried to my accent. So I just want to know, am I nuts? And but I'm certainly not. I'm certainly not racist for thinking this.

I say this in a in a loving way, and you have to let me explain what I'm saying, Yes, before you jump the conclusions when I say this floor is yours.

Yeah, scary. You are a terrible, terrible big person. Okay, Proty stepped on you. You me explain.

F The reason I'm saying you're a terrible biggot bit is that you're not very good at it. You're not good at being a bigger. So I think you might say something that people think has some bigotry in them, but they're unintentional. You don't mean them and that so you don't mean that statement as a bigot, would I believe? Man, I'm from the South. I've seen all the bigot and you're a horrible and you're not a Big're a horrible one.

You're horrible, right, A horrible at being one?


Okay, well, thank you. That's a compliment. I take it as a compliment. Yeah, but but I just want to know from you from your standpoint, because you are from you are from Louisiana. Like are your friends that maybe you know the before and after, the people that maybe have like quote, successfully made it with in life? You know, think of somebody that went from rags to riches? Did they lose their I would say this.

I would say this, it's about environment. I don't know if your friend is from Louisiana.

She is, but she left, she did, She's.

Good, she hasn't you know, she doesn't live there anymore because you adapt to your environment. That's what I believe you're like. When I took a class in London for a summer. When I came back after three almost three months, I had someone of an English accent, a UK accent just by default, just by being there.

So is it safe to say because she had, she has money, she's more well traveled, and she's gone around the world. And that's why it's all I'm saying, is right.

I'm just saying this.

She's from Louisiana and she came to school in New York and stayed in New York for three or four years, like I did.

She's going to pick she's gonna.

Pick pick up somewhat of.

A New York accent. She's gonna lose her accent.

She takes voice and speech classes, then she's really.

Gonna get rid of it like I did.

Right, I mean I have no trace most the times of a Southern accent.

Let me give an example to prove the point. So Scary and I are from benson Hurst, Brooklyn, but I had most of my family lived in Long Island and New Jersey, so when I would see them, I would hear that they didn't speak the way I did. And so although I still have a remnants of a Brooklyn accent, people who never left that neighborhood have never experienced other things. Here's a video Scary sent me of a woman from our neighborhood in nineteen eighty nine. Oh yeah, on tik all right, listen to this woman. There's nothing wrong with her. But this is what the people we grew up with sounded like. Okay, here we go here.

I pretty like about this neighborhood.

Why do you figure because all my friends are here, my family, I can go out and say hello, take home to the corner and stop and talk to people.

I know where my children are.

I know if I'm not around, somebody'll watch them. You know, comfortable here, she's comfortable here, comfortable the wrong with her? I'm sure.

Okay, listen, listen.

Here, all my friends are here. That's the way people in our neighborhood spoke. People never left that neighborhood.

That woman sounds like happy with some of her life choices.

I love people neighborhood. You're painting the picture for her. You don't know her story. They're our neighborhood, Spruce, They're from our neighborhood, and I'm sure everyone has this in there in their area. They moved from from our neighborhood in Brooklyn. They got money, and a lot of them moved to Staten Island. But in Staten Island. It's all the people from Brooklyn, so the accent didn't change. So it wasn't about the money, It's about environment. If you move out of Brooklyn Staten Island, you lose that accent because the people around you aren't saying water, They're saying water, and you might start sound like you go to England, you start to have a British act. Well, this particular woman from New Orleans was like, I was trying to expand she was trying to say, look, look all my friends talk like Southern draw like that. Whatever. I can't even do it. I'm terrible at it.

Look, I think I think most people are I think most people are sponges. I just think humans are sponges. That's just our gift to adapt. And if we're in an environment long enough, we adapt to the environment. And one of those things is the way you speak, you know, other than the way you live. You just say, we just that's a human that's human nature. We adapt to our.

Environment, all right, Michael Jackson, You know, yeah, listen, it's no different than when look, there are some politicians who obviously put on an accent when they're in a certain area. But There's also some politicians who are just human, and when they get around people that speak a certain way, they'll use colloquialisms that that helped them fit in. So if I was a politician, right and I was let's say I'm running for office, and I went to a temple and I was giving a speech in front of Jews, I might say, oh, you know, you shouldn't know from it a little more than I would if I was given a speech to a bunch of Italian guys at a union hall, I wouldn't be like, so hey, Vinnie Tony Oi. It wouldn't make any sense.

Yeah, you went to third Ebenezer Baptist Church in Harlem.

Right, right, I wouldn't be saying I plots, I plots when I hear I wouldn't be I wouldn't be using Yiddish words. But you know, I also me wouldn't be using uh black colloquialisms at the Ebenezer church. Now that being said, if I was black, I might just like being Jewish going to a temple. If I was a black politician, I might use more Southern accent is Southern phrasing. If I was at a Southern rally, or a black rally. And I think we sometimes criticize politicians always he or she is putting on the accent, They're faking it. I think it's just natural to uh, you know, your surroundings bring out certain things when you speak. So that's all I first of all, I okay, I just want to say thank you, thank you for not jumping all over me. I appreciate it. I'm glad that we had this conversation. And you know, I feel closer. I feel I feel closer to you right now. I feel closer to you. Want to I want to hug you. I want to hug you too. There, Bruce Spruce, Well, quick life update before you go, because because everybody's been wanting to know, and then we got to take a break. Okay, what's your life update? Oh what am I doing right now?

I'm still it's me, you know, bro, You guys know I'm just bawling on a budget, you know, doing my job.

You know, hopefully you know.

I'm a I get off on creating stuff. So just as long as I can help still create fun stuff. I like to laugh, I like to have a good time, and that's really it. I don't do anything else.

I'm a slave to my job and I love it. I love being a captive to my job. My dad, Spruce, thank you. I'm gonna PLAYNNA play Spruce's song one more time. OKAD have to jingle out. Thank you so much for love you buddy. Sounded nice. You loved now Herepruce. There there goes Spruce.

The Blyn Boys Podcast. We will be right back.

I missed Spruce. What a great guy. I was nice hearing from him. It was really cool to commercial. I'm glad I got that off my chest and I got to speak my mind and not be judging. Did you feel you feel uh heard? You feel seen?


I I feel like the slices might be secretly judging me. But at least I got my side of the story out.


You know what I'm looking forward. I'm looking forward to the slices calling in with their thickest accents that they either got rid of or still have. Of course, because that's what they do. It's lifetime. Nothing. There is nothing wrong with local accents. I don't I don't, I don't have anything wrong with it. But I I said, look, it was based on you know, you know money, you know, if you got money. If you're rich, you lose the app. If you have the ability to put yourself in other surroundings, that's all. You don't have to have money. If the girl from Louisiana moved to North Dakota, I'm pretty sure her accent would change a little bit. So anyway, I had two trips recently that I wanted to tell you about at some point. But let me tell you about a quick. I took a trip to New Haven up in Connecticut, and I said, you know what, I'm going to stop off in New Haven and I'll make a run, all right. So I had gone up with my family to Connecticut, and I said, you know what, I'm gonna run over to New Haven, grab pizza and bring it and bring it back right great.

So I.

I went to Frank pepe again, famous for their white clam pie. The best, very good again New Haven pizza, very good, not as good as New York, but very good pizza. Anyway, the app says, when you order the pizza, go in. And if you ever been to Frank Peppy, it's a little storefront and you go in as a little vestibule area like to the left is it to go area? And sometimes there's somebody working there, and then his plates and napkins. And then another door you walk in and is where the dining is, and then the back there's a counter and the ovens and everything else. When you first walk in, there's an area where you can wait for a table or whatever. So the app says, when you go in, when you're in the vestibule the first area, tell the host your name for your pickup order and they'll take care of it for you. Great, okay. Now, on the weekends, they have a side location next door in the parking lot. It's so busy. On the weekends, they have a separate store which's just for to go. So I had never gone into the store before to pick up it to go order because I was there during the week So I go into the vestibule and there's a guy there with a with a blue jacket on and he's wearing a vest similar to the vest of the guy on the street who tap my car. Mm hm okay, but it's orange okay. And I said, hey, pick up for Brody. He says, no Ramos And I said, no, I'm not Ramos. Brody. Is it ready? He says, I don't know. I said, well, you know how long it will be? I don't know. He says, you probably should go in and ask. So I'm like, all right, well, why am I checking in with the guy in the vestibule if he doesn't know if my order is ready, how long it's going to take. Isn't the whole point to check in with him? You watch the purpose of having the guy there to begin with, if I have to go to the counter anyway. Sure, So I go inside. I go up to the counter and I say, I'm picking up for Brody. She says, oh, all right, yeah, your pizza's right here. It's been sitting here for a few minutes. I said, okay, well I'll come. The guy up front had no idea when my pizza will be ready. The app says, to speak to the guy in the vestibule. She says, I don't know. That guy doesn't work here. Wow, what was he doing? He was Ramos? He wanted pizza. I said, I said, pizza for Brody. He said, no, he thought you worked there. He thought I was checking in with him, right, yeah, we're checking in with each other. Yeah, No, Ramo thought I was saying, are you Brody at pizza's ready. You thought he worked there, he thought you worked there. Yeah, so I was like ready to complain about the guy, and she's like, he didn't work here. That how it is?

How was it?

How was How was the pizza? A solid eight?


I had this. I had the shrimp. I ordered the garlic shrimp instead of the clams. Yeah, it was fine. It was good. Yeah, I'm sure it was good, but I had I've had pizza in New Jersey this week that was better. Maybe it's lost its luster. No, it's again. It's a an acquired taste. If you like that pizza, yeah, then it's great. Again. I gave it an eight out of ten. Yeah, I've just had nines and tens that are absolutely better. But it was good. It was fine, and I wanted to go to Modern. They would close that day, so anyway, I saw it, mister Ramos touch pizza. So I agreed to help my sister plan my nephew, Lucas's birthday party. Oh your advice on this some money? I thinks they don't. That's That's what I would say. Oh, come on, because it's gonna cost you a lot. I've come a long way, come a long way since running away from kids. I like being too well to be. I love I love to be the funk call in the relationship. I love my nephews and my niece. Yes, you're very generous. I've seen you give thee my godchild now Enzo so and so. Uh yep, I think that's what that's my relationship. That's how As far as it goes with kids, I want to love them. I want to hug them. I want to spend some time with them, spend some money on them, spoil them, and then give them back so so so. Basically, I want to go to like an American dream and we want to do some kind of a party. Maybe give the kids, you know the old school pizza parties used to do or used to go to McDonald's, you know, and have burners here. Yeah, scary, yeah, you can you do a favor before you finish the story. Can you hit the jingle a second? But what what jingle? What ching are we talking about?

You know?

Hit the jingle? Scary? What the jingle? That's three times?


Hit the jingle? What did I say? Letting you get away with it again? Hit the jingle? You got to tell me what the defense Nope, not until tell me what the offense was. You've mentioned American Dream three times already, and you're there, You're they're a client of yours. You're there all the time. I let you get away with it the first time because the Jonas Con story needed to be told. All right, Fine, I'm not gonna let you make a random reference. I'm trying to play my party. Take him someplace nice, you know, Yeah, Okay, they're right. Fine, so you know I've never been there, You've never been. No, you want to come to mel Lucas's party, we may have it there. No, All right. For those of you who don't know, about fifteen years ago, they started building this monstrosity of a thing unrelated to what's there now. And it was this ugly blue and yellow thing near where the Jets and Giants play in the meadowlands. There was a big ski ramp and it was like, Oh, it's gonna be this mega thing. Then it went bankrupt. Then another company bought it and they went bankrupt. Then another company, company after company kept buying it and not building it. Then, as they were ready to finally open this massive, incredible indoor water park and rollercoasters, COVID hit and everything shut down. This place was cursed for fifteen years. You drive by on the on the Jersey Turnpike and you're like, look at that fucking I sore. Halfway finish, yeah, halfway finished. It looked like it was condemned, like from the seventies, like they would film stranger things there. It was just horrible. And then finally in like twenty twenty two, they finished it, opened it, and now it's just unbelievable. It's not a mall. They don't let you call it a mall. It's not a sponsor. I'm doing a fucking commercial for them. It's like seven malls put together, and it's massive. Hit the jingle on yourself. You did a better job. It's explain that that I did.

No. I just think this.

It's one of those things that I thought it would never open. All right, So I have a ski jump, right exactly? They do so anyway, so if we're going to treat the kids to rides and stuff and have a pizza party and ice creaming cake whatever they have and all that and have a whole make a day of it, yeah, chuckie chie, do you think And because I'm planning it because you know, because obviously my I'm the connection to it. Do you think, oh, they came out of the woodwork for a favor. You are a connection your print you see what do you mean?


No, I'm connected to it because there are my clients. So my question to you is, if I'm planning this for my sister's child, what percent of the party do I have to pay? Your No, your your percentage of the payment is that you're doing the favor and the hook up, getting them a discount, a great a great location, and a date. I feel obligated. You're gonna get free game tokens, but I feel obligated to kind of because I'm kind of spearheading this that I need to. Like, you know, you're doing them the favor they asked you for a favor. That's the that's the gift. You give a normal gift to the kid. You don't play, You don't pay for the party. Your role is to get them the good price and the and the and the schmooze and the VIP treatment. All right, that's that's the bonus. You know, I knew that it was a good thing to come to you. I knew I would feel better about myself. I just saved you five hundred bucks again, Brody saved me money every Now you could take that money and buy me a steak dinner. Went hell, freeze is over.

And scary.

I got, I gotta, I gotta, yeah, I know, help, Yeah, I gotta tell you a story of you have had one of those days where everything goes completely wrong? And yes, yeah, so I had a I had a business meeting. I wouldn't call it a job interview, but it was an opportunity to do some freelance comedy writing, you know, a little writing on the side. And I had to go to the lower east side of Manhattan. So if you look at Manhattan, which is it looks like the letter the letter I right, it's a north South island. This is in the lower right part of the island. And this is the area where there's really no trains. So there's trains like eight blocks north and some trains six blocks west. There's trains all around. But if this is the area of Manhattan where there's really no trains, close okay, h So I realize I map it out and I have to get there at one o'clock in the afternoon, so I figure out if I go to a parking ride in New Jersey and get on the New Jersey Path train that gets into Manhattan. So I switch in New Jersey to a second Path train, and then I switch to a New York City subway, and then I can take that east bound and I can get about. I'm gonna say, nine blocks away from where I need to go. Okay, a lot of trains involved, lots a lot of trains. So I decide to leave early because I don't know how many how it's gonna you know, you wait for trains, then you get off of train for another train. Start of waiting. I figure out it's an hour and five minute commute according to Google Maps. So I'm like, you know what, I'm gonna give it like an hour and forty I'm gonna leave an hour and forty minutes early. I don't want to I don't want to be late. This is an important meeting where I might get a chance to my little comedy, little something on the side whatever. So as I'm leaving my house, take care of the dogs, and I got some packages. I got a mail. So I take these big boxes and I go down the stairs and I walk out the garage door, not the front door. I walk out the garage door, and I go to my car, get in the car, and I'm driving. I get it, you know, go no problem. And I see that I'm looking good. I left on time, ready to go. You're rocking, bocking. So I get on the parkway and I have to get off at exits. Let's say exit three. I don't remember the number exit three to go to the parking ride I need to go to. So I'm about a I don't know, half a mile away from the exit. I'm in the left lane. I'm passing people, and I there's a truck in the middle lane, and there's a car in front of me and a car behind me. So I can't get over because the truck is next to me, and I can't go around the truck and pass him because it's a car in front of me. And I can't slow down because it's a car behind me. Right, lionel Richie can't slow down? Slow down? Yeah, very good. So I'm trapped now in a car, car, truck sandwich in the left lane and there's no shoulder. I can't like go on the shoulder, so I can't get over, so I miss my exit. Oh that's, by the way, that's happened to me before. And I will say this, better to go to the next exit and do the and and double back, then get into an accident or risk or risk it. You know what, Dave, I haven't blowing the horn like a madman to the car in front of me to pull up faster a little bit so I can get out of this trap. So finally I get out, and I get off the next exit. Now, the next exit involves going around to round around, and I can take the streets or around to round around and get back on the park. When the other direction, well, when I get off, I have to make a left road close to construction. Many of errors. Here we go. Okay, So I'm like, oh my god. Now I'm looking at Now I'm looking at my time, and I'm calculating. I'm like, okay, I'm still twenty minutes ahead of schedule. I still should be okay. Can give you some background music for this, because yeah, it says it, Because this is this sounds like a circus. It sounds like what's what's next? So I back out of the street that I've now turned into, and I make a broke it. I make a K turn, a U turn, and I go back out to the street I was at, and I go around the whole neighborhood. I gotta go around and around and around and around to get back to where I need to go to. Then get on a different street to go to the train station. I get to the trains the train station, and again this is this was Tuesday of this week. Scary. It was about I don't know, forty five degrees. So I get to the train station and I go to the park and ride and there's no one there at the park and ride. So I find a guy, so I was like, I'll go park. So I go to park and uh. The guy said you have to scan the QR code to park. And I scan the code and I see I see uh. I hear a train coming in the distance. So I'm like, oh shit, I better hurry and get that train. So I stay ahead of schedule. I get out of my car, scary, and I'm like, oh shit, it's cold outside. Let me go back in and get my coat because I don't drive up my coat. I was down on the front seat. I realize scary that when I left my house carrying the packages. I didn't have my coat. So now it's forty five degrees. I gotta go on in the on the train and get into Manhattan with no fucking coat. And I can't go home because you make minutes, never make it back in time. So I run to the train. I get to the train station and and I missed the train.

Of course.

I'm sitting in the inside of the train station, on the path station, and there's electric doors, you know, they have like the censor above them. Sure, so if you stand by them, the door open.


So there's people standing by the door. So when the doors are staying open, and I'm freezing because I have no cobodies wearing scarves and gloves and hats, and I'm in a shirt and jeans, you know, looking decent, but I don't have a coat. So I say, excuse me, can you Can you guys move a little bit because you're opening the door, and they're like, oh, no problem. They walk outside onto the platform and they're on the other side where there's also a sensor, and the doors are still open. So I say, excuse me. I hate to bother you again, could you just move a little way from the sensor. They're like, yeah, dude, fine, they're annoyed with me. Of course I don't have a coat. Yeah that's the Yeah, they're what is it your your problem is not their emergency. That that's correct. And then, by the way, thank god you left an hour and forty early. I mean you said that this was an hour an hour situation in five minutes, and you left, so you left yourself a good amount of time to pad in case situation, a situation like this. I check Google Maps again and it says I'm still about ten minutes ahead of schedule. Ten minutes of play. Get on the train. Oh, what's the problem? Hold on? I get on the train. I go to the next stop, two stops away for the transfer. I cross the platform, which is the first stop of the train I need. It's the end line of that train, so it's there. Ready to go. Get on the train, get a seat it has and I hear I'm all being held in the station. Do to traffic ahead. Oh god, twenty minutes. Scary. We sit there. Roughly twenty minutes we're sitting at that station. I'm like, oh my god, I did everything right. I'm getting fucked by the universe. I'm getting fucked. So I email the guy and I say, hey, man, we'll let you know. I have a problem with the trains. I may be about ten minutes late. I don't know. So the train leaves at twenty minutes, goes into the city and I get into the city. Now I have to take the L train and take the L train eastbound towards Brooklyn. Oh jesus, I'm picturing this route in my head. This is not fun, not fun. So I take the train and uh, I hear, we're bringing hard on, Paul do The train gets stuck in the tunnel. Now it's underground between stations. So I send another email, which doesn't send because there's no there's no internet in the tunnel. But I said him, I said, hey, hey, I'm really sorry. I'm having train problems. I left my house at enough time, I promise, I said, but I may be like twenty minutes late now because of the train problems. I'm like, holy shit, it is ridiculous. So finally I get I get outside and I'm freezing. I gotta walk nine blocks. Now I'm on First Avenue, which goes uptown. So even if I catch an uber or a cab. It's going in the wrong direction, so I have to walk, so I freeze my a I'm going scary. I got there at one oh three wow, three minutes late. Yeah, three minutes late at I could have been. I could have been forty minutes. I thought it was gonna be half hour late. So I got that because I ran mostly the nine blocks as much as I could in the cold. I get there and he says, he says, So the woman comes out, his his assistant comes out, and she says, oh yeah, he's finishing up a zoom call. He's gonna be about fifteen minutes. Okay, perfect, Well better that than pulling a Wally World on you where you cancel the meeting on you, right. Sorry, after all that he's out today, he's out sick, after all that panic and all the thing's going wrong. I got there before he was ready for me, so he sees me. He comes out, a very nice guy, and he says, no coat. So I didn't know what to say, Like do I say I didn't think it would be cold, which makes me an idiot? And if I say I forgot my jacket, it makes me look like an idiot. So I was like, oh yeah, I left it my car. I was hurrying to make the trend. I didn't want to be late, so it worked out fine, But it was one of those things where you have to leave so early because you never know how the world is going to fuck you. Well. I feel that way when it comes time to catching a flight, like in the morning, if I have an eleven am flight and I know that it's gonna take me twenty minutes to get to the airport, and then because I have clear and TSA pre I'm and I'm not dropping a bag, maybe it takes maybe get there like an hour and a half early. I do all the math in my head. But if I'm ready three and a half hours before the flight to leave to go to the airport, I'll sit there and I'll wait for no reason to catch an uber because why would I want to spend all this time at the airport. So I actually cut it close for no good reason, Like I'll sit home and I'll wait wait it out because I'd rather wait in my house than at the airport. But it's never a good thing because something always gets in the way, something delays you. Why not just take the time and just you don't have to, you know what I'm saying, and relax. So when you get there and well, you don't have to rush. You could walk around a little bit, go into some of the stores, and you know, kill some time there. But yeah, for whatever reason, I procrastinate and I'm like, no, I want to wait till the very the last minute possible to leave because I don't want to get there too early. But you know, when it comes to things that have like a you know, a hard out, like a like a flight departing or a meeting, right, you gotta go. You gotta go early. After all that, I had a great meeting. Yeah, as I'm leaving now. If you're in Manhattan, if you know anything about the New York Subway, Manhattan, most of the big the popular trains, and at the big stations, the big intersections, when you go down the station to the subway, you can go east or west, north or south right. If you're getting on the B train, you can you can get you can stand on the platform and one of them goes uptown, one of them goes downtown on the other side of the track. But if you go on some of the smaller train lines that aren't as popular or you know, or they're in different you know, neighborhoods that aren't as busy. When you go uptown, you have to go on the right side. The east side of the street is that station is only uptown, and the west side of the street is only downtown. You know what I'm talking about, scars, I sure do ye if you go to the down the uptown station and you pay, and then you realize I wanted to go downtown. Some stations have an underground tunnel to the other side, but most of them are like, you fucked. You got to go back out and pay again again. Right. So on the way home, the L train is one of the few trains of all of Manhattan that only goes only goes east west. There's the reason I'm telling the story. It only goes east west. It doesn't go up north and south. So I forgot about the up the north the north south thing because it's not a north south train. So I get on, I go down the subway to go home, and it says Brooklyn. I paid. When I get downstairs, it says Brooklyn only, meaning not the direction I want to go east. I don't want to go east, so I have to go back upstairs now across the street to the northern side of the street to go west the other direction. Luckily, I used my phone to pay, so I showed the security guard at the gate. Hey, I just paid two seconds ago to go to the wrong direction, and he opened the door for me like a nice guy, so I wouldn't have to pay again. That was very cool. Thank you. That's very nice. If you see and people say that New Yorkers aren't nice, and they say that we're there, we're rude and we're nonxious. And here's where the story takes the slight changes. My train comes. I get on my train right and I'm looking at the platform where I just came on, and the guy who let me in walks away for a second to go talk to the guy in the token booth. As he does, some teenager walks up to the toll booth, puts his hands on the toll booth on the on the turnstile, and pushes himself up and hops over the turn of course and jumps on the train with me. So New York is still New York baby, it's the podcast.


I want to thank all the slices who responded on X and screenshotted the Brooklyn Boys podcast as the number one preset. Please, It's important and I know we keep stressing it, but I'm gonna keep pounding it every week we want. We're in a race. It's a contest. The big wigs are watching, the people from above, the people in the suits, the people that make big decisions. They're watching to see who has the most amount of number one presets for the iHeartRadio app. Now, if you don't see a preset option, that's because you didn't update the software. So first update the iHeartRadio app. Secondly, go back into the ihart radio app and use and put the Brooklyn Boys podcast as the number one in the first position preset. We need to have that done. And third, close the Spotify app you're listening to us on OK and then download the iHeart Radio app and then put us at your number one slot. After that, you know, do what you want, but put us in the number one slot. We'd like to listen on iHeart radio and then use the talk back feature and leave us right if you're if you Spotify or an Apple podcast person or whatever however you listen to Google Play, please at least download the iHeart Radio app and put us in a number one pre set. You never have to open it up again if you don't want. But we we basically we need you to do this and we need we need like the slice army. Do we have an army at this point?

Can we?

Can we say that, Brody? Do we the slices? I would call them more of like the reserves, Yeah, the reserves or the coast Guard, the coast Guard. No, the coast No, the coast Guards are real branch of the government. No, there, and so is the reserves. But they're not as large as the army. I think we have. We have like we have a posse posse. Yeah, well, well we're Brooklyn, so posse makes sense. But but yeah, all all these slices, it's imperative that that you help us out on this and it doesn't cost you anything. It's a free If you're only gonna do one thing this afternoon or at night or whenever you listen to this, and your choice is to put us as a number one preset, We'll go to Brooklyn Boys dot Big Cartel dot com and buy some merchandise. Yeah, go buy some merchandise as your first op. Yeah, we got to call Matt Merch because we have we have weird sizes we don't have we don't have the mediums and the largest in the excels. We have a lot of triple x large and the extra smalls. Well, here's what you do. The people that mistakenly email us at the at Brooklyn Boys dot Big cartel dot com. Yeah, and we're not there, send an email to the website at that let them know what you're looking for that web sizes. That's a great use of that email address. When he says message us from Brooklyn Boys dot Big cartail dot com, tell them the message March, not Merch. When are you gonna get some some size, some my size? I need a medium tank top for the summer. I want the large red pizza hoodie. What's up with that? Okay, yeah you do, that's right. I may have. I may have an extra large pizza hoodie, an extra one if you want to buy that off me the extra large. I'm a large. Now look at me, Look at this is your second quarter is scary? Baby? Yeah, I'm talking about September when it's cold again and you're you're you need an extra shut up. Let me tell you something I gotta make. I gotta do right by myself.

I have to.

I have to help you held accountable somehow, because I don't want to go back up again. I can't keep going up and down and up and down, and then I'm going down and I'm still down. Don't don't make any jokes about going down. I saw him, he was about to talk. I was about to say, Bruce Springsteen, I'm going down. Yeah, but you know whatever, So right, all right, scary is looking to be second quarter scary all year? Well, yeah, I'd like to listen. If if I can be third quarter scary in the fourth quarter, that's an achievement. I think you should be second quarter scary in the fourth quarter. I mean that looks I'll take. I'll take third quarter scary in the fourth quarter. I'll be fine. Lofty goals, but okay, yeah, but i'll try. And by the way, lofty goals one of my favorite strippers. Yeah, lofty goals of goals. We also have to realize scary if hold on, if you were a third quarter scary and fourth quarter yeah, the first quarter scary would be starting off with a better scary. Exactly. You're right, a third quarter, scary lost forty pounds, you'd be you'd be negative ones Gary, you'd be like, you know, last year, I can't do the program more than once in a year. You can't do it anyway, but you'd be starting off lower. I would be, yeah, no, of course I want I want to start like a like the downward staircase every year, you know, starts the lower place anyway. So, uh, we also some other housekeeping. We need to talk to Vinnie Primetime. Vinnie Primetime. You know he's he's about the food incident. Which food incident you talk about? About? Uh, when the Italian food showed up? Well, that's the Vinnie. But that's not why we should talk to him. I want to talk to him about that story. We could call him he was let's do vine bumbots on the phone. You want to talk to Vinnie Primetime? All right, prime Time. I just renamed him Vinnie Primetime. He's texting me like crazy. I'm like, dude, I'm doing the podcast. Hold on, we'll have him on now. This is the guy who planned our last meetup, by the way, and that's really why I want to talk to him. I want to I want to kind of see if we could, you know, maybe they maybe think about planning something else. Hold, hello, Vinnie, Prime Time.

What up?

We just renamed you. You're on the Brooklyn Boys podcast.

Then ah, we'll get great to be here.

Hey, what's happened? What are you doing? How's your how's your Friday deal? Looking? What's going on here? Good?

Thank god it's Friday. I am I'm hanging out here. I'm finishing up some work and uh, you know, doing the same old thing.

Yeah. Well, Scary Scary and I both wanted you on the podcast today, but for completely different reasons. Yeah, so Scary, I tell you this, Scary is gonna tell you why he wants Scar is gonna go first and tell you why he wanted you on the podcast. So go ahead, Scary. So so, Vinnie, unbeknownst to most, is the guy who was responsible for orchestrating and putting together the Brooklyn Boys meet up M E A T, which we had a couple of years ago. Ever since we had that meet up and it was a great night, we've been wanting to do We want to do something again. We don't know what that's something is, but we know you're the guy with the connections that can make it happen. We don't know if we want pizza, We don't know if we want to do more steak or whatever. But do you have any potential tricks up your sleeve without saying too much, because because the slices are getting very antsy, you know, they're restless. The natives are restless, and they want to They want to do another meet up soon and we kind of want to do it around spring and summer when the weather breaks.

You know, are you looking to do it around the Tri state area again.

Or well, what do you think opposed to Alaska?

Yes, yeah, Well you have slices from all over the country, so you know some of them the other ones take them over there? No, no, why don't Why don't they have some type of vote, some type of vote or spots here?

There's there's there's.

Steakhouses, of course, there's I mean I could name drop some some place, but you know, I don't want to.

I don't want Brody to hit a jingle on me.

Well that's gonna happen either. Well no, no, no. If if you mentioned a client and it's to help us, not yourself, you're not You're not scary. So if you mentioned a you know, a steakhouse that has a nice private room, or or a Talian you know a place, or a pizza place like like John's Pizza. They've got a private area upstairs where you know, you can hang out with the people. So places that have a private room makes sense. Doesn't necessarily have to be in Manhattan either, it could be in the suburbs. I'm thinking New Jersey.

I think Jersey would be good too. You guys got a bunch of slices over there and people flew in.

Yeah, they did some flying, so again that that's difficult for Long Island. But we got to pick someplace. So wherever we pick gonna be. But are you working on something potential for us for the summer or what I don't want?

I had, I had, I did have some conversations. Can I say it?

Yeah, if you want? Oh, is it going to hurt the sun? It?

No? I mean, I I don't know. I don't know.

But I was talking to Calandras about potentially doing something, and honestly, you just made me think of something for They have a hotel too, so that can kind of check off a few boxes.

Oh wow, Oh.

Yeah, I didn't think of that.

That's pretty wild. And they have they also have a big pizza making area to make pizza.

Yeah. Yeah, so there's a lot of things.

And we can do free dessert because they have dessert. They have dessert, Oh my god. And and then imagine pizza making classes with the slices. That would be great and we could be too many people. No, they have a big room, right, how many people could make pizza at the same time they have Vinnie.

I don't know. I have to speak to the.

Worth the magic, all right, Well, all right, so that's why I wanted to talk to you briefly. We were having It's kind of like an on air meeting, but we want to show the slices and pull the pull the curtain back, you know what I'm saying, and show people that we go through. But these are the negotiations, These are the these are the baby steps, These are the beginning. These are the beginnings of something big. But I think a pizza making class with free dessert, some sphere dolls and canolis and stuff after I mean, huh, sign me up anyway. Yeah, it's a no brainer. Okay, So Brody, Brody wanted to talk to you for a second. Yeah, Vinny, so uh listen. I I had sort of a reputation when I worked there for many things, you know, being talented and funny and brilliant, but other things than that, I was a big fan, big fan of all of the fantastic don't interrupt because you may figure this out, of all the fantastic restaurants in the New York, New Jersey, Connecticut area. And we had some Philly people come up to bringing up some of the best food in the area and we would just feast on it. Now Scary is a big fan when his food left over of calling the other radio stations, come on down, Receptionist, come on down, Power one, O five, the Breakfast Club, Charlemagne.

We got fun.

And I'm a big fan of going what the fuck this is the morning show I work on. I'm gonna take someone at home for my family or me, So I would take home like a couple of extra boxes of autit Choke pizza. I would take home some of the the tinfoil trays that have like the the you know, the chafing dishes that already have the lids for them from calaw Mines. Bring before you proceed, Brody. I would have a text message, a mass text to all the shows that I'm ready to with with the text message already ready food to send out, like, hey, come on down for some free grub, that kind of stuff. Now, Brody would stop me go, don't don't send the text out yet. Let me get my Yeah, let me pack up my ship, let me take part in my pocket. Let me freaking get my first TIBs right all the stations right, other stations they take their food, then they call us when they're at So I would like be like, okay, there's there's a tray and a half a chicken palm. I would take the half a tray and bring it home and leave the other tray for everybody else. But you know, sometimes there's things you can't take because you don't have You can't just put like Italian pastries in nothing. You can't put them in your pocket. So yeah, if you don't have a box or something, you fucked well. I heard or that the Great Vinnie who doesn't work on the morning shown Jenny Primetime Vinny Primetime, got a text message come for food and showed up with his own tupperware storage containers.

Okay, okay, I can explain that.

No, no, no, before you explain that, hold on before, hold on, before you explain that. I want to say, hail to the new king. The king is dead. Long live the King. Because you have taken what I did to another level where you brought your own you pre planned your own story. I'm surprised you didn't have ice packs and a thermal bag ready to go, and and and plastic sports and napkin packages to take home. You, sir, are on a new level. You wouldn't have gotten away with that ship when I worn. Now that I'm gone, don't free and clear. I think we should call hi Vinny Tupperware. But Vinnie, tell him, tell the rest of the there's a plot, twist's coming.

Tell him, well, there was there was nothing left first of all, so that was the main thing. And I how how how much later did I come up after you texted me?

It was it was I don't even.

Think of it, twenty minutes.

It was first of all, so he said, he said, this team was here, right, So it was this Italian restaurant. And I'm thinking, holy ship, there's probably like stacks of chicken parm stacks of this, stacks of that, and there was like.

There were there were two trays of spicy rig and two trays of chicken parm and and the caesar salad and on a box and holies. But when we start, when we the morning show picked at it, there was there was still three quarters of everything left. Then I texted you and we were on the air talking for twenty five minutes. So we don't know what the fuck's going on outside our doors because the food's in the hallway. So that ship was so so, as far as I know, there's a lot of food left. I texted Vinie, what happened Vinnie? Twenty minutes? Twenty minutes he shows up with his tuberware?

Okay? And I came up with the tubbleware because it was like eight am.

Did you come up with it? What did you come up with? Spell at spell at see you?


Okay, okay, hold on, you are guilty of what's his name? The comedian? Oh uh? He got him on the podcast?

Uh uh?

He had oh Sal Sal and sal Volcano Volcano was on the podcast with christ the Stefano and South said tumberware, tupperware, tupper it's tupper with two peas, Yes, tupperware. Look at that all right, you know he did the same thing tupperware. Okay, so you came in tupperware, ditty container store, grabbed this tupperware.

Listen, it's eight it's eight am. I wasn't ready to eat the chicken palm, the pasta that was that was there, so fair enough. I was preparing to have some lunch for later on. And that's why I brought the tupperware with me.

It wasn't to take it hold. It wasn't to feed my family.

Containers. You're ready to go.

I love it.

And yeah, I get that he eats at twelve o'clock. He's a normal person. He's noth I get it. I just loved that he came running with the tumperware. Well, anyway, there was nothing left because the savages. Someone someone leaked the fact that we had this crazy Italian restaurant up, and they came when they ravaged the place. I think because one of the actual tins were missing. I think someone literally full on took a tin and carried it down the hallway. I mean, that's balls. But I'd like to say I don't have access to the building anymore, So it wasn't me.

It was I was just gonna say that sounds like something Brody would do.

That is absolutely something I would have done. Take the whole tin, Hit the whole fucking tin. But so there were tins missing, so somebody somewhere literally lifted that and and fled with it. I can't believe it. But anyway, Vinnie's Gary, who do you think it was scary? I'm not gonna I'm not pointing fingers. Okay, which station? No, no, no, it's not going down there. Sorry, Brody, you think you don't think you know? You think it was the hip hop station, don't you? Well, only because they have that, they have no racist They have the back hallway path to us, you know what I'm saying. They don't have to go like if it's the other radio stations they go, they go past us that hallway that we could see out with the through the glass, so we could see who's coming down that hallway, but there's a back hallway that when if you want to be devious, you can be unannounced and be unobtrusive about coming to take food because we don't see you. So you go there on the back hallway. You could take the food and then sneak back around and okay, so just on the record show, it was scary called the devious black people the people want most to stall. No, no, no, no, Vinnie, you heard that, not telling you. I'm not saying anybody. Don't put words in my mouth broke. You just said it had in the pump station. And no, it could have been anyone. It could have been Cobby coming from the light station. He might have gone gone down the back hallway. When you say, like, do you mean complexion? What are we talking about? I don't like the way you're saying dick. But anyway, poor Vinnie, I just wanted to give you props for bringing tump aware uh to get to grab some food. You came up empty handed though. Sorry, Now, why was the tump aware in the building? Was the tumpware in the building on the off chance that it be food someday?

You know what, I actually think I took someone else's stuff. It wasn't mine. I went and I found so.

You can steal the food for the morning show.

Basically, yeah, that's what it came down to. No one's going to miss that.

Nah, that's all good. But I'm sorry you didn't get any I gotta say listen. I'm not doing carbs right now. But the spicy rig looked amazing. Everyone was raving about it. And the same thing with the chicken palm man O me. When did spicy rigged Tony become spicy rig. It's a thing, spicy rig. Look it up, rig, look it up?

All right, It's all right, I'll uh, I'll leave on wait, I'll leave on one note. But I'm sure we're gonna do enough eating scary when we're at Atlanta's Paradise Island Bahamas.

We are gonna have a lot of fun at the Atlantis Paradise Island in the Bahamas. Okay, most of you hit the jingle I won't be there the food and wine festivals next weekend, and I'll be there for you. Any wouldn't be the worst thing if Atlanta sponsored this podcast. I mean we're both fans.

Hey, well, well, well we'll figure that out. Maybe we'll we'll talk about it next week while we're.

On the beach, Benny, we could talk about it while you're on the beach. You can talk about how the one guy who's not here would love to be here and sitting and sitting the waterfall alcove in the pool area that he loves so much. One of his favorite places in the whole world is the waterfall alcove in the pool. How much I love walking to car Mines in in Atlantis. The restaurants. We're gonna be hanging out with that boy Glenn from Carmines. He'll be there at the at the National Paradise Island Winding Food Festival at Atlantis.

Just take it, Healthie and send it to send it to him.

Oh please don't. Oh no, yeah, let's not do that. That'll that that'll that'll right in the heart. Can't do that, all right, Vin, have a great weekend. Yeah, hey, bring top away to Atlantis for you for you so you can bring home some food.

Yeah, yeah, we'll do We'll share it all right.

Oh my god, he's working for us the background slices. He's one of the best. He's one of the Tubberware. Another Tumberware person is an Italian happened Vinni's from Queens. He's an Italian guy from Queens. He was raised out in Brooklyn.


Uh no, I I said Tupperware, and it's on. It's on every Every branded piece of Tupperware is random says the word tupperware. Here's the thing, though, tupperware has become an industry name. It's a default generic any storage container. It's possibly had, you know, uh uh, any other kind of just a container. It was a regional dialect, but tumberware. Maybe he maybe he comes from a low income family, like fucking kidding. That was what people say, tumberware. That was That was a callback. That's what we called it. All Right, we gotta go and we we've we've overstayed out. Welcome this k We had two guests on by not brocl Brockly, no boys, not brocl

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