#325: The boys discuss bizarre pet names, the end of the penny and the disconnect in today's language; Skeery thinks he's entitled to a referral fee for connecting his watch dealer to a potential buyer; Brody flips out on a guy who banged on the trunk of his car; Confusing signs and an uninformed employee drive Brody crazy while out shopping; Skeery calls out a woman's hidden agenda while posting her manicure; The boys talk to Elvis Duran Show's Abby about her million dollar idea to sell feet pics on Only Fans- but with a genius unique twist
Start up, dot Up, start Up, Brooklyn Boy, start Up, Brooklyn Boys, start up d up, they making noise? Dight up, start up up dust Up, Episode.
Three, twenty five of The Brooklyn Boys podcast. Three in a quarter Yeah pretty much? Three three in a quarter? Yeah yeah, quarter quarter?
He love it.
You know it's crazy. I was just having a conversation with someone and they said that their kid doesn't understand what when we tell time, we say, you know, it's what time is it? It's a quarter after four or a quarter to three, Like they don't know. They think it's stupid and they don't understand where it comes from. Like what does a quarter after three really mean? I'm like, uh, well they're three fifteen, duh what does that mean? Or or quarter to three is two forty five? Right? We grew up with that.
I saw a TikTok video and it looked real where the guy was saying, it doesn't make any sense because a quarter is twenty five cents. So why are we saying fifteen minutes is a quarter of an hour? I mean, you gotta be some kind of brain damage sixty minutes understand that, right? Fifteen minutes is a quarter a quarter of an hour. The word quarter only means twenty five in terms of one hundred and a dollar. But I can't believe we're saying it. I'm about to say it. Oh my god, kids these days, Yeah, the earth is round.
By the way, speaking of quarters, you saw that the President said that he ordered the Treasury not to print pennies anymore. Yeah, because it costs two and a half cents to make a penny. Okay, so here's here are my thoughts. I already know where your thoughts are going. I have always been someone who watched the dots in our neighborhood throw pennies, leave them instead of taking their change, Ignore them. They're not right. And I was always someone that picked them up or took them off the counter, because when I needed pennies, I was like, oh, rather than get changed back, I'm like, I have the three cents in my pocket, and it eliminated the need for getting more change. So I always like to have some pennies at the time when I pay cash. Now you have to pay cash because everybody charges your fourth percent use your credit card to get a freaking slice of pizza. So I keep the pennies around. But here's the thing if you go into a restaurant scary yep, and you owe two cents? I know, is it the restaurant's job or the business's job to waive the two cents because you may not have any pennies, in which case you're benefiting two cents. And in which case, if you had two pennies in your pocket, would you just leave them in your pocket and just say, oh, I don't have any pennies. And is it if it's three cents, are you obligated to pay five cents? I don't know where this would go. But if the penny, I mean, it stops getting minted and well, let's say, just goes out of style. Let's say, because obviously even though it's gonna be pennies for another couple of years, but right, I get it. Yeah, no, of course, But if the penny goes away eventually, I would think that the rule of thumb would be that if it's two cents, and if it's one or two cents, yeah, they round down if it costs out the money, if it's three or four, advantage pay the five. We gotta pay the five. And I feel like it will even itself out because it's you know, two and three cents go to them and four and five go to us, or you know, vice versa, vice versa whatever. You know what I'm saying, same I'm saying. So I feel like it's even split, and over time it'll leaven itself out. I would need to believe that. I can't imagine that if something costs two dollars and one cent that you'd have to pay the nickel and not get any change. I also think it's offensive to Abraham Lincoln, considered one of our greatest presidents, that his coin is the one that's going to be dropped. Well, he's already on another currency, isn't he. Are you not aware? He's on the five dollar bill, So he's got another that he's he's free, by the way, which, by the way, is a little mind blown moment for some some people. George Washington was the first president. He's on the one dollar bill. Lincoln was not the fifth president. He was the sixteenth, but a lot of people think he was the fifth. That's why he's on the five dollar bill. Who believed? Who hold on? Who believes that? I've worked with people in my life who think Abraham Lincoln was the fifth president because he's on the five. Wow, ponderous almost would make Grant, which would make Grant the fiftieth president because he's on the fifty. But those are the same people that are telling you that they think a quarter to three is stupid and that means twenty five by the way, scary without pennies. Obviously, we'll be using more nickels. Correct, Yes, do you know how much it costs to print a nickel to mint one nickel? Don't tell me more than a nickel thirteen point eight cents? Oh shit, So we're actually gonna lose money by using more nickels and having to make more nickels. So can we continue on that scale? But he thought this out? How much? What about a dime? How much is it made to make a dime? I'm smaller, I'll tell you right now. Hold on, how much does it cost to mint the dime? Hello? Not a dime?
Uh? Five point seven six cents? There you go. So the dime is is a pro is fantastic saving money there, print one for five point right, But a nickel nichol is going to kill our economy because we did not think the penny thing through. You will have to change the phrase a nickel for your thoughts. That's right. Yeah, you rub two pennies together like there's a lot, you know, there's a lot of that. Ah. So yeah, that's that's the controversy this week. Who's going to pay the two to three to four and five. I was driving home and I was on the phone with Jetski Bryan, and you know, he's watching you know, his uncle's house and all, and he goes, like from outside with binoculars. Yeah, well, no, he's in Port Saint Lucy, home of the New York met Supreme Training. Oh yeah, that's correct. So he's out there. He's a son devil. He chas his son anywhere he get anytime. I mean, the guy owns a jet ski company. Yeah yeah, he chooses chooses to say he's got the eternal tan too. He's completely like dark and all the time, all year round. And so I'm on the phone with him and he goes, he opens the door. He goes, Yo, Brody, Brody, get back here. What's what he goes? I said, who's Brody? What is that? He goes, Oh, it's my uncle's dog. His dogs are Brody and Brandy. I said, wait a second. Your uncle names his dog Brody. Yeah b r O d Y, So Brody. I'm happy to announce that your name is also the favorite name for people's dogs. You've got a dog name, the favor you got a dog names. I don't have a dog name. Okay, how many dogs? How many dogs named Anthony? My next one, by the way, speaking a dog name, And I'm not offended if someone names their dog Brody. Doesn't it's not named after me. And if you name your dog after me, they'll be fine.
I was.
I went to visit my cousins who live in Manhattan, and I'm gonna tell a story later about how how hard it was to get a parking spot and what happened. But getting on the in Manhattan on They live on the Upper West Side, So if you're familiar with Manhattan at all, it's an affluent area. But everyone has a dog. Everyone on the Upper east Side west Side all have dogs. Yeah, so there's like dog dog dog dog dog dog dog dog. Don't you walk one block you pass five people walking dogs. So I'm waiting for the elevator and this woman has a dog, and this guy joins us to wait for the elevator. He says, oh, cute dog. What's the dog's name? She said brother? Brother. The dog's name is brother. So I don't know this woman. I'm not gonna say anything. He says, that's an interesting name. He says, yeah, Well I had a female dog and her name was sister. So he says, oh, were they brother and sister? She says no. Oh come on, now, who names a dog brother? What kind of name is brother? That's not a dog's name. Come me a brother? What slices? Drop us a talk back? Weird names for dogs that you have in your life, Like, like, if this was weird, it's got to be even weird. It's got the bizarre. That's bizarre. Like I understand as certain people call each other, what's up, brother? You know, right? But to call your dog brother, yeah, I don't. It was this and like the other dog's name was sister, but they weren't related. Well see, I would assume that they would be brother and sister. They would That would that would make even then it's dumb, but at least it would make more sense, right, head, listen and slices. If you have a dog named brother, let us know. And I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend, but it seems like an odd name, like a brother is like a priest, right, yeah, Like you know, you see your friend on the street, what's up, brother, right? Or your actual brother? Why would you name your dog brother. He's not your brother, he's not the other dog's brother, the other you know, it's funny. I was at the station today and Scotty B from The Big Show brought his uh brought his dog Sawyer to work and he said yeah, because I said, why why did you bring Sawyer in? He said, he goes, Oh, I gotta go drop him off because you know, I'm going away. You know, he's going on a Norwegian cruise line, a new Norwegian cruise this weekend. And he said, yeah, he's gonna stay. He's the dog, Sawyer is gonna stay with his brother. So he said, wait what he goes, yeah, yeah, he hasn't seen him in like nine years. Apparently Sawyer and another dog were from the same litter and Sawyers about to be really reunited with his brother.
I found it weird that Scotty was talking about his dog, like, oh, he's gonna go visit his brother. Like what you're like I'm going to, like, I go visit my brother. Right, So my question is, and again I'm not a dog owner, but does does a dog know or remember that that's his brother when he when he's around him, like when he meets his dog, when his brother this dog brother for the first time in nine years. Are they gonna be like oh over each other like that? Like or is so Scoty's like I guess, like, like, are they gonna go nuts? Are they gonna jump all over each other and hump each other? I mean that was gonna happen. Is Sawyer's brother's name brother? I think no, it's not. No, I know, but but I'm just curious as yes, I would have remember even remember the I don't think he knows like, oh, I was in we were in the same dog Vagina together. I think he knows, like, oh, this is a familiar scent. If the dog is you know, has its scent on him, and if he's especially groomed, you might not. I wonder if dog or Scouy's like, yeah, he probably doesn't even know. So he's gonna get there and he's gonna be hanging out with a dog. Scotty stay friends with the breeder or like did a friend of his adopted brother. It was an adoption. I think it was years ago. I don't even know. I don't know the full stories ago. You don't ask enough questions. The boy did a podcast some information. No, he got the dog from some woman, and the woman who he knew, has he hasn't seen him. Well, well, the dog hasn't seen the other dog. She goes, Oh, i'll dog sit for you. They'll be reunited. It'll be great. They're brothers. I don't know. I'm just I don't I don't know if dogs will remember the their siblings, dogs will remember you. Come on the slean They in nine years anyway, it's been nine years since they sniffed their butts. I got a song. Wow, you are in fuego today, Brody, this has got to be an in fuego song. Oh hell, let let's remind you right here at the beginning of this podcast on Man Fuego what we did this on slash Time, but some of you choose not to listen to that for some strange reason. Should episode this is this would be helping us immensely. Please download the iHeartRadio app and mix the microphone issue on iPhone. Sorry scary, and make sure you and make sure you download the new version of it. If you don't have the new version of it, update it to its latest version and you'll see presets. You could set radio stations there, you could set all kinds of things. You could set podcasts there. Please put us in the first position. Brooklyn Boys. Set Brooklyn Boys as your preset. If it's the only preset you set, and you get fifteen of them to set whatever the hell you want, set Brooklyn Boys as number one in your presets. It would be helping us because we got the big head honchos, the muckety MUCKs in the company. They track that shit all looking at what people around the country are putting as their number one preset in their iHeartRadio app. So even if you know, let's say were your number two channel. Let's say this as a pop channel, a rock channel you love and you listen twenty four hours a day when you're not listening to twenty three hours a day, and then the one hour for us. Right, they're not asking you for the number one slot. They don't care, we care. Just put us in the number one slot. Put your radio station, your other podcast in two, three, four, five, whatever you want to do. And you know, and again, I don't know what this could mean for us, but maybe they'll they'll finally recognize us on a national level. I mean, this podcast has been around since twenty seventeen, yeah, July of twenty seventeen. I mean, you know, it would be nice to get a little bit of a little love. Have been nominated or loved since the twenty nineteen iHeartRadio Podcast Awards. I feel like we're old hat, but you feel like, no, we're not hat at all. No, we're not a hat. We're not hat. It's it's like we're like, because we're not the shiny new toy on the shelf. I feel like sometimes we take a back seat. I'm like, hmm, what would it take to get us featured, you know, on on the iHeartRadio app and you know, like the Brooklyn Boys featured of the week or something. Maybe just slices, whatever you can do, that'd be great, Elie, that would really really help us. Thank you so much, the Brooklyn Boys Podcast. We will be right back. Scary, I'm really hungry, I mean, what what is not mean? Aha? You picked up on that? No mean you mean you know, you know what I mean? Yeah, so I heard someone not mean and I and I heard one person and I'm like, oh, that's one person. I'm starting to hear it even more. You know how like in Brooklyn people say, get meaning yet yeah, g yet yep, But now what I mean, know what I mean has morphed into not what I mean has morphed into not I mean? No, I mean, who says mean mean? Not me? People say that. People say, oh, yeah, it was just working all day, I was not busting my ass. I mean, they're saying not mean that, they're blurring, know what I mean. You know, it's like you know what I'm saying when they say, I'm finnah, that's f I n n a, I'm fix to fixing right, I'm fixtion to blank. Didn't perform an action. I'm finnh right. We covered that a few weeks ago. But not I mean is my my new my new peeve. Well, it was bad enough used colloquially. Colloquially when we said you know what I mean, it's like, hey, and it's like, yeah, I know what you mean. Stop saying you know what I mean, because you don't. You don't. But even if you take you know what I mean and you and you slur it into you know what I mean? Yeah, Like if you like you leave off to you and you're like, you know what I mean? Yeah. My nephew now talks in uh talks in text code. Now he talks in text He's like, hey, yeah, I y K y K. I'm like iy K if you know you know right? I like, but you'll he'll say, I y k y K. I'm like l O l O MG. Yeah, that's that's a bit much to slap him in the face. That's too much. But yeah, So are you someone that says not mean or knows someone that says not mean?
I mean?
No, that's some lazy mouth, right, Come on, at least say you know what I mean? You know what I mean? Brody, I gotta tell you you have to really not to rub this in your face? Is it your zeeman?
Over the weekend, I went to Universal Orlando and with the more I avoided your social media. I know, man, one of my favorite places. I haven't been there in years. And Harry Potter raw roller coaster they yep, I did that. There was there's a brand new coaster there. Well, not brand new, it's from twenty twenty one. It's called the Veloca Coaster. Dude, yeah, I'm not doing that. Probably one of the greatest rides I've been on ever, really best ride in the park. It's a thrill ride. It goes upside down, it does corkscrew, it does cork, it does loops, it does cork cork screw upside downs, and you you've literally come out of your chair airborne maybe five times, where only the bar is holding you back. No, not for you, No fear is holding me back. So instead of saying I'm out on riding that ride it's not my type, I'm just gonna say mount Mount Mount Mount Mount Mount out Mount. Well, I had the best time there. It was such an amazing weekend and I forgot what it was like to be a kid again. And everyone needs to do this, Everyone needs to go back to a place, because it really just took me right back, you know. And I don't know quite how to explain the feeling of going there as a full, full grown adult, just having you don't often do fun things. I don't do that, right, I don't do it. How often do I go? I mean, the last time I went to Disney. It was like freaking two thousand and nine. I haven't been to Disney in years. Yeah, magic cando it. When it comes to crazy roller coasters, here's what I do. I do love coast. I search for the name of the coaster yep, and the word POV high definition. Ooh, this video's out on this stuff. This video of every roller coaster in the world. Anytime you hear a roller coaster, see a roller coaster, well like you wret you're on TikTok or Facebook and you see a roller coaster, just go to the front seat POV video and you can make it feel put on your big screen TV and you can feel like you're on the coaster without the stomach dropping and the nausea and the fear. And this way I could see what it would have been like had I got on that crazy ass roller coaster. So absolutely that one and the and the Haggards something hundred's the minute they open all the roller to dorks get in the front seat and they film it. Yeah, love on YouTube. We watched the video. Okay, I'm gonna do that. Some of them have the whole experience, like if you have to walk through a wit online, google Velosa Coaster Universal Orlando, and google the the one with again the Haggard something ride where one person's on the motorcycle and one person's in the sidecar. That was a great coaster. That was like my runner up. And Hulk, the Incredible Hulk, which is the og that opened in the with the park in like ninety nine. Whenever it opened, that was still a very That was an awesome ride. I mean that that's an amazing, amazing coaster. But uh, those were my top three rides in the park, by the way, in order. But man, have Velocit coaster. I yeah, we went twice in a row, two so I mean Willison, we were from Brooklyn. We've ridden the Cyclone. Would you ride the Cyclone today? By the way, would you do that? I've never been never been on it. What we've covered this already. I've never been on it. You've never been on Wait a second, why don't I know this? I forgot you got There used to be three roller coasters in Corne Allen. Yeah, but of course the Thunderbolt, the Cyclone and the something else with the with weather related yeah, Hurricane no, keep going Twister No, I don't know it was a tornado tornado tornado. Yeah, uh no, I just as a kid, I never went on it, And then as an adult it was always like breaking down or being shut and so. Plus when I was a kid, there was a rumor that a car flew off the track and killed people. I don't know, I never I don't think that's true. But it was for me as a kid, and I never went on it. And it's not like the scariest roller coaster in the world. I've been on bigger wooden roller coasters. I don't know. Maybe one of these days I'll go. Yeah, I just feel like I heard it's very so the Cyclone. If you've never been to Coney Allen, it was. It was built on a very small piece of land. Yeah. So the turns are incredibly tight, and it's an old, like nineteen fifties roller forties roller coaster whenever it was built. So it's crazy. It's creaky and rickety, and it's not comfortable. It's not padded with super nice seats. So from what I understand, you're being thrown into the side of like metal and wood, and it's it's very difficult to ride, and I have a bad back so that's always been like, why I haven't. But it's not like fear of the height of it. It's just it's a terrifying thought, if that makes sense. No, it's frightening. But the POV video is fun, absolutely in POV's point of view video. The viva in POV is not video, So don't don't don't tweet me. Yeah anyway, So why what else is that? What else is news?
I had an issue at Costco? Oh what happened at Costco? Well, I had I had to do a refund. I had to return something to Costco. So uh, I went in. I went into the uh the main entrance, which if you go in the main entrance of my Costco, the return desk is like, I don't know, twenty feet to the right. The woman says, you gotta return. You gotta go on the other door. Sorry, no problem, which is basically the eggs. But there's like a little door next to the exit. So I go in and there's a stanchion pole with a sign on it that says refund line begins here. So I stand next to it and two people are walking through the poles and they go, who oh, you're cutting the line. I said, what are you talking about? The sign says refund line begins here, and they point to the other end of the stanchion pole, which is like, you know, squiggly, squiggly, squiggly all the way down the other end, and you know what The sign says on that pole, refund line begins here. The same sign is on the front and the end of the line instead of refund line ends here. They both say refund lists. So how do you know where to stand? So I went for the first one I saw, which was I saw the first one. I was like, oh, stand here, it's right by the registers. There's nobody online. But as I went to the front, there were people doing the snake who had ended the door going the correct way, and they're like, whoa, you cut the line. I'm like, what are you talking about? It says the line begins here. Costco? What the fuck? How do you put a sign on both ends that say line begins here? My god, hey, you're empty nesters. What are you still shopping at Costco for? What do you what do you? What do you buy there? Because at me, as a guy who lives alone, I can't get through anything that you could buy a Costco. Everything is like what I buy. Last time, I bought a three pound bag of frozen shrimp. I like to to frost a few every day and a little bit at a time. Okay, oh I bought. I buy a four or five pound bag of cashoes, so I have them in the cabinet. That's a lot of cashoes. How long?
Did No?
It's not. It must take you a long time to get through three pounds. Whatever the bag is, it's a I buy like a three pound bag of pistachio nuts. I buy chicken burgers. It's like eight chicken burgers, a nice, healthy chicken burger for lunch. I don't buy like five gallons of tomato sauce, oh I buy. I buy sports water bottles. I buy like a twenty four pack of water bottles. I use them when I play pick a ball. They have like the sports top you escort the water. You know, well, you don't have to keep opening the cap and closing the cat Yeah, no, I get it. It's just very funny to me. I just, you know, I feel like when I think Costco, I think of like big families. I think like family of four or five, you know, I don't think of couples, and I don't think of singles, that's for sure. I don't know. I you can absolutely it depends what you buy. And I understands. Okay, you buy a pack of raizor blades, you take money toilet paper. I need the forty eight I used to get my crab dip. There, it's a regular sized tub of crab dip. I get Amy Lou's chicken chicken, not hot dogs, chicken sausage. Buy a sixteen pack, you put eight in the freezer, and you put it in the refrigerator. Okay, fair enough, It is that difficult. I just you know, chavago part is putting a line a sign that says line starts here at the front end the back. That's the problem. That's the craziness. Oh god, yeah, no. I wanted to buy Vincent's tomato sauce, but they had like two jog for eleven dollars. But the giant jars never gonna whenever gonna use that much sauce in in the time. Like I don't need to buy two giant jugs of sauce, of course, But you know, if I had the whole family living here, Yeah, if everybody was home. I'm sure, so I got, I gotta, I got a question, Okay, I hope. So this is I know, I know, I'm You're gonna sympathize with me, but okay, rarely So I got. I got my boy that that sells really expensive watches, which, by the way, as you know, yep, all of it. It's spelled the right way, not r O L E K s uh the real rolex. Now now now, now keep in mind you all know me, not me, not me. You've spoken, we've spoken about them. I hate jewelry. I don't own jewelry. I don't own not one piece of jewelry. You would think that, you know, I'm Italian, I have a gold change, jewelry, jewelry, jewelry, whatever you would you would think that I would own that all stuff, or at least to watch old horn. Okay, So facts about me. Fact, I don't own an expensive watch or any piece of jewelry. I've got nothing. I've got no no rings. I've got no I've got I got a class. You got a high I got a high school ring. I don't have any anything that that is considered valuable, or any chain or anything. I just don't. I don't have any. But I got a guy. We got a guy, our guy. We got a guy Rob you know, Rob de Z, Rob Dz. He's uh, he's he's sells, he's he's big in the industry. He sells all kinds of time pieces, right, and you know he's big in the in that watch world. When you say time pieces, you mean watches, well watch not selling a lom clocks. Well, you know, he does all kinds of all price points, right, but a lot of big stuff too, time pieces, and some heavy hitters go to him at all. So I got a question for you, and this is just this just happened today. So soone I know wants is interest is in the industry, is in the market to buy an expensive watch. And they're like, hey, could you connect me with your watch guy? So I'm like, sure, why not? So I now put a three way text message together from me my friend, and me my friend and my boy Robica. No not Brian, Brian. Actually I know, I know, I know Rob through Jetski Brian. Oh okay, Robin, right, but it's some Yeah. So anyway, so I put us on a three way text making the introduction. Now you know what My question is going to be, Brodie. Should things go well and sale goes through, Yeah, of course, Do I get a referral fee at any point? Am I supposed to five dollars? I don't know how much they're going to spend and I don't know. Again this watches are not my war. You should get enough to pay for your hotel room from last week where they didn't give you. Well, First of all, how do I do I even? Am I a dick for for broaching a subject I had to You had to ask this years ago. You had to tell Rob Deazy or these nots whatever his name. Hey, man, I know a lot of people in the you know, radio industry, record industry, celebrities. I could send them away if I have, If I ever send them away, might that might I get a taste of? That might be a little incentive. You could have asked that question. But now halfway after the after you did the introduction, you're out. It's up to him now to give you a taste. But am I Am I greedy for even wanting a taste?
You're asking me so exactly. Know I'm gonna get some sympathy here. Look, if I if I send a guy to a car dealer, my car dealer gives me a kickback. That's it's not like it's just me. It's that if you recommend, if you refer a guy, if I recommend someone to my real estate agent, he gives me a little thank you. My email is flooded with offers from like credit card companies. Hey refer a friend and get X amount of points. And I'm not putting my friends in debt. That's not my that's not well, I'm not Jennifer. I don't recommend. We're all incentivized every day, even as something simple as like Uber. It's like, hey, sign up for every friend you sign up, you get twenty dollars or whatever in your account. So it's like when I when I told Michael Rappaport to sign up for Cameo and I would get a percentage if he might put me down, and then he went and put down what's your face the Real Housewife? Yeah, life is filming. Life is filled with incentives and incentivized incentivization programs. So I'm just wondering if it's something that I can expect. Do I talk about it? Do I not say anything? Do I just ignore it. But he doesn't listening to this podcast. No he does not, So I f him right there. He's not. We're not his number one preset and yeah, hear radio app. I'm just wondering if because honestly, I just did it out the kindness of my own heart, because I want to see my boy, like you know, I want to see two people. You know, he's gonna give him a great deal on a watch buys. If he buys a twenty thousand dollar watch, you gotta figure he's making ten thousand dollar profit on that. I have no idea. You're asking the wrong one. I have no clue. I listen, what's mars? What's a markup on that? A couple of hundred bucks? You know, really, I would be like, hey, you know, send you a gift card or maybe you know, you know, probably do scary It'll offer you a VIP discount on one hundred and ten thousand dollar watch. We can have a you can have one hundred and nine thousand, five hundred and ninety. Of course, Hey, you know what, I appreciate you hooking me up with your friend. There. I'm gonna give you a VIP T. I'm gonna I'm gonna send an email around and get a VIP discount for you. I get the regional watch scalpers in here and and the guys the Canal Street heads of head honchos, and we're gonna get you seventy eight dollars off the fifteen hundred dollars to Yeah, the VIP discount. Great, that's forty bucks off a fifty thousand dollars watch with Scary and Brodie. So I want you to I want have you ever been in a position, Scary where you're on the phone but you're peeing? You have to pee really badly? Oh? Yeah, all the time. And so what I do is I mute the phone while I'm peeing, and then when they ask me a question I have to answer, I stop peeing, I unmute the phone, and I continue the conversation. You've done this, yes, of course. Yeah. Have you ever been on the toilet and a you're doing it number two? And for that twelve seconds where you might make some noise, you mute the phone? Yes? Right, Well, if I if there was some noise being made, yes, you mute, mute or something. Yeah, but what kind of more noise? If you like, if you're on the shitter. Yeah yeah, clip clop, little little little little little PLoP PLoP fish fish. Oh yeah, what a relief it is. So I'm on the phone with a company, and it's the kind of company. We have to verify who you are. So and now, so the guy calls me. He says, we need to verify who you are before we can discuss your whatever that had discussed with me. So I was about I'm like busting the pee. I was about to pee when the phone rang, so I said, alright. He goes, we're going to text you a number. Hold on. So I mute the phone and I pee a little bit. The text comes in and he says, give me the six digit number. So I have the phone on mute, and I say, you know, one two three four five six and I and I mute the phone and I start peeing again. So so he says, sorry, can I get the number? So I so I unmute the phone. I go, yeah, sorry about that. I guess the phone broke up one two three five six. Oh no, I know where this is going. I put the phone back on mute, and I stopped peeing again, and he said, he says, sir, can you can you repeat the number one more time for me? So I unmute the phone. I go, yeah, one, three, five, six?
How many? How many times I have to say the same six digit number? Is there a problem with the number? Am I giving you the wrong number? What's the problem? And he says, sir, can you just repeat the number again? I said, not until you tell me why you keep asking me to repeat the number? Am I saying the wrong number? You have a digit wrong? I'm looking at the number.
It wasn't.
Yeah, I'm like, what is the problem. Yeah, he can't hear you. So then I realize I've been on mute the whole time, Right, You're you're unmuting yourself to take a piss? Am I muting yourself every time you're talking? You did the opposite? No, I didn't do the opposite. I just thought I unmuted, but I didn't. So I was like hitting the button with my left thumb as I'm holding my schwang taking a leak with my right hand. But I wasn't looking. I was just clicking the mute thing. So I never unmuted. So I'm yelling at the guy what's wrong? And I don't understand what. He never hurt me. I was gonna say, all right, no, I never unmuted the last time, because that would have been funny if every you thought you were muting, but you were unmuting and every time you talk, but he keeps me saying, could you repeat that? And then every time that you repeat it, you're actually you're actually pissing. Yeah, So, to be honest with you, I can't verify that he did not hear the ping. I thought I was, you know, mute on mute, mute on mute, but I may have unmute, mute on mute mute because he never heard me say the number. So slices, be careful when you're doing the mute thing. You may be unmuting and muting when you meant the mute mute, I mean mute, right, I followed you. I mean not mean, not mean. So one of one of the women in kind of like a friend my friend, well it's not my friend group. It's a friend of a friend's group, kind of an acquaintance. She did this thing, which you would expect me to do. But I know that I'm not guilty of this. But it's like when you when you post something, but you really don't want to. It's kind of like a humble brag. I guess when you post a picture but you really don't want to show off what you was in the foreground. It's kind of like, I really want to, I really want you to notice that I'm posting this, but notice that. Well you do the thumb, then you do the thought. You point your thumb like well, no, no, no, no, no, you don't, you don't, you can't. You kind of don't even want you want it to be subtle. So humble brag, humble brag. Well this isn't even humble, I think. But okay, so, so and and and ladies, you might do this a lot. You have a post a picture of your manicure. Oh I gotta show my manicure. Yeah, I want to look at it. And you just what do you do, brody? You turn your your hand away from your face and you take a picture of it. Take a picture of the manicure, right, like the little woman would put palm down, Well yeah right, palm away now, pomp right. So women do this all the time. This woman posted her manicure, but what is the backdrop that she decided to use? So conveniently a toilet pole. No, what's in the background the the steering wheel of her Lamborghini. Oh, so, like she was like sitting, she sat in her car. She made it seem like, oh, okay, let me just let me just randomly post this. I'm just you know, not even not even thinking ahead, right, like, oh, I'm in my car, I'll look at my manicure. Hey, I'm gonna post it. He let me put my hand like kind of with the steering wheel next to it, and you got the Lamborghini logo. Oh yeh, she'd give a fuck about about showing off her manicure. She wanted you to notice that she drives a Lambo. Yeah, yeah, that's tacky bullshit. So so it's actually a friend of my boy Falco, and I wanted him to call her out so badly because he screenshot at it and sent it around to the group, and I'm like, I'm like, why don't you like call her out on her shit? You know it would be hilarious. But people do that a lot, right Do you you ever do that? I mean I don't think. I don't think I do it. I don't have I ever done that Where I'm posting like anything that I intend to post is intentional, and whatever happens to be in the background happens to be there. But I don't plant shit for you to like notice while I'm trying to pretend to post something else. You know. I do a friend though, he's really jacked, and he'll post a picture of like a sunset, and he'll be in the picture like like ripped with his shirt off, and and he's talking about the sunset behind him, and he's like, another beautifull another magical night here in southern cal in southern California, and look at this beautiful sunset. And I'm like, you, douchebag, You're completely you're flexing. You want people to notice you, and what great shape you're in. You don't get a fuck about people in the but you're you're talking about the sunset and there's sunset behind you. The fuck. I don't know, you know what I It was a long time ago. I remember as a joke, I took a picture in in the morning show studio and I'm trying to remember what band was in was in studio? Uh, maybe it was, it wasn't in sync. I can't remember what band it was. But I remember taking a picture of my pen with the with the group in the background. It may have been like I don't remember who it was, but I was like, oh look at my look at my picture of my pen. But it was really like to show who was in the studio that so you're guilty of this, Well, I did as a joke and I never posted it because it was a joke and I don't need to at that time. I didn't need to brag. Everyone knew I worked at the rat A station. It wasn't like a Lambeau. But I did it as a joke, like oh look at my pen, when clearly I was showing off. I don't know what band it was. Maybe it was a Simple Plan a Good Charlotte. It was one of those bands in that era. And I remember just like, oh look, I got to look at my pen. But I would never do like, look at my manicure with the Lambeau logo behind that set, the Lambeau, the Lamborghini logo. That's tacky as ship. Yeah, I don't care you have a Lamborghini and if you like less that you're bragging about it, and if you and if you're if you really want to post your manicure. There were a thousand, but then there's a thousand other places you could have done that. Or also, nobody needs to see your manicure. Who cares what color your beds? Oh, don't go there, brody. Some women cauph stop, I don't need to see you went and bought nail polished and someone you don't know put it on your finger. Some women, they pride themselves on their manicures, not as much as their Lambo's. Apparently, yeah, Lamborghini's. I keep saying in Lambeau like Lambeo Field. It's Lambeau, right a Lamborghini's Lamba Lamborghini the yeah short lambo. Yeah all right, So yeah, that's tacky, that's tacky. He speaking of speaking of cars, I mentioned earlier that I went to visit my cousins on the Upper West Side and I went on a side went Super Bowl Sunday. Right, They invited me to a watch party to go, Okay, great, I'll go. I'll go. Absolutely no, not that kind of watch. It was okay, it was a it was a time piece event. So I have to get a spot. Now it's a Sunday, and because New York City has congestion pricing. If you if you anything below sixtieth Street, you got to pay nine dollars. Oh, I know all about it. So luckily they live above sixtieth Street. So I went all the way north to the George Washington Bridge, which is past where they live, to come back south to where they live. So I would have paid a nine dollars there. So clever move, right, clever move? Was it? No traffic on Super Bowl? So I drive around for twenty five minutes looking for a spot, because at this point it's like five o'clock. The game starts at six thirty. I guess everyone who's gonna leave already left. Oh, don't go past sixty first Street. Do not cross that line. You will get I'm not even I'm not close they live. They live many many blocks north of six I said, upper west Side. So I get a spot on the corner of a street about five blocks from their apartment. I'm all excited. I don't see any no parking signs. So I park and there's the snow on the grounds. I have to go up on the snow bank and I'm I'm sliding, I'm I'm screeching, and I'm doing like a half doughnut to get into the spot on the corner. I back into it. So I get out of the car, put my coat on, and I walked I don't know, ten feet and I see a sign, and I noticed the car behind me has a sticker on the door, and the car behind that is a sticker on the door. And there's a sign that says ride share cars only. What's that all about? You know, like zip cars? Yeah, so like in Manhattan you can you can rent a car like it's parked on the street. You use your app and you just get in the car and drive it. Yeah, okay, these spots are only available where I parked for rideshare cars. Oh so I can't park there? Nah, fucked fucking. It's like when you go I've done this, I hide this, complain when you go to the mall. You go to a store, and it's like parking for pregnant women, parking for for drive up customers, a parking for employee of the month. I'm like, stop with the categories. So I can't park this. I gotta get back in my car. I'm driving around another twenty minutes' scary, it's fifty minutes. I Finally, about eight blocks nine blocks away from where my cousins live, I find a spot. But it looks like it's a little bit bigger than my car. And I drive a Dodge Charge, it's a full sized car. And I'm like, it's a spot, and there's snow in the spot. So I'm like, okay, I'm good at this. I can get in this spot. It's just I can see it's just big enough I can fit in it. So as I'm pulling in, pulling into the spot, I back in and I have you know, you have to adjust. You got to back in and then turn the wheel back a little more, turn the wheel back a little more. So this camp comes by and he goes, you got to back in a little more. Yeah, no kidding, man, I'm not done. There's snow here. Oh, just trying to be helpful, all right, that's not helpful. I know I have to back the nose of my cars in the middle of the street. I'm aware. So I'm pulling in, and you know, when you're like eighty percent into the spot, you know you have to like pull up a little bit, back in, pull up to the right, back to the left, pull up to the right, back to the left.
You know what I mean?
No, I mean I know it not, I mean, yep, yep, yeah. Okay. So then I hear this on the trunk of my car. I'm like, what the fuck? It's some guy. You know, like those orange construction vests that the road crews wear, they have like reflectors on them. This large dude is wearing a yellow reflector vest, and I don't know what it says on it. So I so I rolled down my window like just an inch so I can talk to him. But I don't know who he is. I said, I'm sorry, can I help you? He says, Uh, it's gonna be a tight spot. Yeah, who's gonna have to back into that a little more? Yeah, I'm aware it's a tight spot. Well, I'm just letting you know it's a tight spot. And he walks away. How the fuck is that helpful? How is it helpful tell me it's a tight spot? And why are you knocking on my trunk of my cart? Dude? I don't understand. Why do you need to tell me? You don't think I know it's a tight spot. I'm the guy pulling into the spot. Anyway, I do four or five more adjustments. I get into the spot and I walk up the block in the same direction this guy walked. So he's standing on the corner by the avenue or I need to turn right. So I'm like, there's that fucking weird guy with the yellow vest. And I see he's got like neighborhood watch on his Like neighborhood security is something that said on his vest. Okay, and he's like the guy who volunteered to walk around the neighborhood keep everybody safe. So so he looks at me, goes it was tight, right, yeah, yeah, when you want a fucking dollar, thanks man, Like was he like he's the guy in the bathroom he turns the water onto you, like you can't wash your hands yourself, of course, man, tight spot, Thanks? Thanks? Like when you walk, hey, it's called outside here is that I'm outside?
I know that.
Party. Sometimes people just want to talk to hear themselves. Don't bang on the trunk of my car scam me like that, and they act like you're the fucking neighborhood police with I thought that he I thought he's gonna tell me, hey, man, you can't park here. There's a doctor he wants he wants to tip. No, you don't want a tip. He didn't hang around for a tip. No, he just wanted to confirm that I should know it's a tight spot. Oh he's making conversation. He's a friendly New Yorker. What the hell, bro No, there's no such thing. Don't be no, don't don't. First of all, don't touch my car. He's talking about, don't bang on my car. And third of all, I don't need to roll down the window.
I'm laughing because I know the relationship that David Brody has with his vehicle. Slices. Yeah, it is a relationship. You might even be closer to your car than you are your wife. This is how crazy and nerot ends on the day Brody is about his Dodge Charger. So the fact that somebody laid a so much as a finger on it, let alone bang on your trunk. Yeah, I did the tap tap tap slices. First of all, slices, leave us a talkback. Do you need someone to tell you it's a talk Is that helpful of you for a guy to tell you? And second of all, do you want somebody banging on the on the trunk you car? Like to get your attention? Like, couldn't he have walked up to the window and waved, H, don't hit my car, don't hit my car. I thought, like he's a cop, and I'm like, bra, I'm like, I can't park here to of course I hit the car. I think maybe he's the guy who owns the car behind me, and he thinks I tapped his bumper and he's mad now that I hit his car, Like, oh share, what did I do? I didn't touch anybody? Tight spot, No fucking kidding, Oh my god, I love it. That's like you go to a restaurant, you get the hot soup and some customer you don't know. It's like m gevil on soups hot, thanks fucking soup. Of course it's hot. Night spot scary. If somebody banged on your BMW, you'd be okay, No, I'd be How hard was it though? Was it? Was?
Okay? I don't know if he didn't hit me, but he didn't hit it with a wrench. I mean he didn't leave and he didn't leave a mark. Scared this the piss at you? I get it. There was you know you have because it's snowed here a lot you have the salt and this and the and the you know the salt that that like the white film on the car.
So there were handprints on my trunk from his right, So don't touch my car. Sti't touch my coat banging on your trunk? Well not again, not that it's so My car is so precious. But don't startle me because I'm in the process of getting into a very tight spot. I don't need to be startled where I might hit the brake or the gas pedal. That's fucked up, right. It's the neighborhood. You're the neighborhood watch. You're not the neighborhood tapper. The neighbor watch you know you should do. You should fucking neighborhood watch me pull into the spot, not neighborhood. Tap my car, not neighborhood talk to me. And if I'm gonna rob somebody's apartment in a high rise building on the Upper West Side, how was some guy in a yellow vest gonna You're gonna deter me from robbing somebody's house inside? And if I'm gonna mug somebody, this guy in a vest is gonna stop me the same gun I pull on on the guy I'm gonna rob I'm gonna pull on him too. What is he gonna tap on the robber? Hey man, that's illegal, that's a crime. I'm gonna tap on you top tap tap tap tap top. You just put that gun away. See, I really did, I really did. This was going somewhere else. I thought he was gonna try and guide you in the spot and say tight spot. I thought he's gonna help you and then oh no, But then like turn around and be like, hey, give me a tip, right, because I've seen that happen. I've had that right, I've had that right. We got we gotta take a break here, but I want to I want to say I'm gonna spring something on you, Brodie, because you know I love you, love surprises. I want to introduce you to somebody in a second here. You're you're gonna put on the phone with someone that's gonna upset me. No, it's gonna make your day with laughter or disgust. I'm not sure which way it's gonna go coming up after this podcast. This is why I love our podcast because we don't really rehearse anything. Brody and I rarely share information about what we're gonna throw at each other because we want like, we like the live element of it. We like the surprise, right, do you have my third grade teacher on them? No? This is your life. This is your life. This is your life.
I mean, but you know in truth be told. When we plan the podcast, we write to know, but we we we talk very little about some of the things that we may be getting into or night. Right. All right, So I'm going to introduce you to somebody here. Just put her on the phone real quick. Here. I've never spoken to him at this person, never did. But you didn't meet her right now? Yeah, she is lice. No. Hello, Abby? Hi, how are you? It's scary and Brodie. It's the Brooking Boys podcast. Hi guys, Hi Abby? Does Abby know that she might be called today? Yeah? Yeah, I just we we spoke about this. It's it's kind of funny. So so Abby is. Abby is one of the newest members of the Elvis Drat Morning Show. She does all of our social media. She puts all the web stuff up, a lot of the stuff or the social media like tiktoks and things like that. Yeah, and Abby came with us to Universal Orlando. And Abby has an idea for a business that by the way, I'm telling Brody this for the first time. He's being surprised right now. But Abby thinks this is a million dollar idea that she wants to get into with her sister. Her sister was also on the trip with us, and I almost fell off my chair when we were talking about this over the weekend, right Abby.
But yes, I feel like I missed the beginning part where my sister was like giving the overviews.
I walked in like halfway through the conversation.
So we have our listeners. Did the slices? Okay? Now the slices are how do I explain this up? Slices? If I would have brought this up and just talked about this on my own, I would have been considered pervy. But because I brought the woman whose idea was to maybe start a business like this on, because it's a very viable thing and I don't think it's been done before, I'm not a pervert. I'm just gonna remove myself from this right now. So first of all, meet David Brody. Brody of course you've heard Brody is legend. Yes, yeah, you know, of course, yes, And Abby knows all about you. Brody, So you figured, you know what, I want to make money. I want to make a lot of money. I want to get rich. So why don't you tell Brody and the slices who are fandom your idea, your serious idea that you're considering of doing with your sister for absolutely an OnlyFans page.
So it started out as we saw I Believe TikTok about a girl talking about how she made like how much money she made having selling feet picks, and we were like it started out as a joke.
We were like, that's so funny, Like we could do that. That's easy.
It's just your feet, and we were like, what if what if it was like a joint account, it was the two of us, and it was called sister Feet, like a sibling foot page. Again, started out as a joke, but the more we were talking about it, we were like, that's not a bad idea.
So we've heard some crazy ideas for OnlyFans pages. We've talked about only fans on the podcast, but but they actually want to they actually want to literally do like lives and things like that of their feet. But it would just be their feet inter mingling with each other, like there'd be like levels of feet. So this was I thought this was a million dollar idea. I'm like, you need to like you know, and and maybe once every so often you'd have a a feet sure of the week where a guest foot would come in where you could like feature another f right.
You were giving us amazing ideas to take this to the next level. I felt very encouraged.
Right, So Brody, I just do you think that this is a viable business? First of all? Secondly, I mean, what if you're you know, would you condone your like your daughter's doing like they said, Look, you know what, I want to ditch everything that I do for a living. I want to be I want my I want to go into business of feet. And does it matter where they make their money? Does it at the end of the day or how they get rich? You're asking me fifteen questions at one. Yeah, let's leave my kids out of this conversation. Okay, I forget about you because my opinions for Abby are irrelevant to my kids. Okay, Abby is not my kid, my coworker. I don't even know Abby yet. Although she sounds very nice. Oh, Abby's a sweetheart. She's sweet as that.
I'm sure, only your first impression of me. Well, I'm sorry, this was.
Like an insight, but well, we started, we started, We started at the bottom. We started at the bottom, by your feet, and then we'll work our way up. So I feel like I feel like, okay, see here's my thoughts. If you never show your face, and I guess you could talk right, but if your sister, if you and your sister, like, if you're legitimately your sisters and your feet look alike, guys, get off on sisters and twins. I mean, you could just say you're twins. No one's ever gonna know you're not, because that's big. Twin feet is huge. I imagine I'm on in feet. But okay, you can do to toes day, tose days a day where you feature close up shots your toes. Wow, this is why I was the writer for the show for twenty five years because today, right, guys, Yeah, see, I also think I also know if things go wrong, you do foot fungus Friday. You know I say that if it happens, you get like, you know, a couple of corns on your feet. Shit could happen.
Uh yeah, we could get prosthetics. Honestly, no one needs.
To know or you know, you could do You could be like, yeah, well exactly could do that. I think toes day is a great day, great great promotion. I think it's fine. I think if you had the Morning show promoted, that would be man. But I don't think they're gonna They may put you on as a topic, but I don't think they give out because you don't want people to know what's used. You can't promote. You can't promote. Now, if the Elvis Durand Elvis Durand show account was to just happen to like promote this random foot fetish only fans page, like, oh, isn't this weird? We came across this. This is kind of weird. Right, it's called Sister Sister feeds the official name, right, Like, then you could then you could promote it but like, wow, isn't this weird? And then but not say it's you. Then you could use the power of the show.
I think it's a great idea if as long as it's not like a gateway drug where all of a sudden you start doing like thigh Thursday. It's you know, five Thursday, you're going down. You're going down a bad Road at thigh Thursday.
Yeah, no, and that's so true. That's so true.
I think I I think I would already feel scared enough about the foot, but.
I'm like, it's my foot. If I'm going to have a foot, I might as well make money off of it.
I guess, oh them, I would imagine you make money off both. You're not going to be partial to one foot of the other.
See. I suggested that she goes through with maybe, you know, like maybe one day do like a like a pizza making class with her feet, so they the two sisters could have their two feet, like somebody wants to foot pizza, no kneading the dough kind of kneading the dough with their toes and stuff like that, or like how far can you how much you're right? What could you what skills can you actually do and you know, perform with your feet? I honestly, I don't think anyone's out there doing this. I mean anyone anyone could do a foot fetish. Annoyed you think, so anyone could do a foot fetish OnlyFans, But but to have sister feet and like like like two people with feet in the same picture. I don't know, I'm I'm just spitballing here, but you know you, does that exist? Brodie seems to think. Brodie seems the things that exists anyone with a fetish, and there's a fetish for anything, a billion people. Yeah, damn it, Yeah, I'll I'll tell you story is a long time ago when I worked for the other comedy company that wasn't part of our company. I'm not gonna say what company was. I worked for another comedy company and we had a comedian come in to do some voice over work and he said that he and his friend got into an argument that you can't find video online of anyone having sex with an inflatable sex doll. This was like two thousand right now you can find it. So so Spruce and I were like, if that's bullshit, if anyone's into that, there's a video. So we googled it and it took us a few minutes because it wasn't the internet that it is now, but we found videos of people having sex with inflatable sex dolls. The point is, look, there's a category. We talked about this off was it off air? We wasn't on air, but in the Elvestre and studio. We talked about cake farts, like people who like to watch people fart into cakes.
That's so niche.
It's so niche, it's so gross. It's niche. By the way, I was too fancy of a word for cake farts, I grew by the way I walked out of the room on that conversation. I couldn't handle it. I remember that vividly. That was but without mentioning names. Somebody else in the room immediately googled cake farts and started watching the video. Yes, we're gonna say who it was. No, So the point is, Abby, this is the show you work on now, I should know that. The point is if people are in the cake farts, you're fine with feet. Feet is mundane. Feet is like, oh yeah, you have a foot fetish. Col Okay, I'm sure there's people dating foot fetish. There are people that eat and lick and drink and sip and put straws in the weirdest ship and I like this the craziest, Like, come on, truffle butter. This song is about truffle butter. Scary, I think, like a video, foot is a problem. No, I guess not, I guess, But but what do you think so, Like, have you spoken to anybody in your circle about this? Like, I'm talking to my friends about foot fetish, now I'm talking about that. I'm talking to Abby, like like your family or anything like that.
I I have not necessarily our We haven't talked to her mom about it. I would love to hear what she has to say.
We were telling our friends about it just because again, this was just like a funny little he he haha joke. But then even our friends were like, honestly, that's not a good idea.
No, it's a great Do you think that you would how much if you cleared a million dollars a year, would it be worth it?
Okay, Abby, you work on arguably the biggest and best morning show in the country. I'm not telling you anything. You don't know. How much money do you need to make from showing just your feet to walk out the door and quit your job at the Elvistrean Mornings.
That's such a good question. I don't know. I don't want to leave. I really like it here.
She loves it. Okay, passive income. Yeah, but let's say that's eight hours a day that you're working for the morning show that you could be making five thousand dollars a day day you're wasting money. And let me ask you this another question, would you if no one was looking film or post foot pictures during work under the table?
I don't think I would do that.
No, because that's no. You can't do that. That that's that's work moonlighting. Why not? Why not? She's like in the summer times, she's wearing flip flops or thong shoes or whatever or crocs and she pops them off and like click, like boom, boom, done post them That could be five one thousand dollars while she's sitting there doing social media. It's so true. So in the from a scale of one to ten, how serious are you about actually going through this idea? And I know your sister, she's she's all in on it.
What I know.
She seems really all in on it, whereas for me it was like a joke. But honestly, student loans aren't going to pay themselves.
So like, oh, oh yeah, I didn't realize you had student loans. Do you have friends? Do you have friends that are that are thinking about doing this kind of thing or something similar?
No, but we've all talked about the possibility of it, because I mean it's not only just it's there are specific websites for feet too. There's like feet Finder. Yeah, there's like all sorts of things. So it doesn't even necessarily have to be an OnlyFans page. But then I don't know, like how do you promote that.
Let let's expand this, abby, Let's let's see let's see what your who your level is here? Okay, non sexual body parts, Okay, so we'll take out the two up top, the one in the front, the one in the back. We're gonna eliminate the big Okay, there are there are guys with fetishes for other body parts. Yeah, so like what albo money people. Some guys are into shoulders, oh, nas navels, right, belly bully all right. People have under on fetishes. People have back of the knee fetishes. So do you draw a line at feet or like if you if you got a hot tip you like, hey, if I if I do, like, uh, you know, shoulder fans, I should make a lot more money because there's there's not a lot of market. Like guys, I knew a guy worked with a chuck e cheese. I'm not gonna say his name. Many years ago, when I was a teenager who was big into shoulders, he would be like, oh, I love shoulders, the hair on, like a girl's hair laying on her shoulder, big into shoulders, And I was like, that's fucking weird. But it's not weird if that's what you're into. So are there other non sexual body lodging his zone body parts that you would do? And then no problem?
That's so interesting. I think I'd have to think about that a little bit.
I think I have to consider I like belly button, I don't know, I might be uncomfortable with that.
Like belly button, it's where your boggle cord was. There's nothing sexual about it.
I know.
I don't.
I don't know.
I don't even like.
It's so true, But I don't know. If there was, like a I would take a picture of, like my hands, I don't.
I don't think I have an issue with that.
All right? What about what about shoulders?
Shoulders? That's interesting. I don't know why, but for some and it bothers me a little bit.
What about your clavicle? But you guys are into like the your neck area.
Yeah, a neck is too close to face.
I think, all right, what about on your wrongs? Nah?
You probably that's just interesting. I don't think I yeah, I don't think that's my journey.
Okay, that's not her truth, Brodie. We got okay, we got we got feet wet we're doing. We could toe ring Tuesday or toe Tuesday. We have options on Tuesday. Hands. We got hands. We could do like manicure Monday.
To the hands, Yeah, okay, Monday.
Hands and feet, head, shoulder, knees and toes. You can a head, shoulders, knees and toes to the top of your head, back your neck. Maybe I knew that you all right? So so anyway, anyway, it was just an interesting one. Is I'm up for it for her if it supplements the massive income she's already making on the morning show, supplements her social media money, knowing that she can't promote it with her own social media or the shows social media really because she doesn't want to say who she is, right, or you may I don't know who knows. You may have to set up a TikTok account, do some foot videos for that with a link and all that stuff. Yeah, I think I say go for it, but I would say be open to other areas where you might be able to like do like, you know, a different day part a different like like it's a foot page, but hey, we're doing this body part on this day and get comments and see if you should spit it off into a second page. You got to you got a lot of like leave it two thousand. You got a lot of body parts, right, so let go commercial leave it two thousand, two thousand. Yeah, I'm telling you el elbows. There could be guys in elbows.
You never know, so I'm sure someone somewhere.
Yes, that's my point. There's so much money to be me. Hey, listen, let me ask you a question. Abby. I know you may not be into feed. I totally get that. And more importantly, you may not be into guy feet because some of them are hair on them. You know, I got the most gnarly toes ever, Yes, Scary's got the most like hawk like looks his pigeon.
It's not for me.
Don't worry. Scary sometimes, like if you go like on the party, when you go on party planes or like Orlando scary ways like flip flops and thongs by the pool. You don't want to see that ship it's it's brutal. I got the groups because before I went on this trip on purpose. But he has to get the toe beards and the clippings and wold. Yea is it okay? If scary? And I do like a Brooklyn Boys feet page, but we will be featured featured guests, not on page guized feet. There are what's your opinion on guys doing only feet?
Definitely, there's definitely people out there for that. Like again, that's not my journey, but there are there is an audience.
Are there are there women find that guys? There are other guys that want to watch guy's feet. Maybe maybe that's our calling, maybe that's women. I don't. I don't know. We would never make nearly as much money as you and your sister. Though here and I both have size twelve feet, we have the same sized feet. Nobody might attractive there you go, Nobody wants to see our toes.
I don't. I don't think it has to even be conventionally attractive.
Like again, there's something for everyone, like people will see all kinds of feet.
I feel like, so there is somebody might like you somewhere.
Okay, somebody might like your hawk feet so, Abby, You've used this term a couple of times, which I imagine is like a catchphrase view which is totally fine, where you say it's not your journey, which I love. I think that's a great line. But here's my question, what is your journey? Because I've now learned four or five things that are not your journey? What is your journey? What is your ultimate journey? Because it's not feet. So if somebody said, Abby, what is your journey?
What is your journey? If I said something, what you do, that's my journey?
I know.
Well, we were cooking here this afternoon. There, thank you so much, there, Abby for that call. Yeah, I love that. Oh, you can't let her off the hook. I want to know what a journey is. What's your journey? She doesn't having what you're doing.
I think I'm still in the process of figuring out what my journey is. Living by the sea at some point, that is my journey. I need to live by the beach at some point.
All right, Well, if your journey is a foot fetish page, it's one step at a time towards your journey that's also in front of the other. And as you leave here, we did this topic on The Brook and Boys a few weeks ago, about the resurgence of the sea word in a positive way. Abby. Abby has witnessed to all this too because a lot of her friends and her group of friends, they say, he have a seed day. We're allowed to curse on this podcast, but I don't like using the sea word, but they hey have a he did? He did? Abby? If I if I said, what is having a cunty day?
I think that's hilarious? Absolutely, she.
Abby, I hope you have a county day. Stop it. No, I cannot you to thank you to you as well. Thank you, thank you, Abby, thank you. Before you leave, Abby, I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to work together. Would you please? We're scary. That gives Scary good good wishes for today. Wish him that kind of day, Scary.
I really hope you have a county day, Brodie and scary Brodie.
It was one of those weird topics. It gets me to think, what is it that are people talking about today and ways to make money that are so foreign to you and I but are viable options for people slices? Is there something crazy you're you're thinking about doing or something out of the ordinary, non traditional way of making money. Please drop us a talk back that would be amazing and not just Reggie. Yeah, okay, Reggie, Reggie, I was doing something as much as I loved in other word, don't say another word. Reggie's funny and hilarious. She is great. This fifteen talkbacks in the last episode, maybe maybe n nine or ten other than Reggie Reggie here, you're getting better, scary, You're getting Reggie here? Oh my god, drop is to talk back? Where were we? Sorry, I can't concentrate. That was are we going to? That was? That was the last break? So this is the what you guys know. I have one quick story for you. Yeah, sure, one quick story. So do you know what chicken ol the King is? I mean, obviously it's a chicken dish ala king. I never heard ala king. I've heard the term at chicken ol the king don't know what it is? Okay, chicken ol a king is like it sounds really fancy, and I imagine it's like Caesar salad. Like he's like, oh, Caesar had this was his recipe? Chicken ola King. I assume like they either made it to sound fancy or there was a King. This is their recipe. I don't know the history of it, but Chicken ol a King and Swanson is the main company I've always eaten my whole life. My dad used to love it, so it's one of those foods I associate with my dad, like you'd always have it, like on white bread. So I developed the taste for it because you know, when your dad likes something, you're like, that's my dad's food, right, So when you eat it's like your childhood like that's my father loved that. It was shitty food, but he loved it, right. I think when he was in the military they called it shit on a shingle. I mean that I've heard as a term, but I didn't never heard that as an actual food. I think it was chicken ala King. So chicken ala kings like chicken, red peppers, potatoes in a white, creamy sauce in a can, like it's condensed and you add milk to it. Oh well milk. Yeah, it's like clam chowder. Yeah, clam chowder is scary. You make scary clam chowd has milk in it, you know that, right, New England does. That's what chicken ol the King is it's white like clam chowder. Okay, I just get of clams though it's chicken and red pepper and potato similar. It sounds weird, but okay, it's not. Okay anyway, I haven't had it in like twenty years, and I was thinking about my dad and I was like, you know, I'm gonna treat myself in his honor, uh to have some chicken ol the King. I'm sure there's something your father ate as a kid or did where you know, people sometimes their dad smoked a cigar or had a certain can of beer. There's always something in your child who you remember your dad? It was your dad's thing. Well, my dad used to like, you know, he's like like, yeah, well check out King? Did I You know, I'm like, oh, can I have some? And I would dip the white bread in it? And what I did what he did because that's what you do, you know what you did? So I had a craving with chicken ol the King and slices. I like to leave us a talkback. Is there something like your parents always ate, you know, like that was a little odd or like off the beaten path that you're like, I eat that now, reminds me of them. Okay. So I'm looking in Shop Right, which is my main grocery store, and they don't have it. And I look online and they have it at Walmart, and they have it at Stop and Shop, which is another big grocery chain. So Walmart is like a destination location for me. I live maybe twenty minutes near the closest Walmart, so I don't just go to Walmart for chicken ola King. If I'm like going to get four or five things, I'll go to Walmart. So I'm like, you know, I'm gonna go to Shopwright. It says they have it. I look on the app. It says in stock chicken Ala King. So I go in and I'm like, well, where would chicken ola King be. It's not really soup. It's like, you know, is it near the chili. Can't figure where it is. So I go through the can goods ale. I don't see it. I go through the soup bowl all the Swanson products are. I don't see it. So I go to the customer service desk. I say, excuse me, I'm looking for chicken Ola King. He says, what's that. I said, well, it's made by Swanson never heard of it. I said, well, and I explained him what it is. He's, oh, try aisle six or seven. The two whiles I was just in. I said, all right, I'll go back because it's it's off by the soup probably, or it's by it's by the canned seafood. I would expect it to be in the canned food aisle. Okay.
So I go.
I go to the island and I don't see it. I go up and down the aisles. I don't see it. The app doesn't tell you, like what islets look like target, I'll say, like G thirty it's in the G thirty aisle. I don't know where is. I go back. I said, listen, are you out of it? Can you check your computer? I don't want to be looking for something for out of it. So he says, what is it again? I said, chicken ale the king. He said, well, if we have it, it's on the shelves. We don't keep stock in the back. So I'll go with you. Let's go look together, all right. So he takes me to the island. I'm in the ale with like the the chili and the soups and the sauces whatever. And he says, he goes, let me see what a look? What does it look like? So I show him a picture of the can on my phone, as if his eyes are better than mine he could spot it. And he goes, oh, is this what you're looking for? And I said, that's that's his Chicken of the sea. And he says, oh my god, yeah, is that what you're looking for? I said, no, look at a chicken, a lack king so king. So they led you to tuna fish? Yeah, I said, chicken, chicken O. The sea isn't even chickenish. So he says to me, Now, this guy's in like his twenties. Maybe wait, young guy relatively speaking, And he says, no, it says chicken in the sea. I go, yeah, of the sea. It was a joke that tuna fish is like the chicken of the sea. It's not. It's not chicken. No, and look and the and the can. You know, the tuna can is like an inch and a half high. Yeah, it tastes looking for a full sized can, blue and white label. I showed him a picture. Taste like chicken, sir, no offense, But this tuna fish can is like an inch and a little thin can look at a chicken chicken. He goes, how do you spell it? I go chicken space a space l a space King. I have to spell it. I'll laugh for him and king chicken ah la king. He says, Oh, let's go look in the soup aisle. He goes, here you go, here's some swans and products. I go, yeah, those are swan some products, but not chicken ale the king. Hey, I'm looking for a Dodge charger. Oh, here's a Dodge dot. That's not helpful of me. I want Swanson chicken ki okay, all right, here's Swanson chicken broth right, Why is that fucking helpful? I was Stowey. His name was stupid. It was Stewie from the family guy.
Yeah, oh he's your chicken out of king. I wish he was Stewie, but it wasn't stupid. Why didn't you go up to the front and go right to the manager to the front. He was the customer service guy. He was the guy. He was working in the big square desk side a desk, Go around any side, talk to him and get him out. He's the guy he asked to help. Hey, you know you know who can have chicken Ala King sent to me right away? Amazon. I go right to Amazon right now. Nope, bullshit, they won't ship it. They won't ship chicken Ala King. No, if you want, if you want, First of all, you can't order one can of food on Amazon. You gotta order a fucking palette like twenty four that's not true, or they do local delivery and paid. I got this Amazon Prime right now, I can go on Prime. Amazon Prime. You show me right right now, Amazon Prime, right now, Chicken al of King. I'm gonna find his chicken al of King. Oh you want specifically Swanson, It can't be anything else. That's Amazon, Swanson Chicken six dollars, chicken ah Li King Boom, twelve dollars canned right cans yep here what four dollars? Yep here it is Swanson dumpling Chicken al of King eleven eleven ninety five. Yeah, sweat, I want a can in a can can scary for twelve dollars. Twelve dollars Swanson can chicken ol of King with white and dark meat. Yep. Ten ounce can, yep, pack a five packa five. Amazon's gonna eat five cans as ship to pay tribute to my father. I want one can, but dude, you could just keep them in your closet. Earlier in this podcast, you was saying, how abouch you go to Costco and you buy the ten pound bag of fucking frozen shrimp. You can't you can't put chicken ol the king under the show. I go through the shrimp if as well. It's a three pound bag of shrimp, and I go through it in a week and a half. About eating five cans of chicken ala king, dude, even if it's like a thousand calories of cane, even if you eat two a year, you're they're good. You got You're good for two and a half years. You're covered off. Tell you what you can go half with me on it. I'll give you a couple of cands. What's so great about this shit? I would never use this if you like it, because you're a boogy bass. This is sodium City. Look at that that sodium City. One container has fifty seven percent of my daily value of sodium. Yes, it's sixteen grams of It is horrible. It's fifteen grams of This is awful for you, right you? I don't want five fucking cans. Scary, Why do you even want to eat this shit to begin with? Because it reminds me of my childhood. I don't need to remind myself of my death. So it's horrible. By the five pack and give the other four away. What's the big deal?
Who am I'm not going to poison strangers. Give it to a food uh More importly, I'm not panting twelve dollars for one can of shit? Can't you give it to like a food bank or something. I'm not paying twelve dollars for one case. Look, I can have it tomorrow Valentine's Day, seven am. The shit could be at my doorstep right now. You're a bit, you're a big shot. Why don't you order it? Send it to my house? You treat I can't believe you, so you need to a scary Look what a mention, by the way, wouldn't make up for the stake Tonny or me, But what a mention it would be if Scary ordered me my chicken al of king and said, you know what, Scary, David? Uh? I liked your daddy was a good man. Uh police officer defended New York City where where you used to live. I'm gonna send you some chicken oli king that'd be nicely and scary. I'd order that for me. I can't. I'm looking at it right now. Five cans. Yeah, you can't get it in any in any less, noe, I gotta dry. I go to Walmart and get it. My point was, it's not tone of fish chicken in the city. You exhausted me, David verdie, No stewie exhaust me. Fucking steweewee. Isn't that what this is? Stew anyway? Chicken ala king? Is it a stew? Can you spell chicken ala king for me? C h I c k e n chicken ah ah lah lah king? What do you think ala king was one word? I gotta get out of here. This is there's way too much. What do you think allah was a L L A H. Brock Boys Boys