Lunchbox Passes Out And Takes A Trip to the Emergency Room + Bobby’s Mailbag: Fiancé Doesn’t Want to Get Married for Tax Reasons + The Most Christmas-y Movie Of All-Time According to Science

Published Dec 10, 2019, 4:00 PM

Lunchbox tells us about his crazy trip to the ER after he was passing out while vomiting. He thinks he was able to get better treatment at the hospital because of his celeb status. Bobby opens up the mailbag from a listener whose fiancé doesn’t want to get married for tax reasons. Bobby also has a study about the most Christmas-y movie off all-time according to science!

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I hope that your buddy and miss that's right. Hey, welcome to Tuesday's show More Studio Morning. I'm so glad everybody's here. Amy. How are you doing good? How are you? Yeah? I'm pretty good dealing this allergy thing still. You know, I'm gonna tell you, I really had a gratitude moment. Though. I struggle with gratitude because I am. I feel like I've had to like work harder than everybody else to get to where I am, and it's not fair for me to think this way. Um, But I reduced and I'm in therapy talking about it too, and I'm like, why do I struggle so much to the gratitude I had to get to, like c scratch and claw for every single thing I have, And but I do. I'm getting this is a small thing that kind of rolls into a bigger thing. But I do have allergies right now they're creeping in. But I'm just so happy that it didn't hit me the entire year, like no, Big Saint Jude. I had my voice for all my taping, it ham my voice for everything else. So if it starts to hit me now, I'm very grateful that it's picked like the Christmas. I would love to be sick on vacation and not sick while I work. Also, my therapist says, that's twisted that I'm like, just made me sick all vacation. I'm fine with it as long as I'm not sick for word. Yeah, but I have a lot of gratitude that I did not get sick. And you know, another story was I was with um how I talked about Raised in Bay. That whole story. I forget why I talk about on the ear and off, but here my story was, so raise girlfriend Bay fight cancer, breast cancer, and it's by the way, it beat it, right, do you guys say you beat it? Oh? She beat it. And but someone who was kind of mentoring her through that was our friend Leslie, who had breast cancer and beat it as well. And I was with Leslie it would having dinner and she was like, you know, I met a woman who was struggling with breastcancer right now, and she's like twenty seven and has two kids, and it's really hit her hard at stage four and she goes in there was no reason for her to get picked for it, accepted. She just got the bad bad draw you know, genetic or whatever happened, Like she it just sucks for that's the kind of stuff that I've been able to see how dumb I am and not being having gratitude for things. It took like an allergy hit for remind me, Oh yeah, like I'm healthy, I'm not finding breast cancer or like your dad he got throw cancer out of nowhere. Ye like a lot of people in our life. So I mean, boy, this took a turn quickly. Hi. Everybody gets good morning, but I do. I have a little gratitude right now that on a very very surface level that I'm just now starting to get like sick, like allergy sick because Christmas time. Yeah, who gives a crap, I'll be off the air and we can half anyway. Well, yeah, that's awesome to recognize. Thank you, thank you. I do feel like it's awesome too because I my therapist will walk me up to stuff. Yeah, she's like, how do you because you go how do you do? With gratitude? So, if you know, I've elimited a lot of resentment from my life because I used to be real resentful of growing up without a dad and a mom, being an ad They kind to raise myself and growing up poor and all of this. But now I look at it as I'm so strong because of that. But then I'm like, I've had to earn everything, and but then again, I got lucky enough to be healthy. I got lucky enough to be born where I was born, Like imagine if I wasn't was born in like your kids were born in Haiti, didn't have a lot of options. So I do have it, this whole thing you're doing where it does come back and it's always been there. I just didn't know I had it. I had to be talked into it. And the more you do it, the more you'll see that you can find it absolutely every day. Yes, thank you, but I just walked us down the road or I didn't feel like I had it. But I do have a lot of it, and I would encourage everybody else that sometimes it gets bitter butt like me to go, Okay, you know what, you have to be grateful for a lot of things you're probably not even thinking about right now, Like there's so much that we're not even think before. Because for example, I'm gonna go back to getting sick for a second. You know how when you get a cold or you get sick and you're like, man, the next time I'm healthy, I'm going to shade it so much. When I when my nose is clear and I'm not vomiting, I'm just gonna love life. So I'm gonna appreciate it every minute that i'm healthy because it's But then you get healthy and you're like, you don't even care anymore, and it's like whoa life is what it is you should be, you should be. Take a second and be like, I'm just grateful that I'm not sick right now. Everybody doing every good stuff. I'm thankful right now. Yep. It's like post Thanksgiving right now. Um, okay, we'll do what's the HAPs coming up in a little bit. We're gonna get into it there. I really had a good life for me. I something. I mean, people come on all the time they're like, oh, Bobby, you're such a good role model. You do everything, You're such positive. I'm normal human. I have to find my ways to get to these places. But I do put in the work to get there because I do. Again, I've had better butt a long time for which, by the way, just made up that term too, having better but better, but so feel free to use that as you want. Yeah, um, but yeah, I don't. I don't know. I'm no saint. Kinda sometimes i am, but but I'm not. I'm like, don't get it twisted. Yeah yeah, yeah, all right, let's get going here. Good morning, everybody. Take a second and be grateful for something that you didn't even think about because you're too busy worried about the other things to even be grateful for the things that you have handed to you or even your health. Is that why you were It's hard for you to have the gratitude for things in your life because you feel like you've worked. So it's like, why why am I being for something else to hustle for? Yes, like I've been busting. Why am I going to be grateful that? Like I've had to bust every part of my body for every second of my life to get all this crap. Be grateful for it? How about I worked for it and I deserve That's my mindset, Okay, now, I yeah, I was trying to process what you're saying because I was like, wow, yeah, because you have a house, you have a car, like some people don't have any of that, But I didn't but your your mindset was, Yeah, I have a house, but I work for it. Yeah hard, I try the part kid, Yeah I know, Okay, I see, I see, yeah, I see. I was like, somebody wants to hate on me for having something. Yeah, get out and hustle anyway, but I'm grateful. I go forward. But anyway, Bobby Bones, show Simon, know what you got. Temperatures across the country or dropping. New York City's bracing for a winter storm. It's gonna dump snow and freezing temperatures by tomorrow. In sports, and Patriots were possibly caught cheating again by videotaping the Bengals sideline and had a Sunday's game in Cincinnati. The NFL is investigating, and finally, in tech news, WhatsApp will stop working on millions of smartphones in twenty twenty if you have an older iPhone or Android. Back to you, Bones, all right, that's the news coming up. Amy goes shopping at Target with her daughter, and something happens that you aren't quite expected to happen, right, well, embarrassing, something we're all gonna laugh at, and we'll play riddle me this. We'll do kids riddles. All you guys. The adults in the room is have to figure out the kids riddles. All right, all that coming up here in the next two segments on the Bobby Bones Show show That's what happened. So, my daughter Stashira and I were shopping at Target and the shoe section there, the way you try on shoes is just like open open boxes everywhere, and you try them on. It's like free for all. And I'm around the corner trying on something else and she's like, mom, Mom, I want these. She comes around the corner with these super cute boots on and I'm like, those are cute. We should get those. Where where where are they? Where can we find the box? She's like, I don't know. And then I see this woman coming around the corner. She's on the phone and she's like, where are my boots? She was trying on boots, so she had her boots that she wore from home sitting in the floor while she was trying on other boots, and Stashira happened upon them, thought they were cute, which they were, and put them on. And how did you get out of that situation? I just was like she there was the girl, and then there was Sashira, and I was like, Stashira. I was like, those are her boots and she goes, oh, well, how was I supposed to know? I mean, she's real matter of fact about it. She's like, I didn't do it because I was more fied so I made it like a big deal and stuff. Here literally just looked at me him It's like, mom, this is how was I supposed to know? This is not my fault. And I was like, you're right, it's not. Let's just go take the boots off. Let's go. It was the woman upset or was she No, she was fine, but it was comical. If anything, she should have taken it as a compliment, like we both were like complimented her boots. Super cute and her daughter's really good. On TikTok though, yeah she is. Yeah, I love that. It's like doing she's a little director. She puts together scenes. Now she uses different people and props in the house, the one with your son and your dog. Yeah, it's like a love story of her Amy's son and her dog and Amy's daughter did the videos well anyway you can. I'm at mister Bobby Bones on TikTok and Instagram and Twitter. Although Amy your name on TikTok's weird, it's a whole different name. It's Radio Amy seven. Probably there were six Radio Amys before I thought. I thought I had Radio Amy, and I was telling people I'm Radio Amy, I'm Radio Amy. And then I noticed that I have a seven by my name. And I guess when I signed up, Radio Amy must have been taken, and by default they just gave me the seven, and I never It's TikTok's new to me. I take a number though I didn't notice a sixty nine, but I didn't notice, So anyway, I'm Radio Amy. Stepping right, here are some easy kids riddles for the adults in the room. We just google riddles for kids, and this is what comes up. It's called riddle me this survivor style. You get it right, you stay in the game. Riddle number one, What is it that smells most in a perfume shop? What is it that smells most in a perfume shop? There you go, riddle me this. I'm in I guess I'm in Amy the nose Nose Eddie Sadden, Moses, Okay, okay, wow, look at you guys. Riddle me this riddle number two. What kind of coat can only be put on when wet? What kind of coat? I'm in? Lightning over here? Wow, I'm in, Wow, I'm in. She's a little cocky aby paint lunch bikes, paint eddie coat of paint. Oh you're all right? Dang okay oka? What has three feet but cannot walk? And what? Whoa what? Oh my god? She throw some weird game sign which I'm not even sure was a gang so I don't think it's a real one, but they look through fingers. She was repping some area. What has three feet but cannot walk? I'm in for the wind. I'm in amy a yardsticks? A yardstick? Eddy? A yard Yeah? Yeah, good, boom, there it is, bam, a yard three feet long stick? All right, here we go. Whatever. I help you from your head to your toe. The more I walk, let me start over, let me start over. I help you from your head to your toe. The more I work, the smaller I grow. What am I? I help you from your head to your toe? The more I work, the smaller I grow? What am I? I think we gotta stumper, folks. Everybody on the panel looks confused. I know here one more time, I help you from your head into your toe. The more I work, the smaller I grow. What am I? If someone gets this, I think they will win. Everybody in Amy, I don't know muscles, muscles, muscles, skeleton, No soap, A bar of soap, head to the toe. More you work it? Sorry, well you've all missed it. So now we will go to sudden death, lightning ground, buzz in with your name if you know the answer, and you will be the winner of a riddle this. Oh you got the Sammy? I know I have been fast today. Ready? What can go through glass without breaking? Lunch box? Your image? What can go through glass without breaking it? Eddie? Eddie? Your sight? Amy? What can go through glass without breaking it? What can go through glass without breaking it? What can go through I don't know? I mean answer is light? Sorry? Nobody got it right? Definitely does. We will go another sudden death. I kept picturing a mirror. But okay, are you ready? Ye? Buzzing with your name. The more there is of this, the less you see. What is it? Any darkness? Who? I got it? You wanna do it? You wanna hit the winning Raymond know if you'll hit that music? Please? Winning prize? Is to say that that the riddle me this jingle in your own way, A riddle me the fastest. Want to join it on a topic? Call the show at one eight seven, seven seventy seven by Bobby Bole Show the Latest from Nashville in Tullywood Morgan, number two, thirty second, Skitty Jaco and announced an acoustic headlining tour in twenty twenty. It's called Down to the Tiki Tonk Tour and tickets go on sale December thirteenth. Brandley Gilbert says his house looks like the North Pole right now. He shared that his wife has a Christmas tree in every room of their house. Even their dog and their son have their own trees in their rooms. Brad Paisley and his family is getting in the holiday spirit as well. He's sharing photos on his Instagram of the craziness their elf on the shelf is getting into and one of them includes hunting reindeer. You can see on his Instagram at Brad Paisley. I'm number two. It's time for the good news. Good jahere. Alexander plays for the Green Bay Packers in the NFL and he wanted to do something to you know, give back. He had to help along the way, and he used to go to the Boys and Girls club growing up. So he went to the local Boys and Girls club in Green Bay and handed out a hundred autographed jerseys to all the kids and gave them a speech saying, hey, it's okay, you can dream big and you can go big places, because that's where he got his start playing football. And look where he is now. That's cool too. Ain't good? Good all the way around? And he went back, all right, that's what it's all about. That was tell me something good, Bob, show down. Sorry ye to day. This story comes to us from Connecticut. A twenty five year old man was driving down the highway when he thought someone cut him off, so he starts pulling up next him. Hey, pull over, let's fight. Let's fight. I'm gonna follow you. We're gonna fight. So it gets back behind the car and the car's like, well, this guy's gonna follow me and get scared, drives right to the police station because they'll be protected. So the twenty five year old guy jumps out of his car, rips off his shirt and goes let's go. Police come out. They're like, what are you doing, dude, and he was under the influence of alcohol. Yeah, a feeling, that's where was going. Yeah, you're gonna go to the police station and still try to fight somebody. No, he didn't realize he was in the police parking lot. Oh he's had no idea. No, you know, he just thought the guy was bulled over to fight. What's happening? All right? There you go. I'm much boxed out your bone head story of the day. You see, it's the Bobbing Ball show. Your buddy, and mind he missed the bobbing ball. This is the Bobby Ball Show. That's right. Now. What's happening. Let's go around the room now and see what's happening with everyone in a segment we call what's the HAPs? Hey, what's the hat? I've been using this app to walk my dog again, and it's pretty fantastic because what you do as I downloaded it, and then they background check all the people, and then they do their own check of all the people, and then they show up at your house and you just give him your dog. And so what happens for me is when I ride my bike at my house, my dog likes to eat my feet. He just thinks it's hilarious. When I'm spinning my feet, he just tries to attack him. And then if I shut the door he can hear me. It just barks the whole time. So I was like, how do I fix this? What I do is I downloaded this app. I don't want to see what the app is yet because I'm not sure. I'm not sure we fall on that okay, and I've only done it a few times. But they go and you watch them walk the dog like Geo location, like you see they just walk from your house and I picked an hour walk. It's it's a nice walk. Yeah. I get my full work out in it, though. So they did an hour walk with my dog and then they do like the distance one point the one for this one from me yesterday. I don't every day one point eight six miles walk. And by the way, he's a bulldog, so that helps wear him out too, which is great. He walked for sixty two minutes and they put up him a he did poo. They show wear on the map and food we yeah, they show weary. Yeah, they put like a splash or bloom like in their in the walking trailer they're on it did pee and that you get a report card at the end. Stanley is very sweet and energetic, love to sniff around the bushes. I enjoy walking him. And so I've had the same walker now three times. It's a college girl that just shows up to the house and walks a dog. But it's pretty legit because I don't like putting my dog away when I have to work out, and he can use that hour walk. And I mean, and you don't have time to do an hour bike ride and an hour dog walk. Well, I do try to walk take on the backyard and play with him, but I really go walk him around the neighborhood. I'm gonna big walk. Guy won't like to walk with me. I like to walk with a girlfriend. What I don't like walking? Oh? I love walking. But anyway, I've been using this apple a little bit. When I do determine after like five uses that it's pretty good. I'll come back and tell you guys what it is. I want to get the full lay. Yeah that sounds cool though, but yeah, and also my dog is now back to biting again, not snap biting, but just like chewing on human feet and skin. I don't know. He's like, can you tee the again in a year. He's not even a year old's ten months old. Hot sauce. Out of control, out of control. That's what's to happen with me, as the amy. What's up? So I ate out of a caso fountain and it changed my life. Um So, it's like a chocolate fountain. You've seen those all over the place, and you put like, I don't know, some angel haircake or strawberries under there, and it's amazing. We'll picture this a ball like a table set up with chips scattered around the table. It's called a nacho bar. Wow. And you just grabbed the chips and there's a caso fountain flowing with cheese. And I don't even really do cheese often, but I mean, you can't say no to a caso fountain. I'm looking at it now. I imagine if you leve this thing out though, yeah, dry up, that would be bad. Don't do that. We had Morgan umertuna. I had okay, so the other night at a Mexican restaurant that she liked. NFL. It's so good. It wasn't in a fountain. It wasn't a skelet though, which is probably the second best kind of kids. Fountain, then skelet then bowl, but just like, I don't know. I just thought, if you're throwing a party or a reception or something and you've got a fountain, like, goat, be different. Don't don't do chocolate, do queso? What would you prefer to a chocolate or a queso? Ok? So yeah, me too, I think, Yeah, I already know because I've had both. And now that I've had queso and this was so new to me, I'm sure this is like a thing, but I don't know, it's new to me. So I thought i'd tell you all about it as legit. Right there, you go, an, what's that over to you? Man? My wife is pregnant. She's twenty six weeks pregnant with our second child. We went to the doctor yesterday and I just want to let you know. The little kid is weighing in at two pounds three ounces and it's the size of a zucchini. Yeah, we are getting there when he starts to give us fruits and vegetables, because like he did it last time, but it would go from like a zucchini to a limit. Yeah, it was like it was it was like changing shape. Yeah, he'd be like, this one's like a bundle of grapes, and then the next one he'd say, well, this one is like a cornercopia with seven fruits. Yeah. Yeah, So we got a zucchini inside my wife, just growing, but like a baby zucchini or like a well I mean how I mean it says nine inches that's how big a zucchini is. Oh, okay, wow, you go, hey, what's that? What's happening with you? I got really really excited the other day because I started watching a new show and I think it's on Amazon or maybe Netflix, called A Man in the High Castles on Amazon. Yeah, I love it. I'm like three episodes in. I told Bobby about it, Bobby, because dude, you're not gonna like that after a while. It's really great. Of Amy watched it before I did. It was like, Bobby, you're gonna hate it after a few episodes. And then I watched it, and a few episodes I thought it was. It was wonderful, and then you're just like, what the heck is happening? Like this is so too much. So I'm at the point where I'm like, I'm still loving it, but I know now now, maybe you guys. Maybe not. Maybe It's like I'm waiting for it to get bad now because the actual concept is amazing. It's like if the US lost the World War World War two, and then half of US was Japan, half of US was Germany. Didn't happen. But the concept's interesting. Yes, and if the first few hips are great, but yeah, check back in at six. I will all right, there you go. That's what's the half of all of us? Hey, what's the hack? Well, let's do this. Why don't we play the new Christmas song from Eddie and I The Raging Idiots elf on the shelf. By the way, we tickets go on so Friday to see us in Washington, DC and Virginia Beach. We're only adding two shows to our entire tour. Tickets and soil Friday at Raging Idiots dot com. Here is the dumb debate of the day, as brought to us by Lunchbox today. I want to know if it's still cool to write your initials in wet cement. Because my wife and I were taking a walk around the neighborhood and they were building a how and so in front they had redone the sidewalk, and so the sidewalk, I guess had just been laid, so there's a little yellow caution tape and it's wet cement, and I want to go put LB in the concrete. And so it's there forever at age thirty eight, okay, because I always think it's so cool when you're a kid, you could, you know, like put your fingers in the wet cement or whatever, and so I thought it was so cool. My wife was like, you are not doing that. You're thirty eight years old. And we kind of got in an argument right there on the sidewalk, on the walk because I wanted to write LB in the cement, and she goes, it's not cool anymore to do that, and so I was like, you know what, I'll take it to the show and we'll find out if it's still cool to write your name in the cement. Dumb debate of the day. When is it not cool to write your name in the cement? Amy? I mean, I've done it as an adult, yeah, but I was trying to think the last time I did it, I was twenty two. But what's your cutoff? It can be cool forever. That could be an answer. It's forever on the Texas A and M campus kind of is that part of it? Like, because is that something that text him does? No? No, if I but if I do ever go back to George Bush Avenue or whatever with my kids that we like and that's some initials. So your answer is, I mean I kinda, I kind of think it's okay. I think it's okay. You still think it's cool? Yeah, I don't. Is it? Is it vandalism? I don't want to. Well, it gets into that too, like you don't own that property, right, yeah, well we do. We pay taxes you when the college maybe is it Texam Public School? Yeah? Okay, yes, to pay where's your thing? I mean it was just sidewalk, so I mean that's public property. Yeah, but you can't spray paint on public property. You can't just go destroy things. Oh well it's not destroy it's autograph, it's art. Yes, there you go, dumb again. You can't go and paint, okay. Dumb debated that this is not his specific situation. But when is it not cool to put your name in submit amy? Never? Okay, so it's always cool. I can't I'm saying this, But yeah, I think it's fine I'm gonna go with after sixth grade. Six Yeah, after you're okay stick in the mud. Have you done it? Like? After when is that the latimuted it. I don't think I've ever done it. Oh, man, you've never experienced it. No, never your hand. We didn't have a drive, but we had a gravel like dogs prints. No, nothing, you should go experience it now. I just think after you're twelve, it's oh, it's like trick or treating. There's a point where it's all fun, and then you just get too old to be doing that. So I'm gonna go when you hit the teens, unless it's something that they want you to mark the occasion just for sake of doing it. It's not cool anymore. Twelve is your cut off? That's my that's my answer. Produce ready bones. I'm gonna have to agree with you. This is the same kind of people that carve on picnic tables at restaurants. No, no, I don't do that. It's there's no reason to do it. I think when you're a kid, it's cool. You put your hand friends, it's awesome. But this isn't even your place, Like this is a sidewalk. N You can't do this. There's not a wrong answer. I mean, you'll go to jail if you do it. It's not yours. I'm saying, it's just a dumb debate. It's a kid thing to me. It's a kid thing to me too. Wow, I thought everybody got a smile on their face when I brought it up. In the fact that just thinking about putting your initials in the cement just makes you smile and put you in a good movie. It does feel good. Okay, Well, you guys have that side of debate, and we have our side, right Morgan number two, what do you think about this? You're twenty six. I think he should do it. I think it's always be like good to be with your kid at heart, and that's just you're having fun. If you're gonna get in trouble, you're gonna get in trouble. But he's being a kid and he's loving life. I think that's totally fine. Raymond doing the glassroom, Yeah, it's just like sidewalk chalk. If you're not gonna do that, why are you doing the cement? And also there's technology now they put another layer over it. Your name ain't gonna still be there. This isn't back in the day. These guys are smarter now they'll put a little bit more cement and they're gonna have to work harder instruction guys already or work in a full time day, add another hour to it. Oh that great perspective. I mean, if they want to ruin the art, they could just leave it be and then it's not extra work. Okay, Well, thank you all. There isn't a right or wrong answer. That's why it's a debate. That was your dumb debate of the day. Go to our Facebook page at facebook dot com slash Bobby Bones show you can put youranswer' Amy's pile of stories. So this year in twenty nineteen, if you wanted to buy everything from the Twelve Days of Christmas song, it would cost you around thirty nine thousand dollars. The most expensive items would be the seven Swansea swimming. What about the five golden rings, because that can be really anything. Oh and that could be gold goals. Yeah, five golden rings. That could be like any It could be a million dollars. Well, did Swansea swimming? They're about two grand apiece. And then if it takes Swansea walk in item is the partridge to put in your pear tree. The partridge is only twenty bucks. Yeah, I don't know what partridge is. The bird no, but I wouldn't like honey, that's a partridge right there. The pear tree is gonna cost you about one hundred and nine to nine dollars and ninety five cents. So there's a really funny episode. And then I'm gonna shock you guys. But talking about this of the office, well weird. I didn't think you were going to go where Andy buys Aaron. Everything from the Twelve Days of Christmas, Like all the drummers show up drumming at the end one because she gets attacked by the bird. This is the whole thing, and he's our secret Santa, and then all the drummers. It's pretty good. I don't really want talk about the office much, but now you know, but I just want to talk about it all right? What else? Amy, So this Wisconsin city has made it illegal to throw snowballs, ranking them alongside rocks and arrows as an outlawed weapon. Huh. There must have been bad things happen, so many of them that they've had to regulate, much like in one of the cities in Virginia where you couldn't truck your tweet after twelve. There must have been a bunch of idiots where thirteen, like breaking windows and stuff like. You don't make bo humbug rules without bo humbug rule breakers. Yeah, it's all fun in games until someone gets hurt. Yeah, So why is there any reason as to why they did that? And said it really isn't the interest of public safety? Snowballs are deemed as quote weapons, throwing snowballs It kind of sucks. Hey, getting hit my onn it hurts, and they never stay intactic. You you know, it looks fun on TV. Then your hand ends up cold if you have a glove on it, then it's wet. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm with that law. What else you get? I know you don't get on Facebook that much, and neither do I. But there's like a really scary thing happening on there right now with white vans. When you like a van or like a shoe. I thought the shoes when I read the headline too, but no, a literal van. When I say white van, does that make you think of anything like a white Yeah? Like creepy creep like a creeper, like a kidnapper. Right, so we already had that in our heads, but now like this, rumors like caused the spear that these white vans are driving around kidnapping women across the United States and selling their body parts somewhow. I don't know. It's kind of crazy and people are give into it, and it's really just a Facebook thing. It's not real, so don't believe it. Even though the mayor in Baltimore said to his people, his community that he's in charge of, do not park anywhere near a white man. If you seeking this a bigger thing than it is, it said, make sure you keep your cell phone in case someone tries to abduct you. How about for any color van? Right? I lunchbox is particularly defensive because doesn't your dad drive a white van. My dad has driven a white van his entire life. And didn't your dad get called at Christmas time to not be Santa again? Yes, because there was a Santa Claus that was with the exact same name as him, that was accused of bad stuff, bad stuff with underaged kids. And they called and they said are you so and so And they said yes, and they said are you going to be Santa again after these charges, and he was like, I've never been Santa Claus and my whole life. But they were like, you drove a white van, right, And it's like, I do. You're the one, right. And what's so funny is one time we played on a softball too, even the scroll our team. We're walking and she goes, oh, I parked right there next to the Chester molester van. That's my dad's van. See if I had a white people named Chester too. By the way, you're born with the name Chester, and then all of a sudden everyone's gonna nickname you Chester the molester. You have a work van that's white and your kidnap pause. The white Man and Santa Claus had the same name. We should just know that Facebook stupid and this is not a real thing, right, I mean I would just still proceed with caution. Yeah, I mean, you just don't buy a white van. Yeah, maybe blue one? Yeah right, I'm Amy. That's my bile. That was Amy's pile of stories. It's time for the good news, something good. Okay. I've never heard of this, and now that I have, I'm obsessed with it. It's called trees for troops and it's a group that delivers thousands of Christmas trees to military bases all over the world each year. And this year they're sending out sixteen thousand trees to bases across the country and overseas. I guess back in like two thousand and five, and they a morale builder. Yeah, oh huge. So in your husband when he was let me ask you this, when he was in the military, he was stationed or he was away, right, just let's say away, how important was it for him to get things super important, even little things that you would think would be non essential items, uh, super important. And every soldier or whatever you can say, every soldier is different. So some people just want to detach from that and do their job and be like, as soon as I'm out of here, I'm out of here. I don't want any reminder that I'm not at home with my family over Christmas. But my husband was the opposite, and most people he worked with and plus we would send extra stuff so he could share it with other people that didn't have people sending them things. Well, I love that story. That's what it's all about, right there. That was tell me something good. I hope that your body and misses the bobbing ball. That's right, getting closer to Christmas. That means another Christmas joke. Today, Morning Corny, what kind of music to elves listen to? What kind of music do elves listen to? Rap? Oh? W R APR. That was the Morning Corny Bobby Bones show. Eddie says, we need to book this person as a guest. Oh my gosh, Bones, you would love this guy. What happened? So I went to a Christmas concert and this guy came out as a special guest and he starts singing an original song that he wrote, and I'm like, oh my gosh, this guy sounds just like Freddie Mercury from Queen Nails It. And then he does a Queen cover. I'm like, oh my gosh, he sounds just like him. And then I find out later that he is the actual voice of the guy that sang in the movie Boheman Rhapsody. So he's the one who sang all the songs while this other dude did the acting. Really does he live here? He lives here in Nashville, and he did a great cover of Mariah Carey's All I Want for Christmas. I'm like, oh, my we need to get him on the show now. So let me get this straight. The guy's name in Bohemian Rhapsody is m Y. He didn't sing the songs, right, he acted and then lip sync the songs. This guy sang the Freddie Mercury, so he was the voice. Okay, let me hear. We have a club of this? Yeah? Here we goody? Is that queen or him? That's him? Bones. I literally couldn't tell the difference. And it's even weird. He kind of with all those background vocals. That's not a queen track. No, he did like a karaoke track, but that's him doing the main voice. Wow, I'm telling you, I was watching him. I did not how did we get him in here this? I will find him, don't worry. I don't worry. Ay. First of all, did you know that there was a different singer? I didn't know. I just assumed that Robot guy can sing mister Robot, Yes, and I would love if he comes in May. I request Maria Carryola one for Christmas because it's Christmas time. Yeah. If you can get a hold of him, we'll book him, but it has to be either late this week or next week. Is the we're done, I will find him. What's his name, Mark Martell? I believe did the crowd go crazy? Yeah? Everyone was just like in shock. How good he was? Okay, so cool? So see if we can book him here? Hey, give me a queen clip we have now play him again. You're sure that's him? I should wear this is him? And I pictured him coming here and you just like big smile on your face, sing this one, noting your kids. You get him to play at the Christmas thing. It was just part of a thing at the university, and he's sang with Amy Grant. Amy Graham brought him up, and there's like, this is my good friend Mike Mark Martell. Well, while we're at it, maybe Amy Graham can come up to maybe yeah, maybe, Okay, coming up in a second. They did a whole bunch of science and they have found out now the most Christmas ee song, no movie, the most Christmasy movie of all time. Okay, they did a bunch of scientific data factors and they've all we have the most Christmas Eve movie of all time coming up next here on the Bobby Bones Show. All right, So a scientific study used twenty different factors to find out what the ultimate Christmas movie is. They looked at all the really popular America Christmas movies and here are the categories, the number of Christmas references in each movie, how they did at the box office, their reviews, and how much of a festive buzz they continue to create year after year. Drum roll please, These are the most Christmas e movies, according to Science. By the way, your favorite Christmas movie is? I mean it's a toss up old School Home Alone or Elf being more newish. Number ten National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. How are you good? I haven't seen it a long time. That's a good one. Number nine The Polar Express, which I never that's Tom Hanks. Yeah, that's good. It's a cartoon. I think they do a version of Polar Express. Here. Is that what they're telling us? Yes, Eddie, Now we're playing at the operation. One of the guys like, hey, they do a Polar Express. We can get on train and like take a train somewhere. It goes somewhere for like an hour and then comes right back and everyone put on your pajamas. Yeah, kids dress up in pajamas. Yeah, that's a real thing, a real thing. I guess they do it in different cities too. Number eight is Gremlins. Now Gremlins falls into the Gremlins Diehard home alone category of is it a Christmas movie? You can make up your own mind, but it happens at Christmas and with a lot of people. If it happens at Christmas, it's then just a Christmas movie. Gremlins at eight. Number seven Arthur Christmas. It's an animated movie that was big in England. Number six The Nightmare Before Christmas? Aybody to see that one? Tim Burton. Oh. Probably top five. The most Christmas Ee movies according to Science Santa Claus with Tim Allen, which is a wonderful love it, yeah, yeah, yeah, yea. I loved Home Improvement too, and I was like, this is crazy Home Improvements doing a Christmas movie. Number four, How the Grinch Stole Christmas with Jim Carrey. Number three love Actually it's kind of the only wrong command here. Yeah. In two thousand and three. Number two most Christmas Eve movie according to Science is Elf, which is really good and as a test of time too, because Will Farrell just remains funny to us. I wonder if he's funny to kids. Yes, my kids love it, but not that movie, but Will Ferrell's comedy. I think, Oh, so he's in um Daddy's Home. Have you ever seen that? It's actually really good, so good, like, yeah, my kids died laughing. They saw Daddy's Home two first, and then when saw Daddy's Home because they thought Daddy's the two second one was so good and they loved it. I was watching when I was shooting that Barrett Girl's show. I was in Norway and the only American show that was on TV was Daddy's Home. I couldn't find anything in English, and so I was like, I watched Daddy's Home. I guess the only thing I know what they're saying, And so it was it's him and Wallburg, right, yes, and like he's the step dad and Wallburg's the real dad and he's trying to he was in jail and then he got out Wallburg and then he comes into their life. Yeah, and then in the second one, their dads come into the scene and like mel Gibson is one of the dad's and that other guy from I can't think of his name, but it's actually really funny. Yeah, it's so like kids, I'm glad you think it's funny because I was in a foreign country going is this funny? Or is this the only thing? In English? No? And I don't really know for sure for sure if it's for kids, because some stuff it's a lot like kind of just warning. But it goes right over my kid's head, so it doesn't matter. The number one most Christmassy movie according to Science is from nineteen ninety Home Alone. Who Yes, if, by the way, if you're someone who assists diehards Christmas movie, it barely missed the top ten at number eleven, and so Home Alone two and Scrooged also are close up there. I just don't feel like die Hard or Graham or Home Alone is a Christmas movie. They can be put at any time of the year, and it's you can have the same storyline. You can't do elf if it's not about Christmas. That's my classification of move environments. Yes, so the most Christmas movies Home Alone. You have your kids seen that? Yes? They like it? Still? Yeah? Does it hold up? It holds up? They laugh out loud, hold on one, two, three, three, though didn't even have McAuley culkin in it. Listen, the kids don't care about that. Oh, they don't. No, I do. I'm like, how do you keep forgetting your kid too? Come on, after the first one, you can't do you forgetting your kid twice? Right? Well, the third one had a different kid, all right, different family. They didn't watch Home Alone one. This was an this year. Yeah, Bobby bone, So go to Karen and Saint Louis. Karen, how are you today? Good morning, Bobby, You're good, I'm good. How are you? This part pretty good? Like to give you a chance to win some cash. If you would like a chance to win some cash, I love it. Yeah, Okay, we will play the sixty seven I can show down where I will ask you ten questions in sixty seconds. If you get all them right, you win one hundred dollars cash of my money. Now do you know why? It's my money? So the fill broken. They won't give you any money to pay Yeah, the show won't pay me money to pay you you guys. That's okay, Kerol. What are you doing, Saint Louis? I'm working in the h R department for a big company. And how's that working out for you? Really good? So far? They have to come with you with all the problems like somebody pete on me? Does that happen? I'm actually on the back end of it. I'm on like the it side of it. Oh okay, okay, like someone hacked into my video that when I was peeing on somebody exactly. Okay, all right, So here we go. We're gonna do ten questions. You can have the choice of US history or science. Which one would you like? I'll do US history? Okay, she wants US history? So why don't we give this a run. The clock starts at the end of the first question. Boy, the first one is so easy to like, Karen, I'm just setting you up. I want somebody to win. I'm ready. Okay, here we go. Question number one. How many stars are on the American flag fifty correct? In what year was the Declaration of Independent signed? Correct? In which month is Labor Day? September? Correct? What state is the Liberty Bill located Pimponia? Correct? What is the capital city of America? Correct? The Titanic sank after striking an Iceberg? What US city was the Titanic heading to Boston? Incorrect? And what state is Harvard University Massachusetts? Correct? Which president freed the slaves Abraham Lincoln? Correct? Who designed the first American flag? Correct? What's the capital of Alaska? Uh? You know? Correct? The Titanic sank after striking an Iceberg? What US city wasn't heading to New York? Is? Wow? I mean she had like she nothing faced her. By the way, this is the first ever pure winner of the content here, like want somebody won with Amy as a helper. But Karen, k you're the first person to ever win the whole content. Oh how do you feel? I feel pretty good? The great way to start today? Are you like a teacher or something? How did you know all that? So? I just I'm a Turia buff I played TRUI man, she just crushed it. And then she came all the way back around. Did you know when I was coming back around to the Titanic question what your answer was going to be? Again? I did because I knew the minute I said that I was rubbing. I don't know why I said Boston. I knew it was New York. Wow. Look here she is our first ever winner. Karen. There's yes, Okay, you're very welcome. I'm gonna send you one hundred bucks in money in my money. Yeah, how do you feel about? Take it? It's Christmas time. You're to take him money from somebody. How do you feel about that? I feel well. I feel it because I'm going to donate it to the charity. I like, all right, all right, all right, all right, I want to do that. All right, there she has Karen or Big Karen, stay on the phone. Okay, I'm gonna get you some money. Thanks, Bobby, You're welcome, see you later. I can't believe that. Good for her, I meanless and I have to pay my own money, But I'm okay with that. Yeah, their first ever pure winners. It's all you have to do it all the time. Yeah, one time, Yeah, no twice because we had to mail the money the last time too. When Amy with him, it's time for the good news. For nearly twenty years, Deb Schwartz has helped special education students at Brownstown Central High School in Indiana, but recently, Devin her husband Dan, went the extra mile to help one of those students, nineteen year old Dyllan Bridges, by adopting him. He was in foster care. He was struggling in school. Deb and Dan had already raised two children, and they believe they can make a big impact on Dylan's lives. They said, hey, do you want to move in? Quote? He had a bad situation. The new life situation has given Dylan a big boost. He's now achieving in school, optimistic about his future, especially with him working with him on having not only school but home and then being able to live independently. And they're working on him with that as well. So they definitely didn't have to do that. Love that they did that older kid too, nineteen and special needs. All just an amazing speak shout out to them. That's what it's all about. That was tell me something good. Hope that your buddy and mind if he missed the Bobby Ball Colleges is a Bobby show. That's right all right. Time now to open up the mail bag. Let's do it, Bobbies mailbag. Hey Bobby, my fiance of two years told me last night that he doesn't want to get married because he's working a new job that pays him more and if we get married that would quote put us in a different tax bracket, and he thinks it will make us oh taxes instead of getting the big return when we file. I mean, I guess I understand the point, but I don't want to be dating or engaged for the rest of our lives, like I thought we were on the same page since the proposal was a complete surprise. I just get this slight, nagging feeling that I'm being too upset or shallow about this whole thing. Is there even a point of being engaged when he doesn't want to get married? Am I expected to walk around with a ring while he walks around without one? How is that even fair? I'm just not sure what to do here. Do I continue to be engaged without the promise of marriage? What do you think? Signed anonymous amy? I mean, no, you don't continue to be engaged. That zero reason for me to not get married because of a tax bracket. I understand his logic and if he's trying to be all precise with every single penny here and penny there, But no, that's just not cool because like, your finances are going to change. What if you got married eventually, if you had another tax bracket, you're gonna get divorced? No? Please, that is an excuse. If that were happening to me right now, I feel for her. That sucks. Wow, Wow, that's how I feel. I'm saying bad words. May's been a little on till the last couple days of and my daughter said sucks the other day and I said, what did you just say? She was like, oh, I thought we could say that because you say it. I was like, oh my bad, I need to stop saying that. But that I feel for her. That is not a fun position to be in because I just feel like, I don't know, he's he's just what cold feet? Well, you know, yesterday we really disagreed on the old man, did you guys? I didn't feel like you were you were very so you got feisty? No, you did. Think sometimes you come in and you're insensitive places off the show and you bring it on this show. And I have to you got irridabola bid Oh I didn't Judges, I did not. I was fine with he was worked up well anyway. So whatever we disagreed yesterday, yes, and today we agree. Oh thank goodness. I thought you're about to say, well a wise man on one set's good logic, don't get married if you're in a different tax bracket. Here's the thing, right, come on you. My husband and I we've switched tax brackets since we got married. A humble bragg opinion here braggy. Okay, fourteen years of marriage. Okay, yeah, we went down on my tax then you had kids. Stuff will come and go up and down. Yes, like waves in the ocean, splichy splashy, up and down. You can't withhold marriage because of you might go up in a tax bracket. Yeah, that's just something you deal with together. And that's just you just pay them any if you have to pay more money. And although but he just got didn't know what he's talking about. Fully, So if you're engaged, you're engaged to get married. It sounds to me, honestly, it's like it's not even about the tax bracket. That's like, dude, just don't want to get married. And they've been engaged two years. Yeah, if I can just say that, first of all, if it is about the tax bracket, that's dumb. Stop making it about that get engaged. Let me just say that, it sounds to me like he just doesn't want to get engaged. It doesn't want to be married at all, right now, right, So I'd had this conversation with them, an open one and say hey, say hey, I talked to Bobby and ain't me Yeah, And they agreed for once on the mailbag. I mean, it's not a good situation all the way through. I have a talk with them. It sounds to me like he doesn't want to get married. If it's really about the tax bracket, push him. We gotta get married, or I'm not being engaged to you because you dog and then you're in that position where you're kind of forcing all to made him. Sometimes dudes need him. I think his wife had to do it to him. I needed it. Look at me, she said, married me? Or she said poop to get off the pot pretty much, And what did you do? And I'm married her pooped. Yes, you didn't get off the pot. You're married. That's our advice. This is not a good situation either way. He's wrong both ways. You cannot be more right. He's wrong and he's wrong. Yeah, that's the mailback than that was bobbies mailbag. Oh you have to do just go to our Facebook page and add your input over there Bobby Bones Show on Facebook. Or if you have another suggestion or something you wants to talk about Morgan number two, how do they get in touch with us? Mailbag at Bobby Bones dot com. There you go. That's the mailbag. By the way, it sounds like a pretty exciting A lot of people are reaching out for my hometown. I'm going to the my hometown's basketball game on Friday night, And so what brought this on just because you wanted to go to a game. I've been trying to get back. I tried to get back all the football season. I'm trying to get back at least once a year to see my high school. I do so much with them. I try to from scholarships, and so I want to go back. And finally I was like, this Friday, I can go. So I'm gonna try to go alone. Yes, I mean I'll go with you, meet up with some people. Yeah yeah, yeah, no date. Before everybody starts jumping in going, I'm not taking a date. I don't think you take a date. I just know how you guys get hometown. This is a Hallmark movie. Every good take a girl home with you to your hometown basketball game where you have a sign in the town. I do when you went in my town? How clutch would that be? You're taking a girl in a date and you enter and you're like, oh, when you know we're in my town? Now? Wow? When I get up, I feel like Bobby spent up for six years. Oh all right, Dustin Lynch riding roads here on the Bobby Bones Show. Bobby Show. So Lunchbox was in the hospital over the weekend. What happened? So my kid brought a bug home he got sick. A couple days later, I get it. It's Friday afternoon. I wake up from my nap and I'm like, I don't feel good, and I go in the bathroom and I start throwing up, and next thing I wake up, I'm on the bathroom floor. So I passed out. Wow, really yeah, And so I'm like, okay, no big deal, No big deal. That's crazy. I never know that I've ever passed out just one time, so I was like, it's no big deal. About an hour later, same thing happens, and I wake up on the bathroom floor again. I'm like, okay, this is scary. So later my wife gets home and I'm on the couch and I gotta go again, and I start walking to the bathroom and I say I'm not gonna make it, so I try to grab onto the wall and next thing I know, my wife is waking me up off the living room floor and she says, I was just sprawled out, my head up against the TV stand and she heard a crash. She comes running down the store stairs and goes, it's not funny. That's not a funny joke. And I didn't move and she said she shook me for like ten seconds. And I finally woke up and I said where am I? And so she was like, we're going to the AR. So we go to the AR and I tell him I've been passing out and they give me an EKG test to check my heart. And I mean the AR when you go in is packed with people. What are most people there for? I don't know. I don't talk to people. I mean, it's just overlaid, like why are you here? I was feeling so bad. I was just like, it's gonna take me forever to get in. I'm just gonna sit here with all these other people other at the front desk. So what's your occupation? I'm like, lunchbox by Bone show. You did not you did not drop your name at the er. Yeah, because they asked my occupation, but that's not your name. You have a real name, but my occupation. When they said occupation, I said lunchbox, the Bobby Bone show, which what was your goal with that? I saw all those people, so I figured I was going to be waiting for a long time. And when I'm sick and I'm not feeling good and I'm passing out, I feel like I need to be moved to the front of the line. Do you think that what you were going through was worse than what everybody else is going because they were kind of laughing and joking with each other and talking and hanging out there. I was in not a joking mood. I was not looking, I was not talking to my wife, I was not talking to anybody. It was right. And then I'm more, you know, if people see me, Oh there's a celebrity in the waiting room, they start want to come and type take pictures. Like I don't have time to think about that. So I get back in the room and I think they moved me up a little bit because of who I was, And all of a sudden, the are you by the way lunchbox the Bobby Bone Show? And so I get in the room and the doctor comes in and he starts talking to me about all this about passing out, and he doesn't know why. So they run all this blood work. They hook me up to an IVY and then the doctor brings in, Oh, here's my assistant that wants to shadowing me. All of a sudden, he has a shadow because a celebrity's in there, so he's bringing he's bringing his buddy from another part of the hospital to come check me out. Do you really believe this is happening? Yes? Do you really believe? I mean, what are the odds that when I come in there's a shadow, because the first time the doctor came in, there was no shadow and the nurse, like I had one nurse And twenty minutes later, Oh, I switched shifts with Stephanie, and I'm like, come on, like, really, I am just trying to get healthy here. I am sick. I feel like like I am passing out, Like I am literally passing out when I'm sick and you're bringing all your friends. He switched with Stephanie. Stephanie went home for the day. Yeah, right, so they could not figure out why I was passing, you know, with all these people with like nine it's doctor, I mean, and I got ivy. I got two bags of fluids. I was in there for like six and a half seven hours. Wow, really. Yeah. Do you think you were held longer? I think because they were hoping more friends would be able to get up there. And then I was worried, like you see on TMZ, like oh, Reese Witherspoon goes a cedar Siani. You know. I was like, great, I'm gonna be on TMZ. One of these people came in here and took a picture of me in the hospital. Okay, but I haven't seen anything on TMZ, so maybe they followed the hippo laws. But they did invite the rest of the hospital staff. And when I left, oh, I have a good night, and have a good night. Everybody makes sure. I hope you feel better. I didn't see him doing that to other patients, so would you say? And by the way, just to our listeners, I don't think anyone else in the show feels this way about themselves. Just lunch bikes. But I'm gonna ask this question. Do you think your celebrity status, whatever that means, helped you in the situation? Oh? For sure. I mean because the waiting. I'm telling you, if you ever go to an ear, it is it takes a long There were so many people. I didn't realize how many people went to the ear and there was a lot of people. And when I left, there was still a lot of people out there waiting, same ones. Few of them. Yes, they've been waiting forever because they didn't have the cloud. Oh man, it was a rough I mean, I'll be honest. The first time I passed out, I thought I died. No, don't listen because I have my head over the toilet. You thought you died. I did, yeah, because when you wake up, everything's kind of blurry. And I had no idea where I was. And my bathroom is white, and they say when you die that you see white, and so I just laid there for a second. I was like, oh, it was real dirty dirty. They say there's key on the floor of heaven. Let me say I had a bruise on my side because I landed on the toilet toilet bowl brush like it stabbed me on the side. And I really thought I died the first time. I How long did it take you to realize you hadn't died? Probably about five seconds? Okay. Then I realized the toilets there, and I was like, okay, I'll put it together. I was throwing up and I a commode. That guys of them, it's scary. I mean the second time I passed out, the whole passing up. I'm still worried about it. Yeah, that part they don't have a conclusion. Yes, because the second time I passed out while I was throwing up in the toilet and then I woke up and I had thrown up again on the ground and my face was in the throw Yeah, that part's scary. That that part serious human Thank goodness, I got to the hospital on time, and they treated me like the celebrity that I am because they got me feeling so much better. Do you think they took better care of you? Because I don't think they would give a normal person an EKG whatever that means. But they hooked up some monitors in my heart to make sure it was okay. Oh well, we're glad. Man, I didn't have a pillow and one of the nurses went and stole a pillow from someone else's bed. Oh so they took him a non celebrity. Yes, oh man, that person didn't have a pillows. Being a celebrity, they didn't charge me a dime. Watch right out, Oh, Dan gues celebrity discounts you haven't gotten your insurance bill yet. He said, here's some medication. Have a great night. Okay, wow, well we're glad. You check. We're glad, I thought. I mean, guys, that was the scarier. I mean, the fact that I passed out from a standing up position. I was probably the worst one. And also, you should not play jokes on your wife so much, because when you do really hurt, she's like she did she and she's pregnant. She came running on the stairs. She said, that's not funny, and I didn't move. She goes then I got scared. Well, we're glad joking, you're okay? Now right, I am, And thank you to everybody for the thoughts and prayers. I really different. Nobody gave you thoughts and prayers. Nobody knew. Oh oh, all right. This game is simple. It's early in the morning. Gonna warm everybody up at this game. I'll play you a sound. You named the sound. That's it. We're playing name that sound. These are all different things you'd find around the office, and they I'll get harder as we go. Miss it and you're out Survivor style. Let me introduce our three players. First of all, to my letter. She is, Amy, everybody really good it sounds. Yes, she is over right in front of me as lunchbox there office, so I should know these sounds. And over there next to lunchbox is our video producer Eddie. Yeah, my life is an office. That should be easy. Excuse me, My life is an office. Yes, my life right, wife, she's not in office. Sound number one? Can you name this sound? M I'm gonna play for you again, and then we'll play the whole music we call it. All right. Here we go, here's sound one more time. I got it. There you go. I'm in. I'm in for the win. Everybody, how specific do you need? I just need what's written down here? Oh, if it's ever close, I go to Mike d Okay, okay, um Amy tape, lunchbox's tape dispenser, Eddie tape tape is the answer. Everybody's going through there. Nice work. All right, Here we go in the office. What does this sound? Sounds from the office? What does that sound? Amy looks puzzled right now because it could be a couple of things. Sounds from the office. Hit it again, I got it. Okay, let's get a little holding music. Go on here, Amy what is that. It's a vacuum. That's a shredder. Oh and Amy goes haha in your face. Last that is a paper shredder. Yeah, it is a vacuum cleaner. That's a vacuum. Played again, Raimundo, it doesn't even sound like a shredder. Don't hear the paper crinkling. I hear things getting sucked up into the bottom of it. Yeah, sorry, you two elbow by the way, here's Amy. Here you go. Oh that was terrible. You want to do one more run? Yea? All right, here we go. This is uh the next game even We'll do another quick round and action. This is still at work office sounds? Is that one sound? It's one? Sure, it's one thing. Okay, go ahead, let's play it again. All right. Everybody's trying to act it out what they think it is at work? At work? I'm in, all right, lunch boxes in? Amy, are you in? Yeah? Okay, let's where you eddie? I remember the wind, Amy? A phone ringing on silent phone, vibrate, cell phone vibrating. Everybody gets sounding. You got, go ahead, they're getting a little harder. Now here we go. Sounds from the office. Can you name this sound. I'm in huh one more time for those little listening in the back. Oh, think I got it. I remember the wind, all right, Amy, the hand dryer and bathroom. No, I'll put a copy machine. Guys, it's easy, copee machine. You've been eliminated. Next one up, Survivor style. Second round. Hit it, man, hit it again. I remember the wind, lunch box, stappler, that's my stapler? Have you teen my tabler? Have you Amy beating my tabler? All right, here we go. Next one, it's sun from the office. Go ahead? What all I played again? Oh? I'm here a button? What imber? The win lunch box? I'm in hand dryer, Eddie. Do you have hand dryer? I do not? Okay, so you can still win if you get the stride. I don't know. I have a heater, Amy, microwave, microwave. Oh of course in the room. We're now a sudden death. So man, I was a tough one. First we played again. Remember of the microwave. No, it's easy. I know it's easier when you hear what it is. Okay, So first one to get this right? Wind sudden death, yell your name? Yeah, here we go. This is let's do in order number seven? Right, here we go, Eddie, Eddie, Bendie Machine. Yeah, how lunch? Where were you man? Thank you dudes, I really Bennie Machine one final time. Here's that coin ships come down. Let me make a coke. That's a coke amy one Eddie, A nice shop, big winners there. There we go. Are you going to San Antonio tonight? Yes? Going to the station concert there? Yeah? What to do? Do you know? Um? I know that like um cool Ray is going to be playing and going to do the truth to He's going to do it. He'll be there. But who Blanco Brown? Oh Blanco Brown? Yeah? Yeah, okay, so our station is San Antonio kJ. Yeah. I mean there's other artists too, but it's the look you get a Christmas concert? Good for you? Look at you? Look at you? What are you doing? I'm going to the Boys and Girls Club here in town to work with a bunch of the kids. Look at you. Yeah that's awesome. Yeah, so I'm going out this afternoon. Um do anything. They're just a kind of a mentoring thing. So yeah, we'll see how I goes. We'll see if I can shape the next generation of youth. Yeah, what kids don't even care when they they like that someone's hanging out, but that's what they care about, Like, honestly, that someone's hanging out with that's all. And I say that in a way of if you're listening now, it doesn't matter how cool you are, because kids think you're cool if you're there. Correct, That's why kids think their parents are so cool because they're with them. So what I mean, but they don't care, Like, they don't care that I'm whatever I am them moderately known and uh rural areas dance champions. Yeah, they don't care. What they do care is that a human human comes up and spend time with them. So I'm gonna go today and spend some time over there. I think it'd be pretty cool. Yeah, thank you guys. Hit up on my Instagram mister Bobby Bones or you can hit the show Instagram at Bobby Bones Show. Have a great Tuesday. We'll see on Wednesday. Bybee Get