Everyone shares their most interesting facts in 'Fun Fact Friday'. Bobby sings lyrics to songs wrong and show members try and guess the correct song title. Plus, we all compete against each other in another round of 'Easy Trivia'!
Come on, Kitty, this so welcome to the show. More than morning. Let's go around the room. But to get to know you question, I'll ask it, but i'll answer it first that you guys have no idea what the question is? Who is your favorite TV couple of all time? Oh? Think about it? Your favorite TV couple.
Of all time?
Now, I've had a little time to think about this, and I'm gonna go Zach Morris Kelly Kapowski. Oh, just because it was such that's such an important part of my life, that show, that time of my life at the biggest crush on Kelly k thought Zach Morris was the coolest guy ever, that Jim and Pam were close second older version favorite show. And I'm going Zach Morris Kelly Kapowski my favorite TV couple ever.
I mean you look like you're thinking hard.
Yeah, because I'm debating between two as well.
Hey, you know what, go okay, Ross.
And Rachel from Friends and then Meredith Gray and Doctor McDreamy on Grey's Anatomy.
You liked Ross and Rachel more than Monica and Chandler.
Yeah, I always thought the Monica Chandler thing was weird.
It was only weird because she was way hotter than he was. But I think that's why I liked it, because he was like the wisecracking, goofy guy, and I was like, man, I guess if Chandler can do it, give you hope?
Yeah, oh okay, I don't know if it was like the looks thing for me.
I guess Ross and Rachel were the og.
Yeah, but I feel like Rachel's so much hotter than Ross. Oh yeah, oh yeah, but yes, Ross and Rachel big couple of our lifetime, Eddie, that's funny.
I went with married couple Tim and Jill Taylor, is it Jill. I just loved the way that they were like in love. I mean, they had all these three boys. Their life was crazy, but they always handled things great and they were always like just learning with each other even when they were old.
That's how I felt about the Huxtables. Oh yeah, they.
Would like still be in love and dance and think that now that.
A little bit.
Claire and I can't think about that.
It wasn't Bill.
Huxtable, Cliff Cliff Cliff Cliff and Claire Huxtable.
Man, no, they can still exist. It's just Bill Cosby's hard to separate. Okay, lunchbox man, I got this tough.
I'm not gott nine Survivor of season three.
It's gonna be a real world problem.
Well, I mean that's the problem is they end up getting I'm gonna I'm gonna say Amber and Rob from Survivor they met. Yeah, Boston Robb met his wife on Survivor and they became a duo and they went all the way to the final shoot won and on stage he got down and proposed, I mean that together. Yeah, they're still together, got kids everything.
Say that. There's who's a couple from this front the Bachelor still together? The Fireman? Yeah, oh what's her?
Tristan and Ryan. Yeah, she was the bachelorette. That's where they got together.
Got it?
That's cool. I guess you have Rob An Amber Okay.
And I also liked Riggins and Lilah Garrity on Friday Night Lights.
Oh yeah, they rich two were there, the mam and dad, no no kid.
She was the cheerleader, hot cheerleader, and then he was like the crazy one, like partier and they got together.
Minka Kelly, Yeah, god, I saw her once at John Mayer a c al Live taping when that was taped in the U T building and there were like sixty people there and she was there and they were dating.
She's pretty young, pretty hot personal, she's pretty pretty there.
No, no, really on the show. Yeah, I was on the show, but she did InVID me that. And then another one Eric and Donna from that seventies show. They were pretty good. They were cool, they were fun.
That's a good one.
All right, thank you guys at because here's a question.
To be kind. Well, hello, Bobby Bones.
I have a problem with my husband's meat, specifically the one he grills every weekend.
He loves to grill Burger's hot dogs, faheta, chicken, you name it.
The problem is he's a terrible griller, but he insists on doing it and won't let us make anything else for dinner on these nights because quote, I got it covered, it's either burnt or flavorless. But the last straw was a piece of meat he gave me that was completely undercooked. He takes pride in his grilling, loves to do it, but I can't stomach it. How do I tell him without hurting his feelings or worse, make him feel like less of a man sign wife of a grill amateur. I do not get offended when my wife says this wasn't done right. I grill. If we grill eighty percent of the time, I'll handle all the grilling. I'm not great at it. I've gotten a little better at it because she's very She's vocal about what's good, what's not, what's overcooked, undercooked. I've also learned you have to clean the grill or it burns quickly. Yeah, I've burned the crap out of some meat, and I'm like, I don't know why. She's like, did you claim?
Oh? Science?
So I'm not someone that will be affected by this because I know I'm not good at it. It sounds like he thinks he is good at it. Now, Edie, you're a great griller. I will say it. I am the grill king. You are the best griller that I know. What advice would you give her into making him better? Because he's not gonna take the criticism right, So, how can what can she do to allow.
Him to be better overall as a father, as a.
Man, and a load of questions.
Yes, I think it's important that he still feels like he's the grill king.
So I think.
Deflating that feeling is bad. So take his dish if it's undercooked, throwing in the microwave when he goes to the restroom or something.
My wife will have a pan ready and warm to put it on in case I mess it up, Like she're just ready to go. She has it on the stove so she can take the steak and if she needs to.
Yeah, and then get your favorite little spices you're seasoning whatever.
Puts something better on. What if he sees that not spices but it's super offended by that? Ye, Like, how do you get him better? What if you get him like a little online course, like, hey, could I just take those classes? I forget what they were called. Coster class, Yeah, master class. I got your master class and grilling because I know you've gotten pretty good at this, but I think you can go next level, like your competitions, Like you can build them up and see the potential in him and go like, hey, you're getting pretty good at this.
And then he enters the competition and loses, and that's how you realizes he's not good.
So you didn't go the same place I went.
He never actually entered a competition but he does take the class. I think you have two ways to do it. You have you have to build him up to the point where he wants to get better. Yeah, that's funny. Or you just have to say it's not good and deal with how uncomfortable it is. That's not good, I know, but that's what that's the only two options. Or he's just gonna sit here and eventually get like some kind of undercook meat worm.
Yeah, dude, the master class is good. That way, he just learns to be better.
Anyway, I learned magic on masterclass.
He did uh huh? I want Yeah. I watched Pinteler do one. When I was just dating my wife.
She walked in dating master class.
No, when he was dating her. She walked in taking a magic one and she was like, who am I dating?
Not yet that was later. That was later.
But I had like a cup and like a paper wad and I was like learning how to make it disappear, and she's like, what are you doing? And I was like magic and I was like proud of him, and she was like, oh god, So but the master classes are really good. That's cool. So do something. Get him some really good girl tools. You go like build him. So I'm gonna say build him up because it doesn't feel like he wants to be taken down. Build him up like crazy. And as you build him up, encourage him to watch some extra stuff to do to learn even more tricks.
Yeah, like, what would you do with your kid?
You wouldn't slam.
What they're trying to do is really excited about a hobby and into it.
You would try to, Yeah, do this, build him up. I love it.
That's the only way unless you just want to, unless you just want to, like you suck, but then he's never gonna grill again.
Yeah, this is Meg from Winchital.
Hey, I was just calling. I wanted to tell you guys a funny story. My son, who was four years old, got.
In the car today after school and started.
Seeing a melody of When I Grow Up and I listened to him singing it for.
A while and I was like, Oh, that's Bobby and Eddie's song When I Grow Up.
Anyways, still inspiring kids to.
Do whatever they want to do when they grow up. So thank you for those that are new to the show. Eddie and I we have a comedy duo called The Raging Idiots We did a kids record called The Raging k Idiots, and there was a song that we did called When I Grow Up.
When I I Can be whatever want you, I can be.
When I grow.
And that song single handle It changed lives of tens of kids.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeahs of maybe eleven, Okay, but yeah, it's still if you want to, you know, stream it Raging Idiots and you can look up When I grow Up and it's pretty cool.
The Planet songs on the album, uh huh, it's.
Walked the line. Even the adult ones are.
Kind of dobe.
Yeah, you know, I need to listen to that one. I feel like could help me with easy trivia, the Planet song.
Yes, it does for sure. I was just handed the Raging Kitty at CD.
You have one. Scuba ran it in. Track one is When I grow Up. Track two is the Planet song. Also on this the ballad a Big Head Bobby. It's a sad story. It's a great Sorry.
Yes, check out The Raging Kitty.
It's wherever stream music.
All right, thank you, It's time for the good news, Bobby.
So Zoe in South Carolina is a student and she's deaf, and she's the only kid in a class that's deaf. So the class has now started to learn sign language so they can include Zoe and things. For example, when they do the Pledge of Allegiance every morning, they have now learned how to do it in sign language.
Because that's I love that what Zoe did.
That's what they've been doing, like learning phrases, sayings so they can talk with her. And she has an interpreter that's with her. So as they're in class, the teacher's teaching, the interpreter interprets, right, Zoe. What they're trying to do is have a little less interpreter so she feels that connection.
Oh that's cool. That's pretty cool, they say.
Now Zoe is quote able to communicate, and she has best friends, as she calls it, besties like friends in the classroom.
And they've made Zoe feel included.
That awesome.
That's a good one. That's from my fox age.
So shout out to Star Elementary School in Anderson, South Carolina, showing just how important inclusion is.
That's what it's all about.
That was telling me something good. It's time for fun. Fat Friday. The Costco has no limit on free food samples. According to them. My parents, my parents go like limit though, like they're full masterp no limit, that's crazy.
You can just go like I have another. Yeah, give me an on.
People go there for dinner.
I think we hear stories. It's funny to do it.
I'm telling you my parents do it lunchtime.
They go and they like, oh we're good. We ate all around at lunch. You can I see how you can get full, but there's no limit. Let's say you say it one these port strips. Another one. Yeah, you sit while they cook some more. Oh that's good. To give me another one?
Dj Khaled another one another one. I didn't know. I mean Lunchbox could test this. Do you have a Costco membership?
You have to have a Costco? Oh yeah we are. We we took the punge.
Why are you saying that because it's an old person thing, like I felt old.
Wow, I have one. I love it.
You guys are agreeing. Yes, you're right, Lunchbox by the data here.
That's what I'm saying. Like when we did the hot dogs are great, it was like the crackers and their.
Gas is so cheap.
What I'm saying like, we are so old.
When we signed up, I was like, this is this is the moment in my life when I used to work at Sam's and at Costco, I was like, man, old people come.
In here and now all people are smart, knowledgeable? Why is people go there as we should say?
Okay, why is people go there like weird?
Yeah? Amy, go ahead, Okay.
Do you know when a kangaroo is born, it's the size of a jelly bean.
That's cute.
Think about it.
It's not hopping around and stuff.
It's probably like it's hairless and it's the size of a jelly bean.
And so it's it's born.
But then it goes into its mother's pouch for a few months and then it emerges what you would think a kangaroo would look like.
It looks like because I've seen pictures. It looks like a gummy how like a gummy vitamin.
Or like the little baby that's in the Marty Girl cake.
Oh yeah, yeah sure.
How do they do they milk them? Like? How do they feed them? Like when they're in the pouch? Like, how do they grow? Yeah?
They it drinks off a little like nips, it attaches.
Yeah yeah, I just I thought you meant milk the baby. That's a little bit. No, no, no, no.
I'm sure I think it.
Yeah, it does.
It lashes on all right, go ahead, lunchbox.
Ear infections. Everybody gets ear infections. You go to the doctor, they give you antibiotics. Well, back in the day before they were antibiotics, you know how they treated them.
You would pour he into like a.
Cup and pour the warm urine in or your ear and clog it with a cloth, and that would cure your earache.
Wow, we should try that.
So if you guys get an ear infection, you don't have time for the doctor, just being a cup or in your ear.
I wonder if it's only your pe that works, or could I if I didn't have to go and I was like, Amy, hook me up.
Oh, I think it's anybody's as long as warm urine. It can't be cold.
It's urine supposedly very clean, right steril. Yeah, that's what they say, So I can understand why it probably would have been effective some I don't know that it's universally something that works. I would do that for you guys, anyone.
I would just want you to pee in my ear.
I didn't want to cup.
Just stand over, yeah, down play head on the ground.
Is my ear is killing? Me, you might.
Adult human urine is gold back.
That's not because like when if you get stung by a sting ray, you're supposed to pee on it. That's jellyfish whatever it is. So anytime, anytimes, Yeah, I gets sung about media.
The day I walked im.
Oh, okay, it's sterile when it's in the bladder. When it comes out, Oh really, it's non sterile as it leaves the body. It's non toxic, although it contains could be toxic if there could be.
But you can go right from the source to the ear, you can get closer.
We used to stifing gas when I was a kid.
If one coat we didn't always have enough money to buy gasket to work school. So if one car had gas was clely empty, we'd take a water hose, cut it, put it in, suck on and then you put your mouth off real quick and it goes and you can put in the other car. So what you do is you could stiphen somebody's bladder. No, like with the catheter or cather lunch.
Try that and then.
I think I understand what you're Saying's almost you're an.
Interest because it never comes out. Therefore it's still sterile. All right, go ahead, Eddie.
Yeah, so people have loved chocolate for many, many, many years. The Mayans actually used to use chocolate cocoa beans as currency, which I thought was crazy because my kids kind of still do that with like their Halloween chocolate.
Still. Do you think in a hundred years, as people are sitting around eating nickels, Y're like, you know, back the it choosed to use this as currency.
Yeah, maybe now we're just snacking on it. He's good, that's crazy.
Don't be one of those pace hosts. Oh, here's a euro Morgan, you're.
Up all right.
The colossal squid is the heaviest squid ever discovered. It occupies some of the coldest, darkest parts of the Southern Ocean and can grow up to ten meters, which is thirty two feet.
Wow, we don't even we have no idea. Oh yeah, that's that's.
Part of how do you get all the marin aarosauce for that?
That's a whole different that'side.
They charge extra for when you go.
It's called the colossals.
You get the colossal.
Yeah, we have no idea.
What's in the ocean? You do? You do? Aliens? He said, no, no, but we have I'm saying we don't. We've discovered less of the ocean than we have basically space around us, between us and the next planet.
Oh okay, they say that they save the ocean so deep, but yet the Titanic sinks and it's like, oh, it's right there.
Is it a grid point? It wasn't the middle of the ocean that there's land. It was there's land. It was on the land. It's still far down, but the ocean gets way deeper and if it did go all the way to the point, they wouldn't have been able to get it. Can you go down to the Titanic? Yeah? Man, I remember those people died going down tragic. Oh that's where they went. Oh yeah, my mouth.
That's not fun.
I don't like it. That's not fun. Moving away, I'm gonna give you one more. Charles Barkley missed the first game of the nineteen ninety four NBA season because he accidentally rubbed lotion in his eyes during an Eric Clapton concert That happened before.
It couldn't so you had to miss a game.
Oh that's so random.
Random backa wow, thank you. That's it. It's time for another round of Bobby sings it wrong. So I'll sing you the iconic opening line to a song just named the song. The category is country Classics, but it's so iconic, but I'm gonna sing it way wrong.
For example, oh my.
Roots showed up in boots, would be friends in little places?
All right?
Right, transfers down, guys, Bobby sings it wrong.
Number one.
Razy, I'm coolzy for feeling lonely.
Uh, shut off, Eddie, You're so stupid.
I remember the wind, Amy, crazy, lunch, crazy, Patsy climb, Eddie crazy.
All right, here we go.
Johnny's daddy was taking a fishing. John's daddy was taking a fishing.
Johnny's daddy was taking a fishing. Johnny's daddy is taking a fishing.
I'm in Bobby sings it wrong.
Amy, don't take the girl, Lunch, don't take the girl, Eddie, don't take the girl. Baby.
Why don't we say we just get lost?
Oh? What I got kick the baby?
What do you say we just get lost?
I got it? No way, dang it.
It's like there, but it's not there one more time or no, that.
Doesn't help me, It doesn't help Shut up. Sorry, sorry, he wasn't just asking you.
I'm in thought I had it the baby?
What do you say? We just get lost?
Caring your love with me?
In correct? Incorrect? Sorry Amy, Eddie.
Uh heads, Carolina tails, California lunchbox.
You got it a Okay, here we go, baby bad. Amy's say are you doing here?
What he sayellow card? Okay?
You gave yourself a yellow card? She gave it to herself. Why did you do that?
I just was stuck on.
I was trying to figure out why I said carrying your love with you?
So you were just saying that in your own head to you?
I was out loud?
Hellow card? Why bet you've never heard.
Oh Marshall Dylan say.
I'm in.
Bet you've never heard Oh Marcia Dylan say.
This game is called Bobby sings it wrong. It's tough man. You don't have anything.
No, I'm here it. I hear it, but I can't think of ever. No, it's not Crail Williams.
Don't go back to that one. And I'm in man, Mars just watching these guys. It's great. Three seconds time, Amy, that's something about time Margins on Eddy should have been a cowboy.
Okay, last one.
Kin, you may think that I'm talking foolish.
Chink, Chink.
You heard Chink then and wild I'm free Chink, Chink.
You may think.
One more time, Bobby things wrong.
You may think Chink that I'm talking foolish. Think you have heard doomdoom and wild and I'm free. Jink.
You might have think I'm talking.
I don't know you're doing good at these thank you?
Yeah, alright, three seconds time lunchboys canting tied. If he gets back in this amy probably take me away lunchbox.
Fancy Eddie. This kiss all wrong.
I got a second place what I wanted.
It's time for the good news.
So Norma Hernandez she has cancer and she was an upset that she wasn't able to get her nails done before she had to go into the hospital, which I can understand that feeling. I feel like when my mom was in the hospital fighting cancer. A lot of times she wanted to look good, you feel good, feel good, so she didn't get her nails done. A local nail salon heard about it in love Itck called Absolute Nails, and they showed up at the hospital to give her a complimentary manicure.
That's awesome, And it's about so much more than the complimentary manicure. It's about the thought and caring enough about it to take part of their day to go help her. And I'm sure it made her feel so much better and cared for. That's a great story. See, you don't have to be a millionaire to affect people's lives. And shout out in Lubbock, what's her name? We got my nails done there? What's it called?
Oh well, her name is Norma but Absolute Nails absolutely no.
One put up my calendar next time? Loveick getting nails done?
Yeah, and then shout out to normous friend Debbie, because that's how Absolute Nails heard about it. She was calling around a different salon city. Who couldn't possibly come up to the hospital to help.
Shout out to everybody, you know, Yeah, that's it. That's what it's all about.
That was telling me something good.
Wake going.
And it's radio.
Hunchbox more game to see bread and trying to put you through Bock. He's running this week's next bit.
The Bobby's on the mix, so you know what this.
The Bobby Ball. He's the top nine driving distractions. It can cause a crash, oh man, go ahead phone. Phone comes in at number two. Putting on makeup. I've seen people do that, putting on makeup. No, Eating and driving. Number seven, Okay, let's see here, kids, is a good one, Amy other passengers.
I'll give you that one.
Oh the radio jamming out or laughing in our show Louvechbox, that guy who's so funny.
Okay, that was kind of funny. Hey, listen, that was kind of funny. I'll be honest, that is a good one, but that's not it. Yeah, okay, well we say phone, we say phone, anything else. No, they just said like that was the one. Crash. Uh huh, he's so funny.
Number nine pets oh, reading a book.
Number I've seen. I think just because you've seen it, though, doesn't mean it's one of the most common.
Number eight. Messing with anything like the AC, like thest like trying to change the system stuff like the AC, the heat. Number seven, eating and driving, go ahead, make it out, other passengers. Number five reaching for stuff like in the backseat or other floorboard and boom swing over. Number four.
Lack of sleep, Oh dang.
Number three looking at stuff outside of your vehicle, like billboards even, oh, day dreaming, that's one Billboardshere is cell phones, one is day dreaming. I always feel like billboards are made for the passenger, not the driver. They're supposed to be. But if there's a phone numbers that, what do you do? It's not like you can look at it very long. You'll right, and then you have those billboards that change in the middle, and then you're like, well, you know you gotta turn around. Can you just miss out what it said? All right?
Those are your top nine?
Ready for the corny.
Here we go, Morning Corny, the Morning Corny.
Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of wool? Nope, she gave birth to mittens.
That was the dude that was funny like kittens.
Yeah, I got it.
Easy Trivia Lunchbox is still the champion.
Here we go, Lunchbox. How many lives are cats?
Said to have? Nine lives? Correct the category's numbers at the Easy Trivia? How many US states are there? Fifty? Morgan? How many musketeers are there the three Musketeers?
How many items and a dozen?
So it's the easiest trivia game ever. So you can last the longest, but if you miss, you'll hear this sound you've been bo Lunchbox is the raining champion, has a TIERA. Eddie has three points more than two. Lunchbox one?
Amy one?
As you played a five? What's crazy? I only have one? That's shock. Here we go. Famous band members Lunchbox. John Lennon was part of what band? The Beatles?
Eddie? Who's the lead singer of you? Two bono? Correct?
Steven Tyler was the lead singer of what rock band?
I do know that one?
Aerosmith Correct? Kurt Cobain was the lead singer of what band?
M hm, that's your band, Kurt Cobain.
Why can't I think of this?
Oh my gosh, oh my god?
Why is it like? Why is it all?
I think?
You don't know what's in my brain.
Right now, Savvy or Amy?
All I have in my brain right now is Neptune. And that's not Kirk coming.
Nobody's doing anything else stuff. What you keep asking us questions and you're telling us to step than.
Wow on earth? Is that what it's like for every day, every minute.
That we just can't that's not ever happened on something?
That all? Right? Moving on lunch blocks. The category is drink drinks drinks? What type of alcohol is traditionally using to margarita? Oh? What is that called? I can't think of it. I can't think of it. Tequila? Correct, Eddie? What type of drink does the company Lacroix make. Lacroix makes water, sparkling water, correct Morgan? What soda brand is known for its iconic polar bear mascot Coca Cola?
Correct? Wow, you don't know, really? What does a Somalia specialize in?
Correct? No clue? Man, that was crazy. I'm glad I've got that one. The last two you guys struggle with country capitals lunchbox. What's the capital city of France? And what I know of is Paris?
Is that your answer?
That's it?
What's the capital city of Japan? Tokyo?
Correct? Morgan? What's the capital city of Mexico? I knew I was gonna get one. I didn't know who is it? I mean, what's coming to minus Mexico City? I don't know if that's a city or not.
There If I'm just making that up, that's all I got.
Mexico City. Correct. I didn't think that was a city.
I was like, I don't know if.
You made up.
She didn't know if it was in.
Iowa or Amy.
What's the capital city of China? Correct you too?
Oh Man, no clue I would have been. I would have taken me a minute, though.
She got it without even hesitating.
The category is the Earth? What direction does the sun rise lunchbox in the east?
Wow, Eddie?
How many continents are there on Earth? Hold? On? Hold on?
North America, South America, Uh, Central America, Europe, Asia, Australia, Antarctica.
It's gotta be it seven?
Central America is not a continent, as I said, Asia.
I don't think North America.
What miss Africa got there? That was weird? Morgan.
What's the large ocean on Earth?
Arctic Ocean?
I'll think it's the Indian Ocean, the largest ocean on Earth? Specific ocean?
How long does it take to Earth to rotate on its axis? Super?
Sixty five days or twenty four hours? You know which? Right? Is it a day or is it a year? How long does that take? Network are rotating on our axis?
How long does it take now the Earth to rotate on its axis?
The Earth to.
Rotate on its axis to orbit around the axe three hundred and sixty five days.
Is it?
Yeah? Twenty four hours.
Day, night, not summer winter, got it?
I mean I had a fifty to fifty chance there.
Well, yeah, okay, one more quick round and if not eliminated, we'll do another break. Let's see. What are the bones in your spine called lunchbox vertebra?
Correct? The category is the human body, Eddie? How many chambers are there in the human heart? What I don't know? I order America chambers.
Gosh, I'm visualizing three, three chambers, but somehow I can see four.
Ah, give me, yeah, give me three chambers. It's four.
We just had the same experience.
Well, Morgan, you're still in right. What part of the body has the smallest bone? Oh? And now we're not talking about luchox specifically, so that's general general human that's all you can think. We're thinking about me, what part of the body married to say it?
Get it right?
I know I've already said that.
We won't accept that.
Okay, Okay, the smallest bone in the body.
What part of the body has the smallest bone?
What part of the body. Get it out of there. Get it out. How long do you think about that? I'm not trying to know what to be honest, I can't. I can't.
Okay the hands wrong Eir you lose.
Hey, mister small bones.
Bone show Today this story comes up from Kuran, Ohio. Police receive to call about two am bank.
Alarm going off rare, rare, rare, almost be a break in.
They dry, they searched the whole bank, can't find anybody.
Huh. Guy must have got away, and as they're about to leave, boom, he falls through the ceiling.
I love that man. If he heard the crackling and he's going to please, don't, please, don't.
Please, don't just wait slowly it starts to crack because you know, I just didn't fall out. It had to boom. Hilarious and the cops have to pull on him immediately. Yeah. Yeah, So he has to put your guns out and put him a gun point because he's falling from the roof. He's probably going to be desperate to get out or scared.
It depends.
If you hit the ground and I fell through my mom's ceiling. You were robbing a bank, right, But I was looking for my cheerleading uniform and I stepped up the wrong spot and I fell.
All the way through.
But then my hips caught me on one of the boards and I didn't ever hit the ground.
You couldn't see them, were just dangling out of the ceiling. You know. We were always told be careful walking in an attic fall through And I was like, Oh, come on, Amy, did it.
And live to tell about it.
I'm Munchbox.
That's your Bonehead story of the day.
Get your Bones on show.
Okay, we are going home, but thank you for listening.
You can catch up on everything.
Just search Bobby Bones Show on demand on iHeartRadio. Search Bobby Bones on iTunes. You can listen to the whole thing. Listen to Bobby cast a show I do from my house. Just search that too. All that. Thanks for being here. We would not be able to pay our mortgages or eat our meals with that you listening, right, Amy. We appreciate you.
Thank you.
We'll see you soby Bones. The Bobby Bones Show theme song, written, produced and sang by read Yarberry. You can find his Instagram at read Yarberry. Scuba Steve executive producer, Raymondo, head of Production. I'm Bobby Bones. My Instagram is mister Bobby Bones. Thank you for listening to the podcast.