Bobby talks in detail about how he and Lunchbox came to acquire their radio names. Abby and Lunchbox compete in another round of 'Elder vs. Millennial'. Plus, we learn how much dead celebrities are worth!
There we go, transmitting Liza, Welcome to Thursday Show Morning studio. Why everybody's here? Jeff Bezos bought a new eighty million dollar private jet. He's the Amazon guy. Eighty million dollars. That's crazy. It's probably like fifteen bucks to lunch box if we're just comparing it, because I know you're getting to like de w awesome.
Maybe he got a little light on his bike or something. Box mayf he added a little more into his bike. That would be the price of him getting his plane.
Meaning how much money Bezos has got eighty millions? Wild? So how big of a plane? What has it does up on the Also? Is it like time travel because that would be worth eighty million. But Jeff Bezos has eighty million dollar private jet. Amazon founder. They were it's a gulf Stream G seven hundred. I'm trying to I don't know. It gives me a bunch of stuff like Maco point nine. I don't know that stuff. No, I know what it means. I don't know what it means. But Mark, you guys are so annoying because you don't either, And you know what I meant. It has it's whisper quiet. There are five living areas, including a master suite with a bed, bathroom and shower, a dining area, a stateroom, a lounge, and a rest area for the crew. Leather seats lined the cabin. There are custom finishes and wood features throughout the cabin. There's an onboard kitchen. He has two other private jets too, but they say this one stands above the rest. This is a big plane, like a big, big plane. It's a massive plane. Yeah.
Wow, I don't understand why you need five living areas on a plane. How far can you be going?
How long you gonna be on International Australia. Okay, but you get two living rooms? Is not enough? Well, you may have twenty people on the plane, just sit in different places. I want to play PlayStation, so I don't know. You're yeah, you're over there watching a documentary.
Twenty people on a plane, your friends.
I love airplane stories, like people going crazy on airplanes, Like it's my favorite story. Talk about Amy kind of has one, but it's more like weird food on the on an airplane, the most.
The smelliest thing I think I've ever had bored a flight before.
Okay, tell the story and then let us guess Okay.
So I'm on a Southwest flight and a guy is getting on the plane and he has like a food container and I can already smell it. And then you know, sometimes flight attendants like stand in the aisle and they're helping you, like get to your seat or whatever. So the flight attendant is right behind me standing, you know, helping people get or she's standing in the row and she smells it too, and I'm thinking in my head.
Don't say by me, don't say by me? Does and he sits.
Down yeah, And I mean it does not take her long to say, sir, did you really bring that sandwich on this airplane? Like she was really annoyed by it, because but this was a Philly cheese steak with onions and no, no, no, no, but no, it was like I'm just telling you it was so bad. And so, I mean, it just was one of those situations where I was like, Okay, what are you gonna do? And she even like separated. She was like, sir, you're gonna have to like figure something out with that. And She's like and I'm going to go ahead and go back here to the back of the plane and find a new spot.
Wait. They can tell you not to get a certain sandwich.
No, she was told him to figure something out.
With it, but that means yeah, wait or something out.
I can tell you what he did.
Okay, okay, you want to guess, Yeah, okay, he said, Oh okay, fine, I didn't know. I don't fly that often. You can take the sandwich to the back and throw it away from me.
There's no chance he did that.
She told him, Hey, we're actually this is where we were group A there, we have some time. You can go ahead and go off the plane, eat the sandwich real quick and then come back on no chance. Or he opened it up and scarfed it down faster than I've seen someone eat anything, and then looked at me and the flight attendant and said, the smelly's all in my belly.
That's it. That's hilarious. That's funny. And I like that guy me too. I totally flipped on how I feel about him, big fan. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I need to follow his Instagram because I'm down for the smellies in my belly. See he I love that guy. I hate him from an I love him now. Yeah, board, Well, he probably isn't a bad I'm sure it's like the whole comedy and trapped in that thing for a while. When you open it, it's probably like all fighting you get out of prison.
I mean, the smell was fighting even in the you know, the.
Little plastic said the smelly is in my belly.
I think it went more like this, all good now, the smelly's in my belly.
I like to describe this Patreon because that's kind of guy I need to follow.
Yeah, but just a reminder, don't bring smelly food on airplanes.
Was he nice?
Yeah, he was nice.
Sounds like he was like, he's funny. As I watched the.
Comedy special, I'm just a normal guy.
But smelly's in my belly.
He redeemed himself with the comment, let's get started.
You're glad you guys are here. We got a good show. I'm not lying about that good I'm not lying about that. I'm a sin.
By anonymous sin Bom. There's a question to be.
Well, Hello, Bobby Bones. I need help because I'm terrified of making the wrong move here. I'm an eleventh grade high school history teacher. I have a problem with a seventeen year old student. Pretty good student, but has made it quite clear she's got her sights on me romantically. I've made sure to never be alone with her. I'm afraid if I rebuff her, she'll be hurt and start making accusations. I'm not stupid, I have zero interest and this needs to stop. But how do I do this? Signed mister A Anonymous. You are already doing the thing that you need to do. There are two things that I would do here. Number one, continue on here. Make sure that you're never alone, because this situation could get really if nothing has happened and you don't want it to happen. And we all know somebody when they get that little crazy twinkle on their eye. I'm not saying that's here, but we know crazy when we see one times we're crazy, but for different reasons. So you're making the right move. And this doesn't have to be a teacher, This could be any situation like this. Don't be alone. Number two, I would confide in your superior whomever that is. Principle is superintended. Hey, I feel this way. I don't want to do anything about it because nothing needs to be done, but I just want this to be said that I know this is possibly in this mind. So if you need to know this is happening the end, so that's it. Those are the two steps you need to do. This is not going to be the only time this happens, because, as I can tell, mister Anonymous, you're quite the looker by the charmer, and people are attracted to lookers and charmers. I just would not be alone with her, there's no real reason to be. And if it comes to a situation, I would make sure someone else is in the room, but not announce it like I must have somebody here because I feel scared. And then I would like a doctor who's a man with a female patient. A lot of times they have to have another somebody else in the room just because. But yeah, you're good. I think what you're doing is exactly right. I would let somebody know though above you you feel the same way. Not just send it off to your favorite radio show, our podcast. But we do appreciate that, We do appreciate it.
Document it.
I would document it elsewhere too. But good for you for understanding and being aware and making sure that nothing odd happens. We all know an oddball can be an oddball, and we can always identify those possible odd balls, can't we yeah, they're right on the edge.
Sometimes you can't.
I don't know I can most of the time. Thank you for that. These are the highest earning dead celebrities. So just name a few you think make a bunch of money. Michael Jackson, Yeah, number one, six hundred million dollars. Cause of death. This is interesting. I've never seen the cause of death listed just in general of all these Like, can you name the couse of death? Overdose?
Yeah, wasn't he injected with something?
Yeah? It was overdose. I think it was like fentyl right, Oh, is that what it was? Proper fall? I don't know the difference in the know it was. Okay, So Michael Jackson number one, six hundred million dollars, Amy number two, Elvis, No, he comes at a four fifty million. He's doing that a year. Do you know how Elvis died?
Yeah, heart attack?
Good job.
Well he was using the bathroom.
Us. He was on the toilet. He was only forty two. Yeah, it's crazy. Once you get beyond the age of people you felt were old, you're like, he was just a young.
OLDI that would be like one of y'all, just like.
He was just a child. That's true.
When we were younger, like, of course, everybody has a heart attack at forty two.
Okay, Freddie Mercury is at number two, at two hundred and fifty million bucks, you know, yes, queen? Okay? And how did he die?
Good question? I don't know, age, Oh yeah, I didn't know that.
Did you see the movie?
Is it called again?
I am robot guy? Yeah, mister robot?
Okay, Doctor Seuss? Is it at number three? Seventy five million? What do you do? Correct? He died of cancer? Cancer. I honestly didn't know that either. But she went right back to.
All because I was like, that's the last thing he said.
Next up and number five, I'm gonna tell you the name. I doubt you know who this is. You'll know if I were to play something. But Rick Rick okay, right to say his name? Okay, sick? Rick okay? Sick? Is how you say his name?
Yeah? I think that's how you say it.
I know what did he do?
He's in the cars.
He's in the cars, the car business.
The band. He's a car dealer. That was like the movie cart the Cars. Okay, sick the car Was he the lead singer? But yeah, he was the lead singer.
So he is one of the top dead earners. What did he die from? Take a guess if you say overdose cardio vascular disease. But the cars have like did.
I give you just what I need and I need it?
Or like just as someone.
To hold something like that? Yeah? Yeah, uh now I get read. You have any cars like Madge jess, what's the one that goes here? We go? This is the cars? Or there's the other one? Who I could do? Look the good Times roll? Oh that one? And there's this one. This is on my phone magic? Oh yeah, get it? Eh? No, ye twenty fast forward? There you will.
That's that still makes forty five million bucks a year. Wow?
What you're the cars big eighties?
Yeah right, they're very eighties? Right, yeah, I don't know. Eddie's prom was.
The no could they perform?
It's not funny. Prince Prince, what'd he die of? He died of profin all two his overdose.
Oh that's sad.
Well they are, they're all dead. They all said. Yeah. Yeah, thirty five million, Bob Marley thirty four million. Charles M. Schultz, who's that Amy?
He also was a peanut a peanut comic.
Yeah, thirty million a year. Charlie Brown, how do he die? Doddy cancer? Matthew Perry, Oh.
He died of academy in overdose.
Eighteen million. I'll give you one more. John Lennon, Oh he got shot. That's right.
That's so sad.
It is that seventeen million, number ten, still making ten million bucks a year, all writing royalties, right, like those songs that he wrote with Paul McCartney.
I went to an Annie Lebowitz are exhibit thing and she photographed him the day he died.
He's just a kid forty yeah, man, young little whipper's now yeah. And we were in like twenties, like he was old.
You're taking pictures of a guy one day and then a few hours later you're like, wait, what he got shot?
No, that's that's why it's time for the good news much box.
Nine year old Kelvin Elvis Junior is walking with his dad. He's like, all right, let's go to the coffee shop. He's got his dollar in the pocket that he got for making good grades, and he sees a homeless dude sitting on the sidewalk in his pj's. He walks up to the homeless dude, He's like, here, would you like my dollar so you can get something to eat. Turns out the dude wasn't homeless. He's a multi millionaire. He was evacuated from his condo because there was a fire alarm. So he's just sitting there having a cup of coffee, went and going to be able to go back in the building.
And makes simply say pj's because that's not why they has a different for bed. Yeah yeah, yeah.
Yeah, And so he sits down with the nine year old. This guy, Matt, sits down with a nine year old and they talk and he's like, hey, man, I own a sporting good store. I'm gonna give you a shopping spree. So the nine year old had to go into a shopping spree. His dollar turned into a shopping spree.
That's pretty cool. Who is the millionaire billionaire.
His name is Matt Busbiss. He's the owner of a sporting good store in Baton Rouge.
That's a cool story because the kid was given a dollar to somebody who needed it. That the dude was in literal pj's like maybe tousing shorts on, I don't know.
No, No, it was the fire alarm went off. He had to get out fire, fire, fire.
But that that parent had to be proud. Would your kids have done that? Probably? Not last dollar?
Nah, maybe because my I think my kids they think about it.
I think they have good hearts.
But I also think almost see me giving this dollar and it's going to earn me.
Five or a shopping spree or shopping good story. That's what it's all about, was telling me something good. It's not for elder versus millennial, the old versus the young, lunchbox versus Abby. In a trivia game of first, he's a captain of Cringe. He says all he does is win. He's up one point this season, but be careful because he can get mad for no reason. It's lunchbox than nobody, nobody sat. Dang, that's never but this history of the show that's never happened. No, she didd Here are your three questions? Like these are questions that Abbey should know the answer to. Dang, no colaps, I'm crazy, dude. What pop star was the lead in Disney's Wizards of Waverley Place? What is her name? A man of cost grove? Incorrect? What Abby? What pop star was the lead in Disney's Wizards of Waverley Place, had.
I give me an answer?
Incorrect? There's nobody named Amanda Costgrove. There's Miranda cost grow Yet it's still not her. It's Selena Gomez. Lunchbox. Yeah. The term on fleek was originally used to describe what part of the human body. This term has not grown to describe all almost anything that is well put together, But on fleek was originally about what part of the human body. Ooh, what part of the human body?
Your your shoes, your feet on bleek?
Incorrect? Abby, you can steal I'm on fleet? Your hair, eyebrows? I'm sorry, struggling here, I am struggling, lunchbox. What five letter millennial word is used to describe someone in a bad mood or a person who is irritable? Oh, you're it's the age, yea, I know e say it again? What five letter? Five letter? Oh? You know he's got as wordalpin. What five letter millennial word is used to describe someone in a bad mood or a person who is irritable? Mm hmm, that's only four dang five seconds? Got it angry? Incorrect? That's just a word, right, Abby? What five letter millennial word is used to describe someone in a bad mood or a person who is irritable. Are you sure I'm a millennial?
I was gonna say angry?
What of it? It's salty? Oh? No, points for lunchbox. Now his opponent.
Lord help me.
She's our phone screener and producer from her brain, she hopes right, answers to sin It's abby? Answer Abby? These are older questions. I know what nineteen eighties TV title character had a name that became a verb meaning to cobble a solution together out of buy it onlms like paper clips and duct tape. So it was a TV character and this person's name became kind of a verb that means to cobble together a solution out of paper clips or duct tape, et cetera.
This is the worst round ever? Go ahead, incorrect? Lunchbox correct?
Whate the world?
Abby? What company makes the game Boy?
That would be not?
Cancel the whole season?
This like Lintendo?
That's correct? Hey? Good? Okay? Uh? Finally, which popular nineteen eighties TV show featured a mohawked character played by mister T.
I can picture him, Mister T.
Which popular nineteen eighties TV show featured a mohawked character played by mister T.
I's not gonna get it.
Different game, different game, game, ne we're gonna get it. Hey, Hey, hey, good way to go with that song. Lunchbox he went, he didn't get a single one right, and he wins as a brutal game that was so bad. I don't think I've ever been more miserable playing trivia in my life. Same I took a nap. Hey, wake up.
Hey, you're allowed to take a nap because you ain't in it.
Wake up because you couldn't win. One of the questions we get asked the most in the mail bag, what's story behind Bobby Bones and Lunchbox? And either they're weird names or their stupid names. So not only that, I have this whole story about stage names and why they are what they are. Now, there's a lot of controversy with how Lunchbox got his name, but I will tell you that now. I just plant to Lunchbox and let him tell his version the lunchbox. Why are you called lunchbox?
I in the third grade, I want a Superman lunchbox from Walmart for school, and my mom told me no, and so I thought, oh, I'll just stick it under my shirt and take it.
And so I walked around the whole store.
My mom let me do it, and right as we're about to walk out the door, she goes, oh, is there something under your shirt?
And I said no. She goes, are you shuret?
She goes, knock, knock, knock, and I was like, mom, I have no idea how that got there. And so she made me go return it to the manager. And then ever since then they made fun of me. And now that I'm older, I realized how little I was as a third grader and so how obvious it was, like it was probably sticking out of the shirt.
Like, I'd like to commend you for something I thought he was gonna say.
He was like, no, he's been He's become such a better storyteller. There are parts of that story that I think he just made up an improv right there. And I commend you. And I'm not going to contradict anything you said, but I like it. Yeah, like not knock, that's never happened. Yeah, so she knocked on the lunch box. Oh what's that? That's awesome? And he goes, I have no idea I cannot tell a lie. Mine is. I was seventeen and I went to work. I begged for a job at radio station, and they hired me to clean, and they never hired me to be on the air. And they hired me to clean and switch out there Rick D's Weekly Top forty on Sundays. And so before my very first shift, they fired somebody on the weekends and said you're up, and I was like, okay, and I was excited, but they said you cannot use your real name. They said your name will either be Bobby Z or Bobby Bones, and I thought they were both stupid, and so I want Bobby Bones. It sounded more like a pirate or human or something. Yeah, so that was it. I tried to change it a couple times. I was always connected to the last place, what you try to change it to my real name? He just always felt weird to be or at least really strive to be authentic on air but have like a stupid fake name. It is who I am now, I.
Know, but in some people they think they're like, oh wow, it was your last name? Really bones?
And then knock my bones doing post malone his stage name. Anybody have it by now a. Yeah, Austin Austin, so yeah, yeah, that's his name's Austin. But why post Malone? He lived right next to the poste he delivers the mail. When Austin post was fourteen years old, he needed a name for his mixtape, so he plugged his name into one of those random rap generators, the name generators, and post Malone came out. So he's like, that's my name, post Malone.
That's funny.
Mc hammer was born Stanley Kirk. Burrell got his nickname from his childhood job with the Oakland A's. The A's owner at the time, Chuck Finley, loved him because he was a great back boy. He danced in the parking lot, and he earned the nickname Hammer because he looked like Hank Aaron Oh Hammer and Hank Hammer and Hank mc hammer. Lady Gaga was born Stephanie Jermanada. Lady go got adopted her stage name from a song by Queen Don't Say Anything, Eddie. What's the name of the song, guys, Bohemian Rap City. No, no, well she'd be Bohemian God God. Then Lady Gaga, Lady of the Night, Lady is it Lady's Lady Gaga Rady Yogaga Radio. I bet if you heard it you would know it. So she chose to pay homage to the band So Radio guy, guys, is her name Elton John, Reginald Dwight. Reginald Dwight, did your Reginald Dwight? His name's got Elton. So he combined the names of two of his bandmates from blues Ology, a saxophonist Elton Dean and the singer long John. That's far fetched, Elton John Snoop Dogg Calvin Brotus Snoopy, Yes, Snoopy. He looked like the cartoon He's a kid that yeah, huh yeah Whoopy Goldberg who She had a tendency to fart, No way, is that real? It's like a lunchbox story. The actor who was born Karen Johnson, said that a tendency to break wind led to a number of friends to call her whoope, that's funny. Brie Larson from Avenger Uh Bree. She was born Brianne D. Solan Ears. I mean mess that up, so brees obviously for Brian, but the last name Larceny, Well, first of all, just hard to say her name. Oh it's like a con d I just said d sol. No one would ever get it right. And so her American girl doll was named Kristen Larson. Such, what was the name of America? Vin Diesel, Diesel, Mark Sinclair Vincent adopted the stage named Vin Diesel because his friends called him Vin for Vincent and then Diesel was tough, and so Vincent Mark Sinclair Vincent then and he was like, I want to be tough. I'll be Vin Diesel. Bruno Mars. Mars sounded bold and energetic, and the wrestler Bruno san Martino for back in the day. So what's his name, Peter Gane Hernandez or maybe Peter mgm. If he doesn't pay up right, he just own his middle name. I'll do one more. LL cool j What does that stand for? Ladies love? Yeah cool James correct? So did James stopped? I was like, so James Todd Smith and so that was his name. And they started calling themselves LL cool jam playboy Mikey d and hopes that it would help girls think, oh they're cool, they're in a band, and he said it was just wishful to thinking. It was like calling myself mister mister awesome there word so ll cool J was his name. So those are the stories behind Lunchbox. Knock Knock, Knock Myself Radio, Google Radio, Gaga, You guys, I know that song. I never heard? What about Amy? What's her story? That's her name?
Was born this cool?
Maybe she's born with it? Maybe it's Tammy Brown? Wake up, Wake up in the mall.
And it's from the radio, and the Dodgers keeps on Turn Ready, Lunchbox more game two Google Steve Red I'm trying to put you through the back.
He's running this week's next bit. The Bobby's on the.
Box, so you know what this.
Is the Bobby ball.
Let's play What year was it?
And what year?
What year? What year? What year was it?
What year?
What year? What year? What year?
Here was it?
Okay, here's how it's gonna work, so you can buzz in at anytime. I'm gonna give you three things inside of a year. Okay, when you buzz, if you miss it, you're out. Got it? Here we go. Number one? What year was it? Transformers is released in theaters gosh Umbrella by Real Lunchbox two thousand and six. Incorrect Amy two thousand and seven, correct, Amy one point, we got three and Lunchbuns is out of that one that one, so it would have been Transformers release in theaters, Umbrella by Rihanna and jay Z goes number one, and the iPhone is released. That would have been two thousand and seven.
You're welcome, maby, next one up. What did you do to help her if she was gonna get two thousand and six? No, you didn't know that, Okay, next time, I'm sorry, Okay, what year was it? Blake Shelton Lance's first number one with Austin Scrubs premiered on NBC. Eddy Eddie two thousand and three incorrect?
That's all I was gonna goes, dude. Yeah, the first Harry Potter movie came out Lunchbox. Lunchbox ninety eight incorrect.
Any Oh, I can't remember when Harry Potter was. I do think we're in the nineties though.
Blake Shelton Lance's first number one with Austin Scrubbs premieres on NBC, and the first Harry Potter movie came out.
Gosh, it's not ninety eight, is it nineteen ninety seven?
It is two thousand and one. Dang, Scrubs funny show, So close, We're gonna be five not three. I like this? Next up? What year was it? I Swear by John Michael mcgummery Lunchbox, Lunchbox ninety four? Correct? What the was a four week number one? Also? Kurt Cobain dies, The Lion King, Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction, Dumb and Dumber, and The Mask all come out in theaters. That's a great year, ninety four. Yeah, left, it's fast. I had number one?
Good job.
What year was it? Tom Cruise jumped for joy on Oprah's couch to proclaim his love Katie Holmes? Oh my god? What year was it? Gold Digger by Kanye West goes number one? What year was it? Okay? Two thousand and four incorrect? Eddie Eddie two thousand and three incorrect? The Office premiered on NBC. What year was it? Tom Cruise jumps on the couch on Oprah Lunchbox Go Ahead, two thousand and five? Correct? Yeah, yeah, they're all around it, Amy last one, Amy, you need this to tie? Okay? What year was it Napster launches nap Us go ahead.
Lunch That was nineteen ninety nine, that's correct, Yes it was. It was false semester.
No later than that.
It was fall semesterman year freshman.
I guarantee it. It was in the dorm. John Hodges, do you guys want to a side bet?
I don't think it's not nice you said two thousand and one.
Side bet yes or no? Because I wan to a side bet if you guys.
Are both so sure, because we were also sophomores in the two thousands.
Side bet yes or no?
Hold on?
Side bet is lose ATE's of dead cicada.
Hold on, hold on, I have to think of my bet bet.
Sie bet side bet, side bet lose rates of dead sicata. Side bet yes or no.
I'm not eating a dead cicado.
UH National launches the matrix is released in theater.
He already guess though.
I know that's why he's doing it all because I got it right, only got it right.
This guy knows.
John and Fred would sit there and download music overnight.
Who's John and Fred? John the people call Montgomery Dorm and Fred Savant?
I guess I was to the master party this time for the news producer ready.
Alvin is a mailman from Dallas, Texas, and he's been doing this for twenty years. But he's also a Marine Corps veteran.
So he's at work, he's going through his mail bag and at the very bottom he finds these old letters.
He's like, what is this. It's a Christmas card from nineteen forty two, which is World War Two? Do we think that no one had gotten to the bottom of the bag? Is? I guess there are like so many hamters in like the mail room or whatever that sometimes male just gets lost in those things. Would you call them?
A hampter hamper, hamper, hamper from nineteen forty two?
And he's like, reaching the bottom, geez.
So he finds that and a bunch of other letters from that same time, and he's like, this is crazy.
He looks at him.
They're addressed to mister and missus Henry Lamb of Jacksonville, Arkansas.
He's like, these are World War two letters from a soldier.
So he got in his own car on his day off, drove three hundred and seventy nine miles one of the people that it was addressed to and delivered to them themselves.
Were they still alive? They're still alive. Yeah, I'm in the family. Somebody of the family. Whoever owned that house, whether it's like a daughter or a son or whatever. Yeah, they were, they were.
There in their eighties.
I'm gonna be willing to bet that if that mailman wasn't a former veteran veteran, sure it's a veteran now, but a former military re member, you wouldn't have done that. I don't know. Some malemen are good, but I bet that meant extra to him because he had also served. Yeah, and also I hear that, like you can get a job as a mailman, that's like the greatest job. Why benefits. It's like a government job. You get all the holidays off. Yeah, but they always seem like they're in a bad mood. Not my mailman. My mail man's like always nice. But the people at the post office don't seem very happy. But that's not a mailman.
But also sometimes people in line at the post office customers can be equally as route and.
The lighting in there. But also you're not a mailman, those are postal worker. There's a sting difference there. I'm always weirded out by the mailman with the or male woman whatever, but the steering whel on the wrong side. Yeah, you thinks they can go to like London and just like kill it. Think about that. It's like drive off the UK. They feel better driving in the UK. That's a great story. That's what it's all about. That was telling me something good. It's time for the morning corny, but it's investigative. We have ninety seconds to get as many right as we possibly can. The most we've ever gotten in ninety seconds is six man. That's pretty good. Ready, boys, all right? When Amy finishes the first joke, Timer starts, go the morning corny.
What do you call a guy wearing a hockey mask at a grocery store?
Jason shop Wayne, Wayne Gretzky's shop, lifting shop, Jason shopkeeper.
Oh, goalkey, goalie mask. You can't do, you can't do, can close, you can't doing about face?
No, I said hockey mask.
I already said that.
A hockey mask at the grocery store.
A masker, No.
Masquerade mask check out, bagger.
Goalie mask, cover face at the grocery store.
Okay, shopper, shopper mask face mask, grocery list.
What do you call Jason Jason, where's a grocery mask? He wears a hockey mask, he wears hockey mass and grocery mask when he goes to.
Another one that wears a mask. I.
Freddy, that Michael Myers wears a mask. Freddy Krueger does that. He does not face. It's right, Freddy, this is nott Freddy Krueger because he does not wear a mask.
He doesn't because Freddy Kroeger, did you.
Write this joke? No, he doesn't wear a mask.
Stars, No, that's Mike Myers wears the mask.
This is voyage and Mike Myers mask is actually a mask of fun fact. Oh, William Shatner, correct, I don't know, mind blow. I did not know that. You know. He also didn't know that Freddy Krueger does wear a mask. Freddy Kroeger is funny, like like what killer goes to the grocery store? Or like what horror?
Freddy k Keruk?
What a fail?
You know what?
We had no chance?
Well I guess what the wait until next?
According to his creator, Freddy Krueger never wore a mask because you don't need his creator, we know his facial expressions were an important element of what made the character story.
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, I got them mixed up.
What does the joke actually say wear a mask? It does the joke that you're reading that you found.
So there's hockey.
You're lying, no way, because Freddy Ruger doesn't wear a hockey mask.
I call a guy wearing a hockey mask at the grocery store Freddy Kruger.
But the hockey mask guys who Jason, Yeah, somebody readers digest is confused.
Well, people that read readers, I just one hundred and two and their mind. Okay, we got none. But that's the dumbest thing.
It's like you got one though, because you taught us about William Shatner.
It's like you got one the middle finger. Good time kidding about that one. There's no I didn't hold up by the way I held up, no finger. I was just kidding, Bobby Bones show Sorry.
Up to day.
This story comes us from California. Police suspected this one guy of being a dealer, but they didn't have any proofs.
How can we.
Bust this guy? They go in his house, they look around, they find a drone like, oh, that's interesting. They pull out the little cartridge and the video is thousands of deliveries via drone. He had recorded all his deliveries. He would take drugs attach him to the drone deliveries.
That's fly it.
Meet customer and parking lot, drop drugs off, fly back to the house.
I thought Dominoes was supposed to do this. I also thought that did they need a warrant to get in a drone?
I think they had a war.
But their whole case goes down because I'm stupid. I said on the air, No, no, no, they had a war.
That's why they were in this house looking. But they found the videos.
Didn't get in anything.
Yeah, and that's why they.
Were like, ah, I don't think. I consider myself mostly not a bonehead, but I think if I'm running drugs from a drone, I don't know that it comes to me to take the cartridge out. Yeah, it's too still too early in the drone days.
I mean that's so cool though, Like if you're watching that, like, wow, dude, he delivered the goods via drone, Like can't trade because it was unregistered drone, so they didn't know whose it was if it fell out of the sky.
Black market drone. You know, I'm torn on this one. Don't sell drugs, don't, but you use a drunk because nobody gets shot. And three remember take out your video. I never would have thought of it. Okay, oh my good job.
I'm munch box at your bonehead Story of the day.
Bobby Bones. As in the show, today's when it reminds you got to mister Bobby Bones on Instagram or Bobby Bones dot com see pictures and videos to the music we're listening to. It's all out there, Bobby Bones dot com. Would you agree with that same with Amy? Yes, Thank you very much. Have a great day, everybody, Bobby.
Bobby Bones Show.
The Bobby Bones Show theme song written, produced and sang by read Yarberry. You can find his instagram at read Yarberry, Scuba Steve executive producer, Raymondo, Head of Production. I'm Bobby Bones. My instagram is mister Bobby Bones. Thank you for listening to the podcast.