We're into the second week of Jenn Tran's season of The Bachelorette and things are getting dramatic!
Ben explains the the franchise is back on the rise... if they don't fumble the ball.
Ashley reveals that the season feels a bit "forced", but we're still early on.
And, we hear their predictions for the Top 4!
This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast with iHeartRadio.
Hello everyone, welcome to the Almost Famous Podcast. It's Ashley and Ben here breaking down episode two of Jen's season. Hello Benjamin, Welcome back.
Ashley. I cannot believe we're doing this together again.
I can't either. Today's definitely the last day. I've been manifesting July fifteenth as the day, and I still think it's today.
So an absolute wild time. Well, Ashley, we are here to talk about the Bachelor ed Bachelor. There is a lot to talk about. This is kind of the episode that things pick up a bit obviously.
Also, congratulations to the show did really well. Week one did much better than our expectations ratings wise. So just because I didn't feel like it was about a lot, like I think that Jen's totally likable bachelorette, just didn't think that people were like ready for it.
Well, I think the show is in a really good place. If they don't ruin it and so like this season, if they knock it out of the park, if they don't try to manipulate too much, if they don't make it super corny, if they don't make it unbelievable, then I do think the show is in a really good place, and I do think people are excited about the Bachelor and Bachelorette again and the Golden Bachelor and Bachelor. Yeah, Ashley, I did think this show, this episode's specifically walked a fine line between me not believing it and believing it. It did, at the end become believable to me. It felt there.
Was something missing from this episode for these guys to be so riled up about.
Yeah, it felt like there was something missing. I also really didn't like the intro with like them going to Australa. It felt like all these like thirty year old dudes were acting like ten year old children, like screaming, running around, jumping on the beds with each other, like jumping on the couch. It just was like it felt forced to me.
There's some drama queens though in this bunch that I feel like they would just act up for camera.
Yeah. Oh the camera's on.
There's corny, Yeah, and they're all.
Trying really hard to be funny, but like, not any of them. There's not one yet that I'm like, Oh, they're like just like quick witted. There's not one yet. Gin Actually, yeah, those guys yet none of them stand out to me as being like, like somebody would make you belly laugh.
So I'm assuming that you didn't find anybody's stand up performance during the group date good. It was Actually we didn't see anything besides the Devin bashing.
Yeah it felt weird. Let's start there. And so we're obviously finding ourselves in Australia. Jin and the men are starting out. Theydn't even stay in the mansion, which there was no mansion this year. They're in Australia.
About that, okay, I think that Marshall, who owns the mansion, was like, guys, love you, but I'm not going to leave for Golden Bachelorette, Bachelorette and Bachelor, so pick your two.
I still just believe money speaks, like I'm I think he would leave for a price. Yeah, I guess to have another house somewhere. I mean, the guy's been making millions on this show. I think maybe. I mean, it's not a bad theory. I'm just saying I would be shocked if he doesn't have a price, and maybe the price is too high for one night of filming, and.
Well, definitely one night. He's not going to do it.
Sure, they're not going to do it.
That's too much work for one night to turn over.
That's a good point too. Well, they're not in the mansion. They are in Australia. They're staying at a Marriot. We got to see that nice little ad. I love Marriott. It's big Marrit man, and the guys do their little intro, which I've already said did not make me like him any less or more. It just felt like I could fast forward through that and not see any of these dudes doing what they were doing. Jen is looking beautiful as usual.
So beautiful, like look amazing, this entire episode amazing.
And we start with a group date where these guys are tasting different things. I do think there was something at the very beginning of this group date that I wanted to speak with you about. It. It is I think his name is sam In. He's the one that is the love virgin.
He is lactose intolerant.
Yeah, lactose intolerant, a little quiet and to himself, and I think they tried to make it a storyline, like it felt like it was going to become a thing, and I couldn't help thinking the whole time that he was admitting that he just feels a little uncomfortable, a little out of his element, that that's very normal, that's very okay. This is the first week. You should feel a little out of your element. You are trying to figure out how to date this girl or for her to even try to get to know you in the midst of some chaos. But it almost felt like they were trying to make it where the other guys were gonna get upset with him about it.
I felt, oh, really, I didn't vibe that, But I like him.
I like him so far because you were.
Like, Okay, I kind of see what you're talking about. Because the guy was like, oh, you're not eating that because you're lactose and tolerant, almost like they wanted him to be like, Oh, it's okay, a big tough guy, I'll just eat whatever.
Just get a stomach ache for you. Yeah, let me get a stomach ache for you. Not a not a massive deal. But that kind of came and went, and then we had the comedy show where all these guys kind of out of nowhere.
Well, first, Devin pulls her aside to get gelato on their own, yeah, which gives them the material to hate him and.
It was so crazy, Ashley, And maybe things are just different now, but this happens. It happens every season. It's not unexpected, and yes, you're not gonna like everything that every other guy does. But my I remember being on the back and thinking to myself, I'm gonna let these other guys sabotage each other, like I am not the one that's gonna step in the middle of this. If this dude wants to go spend time with her and she really is into it, then that's great for them. Maybe they're gonna end up together good. That's what we hope happens here. Maybe she realizes that this dude is a little annoying, and maybe the other guys dislike it too and they step it up. But it felt like all these guys kind of packed together and got mad together, which was very odd to me. You didn't just have one guy going at him, you had multiple.
Devin is not the most likable guy, Like, we get it. He's brash, bet and I he could even tell from his bio he likes to eat things he's allergic to. He's he's something okay, But what he did here was not outrageous.
At all.
He pulled her aside for a few minutes to get ice cream, and he didn't even kiss her. And pulling someone aside on a group date to get a few minutes alone not weird, not even rude. Okay, why would you want to spend your entire time on the group date with the other guys? Who have these guys never seen the show before. They were all just very jealous that they didn't come up with an idea to pull her aside themselves.
They're using the word disrespectful. They kind of kept called Devin disrespectful at multiple different times during this episode. Now, Devin, I'm assuming, is not everybody's cup of tea. I don't think everybody likes him, But I don't know anything he did that was disrespectful. I don't think I saw anything that was like out of the ordinary from any other season or any other person trying to get as much time as possible. Now, again, I go back to typically, if you're in a group setting, especially early on, the guy that is going to do those type of things, take her aside, pull her away, step into your conversations is not the guy that's gonna be there at the end. Because there's usually like he is the one that is going to sabotage himself at some point with her, He's going to become too annoying or too brass or too just in her face, and she's gonna be like, hey, not for me, man, like take a chill pill, Like we're going. If you're gonna be my partner, you have to understand the environment that I'm in and that this is really hard. And the more time you pull me away means the less time I got to spend trying to figure this whole thing out, like be my partner here and not an annoyance. So I don't know why the guys get so upset, but they do, and they take it upon him at the comedy special.
And Aaron, especially who's Noah's brother, has this weird issue with him. Do you not think that was weird the way that he felt towards him after this?
Yeah, well it represented the Bennett Noah argument. If you remember back in the day when the two of them sat down, like especially when Aaron gave him the book. Bennett gave Noah a book, I think it was on to something, yeah, something like that, And so now it definitely was a little corny and cheesy from my perspective, because you could tell that the show was definitely involved and repeating that storyline or they're trying to repeat.
This sarre But Ben, did you remember that on your own?
I think it did, actually, because.
That's a fine note. Yeah, and it's been like four years, so.
I'm a historian of the show. Actually, Yeah, at this point we've done this long enough.
Good job picking up on that. That is even cornier now.
It was almost hard to watch because it was like, you, this is this is no longer walking in in my in like reality now. People ask you all the time it's a show real or not? I always say, yes, it is. It's very real. It just matters how you go about it. That moment, to me was a little too unrealistic, and it made me like kind of curl up an embarrassment, being like why am I watching this? Does have a massive issue with Devon. He takes it upon himself to make sure that he is angry.
He keeps saying that he's not deep enough, that he's not like, he's not qualified enough gentleman to be with Jen, and to be honest, he really doesn't know him enough, and he does call him by a different name. He calls him Dylan, and I'm like, dude, multiple times.
It's not a good look. I don't think anybody's gonna watch it and be like that's a good look. Now again. I don't know if Devon's for everybody.
Believe me, Devon isn't for everyone. But Aaron's behavior towards him was even less for me, was far less for me.
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It's a weird thing, Ashley. Little side note here, as we're talking about a show where marriage or a proposal is inevitable or at least the desired hope from the outcome, you don't look at a partner and say, you know, if conflict arises or there's something going on in life where your partner is upset, you surely hope that they don't handle that situation like these guys are doing it right now on the show. You hope that somebody steps into the room and be like, here's the deal. You're upset. You don't like him, you know what? That's okay, Like, I can't convince you to like him. But what we can do is understand that the more drama and the more argument that we have in this room right now, and the more we spend time focusing on this, the less beneficial this is for Jen and for any of us in this room, including myself, who don't like who doesn't like you. So let's put this aside. Let's understand that I'm not happy with the decisions that you made, and just know that I'm going to stand by that, but I don't want it to interfere with this experience that would be a response. Instead, these dudes right now are being childish, childish towards each other, and they're representing themselves as childish, and I think it's very unattractive and it's it's very weird right now because we don't have that one person that's necessarily standing out. I think Marcus stands out. I do, but he's not. And maybe it's just because he isn't getting into the drama. But there's nobody just stepping up in the midst of this argument and being like can we stop? Like what are we doing? Like how long do we want this to go? For?
Well, chemistry wise, I still feel her with Sam. I'm gonna Sean Booth look like Sam, but he but he is getting into the drama as well.
He is, He's stepping a toe in the water. I still just have this feeling that he's going to get more involved in the drama than we even know right now.
Yeah, I think so too, especially next week's episode. Okay, the nighttime portion of the date, she is clicking with Grant the basketball player Slash Day investor trader. Mm hmm, okay, I mean I like him. He's cute, I mean very cute. I get it, I get the get the deal.
She she is definitely into the guys from the start that definitely kind of have the yeah, yeah, like just kind of you know, know, how to work a room and have a conversation and be kind of like romantic and like sensual. Like he just kind of that. She's into that. With the Sam and Grant, you can tell that she likes that kind of look and vibe.
I mean the look. It's good look.
And then she likes to be asked like those questions. I think where like we said last week, it's kind of like pick up artists like questions. But at the same time, yeah, it feels like it could be either pick up artist or it can be I'm just trying to get to know you. But it just feels a little pickup artist Tony.
Yeah, a little forced maybe is kind of what I felt like. It felt really forced and it was you know, but I get it. It's good on this show to be intentional and to ask those questions as early as possible. I do think there is a way to go about it. That Grant just kind of dove in. Good for him, not no criticism there, but he did just dive in right away. He was like, Hey, I have two minutes to talk to you. What's your biggest fear, what's your biggest mistake? Tell me everything.
Me feel awkward, like, I don't think I would respond in that way, like I want more of a playful back and forth conversation. But I also understand that that's the kind of questioning that she feels like appreciated by being asked.
I think she does. I mean, it does. It always is nice to have somebody ask about you. And in this experience, at least when I was a bachelor, I don't I remember people being curious about me, but it was a lot of me being curious about them. You know, you're kind of the lead here in a lot of ways, and you're guiding conversations, and you're you're the one that feels like you're in charge of the conversation. I'm sure Jen feels that way very very often, and so it is nice to kind of be set back and be like, no, tell me about you. Who are you?
Yeah, just takes the pressure off for a minute.
It does of having to be the one that's.
Carrying the conversation anyway. And then Jonathan. She also likes Jonathan, and like I said, I thought Jonathan is pretty darn cute. I know, it's quite the surprise after coming in in a hospital gown and his face wrapped last week. He's he doesn't scream like final three to me, but top six ish. He's ranking up there so far.
I mean, I think he has a legit shot at it. He and Marcus feel very similar to me in terms of how she feels about them. I do think there's some longevity.
Yeah, they're like the second tier of feelings.
Yeah, but there's longevity in it, right, So they're not the initial shock and awe, the hot and heavy, Yeah, but it does feel like it could be two that last. Because they're right there, we're not getting a lot of I mean, obviously Marcus had a one on one, but we're not getting a ton from them yet. Even though Marcus had a one on one and he shared his incredible story and what he's done for this country, I don't feel like we he has the camera time as others because outside of the one on one, we don't see a lot from him we see a lot of the arguments, we don't see a lot from Marcus. I do think that's a sign that long term he'll be around.
Oh okay, so I was gonna say, you can flip it and say that Marcus is the guy that she would love to love, but may it may not be there romantically.
Well off, d Wayne and see, they're definitely you know, he'd be in my top four right now if we did a top four, and we'll start here at the end of the episode, but let's not even to the Marcus story right away. Then he does have a one on one. They have a really cool day where they get to jump out of a plane. So glad that did not happen on my season.
Have you ever done that?
Okay no, yeah, not not something that I'm asking to do. I thought the show had gotten away from it because.
Of the legality protocol.
Yeah, but they're obviously, you know, if they go to Australia, maybe rules don't apply. But they do jump out of a plane, and then at dinner they do connect at a deeper level and Marcus does get to share his story. I think, no matter what, it is a life story that when you when he shares it with you, there's a respect, there's an admiration, there's an appreciation. There's also kind of a an understanding of who this guy is after he shares it, Like you know, you know a little bit more of what you're getting. You don't know the whole picture, but you know he's loyal, he cares, he serves, and that he's tough as nails.
Mm hmm.
Yeah, he's just like kind of the quintessential guy that you're like, that's a stand up man that you want to find and hopefully you have chemistry with them.
He he just seems like what you just said, like he's got a lot of heart and soul. He's going to be a hard egg to crack. He did a great job though he keeps talking about how he's not like super vocal when it comes to emotions, but he really opened up and you can tell that there's going to be so much more to him even when when he opens up further. And yeah, once you tell that story about how you know, he was sent over to Afghanistan a number of times and on his last trip over there, he got sent back was in the hospital for like two months. You know that like once he opens up about that, he's going to be more comfortable opening up about pretty much everything else.
Yeah, he's one to watch for sure. It's a great one on one date and then moves us into the group date. The group date is a photo shoot with animals from Australia. I think this is awesome.
I love this group date.
This is great. It's super fun, it's easy. It's also it's.
A great watch for us, Like, it's just fun for us to watch. I agree, and Hikeim is just I want him to be in my top four now because he is hilarious. He has those crazy eyes and it makes very expressive eyes. And the dude with the spider, like I knew that the spider was gonna come, and the fact that of course he's like, just don't want to be a spider, just don't wanted to be a spider. Of course a spider. His reaction to it was just so freaking funny. And I love him for this because the spider would have been the one that I dread the most. Put that big snake around my neck far before have the spider crawl up my shoulder.
Yeah, there are so many animals there. They were like of course you can have a little like furry thing on your hands, and then he gets a spider. It was great television. I like that nobody took it negatively. That everybody's like, I get a man, that thing's creepy, Like I feel you. I don't know if I hate that much, but I know that there are things that you could put on me, like a big snake around my neck. That'd be like, no, not my deal, don't want this to happen.
Oh but Dylan did.
He stud just actualely rocked it. Great for him. He really showed off, showed up there in that moment. But I'm glad nobody took it negatively from Khakim. I'm glad they all laughed about it. Jen almost looked like she was judging him a little bit based on his reaction, But once the snake came out, I think she was like, I get it now, No, I'm good, Like we're on the same page here.
You thought that Jen was kind of judging Hikim's reaction, right.
Yeah, yeah. It almost looked like she was looking at him like, come on, dude, step up.
Exactly, And I was thinking, oh my gosh, this girl must really not have a fear of spiders, because to me, I would have been one cracking up and being like, please don't do this for me, kakm, do not do this for me? Is I don't want no idea?
Well laughed about this later. You don't have to touch it, It's fine. But then the snake came out and she had the same reaction, and so then I think there was a leveled the playing field. She said, I get it now, we're all good.
You're either afraid of spiders or afraid of.
Snakes, unless you're that guy that was passing him out. He seemed afraid of nothing. The group date was great, it was a good watch, and the cocktail party got a little discombobulated. It got a little bit funky. Right well, there was.
No cocktail party because Dylan went straight to the date.
It was the What I'm thinking of is when they all went back.
To the hotel.
The hotel was where things got a little bit messy. It started to fire up a little bit. The one only time was good, but the house was We were starting to get a sense of what the next few weeks of this season probably is going to look like. And this is where I really somebody could step up who wasn't involved in the drama and could just say, hey, guys, can we stop this, Like, what are we doing here? This is all stupid.
I didn't like it. Okay, So the guys apparently convene in the car and they say that, like, you know, I'm assuming they had this conversation. We're gonna ask these guys, because we didn't have a group nighttime portion, we would like to make clear that we would like to be the priority at the cocktail party at the end of the week. And that is the corniest thing ever that makes me not like these guys. This is again protocol on the show that you go and you know, like sometimes group dates end up one on one day, it's at the end of it, and then you go to the cocktail party and you fight for yourself. You don't have a group meeting about who's gonna have more time or the first time at the cocktail party the next day. But anyway, that's what they decide to do. Go upstairs, present this idea to the other guys that are just sitting there waiting, and I guess, like some guys not in the grands, and Devin is like Devin's like, yeah, I understand, yeah, yeah, yeah, We'll make sure that you guys have priority. But he goes, but he does say, but it doesn't mean. First of line, it doesn't mean that I'm going to like sit out. And then the next day we get to that cocktail party and it is drama because he takes her away.
First two things here, One is these guys come back thinking they're owed this time.
That's what I mean. It's gross.
It's always a weird thing on the show. Honestly, if they have an issue with how this evening went for them and that they didn't get time, you got to take the up with Gin because Jin's the one that decided to send you all home. She's the one that stayed back with Dylan. She's the one that said the rest of you goodbye, good riddance, go home, go you do your thing. This is not the other guy's problem. Don't make your problems my problems. We say it very often here on the show. And it feels like these guys are going to try to make their problem with not getting time the other guy's problem, and they're all going to get together and have this really nice moment be like yeah, you know what, I'll support you because why we're not friends yet, Like we don't know each other really yet. I don't owe you anything here. And at the same time, if you don't get your own time, like if you haven't found out how to do that, you're mad at Devin for pulling him away during a group date, you could have done the same thing during this photoshoot.
I know these guys from the first group date to the second group date, they like want everything to do like fair and balanced. Here it's like, well, this is not this is a bachelorette. Well, I don't know what kind of show you think you're on.
It's just very weird because here's the truth. These guys are legitimately upset. They're not actors. Nobody's paying them to get upset. These guys are somehow finding a way to get mad at Devon, And like I always say, the producers could be in their heads being like, aren't you so upset with Devin? How stupid is it that Devon's doing this? And these guys are like, yeah, yeah, I'm gonna go at him. But they're not forcing them to say a word. You have a choice here to say something or not say something. These guys are all choosing to say something to choosing to let this rile them up and ruin this experience. It could be really great for them. At this point in time on the show, they have no reason to need to really stand out. They just got to make it another week. There's like twenty dudes there. Let those dudes sabotage themselves. Let them blow the whole thing up, and then you can come in at the end and be like, hey, by the way, Jen, I'm still here.
They really thought that they were going to walk into the cocktail party and be like, Okay, your turn, you turn your turn. You're turned weird awkwards with you so weird. So Dylan takes her or sorry, Devin takes her and yeah, yea, was he going to look was were they gonna hate him for this? Yes, but he did say not necessarily giving you guys first dibbs. And then he goes up there talks to her, and then Thomas goes marching upstairs in one of the most embarrassing moments I've seen so early on in the show, and he's like you, pulls him aside and says, we talked about this. You're being disrespectful. The fact that he didn't think that one pulling him aside and spending wasting time on talking to Devin was one gonna look bad, and two just having this confrontation in front of Jen wasn't going to look bad. Like what was going through his head that thought this was the right move.
There's nothing that could have been going through his head that thought this was the right move, because it wasn't. He wasn't thinking clearly.
He was hyped on the drama, just like drinking it up.
He got very obsessed with it and then just ran up to it. And then you know, if you do this behind the scenes, sometimes Jen doesn't even find out. Lee never even knows he needed this right in front of her, Like she's very very much now, Jen's very smart, she knows she goes. I know exactly who this guy is. He is he is the disruptor. He is the guy that's going to tell me at some point that somebody's not here for the right reasons, and it's because he doesn't get along with everybody and he doesn't like somebody. So he's just pretty much telling me he doesn't like this person. And then I'm gonna have to send him home at some point. I'm going to two and one with this guy. Send him home at some point because that's going to be the ass. But it doesn't look good for him from this point forward. It looks really.
Oddome, really hard to recover from this.
Yeah, it's really hard to recover from this.
It is okay any non Devin drama to talk about during the cocktail party.
There really isn't. It kind of takes up the whole thing right until the very end, where obviously Devin still gets a rose here another week now. I don't want anybody listen to this and think I'm in team Devin exactly.
Like I'm not saying I like the dude.
Yeah, I'm just saying I don't get it yet, Like I don't know why this guy, out of anybody there is the one that's upsetting some people so much. I also want to know more about Aaron. I think Aaron's story is not even close to being finished. I had high expectations for Aaron because he has Noah's brother, and he did come in probably with some insight into the show. Yet he chooses to come onto the show fired up from the beginning. I'm hoping that cools down a bit because I want to like him, I want to root for him, I want to get to know him. But right now we're seeing none of that outside of his arguments with Devin and even the kind of the awkwardness with jen by kind of reintroducing himself, and she's like, I just saw you today, Like what do you think we do here? Like you get five minutes with me at these first couple of weeks, Like I know you don't make me feel bad or make me question if you're upset that you don't know me well enough for that. I haven't spend enough time with you. I haven't spend enough time with anybody yet.
He makes me feel super uncomfortable. Well, watching human makes me feel weird, well.
One hundred percent, And the expectation is way too much right now. Like if you're again, if you're going to be a partner to Gin, one of the things you look at as the lead at the beginning is who's actually been a partner to me? Like, who is letting me try to take a break, who is keeping it chill, Who's maybe asking me some questions? So I'm not like the only one conversing here to myself and just wonder, you know, like give her some space and show her that you can be a good partner. And part of being a partner is understanding where they're at in life. And right now Gin is in some chaos. She's trying to figure out what all your names are. For goodness sake, give her a break on if you like she spent enough time with you or who she spent more time with. She doesn't know anybody yet, Like, just let her chill and then as this continues, we'll see the deeper relationships for him.
Yeah. Also, I'll give the guys a second of benefit of the doubt, just because you know how last season I had I didn't have to. I wanted to and new parts of the story in which we're missing with Sydney's storyline, and I had a lot of sympathy for her because some things aren't, of course shown on TV. So I'm just thinking watching this episode, was there something missing that Devin said? Devin did that riled these guys up so hot?
We're not seeing any of that yet. Again, as I said last season to you, actually we only know what we know and what we see I know, so you know, we'll play those games of what about this and what about that? But then that doesn't do anybody any good because we don't know. We can make assumptions, we can guess, but we don't know. We know what we see, and that's who we're here to talk to is the audience that also is watching this alongside of us.
Yeah, okay, the guys that were eliminated, and there was absolutely no Shockers in that group.
I just don't know anybody's name it this, so we didn't know the names. Yeah, so like it does even work, you know? For me, it's like, okay, good give in two weeks, I'll start knowing these guys' names. I don't know all these guys names. Yeah, I know like four of them. That's why the top four is kind of difficult. But we are going to do. Our top four is Ashley. I'll start with my top four. I think a Keem and Marcus are in the top four.
Are queen there?
Heck? Yeah, who else would I put at four?
He's my top four?
Yeah, And then I'm going to do Grant and Sam. I do think Sam is probably going to be in the top four the least amount of time. For me, I just get this feeling that something's.
Going to background Sam as in sham Booth, Sam Sean both meets Chase McNary.
Sure, great, and then Hakeem and Marcus.
Okay, okay, so I will change a little bit. I think top four is definitely Sam, definitely Grant and Dylan and like that, and then probably Marcus.
Yeah gotta be Marcus.
Yeah, but I think that Marcus is.
The fourth fair that's okay right now?
Oh and then yeah, okay, so Dylan, Marcus, Sam and who else?
I say, there's Grant, there's Jonathan, Grant, Grant.
I put Grant in there, and then Jonathan is my top five. He's my like alternate's.
He's on the bench right now. Yeah, but another good episode from Jin. I absolutely love her is a bachelorette. I think she's fantastic. I think she's a catch. I hope some of these dudes step up. I think there's a few that definitely are. But she deserves a really great guy, and I'm hoping she finds it from this mix. I'm not confident she will yet. I just I at our kind of theory last week is maybe playing on my head more than ever that she might not end up with anybody, because I don't know if there's a guy here yet that she likes enough, that she likes enough well to see.
Sam, she likes enough. But it's physical, yeah.
And that comes and goes. We all get old at some point, Ashley, I really am excited for the week ahead for you. I hope you're not here the next time we record, but you may be. And I'm only hoping you're not here because I'm hoping that you're a mother of two at that point and that you're yeah, wild, you kind of take a break. I can't believe some of the last freedom time in your life is being spent with me on this show. But that's just how much you love the listeners, and we do love you listeners. So go out and review our podcast. Share a positive comment. If you have a negative one, don't share it and rate its by stars. But until next time, I've been Ben be.
Love you guys.
Thank you later on.
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