Ashley is serving up the latest in Bachelor Nation headlines with Zachary Reality and trying to make sense of it all!
Deanna Pappas has been arrested! We have all the details.
We have a final word on the status of Susie Evans and Justin Glaze, and Paradise might be involved.
AND… a reversed vasectomy has led to one couple having the most Bachelor kids of all!
This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast with iHeartRadio.
Hey guys, welcome to a headlines edition of the Almost Famous podcast filling in for Ben is Zachary Reality. We had to get this headlines in today Tuesday, March eleventh, because there are some crazy bachelor headlines out right now, including the one that really made us get on the mic. Deanna Pappas has been arrested after a showdown with her ex husband Steven Stagliano, and we may not have the entire story here, but we do want to get out the facts that we have. So they seem to be going back and forth a bit. Stephen is claiming that she is an alcoholic. First, his mom was picking up their children and Austin to take him to school, and she's alleged that she smelt alcohol on on Dianna's breath. This is part of a narrative that Deanna says they're trying to perpetuate. She said that often she feels like he's trained their daughter Addison to kind of survey the house for alcohol.
And then.
Just this week what happened was a physical altercation between Stephen and Deanna, in which Stephen wanted to This is all legend, Okay, this is all It seems to be Deanna's side the story. What happens is he picks up the kids, particularly to think of the situation.
It was their daughter.
Addison says, come close to me, I want to smell your breath, and then she's like no. She turns around heads into the garage and she hears him following her into the garage.
She closes the door, locks it, and then she goes. She calls the police.
In the midst of this, he does get his hands on her, pushes her against a wall, and somehow once the police arrive, they arrest Diana. This is why we're not really sure if we have all the facts here. But Dianna was put behind bars and got out the same day with twenty thousand dollars in bond. And Deanna is trying to get a restraining order against Steven that'll keep him one hundred yards away from her.
That's what we got. That's what we got. I don't know if you're.
Asking for I don't know if I'm asking for opinion either, because let's also add that Deanna is saying, I'm not alcoholic. He's coaching our daughter to look out for alcohol in the home, to literally sniff out alcohol and try to alienate her away from me. So yeah, So the restraining order that was she trialed was on the seventh, so we'll see there's a hearing later this month. I don't know should we give opinion on this.
I mean, I think the main takeaway from this is that the children should not be involved or in the middle. It seems as any type of like whatever it's called, like, they just should not be involved to sway, or they shouldn't be aware of how bad it is between their parents, because it sounds like the kids are kids. So I think that hopefully this is a wake up call for Steven and Dianna, who probably have been fighting for a while, that like this could be a rock bottom moment for them where they could really look at whatever they arguing about and just be like, all right, this is the last time. It's gone way too far. Now the kids are involved, Now they're going to be more aware. So let's just try and co parent amicably and not be near each other. Let's just not talk to each other. Let's get someone in between, maybe your mom and I also hope that Deanna is you know, honoring the rule of not drinking in front of the kids, if that's the rule that they both agreed on.
Also worth mentioning that they did settle their divorce in June of last year. We will have the base on this, Yeah, so we'll up base on this soon, all right. Next up, baby lion Dyke number four. Ari and Lauren are having their fourth baby.
I may have known one of this a little while ago.
That yes, me, No, I didn't know from them, so they're his vasectomy reversal was obviously successful.
I did know back in September that.
Ari got his vseectomy reverse at one of our friend's weddings.
It was the talk of the place.
Everybody was like, wait, you got it reverse? Was that painful? He said it was a four hour surgery and it was still not a guarantee.
After the four hour surgery, and we're like, after twins, you know, after Alessie and followed by a set of twins, you guys are ready to do it again. And they were like, you'll understand once your kids are in school, because when they're in school, you're home all day and you're like, oh man, now I miss that that phase of crazy we're like, okay, maybe maybe we we'll get it.
So very happy for them.
Congratulations, this is this was their wish.
Well and this is also big news because now it's they will become the most the most child full. Yes, they will be the Bachelor Nation couple with the most kids, breaking the record of four, which no one has ever done before. Sean Loh and Catherine are right behind them with three. Jaden Tanner as well with three, but Ari and Lauren will be breaking new barriers with their fourth childs.
Good stat there, thank you, thank you.
All right then, Katie Thurston, she's been really updating us a lot on her health journey.
Of course, we know that she has breast cancer.
Right now, but before she undergoes the chemotherapy that she needs to do for that, she is freezing her eggs and right now she is telling us all the details about that. The average age, an average cost of freezing your eggs is twenty four thousand dollars. It's technically she has it twenty four three and forty nine dollars, and she is getting a discount of fifty percent the itemized receipt that she showed that her insurance will pay the insurance will pay a remaining eleven thousand dollars. Yes, so these are her daily shots, broken down by cost. And as someone with breast cancer, she said a lot of my fertility treatments will be covered by the State of New York.
So that's interesting and that's great.
I like how she's being transparent too, because I think these are things that people don't know, Like they don't know how insurance works, how you know medical things work. And you know, she is in a very precarious situation, so her being open about it is only going to help so many people because she does have such a large following. So I feel bad for her, but I'm glad that she's being transparent. I wish she got paid more for the show. I mean, she was the bachelorette, so if only, you know, she could have got more money that came along with that. They don't maybe they don't pay their leads enough.
They certain they don't pay their leads too much. But she was also on.
F Boy Island with as being one of the girl leads, and she probably made more through being a lead there. And she also is talking about motherhood. She said that it was something that she didn't think that she wanted. She said, one day you think you don't want kids, and then one day you meet the man of your dreams and you would do anything to make sure that we can start a family in the future.
That's oh, that's super sweet.
And she said that for those of you who aren't familiar with fertility treatment, here's a typical day. I'm taking three pills a day to keep my estrogen down, a shot in my stomach in the morning, and two shots in my stomach at night. And she has to go to the clinic, you know, for blood draws and ultrasounds and all of that. She's in the second week leading up to their egg retrieval. She just says she's feeling tired and that her sleep and dreams are crazy.
Oh wow.
Like I said, I'm glad that she's being transparent and open, and a lot of us are really rooting for her and rallying for her. Like I sent her a nice message just to really like encourage her to get through this. It sounds like she had her whole life plans with this guy that she met and she's engaged, so hopefully she is able to just like get through this and that there is like a bright light at the end of the tunnel and that she could have that family she's always wanted and maybe before she even knows it could be you know, in a couple of years.
And she was also talking about how, you know, if she has a successful egg retrieval and she gets like ten eggs, the viability of getting a baby from that to retrieval is maybe one or two successful embryos that'll transfer over and you.
Know, become a baby one day.
So so much goes into it and it all still feels up to, you know chance. Our final headline is justin Glaize, Andrew Spencer and Greg Grippo are taking a four year Friends of Rosary trip. They've been friends for four years now and they went to Putakana in the Dominican to celebrate this, which is very adorable.
They are one of.
The closest friend crews that I have seeing come out of this show, and it's adorable that they're that they're going away together, just the three of the guys, and they're recreating white lotus during their trip.
They've been doing that.
So congratulations to your very close friendship.
This seems like the guys from Katie season have always been really close. I mean, just looking at this article, there's other articles of them like having more friends from their group, like Mike, Michael.
Ah, Michael A. He should well, Michael A is great. But then also there was Mike from The Virgin and I love Mike the Virgin. He should be in Paradise for sure. And I would love to see all these three guys together in Paradise. I know that Justin and his relationship with Susie is up in the air, but it is good bachelor in Paradise fodder to have either him alone and us see him for both of them with heartbreak or both of them and being like, if you guys can't get through Paradise together, then you probably won't be able, you know, to resurrect this relationship.
Yeah, I mean them taking boys trips all the time, like they must have just like gotten a lot of money from their influencing career and just you know, have all the time in the world, because it seems like they are taking trips together every other week. But for them, like they're just living their best life and they enjoy each other's company.
I my guess is at a lot of places, a lot of resorts.
A lot of events want these guys here because they're single, they're good looking, they're like the last Really, I feel like lovable bunch of single guys from the show, Like can you think in recent seasons like a guy group that is funny and charming the way that they are.
No, and they're really good at TikTok too. They are always posting different sounds and stuff. I really want Greg to be the Bachelor. I feel like he is eligible, like he has a big enough name, so I would love them to make him the Bachelor. But if he's not gonna do it, like I would hope that he would at least do Bachelor in Paradise because yeah, he only gave us one season. He was only on Katie's season and then he came in at the end with Victoria there. But I don't know why he won't just go on the show, especially because he seems to really enjoy all the perks that come with it.
I think he definitely would be the Bachelor, and yeah, we won't have a Bachelorette season to pick the Bachelor from, so it could be somebody like him from a previous season. But my opinion is that they would probably like to pull a Culton scenario, a Nick scenario with him. Have him go on Paradise, see how that unfolds him, remind people how much they loved him, and then if it doesn't work out, have him.
Be the bachelor lead. I think that's the perfect scenario for everyone.
I hope he does it because I think we'll we'll need some type of all star cast and we're gonna need some.
Guys, need him as the star guy. Yeah.
Yeah, there's so many amazing girls from the last few years that I know we're going to go go out there and want to, especially Joey's season and Grant season, and so I really hope that Grant and maybe Andrew and Justin will join him. I mean, Greg, maybe they'll join him in Paradise. We can get all three of them there.
I think we need to do this, and I think we need to put Susie in there too.
That would be so good.
I think she could be down.
Do you have insight about their relationship currently?
Yeah, it's it's over. It's not I think they're just friendly.
Okay, So guys, what was happening was, of course they were together for about five months last year turned in turned a friendship, a really close friendship, into a romantic relationship. They broke up, and then it seemed as a couple months ago they were trying to possibly rekindle.
Things, and you're saying that currently not rekindled.
Not rekindled. I did see my girl Susie over the weekend. I saw her at a friend's birthday party. So yes, they're not together, they're just friends. And she didn't directly say she would go to Paradise, but it seemed like there could she could be open. So I would hope that she's never gone either. She's never been, so I'm helping she goes.
Love it, Love it m h. And we'll know.
We'll know if she's there, and will know who else is there because once it comes to May and we know when they go to film, we'll see who's you know, gone from their social media and stuff like that, so we'll be able to kind of tell and hear and maybe we can spoil at least who went, not what happens, but at least who went.
Yes, good stuff.
It seems like this Paradise season is going is one in which the cast really wants to be part of. I think in previous years, we've heard people be like, oh no, I don't want to do Paradise. Every thinks that they have like a chance at the lead. So a lot of the quote A listers won't go to Paradise, and now I think they're like, who knows what's going on for this franchise, Let's just take a week again.
I would rather go to Paradise, you know, if you don't even know if you're going to be the lead, if anyone's really holding out for it, and even if you go to Paradise you can still be the lead. It seems like there's way less pressure on Paradise than there is on any of the other shows. So I think all the people should just go back do it a third time, like you have nothing to lose.
I think people need to really remember that if you go to Paradise, it doesn't mean you can be the lead. Actually it might increase your odds of being the lead. And guys there you could yeah, and there's air conditioning maybe this year, so good, good, just do it.
Have a great time, all.
Right, Well, Zach, thank you so much for joining us again. Great headlines episode. Thanks for being our go to fill in Man. We appreciate you, and we'll thank you for having me sometime very soon.
Yes, I'd love to come back. Thank you all so much for watching.
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