It’s time for the Women Tell All, and Ashley brought in our favorite Bachelor Nation beat reporter Zachary Reality to help break it all down!
Zachary has all the inside info on what really happened between Grant and Dina, we hear more about his feud with Carolina, and we have some tea on who could be the next Golden Bachelor!
This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast with iHeartRadio.
Hey guys, welcome to the Almost Famous Podcast Today. I am joined by Zachary Reality. He's gonna be filling in for Ben and it's a great episode. Zach for you to be joining us, because you had inside tea about women Tell All. You came on our show last week to give us some of the drama you were experiencing with Carolina about women Tell All, so you probably have more insight than anyone into this, besides the girls that, of course were there.
I will say that I had a thank you for having me back. I had a few friends over last night. When she walked off the stage. We all screamed because I did not I wanted her to walk off the stage because you know, she told me she was going to So if they edited that out, I would have looked like a liar.
So I was glad that they at least showed it.
But I also was glad and interested that they didn't show the backstage of her. You know, she said the cameras followed her. I guess they decided not to air that.
Yes, So if you guys didn't turn into our show last week, tune into our show. Last week, basically, Zach and Carolina had a little digital feud going on because he aired that somebody went backstage at cameras followed and that it was going to be a dramatic woman till all moment. Well, it actually turned out to be on TV, not very dramatic. She was shown walking off. They don't show what happened actually backstage, and Jesse just said she needed a moment. It was really no big deal.
Yeah, basically that's what happened, and we're all good. Now we started texting again and water under the bridge, and like I said, you know, I'm not her biggest worry. You know, there was some other girls, so she should be more worried about. So I wasn't her only social media drama last week.
I'm assuming, though, that you're going to be too scared to give any of her gossip out to the world.
Yeah, there's just no point. I'm not going to try for her again or go back and forth. Luckily, you know, since outing that I've talked to her other girls, I've reached forward, and I've gotten some new gossip that I can share anonymously.
So oh yeah, give it us.
I was just telling your well, I was just telling your producer backstage that they are looking for the next Golden Bachelor, because you know this, They're looking for a fresh guy.
A fresh guy interesting, Okay, Yeah, I know somebody who's getting relatively further in the casting as one of the women. So I'm not surprised that it's happening, but I'm interested to know why they're choosing a fresh guy. I think it's because Mark is taken and so is oh my gosh, what was his.
Name, Jonathan? But Jonathan broke up with his girlfriend.
Jonathan broke up with his girlfriend, why wouldn't they choose him.
I think they're really looking for a fresh new face, like somebody from anywhere. So if anyone here is listening and you know, wants to nominate their dad or their grandpa, go to Golden Bachelor casting dot com.
They are really looking for their main guy.
There's like two weeks left and opposedly will film in July, and they already have like thirty thousand women ready to go, So they really are just looking for the right guy.
So I don't know if you know anyone, Ashley.
I don't. I don't because I would be setting them up. But I do have a great woman for the cast. Now, Bachelor in Paradise does seem to be a go. Ben and I were speculating yesterday that it seemed to be not as sure of a thing as we thought, but maybe we just heard from we heard that there was more of a standstill than to be expected for a show that they've like put little teasers out for already, and in the Women Tell All, Jesse really makes it seem like in two weeks we're gonna have some we're gonna have updates about Paradise. I think that's gonna be the change of location, and I think that is going to be the fact that they're adding Goldens to the show. Just my guess, what have you heard about that?
I also think they could announce some cast. I mean, they've already announced Jonathan Hakkem. I don't know if they'll announce everybody. I don't know if they need to, but I think they'll announce potentially an air date or at least a timeframe, which I think could be September right or maybe earlier.
Yeah, I think it'll be back to being a summer show. I believe that they are filming in May this year, and that probably I heard May as well. Okay, yeah, so I think they'll be done editing by August. I think they know it does better as a summer show and they can keep at least a little bit of semblance of normalcy for their year round schedule. Okay, So any any speculation about the Goldens being in Paradise.
Yeah, that's what I heard too, that like they could potentially be there and have their own type of yeah side show. I think that's I think it's dumb. I don't want two shows on one show. I mean, I don't think that works. So I think they need to either commit to a Golden Paradise separate show and then maybe even to like four episodes if they want, like they did on Winter Games. They don't need to commit to a whole season. But I don't think they should mix them.
Okay, all right, let's get back to the main show for a second. Carolina is start. She starts out the show by showing off a jacket that has quotes on it from the Carolina Show.
Jesse says, it's a bold choice. What do you think? Yeah, this is bold. She's telling everyone basically that she had more airtime than anyone else, which is accurate by a lot, right.
But it's not necessarily something you want to brag about. It seems a little petty and low, but I mean, I do think she kind of held her own during the into all, a lot of the girls were coming at her, and she kind of helps her own with some receipts and some facts, and I didn't think she was as ganged up on as maybe it seemed.
I'm sure a lot was cut on the editing room floor.
Yeah, she obviously was upset. It was a lot of hat rehashing of the exact same stuff we didn't get anywhere. Really, you either don't think Caroline is that bad or you're like one of the girls and you think that she's annoying. As heck, I can understand living with her would be annoying. I still am on her team, though. When we talk about the whole Rose situation, that is a weird thing to say to someone, and it's a weird thing to not address. So of course she goes and addresses it, and that was the beginning of the real the Carolina Show. I still think it was valid, and I still think that was valid, and we get the answer. We see the clip in This Woman Until All. It's one of the most pivotal moments in the show. We see that Grant did say to Rose something along the lines of during this dancing date today, I was thinking of you. He'd never mentioned when dancing with Carolina, I was thinking of you whole huge.
Difference, huge difference.
I think it kind of clears things up, it understand I understand why Carolina was a little triggered by what she heard, and Rose kind of admits to maybe like getting it wrong a little bit. So I'm glad that they were able to clarify what was actually said. But it doesn't seem like we got resolution between Carolina and Rose. Like it doesn't seem like they made up or are going to be friends. So maybe we'll get more of that on their beef in Paradise if they both end up being there.
Yeah, I still think it was a bold choice of Rose to make make comment about any of that to Carolina. Super weird. But you know, we understand that Carolina definitely has her flaws. I don't deny that she was. She was a big source of drama in the house, even with things we probably didn't see now, Dina says another, she says something bold. She says, if it weren't for me, like I got you a whole other week here. And I don't think she's wrong. She was the one that stuck up for her that week in Madrid.
But don't you think that's a wild things to say, that Dina has that much control over like a Rose.
If it weren't for Dina standing up for do you think that she would have? Yeah, I see what you're saying. I see what you're saying. That is something that I probably wouldn't choose to say, But in a moment of drama on a TV show with lights in my face and cameras, it could come out of my mouth. I wouldn't be totally surprised. But you're right. In real life, I would never say that to somebody, but on a reality show, like, I'm not surprised that it came out of her mouth.
It seems like a little like crazy that Dina would have that much power. But maybe Dina like sticking up for Carolina and like making up with her because they made up that Rose ceremony, they like hugged upstairs, Like maybe that like told the producers like, hey, like we can resolve things with her, Let's keep her longer, because if she was so shunned from the house, then the storyline would have played out and maybe the producers would have been like, all right, you're not aunt's choice, let's just you can go.
So maybe Dina met.
No that hug happened right before Carolina was eliminated. She didn't get through that week. It was the week before when ca when Dina was like, you guys, like she's a very sweet soul. She's a sweet soul and like I'm thinking about her through all of this. That's the week she said she got her through.
Like, well maybe she she definitely supported her and had her back, you know. So I think Dina did come in with some receipts that like she was her friend and she felt kind of like cross the second, like something happens between them.
Another thing that Dina did was she posted a TikTok that said, like, when you defend the one person, nobody else would just to get played, just to get played. The next week, so Dina was teasing the up coming episode where she and Carolina actually had at it. And this is one of the first times that we see Bachelor The Bachelor using Instagram content, TikTok, social media content to create drama on the show, to perpetuate a storyline. I like it. Let's continue doing this. But again, that was a bold choice of Dina. I could see why Carolina would have been upset by that. But at the same time, she isn't saying much. She's not really throwing Shane. It is exactly what happened.
Well, wasn't that the same thing that happened to me last week with my Twitter I wasn't trying to throw Shane. I was trying to like seize the show. The same thing happened with Dina's you know.
Yes, And then what happens as you allude to Carolina decides to just screenshot their text messages and put them out there. Like, Carolina, you can't do this. No one's what. You can't do this. Every time somebody annoys you a little bit with a social media comment, you're gonna just you know, to grow our private text messages.
I mean, at least she's consistent.
So now people know, do not play with Carolina, don't trigger her, don't pope, don't you know, press her. But she don't text her. She you got to call her or FaceTime hers. I sent her voice notes. Actually, you cannot be texting her because if you do something wrong, she will post your text.
She's done it to multiple people.
That's hilarious. This episode did make me like Diana even more. I do feel like she should have been the Bachelorette if we were going to pull one from this season. She is so unapologetically and genuinely type A. It's hilarious between her laundry and there was some other moment where I was like, this girl is just no shame in her type A game. You you what it was? Your take on her glasses. I thought she looks stunning in them.
Yes, going to say like Bold's choice for her glasses, because I feel like she was getting a lot of flak online. People were just saying that she looks different now. So I don't know if she dyed her hair, if something's different in her makeup routine, or just the glasses, But a lot of people have been commenting on her appearance, and I think she looks really smart, looks like the attorney that she is.
She's well spoken, and.
I feel like she she's probably you know, went back and forth with Carolina a little too much, like maybe she shouldn't have, you know, been a little feet. It fed into Carolina as much as she did, but I feel like at least she got her point across and hopefully she's able to move forward after this woman. Until all, even though the two of them probably won't be friends, maybe we'll see both of them in Paradise.
Dina's going to go into this friendship with like gard On for sure, like a bullet proof vest. She's not gonna trust anything anymore. But Dina her makeup routine. In her look, she looked so good. She looked softer. I liked the curls and her There's something softer about her face. I loved it. I want to see more of this Dina look. The other big thing to come out of this show was that she says, my family was actually torn on meeting you, and I made the final decision not to have them meet you because I didn't want it to be like an internal family conflict. Jesse asked Well that she regrets it, and she said, yeah, sometimes a little bit, and yeah, it made me think. I'm not sure. I think that I would, just knowing myself, if my family was internally conflicted about it. I would think that it was probably something that they could get over that like, once they did it, they would be happy that they did it, so we would just go forward with it. Dina said that she didn't know it was going to be as big of a deal. She wishes that she would go back and be like, hey, like, what does this mean to you? Like this this is really concern you. What was your take on all this?
And it definitely seems like Grant was going to send her home regardless, So I don't think it was to make one like clearly he's falling in love, like he said, you know, to Letia and Juliana at their hometowns. So I think that it's sad that Dina like let that eat herself up. It sounds like she didn't give herself her family enough prep time, Like maybe she didn't think she was going to make it too hometowns, and when she found that she was going there was really was only a few days to scramble. So it kind of sucks that, like her family was divided over it, and that they she made the joint decision to step in and be like everyone stop fighting. Nobody's coming. So that's kind of how it seemed like it went down. I wish she was able to bring a couple of her siblings since she has ten so many. But ultimately, like when she explained it, it does make sense, you know why she didn't want to take that gamble when there was when it was causing such a divide in her family.
Yeah, like, no judgment. I just said what I would have probably done. But I have no idea how a family of eleven children navigate issues like this. You know, it's just me and my sister eleven children. So it's like if you were to say, like, hey, half my siblings, can you come just like be down to do this, I don't know. Does that divide the family? Does that like really piss them the other side off? I understand why she made the choice that she did, and yeah, I don't think it ultimately made any difference.
They're a tight family unit.
It seems like, yeah, it's it's cool to be that close when you have eleven siblings.
Yes, so it is what it is.
I think that, you know, I still think she's gonna go to Paradise and hopefully find love and luckily her family won't have to be involved in that, and it makes sense like she chose to go on TV, her family didn't, so it is what it is.
And I do agree with you. I think that time was a big factor. It's hard to be able to get everybody on one page when you have like five days, not even five days, to decide what to do exactly.
So she she still held her own and you know, she had to get that cry out when she saw Grant to get that closure, but it seems like she got. And now I'm trying to think about who I want to ship her with for Bachelor in Paradise because I definitely think she'll be there. I mean, there's only a few girls this season. I think we'll definitely be there, and I think we'll see her. I think we'll see Carolina. I think we'll see Rose and maybe even Chloe in Alex and Alex.
If Alex is down to do it. For some reason, Alex feels like she might not be a Paradise girly right, but.
Hopefully she's Sina. She got a lot of airtime last night. She had like a whole hot seat.
Yeah, that was interesting. We didn't get much out of that. We got that her mom wants to be on the Golden which is probably why she got it, because they're probably putting her on the Golden Yeah.
I did see a lot of comments online that there wasn't a lot of room for talk between the girls. They really focused in on a lot of these hot seats for a while. And Carolina that a lot of the other girls who are like you could call them the extras if they went home early. They really didn't. We didn't hear them speak at all, Like they didn't even get like one question.
That's true. And you know what's also really weird is that they had Beverly there and then they didn't have her say anything about her appendectomy? Right, what Why have her there and not talk about why she had a dramatic early exit.
Must have got cut.
It probably probably got cut. Yes, now it's the big teas for the finale. What is your take on Grant's facial expressions. I feel like this is not going to end well for him.
Yeah, his body language looked a little exhausted and a little upset, which is normal to see with some bachelors after a long season. They could be wearing the exhaustion. But he also should be excited that it's almost over. So I think that he might be anticipating some backlash in these next couple of weeks when we see what goes down at the finale, and I think he's probably wearing that and getting nervous for the fans to see what really went down.
He certainly hasn't gotten backlash yet.
No, he's gotten a very clean edit. Yeah, it's very just cookie cutter. I mean, he hasn't made much of an impression on me, so it's not I'm not like I don't love him, I don't not like him, like he's kind of just.
Yeah. The girls have definitely led the season as a lot of times they say they do. Okay, Well, what's your final prediction? Seeing the scenes for the next couple episodes, I think that it's intense to see him say I love you to Letia, and if he doesn't pick her after the I love you, I love you, that's always that's always dramatic.
Mm hmmm.
One'm gland to know that there's two weeks. I originally thought next week was going to be the finale. Yeah, so I would have been like, wow, that would have gone fast. So next week I think should be interesting. I think just the whole Fantasy Suites aspect adds a different layer because did you know that Grant was celibate?
This came out last.
Week, but tell us everything.
Yeah, he's been celibate for a year going into the Bachelor. He was in a seven year long relationship before he was on gen season, so he was really trying to be intentional with having sex. So he opened up about it on The Bile Files last week about how he was celibate going into the Bachelor's So I really think that that should come up during this week's Fantasy Suites because they're already trying to make this storyline about Letia not wanting to sleep with him because she's Mormon, but now it seems like she's not gonna have to worry about that anyway because he won't be sleeping with anyone. So that will that potentially could make a lot less drama on the Fantasy Suites than what we're used to or what we were hoping for.
Wow, that does change things. That does make things easier for her, assuming all assumptions, but yes.
Assuming yeah, So I wonder how they'll have those conversations and how they'll navigate those conversations. I think we're all on agreement that we think Zobe's probably going to go home next week at the the final three. So I would be interested to see just how she goes home. Is she is it a mutual decision, does she walk herself out? Is she gonna cry and be really heartbroken about it, or is she gonna just you know, shrug her shoulder and move on. I think her exit is what's keeping me interested.
Yeah, she is. They definitely voiced over the whole, like I could see myself engaged to this woman. That's definitely not about Dewey in my opinion, that's to throw us with it up. Yeah, No, okay, Well, Zach, is there anything else that we've missed that was really dramatic during Women to all?
It was a little lackluster.
Anything that, you know that to spice it up?
I know, I'm trying to think.
I mean, I think what we got and I did watch some interviews, is there really wasn't resolution. Like I said, it's with Carolina and some of the girls, like usually you'll see like a hug or like something at the end, and we didn't get any of that. So I think we can expect some of that drama to carry over in Paradise. I also did notice that a lot of people giving Jesse Palmer a hard time last night, and I kind of agreed. It seemed like he didn't know when to step in when the girls were fighting, and he wasn't good at guiding any resolution or just conversation. So I think we have to give him a little bit of flak for last night, at least the way it was shown.
I just didn't think he did much as a host.
Okay, respect I did see a comment that was like, Dina is actually hosting this thing.
Right exactly. There was just like a lot of screaming.
I felt like I would didn't get to hear from all the girls, So this was probably more of a letdown, I would say, out of all the tell.
Alls, I just feel like tell alls need to be reevaluated. Ben and I you like, tell All's you told us last week that you were really excited about this. I get so angry when they're like and next week women tell All, I'm like, no.
Gary radis sweet.
I just don't feel like I need it, especially in a season that is already two episodes shorter than the norm Yeah.
Yeah, it definitely is a little bit shorter. Huh yeah.
I like tell all just because it's like the drama's heightened and it's usually a place to solve all the issues. So it was It was okay, but like I said, it could have been better. We did get a lot of that snow white content.
For a lot of snow Hey, the mirror mirror thing worked better than I thought. I was thinking that, like, oh, this is cheesy, but then when we got the clip of Rose and Grant, that was worth it. And then it was funny to see some behind the scenes info. The bloopers were really good this season. Good bloopers were and it just again as bloopers always do, made me feel like they need to keep some of that lightheartedness into the show. Like Carolina said, do you want to make me want to make out with me intensely? And then let me smell your armpit?
Like what?
Wait? Why do you like smelling armpits?
It was a little creepy, but I actually do want to see snow White, and I think a lot of people do, so I'm glad that they're promoting a movie that is approved, and they also approved. They also talked about mom talk, which is what you guys said too. The Secret Life of Mormon Wife season two taking over The Bachelor at timeslot. They announced the premiere of that show for May.
Fifteenth, and it's a Monday.
It's a Monday, okay, yeah.
Interesting, alrighty well, thank you for recapping this with me, and you're going to stick around for headlines this week and they are jush all right, see you guys, Ben, Let's do it. Bye.
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