The Bachelor of Paradise

Published Nov 10, 2023, 5:00 AM

Ben and Ashley are recapping this week’s episode of Bachelor in Paradise! We’re still trying to piece things together because we feel like we’re not getting the WHOLE story this season.
Ben and Ashley bond over their fandom of Olivia, who is deserving of most of the screentime.
And we have a bold prediction about what will finally happen between Katie and Blake!

This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast with iHeartRadio.

It's time for another episode of the Almost Famous podcast. We were so pumped to be here. It is Bachelor in Paradise time. We are here, just ready to dive in. Ashley, I will describe this episode in my opinion as less chaos. It was not so confusing to me. This actually fell us like a very like old school Paradise episode to me, well pulled.

There was nothing that left me going hmmm, except okay, this one thing Tanner giving Rachel de Rose was a HM for me, just because he had that amazing date with Davia or so he said, yeah this okay, I would I would agree with you.

For the most part, this episode felt very straightforward, and sometimes those hmmm moments are really good in Paradise because they keep us wondering, questioning. The problem I think that we've seen so far this season is this storytelling doesn't feel complete because we don't know where Dobby and Tanner went wrong. They were very strong. He was very okay dropping Cat. Maybe he just wanted to drop Cat. It could be, but I just wish we knew why that that relationship did not flourish.

Yeah, totally agree.

Yeah, yeah, totally agree, and like it really start, all the girls who came in last week ended up leaving, so it was like, why do we even.

Have last week?

Yeah, and then we never got the storylines of why those relationships that felt so beautiful and romantic and perfect during their dates, why they didn't stay together through this week?

Like yeah, like Blake, look, Blake, who had a great date with Genevieve.

Jess was like, nope, Jess, let's do this.

And Jess is making out with Tyler. We don't know where that goes because he's back horses and.

Meads, so just we don't address it. Just he made out with Jess and then but Mercedes is his girl.

So I don't know. I just feel like we're getting incomplete stories and that doesn't feel good for me because I'm having to make a lot of assumptions, and you know, when I make assumptions, they typically aren't right, and so I don't know what's happening. Anyways, let's start at the beginning of this episode. We do come off of last week's episode, I think, intrigued at what relationships would stay together. We had talked during last week's episode that it felt like most of these relationships were not strong. In fact, we couldn't really name one that we were that confident would be together at the end. Charity lost and does come down to the beach, and that's when she brings up the Aaron B situation with Eliza. Eliza is shooken by the news, and Aaron B is confused and he gives a very poor explanation for how this whole thing went down. So we are left going, there's no way this continues, like it just feels like it's on a dead end. However, we do see and we pick up this storyline at the first of the episode.

And it all kind of just.

It becomes not a big deal because then they kind of admit that.

We don't know the whole story. We only have DMS from this girl.

She's a quote disgruntled x yeah, and we can only you know, we have two sides of the story here, and we only know one of these people, and that is Aaron. So eventually it seems like Charity and Eliza both kind of say, Okay, if this is what you're saying, then we're going to choose to believe you. But Eliza does say like all right, I'm choosing to believe you, but I'm also still very nervous, and I'm I'm far more or less I'm far less confident comfortable that I was before knowing this, because there is like a little bit of a red flag.

Well here's my question. I have always thought Charity was amazing.

Yeah, well, obviously we love her.

Yeah, she showed great judgment, she was consistent, she was clear and concise. My question with this is not a criticism as much. It is me wondering if you get home from a season and somebody has messaged you and your family and your friends and has taken the time to research who your family and your friends are, and they've sent you twenty messages and all these things that Charity is explaining to Eliza and Aaron, Yeah, why in the world would you not go This feels like a red flag, Like it feels like this person is out to get Aaron. And it doesn't feel like they're like clear of mind. It feels very disgruntled and angry.

And that's a good point.

And so why would she be bringing it up to Kat or whoever else, Because to me, it just feels like, yeah, this person is out for attention, maybe definitely showing signs of being out for attention or out for some like reassurance. But it does feel very disgruntled and a tag chaotic. And so why would Charity say, yeah, you just need to watch out for airon?

Yeah, why would she say anything? I don't know, because you know what, even if Charity is wonderful, all of us do love.

A little drama.

Well, I'm sure it's human instinct, yeah, but it does. I think at that point, once Charity fully explained what happened, I was like, I don't know if I could take I don't know if I could take.

Much substance from I don't know, Yeah, I don't.

Know if I could take much substance from like what she was saying. I just feel like I would probably not dismiss her claims necessarily, but I'd be a lot more confused. If she was messaging my family and friends, I'd be like, hey, back back down a little bit, Like you're not going to get through the.

Family and friends.

Is pretty weird because it's not like Charity ended up with him, Like, I don't want to know the dates of these messages. If the guy was if it was just like wall there, she said that the phone was away when she was getting these messages. Yeah if she yeah, some knows. But like if she ended up with him, then I could maybe see trying to reach out a ton afterward and be like, Yo, you're.

With somebody who's not who they say they are.

But just just just him being on the show seems like agrandled X type thing.

Sure, And I mean if it was over and she was upset because it was over, again, we kind of both agreed last week that as long as the relationship was over, he can go on the show. I mean, he's not doing anything wrong. If they were still together, anyone on the show, that's a problem. It's a little weird, a lot of weird. Yeah, But you know, I don't think there's anything to be upset with him about. If he went on the show to date Charity and they ended their relationship beforehand, I don't really care if they were dating up until the day, Like he made a decision to leave.

You're very good with that, But I don't know.

That seems a little tacky, A little tacky, sure, I mean probably not the way I would go about it. But again, he made the decision to leave, and at that point, if you're dating, you can just pretty much consider, hey, you broke up, like yeah, and if somebody did that to me, what I would be saying was, I'm really upset. I think this is a really mean thing to do to me. However, we're done, like we are moving on. I'm hurt. I'm I'm you know, confused. I don't know why our relationship ended like this, or that we had no substance in this relationship to build on. But they're gone and they went on this show and they're trying to date this you know, really like cool lead, and I would say it's over. I am moving on with my life and they should too. So it feels weird then for me to like message the lead and be like, hey, we're dating at one point, maybe like a month before the show, and they, you know, he told me he loved me, and all that just feels odd. Well, Eliza and Aaron b you know, kind of clear things up and they're back together and he's trying hard, you can tell, to build this relationship to the place that it was before, because I definitely don't get the sense that it is at a place that it once was. Maybe three days ago.

Yeah, she does say like let's sleep on this, but then like we watch the rest of the episode, like she sleeps on it, and she's still like with him. Cat and John Henry are another big storyline in this episode, because you know he is in between Kat and Olivia. Cat's really like throwing herself at him and listen, I'm not shocked that he ends up choosing Cat because Cat is he's being seduced by her. I feel like Olivia is, she's like she has more friend vibes when it comes to John Henry and then like Cat's going around yet I need a tongue in my mouth. So like if you're in Paradise and you're a guy and you're not exactly.

He doesn't seem.

To be like looking for the love of his life. That's just the vibes that he puts out, and I think that it's probably he's just gonna want to have a good time with Kat. Olivia is like, I really like you.

I don't think John Henry knows what in the world he's thinking.

He's a little spacey, right, Yeah.

I think he's just like, you know, shiny new things.


Yeah, he's not I don't think. I mean, he's definitely intelligent, but I think when it comes to dating into like all this stuff moving around him so fast and all these voice in his head, I think he's like, oh, okay, cool, this works right, Like I'm good with this. Because even when he talks to Olivia and tries to clean things up, he he's a very sweet man. He feels bad, he feels guilty. He is like, yeah, you know, Cat, Cat just wants to make it out there, and that sounds fun right now. I don't know, see, I don't think he's doing this necessarily to hurt anybody or hurt himself. I am still very concerned that I was really hoping. I don't know if this is evil of me. Actually, I was really hoping. In this episode, some like new really attractive dude walks down the beach and Kat's like, okay, I'm going after him.

I just wanted to see her flip flop again.

Yeah, I kind of did. Is that weird?

No, it's fine. It's fun to watch. She's wild TV, and so is Olivia. So that's why it's kind of fun to have them pair it against each other because they just are the best when it comes to talking.

Yeah, they're really good at it. Well, I would say Kat is not very good at it, but she's down to do it. Like she's going to scream about that. Yeah, Like she's not like making great like points and she's not closing out arguments and she's not like putting somebody in their place. She's just down to like be really confident in like her opinion. And it's hard to argue with when you're like, yeah, you know, you can't. You can't argue with that kind of stuff because it makes no sense what she's saying. And I think she at some point she Kat has to admit and she hasn't yet, and it's wild to me. She has to admit that she's just down to disrupt and cause chaos and that she has flip flopped and that she is just like really like okay with other people being upset with her. She won't admit it yet on the show, but she has to admit that that, like the theme has to show that she is doing this.

Oh yeah, oh for sure.

Let's get to the cocktail party where we first get news that this is so embarrassing.

That Simple was finally pooped.

Good for I'm glad.

Sorry, this is like a week later, and I know that they dragged this out that she had pooped prior to this moment.

Yeah, if it went two full weeks posts after, like there's no way. And like at this point I said it last time, Like I'm done talking about it. It's stupid, you know, I feel bad for the girl. She has to make jokes about it. It's just, you know, if we have like people, you know, really popular people from the franchise who are known for something, So this is what she's gonna be known for. And that's just sad to me, but good for congratulations. Everybody collaps. Everybody's like, yeah, that makes sense. We're glad it happened she went home to do that.

We move on, Okay, we move on to Justin Blake, and like we said at the top of the show, we are wondering what happened with their respective relationships last week, the Genevie date and the kiss with Tyler, just like it's all in now on Blake and they kind of make it official at this cocktail party that they are in this together, which, of course lo and behold, Katie will walk down next week, which we've been waiting for for freaking weeks. I think it's going to shake him up, but I don't think it's going to do anything serious.

No, I mean I think the tea serious about his dramatics is going to get I mean, Katie probably comes down. I don't I don't think.

She's there to have a date card in her hand. She did a great job conviciting us that she was going to date.

Go then what would be the point just to shake.

Out just a freaking out.

I guess that seems weird maybe, but it does feel like Blake and just kind of have that moment of clarity of no, this is really good. She says like I miss you touching me, I miss you holding me. And then they kiss and he's like, let's I'm in for this thing now, Like they probably needed this to get to where they're at now. I'm actually not going to be shocked if they end up together.

Well, they're not going to get engaged, but I think it could be one now, but it could be one of those relationship. Yeah, I would like to do you want to do one hundred dollars?

That was the think, like a dollar wowsh I have to buy Let's calm down a bit. I'm hurting these days. Well we'll see, we'll put a bed.

He doesn't want to put a bet on it, and well we'll bet you know what, we can bet massage a shoulder from next time I see you.

I'm good with that. I love that.

I'm gonna win this strange of us we have. You guys, you wouldn't understand. Ben goes around massages everybody's shoulders every time he sees them. I'm surprised I didn't see you rubbing shoulders this week.

It's my way of giving a hug.

Yeah, it's so sweet.

He's the best at it, like the absolute best.

Yeah, that is my way of giving a hug. That just and Blake will get engaged.

Okay, good for you.

So yeah, so we see them kind of come back together. Obviously, that leaves Genevie in a very bad predicament because it's so late in the night and she hasn't really focused on anybody else, and she's just brand new to the beach and there isn't really that many options available to end up with, you know.

So anyways, Tanner and is kissing, and how Tanner kissed three girls?

Was it three or four? He ends up.

Kissing he's the one that wants a tongue in his mouth.

Yeah, okay.

So he kisses Rachel because she ends up getting his rose, and I was like, okay, maybe I can feel this. But he also kisses Davia and he says that that kiss that he had with her was the most passionate he's ever had, but that doesn't go give her the rose. So Tanner is definitely the Bachelor of Paradise right now.

I do want to know what happens to his relationship. He goes on a beautiful date with Davia and it feels like those two are a couple, and yet then all of a sudden, they're not a couple, and she doesn't seem that upset or confused by it. I know I would be mad, mad, so mad.

Very weird, very weird.

And then Olivia and John Henry have a conversation where basically she says like I can't stand Cat, and then he's trying to like break the news gently to her that like that's unfortunate because I really like Cat.

I mean, here's a deal, Johnny.

I'm so sorry about that. It's gonna make it worse that I'm gonna give you her the rose.

Yeah, he's just I mean, this poor dude is gonna I mean, he is getting torn up in the cyclone that is paradise. He is getting spun around in circles. He's gonna get spit out in the most an opportune place. And here's the other thing. I would agree with you earlier, Ashley, if you're like he's just there to have a good time, I don't think he is.

Really. Why does he feel like just surfer bro who's just like.

Down to have fun Because he says the words to Kat, I could see us being together after this. Do you feel that too.

It's a weird couple.

We all know they're not gonna be we're not gonna be together. But I think he's in it. Like, I think he is infatuated with something that she's doing. I think she is has him wrapped up and he is gonna get spit out. I don't know when or how, but I mean, I'm only basing this on the fact that the trends so far is these dudes get wrapped up and spit out, and then they're on the beach, either crying or angry. And then she's moved on and they're like lost little puppies.

Ben, I'm thinking that maybe it doesn't make sense, so maybe it should make sense because she is such a dominant figure.

She's going to be the dominant in every fifty shades of krit type way.

But she's gonna be that personality in any relationship that she's in. So maybe she needs a guy that is more of like a whatever.

Yeah, I'm just cool. I'm just glad to be here. And you want my tongue down your throat because I can do that. I can provide, I can provide that. I got you want to you want to see my piercing.

Oh that's right. He was so into his tongue piercing.

Just it's why I kind of like hope that these two make it into a fantasy so just so that we can like get all the indo undo. Anyway, the other weird thing that happens at the Rose ceremony is that right when they're about to start, Becca, who Braiden went on the date with last week, is nowhere to be found.

That's such a weird scene.

We started this.

Episode being like this episode wasn't confusing at all, and now we're realizing super confusing.

Wow, it wasn't confusing to me because the relationships on the beach had like a little clear like vision to them, like we knew kind of the relationships and where they are going for the most part, other than maybe Tanner and Davia. So the overall episode, I didn't leave being like I feel like there was a lot there. I don't understand. This was just weird scene for me.

You don't have any context.

She's just gone.

It's like, seriously so weird.

No, there's like Biden Like Braiden's like I don't know what's going on either, like what like what happened here?

They say producers don't know where she went, which is also I don't believe that, And we really just all it happens is that Jesse comes down, and it's like Becca left Paradise.

She said that she's afraid.

The only thing we get is like one little SoundBite that says she's afraid.

It's not real.

With Braiden, it's like, Okay, well there's other people that are definitely open, and there's other people that are gonna come down. I don't know.

Maybe she was scared she was gonna get villainized, well, how.

About you stick around long enough to figure out if it's real or not. I don't know. There's no pressure here, you're on a bit.

I was excited because I thought that that maybe Rachel and Braiden would get back together. I mean, yes, it's gonna make it feel like Rachel's second place. Did you think that without Braidon and having Beck got to give the rose too, that he was going to give it to Rachel. Were you surprised that it ended up her rose came from Tanner and that Braiden's rose ended up going to Olivia.

Did you foresee this because in my head I was.

Thinking that Tanner was probably going to pick Davia and then the Braiden rose would go to Rachel.

Yes, and no, I think actually we didn't get the full scene. When Tanner leans down to Braiden, he goes, who's rose? Like, who are you giving your roast? Now? I don't know. I bet after like, I bet like they kind of cut there out. Yeah, I bet Braiden was like, honestly, I'll probably give it to Olivia because like she deserves to be around or you know, and Tanner's like, well, I'm gonna give to Rachel and then they're all here and you can figure this out later. I think there was probably studia. Okay, so yeah, I just don't think we saw that. But it was a weird scene, and I felt like Beca was really excited to be there because she didn't get a long period of time on her season obviously of The Bachelor, and so it just, you know, impact last seasons, we have seen the struggle emotionally and mentally for people who are on paradise, Like, I don't know if I like being here. I feel very overwhelmed here. I kind of want to go home. I don't think this is the place for me. We don't see any of that with Becca. In fact, we don't really see Becca in this date with Braiden, and then all of a sudden, they're like, where's Becca. My first question was, who's Becca? I don't know who Becka is. I'm trying to figure out because we just haven't seen it. And then she's gone, yeah, which I don't want to add in that. Maybe possibly the show is like, we need to figure out a way to keep Olivia around for next week, and this is yeah.

They definitely need to keep Olivia around.


Yeah, but Beca's gone Long Street.

Guess what. Producers don't know where you are.

Producers are there saying you gotta leave because we need Olivia stick around.

Yeah. He and Braiden are going to work out. He's yeah. Anyways, So she's gone, which means braid now gives his rose to Olivia, which means Olivia is able to stay for one more week. And we're all very excited about that because honestly, I don't know what this show is this year because Ben.

Freaking loves her. She's so freaking she is like, she delivers.

She delivers the most she's ever delivered for me personally when Michael walks down the stairs, because she goes from being sad because she has this disappointing conversation the next day after the rose ceremony with John Henry where he was like, hey, I feel guilty and she's like, okay, thanks for talking to me.

I hope it makes you feel less guilty.

Go ahead, back over to Kat and then all of a sudden, this guy Michael comes down and she is like that Michael is a good looking man. Yes, girl, she won eighties. She's not going to get the row she's not going to get the date card. You know this. They leave us on this cliffhanger. Who's Michael going to give the date card to? And you just know it's not going to be Herdy.

Who else would say? Yes? Rachel? Maybe I don't know.

He did pull over Mercedes, which and he's not gonna Mercedes isn't going to go because Tyler says that they're like all in they can all see a future with each other. But I'm also like Tyler, when you get to tell Mercedes that you made out with Jess, he.

Probably already has. We just haven't seen it again. I feel like there's a lot we're not seeing. I just don't know what the show would be this year without Olivia. I feel like she if you looked at Cat like Bachelor data and you saw screen time, it would be like Kat and Olivia seventy percent of the screen time and the rest of them like thirty percent, kind of like when they're on a date, but the rest of the time is just the two of them either doing the itms or trying to figure out who they're going to date. I think Olivia has made great television. I don't know Olivia personally, but she is.

Would you wait until she comes on the pod?

Oh, I cannot wait. It's going to be so fun. I just want her to talk. I just want to listen and laugh and just be like you say the most wildly ridiculous, funny things and all of it somehow makes sense and I don't know how you do it.

Ben, we should have her be our official fill in or like, whenever one of us can't do the podcast, we should always have Olivia on speed dial.

Yeah, because you know she is not afraid to say some stuff during headlines either. I'm going to breakdown bachelor headlines. Okay, so Michael does coming down to the beach. He is the newcomer. He's an attractive man with great dimples. There's not a lot of Yeah, there's not a lot of single people on the beach. It is kind of up to like Olivia and rachel On who maybe would be interested. I feel like at this point, going on to day, I think everybody else for the most part, has at this point in the season said no, let's either let's give this a go with the person I'm with or if this doesn't work, I'm probably done here. So yeah, they can tease us, I do think Olivia goes on this date, because I just don't. He never pulled Rachel. We never saw it. And so if he asks Rachel old Mercedes, Yeah, but I mean I think I don't think Mercedes goes. I don't think Kylie will go with him. Who we saw him pull as well.

Oh it was Kylie who was pulled.

Both they both pulled. Oh yeah, well, and so I just don't think either of them are going on a date. And so, you know, the only other person we saw him talk to is Olivia. So if he pulls anybody other than Lyvia, it's gonna be very confusing for the audience because they're like, so you talked to three girls and you didn't like any of them, and so you're just going with the next best option.

Yeah, and you wanted to take one that wasn't available. All right, Hopefully Olivia gets the date. The other big tease that we have for next week is the fact that Katie comes down and we did touch on it recently, but she says something to Blake that is heavy, or so it seems when clipped up the way we see it.

She goes, if I could go back and redo it all I would.

I think my theory is that she feels really guilty about how things ended, and I don't think it was the happiest of splits. I think that there's rumors that like she kind of blindsided him, that their breakup was when they're away from each other.

Maybe he was in Africa.

Maybe I'm making things up, but I think that what she's gonna go and redo is just like the ending of their relationship, and she feels bad and that's for the first time they're talking in two years.

I'd love to see it. I just I'm I'm kind of in this season of life where I just love breakups, rekindling and getting on in a good place. I'm a big fan of watching him happen right in front of my eyes. It's great, it's really fun. Hey, we still haven't seen Ashley. It's kind of been like disappeared. We still have a wedding supposedly in Paradise. Do we have any better idea of who this is gonna be? I know, no, it was teased like, wh who are these people?


Just like a random wedding now or.

The longest season?

So like we might have we have weeks left I feel I feel like we have at least three weeks left of show, so who knows how these things might evolve, and who knows, maybe just a random ass wedding on the beach. It's a date dumble across it. I know it's gonna be like that prom date. You know, It's like there had Van Donta and it's like, oh my god, a wedding.

I imagine getting married to you right next to me.

Yeah, I think it's that. I mean, there are rumors that it was Gary, but I'm like, Gary season hadn't even filmed yet, so it's not Gary. Yeah, like it was after like this faradest filmed a long time ago, so who knows. Anyways, We'll be back next week with another breakdown of Bachelor in Paradise. Hey, this week we have some really cool stuff. We had Rodney Matthews join us for headlines and we also did an in depth with Rodney. We're gonna still do the Golden Bachelor breakdown, so it's a big week of podcasts but also a really great week of podcasts. Rodney opens up about his new relationship and so the big question there that I think everyone's answer is, is it the real dealer or not so Tune into our episode to get all the details on his new relationship and where they're at currently and what he sees as a future for the two of them. But until next time, I've been Ben, I've been Ashley.

Bye, guys, we love you. You're the best.

Thank you so much for listening to our voices all the time. When you come up to us and you're like, hell the podcast, I'm like.

You listen to my voice.

That's the kindest of things. And I'm gonna start screeching now.


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Fan Favorite and one of the most popular Bachelors Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti, the notorious c 
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