King of Paradise with Chris Bukowski

Published Aug 13, 2019, 3:00 AM

Ben is fresh off Ashley and Jared’s Rhode Island wedding and he’s ready to give all the behind the scenes details! We find out who was the first to cry, how did his girlfriend Jess get along with Bachelor Nation, and we hear a secret about the bouquet toss! 

Ben opens up about words of advice Jared gave him the first night they met and changed his life forever. 

Plus we talk to Chris Bukowski about what he’ll do next if he doesn’t find love on Paradise this season.

And of course, we recap this week's episode of Bachelor in Paradise!

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Honestly, it's another human being. When you say Ashley Haven, I don't know what to do with it. And I'm tired and I can't process it. Uh. This is the day after the Ashley and Jared extravaganza, the wedding of the Millennia. We are here live talking about paradise because that's how much we love the show. But I'm I'm poode. Are you right now? Um, I'm in Newport, I'm right where the wedding took place. Jessica actually just left to jump on a flight, and uh and I stuck around for an evening to do the podcast and to talk to you all. We have Toria, Danielle and Studio along with Easton. UM. We like to call them the magic behind the scenes. Uh, the engine, um that keeps this thing moving. But today they're gonna sit here and talk to me because there's just so much the process that I we we all want to make sure that we get it all out there. So let me start here. Though. UM, if if anybody didn't know that listened to the podcast, actually got married yesterday. She got married. Wonderful. Yeah. Um, she got married to Jared Jared Hamn, who was a good friend of mine, uh from Caitlyn season The Bachelor. At But I tell you one thing, there's a lot of anticipation behind this wedding, and I think for two reasons, and you all in studio please tell me if I'm wrong, and all of you out there, I've been loving the tweets. We got hundreds of tweets this week from you all tagging Almost Famous Podcast. I tried to go through and like them all just to show you that we we were watching, but please send in your opinions. Anyways, there was a ton of anticipation behind this wedding for two reasons. One, this love story has been incredible and we've been to watch it for years and years and years and we're fans of these two. But two, it's Ashley and we've always known that Ashley's wedding day was something that she was like like always pumped for, always prepping for, and so there was so much kind of nerves that I even had as I was getting ready for the wedding, thinking, out of any wedding I've ever been to, this is the one that I know was most most anticipated by the bride. And it did not fail, It did not fall short. It was absolutely magical. Uh, let me walk through a few of the details. Um. I stayed in the house with Nick Vile, Chris Stranberg, who was Cupcake on Caitlin season in Dean Ungler, and then Jessica uh stayed at her cousins house and we'd come back and forth, so we got to spend a ton of time together, which was absolutely incredible. It was fun for Jessica to be able to meet so many people from the Bachelor franchise. She had been down and met some people before, but this is the first time she had been surrounded by by some of some of my closest friends all in one room. And and so we get ready for this wedding and to find out the wedding in the chapels right across the street from where Airbnb was. We walk in and there's I'm not kidding you, the street is lined with Newport's Fine is taking pictures as we walk it Like it looked like it looked like what I imagined the Royal wedding. Like people were standing across the street with security blocking them from the entrance to the chapel. It made Ashley had to feel so love. It was the oscars of Bachelor weddings. Yeah, it was crazy. I mean there's literally people standing on both sides the street, and we walked so like our by Airbnb sat kind of right across the street from the k Chapel and um, the Viking Hotel. And so as we walk out of our lane and turned the corner, then all these people are there. And the last time I had a bunch of people lining a road for me was during my half marathon, and I was jacked. I thought, you know, there's an adrenaline rush. Um. But yeah, the ceremony was awesome. Along Gale did the ceremony. Who was a the executive producer on The Bachelor during a lot of the season's ashe was on. He's no longer with the show, but like a really long like frizzy kind of yeah, it's like curly and crazy and um, he writes now a lot for for Netflix and for horror films and uh. But he he's a big personality and an extremely intelligent guy and just a really fun guy to talk to. Uh. But eccentric is a good word to use to describe him. And he wrote a very eccentric but very personal, very personal um ceremony that talked about he compared this a little behind the scenes. He compared Astley to being a goldfish too, where when she sees she lives in this glass bowl that's hard on all sides, and when she sees something, she goes after it as hard as she can, and then she runs into the side of the bowl and then it hits her nose and it stops her her and and she cries and she's hurt and she feels it. It's painful, and then she gets back up on her feet. Or I guess if you're a goldfish, you start swimming again and you look at the other side of the bowl. There's something you want you swim over to, and you hit your nose, and you just keep doing that. You just keep bouncing back and forth across the bowl because you believe there's a big world out there, full of possibilities and intrigue. Yet there's this there's this bowl that's stopping you. And he compared Jared to the bowl to where he wouldn't stop her anymore. That he he he would be the one that she could live with within this bowl safely without hitting her nose, that he would be the protective force around her, um that he would allow her to be her biggest and best self while she was still trying to to to push through the sides and continue to hit her nose that Jared be the one that says, no, you can. You can live with me and within me, and I'll be the guy to help you get there. And it was really beautiful. The whole ceremony worked. Uh. Jessica looked over at me halfway through the ceremony because people were crying and laughing all at the same time, and she goes, I've never been to a ceremonies felt so personal, Like it just felt like Ashley and Jared. Ashley sneezed halfway in between the ceremony um their dogs walked down the aisle. She kept looking out at the audience and doing her like Ashley smile face and you can't trying smiling. Um. It was wonderful and I really got chills from that goldfish thing analogy that was it's so perfect for them, so perfect it really is. When you find that kind of safe comfort, right um, that can then be your partner that loves you unconditionally and that wants to be your support, it's a really beautiful thing. And that's what Actley and Jared have. I mean, if you look at their dynamic Ashley is emotional, she feels deeply um, she's sporadic, she's passionate, she's purpose filled, and she sets her sights on something and goes after it and doesn't really know kind of what's going on around her while she's pursuing these things. And then you have Jared, whose calm, collected, patient um, who doesn't, who loves his comfort zone, who maybe doesn't. He has goals and is driven, but yet he doesn't always know how to step foot to do him And so between the two of them, they're the perfect match. And we've always known this bachelination has always known that Jared and Ashley were meant for each other, always known that Jared and Ashley were something special. We were just waiting for them to figure it out. And the fear came really even for us on this podcast at some one point in Ashley's life that she was like, they were never going to figure it out. I mean, we sat with her when Ashley and Jared would you would tell us, no, it's no longer ever going to be a thing, right, you know, that's a scary moment to look back on now, right, but full circle, Yeah, look at them now, I know and then we just have so many questions to ask you, so we're into some rapid fire perfect But before we do that, let's take a quick break and talk about some of our sponsors. Hey, guys, I know that you're probably tired of hearing about wedding talk, but I'm sorry. I can't talk enough about the great items we've gotten from our Creton Barrel registry. We recently got a kitchen aid mixer. It comes in this exclusive color. It's super nice. It's a shaded palm and steel blue mixer. And I've never really used a professional, you know, fancy mixer before, but now that I'm an adult in a committed relationship living together, I'm getting fancy household products for hosting and such. And I also like to treat Jared to some of his favorite desserts. This man is a dessert man. I am more of a like a foodie. I like dinner, he likes dessert, So I've been making some cookies for him. Chocolate chip is our mutual favorite. He loves any sort of baked good, and I've been making it on our new kitchen aid mixer. This one specifically is exclusive to Crate and Barrel because it comes in that shaded palm and steel blue color. It looks so good in our kitchen. It's a standout. It's the kind of thing that you want to keep out on the counter because it looks like you know what you're doing in the kitchen, you know what I mean, and it looks like you're an adult anyway. The kitchen aid mixer is just one of the items that has been coming in from their Crate and Barrel registry and it's just been really classifying the house because all of these Cretan barrel items are timeless, they are classic, and they're never going to go out of style. You can start your Cretan barrel registry now at Crate and Barrel dot com slash Wedding Dash Registry. Again, if you are engaged and you're looking for some timeless, classic pieces, you definitely need to do a crate and barrel registry and you can start that now at Crate and Barrel dot com slash Wedding Dash Registry. Alright, coming back in Daniel and Tory in Eastern feel free to chime in what you want to. I know you you're super intrigued about everything happening at the Iken Eddie Haven wedding in Newport, Rhode Island this weekend. Definitely, it seems like, honest, I had a lot of fomo, so much foe, Like I had to stop watching stories at certain points because I was like the boat ride, the games, the weather, the whole the whole weekend. When I was looking at pictures, I literally was thinking that Ashley was princess Jasmine like thing she wore. I was like, we were literally a Disney princess. Yeah. Yeah, And she changed dresses at like it was wild. But she I've ever seen Ashley do that face where she kind of becomes a model for a second. She like it's really serious and you can't tell she's like trying too hard or just like naturally that like she did that. She did that face, and she walked into the reception, she did that face and the whole like like it was She's done that face many times, Like I said, you say, that was the she pulled it off perfectly in that moment. It was like it was like Zooland and everything came together for that moment and the world stopped when Ashley walked in. Before we get started on the rapid fire, crazy fact here Their reception was at a place that the original Great Gatsby was filmed. It's called rose cliff Um. It is the most in true lies is Dancing without Arnold Schwarzenegger was filmed there. It is the most amazing place. You walk out from this mansion into the backyard and it opens up for like five acres to the water to the ocean, and there's a huge fountain in the middle. I don't know how many times in life, and listeners, I'm sure you've you've had this where you see something and like everything slows down. It's one of the most beautiful things that you've ever seen. It's their Their reception was really that they had these like rose I called them this morning. I saw Ashley before they left on their honeymoon, and I said, Ashley, your your your rose uh your rose deals in the middle of the table were beautiful, like they're huge. As she goes, they're actually rose bushes that they put in the middle of the table. These like huge, massive rose bushes sat in the middle of each table at the ceremony and we're lifted up like ten ft in the air. It was I don't know, this is wild. I'm from Jessica and I talked about today. I'm from Indiana. Like I'm used to a pulled pork barbecue buffet. I'm not kidding, and I don't nothing against I've really enjoyed those. Yeah, Like that's what I'm used to for weddings. This thing was spectacular. Okay, So I'm gonna slow down. I'm gonna stop. I would love for you all to rapid fire me with questions. I want to answer the best I can and uh, and then we'll move on to break down this week's episode of Bachelor in Paradise. Perfect, Daniel, you want to go first? Sure, Okay. I want to know who cried first? Ben or Ashley. Well that's a great question, a really good question. I'm going to throw you in this now. Who cried first? Ben? So you Ashley or Jared? Jared cried first? I cried second, actually cried the third. I cried when Ashley walked down the aisle and Jared looked at Ashley. I started crying, and then I think Ashley cried once she got up on stage. Well that brings me to my question, who did you look at first? Jared? Once the doors opened for the bride Jared or Ashley. Jared, I had my eyes on Jared and because that's one of my favorite parts of any wedding. And I don't know if please right in with what your favorite parts are at the Ben and Ashley and I hurt media come, but my favorite part is watching the grooms as as the bride comes in. Hey, Ben, this is Easton the first time. Call her a long time engineer here, and I have a question about those those dunkin donuts that had you on them? How did that work? How did that happen? Yeah, So what Eastern is talking about is at the end of the night, the gift as we walk out were two donuts and one of the donuts had a picture on them of you and your date that you got right when you walked in. So as you walk into the reception there's a photographer they're taking pictures. In the end of the night, you walk out and you literally had a donut with your face printed on it of the picture. I don't know how it worked, but within four hours from us walking in and walking out, they had every single person got one of these donuts to walk away with. It was wild Dunkin Donuts? Did it? Um? They there's two things Eastern that they pulled off for this wedding. One is that that was amazing and they're edible too. Is the wedding video company that they hired put together a video arting on Friday, and by the time we had the wedding ended on Sunday, they had the whole thing completed, including including the ceremony. The wedding ceremony they had edited. By the time we left the reception, they had this video done. They even had in contact, but are going to get married a million dollars with a bunch of ABC people and they were all like, no, this is one of the most impressive like things we've ever seen pulled up. They was so um. Yeah, he's a good question. Duncan Donuts really did a great job there. I gotta give it to them. They have great donuts and uh the second best coffee in the world compared to Generous acts. Okay, next question, So you you mentioned that this was one of the first times just really it was around Bachelor Nation and a lot of people from the franchise. Who did she hit it off with the most? Yeah, well, first off, it was and it was it was really I don't think people realize how nervous Jessica is to enter into this world at all, um, because it is intimidating and there's a lot of attention around it, and I think she feels consistent like she's gonna be constantly judged um and she's not, and she also knows that, but it's a feeling she has, and so this was a big deal for her anytime she interests into these groups. And she really left today going cooly cow. I never realized how nice everybody was gonna be to me, Like that was one takeaway. So nobody was mean to Jessica. Everybody invested into her and spoke highly of her and spoke to her. But there's two people that really sit out and you're not gonna be surprised by this. Tanya and Becca were incredible, absolutely incredible to Jessica. Now, Jessica spent a lot of time with my roommates in my house and Nick and Dean and Chris, and that was great. But Tanya and Becca came over to our airbnb one night after we went out for dinner and just talked to Jessica and I for probably three hours just about life. And they did that like on their own time and on Jessica's or on Tanya's vacation in time away. Yeah, those that was amazing. Those two women are Those two women are just I hope they feel how great they are. They're the best, literally cold. Okay, who gave the best speech at the rehearsal dinner, because it seems like there were quite a few people who stood up and gave a little something. Yeah, I'm gonna you know, there was there was a few there. I thought Jared speech was really really nice. Uh. Naz Perez Um did an incredible speech. Um, A couple Ashley's friends really really crushed it. And then Nick file Um he gave a speech and and got really emotional. It was good. It was It was good to see him kind of pour his hat on his heart out there. So those were We're really great. But I want to say this too, um Fred Jared's dad afterwards goes, you know, sometimes you sit inside these speech things and you know, get one good one about eight bad ones because there's eight people total that spoke and U the one part that we all took away was every single speech was meaningful. It was heartfelt, it was true, it was authentic and uh, and we all walked away from those speeches. I think knowing Ashley. Actually Ashley's father said this at the reception. He goes, after those speeches, I knew my daughter better, who was a drunkist who had one too many drinks. Oh that's a good question. Um, well honestly, and I don't I don't want to just back out of this question. So Ashley and Jared aren't big drinkers. I don't know if you knew that. They're not big party or as. They love their time at home, and so the wedding wasn't set up to drink at So we had an open bar when we first got there, and then we had a beautiful dinner. But during the dinner there was multiple kind of events I'll say, like an Ashley style where we had David Cook come out and sing, and then we had a slide show of Ashley's childhood, and then we had speeches by all the fathers and dances and then once that was done, the DJ started for another probably forty five minutes, and then it was over. And so it was very Ashley and Jared esk. So there wasn't like an opportunity for any to get too drunk. It just didn't happen, um, which was good because that's not what they wanted um in it. So yeah, I don't think there was anybody that kind of walked out of there feeling it. So then on that note, what was for dinner? Okay? So we had a beef filet or you could choose salmon. We had caprice salad with antipasta um. And then the final dish was wedding cake. That was nine like layers talk. Yeah, the stress, the stress for whoever carried that in. They had to have a separate room just for the wedding cake cutting because it was like so big. Oh yeah, it was massive, absolutely, I mean massive. Um. Okay, So who caught the bouquet? It was set up? This is one oh yeah right no oh, so Nick Vile caught the bookcase it. Somehow that just seems so fitting to me that somehow he's there your part. He was the only one standing there ready to catch it, the only one, the only one. So Ashley was like Nick, stand out here, and then they threw it and Nick caught it. So I feel like it was set up. I don't know if it was requested upon or what. But Nick caught the bouquet. Okay, that's interesting. Did they toss the garter? Is that think people didn't see it? No, they had decided not to. I'll have to ask Ashley when she's back why she decided not to. But it was a conscious decision not to do the garter um throwing. You know, at my wedding, we threw a garter off of me. I was wearing when the whole night and we pulled my pant leg up and through that. It was fun. How did you get that off, buddy? To pull my pants up in front of my closest friends and family? He said, I expect nothing lost from you. Okay, Ben. One other question, What was one thing that you saw from that wedding that you said that is definitely going to be at my wedding. That's a good one, great question. Um, Well, you know one thing they really did well was when you walked into the reception. Uh they had it lined with people passing out drinks and food and so it really made you feel welcomed right away. And then you walked out. And here's the one part that I would take it, but I won an outdoor part to my wedding, Like, I want something to be like the cocktails hour that we had outside. Um, it was like just in the eating time was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. I want people outside drinking, talking, mingling, enjoying themselves. Um, at my wedding outside it feels area, it feels more fun, it feels fresh, it feels like a party. Right, So yeah, that was definitely a good takeaway. A lot of this, to be honest, a lot of this stuff that was done at these this wedding, like I don't think I could ever pull off, like only Ashley could pull off this stuff that happened at this wedding. It just it was just very Ashley was very pink, it was very big, it was very like it was just it was just completely Ashley. And so I walked away from a lot of it being like, There's no way I could do this. Their their wedding planer, Troy did an insane job. The guy was just magic. He was awesome. Okay, last, but not least, when did you look over at Jess and say, I can't wait till this is our time because I know that that happened and a hand squeeze something happened where you guys were like, I can't wait for our time. Okay, So here here's where it hit me. I don't know if I looked over and said it to her, but the I was like pretty like emotional right away when it came to the wedding and Ashley walked down Jared Saaler and they're up there and Ashley's like getting fixed up, and then you know, just continually hit me that this was the moment she's been waiting for and she found. This isn't just a ceremony to her, this is this is a miracle coming true. She found a man that loves her. And so I started crying. I started crying pretty good. And Jess looked I could see like through a corner, and she looked up at me, and I was like, I don't mind a cry in front of her, but I don't know if I ever have. And she just looked at me, and then she took her hand and she grabbed my hand and she just squeezed it and just sat and looked forward and just like like was like just kind of patting my hand like oh it's all good, Like this is good. And I was like, this is this is a girl loves me Like this girl loves me. She she she She's in it with me, no matter thick and thin. So that was that was sweet. Did you hear the music with you? No? I did not hear the music, but I'm assuming it was really great. Hey, can I tell you guys a story? We're ready? Of course. I think I've I've touched on a few times um during this podcast, but ever really interesting. So we all know we love Ashley. Ashley. I could go on and on and I will and I do. Uh. You know, she feels she says things that are crazy and awkward and weird, and then she feels strong and she feels a lot of emotion and she cares and every single one of her friends that it up on stage. Uh. During the rehearsal said I've never met a friend, UM that literally would be lay beside me as I'm in the hospital she's done it, or she lays beside me during every breakup, or she'll sit beside me between Like Ashley just loves hard and she wants people to be the fullest version of themselves. I can go on Ashley, but I want to talk about Jared. Jared because actually is such a a big figure, a prominent figure. Jared doesn't get talked about a lot, but I want everybody to know how incredible of a man Jared Haben is. And he he is the Yang to Ashley Yang completely. I mean, he is the opposite of Ashley and that's what makes them so great. But Jared has been consistent to me ever since the time I was on the show, and on the very first night of the bachelrette this is a moment that really means a lot to me personally. I get out of the limo feeling completely out of place, not knowing what I'm doing. I go inside of the house and I sit down on the out and I'm sitting there and all of a sudden, I hear this laughter coming from one of the windows of the house, and so I get up and I look out it and it's Jared taking off his shirt and during Bachelorette, and his shirt says love man on it, and I was like, that guy is a nerd, a complete nerd, and I like it, and I need to talk to him because he's gonna make me feel more normal here. So he comes to the house and it just happens that he sits right next to me and we get to talk a little bit, and then I just I couldn't help it. I just looked at him and said, dude, man, like I don't belong here. Like I don't. There was professional athletes and there was a great looking dudes coming in and they're all had swagger and nice suits and all those things. I said, Jared, I don't belong here, and he, without hesitation, with however knowing me, Jared looked at me and he goes, don't be crazy, man, you belong anywhere, You belong anywhere. And that really was like this moment of accountability from somebody that didn't know me, somebody that had never met me. That kept me saying, okay, Ben, stop being the victim here. Stop getting down on yourself here. That's doing you no good. Um. And it's been a consistent message in my mind ever since then. And I don't even know if Jared knows it, but when I do feel that way, his little love man voice is listening, is whispering and mirror saying, don't be crazy, man. You belong anywhere, You belong everywhere you're at. And and then at the end of the show, Jared and I, uh didn't have a lot of time to talk privately. Combers are around very often, and we're down to the final four, and that down to the final five and three of the guys on a date and Jared I are not, and we just get the opportunity to go into a steam room during the show, and we locked ourselves in the steam room for forty five minutes when it was at full capacity, just so we could talk with cameras. And at that moment, I realized that this dude cared so deeply for the people around him. He asked me questions about my life, which I don't feel like it's to happen very often. He asked me questions about my family, about what I want and a partner if maybe at the time Caitlin was it or not. He asked me about my insecure like this dude cares and so on their wedding day, I know this is Ashley's moment, this is should be Ashley's moment, and he wants it to be Ashley's moment, But I also want Jared to feel how much he has loved as well. And I am so so pumped um for them to start their lives together, and it closes all up. Ashley just had to put a little icing on the cake this morning because I went over to say goodbye to her before they left, and guess what shirt she was wearing? That Are you kidding? A generous coffee shirt. Um. So yeah, great wedding. I'm sure when Ashley gets back, we'll break it all down again. But what an incredible experience. Hey, uh, how about this. Let's take a break. Um, talk about our sponsors, and then we got to break down this week's episode of Bachelor in Paradise. Open Fit open Fit has been around a bit with us. We love open fit. Open Fit takes all the complexity out of losing weight and getting fit. It's a brand new, super simple streaming service that allows you to work out from the comfort of your living room and as little as ten minutes a day sculpt your body in the convey us of your own home. No eyes on you. Eastern we talked last week, you've been looking to get in really good shape. You're in great shape already, but you're looking to get in really good shape, trying to get those Higgins deltoids. My man, that's what I'm trying to get those shoulders. That's what I want. Do you have ten minutes in your day, Eastern, I got ten minutes open fits for you. That's right out. No excuses, buddy, no excuse it. Get adults work out with amazing trainers like Andrew Rodgers, founder of the worldwide sensation Extend Bar, or the newest workout rough around the Edges with six of the most badass stunt women in the business. Are you going on vacations soon and worried that your hotel won't have a gym? View on your computer, webbing, able TV, tablet, smartphone and even Roku. 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Standard message and data rates may apply again. Everybody out there listening, if you hear my voice right now, I'm tired and I'm I'm exhausted. Here's a cool part about Ashton Jerry's wedding. I'm not tired from drinking. I'm tired from like dancing. My body hurts. Um But we're gonna get through this. Because Bachelor in Paradise so far has been incredible. I will say this. I will say this, It's fallen a little bit short when it comes to kind of investing into the storylines that I really want to hear about. I think, and I want to know if you at home feel the same way. I think we've focused a lot on Blake and the things that he's done outside the show, and I do think, for whatever reason, that's important for us to know. It's good information because it is making up a lot of the storylines, and the impact on the has a huge impact on the show. But personally, I just I don't want to hear about it every five minutes, Like I want to hear about the Clay and the coals, and I want to hear about what's happening even between the j pj's and Yakas and and how Cam is processing Kalin actually not being that into him. I don't love I just don't love the focus on Blake right now, and that's my take going into it. But I still think this season is going to end and be really good. Uh. We start out this episode with the Rose ceremony. Derek picks Dimmy Clay picks Nicole, Will's picks Katie, Kevin picks Sydney, J p J picks and yak Camp picks Kalin. Dylan picks Hannah Gee, Blake picks Tasia that seems like a gonna be a problem brewing, and Chris picks Christina. In a surprise to send Anneale, who was blindsided by Chris home hot sauce, Jane who literally had a thing of hot sauce six inches down her throat. It cannot be healthy. And Bibiana, who once again has to go home on this franchise. We don't like that about Bibiana. Bibiana is one of our favorite She's spicy, she's great, she's beautiful. At some point, Vibiana is gonna find a guy that swoops her off her feet and we're all going to be celebrating it. So then, yes, quick question for you. Do you think if the rose was first offered to Blake and was given to Hannah Ge, would she have accepted it before Dylan was given the rose first? Based on what we saw this episode, it seems like if you would have asked me that Senara right after the ROAs somebody I said, I would have probably said no because I thought her and Dylan had something like really good going and I think she I thought she realized it. But after watching this episode, I don't think I think she would have. I think she would have left and said, Okay, Blake, let's give this thing a shot. I actually think that's kind of what she's saying right now on this episode. Well, and follow up do you if I don't know if you know this or not, because I don't know you've never done Bachelor in Paradise. But if let's say Blake went first and offered his rose to Hannah Gye and she said no because she wanted it to be given to Dylan, does he get like a second go around being like okay, then I pick you? Or would he would he have gone home immediately? Oh? I don't know if I know the answer to that. That's a great question. Yeah, so what happinking about that? Because I was like, oh my gosh, we need to know who's going first, because if Blake does it, that could have been a game changer to the whole scenario. If she would have been like no, sorry, because she it seems like after this episode she really has only communicated with Dylan that she's interested for Dylan, So would have really confused. Yeah, So I don't know what he had been sent home or could he be like okay, sorry about that, Dantasia. So here's a scenario. A guy offers a girl or a girl offers a guy when they have the power a rose that roses then turned down. Does the girl or guy get another chance to find somebody else to mabe except the Rose or do they both or then do they go home? Or there's a guy go home or the people in power go home. I don't know the answer that, but I bet our listeners do, so please tweet us and hashtag almost same his podcast with your answer to this scenario. I'm sure it's happened before, I just don't know it, or email us at been and Ashley at I heart media dot com. Okay, moving on here the Blake in Hannah Gee situation. The episode after the Rose ceremony kicks off with Blake claiming that he's going to go hard after Hannah g He is pursuing Hannah Gee. Now this has red flags written all over it. I mean, I don't know about you and anybody else here in studio, but when I saw this, it just seems like another scenario that is going to go epically wrong for Blake. I also was not expecting Hannah Gee to reciprocate feelings based on how things have gone so far, and not even because of the decisions that Blake made before the show, mostly because I thought her feelings with Dylan were so serious. We're just talking about last week. We thought this was a new Joe Joe and Kendall of of the franchise. But again, I guess Kendall kind of, you know, wasn't that into Joe for a while either. What do you all think here in studio? Is this something that we should be worried about? Doesn't make sense. We're we're expecting this. I feel like everybody was expecting it to happen with something. Hannah's beautiful, so she was gonna be a hot commodity. Blake is kind of treating us like he's he's running Island, so he's already been kind of dating a bunch of girls. Thankes suspected it, but I don't like it at all. I doubt many people do. And that's what that's the things that kind of like is a little bit concerning here is I bet it's just confusing for me to think of how good of a relationship she has currently with Dylan mhm, and yet she's okay moving on from Dylan to Blake. And and let's take what Blake has done in the past out of the equation here. That's not what what we're talking about. It's just the Dylan Hannah relationships seemed so good, and it seemed like they kept having these conversations that got them to this point where I bet Dylan was thinking, oh, we're in a committed relationship, like this is this is something we're moving on for. And then all of a sudden he looks up again and his he's getting you know, his his his heart's a little broken. I think that, Um, we haven't really, I mean, we've seen this a lot before, when people start off really early on, like we had Jade and Tanner. They started like Tanner was literally in love with Jade the first time he saw her, and that really scared her because she's like, so I'm just supposed to give you my heart week one, count myself out for the rest of the game. That is a little scary. Even when you go on a date with somebody and they're like, hey, I want to keep pursuing you. You You kind of like take a step back me and like, WHOA do I want to all of a suden just be exclusive with you, like after our first date kind of a scenario, because that's essentially we did think about these are happening in days, it's not weeks have gone by. And then we had that with Kendall and Joe Kendall really back pedaled and was like, this is going too fast and it's making me panic. I want to explore. And she went and dated a couple other people and that killed honestly, probably the fans more so than we were. Like, you know, so I don't think that it's like a shocker, but I think that it is hard now that we know so much of behind the scenes prior to the show, that really affects the taste in everyone's mouth as to why she's doing that to Dylan. But it is also interesting that all the girls are like, choose Dylan, Choose Dylan. Yeah, it feels like doesn't have a lot of people on on Blake's team right now. Back to the paradise. Yeah, but she's going to be the one to do it herself. She's got to say, Okay, I'm over you, like you know, She's going to be curious until she finally realizes he's not who she wants. But she's got to make that decision. I want to know, though, to bring into another scenariot this when it comes to hand of gee. So let's do a little hand of ge talk right now. Um, I don't. From this episode, I'm not convinced she actually likes Dylan that much, not just because of the Blake scenario, but because she initially was open to going on a date with Jordan Kimball. Now she did later on decline it, but at first when he asked, she was said yes, which points to me that in the back of her head she was looking for something outside of Dylan. Yeah, I agree. I think she's just really, really nervous to put all her eggs in one basket. I actually think differently than you. I think she is a little bit and I don't mean this in a negative way, but like a people pleaser. So she doesn't know how to present a no without making somebody, without the fear of making somebody feel bad, even if it's hurting them more by saying yes. So she's saying yes to Jordan's make him feel good. I think she said it to be like, sure, yeah, I'll give you a shot, but I know that's not I have Dylan, do you know what I mean. I think it was kind of like she was going to be in the power position to be like, it's okay to go on this and just have fun. But then she had to take a step back, waiting, being like, Okay, no, actually I can't go just for fun because it's really good. My situation is a little complicated. What do you think it is? Why do you think Jordan Kimball has so much confidence? I mean, he came into Paradise and the wildest thing to me was that people were responding. Even the women were like, that's Jordan Kimball. Jordan Kimball asked me on a date to Paradise. Like Jordan Kimball, I don't know, like was he I mean, I know he had a big deal in Paradise last year, but like, how does he have so much confidence? Where is all this like admiration for Jordan Kimball coming from? Who gave him the mayor the title mayor of Paradise. I think, like, I don't it's willed to me that he Yeah, yeah, he gave himself that. If anything, Chris Bukowski is the mayor of Paradise. He's been around, he has the longest tenured spy. I feel like if you're the first person to be married off b I P. Then you could be like I'm the mayor because you're like, yeah, you did it. You did it right, you got married. He did. He did the dang thing. But yeah, I don't know what makes him so special. If anything. He caused a lot of drama last year with the the Chicken. The Chicken is that his name? Chicken? Oh chicken? Yeah, David Rees, he like really got into it with him. I just don't know what's happening there. It was it was like, Okay, Jordan shows the Paradise. My first reaction seeing him show up was like, oh, this is this is gonna be entertaining. I don't know if it's gonna be funny, if it's gonna be sad, if it's gonna be hard to watch or whatever, it's gonna be entertaining. It's you know, he doesn't have a alter. I also believe when I saw him, I was like, Okay, he's definitely gonna shake up the Blake drama. He's gonna say in a sense, he says kind of like what Demmy does. He says whatever's on his mind. He doesn't really care for if anybody's gonna be upset with him for what he says. And and that's a great quality to have, especially on Bachelor Paradise. But I didn't expect him to shake up the love scenarios very much like I didn't see that happening. And then he gets there and even we've see Nicole saying he chose me, like, and I know it's a good feeling anytime anybody chooses you, I know that's a good feeling. But it feels like Jordan's carried some weight in Paradise, and quite frankly, it was a little shocking. And I want to know if you out there think it's a little shocking, Well, were you expecting or did you assume that Jordan Kimball would shake up the love scenarios a Paradise like he did yuh, you know, tweet us at almost from his podcast, but of course he did. What do you mean, like that's all he did last year? But but but people responded this year with interest. Oh I know why because he guy is heartbroken? No, I know why? Well, yeah, I really once a redemption story. But no, it's because everything he's saying is kind of what you stand for. Like when Christina, who he pull aside first, Chris no, Nicole who kind of started filling him on the bleak drama, and he was like, what wait, what And then he pulls aside Christina and then she tells him about how Calin was in the story. Then, so it's not only just Christina, it's actually Klin now. And then he's hearing about Tasha, so he's like, what the heck is this guy doing. He's doing fantasy sweets backwards. He's basically one night in everybody like. It's everything that girls like, thank you, thanks for speaking as a man on behalf of that. You know, it's like it's going to get the girls fired up to be like, heck, yes, yeah, you're not wrong. You're really not wrong. I think Jordan came in a really good time. It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out for him. I'm gonna be I'm gonna be shocked if Nicole um. I don't know. Do you think Nicole and Clay stay together? No? I thought you were a fan of them. No, Well, I like them both. I think they're both very sweet people. I don't know something about them. I just don't think that they like mesh well together. Wait, who do you think is reaching in that scenario? You know there's like a reacher and a settler. Do you think there's a reaching and there's a settler. I don't want to you have to answer, Um, I think Nicole might be reaching for Clay. Do you agree with Clay? Well, Clay has this like big presence about him. He's a big dude, And I think I actually think they stay together. My my guess is that they stay together, that the two of them really start to work us out. Nicole date with Jordan's um all kind of helps her realize how much she's into Clay, which is going to be exciting. The one people we haven't quite figured out yet though, is the deal and we have to talk about Blake. Blake's a huge part of this show, a massive piece of the show. He probably will be, I bet until the very end. And it's it's been interesting to see the dynamic kind of change within Paradise where it went from people finding out about what Blake did to then people really being upset about what Blake did. And actually it feels like at this point we haven't seen a lot of it, Like people aren't liking Blake as a person, like he's actually maybe feeling like an outsider. The reason I'm saying this is because we see the scene that did irritate me. Uh, not just not because I agree with what Blake did at all, I don't, but because we see the girls sitting around watching Blake kind of catch up football and play on the sand, and they're talking about him, and then he hits his toe and rips his toe nail off and they laugh. It felt weird. It felt like odd to me that people would laugh at anybody's injuries, even if you dislike them. Is that is that crazy of me? Am I missing something? No? No, I think you're right on that. It's it feels like that part maybe went a little too far, But it doesn't mean It's not like I'm like a massive deal. But what it's pointing to is to me is that the house is super upset with Blake, that they really are dislike h and that when you see kind of your worst enemy getting hurt, you do sometimes celebrate it, even if it isn't the best thing to do. So there there there is a heaviness to this. Um I want to see Blake's redemption story with his friends in Paradise. I don't know if it's going to happen, but that seemed to me really pointed to where he stands right now. We also see a Cam and Kalen love story play out. This was never anything. I don't know, This is never anything Caitlin. I think saw that this was This was an opportunity for her to be around another week. I think Cam with somebody she's probably somewhat interested in, and maybe just even getting to know a little bit better. And long story short, what ends up happening is that once Kaitlin the dust settles and she's around another week and she has the power. Then thenk goes Cam, you're not my guy, and he came on really strong, like his his game is not terrific. Okay, but is that his fault? Like she's not telling him otherwise. He's literally reading her poem and she's like that was sweet. You're like that's so mean. You have the power with the rose. You should be telling him, Hey, go explore other relationships. Yeah, but she wants him to give her the rose. She's in power now, she's in power. Like, I don't think she knew how to end that conversation, Like I don't think I get what you're saying, and like, you know, there, she still may be interested enough to not want to hurt his feelings completely. You don't think she's not interested at all. She's not. And honestly, it hurts everyone's heart no matter who it is. At the end of the day, that's so hard to see where he is crying over her. Uh yeah, it's It's one of the hardest things to watch though. And they put these scenes on where Cam's like, I mean, Cam is distraught now. It's like he almost like he believed this was something that was gonna last a lifetime and he believed this letter was a good idea. I don't think it was a good idea. I don't think it's gonna be a good idea. I don't think Kalin and Cam ever even reconnect. And the rest of the show um moving on. The next scene, Nicole and Jordan are back together, are back from the date. Nicole didn't end up missing Clay. This is something that's going to happen. There's there's uh just it didn't have the connection that her and Clay had. That's going to be something to watch. And Big Mike, Big Mike Johnson, the one and only comes in the Paradise and he's not gonna wreck things, but he's gonna add to it. He takes Kalin on a date and he is giddy. I mean, this dude is giddy on this date. He says it a multiple times. It almost feels like if this relationship doesn't work out for him, that he's going to leave Paradise brokenhearted. The question then, is is Kalin ready for the attention now she's she's already accepted the attention from Cam. Is she going to accept the attention from Mike? And if she does, will she stay with him? That's a great question because he's pretty. He lays it out there already on the first date. He's like, I already like you and they kiss, you know what I mean? So for her, she has to be full into yeah to receive that. I'm worried that Mike's heart is going to be broken. And I'm worried that Mike's heart is going to be broken, and then it's gonna be really, really healed once he's announced as the next Batchelor. Okay, so I was gonna I have two questions. So we've seen it before where somebody can be on pair of dice and be the next bachelor. That happened with Colton and Nick. But does that hurt your chances at all, or does that affect your edit you get when you're on the show if they're like your chances on Paradise or on the Bachelor, sorry for Bachelor, Like, does that do you get what I'm saying? Because then he has to have the most perfectly written story, so we really shouldn't be worried about Mike. Yeah, well, what you have. The story you have to have is one of heartbreak. So you have to see somebody coming in excited for love, their hearts broken, and then they're set up to be the Bachelor. And I think we've seen it work. I mean, if Nick and Colton are the two examples, it's worked because people are invested in their stories. Um. And also we see with Colton and when we forget when Colton left his season of The Bachelor, he was disliked, like people did not like him, and he goes on Paradise and his story gets a little bit worse until it gets a lot better at the very end. Um, there's a redemption there for him going into being the Bachelor, and so people forget, they truly forget that during his time on The Bachelrette he wasn't the most favorite character uh, and then on Paradise he had a couple of weeks of struggle in pain leading up to then him and him being announced the Bachelor, which obviously worked out for him. So I do think it's a way of the show is leaning towards because we are so invested into their stories. Okay, we got in this podcast with a few things quick updates just to keep everybody up to date. Mike and Callon went on the date. Uh, Wills is pushing for Katie. She I don't know what that was. It was like the weirdest It was the kind of like Will said, it didn't make any sense. One of the oddest scenes. I don't know if she was trying to break up with him and just didn't know how, but it just didn't work. They're not a thing, but Chris b and Katie kind of are leading up to Hannah g and Blake and one of the most emotionally taxing scenes in Paradise this year so far, Dylan approaches Blake and Hannah dancing on the beach. Now, I want to ask you all East and you're including in this, is it a was it a um A wise move for Dylan to go up knowing that Hannah g is somebody he's interested in. Knowing Hannah G is somebody he's dated, uh, that he's pursuing that. He has mentioned that he wants to be exclusive with and I think he believes they are, so he's acting like her boyfriend. It wasn't a wise move for him to go up to her on the beach while she's with Blake. Was that fair? Or should he have kept his distance? You should just staying away? Yeah, fight for your girl. You gotta fight for the girl. Do you think that's a good move? Like, I'm on eastern side a little bit, Like I think I would have sat back and been like, if she's not into me, then you know what this this is gonna be. Like I almost if I was Dylan, I could have seen myself in that moment going out. I'm gonna go home like this this girl that I obviously came here for that I was excluding of two I was interested in. She's not pursuing me like I'm pursuing her. It's time for me to leave. This is embarrassing for me. But you're saying, Daniel, that that you actually would like for her for him to come up to you. On the beach and say no, I like you, I'm not going to let this go this easy. So here's the thing. It depends on how much you're into that person. When I see Dylan and Hannah's relationship, Dylan is like, this is my wife, like he you can just see it. He is so giddy about her. And they only have a couple a couple of weeks. On this show, every minute counts. So if she's like walking away with with Blake, He's gonna let it happen. I'm like, no, you fight for your girl. That's who you want to be your wife. It's so obvious, So steal her away and then if she doesn't react to it, then then you take the hint. It's definitely a move that Dylan thought about and is confident. I've never seen a man on this show be so confident in and kind of the uh that type of interaction you see it often and the show set up for it, But to have that type of resolve and saying I know this is my girl. I'm gonna walk across that beach. It's gonna be awkward, and I'm gonna confront this and say I need you to talk to me. Now, did Blake do anything wrong here? That's a that's a question that a lot of listeners have written into us over the next last night. Has Blake done anything wrong in this snare by saying, Dylan, you've been with her all day. I want to pursue her, give her my time, Hannah jesus standing there at this point, So we don't know how she feels. But is Blake doing anything? I mean, it's gonna be interesting to to hear from all of you after this podcast, But has Blake done anything in this moment that we are upset by? I don't think you can be upset at him, but I don't like it. I'm very team Hannah and Dylan. The only hard part was the dancing because then Tatia is like, oh he did that to me? And Christina's like, oh, hey did that to me? Good point. Then Hannah jee was like falling victim to it. Yeah, the dancing move done a couple of times, so like that was his that was his seduction into Oh didn't Christina say oh he done me? So that we have a lot of people racking up the credibility that this move does work, and it did because then he spins her out and spins her in and then kisses her. I mean because without like if that move isn't done multiple times with multiple people, all of us are watching it going, oh, that's that's cool, Like right, that's one of those moves we talked about, like how sweet was that moment? Right? But instead we're going, come on right, like that's that's nothing. This is just weird. I don't know, just another day for Blake, just another day for this isn't going to end well for Blake, I don't think. I think my prediction that I have zero idea, is that this is going to end, and I think we all kind of believe this. This is gonna end really good for hannah Gy and Dylan, and Hannah g is going to come to her senses almost the Ashley I, Ken Eddie Jared Haven scenario, um, but really bad for Blake. Well. I do think that Dylan thought I think he was so confident when he approached the situation because I think he thought he was saving her in a way, because I think hannah Gy hasn't been communicating to Dylan that she's interested in Blake as well. It sounds like a lot of it has been Oh, I'm here to spend more time with Dylan. So Dylan's like, oh, well, she just feels like she has to kiss him, like she felt like she had to kiss Wills. So I'm gonna go save her from the situation when really she is interested in Blake, but she's not communicating that because I think she also doesn't want to come to terms with it with everybody saying, hey, I still have feelings for Blake even though it's been a rough, rough, a little ride for him. Yeah, So I think that's why he was so confident. There's a lot of open ended storylines right now in Paradise. We have one of the most sought after guests this season on any type of press, any type of media. We've seen him everywhere on TV and radio and podcasting, and we've got our hands on him. That's Kris Bukowski. Kris Bukowski has been on six seasons of The Bachelor franchise. He has known. He is known in this world as a man who continues to fight for love even when he falls short, over and over and over against some Some executives this season have literally claimed that he is responsible for the bump and ratings and we are lucky enough to have him with all the dirt, all the stories, and all the history right here on almost from his podcast. But before we do, let me take a second and talk to you about roth These. Now, Ashley is an in studio day. It's pretty obvious, I think, right, But I'm going to tell you about one of her favorite products. Have you heard about this company making stylish shoes for women and girls out of recycled plastic water bottles. This is kind of this new trend in footwear and apparel where plastic water bottles are being reused for something great, and the rath These does it so well. They execute this whole thing so well, and they're insanely comfortable and washable material. 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Why don't we get Jess a pair? Let's get Okay, So here's what I think we should get for Jess. The checkered blue. I think she would look they're a little bit sporty. They're slip ons. What do you think? Yeah? Does it make her a little bit taller? Because Jess's Jes likes to wear shoes, shoes that make her a little bit taller, just enough, she'll be just talking a little bit taller. I'm gonna order him for her. Hey, yeah, please do that. I'll bring him to Vegas. She can she can get him when we see her in Vegas for the I Heart Radio Music Festival. Jessica and I will be in Vegas. Come say hi. I mean it's gonna be awesome. It's always awesome. Hey. Anyways, it will be of your mind that these are made out of plastic water balls. In fact, Rothy's has the over twenty five million water bottles from landfills. Another major bonus, they're fully machine washable. Every time they need to refresh, you can simply toss them in the washing machine. 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Chris, thank you for coming to the almost famous podcast. Of course, thanks for having me, Chris. I want to dive in here because our listeners are freaking out about you being on our show. Uh. They have written in with a ridiculous amount of questions. You are a man that we've seen often on the franchise, but in a since that has drawn the intrigue to you. I'm sure most of the questions in your life revolve around getting asked how many times we've been on the Bachelor. But I want to change that and say, why do you continue to come on the show so many times? You know a lot. It's it's funny because it's probably a decade's worth of question, since I've been doing this for almost the full decade. Um. You know, honestly, I think since initially, you know, I started, I was young. I just turned twenty five when I first did the Bachelorette, and it was such a great experience, um, and you know, I felt something that I never really felt before, and I was able to kind of open up emotionally and it was just such an awesome feeling to experience, and I think, you know, from there on, my experience is just kind of you know, kept going down with a downward trajectory from there, and you know that's here taking a break from it for a while. You know, I always kind of held on hope to getting that feeling that I that I felt I was on the Bachelorette, so I thought, you know, be a little bit older and going through this so many times, I thought it was a good time for me to come back and give another shot. It's one of the interesting things that we found out that you're actually not the oldest person in Paradise. I think because you've been on the show for so long. We were the same age. Actually when we first did the Bachelorette together, we expect you to be you know, you just felt like you've been around a while. What you have if you're only thirty two, thirty three, thirty two? Yeah, I mean there's people in Paradise older than you, and so it makes sense that you're there. But one of our listeners wrote in they asked, uh, they said, Chris, if this doesn't work for you this time, what happens next? What are you gonna do? Will you go back Are you gonna go back and try to find somebody outside of the show, or is this gonna be the last hurrah for you? You know what, I was so convinced that the last time I did this was the last time. Uh well, I guess not the most recent time, but the time prior to this. Uh. So, you know, I never say never. I mean it's um, I would say, but this would this would this is my last time you know doing this, But I never rule it out completely. Uh. You know, it's a great experience. Um, it's you know, it's fun. Uh and uh you know it's tough to say no to And uh, I would say that most likely this this is my last time. It's it's interesting because I think for the most part, and tell me if I'm wrong, I haven't been able to see some of the old Bachelor pads. You have came off as a guy who's wanting love, who's searching for love, who's a good looking guy, who's likable, who makes friends in every season that you're on, but you quite honestly just fall a little short and it doesn't end up working out for you. And that's that's kind of been your story. There hasn't been a moment that I think fans have really started to dislike you or to reject you, except maybe when you showed up on Andy season and you waited outside the gate. I've always been intrigued about that whole experiment. Why did you do it? Like? What did you? Was it really you finding out when filming was going on and you just showed up to try to date and Andy. I mean it's a little bit of everything, you know. Of course, you know, I wasn't able to do that all on my own. Um, and I was intrigued by Andy, and I was also you know, more intrigued of getting back into that whole that whole scene. I was just kind of looking for something that I guess really didn't exist and I and honestly that was probably it was honestly a selfish thing for me to do on my end, you know, kind of taken away from that huge night for all those guys and for Andy of course. Um, so it was it was. I was sad. That was probably the worst moment of my of my bachelor uh my dactual life. But you know, I mean it happened. I can't take it back. And you know, here we are, Kay, you know if that is the worst thing to ever if you pursuing a person you're interested in even you know, when I pursued my girlfriend, now some would say it was in a very creepy way. I messaged her on Instagram, told her, Hey, don't ask too many questions because I don't want this to get awkward. Let me meet you first before how I met, how I know about you all these things. If you pursuing somebody like you did, is the worst thing you're known for this franchise and you've been on it how many times? Is it? Six? Seven times? Six? Yeah, then you're doing all right. You must be a pretty solid dude. Huh. Yeah. I mean there's been definitely a lot of ups and downs, I think, I think, but genuinely I wanted, you know, I want to do this for the right reason, as you say it. Uh. So there's just so much that's involved with this, so, you know, emotionally draining, So it's uh, you know, every time I've done this, I wanted to do it for the right reason, to meet somebody and to see if you know, there's someone I can have that happy ending with. So you know, regardless of how you do, you know, how you did it with your current girlfriend. You know, it's just it doesn't matter as long as you're finding your person. However it happens. I think, I think if it works out that way, then but ain't that I mean, that's that's amazing. We'd like to play a little game, um, your highlights and low lights. It's like to do my personal life. It's always a good way to start dinner. It's what's your highlights in the day and low lights in the day. So, Chris, I want to ask you, what is your highlights? What's one highlight from the Bachelor franchise that you can think of being on the show and one low light kind of an experience, experience that you've had or a moment that you've had and not much of and less of a holistic idea. Yeah, I think, honestly, the highlight of my whole career, you know, doing this stuff. It was honestly on the Bachelorette when I had my first one on one day and it was with Luke Brian. He had a private concept for us from down Tom Charlotte, Um, and that was you know, when you go into something you have no expectations and you have Luke Bryan performing for you when you're dancing in front of all these people in downtown Charlotte. I mean it's you know, undescribable, and the emotions of the feeling that you have in that moment, I mean it's that was definitely the highlight um as of right now. I mean, you can't even make that stuff up. Uh. As far as my low, that would probably be a Bachelor in Paradise too. I showed up pretty late in the game. Everyone it was pretty much you know, matched up at the point when I showed up, and uh, I had a little bit too much drink and pretty much excused myself the same day that I got there. So I was literally there for twenty four hours. Uh, you know, came and went, and that was probably, uh the low, the low of my Bachelor career. And so then this season so far Bachelor in Paradise and even I mean, I think it doesn't hurt. It's not a spoiler for us. If you just kind of rank it and you're six times in the Bachelor franchise, how does this season stand for me? This is this is the top. This is the best experience I've had, I think, you know, taking a break from all of this and kind of establishing myself more as a person and coming back and really doing this threat way and you know, at the same time, like you know, I am older, I'm not I have the experience and I've been I was able to give a lot of these guys to advice, you know, even some of the women too. U So for me, it was more about, you know, focusing on myself and seeing where I can help and seeing if there's that special person for me, and kind of staying out of the drama, which typically I'm used to being in the center of. So this time around, I was, you know, out of most of the drama and just kind of, uh, you know, went through the process and uh, you know, I'm really happy with you know that I came back and how everything went. That's exciting for us to hear. We're all pretty smiley over here. If this is the best experience you've had in six times on The Bachelor. We're looking forward to the rest of the season now because I want to take a second dig in to your personal life a little bit more. It's it's been talked about that you're in a serious relationship before um Bachelor Paradise, we almost got engaged. How did that affect kind of your mind going into you know, let me let me preface this by saying this year during the show, you know, kind of past relationships and current relationships are a huge topic coming off the hand of b season too, then the Bachelor in Paradise season. How did that affect you coming into this show? I think it helped tremendously. You know, I dated someone for a little over two years. We lived together ut in l a. Um. You know, it was awesome, and you know, it just didn't work out. And I think, you know, I learned so much from that relationship, and you know, I was dating her literally right after, you know, pretty much after the last time I went on I was on Paradise to UM. So, you know, having that relationship, it was you know, we're close. I mean, we're definitely close, and it's just the Dotson completely align at the end there. But you just definitely matured me. And I saw a lot of pieces that I that I wanted a relationships. So, you know, coming back on you know, lots of Paradise definitely, you know, with that experience helped me so much. UM and uh, you know, I'm grateful for it, and uh yeah, we uh we all love a good comeback story. And it's interesting. I have been uh doing a little research before the podcast and we're on Twitter, and we found out that that Rob Mills and a couple of other executives kind of behind the scenes of the franchise have really been supporting your comeback and also claiming that you have a lot to do with the extremely high ratings right now from Bachelor in Paradise. How much of it is let me as this, do you feel like you've been all honesty gotten more popular as time has continued. You know, it's weird because at first of all, like those guys are great. Rob's also in my head obviously I've known him, you know for a decade now, and uh, you know, it's weird. I thought it would it would completely stay to lay after all these years, but it's still like I still you know, it's it's still the popularity is there that you know, there's still a little bit of attention. And but you know, what I was doing all this Instagram was barely a thing, Like it just started getting legs when you know, after my season the Bachelorette and so it was. It was a different era, and I feel like I don't I don't think i'm honestly, I don't think I'm responsible for any of the ratings currently, but I do think I do bring back a crowd, a different viewer potentially that is different than the modern day you know viewer. Um. So you know, I think it's a little different aspect of you know, I know a lot of people treated me and sudden you mentioned on Instagram saying you know they're watching. You know, it's good to see, you know, someone tolder from you know, older seasons, you know, back on here, so you know, maybe a little bit it brings back a little bit of you know, the older generation of viewers that used to watch this, uh, you know, a little further back in the day. I really do think that you are a story that we enjoy having around. You're kind of that comfort Chris. When you come back on the show, we say, Okay, we're familiar with this and everything is definitely probably gonna be not all right, and we're good with that, and that's what we want at a Bachelor in Paradise, you know, Chris, Currently on the show, we see you pursuing Katie we also have seen now that Analyse have gone home kind of blindsided by you. And that's the word I think she uses, is that, you know, she's blindsided by you. She's not thrilled. Um, Chris, can you explain a little bit. This is your moment to explain that relationship. We need to see a lot of it on the show, so we need you to help us catch it up. Yeah. You know, with Analyze it was tough. M You know, we did spend a decent amount of times together and um, you know, we had a decent connection, and you know, for me it was it was just a little overwhelming for how early on it was. And you know, I wanted to be very open minded and coming, you know, and and just six splore and get the middle of everybody. Honestly, I didn't do any research. I didn't know anybody coming onto this season, so, um, everyone was brand new to me. I wanted to, you know, give myself the opportunity to get to know everybody. Um, And you know, early on it was just with Analysa just kind of it seemed like she was a little ahead of me getting trying to get early serious really early on, and we didn't have to see a lot of that UM and you know, I, you know, I was my roast to gift and I wanted to be able to um, you know, keep an open mind and get to meet more people and at the same time and not lead analyze further on. You know, it wasn't a relationship that was going to happen past that first week. So, UM, it was tough. I mean, it was tough when when it all went down. But I was hoping you know, it almost was doing her ow favor, uh you know, uh instead of kind of waiting until the next row ceremony of the road ceremony after that, you know, not good for a rose and Alicia's can't catch a break. She's one of almost famous, his most consistent guests, and she continues to just yeah, just fall swart Man, maybe she can come. I felt bad. I felt bad. You know, she is she is, you know, one of the older people, and she is genuinely looking for someone. And you know, she got her heartbroken at the reunion show on the last season, So it was tough. I'm not sure if there was anyone there you know that was I can't say that for her honestly, but you know, it was. It was tough. Honestly, it wasn't. I struggled for a couple of days actually that Uh you know, so you know it was. It was tough all around. I'm sure a lot tougher for her than it was for me. Well, yeah, I definitely think so, because now we see you happily pursuing Katie. You gave your rose to Christina, but you have your eye on Katie and we're pumped, pumped as the viewers to see how this plays out. Okay, final questions for you, Chris as a just put your co ho has had on for a second? Uh, you're helping me with this. What couples in Paradise? Are you most excited to see their love story play out throughout this season? You know, honestly, I'm really excited to see to see Clay and Nicole's love story play out. You call such a personality and plays you know, he's such a big teddy bear. Um, but they're they're almost I wanted to say opposite, but there's don't have too much in common, so you know, it was funny to kind of be around, and I'm really interested to see that play out. I'm really hopeful for it, and of course, you know, you know Dylan and Hannah, it's just like the all American cute kind of kind of story. And to see how it plays out with them, it was really you know, I'm really looking forward to that as well. Yeah. Man, well hey, uh, last thing, what are you up to these days? You can take a little second here and just promote whatever you have going on. Yeah, definitely. Um, you know, I still have my restaurant that I opened up back in and she got thirteen, so I have three in the DC area, So I came are flying in DC. There's there's actually one adults airport, one Reagan Airport, and then the flagship restaurants out in U Starlingcome Virginia. Um. And I also started digital agency when I was moving out in l a few years back called k CUM Creates. We do everything mostly focused on building apps and websites and search of marketing and all that good stuff. And um, just doing a lot of traveling all over the place and uh, you know, hustling grinding them. Where's what's your restaurants called? They're called Bracket Room Perfect. Well, hey, well we'll check those out. Final thing for you, Chris, what are the chances that you walk away from paradise and love. I would say that I walk away from paradise with love. All right, We'll be watching for you, buddy, things for coming on all right? Then? Thank you. Hey, we miss Ashley. We miss Ashley a ton and she's gonna be back here, uh in a couple of weeks. We're gonna give a break she needs, going on our honeymoon and do what honeymooners do and see what honeymooners see and experience life and it's fullest. We're gonna take a little break from Ashley, but we're gonna continue to stick around and talk about Bachelor in Paradise as often as much as you all need. To make sure you rate us on the app. Please give us whatever you feel like it's appropriate, one to five stars. We prefer five. Um. If you don't like us, give us a one. At least you care review us. Say something positive not negative. We don't need to read anything negative about any of us. But also, you guys were amazing last week to me. When I asked you to come out and say an expressive for friends or not, many of you did it. I hope I UM saw your tweet because it meant so much to me personally. It really encouraged me through the week last week, uh, and this week I want to give the directive. I know this is kind of two weeks ago, but Ashley's on our honeymoon and Jared's on there on his honeymoon. Reach out to both of them via so type social media and just tell them how much you'll love them, how excited you are for them to start this next chapter in life, and how even if you couldn't be at the wedding, you still are proudly voicing your support of this marriage and that you will stand beside them from this moment forward as they continue to go through not an easy, not always a fun um and not always the most exciting, but the most fulfilling ride that we can find with a partner in life. And that is a commitment to say you are mine, forever and ever. Hey, we saw in the teasers for this next episode, the battle for hannah Gee continues. Blake admits he flew out to Alabama to see Hannah Gee before Paradise. Oh, this is not gonna go good for Blake, and Deane is coming down, caterpillar on his face and all Hey, people in studio, follow my lead. I've been Been, I've been, Tori, I've been, Danielle, what About and we Are The Almost from his pod cast. Thank you for listening. We'll be back talking about Bachelor in Paradise very soon. Follow the Bennon Ashley I Almost Famous podcasts on I Heart Radio or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts

The Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast

Fan Favorite and one of the most popular Bachelors Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti, the notorious c 
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