Boys will be Boys

Published Jul 17, 2020, 10:17 PM

Let’s analyze the men! The Bachelorette will obviously look different this year...but the men are looking good!

Ben and Ashley break down the list of new contestants and give their initial thoughts and early predictions of who might make it to the top. 

Is Colton dating Lucy Hale for real? Pilot Pete moving in with Kelley? Victoria F and Chris Soules going strong? Matt James reaction to the new Bachelorette cast. We’ve got all the details

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This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast with our radio. It's another week of the Almost Famous podcast and actually this honestly maybe one of my favorite episodes every year. Well, I mean, this is the episode where we kind of give our first impressions on the group of guys on this coming season. And it's it's unfortunate that these were released on Tuesday, just hours after we recorded, you know, our podcast on Monday afternoon, and it was like a darted But here we are. Um, We've had a little bit to digest. I've looked at the pictures multiple times, and the guys who do stand out to me, I'll say something about. But Ben and I we we've talked a little bit before this podcast started to recording. We just want to say, like, if we don't have something to say about the guy based on this on the picture, I'm not going to make up something to say about him. So I might be like I got nothing and don't feel offended guys who I have nothing for. It just means that I don't want to judge you just on a picture. Hey, before we get to the men of this season, we do have hot topics in Batchel Nation. We're gonna talk about Ashley. Let's roll through these now. First topic to discuss, Bachelor. Matt James reacts to Claire Crawley's new Bachelor cast, which again we'll be talking about in just a few minutes. Oh my god, this is so funny, Like how what they can take and make an article about it? Um it is one little uh comment under Lauren Zema's picture. So Lauren Ziema announced, you know that Claire's the photos have been released. And then Matt James all he says is I'm tuned in popcorn emoji. She's gonna be great. And then we had this very click baity headline that says Matchel Bachelor. Matt James reacts to Clara Crawley's Yeah, that's story worthy, story worthy right there. Hey, Matt shocker, Matt James will be watching a season of The Bachelortte. Hey. Well, next story is a little more shocking but not necessarily surprising. Kelly Flann again, who is Peter Webber's girl friend? Says fellow Bachelor stars Victoria Fuller and Chris souls are, and I quote this from People magazine Madly in Love. Well, if you read the article and read the quote it says that Victoria seems to be madly in love. Doesn't say anything about Chris, but we'll go ahead and say it seems like the two of them are in love after starting a relationship in April. And the other revealing thing in this article is that Kelly believes that the two we're kind of connected through Kelsey We're UM because she's also from Iowa, and I know that she had met Chris at time or two before or during her season. I mean, hey, we've talked about this story. We have very little insight on it. They've kept this very secretive, but we're happy for him. I just we've tried to get him on the podcast. I mean, I would love to be able to talk to Chris and Victoria about it. But it seems like things are still going well. Maybe the biggest update there is, yes, they are still together well. Speaking to Kelly flan Again, bachelor Peter Weber and Kelly Flanagain reveal there in love moving in together soon. This according to e T Online. Well, they did an interview with Laurence Ema this week and one they're in love and he told her he was in love with her. Um with a gumball machine ring, you know those little gumball machine drinks, so like basically like turn the thing and then like a little plastic thing comes out. Okay. So they were sitting pool side recently, you know, within the past couple of months, and he was like, I know this isn't a Neil Lane ring, it's a gumball machine ring, but I just hope it shows like my love for you. Uh So that was how they did the I Love yous and then moving in together soon. That is going to happen in New York City in either late August or early September. Um Kelly said that quarantining and working from home during all of this has made her realize that she can do a lot of her work. I think that will still be Chicago based because I think she worked for her dad's law firm, um anywhere. And of course Peter can basically live anywhere he wants since he is he travels for a living. Big news for them, I mean, this is going well. They you know, it doesn't feel that long, because it really wasn't that. This was like are they dating? Are they not? And then all of a sudden he showed up in Chicago. And then they quarantined together, and then they did the TikTok stuff together, and then we interviewed them together, and now they're in love. This feels like, Okay, Ashley, I want to pause this here and get your opinion. Uh, and I want to get everybody else's opinions. Also, if you're listening, please write us in at the Almost Famous podcast. Uh you can email us at being an Ashley I I heart media dot com, or just tweet us and hashtag almost f his podcast. Would we consider this? Do you? I guess consider this a bachelor's success story similar to the ri Lauren's story if they get married. Yeah, definitely, definitely a Baudeler success story. Uh. In Also the kind of way that Jared and I not to make this narcissistic kind of are you know what I mean, It's just like, it doesn't mean that we weren't with other people since the time we met. It means that we ended up together in the end. Is their comparisons though, between Ari and Lauren? I mean, because I mean right away he went to Lauren, who was obviously the runner up in the season. We saw that play out the way did we didn't get to see that with Peter. This all happened after the filming of the show, but there, I mean, I feel like there's a lot of similarities between maybe all three of your stories and many other stories in Vaterination. Yeah, I think, I think absolutely. I think it's very similar to Lauren Anari. Yeah. Well, uh, we haven't heard this name in a while. We had him in depth episode just a few months ago, and it was one that was really I'm sorry to go back, But now that I think about it, it is a little bit different from Lauren or because when already picked Becca, I feel like he was like, I'm doing this because I'm going with my head and not my heart. And with Peter, I actually think that he almost overlooked Kelly for a while, but that was because she just wasn't suited well for reality TV. Uh, Like I think like her real personality, in their real chemistry couldn't come out on the show, but I do think it did. It did when they met each other prior to this show at that wedding in California. Yeah, from a thirty thousand foot view, they look very similar. When you get down in the details, there's definitely their differences and the big. I mean, one of the biggest differences is just what needed to happen in order for Peter and Kelly to come together. But they are together. And as I was just gonna ready say, we haven't heard this name in a while. Blake Hortsman, who was on an in Depth episode just a few months ago as well, has talked to us A magazine and admitted that he is dating someone new he and I quote says, we are going slow. Yeah. He said this on Taylor Nolan's podcast this week, and he said that every time he gets into a relationship, he's like, Okay, I'm ready, let's go boom and it's serious and he's like in love super super fast, and he says, and they never work out. So he's hoping that having a different approach will mean possibly a different ending or not an ending. And he also said she doesn't live in Colorado and they've been doing a lot of zooming. Hey, that virtual stuff I do long distance. It ain't all bad. I mean, we're super happy for Blake. Uh, it is great to hear that he is trying. It sounds like, here, here's what I take away from this story. Knowing Blake is a friend knowing Blake personally. It it's it's obvious he cares about this person if he's trying to do things differently than he's done before because he wants to see it work, like he's putting effort into it. Have you talked to him about it? I haven't. No, I've been gone, so I've not been back. I need to see him, especially with this headline coming up. But it's also like with Chris, it's like, I'm not gonna text Chris, Hey, how's your relationship going? Even though like when he's here in l A we hang out. There's just like certain things that you reserve for the in person hang Yeah, well exactly. I mean, you know, Blake's an actual friend. I don't want to call and be like, hey, Grey, get on my podcast. Who you dating? And why? Um? Well, these two stories are are big ones. They relate, yet I think one defeats the other. And you know what I'm saying here in a second, Um, hang with me for a second here. Cosmopolitan, Uh came out with an article that spread last week UH pretty quickly. It said Bachelor fans are convinced and yes, convinced Colton Underwood and Cassie Randolph are secretly hanging at the beach. Now, this coming off of the week before where Cassie and Colton were publicly kind of going back and forth at each other. Cassie claimed that Colton was monetizing their breakup. Colton was upset with Cassie for speaking out publicly. Well, so we're all kind of like, what the heck is going on that they're now hanging out. This must have been a makeup retreat. Well, it sounds like that was never true. So it could just be a coincidence that they both happened to be at the beach at the same time, which it very very well could have. But also it could have been like a slight way of like saying to the fans, Hey, we're hashing this out. Am I reach? Yeah, you're reaching. You're definitely Cassie. I don't think Cassie would at all be into that, from like the things she said, from the way, you know, the comments she's made. I don't think even if they were trying to hash it out, that's great, But I don't think either. I mean, think about the conversation that would have been having to do that. It's like, hey, we want to make sure people start talking about this as we're trying to heal a broken relationship. That's vitally important, So let's make sure to post about it so that the rumors can spread. Like, I don't I don't see Cassie being down for that, Okay, okay, okay, you're probably right, And I don't know how that would work. And if anybody thought that that was the start of like them rekindling things, absolutely not a chance. Not a chance at all. So today we woke up to the news that Colton has been hanging out with Lucy Hale. They've been taking multiple walks over the past couple of weeks around Hollywood, And I gotta say, the picture that's out there thanks a t MZ. If it's a picture of like a fan who caught a you know, cop them and just took like a quick phone picture, okay, But if that was a picture taken by a paparazzi, that paparazzi was totally called upon because paparazzi aren't just hanging around in the trails. I was gonna say that was my biggest question for you. You've spent time in l A. I never have, um, so I don't know, Like, like Denver doesn't have paparazzi, so I don't know how they work. I see I see them in l A every once in a while, but like this picture is literally taking on the side of a hill, and like if you look at the picture, Colton's like looking up at the camera, so like, so like if this has to be a fan and if if it's not, Like I know, I didn't ever realize this. This is something I've learned. So anybody out there listening, um you can, you might learn something with me here. I didn't realize that people actually called upon paparazzi to take pictures of them while they're out in l A so that they make magazine. I didn't know that was a thing. Did you know that? Apparently, like paparazzi shots are planned when it's like grocery store outings, like coffee shop, meeting stuff like that, they're almost always beach, especially beach is almost always planned. The only ones that are really genuine are red carpet and event paparazzi shots. So like, don't be I'm not I wouldn't be super surprised the paparazzi was called I mean just I mean, like no shade or anything. But especially after this hostile week that Colton Cassie had, that maybe he was like, I don't want to throw under the bus because I really really do like Calton. He's one of my favorites. Um, but you know, after this week of hostility between Cassie and Colton, being seen with Lucy Hale would be kinda he'd feel kind of cool about, don't you think? Yeah? I mean, I just I always I still blows my mind that people call paparazzi come take pictures of them, Like, I just I don't even know how to wrap my head around that. But it is a thing. Being seen with Lucy Hale is a is a great deal. I mean, I hope it's a real relationship. Like I hope. I mean, actually, I don't even know if I think that. Let me backtrack there, because this is fast, and like, I know how it feels to be on the other end of that, and it hurts. And so seeing your partner who you just ended a relationship with move on like everybody does. I'm not saying he shouldn't be doing this. There there's no timeline for when somebody should move on, but I know it hurts, and I know it feels like the band aids being ripped off, and so like, I want this to be a real thing for Colton, but I also as also want to just take a second be like, man, this probably sucks a little bit for Cassie and it probably sucks for Coulton too because the rumors are now swirling. Um, but I did see that Lucy Hale in two thousand eighteen, when Colton season was airing, said that she really enjoyed watching him, so she said he was beautiful to watch. She thought it was a great guy. So things things could be. This could be something. They're definitely hanging out, you know what. I'm ready now for the Cassie Colton stuff to just move on from, because it just every time I see the headlines, it feels heavy for me because I just know how painful it is to continue to get stuff brought up about your exes in your past. Like it's time to move on, Like Colton, go and do his own thing. He's not the bachelor anymore. We've got a great bachelor coming up. And if he wants to date Lucy Hall, let him go date Lucy Hale. Like you know that's kind of how I feel. Now, Ben, have you met Lucy? I have. She's so nice. I think she's lovely. Um My, my best friend also assisted her over New Year's Rock and Eve that whole week, and she was like, she's the best person to work with. So nothing but great things to say about Lucy. Hey, it could be something I'm saying, like we wish from the best. Just the headlines hurt. I know they hurt, so sensitivity there up casting Colner definitely not hanging out. Hey, Uh, your friends my friends. Bachelor Paradise couple Jade Roper and Tanner Toilbert revealed the sex of their baby. They're having a boy. Where we go? So Brooks and this baby boy are going to be really close in age. They're gonna be about a year and three months apart. So I imagine that's like really nice for a sibling friendship. Yeah, no, that's awesome. Good for them. Uh, they just have beautiful babies, great babies. Happy for those two. And uh and finally, Caitlin Bristow reveals her biggest dance with the stars, Fears and fellow bachelor at Hannah Brown's advice. Now, all this being said, we just found out this week that Danced with the Stars will be changed pretty drastically. Uh, the familiar face of Tom Bergeron and Aaron Andrews will no longer be there and replaced with Tyra Banks. I don't think they've announced if she'll have a co host or a sidekick. I don't know what you call that um or not. But Tyra Banks is taking over Dance with the Stars. It is a whole new generation for this show, and Caitlin Bristow is going to be a part of it. So Caitlin says that she has two big fears going into this. One is that she hasn't been in this kind of primetime spotlight for, of course, a number of years, and she said it took her a couple of years to like kind of get over having that magnifying glass all the scrutiny on her to that degree. So she's kind of afraid of like criticism that might come her way. And then her second fear is that she doesn't know how to ballroom dance. She's been dancing all her life, but she's never ballroom dance, and she's like, what if I get eliminated night one. She also said that it's kind of nerve wracking to hear that Hannah, who is ten years her junior, um said that it's exhausting and that she needs to rest up now. Okay, So, and just if my unfiltered opinion could be spread, Caitlin Bristo is gonna be fine. Yah, these fears are are I don't want to dismiss her fears. If I was with her in person, though, I would say, Caitlin, you're come on, you are a terrific dancer. It doesn't matter if you ballroom dancer or not. You're a great dancer. You have rhythm, you have the angles, whatever you do when you dance, the tenure, the junior thing. Caitlin is in great shape, she is incredibly fit. She's gonna be fine. Yeah, she's gonna be fine, and she's gonna be great, and I think she's gonna win. Of course, we don't know who else is gonna be on our season yet. Caitlin is the only person announced. Yeah, I mean there's a lot of unknowns right now. Obviously a lot to change with Dancer with the Stars, But all in all, you know what, I think Caitlyn will win. Will She definitely win as she issue and no, I mean there's there's a lot of but she'll make a night one. Let's not let's not be crazy. Caitlin came out with a song on Spotify and it became the number one song within like two days. So like, I mean, if that doesn't tell you what people are willing to do to support Caitlin Bristow, I don't know what does. Hey, Ashley, We've got a lot of stuff still to talk about today. Um, Claire Crawley's men were announced, Uh, this week, we gotta break them down. We're gonna give a few opinions just without I mean looked at these pictures yet, a few just straight up opinions on what these people are, what we think of these men that will come on her season. But before we do, let's take a break. When we come back, we'll be talking about Claire Crawley season of The Bachelor. We're back and we're gonna be breaking down, Uh, the recently announced men from Claire Crawley season of The Bachelorette, which will be I mean coming out pretty I mean not really soon, but semi soon. Right now, they are filming, as we understand today. Today's the first today today's the first day. Night one should be tonight at least that's what we hear. Um. They're are filming at the like uh Quinta Resort uh in uh California. This is a super nice place. As we talked about last week. You can get on that podcast and here's some of the details around it. Producer Amy has been there many times. You kind of explained what it is, what it will look like, how will operate now, as we do every season, this is one of our favorite times. This might be the meanest we ever are all season to these men individually because we know nothing about them. I don't know one single guy. Actually, doesn't know one single way. We haven't looked at their pictures yet. This is the most surface level thing I probably do in my life. Oh, it's it's wild actually. So here's here's how it's gonna work. Uh, We're gonna run through these guys. I'm gonna say their name and where they're from. Ashley will then say one or two words about them. I will then say one or two words about them without knowing them personally at all. Then we'll just continue to move on. Following all of this, we'll pick our favorite top three. I'll pick my top three, Ashley'll pick her top three, recommend all the listeners pick their top three, and we'll follow them as the season goes. Ashley, before we get started, Yes, uh, we're getting ready to do this. We got the rundown in the headline says forty two men. I don't know where this came from. Forty two men got announced onto Claire Crawley season The Bachelor. What. Okay, we don't. We don't have any info on why that would the would be so many. But Ashley, I ask you, like, do you have any theories? We have no problem with it. I love the fact she has more to choose from than I think anybody has. But I have my only theory is that like night one, she's going to eliminate half of them, or or because they're not traveling and they have more time for her to just like sit down and chat with everyone, maybe they are just going to have more guys. More is so many? Actually, forty two is so many people think about Think about the last time you sat and okay, here's here's a good example. In high school, my classes are like forty five kids, So like I think about these huge yeah, huge high school. Well, no, just like per like per classroom, it was a lot of people. Yeah, so think about like one of the like I look at that classroom thinking all those people would be there to try to date. That is ridiculous, absoluteiculous. Well, some of the things I'm looking for as we go through this list, uh, is mostly your opinions, because you always have great first impressions. But second is maybe the thing that's going to stand out and be a storyline all season is the age of these men. The age range is still too young in my opinion, and we should mention before going down the list that of these forty two men, twenty five of them are new names, so they weren't announced in March with the first set, and seventeen of them are men from the original cast announced in March. Well, here we go. We're gonna start up first in Blue a J. He's twenty eight years old from Irvine, California. Again, everything isn't good fun here, Everything is actually just getting started. Fine, he's a nerd bomber, yeah a J. A J is pretty in blue, uh, and he's wearing all blue. He also looks like Catfish's Nieve Alex from El Paso, Texas. He's probably hotter than his picture is showing here. Great thigh definition. Yeah, pictures Bradley Cooper like, but not in this picture. No, he's looking too much up at the stars. This looks you know what I see here is this man is going to have a great influencer career because he knows how to model for a picture and he has no shame in doing it. We got Bene from oh yeah, Indianapolis, Indiana. I think he's full of himself. He's a Westerner and every Midwesterner is amazing, so I think he's gonna be five. Uh. This is my first impression of Ben. Massive arms on the dude, just a massive man, massive arms been at thirty seven from Atlanta, Georgia. Is he met Romney's son? Oh my gosh, Actually it's such a you know who else? He kind of you say that in the Uh is it the O'Connell who used to be a by O'Connell brother. Yeah, like the very Mitt Romney O'Connell Like, yeah, totally looks like a politician. Oh man Blake, Yeah he is, he's put together. Blake Monar thirty, Rockport, Indiana, rock star Wanna be slash starting artist. I don't know where you get tattoos at Indiana, but he definitely found his place. Um Blake Moyne's nine, Burlington, Ontario, Canada. First Canadian Benzi looking and will be Benzi. Like, here's my first thought, Ashley. You could literally put me in front of this guy. He could stand there with his arms behind his back and somebody would say, punch him as hard as you can in the jaw, and my hand would break and his jaw would have moved. That man, that man has a jaw on him, just fierce. Brandon, Cleveland, Ohio. You like Brandon. Brandon is a hottie. Brandon's got great skin. He looks like Aladdin. We all know he really does. Brendan thirty, Milford, Massachusetts. Yeah, this guy is going to be the annoying one that's like he's here from the wrong reasons. Mm hmmm. You know he kind of reminds me of Evan really facially. Yeah, like from the picture, like, I think this dude's gonna surprise us. I think like his pictures set up for him to be for us to be like, yeah, this guy is not going to be around much at all all And then all of a sudden, we see him either in Paradise. I don't think he's the winner, but he's gonna be around. Here's what I'm interested in, Chasing thirty one, Walnut Creek, California. Have you heard about Chason and our story? No? Then what then? What did you then? What did you stop for? What do you think? Well, this is what I thought about Chasing. I looked at him like, this dude could either win or go home night one, Like he looks like he's got a good personality. Okay, so no, no no, no, Chason and I I already know Chason. So hope. Do you remember that show that we did for ex Bachelor producer Naz Perez and also my best friend. Well, um, we recruited eight guys through quarantine my sister. We asked for recommendations from are I don't get a podcast listeners. But we also just like kind of reached out the hawk eyes that we found on Instagram. So my sister randomly found Chason. She was like, he lives in California. He lives in San Diego. He's from Walnut, California, which is by San Francisco. And she's like, this guy is so hot reached out to him and said, would you want to come on this, you know, zoom dating show that we're doing with our friend, and he was like yeah, he was super into it. Got through the first couple of phases, which means he had I think he had. He had two or three phone conversations with Nats which were broadcast over Instagram, and so people out there have even maybe gotten to know Chasing a little bit better than they thought that, you know, than they think just based on a picture. Um, he was anonymous until we released the picture. So what happened was he made it to the final two on the Sutras and then, um, the night that we were planning on taping the two last conversations that Nas is going to have with her final two guys, he reached out to my sister and said, hey, I don't think I'm in the appropriate place to be continuing to do this. And we were like, oh, so he has a girlfriend, and like now you know, now he's going to be revealed. And then my sister said, do you have a girlfriend or like or did you just start dating someone and that's why and he goes, no, I'm not dating someone. It's just it's just not appropriate for me to continue, which is actually super nice and respectable. And I love that he said that. Um, but NAS really liked him. He was so romantic. He's very much of a gentleman. He's a pursuer and he has a really good relationship with his family. There you go, well, hey, no, no shame in what he did. But Jason has a history with some of the Bachelor Chris Louis, Missouri, St. Louis, Missouri. He is um. He's a nice guy. A sweetheart will call him, we call the gist. He's a sweetheart. Collins thirty from Virginia. Oh, I like, I like him, He's like super friendly. Here is what I want to know about Collins. How tall is he? He looks very tall based on the background, But there's no chance so I'm six four, Like, look at the way his biceps are filling out his shirt. There's no way you can be six four and have biceps that big. Is that something that goes along with hight? Yeah, kind of. It's just easier to get bigger arms if you're smaller like shorter Dale thirty one, Brandon, South Dakota. We don't hear, we don't get a lot of South Dakota people on the show. Now he's smooth. This dude's a stunt. Yeah, like this guy might be around a while. Uh South Dakota. You know they raise him right there. Like they're good people from everybody I know from South Dakota. Uh. They they enjoy like the simple things in life, which are really big benefits to I guess I appreciate that. Um, this dude I think will be in my top three. I'll say it now. Uh, Tomar San Diego Calif. He looks like Lincoln, Oh you know what else? I don't know what he's doing with his collar like why like like I feel like these it's a watch promo. This is a picture I used to take from movement. No, there you go. So he's an influencer in training. No boy is six, Yeah it's six. I will say not to be uh. I mean, I don't think clear is going to necessarily like judge or release guy's base in their age. But I do think it's going to be a factor. Yeah. And I don't think like a guy in her twin in their twenties is going to be like off limits, Like she's not going to be like oh no, no, but twenty six. That is like, that's a whole life. That's a difference in life style, life experience. At thirty six, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This guy looks like Daniel McGuire, and I feel like he may act like I hope not. Ellis twenty six, Libertyville, Illinois. He looks like he just escaped from a frat in South Carolina. Ellis is Ellis is the guy who's too pure for this show. Okay, innocent, innocent, the innocent. Yeah, he's like a frat boy who's innocent. Frat boy who's innocent. Yeah? Is that a thing? Garin thirty four, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He's going to be the sensitive one. I feel like he's like an artsy sensitive guy. I like this guy already. He has a shirt on in this picture that matches the golf shirts that I wear. Flowery, outspoken, this guy, this guy, he's mature, confident. Yeah. Gary twenty nine, Cleveland, Ohio. I don't really have much to say about carry. He's not exuding like any word to me. Is he exuding a word to you? Yes? He is? And this is this is driven. That's what I'd see this picture driven but here's the thing about this picture with Gary is like all these others of like are the imposing or whatever. This looks like his LinkedIn bio. Okay, thank you, Okay. So that's why it's like it sounds he looks professional. To me, it looks like he's trying to sell me a house. Sure let him Ivan Dallas, Texas. Also we got another innocent one here. I feel like he's shy and sensitive and may fall into the background. Yeah, you know what. It happens like often, and you sometimes if you look back on the past, from our first impressions from pictures, you can typically tell which ones are going to be outspoken, which ones are gonna more quiet, reserved, and then even if you're just awesome, you're gonna get pushed aside. I mean, I think in recent memory, uh was what Sarah Coffin was somebody I think I had from was it? Uh? Peter Season in my top three? I was like, oh, this girl's a shoe in for the final four shoes my number one pick. And then after night we never heard her, and then she just kind of went back in the background and they were gone. Yeah, I remember Peter Susan I had some real wrong picks there. I was trying to not go with the obvious, trying to go for an underdog, and it didn't work. I'm excited to see where you go with this one. Then Jason thirty one, Rutland, Vermont. So he can go either way. He can be really annoying and eliminated early on, or he could be there towards the end. Uh. He has a row? Is that a rose tattoo? I can tell? So yeah, yeah, I'm gonna say it is. It's it's like multiple roses. He probably got it for the show. That want Jason is the type of guy that gets a tattoo of roses for the show. See the super fan that his ex girlfriend got him into the show. Oh this is just just to throw something back in her face. Je Linghorn, Pennsylvania. Jay to me says, I'm gonna be a little pesty. Ja, this doesn't This one doesn't say a lot to me, Like, I don't have a lot of response here. Um, Jay looks like you know what Jay does. Ja looks like the guy the little brother of your buddy wife who sits at the table across from you and you have to make small talk for like an hour and it's fine. Yeah, but he's super engaging, like he really wants to talk to you. He cares, Yeah, he cares. I think Jake cares. Um just not gonna be around of it. Hey Jeremy forty, Virginia Beach, Virginia forty, one of my front runners. Definitely in my top three. Love the fact that he's forty. He's very cute, and he's just he says, confident. Uh, definitely there for the right reasons. Manly Man reminds me of a Ryan Sutter inside and out. Yeah, this guy is gonna age well. I mean, I guess he's aging well, would probably be how we say it this season. Um, he's aging well, he's a stud. I also appreciate his got If you look, his little soul patch is thicker than the rest. I like that look. I think it's a good look. Sensitive eyes on this guy. Hey Joe thirty six, north Woodmere, New York. Okay, So Joe looks like a tough guy, but I think he's going to stick around for a long time and be very emotional. Yeah, Joe looks like the type of guy that if I was strong, I could plank and he could put his hand like at my stomach level and do like a one arm push up of me. But I'm not strong enough to get in a plank position, so he ain't ever gonna have that opportunity. Jordan's c. Southington, Connecticut. Oh, Jordan's, I think you're gonna go home night one because you're just like too innocent and baby looking for the like this this season. Yeah, he's he's He's a very sweet sweet face, sweet face. Jordan's m thirty, dearborn love, dearborn Michigan. He could be a stir could be Sir, what do you think that look in his eyes? I was going to say this, Jordan is going to be the biggest surprise to us all season. He's going to be around a long time. How old is he? Thirty? I really do? I think you look at that look in his eyes can go a bunch of different directions, but what it tells me is I know what Claire wants and I'm going to give it. Josh thirty one, Minneapolis, Minnesota, No Night one. Yeah, nice guy, good looking dude. I'm not saying this because he's like not a good looking fellow. He has white shorts on like nobody with white shorts on makes it very far on this show because it's a fierce arena to fight in. His arms are cross, telling me I'm a little insecure about this as well. Yeah, just I mean, great guy, he's going to find himself a terrific partner. We think he's you know, any other given circumstance, he'd be the guy who's set up with my sister if I had one, But for this show white shorts, you know you just you can't. Carl thirty three, Miami, Florida. His arms are crossing with that says strength. I am here to please this woman, get to love you. I'm a lover. These arms are for me to like, embrace you deeply speaking of a guy with arms. Kenny thirty nine, Oaklawn, Illinois. Uh, I don't know about him. He has stars, I said arms because his one arm is literally covered in stars. Um, he we'll see, will see Jeff Holme type Yes, yeah, Jeff Holme type us. Yeah at best Jeff Holme. Um not maybe not. I actually I mean that by saying like, I think Kenny's gonna be a better man than Jeff Holme. Um, but look looks very similar Mike thirty eight, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Oh my god, going so far. I th this could be this could be him. And when I was initially going through the men, I thought this was him until they scrolled down just a little bit further, and then it was like I saw claire soulmate for the first time. Oh boy, well, let's keep going. Then Montell thirty, Hingham, Massachusetts. Oh, he's so nice, isn't he Just the nicest. He's just a great dude. And he has style. He's wearing a gold watch. Any guy with a gold watch, like you know, you've got something going on. He's gonna be fine. He's gonna be around a while. Get used to that name. Montell from Hingham, Massachusetts. Now Noah Tulsa, Oklahoma. Five. No, here's what I think about Noah. No's going to be the guy that Claire falls for quickly, and his storyline is how young he is compared to her. I love the way you make up these stories. It's none of them are going to be right, absolutely none of them. Um, but we are going to have to all season in our own minds process. What is it like for Claire to be dating Noah and she's gonna have to be thinking the same thing, and no one's gonna have to answer that question. And it's gonna be this beautiful romance that I think will end like I think Noah's there until the final six Okay, that will happen with somebody. I don't know if it's Noah. Noah just has again another two youthful, innocence innocent look for me for Claire. But the thing is, you know that will be a storyline, like she's going to be so attracted and connecting show deeply with one young guy, and she's gonna be so torn about it. We just gotta pick which one. It's Page thirty seven from Santa Fe, New Mexico. Palleah, Really, don't you think he's a player? He looks like he's like front and he's going to be like, oh yeah, that's okay. Well yeah, So that's what I think about Page. I think Page is the type of guy who smells good. But you see what I'm saying, he smells too good. Like when you walk past him, he like has showered in some type of cologne and like you're like, you're trying so hard. I mean you just literally poured that clone on so that you would smell good. What are you covering up with the scin? Yes, exactly, that's perfect. Peter thirty two, Everett, Massachusetts. He's like probably was voted best guy to take home to mom and dad in high school. He was definitely a c ah definitely exactly. I was going to say. He does something with finance and he lives a very stable, happy life in New England. Yeah, I think he's around for a while. Yeah, I think he's I think he's he's there to stay. He's one of my top top front runners. Riley thirty, Detroit, Michigan. Um, I don't know that anything is popping out with me. With Riley, I don't see I just I don't feel a connection to him to this photo. Sensitive eyes. Sensitive eyes. You look at those eyes and you're like, hey, I'll tell you anything, Riley. Now that you say that, I think he's going to be one of the guys that gets along really well with the other guys but may not make a splash with Claire fair enough. Robbie thirty one, St. Pete Beach, Florida. He looks like a less attractive Eric Bannah. I don't know who that is. It doesn't matter. He could be around for a while. I think that he would be around for a while more in my book, if you were to like make his hair a little bit less jelly. Yeah, it's like long haired gel back. I don't know. I gotta give Robbie the benefit of the doubt because obviously Robbie's from Florida have gone far in this show before. Um not always done the best later on, but Robbie from Florida is wearing a Hawaiian shirt, and anyone who wears a Hawaiian shirt and submits that photo to the Bachelor is somebody that I at least want to try to like. I think they took Do you think they took these pictures there down at La Quinta. I don't know. They may have Spencer thirty, Lahoya, California. Okay, so I think that Spencer is pretty cute. I think Spencer might get pretty far. He looks a little bit uncomfortable and buttoned up in this picture. We just need him to relax. Yeah, this dude's gonna be fine. I mean his eyes are like that, like you know when people have the eyes that you can like they're like light blue teal see through them. Yeah, people always seem to like those people. If you got like teal eyes, you've already won. These are the kind of eyes you just don't let go night one unless you unless you're your Becca and you eliminate grocery store Joe night one. Yeah. And then you look at Spencer's beard and it's like, I mean he has like it looks like somebody drew it on with a marker. Like it's good, Like he's he's like model asque, like he probably was approached by a modeling agent. He's gonna he's gonna do fine. Uh ten it's ten thirty six from Great Neck, New York. Yes, that's great neck, so great neck. Pun Here his neck of his shirt is distracting me from everything else. It's like that commercial where it's like where that guy's on the date and his shirt has like become a boat neck or whatever they call it. It's just like very wear and tear, and I don't I don't like the shirt. Well, I'll tell you one thing Tian does is he definitely does posture list because the man's posture it's just absolutely fantastic. He I was told once on on the Bachelor when I walked down the runway for a modeling show that we did on one of the dates to uh oh yeah, to walk uh like I think I've told you probably to walk like h and put your shoulders like they're a clothes hanger, so you pull your shoulders down and back. Yeah, tiens doing that. Tyler C T seven, Castaway, West Virginia. Okay, here reminds me of James Taylor, and so I kind of I don't know if I trust this guy. Oh, Tyler C usually a Tyler, poor, poor Tyler camera and he's gonna hate this. Um. This guy's like the way that he's got his job. I'm like, do I trust you? I don't know. It matters if he plays guitar or not. If he plays guitar, I'm leaning on the side of no. If he doesn't. I like the guy Tyler S. Tyler S thirty six, Dallas, Texas because he looks like a bad boy to me, like in kind of a fun way. He'll be around. Okay, Yeah, he's thirty six, he's good looking, and uh he's some Texas. I think she's she likes like a solidly earth type man. Hey, they definitely didn't take these pictures down there because they're they're taking all over the place. Um, so these are pictures that these men have submitted, So it should tell you a little bit about who they are if they're submitting these type of pictures. And Usama Dallas, Texas submits himself in a full suit with a red uh accessory. This dude, actually, what do you think? Friendly and confident? Oh yeah, this dude walks into the house all night one and he's the one that everybody loves right away. Oh but his suit is so ill fitting it's like his muscles are bulging through it. Hey, it's tough when you're a strong man. Josephine Mobile, Alabama, also possibly a little conceded. What do you think everybody's can see that goes on this show? After everybody? Zack? See thirty six hayden Field, Pennsylvania. Another nick V look like a poor man's nick Vy. Do you see it? I definitely see it? Uh, you know what, Throw a beard on this dude and he literally is nick V. Yeah, strengthened, like the density of his hair a bit. Every single season, I feel like we have a nick V look like and I've never seen a man that looks like Nick V. Before I started watching this show. We have come to the final guy, Zack J. Seven Yakima Washington, and Zack J is my winner. When I saw this man show up while I was scrolling through and the last guy, I feel like it's there for a reason. I feel like you're like, okay, okay, okay, she can find somebody. I like these guys, they're cute, but then you see this one and you're like, wow, I just saw Claire's husband. This is too cool again. I asked how tall he is? If if he's like five to then a B I question if you're right or not? But if he's six because his arms are so big, I don't get. I don't get how people. I don't get how men can be so strong. He doesn't look that tall, but like, let's hope that's just not an issue for her. Yeah, I mean, I don't know if it's that big of a deal. I'm saying like it's it's mostly just impressed. I'm mostly just impressed with the size of every single dude who submitted a picture, Like how strong they all all are, Like how does everybody stay in such good shape? Um? I don't know. But anyways, Ashley, we've we've gone through the men. We've given our very unsolicited, very shallow, very raw, very unfair, judgmental opinion of each one of these men who we don't know except you obviously know. Chasing who is your top three? So my winner is Zack j My top three is Zack. Then Mike from Canada. I think he's runner up, he's a very close he's very close to winning. And then my third choice is oh, Jeremy Jeremy forty from Virginia Beach. Okay, I'm gonna go Dale thirty one from Brandon, South Dakota. Yeah, the South Dakota guy is speaking to you. He I think he's a good dude. I'm gonna go, uh, Jeremy forty from Virginia Beach, Virginia. And finally, with my final pick, I'm gonna go Tyler six, Dallas, Texas. Now the winner. I don't think it's a shock. Jeremy forty, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Very good choice. Yeah, I think that's my That's my my draft picks this season. We got a great group. Uh. I don't know anything about him, really want to get to know him everything. It's funny because I remember when we did Hannah season, our big response was like, oh, and I think everybody's I think it was like a headline like these guys are you know, not what we thought? And then we leave and there's definitely some studs in the room. So there's definitely gonna be some studs here. It's gonna be a great season. They are as we know. Uh. Friday's uh July um starting filming for this season of The Bachelorette Ashley before before we say goodbye. Final question for you, if you had a summarize Claire's men holistically and a few sentences, how would you explain them. I would explain them as strong, both physically and internally, just huge arms, um, and I would say that a lot of them seem outgoing, friendly and excited to be there. And this sounds like a pageant. Just I'm just I'm just excited to be here. Hey, I'm interested in how much COVID talk will be going on during this season. I hope not a lot. Yeah, because hey, this uh, this little quarantine that they're doing, we're hoping works, um and we're hoping this uh helps Claire Crawley find the love of her life. Um as she is our next Batchelorette. Well, Ashley, Uh, I know this is airing today, but you'll be back Monday with a special episode breaking down this week week's episode of Bachelor Goat. Yes, so we're doing both of brad seasons this week, which means that one of our Bachelor faves, Michelle Money, will be on the podcast. I'm really excited about that interview. It's gonna be a great episode, Ashley. Uh, You're gonna be uh hosting that alone. I'm gonna be out of town, uh taking taking a few days up in the mountains, safely escaping to a very isolated community. Um. So Ashley, you'll be uh, you'll be leading that podcast. Best of luck. We'll be back together in just a little bit over a week with that I've been by guys later followed the Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous podcasts on I Heart Radio or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.

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Fan Favorite and one of the most popular Bachelors Ben Higgins and Ashley Iaconetti, the notorious c 
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