Bad Edits in Paradise

Published Dec 9, 2023, 4:58 AM

It’s the Bachelor in Paradise finale! Ashley is hanging out with her friend Jill Chin from Clayton’s season to break down every detail.

Jill and Ashley have a bold take on Paradise that could lead to a total revamp of the series! Do you think Paradise needs to switch things up??
Was Kylie being unreasonable during her situation with Aven?

And, with no hard launches since the finale, which couple do we think survived since leaving the beach?

This is the Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous Podcast with iHeartRadio.

Hey guys, welcome to the Almost Famous Podcast. Today we are breaking down the Bachelor in Paradise finale. Ben is traveling, so I called in my friend Jill Chen, who you guys may know from Clayton season and last year's season season eight of Bachelor in Paradise. She was my fellow crier. She loves a bit of dramatics, and I thought she was the perfect person to talk about this episode with, Especially Jill, because you have really cool you're like best friends with Rachel Rekia. So she was kind of like feeding you drama. Not the entire thing. I mean, she didn't have her phone on you, but like, yeah, you got this scoop as soon as you could. Yeah, And did you have somebody like an informant because I remember seeing you in June and you knew what was going on down there? How Oh, because like people who are eliminated, you heard from the grape mind, tell us all your sources.

Okay, So I wouldn't so first of all, Rachel is I wouldn't say she's she gives up information easily, unfortunately, you know, like when I get off I'm like press conference, all everybody like theether around, like this is what we're gonna do. But Rachel's like, you know, if I'm like, okay, so who are you with you with this person, she'd be like, I don't know, You're gonna have to see, which is so annoying. I'm like, just tell me. So I got bits of information that way. Also I'm good for that.

I feel like when she came home from Bachelorette, she didn't even tell you what happened with Tina.

No, like barely anything. But also like things evolved so quickly that like it's a roller coaster, so I don't really know what's happening like at all times. I know, I had a pretty good pulse on the season from Rachel then from Tyler as well, but I was piecing things together and I still am trying to piece things together because I feel like we didn't really see the full story. Do you agree, Jill.

We've been saying this the entire season, and I asked Blake about it last week and he was like, oh, you know, like of course they can't show everything because we're recording twenty four hours a day. I'm like, yeah, yeah, but there are storylines that have had dead ends and we don't know why please.

And then new storylines at the last second, and you're like like the like, where's that come from? Especially this episode like this, there was a storyline I was not expecting.

Okay, okay, so let's let's dive into this episode. Where are we going? What couple are we going? First? What's this story?

So? I feel like, well, first of all, at the beginning of the end of the episode is very much like chaos, you know, just everything going up in flames. I don't really understand why. Like at the last rose ceremony, I feel like, then if you were going to choose somebody new.

Just go well, this is what happens every season, And for some reason, I felt like this season was a little bit less annoying because usually they go straight from that rose ceremony to the next day having those one on one conversations with the girls and the guys separate, and then they go walk down to the beach. Yeah, at least we had one day in between to sort of figure things out, to make it less like I've always been like, well, wait, what why even get past that road ceremony? At least we had a one day buffer this time, but go ahead, totally understand the weirdness of that.

I know. So it's like, okay, justin Tanner, we knew it wasn't not gonna go anywhere, Okay, So there was that Mercedes and Jordan V. Like Jordan V just left my girl Rachel in the dust. And now you're just gonna say by Mercedes, like that's weird too.

You know, sure, but I didn't think but Mercedes was the one that wasn't into it.

Yeah, so why even started to begin with the night before? Now you get it. I don't get it, Okay, it's just strange, like course, but also like I fight or flight bye, I am flying away, Like I understand that people want to like try to make the best of the situation. I don't really care, like I'm gonna leave. So that was a little strange, I feel like.

But the reason for the one day buffer this season was because Mari and Kenny got married and they wanted everybody to see that and like get freaked out if they were in a secure enough for Yeah, I can't believe they're having three weddings now, Like I was like, wait, what, Like Kenny, Mary I never thought it would be you guys, because they've told us on like, we just had them on our podcast about two weeks ago, and then we had them on a couple months ago and they already were telling us how they were having two weddings. So they actually had three weddings. Of course, the one in Mexico isn't binding at all. Yeah, you know, legality speaking, but like, but wow.

It almost begs the question if anything on that beat but well, that too, that could be funding the other weddings then, like in which case I'd be like, you know what, yeah.

Let's do it exactly exactly, Yeah, I know.

So much of what happens on that beach is so like like you could pass anything off like oh, it's paradise like whatever, including engagements.

Yeah, the engagements were we but we want to get to those later.

We'll get to them later.

So what I want to talk about is Kylie's love for Blake. It does not feel platonic to me.

No, and so we that's the one that I wanted to talk about the new storyline. Like last episode, it was like she's like no, like, don't leave, I can't do this without you. We're all like that's weird, but like we can forget about it, like that's weird, but moving on because we haven't seen any of it.

Yeah, last week we thought it was weird that they peppered it in there, and now we know why they put it in there, because they wanted them to have this hard to heart conversation this week. They wanted to show this one. It's still like, I don't know what it is. I can't describe in words why it doesn't feel botonic. It just doesn't.

Well, when he showed up at the wedding, you could just just clearly see her just be like, oh my god, Like maybe this is like a new opportunity for her. Maybe she's like, well, maybe there's still a chance, Like.

If Avin doesn't want to get engaged, maybe I'll just move on to Blake. That's truly what I felt.

I don't know, it kind of felt that way, but I and then also there was it could have been like a frank invite. It could have been from earlier in the episode or earlier in the season where she said it almost makes me wish I would have explored more, you know, talking about her connection with Avan. So I'm like, well, girl, we got one more day, Like, how could we explore more? Like you're kind of locked in with aban? I just again, it was like, I don't think it was necessarily a pointless storyline, but it was a confusing storyline.

Yeah, I still feel like it was totally unnecessary. I think even her conversation with Blake was totally unnecessary. We had plenty too much commentary from Kylie in this episode about how she wanted to get engaged and how that was the only way she was going to feel secure in their relationship. I left this episode being like, Kylie, uh, I'm not as big of a fan of yours as I was. Really.

Okay, that's interesting because I was almost like team Kylie on this one.

Really, I was like, why is she so obsessed with getting engaged?

Okay, well twenty five relax, Like I get it.

It was just that, like, she truly isn't believing in their relationship if he didn't propose, I don't know. I was so not for it because, yeah, I just like the other couples were saying, don't want to get engaged unless it is going to be a certain thing only once in my lifetime sort of thing.

And I totally agree with that. I can see both sides because one part of me is like, oh my god, getting engaged in paradise, say, is nuts, Like you've only known this person in this environment for however much time, like a month max. And then the other side is what happens at the end of every Bachelor Franchise show, an engagement. That's how it ends. And so it wasn't even necessarily that they weren't ready. It was even came in knowing he wasn't going to get engaged.

Yeah, that's true. And you think that's annoying. That's I think that's annoying. That's annoying because you know, that's protocol.

That's protocol. That's annoying because it's protocol. And I don't think that like Kyley should be dragged for, say, for like wanting that so badly, when up until this point I thought there was really a I thought they were going to get engaged. Out of all the couples besides Eliza and Aaron, I thought they were the most ripe to be engaged. I thought they were like the Serena and Brandon. You know, they were chilling the whole season. They are feeling good.

But look what happened to Serena and Brandon. And I'm saying, you know, but you know, I'm also proven wrong because at the end of the episode, you see how many people are, you know, married from the show. Jared and I of course married from the show, but did not get engaged after the month. So that's why I'm able to still speak with a little skepticism. Yes, and there's been couples in the past where I have felt quite strong about them, Joe and Serena being one of them, and I can't but like I felt so no, not strong about any of these couples. I'm just like, oh, just save the reputation, Like, let's I don't want another engagement on the TV and then like just to turn out a couple months later they're not together. Yeah, So that's why I'm just like, Okay, if you don't one hundred percent feel it, just don't do it. Don't do it.

Yeah, And I agree with that, but you have to be honest with that person kind of early on, you know, like even coming in he because I don't know if he said it outright, but the impression that I got was engagement was never on the table for me. When I came here, which is a little wild, especially like being final too and then like.

Being Final two. That comes across keazy to me because I think, like she called him out on, I do think he was probably ready to propose to Rachel.

Yeah. I agree.

It's a little bit different of a scenario though, because like, while you get to know people so much more in Paradise and you have so much more time with them, your mindset is a little different. It's a little more casual, right.

Yeah, but it's also like a little crazy. Like I like when I was with Jacob, I was like, oh yeah, I could maybe see this, and then outside of it, I was like whoa, Like who was I? Who was that girl? You know? Yeah, I understand even coming out of like The Bachelor, I was like, did I even like Clayton? Like I was gaslighting myself to liking Clayton. So, like, I understand not wanting to get engaged in that setting. I do understand that, but I feel like you have to be open to it, and if you're not open to it, then express that at the beginning. Uh huh, That's what I'm gonna say. But and I do like Kylie was like really harping on the engagement thing, and but I do understand her disappointment.

Yeah, but that's because, like I to me, I felt like it was more of like a goal set, like she like had like a timeline and she wanted to reach her goals within the timeline. And she felt like by going on a bachelor's show and leaving together but not engaged, she failed.

I could see that. I could definitely see that. And then I'm sorry, it's maybe not funny, but when they were leaving, you know when couples leave together giddy, happy, Oh, a couple.

And feel good, that's for sure. Yeah, funeral. It was like a funeral.

It was weird, really depressing, and I just, I don't know, I just knew they weren't on the same page. And obviously, like if I were Kylie, I'd be like, whoa, we're not on the same page. We definitely shouldn't get engaged, you know, like Okay, Well, and then he kind of like gave her I don't know who gave who the ultimatum, but he was kind of.

Like he I think he kind of did.

I know, But it was brought on by her feelings, right, or her stance on it like I truly didn't know which way it was going to go.

Me neither. When they're going back and forth like I don't know if this is real, if it's not a proposal, And then he was like, well, then you're not respecting me if it's if you're forcing me into proposal. Like, yeah, it was back and forth, but I'm glad that she just just let it go, let him win this this argument. And for what I was what I was thinking when they were sitting in that car all depressed, It's like, I can't wait for them to get back to the hotel tonight and just enjoy some offscreen time. And I think very soon she'll have clarity as to like, now that there's no chance of engagement on the table, I think she'll just be able to just go and enjoy it. Yeah, and maybe I would love to get her on the podcast so we can see like how she feels about that now. To me, it would all be about the free ring, the fact that like you don't have to pay for a ring, you're saving, Like I don't know how much they actually are. Those were certainly downgraded size Neilan rings.

I did notice that. Yeah, Yeah, I just well, First of all, I have you been on social media yet?

Yeah? Actually no, because I've been texting Joe back and forth because I've been It's three hour episode, you know, like I watched an hour and a half last night and I watched an hour and a half this morning. But no, what's what's going on social media? Tell me what's the status?

Okay, So and that's the question, what's the status?

The status of I? But are we still talking about Kylie and Avin?


Yes, yes, yeah, okay, because on the recap last night, at the end of the show, which I think is hilarious and I love the way that they play starship and stuff, they said that they're doing great or they're doing well being boyfriend and girlfriend.

What do you know, correct, Well, I don't know anything except for, you know, halfway through the season there was at Twitter beef and it was kind of like, you know, which what I'm talking about?

No explain for the to the audience. I know a little bit. I remember that even kind of was getting annoyed that they didn't have enough screen time, which I think they didn't get screen time because they weren't leading to an engagement. I think in you know, in the editing room, They're like, oh, if you're not getting engaged, then we're not going to show you.

Honestly, the solid couples even last season, like like Serena and Brandon didn't get a lot of screen time because they were chilling, they were good. There was no drama, like there's so much it goes on that like sometimes the solid couples don't get it. So I think there was there's some beef. I don't exactly know kind of the whole scope of it, but there's some beef between Kylie and.

Live Yeah okay.

And so then Avin clapped back saying like, oh, you give a night one girl the screen time and she thinks that she's, you know, the next hottest thing, which is such an argument, Like I hate that anyways. So then, but even the fact of the matter is Avan was sticking up for Kylie. So I was like, oh, they're together, Okay, Yeah, they're together. Cool.

Yeah, you know, I'm on social.

Media right after I see oh I got they left happy. I go to their instagrams, not a whisper, nothing, you normally normally when you end the show, you know you're they got their finger hovern over the detonator. That is the Instagram. I'm ready to hard launch that relationship.

Heck, yeah, there was nothing. Oh there's still nothing. This is one pretty twenty pm on Friday.

I looked on Avan's nothing, no static post lase. I look at Even's story, nothing. I looked Frank Kylie's page. Nothing. I haven't looked at Kylie's story. I don't think still nothing. What that's weird to me? If you're in a happy relationship. I'm oh, like, I'm ready to hard launch this second same.

Okay, So what we have here on Kylie's Instagram is just on her story and it says last watch party, Avan is not present at this watch party full of ladies, a lot of them are like older. And then another of two hours ago Kylie on Kylie on like a group FaceTime with Jess and Mercedes and Kat and they're saying we realize we don't have to be on reality TV again and they're all smiling. Ye okay, isn't that weird? Though? It's definitely concerning. And the last time she posted a picture with Avan just like as a promo for the show. Yeah, November tenth.

Yeah, what's going on?

Not good?

So yeah, and that's that's honestly a recurring theme with all of the couples. I hate to say, but we'll get into that later.

Okay, And just another update avan seventeen hours ago, my piece ha my peace period at the basketball court, and then a screenshot fourteen hours ago of what he's listening to, and that is, Oh, Bryce Bryson Tiller, keep doing what you're doing is the song. I don't know if that means good.

I don't know if that's a subtweet, but no one decode that.

This is why you don't get engaged though, because if they've got to engage, it wouldn't have helped them, like it wouldn't have helped the relationship.

No, totally, totally totally, but I would have you know, the signs. The signs were clearly there for even at least and because even was feeling that way, she should have seen that and just taken it for what it is. I'm glad she ended up doing that. I don't know what's going on. Maybe we'll get some further explanation, but it sucks because there's no reunion.

I know we I would have loved the reunion for this, but I know Golden Bachelor had to take president.

Well, yeah, I get it, but at the same time, like this needed a reunion because you can't like the show. I feel like specifically left out important things and I want to know, like especially I'm still wondering about the Jess and Tyler and Blake and you know, I've heard like little snippets of on the you know, on other podcasts, but it's like.

That's what I talked to Blake about last week. I was like, could we just talk. We never really addressed the fact that they kissed and like it seemed like it was a good kiss. Okay, So do you want to know like how a lot of those storylines ended that we have been pondering all season long. Listen to the Blake interview that I did last week because I because he was there and he he did tie up some ends lose ends. Now let's go on to the dates. This week. We had Kat and John Henry had a date and then so basically both engaged couples had a date. Then we had Eliza and Aaron they had a date. Okay, So the Eliza and Aaron date I'm going to start with because to me, I have no substance with this couple, I literally have heard them talk about nothing except for the status of their relationship. Yeah, that's all we hear. Like, it's good with Aaron and me, it's great with Eliza, and it's like, okay, I'm falling in love. It's like, I have not heard you guys had a discussion about anything.

Yeah. I the only discussion that they had was when Charity came down, and it was like, what's going on with Aaron?

Oh yeah, okay, you're right, yes.

A bump in the road. But then it was like every every time I'm hearing from Aaron, he's just telling me what she has for breakfast.

And while I think that, yes, yes, it's always like you look beautiful this morning.

Okay, okay, it's in it in the breakfast order, which is great. We you know, we love that. But at the same time, I don't like I'm not necessarily as invested think I love Eliza. I think she is the most beautiful human being on the planet.

Could you believe her face?

No, in her body? Like, oh, like I just ever she's she's so good. She's so good, And I think they're cute. But I think like a lot of it, and I kind of like these kind of relationships where I feel like Aarin is like simping all the time, like just gushy with how beautiful she is, and she's like, oh, like.

Yeah, of course, I you it is cute.

It's cute.

But that I'm also wondering if she's like I could just get all the men in the world.

But the way I look like, I know that she would like Drake, you know, And I do feel like she's the one and only person that maybe has a chance with Drake.

You knew her last year? Yeah, with Drake, Okay. I love that she wasn't there when I was there. She came in late. So like a little bit about her personality.

Oh my god, she is. Everyone says like she looks like a Disney princess. She is a Disney princess, Like she's always pattering the face, like very sweet, but she's also like hilarious. She's really funny. She she's sassy for sure, and she is really emotional, but I feel like we don't see a ton of that.

I'm looking at her Instagram now. She has pictures of herself.

Yeah, she's very perfect and put together and she loves Drake. That's like her biggest like thing is she's obsessed with Drake.

Oh so she's thinking she probably could get Drake.

I don't know, but I think she may be. Honestly, she's perfect.

Yeah, she's she's something to see, all right. But yeah, this date did nothing for me, Like, this day did not help me believe in their love at all. No, the Shaman date, no, Now, the other date between Kat and John Henry actually made me get them. I was like, oh, Okay, there's more here, there's stuff here. She showed a totally different side to her when she was talking about her upbringing and he when he was talking about his rough years, some bouts of depression, and they really did feel like there was a nice level of intimacy and vulnerability there, and she seems soft with him, which is sweet to see.

It kind of made that conversation changed a lot of my I guess, like just my opinion on Kat. I don't know her, I've never talked to her. My only you know, interaction is through the television, what I see on the tepee, which obviously she got a really tough edit.

And yeah, but also like just so many, so many episodes and she had so much screen time and we really got to know her, and she's so multifaceted that, yes, she is the most ridiculous sometimes, but she's great TV. And she seems like someone that well, sometimes i'd be scared to hang out with, but mostly would probably would want her there. She also seems like a pretty supportive girls girl.

She does. I think that a lot of the volatility earlier made a lot of sense once I heard her story, and I feel like there was this yearning for safety and for okay, like I'm good here that I think John Henry was able to provide her. Whereas before she didn't feel stable, and if you don't feel stable, you know, then you're gonna go off the rails maybe a little bit. So I really appreciated that date, and I think I was at first I was like, I don't know what her ending is going to look like. I don't know if it's going to be a happy ending for Kat, But I think it's like, that's the happy ending, yeah, you know, of maybe the season.

It is, which is so funny. We see later in the season, well we'll just go there. Yeah, we see that they are the happy couple out of this that is shocking. That is shocking to me because she was mostly drama the Sea during the season. Maybe it was halfway that she started getting with John Henry and then they always felt fun together, but they felt like a couple that was just gonna be like fun in paradise and not in the outside world. This episode did make me feel like they have complimentary personalities because he's so laid back and chill, and he'll and she'll just be the well, lack of a better word, like the you or me and the relationship right, yeah, a little like a little bit more like high strung emotional one yes, and he'll be there the stable Yes.

And I although they got started a little late, I think it was a huge green flag that he was like, I realized this is crazy, but I'm so sure about it that I'm going to propose.

Okay, well, how do you feel about that proposal? Because I know I would love it. Looking back, when he goes, my gut says, don't do it. I know, but I'm gonna go with something else in this time my heart, like I get it. It's like there's some sweetness in that. Yeah, but you're still telling your fiance at the podium at the altar that like your gut saying no.

I know he should have used he should have said my.

Brain and my brain, yeah, my brain. It may be better because like my brain, yeah, my brain makes more sense your gut, like we are always told that our gut's right right, Like.

Something was mixed up there, but I think that, you know, the sentiment remained the same, and I thought it was sweet. I was like really surprised and it was it was just like fun, and I feel like they've been fun once. Like I got over the fact that he left Olivia because that was kind of hard to get over. You know.

I was interion to see the two of them just seeming okay at like a breakfast table. Rights been able to get over a lot of drama and then sit together at the table.

No, see me, I'm not like that. I cannot do it.

It's so you're getting right up.

Yeah yeah, I don't care. So that was cute. But then also that's another one. No hard launch, no hard watch, except for this, there's been a story. There's been one story. A collage for on Kat's Instagram, a collage of them saying my favorite memories. Okay, where's the hard launch, No way, Okay, when I when I looked like an hour ago, maybe wow.

Okay, So I'm I'm on a page right now. And I'm also seeing that Aaron not thinking about Paradise a little bit, Butliza. The only thing that he has with Eliza is a picture of her head on his shoulder and says she can nap anywhere. So romantic. No, nothing from cat.

Well, there's a story. There was one story, and there's a little collage of them, but that's it.

Do you think that the show's not letting them do it because maybe there's spoilers. Maybe they're like, you can hard launch on like Sunday night.

That's what I thought. But then we see another couple, another surprise couple who have hard launched.

Surprise couple do you mean Braiden?

Yeah, okay, they hard launched immediately.

But maybe that's because Bryden was already eliminated last week and everybody knew that. Yeah, so perhaps we just need to wait a little bit longer because they don't want Instagram to spoil it for some people.

Maybe yeah, maybe it's a contract thing. But did we see that with Golden Bachelor. I don't know. No, I don't know. I don't know if some things are on the rocks. I don't know the status of a lot of these relationships. And I feel like that's it's kind of like what you do in Bachelor Nation. This is kind of how it goes, you know, Yeah, were you You know, the Instagram.

Is a thing. Definitely think like, we want to see what they're doing today, right, we want to feel good about it. We just dedicated how many hours to watching these stories, and you're telling me that maybe nobody is still is nobody's happy?

I know, that's what I'm saying. So I'm just like really confused. And that's that's what makes me question the status of these relationships. Like when did they ask them about the updates?

Yeah, well I can tell you that Jared and I submitted pictures. It was the first. It was like November first they asked this for pictures.

Oh so maybe.

For that timeline, that's a long ass time ago in like relationship a new relationship.

For sure. I was most because I knew that some of the relationships. Honestly, I thought I knew the status of some relationships as like truly over And I was like, oh, I wonder how the show is going to be. I'm not gonna say because I don't because now I don't know if it's true. I honestly thought no couples were still together.

Oh okay, that's what you thought, But now Instagram is kind of proving that.

Right. No, I thought that Kylie and Aven were still together, but that's only because of the Twitter Beason. That's the only reason why. But I thought the rest of the couples were done so.

Well, we got to get Rachel on the line, Like, Rachel hasn't told you any of this.

No, she hasn't, because she also wasn't there.

Yeah, but she's got to be friends with them, right.

I don't know, think she's she's not as friendly.

Because she's from a different season.

Maybe yeah, probably, yeah, But I don't know. I think it's just strange.

Let's just talk about a few of the other couples that left. Peter and Sam. I mean, they didn't show us a single thing between them, so it was not shocking to see them part. Sam initiating it, Like I thought they were going to just let them go as like a hey, do you want to like talk a little bit in real life? See where it goes yeah, but currently she just didn't want to do that. That was then like how much how was that was that persuaded? Was that a conversation because you know, I always talk about how they don't really love the production, doesn't really love an ending that's like, man, you know, they want an ending that's like engagement or break up. The fact that they live in and uh and kind of get away with it was because I think they needed and wanted the drama of just that debate.

I agree.

So you know, maybe Sam and Peter to talk a little bit afterward. But and maybe the same applies to Olivia and Michael. I was, oh, you know, Olivia was sad too, and Peter was sad. But you guys weren't gonna like what you weren't gonna go to fantasy suite. You guys have been to those two Michael and Olivia had been together for like a week.

Oh I know, And but like I fell for a living because she was having a good time, and like I did feel kind of like they they could have just let her go with the Well we'll see what happens.

That's what I mean. Just please just come on, just get the girl. Hope because we all liked her so much.

Yeah, she got the most screen time out of anybody, Like she had a meteoric rise in Bachelor Nation, and I was here for it. I was invested in her love story. And that was just disappointing because he just like gave up, Like it wasn't even she was like, well, she started off and she was really kind of hopeful and left it open like not wanting to hope, be like too hopeful. Then he just kind of crushed it. And I'm like, oh, I didn't even like you anyways. You know, I didn't even get to know low. I don't even really I only liked Michael because he was with Livia.

Yes, he said, I appreciate your time here. I appreciate that we had this time here together, but I don't want to give you false hope. We're in two very different spots right now, and leaving together is not a good idea.

Yeah, that's okay, weird though, Like that's weird to me. You knew that last night. You knew that.

Are you in different spots?

So like, what do you mean you're in different spots like geographically?

Like yeah, I don't know, because like you better be open to a relationship, dude, if you came on the show.

That's what I'm saying. It was so weird. I don't know. I find it kind of felt like like he like he used an abused or for a room. I don't know that's being speculative, but that was really disappointing. The Peter stuff. How that man was there from start to end, no idea And he who is he? Who is this?

Don't I don't know he was from He was from Charity season.

Yeah, yes, he was from Charity season. I know he's all so he too is a pilot pee, but that's yes, all I know. And he has hairless legs. That's all I know.

Jill. I think that, like why cast these people like Sam and Peter. I've said this already before, but I want to get your opinion on it. Oh, he was set night Home Night one on Charity season. Yeah, okay, so I know that they love to bring a night Wanner and I do love a night winner. It was Olivia, right yeah, and then like him and then like look like grocery Shore Joe, like they all hope that they like take Joe's route, you know, and look at Olivia perfect example, amazing, But like I think you know that Peter wasn't going to be that kind of hit, So why incorporate people if you're going to put them there and then you're just not going to show them and we're not going to have anything invested in them.

Right because at like it just seems like a throwaway and I'm sure that there was more substance to him. This is not a knock against him, and this is just like a knock against well. I would feel like if you were there the whole time, I should know more than three things about him and be more invested in his relationship. Like they went on a date and it was fun and whatever. Like I know more about Sam from watching vetereloran Paradise Canada obviously than I do from her this season. I just thought it was weird.

Yeah, it was weird. I don't feel like we've ever had such a throwaway couple or like throw away contestants as we had this season.

Yeah, it was so weird, like because she came down to like save somebody, and did she She saved Peter, right rather than Sean or like whatever.

I thought she was gonna come down and save Sean because we were like, oh, we'll keep the drama around for another.

Week, right exactly. So that was really strange. But honestly, I feel like maybe the producers just lost sight of that or just like, ah, they're still here, like whatever. But he was I did feel bad for him because he was like, I'm really hoping that we can leave together and I can about her so much, and she was like, sorry, buy.

It seems like kind of a blind siding moment. Yeah, she was like, seeing the other couples, I feel like we should have been further along. I'm grateful for our time together, but it doesn't feel right to continue this relationship again. Want to know whether that was a little bit a little influenced and that like perhaps they hung out later, Oh maybe, you.

Know, I feel like they probably did.

I feel like they probably did too.

But also, you know what was weird to me, Like, with a couple like Kylie and Avan, don't you think they should have at least gotten a fantasy suite. To not have a fantasy suite at that level is weird.

That was weird. I definitely expected that conversation to move over into like, Okay, let's just have to the night and we'll figure it out further. There's no shame to me as a viewer, but I guess it's embarrassing as a contestant to go down to like that podium and be like, I want to leave here with you, but I'm not ready to put the ring on your finger.

I agree. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, as long as you both are expecting that, which you can discuss in the overnight. Yeah, you know, like there's nothing wrong with that. I think take the overnight just so you can really talk it through for what it is. If you even if they wake up in the morning and there's like you know, they realize they don't want to go to that podium, like I don't know, Yeah.

There's always a way out of it. I did think that it deserved a fantasy suite, and it was it deserved it and just another date night because I would have liked to see more of just like them being together. Anyway. All right, Well that's that's I think covered it. Anything else worth mentioning any like overall season thoughts.

I feel like I honestly maybe people will disagree with me. We need to bring back the two nights a week because we don't get the full story. If you're going to film for the same amount of time and the same Medican test and you're only going to give us one night a week, it's not working for me.

So I think that, like we're still getting the same amount of time though, because it's ten weeks versus what it used to be, which was four It was just five or six. Really it used to be. It used to be two hours and then an hour the next night. And I think that when you do the math, we're only off by a couple hours.

No, last season we were four hours a week.

Wait, really last week.

So last last season was four hours a week of.

Television, holy crap. And it was like eight or nine weeks.

It was long, yeah, and we had a reunion. So I don't know. I'm just happy. I'm struggling with this season because I'm not truly fully invested in really anybody besides people I love, but like, you know, personally, like there's no one. I'm like, oh my god, I live and die, you know, oh my god, true love. I'm not feeling that way.

I didn't either. It was what I have to say is, while I enjoyed watching this season.

Yeah, because there was a couple.

Of good characters like Kat and Olivia. Yep, I felt very uninspired by it.

On inspired. Some of the men were so uninspiring.

Yeah, my sister and I would be like, these girls are so freaking pretty, and it's just like, I know, the guys.

Just didn't give a rip, Like just what's the point. I don't know, we need to like reinvigorate some of these men, you know. Yeah, I don't know. I did enjoy the season because of the characters. For sure, some of the storylines could have been better developed, and I need some more solid couples.

I just think that it just kind of sucked for them because I think they put a group of people together and there wasn't a lot of compatibility. And that's all that's. You know, you've done it nine seasons. You've been really lucky. To geez, besides the first season, I think you have a couple from every season that's still they got. Yeah, if you consider Jared and Nice season three and Na season two.

Because currently, oh yeah, I think this is the problem I think is there is with the show. It's gotten so meta, Like before the show, there's all this planning on what's going to happen before the show, and then people feel obligated to abide by that because especially like when they're like, oh he's my number one, two or three, Okay, well I have to go. I hit them in this order there was it wasn't as organic. And I also feel like, you know, what happened to the boom boom room. That was like that's like a fun little thing that happens every season, not my season. I think it started when they started, when the show kind of started editing that in like a really negative and salacious light. So there's all this kind of worry about how you're going to be portrayed and who's going to be with who, and like trying to because the backlash on social media is wild at times, you know it is, it can be unbearable. So I understand the fear of getting a bad edit, but the fear of the bad edit almost stifles the inspiration of the content.

Yes, yes, you know, well put yeah wow, we had no boom boom room this season.

No boom boom room.

Think about the drama that that created, like on a Kenny Moore season.

I know, and for good, Like who cares? Because that happens in real life. You have one night stance. Who cares, you know, But because it's televised, like, I get it, and because your parents are watching personally, I got it. But I feel like some of the fun of Paradise has been lost because of the fear of backlash and the fear of being portrayed in a negative light. You might just like that fun. Let's just have fun, let's explore I don't know.

Yeah, all right, Well, guys, that is it for Bachelor and Paradise recap. We are going to resume things with Jill and we're going to do Bachelor headlines this week with her toos to stay tuned for that episode. Appreciate you, guys, Love you, and until next time, I've Been Ashley, I've Been Jill.

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