Almost Famous In Depth: Rodney Mathews

Published Nov 10, 2023, 7:32 AM

We’re going IN DEPTH with Rodney Mathews from Michelle Young’s season for an update on his love life, his friendships in Bachelor Nation, and much more!
Find out how things are going with Nayte after he replaced him as a roommate! 

And, we get Rodney’s honest reaction to his ex Eliza Isichei going back to the beach!

This is Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous in Depth. We promised it and it's out.

Yes, we have Rodney Matthews with us today for an in depth episode. He has a lot going on in his life, a lot of really cool things, a lot of exciting things. I feel like this is a celibratory episode and I'm pumped to talk to him.

Ashley, I know you are as well.

We're all here, we're all getting started.

Rodney. Welcome to the Almost Famous Podcast.

Thank you so much Ben and Ashley for having me. I'm so excited to be here.

Before we get into your love life, you know what I want to get into. What's that You're good buddy justin Okay? Because I know that sounds weird.

I want to get into your good buddy justin Okay.

So he is always doing just social media stuff with Susie and they're always creating a buzz and people are always asking why they don't just date because Zusie is very open about her dating struggles in l A and I figure that you know the inside scoop here.

Let's see. I do know these two people very well, love them to death, and especially with them both moving to LA I could see why that buzz was created, and especially with the content that they post, because we all love it. Right, it's all funny, it's entertaining, and it's that's why it's just so compelling, Like are they going to make it happen or not. It's one of those things where from from my knowledge, I know that they're both really good friends, and I don't know if it'll ever cross that threshold. I'm not too sure that at the end of the day, I know we're both rooting for both them and their happiness, whether it's together apart. So I just I love those two so much, and I just tell them, I'm like, hey, keep creaking it out because we we love the content.

So there, you know, makes his laughs and makes a smile. I love this too, Rodney. Tell me if I'm wrong, or you don't have to say anything. Actually it's your buddy. I would be shocked if Justin doesn't lay in his bed at night all alone, looking up the ceiling being like goodness, gracious, Like I just want to kiss her, like I just I just want to Like I don't know, there's been these moments where I feel like there's something and she's a friend, and I like her, and she's beautiful, and like, I just want to kiss her.

I feel like they've kissed. Oh, I feel like they've kissed a few times.

I don't know anything about that, but I know that. Oh yeah, yeah, no, imagine the tension is there. The tension has to be there. They're just they're too funny, they're too close on the content. I'm just like, God, these two just they would look good together. But yeah, yeah, it's probably there. They have.

They're just very creative and they're very good at executing all these social media videos. Their ads are one of those ads that you stop and you make sure that you watch because they do it so well. And then another buddy of yours you must have had an awkward situation with. Nate has been a roommate of yours for a but your new girlfriend, which we're going to dive into in a minute, she's taking his place as your roommate.

When I posted our hard launch, the funniest part was adding a picture at the end of like me and her in the mirror at our place and mats in the background, and all that people would catch is just Nate's face in the background, and all the comments of looks like he knows that he's getting kicked out as a roommate or we rob's getting a new roommate, all this stuff, and I'm like, oh my gosh. So we laugh and joked about it all the time, and I just remember first telling him. He's like, you sure, Ron, You're sure, Okay, okay, And it was like one of those things where he kind of just realizes. It's like, hey, it's like it's our brotherhood, we're best friends, and it's not that it's coming to an end. It's just it's a new chapter. You know, it's time for you know, me to move on. And he definitely accept that and he knows we'll still stay close no matter what. So yeah, it was kind of a funny time, but yeah, it was the time to move on.

So, I mean that's where we got to start. Then, from the beginning, you are in a relationship. You publicly spoke about this relationship in June. I believe, is that when you started dating or was it right then you kind of like, how did this play out? And then when did you decide to tell the world.

Yeah, we started we started dating back in June, and it was very it was very exciting. I think the last podcast was on, which is Dave Neil's podcast, was the first time that I actually spoke about her public publicly on a podcast, which was really nice. But it's one of those things where I was just I was so excited and and I know that the way we met we met at a bar out here at Venice, and it was one of those things. Man, I sound so dramatic, and I am, but you know, when I saw a feeling just hit me, I'm like, wait a minute, I have to figure out. I have to find out who this girl is. And Justin was with me that night, and that was always kind of the funny thing is I just immediately saw her and I'm like, okay, I have to get her name in number before we leave and figure out who she is. And the more and more I found out, the more excited I got, knowing that this could potentially be the one for me. And uh, it's one of those things, like I said, when you know, you know, and a lot of friends and family they'll be like, okay, Rod, like do you think you're moving too fast? And you're excited? I said, absolutely not. You know, for the first time in my life, I've waited so long for this, and I knew that I've never been this confident in this shore in my life about any woman that I've talked to before. So I knew like that this was a special moment and I wanted to to seize that immediately. So yeah, I'm really glad. We just moved in together a week ago, you know, so it's very exciting for us, and we're ready for this new chapter.

Ah, it's so obvious how happy you are. Give us, give us her bio, like, tell us about her.

She's the best. Yeah, she's the best. Stop. I'm just very very happy. Her name was Ariel Sabrina. Obviously, we met at a bar, and she is from New Jersey, so she's from the East Coast, where we just went back to for us, for me to finally visit the friends and family. She works for Netflix. She's a social media manager over there, and everything that we've kind of been through together so far, it's already been it's already been a lot in such a short period of time. But we're just so happy to have met each other during this stage of our lives. You know, I'm thirty one, she's thirty, and that was the first thing she checked me on. You know, when I approached her, was like, hold up, how old are you? And I was like, I'm thirty one. And she's like, okay, I'm tired of get hit on by like twenty two year olds. Like now we can talk, we can continue this conversation. I said, hey, I respect it. Yeah, it's nice, you know, so I completely understand, and I tell people all the time. I think one of the best parts is that, you know, when we met, she never watched the show, so it's one of those things where she just got to know me for me and I remember her. One of her best friends was there that night. It was kind of like recording us because everything was so special. We had random people coming up to us saying I'm sorry, you guys are the cutest couple I've ever seen, or like we just met an hour ago. So it's one of those things where I was like, this must be something special if people keep commenting on it. And I remember that best friend and her they you know, they watched the video. They were dying laughing. They sent it back to the girl's back east and they're just like, oh, yeah, Aery met this guy last night. We'll see what happens with it, like she seemed happy, but we'll just see if anything comes of it. And I immediately was you know, I got her number. I asked her out on a date for that next Wednesday, like I was. I said, hey, like, I don't play games, and she's like, what are you in this for? I said, I'm trying to find my future wife. Like I'm I'm in this for love, and so you know, if this could be something serious, I would love to pursue that. And I remember, you know, we had our first date, which was very nice, and then our second date is when she's like, all right, so my friend's back East watched the video of us from night one and they said that they all know you and they love you. They know you very well and they love you. And she's like, I don't know how that's possible, and so you might have to talk to me about this if you feel comfortable, And I said, yeah, I let you not until the friends finally told her, so yeah, she's just like, oh, they're like, do you know they talk to you? That's roddy blah blah, and so they were just so excited and she was like what she had no idea, and once we finally talked about it and broke down, she's like, I'm here for you to tell me whatever you feel comfortable with. If that's nothing at all, I understand. If that's everything, I understand. She's like, I just want you to know the you that I know is the one that I met at the bar. And so I said, perfect, let's talk about it. And so I kind of just shared what I was comfortable with and I told her, Yeah, I've been on a couple of seasons of the show, and I'm very blessed and grateful, but i have been through some stuff on the show, and I know that I'm here to meet my future wife, and so yeah, it was very exciting for us moving forward.

I will say this, it is nice to h to date somebody who doesn't have like they have an interest in your experience in the show, but they've never seen it. You kind of get like there's so much kind of weirdness that is eliminated, Like they haven't seen you kiss somebody else. They haven't seen you like say something romantic to somebody else. It really does, I think build a healthy relationship. My we've talked about on the podcast before you know my dad Rodney. He's a great dude, but he is not one to to give advice.


And so one day I said, hey, Dad, how do you know when you've like met you know, how what do you feel like when you met mom?

What do you feel like?

He goes ben when you know you know? And I was like, that's stupid advice. I don't know what that feels like. I think that's there has to be a better way and he and he didn't really say anything after that. And then when I met my wife, now I was like that first date. I was like, no, this is either going to be the best thing ever or the hardest thing that I've ever had to go through, because this is really really good or could be really bad if it doesn't work out. Well, it worked out, but you're right though.

It's a certain feeling and you're just like, wait a minute, this feels different. This feels more confident and secure and warm and welcoming, and something's different about this date. So yeah, it was very nice.

So Ronnie, this is a little bit awkward, but your ex Eliza is back on The Bachelor in Paradise Beach right now, and you felt really strongly for her last year, Like you really, I feel like you thought at the time that she was the one. Can you like compare and contrast the different feelings now that you look back on it in hindsight, Yeah, I mean back.

Then, Wow, it was about a year and a half ago. So back then, yes, I definitely had strong feelings and thought that it would give us something special with a lot of potential. And once I heard that she was back, I was like, oh wow, I hope that she finds what she's looking for, and that's that's really all that I felt at the time. I was like, oh okay. It was one of those things where I think us as a general brotherhood and friendship or are our own personal group you know that we hang out with. It was just like, oh wow, this is this is crazy, this is big news. But I hope that I hope she finds what she's looking for and she finds love. And knowing a lot of people that win on this season, I'm just I'm rooting for all of them, you know, because I think we all know how crazy that environment can be and how how wild it can be. So it's one of those things where I'm just I'm rooting for everybody, even even though yeah, I was very hurt last year. I'm rooting for everybody to win, you know, and and find love because it's it's a special feeling.

Have you have you at any point been watching this season because I had this. I was talking to Ashley about this, I think last year. You know, obviously I'm in a relationship. I have no interest and not being in this relationship, But there's moments I watch Paradise and I'm like, I wish I was there, Like I want to be there, like hanging out the bar, like I want to be watching the people like fight and like you know, love triangles, Like I never went to Paradise, so I don't know what it's like, but I find myself like if I could just not date, could I just go hang out? Like I could I just be in like the cabanas. Have you felt like that at all as you've you know, seen Paradise come through this season, like, Hey, I know I'm in love, but can like I go back for a bit?

So to be honest, no, not at all after my experience. But the best part of Paradise by far is is kicking it with Wells because That's that's the man right there. You know, we all love Wells, We're all big fans, and once I finally got to meet him in person, I was like, oh man, the hype is so the best part is is kicking it with Wells. But you know something's coming up. If if Jesse walks in and he's got a serious tone and I'm like, oh, what's up, Jesse, and I'm like, oh no, this isn't going to be a happy talk. Like something's going on. So it's just a lot of a lot of stress in that place. I remember, you know, a lot of late nights. But no, I'm I'm I'm happy for those who get to experience it, and I just wish them the best.

You don't want to go back, No, there's no plans. There's no plans. I gotta go back to bath.

I'm good on seeing that beat.

All right, go ahead, Rodney.

You do you feel like you are on the fast track with your girlfriend, maybe a Bachelor in Paradise style where it's like, yeah, it's maybe not four weeks to engagement, but maybe you can see yourself doing it in a few months.

Yeah, yeah, I mean, I'm definitely.

He's opposed to get Christmas?

How did you How did you get that from his like first like word of yeah, I'm on it, and you're like, keep bothering.

It's face.

No, I'm just I'm definitely on the fast track and I won't lie. I remember. It does feel like the show has affected me in that sense of thinking like, hey, we don't have time to waste. And you know, I remember, you know, being younger, way before the show, I would just I would take my time, and there's nothing wrong with that, you know. I feel like I have taken my time being single this entire time and waiting for the right one to come. But the show did introduce me to hey, like if it's if it's the one, there's no time to waste, and so kind of taking that into my real life. It has felt like, hey, ever since I met Aria, I know that what I'm doing feels right for both of us, and you know, we are on the fast track, but to us it doesn't seem too fast. And we ask each other all the time. We're like, we you know what the world thinks, but what do we think? You know? And I'm like, well, we're both very happy, We're both very confident, and we've both waited, you know, for a long time for a love like this. So yeah, we're we're definitely on the fast track and I wouldn't change it for anything, and I'm very happy for how our pace is going.

Isn't a weird feeling when you like, are confident and at peace with the idea that you're going to be with somebody potentially for the.

Rest of your life.

Like, isn't this just a weird switch up from even being on the show where you're like, I think I like this person, I don't really know them that well yet I'm hoping this works out for us, and then you like and it has happened from the show, right, Like people have found love on the show and it has worked out from they have found that feeling. But it isn't like just odd and awesome to be so at peace with this massive decision that you're making.

It's it's one of the craziest feelings that I know talking with you too, I know you guys can relate, And it's so shocking to me to go from this world, especially like just being a single bachelor and being on the show and then coming out and finally finding my person and I'm like, oh wow, this is a crazy switch up in life in such a short period of time, In just a few months, my life changed just like that, and I wouldn't change it for the world, Like, this is all I've ever wanted, this is all I've waited for. So it's funny. I remember people asking, like, you know, you know you enjoyed this lifestyle and being a single bachelor and being from the show and this and that, and I'm like, it's been great and I'm very blessed with that. However, at the end of the day, the reason I went on the show is to find love. So that deep down of what I've always wanted is love. So that's the whole purpose of it, you know. And so as soon as I found it, I'm like, I recognize it, I feel it, I know it, and I'm ready to move on. I'm ready to move forward. And the only one that truly knew that are some of my best friends back home who weren't on the show, you know, before the show existed, and moms and moms knew on me. When people are like Rodney found her, is this the real thing? And it's like, yeah, he's been waiting for the right one. As soon as she met him, She's like, Roddy, this this is the one.

It's her, Rodney, You're the sweetest. We're so happy for you.

You're like, oh, you're a dream. You're a little dream. How was her family? Did you feel like You're like, oh, this is an extended family to mend.

Yeah, I think our world's merged so easily, so smooth. And you know, when she met mine, it was amazing. And then when I met her, obviously about half of them knew me from the show, so I think they were excited to see me from that, but more importantly, they saw how happy I made Airy, and so that is what made it more special. Is so once I met them, I'm like, oh my god, this is this is my family on the East Coast. You know, It's just it was so quick and I loved every second of that. You know, her her best friends, you know who we stay with and they have a cup kids and uh, you know her best friend Taylor, her husband Chris, who we just stayed with the New Jersey Kate May. I love them to death. They're two kids. Uh, they already called me her niece Slay can't pronounce the D. So she calls me Uncle Ross and so I'm like, all right, I'm Uncle Ross. I'll just unc ross like I want, you.

Know, you know, I'm like, not Ronnie, Ronnie Ross.

I like it.

I'm like, okay, you know, classic mix up. I'll take it. And uh yeah, she's got She's got nieces and nephews out there that I I love, you know, being with and spending time with and just meeting all them. And I finally got to meet her mom as well, which was a which was a beautiful moment, and I could feel that they were happy that I just made her happy because that's all they've been waiting for too, So it was it was very uh, it was very nice.

Sounds like Growdney's had his last first drink with somebody. Pretty cool, you know, last first drink.

That expression, but definitely his last first kiss.

I mean, last first drink would work to right. That fits both all all above.

Yeah, yeah, I.

Want to revisit something, Rinne.

I want to dig into this a little bit and then I want to get to some of the fun stuff you're doing outside of this amazing relationship. So Nate is still living with the two of you like, you guys have moved in together, but also Nate is still there or not?

Has he moved out?

So no, so we so we both found new places. Yeah, so and I Aaron and I found a brand new place in Studio City, which we love out here, and Nate moved a couple of blocks away from from whereere we were at. So yeah, he's now in a in a studio and uh he's found a beautiful place. Uh you know, he's got his own little skyscraper spot and uh yeah, we we have a two bed, two bath out here in the valley. And so we're really really is he.

Is he the type of guy? I mean we uh we've had on and uh, but is he the type of guy? Is is excited to live alone? Or is this like is this a really sad time for him?

No? No, I don't even think it was like a It's for maybe about five seconds, it was bittersweet of like my life's changing too, you know. But no, he's uh, he's lived alone before. When we met, he was living alone out in Austin, Texas. And I went to go visit him out there a few times, and I think now he was he was ready to live alone again. It's you know, it's him and his dog, Percy, who everyone knows in Bachelination.

By now that his relationship with the dog is awesome.

Yeah, you've heard us talking about it, but it's he's, uh, he's happy. I think he's happy. It was kind of like an exciting new chapter for him to to kind of just be all by himself out here in LA because before it's you know, he did move out here for me and and we knew that we were going to be closer after I went through everything on my season, he was going through his breakup and he's like, man, we both need a fresh start. And I'm like, either I'm going to Austin or you're coming to LA. So we got to figure it out and and that's how that's how it happened. So yeah, I know that he is happy finally being in the city on his own to kind of explore it. And obviously, like we said, Justin and Susie are out here, so it's like we got more friends to hang out with.

I like that you group the two of them together. I just feel like, one day this is gonna happen.

They're gonna be Jared and I I mean, you know, really good friends first, but it's.

He's he's doing well. I can I can confirm he's doing well. We're all going to go to the Chargers game this weekend. So yeah, it's nothing, nothing's changed.

We love them.

Speaking of football, you coach this year. I don't know if this is your first year of coaching or not.

Was it?

So? No, this is about my fifth or sixth season coaching high school football.


Are you the head coach?

No? So, I am the defensive coordinator. I was the defense coordinator. Yeah, Pasadena High School. It's like North LA out here.


So you played college football?


I did, and you're running back right or were you?


I played safety? I played up at Fresno State.

You played at Fresno State. You were a safety, So being a defensive coordinator fits perfectly. Talk to us. I mean, you know, I'm more interested, maybe than than most. But give us a quick rundown of how the season went and how it is to be a coach of high schoolers because it is something that I've always wanted to do and dreamed of doing, just never put my foot in the door to do it, but yeah, to.

Do it eventually, Ben, You'd be amazing when you have kids.

Like you have to be the coach high flying high school offense.

Just air raid down the field.

I can see it now and then I can away because I'm keeping up with every stat I know you're just gonna throw that thing out.

Just let's go.

So yeah, it's it's definitely pros and cons. This was the toughest season I ever had coaching. It was my first season coaching after the Show, which was a different challenge I wasn't expecting. And it was my first season ever being a defensive coordinator because I started off as just the dB coach and unfortunately, some events happened where the school had to let go of the defensive coordinator, so I a week before the season immediately got the promotion of the bump that I wasn't ready for, and so there were a whole lot of challenges to go with this, and so it was it was. It was a tough year.

So our season, we didn't play very well. Our records sucked.

We were awful, and I think that's that's what made it so tough for because I'm a massive competitor, especially when it comes to football. It was my first love my first passion. And you know, I started playing at nine years old and ever since, the game has always just changed my life, you know, whether it's high school, college, you know, being a captain and a leader. I loved the game and I love coaching and giving back. And before the show, I was coaching consistently and it felt good. I got to see myself personally changing kids' lives and changing their love and their knowledge and their passion of the game, and that's what I cared about. You know. It's like, Hey, I'm going to make you a great football player, and I'm going to make you more knowledgeable of the game, but more importantly, I'm going to make you a better man off the field. And that's what I was excited to kind of see that contract.

Yeah, I want I wanted to ask you about that.

Yeah, that's what is at the end of the day. That's what's more important of being a coach. It's like, hey, I'm going to teach the x's and o's and that's great, But am I helping him build your care you know, Like how am I helping you off the field as well? Because a lot of these kids come in with you know, they're all coming in from different backgrounds. And that's what I've loved with football, is like you got every culture, every background, ethnicity, upbringing. You got all that mixture in this locker room, and how do they gel together to be a winning team. And that's really exciting to see, is you know, we took my last high school that I coached at. We took a team that was known to be a losing program and turned them into winners on and off the field. So these kids were building confidence, they were getting better grades, they're out playing college football now. And you know, they went from being those kids who were in trouble all the time and always having to go to Saturday school to you know, now being good members of society and getting scholarships and being better men. And it was just so exciting. That's what I care about when it comes to coaching high school football. And you know, sadly, once I started this program, I didn't realize the effect of the show because obviously every kid wants to look up their coach, and so you know, they immediately looked me up and it's just like, coach Rod, you were in an Apple suit, you were and then they did like what are you doing Oh my god, and I'm trying to go off on them saying, hey, I'm coach Rod, like just folks on me being you.

Know, remember that's how he came in on a cell season.

These kids and you know, kids research everything. So I'm like, oh my god. So just trying to trying to discipline them or teach them, and they're just like, okay, Coach Rod, you know, like you know, you're getting on the bashret and this, and now I'm like, no, that's not what it's about. You need to focus on football. And so there were just so many not even from Mayen that was just a piece of it. There's so many like outside distractions with this team. And you know, the end of the season and we play in the Rose Bowl, so that's their big rivalry is which is one of the coolest experiences for high school for anybody, is playing in the Rosebolt, the granddaddy of them all, and it's against the rival high school, me or high school so it's Mere versus Pasadena. And the first half I'm just so excited because I'm just like, wow, this is everything anyone could dream of being a kid or a player. At coach and that first half I held the other team to thirteen points. So we're going at halftime it's thirteen zero and our offense hasn't scored yet. But I still have hope, and I'm like, all right, boys, like it's some of the best football we're playing. We got the most people here, thousands of people. I'm like, we got this, we got this, you know. And at the end of the game, we get blown out, and so I'm hurt and I'm bad. And at the end of the day, obviously I've listed all the cons I think, but the pros I have to look back and just say, what impact did I make on the kids? And there's a good handful of those kids that could look back and still know that they can call me for anything and just say, Coach Rod, I'm going through something, and they know that they could call me. So at the end of the day, I still want to make sure that I'm making a positive impact on the kids on and off the field, and if they could remember me for someone who wanted to really truly support them and uplift them, whether they're out there get getting an interception or making a big tackle, or if they get scored on or anything like that, Like win or lose, I'm going to have their back. So that was that was really important for me.

Your passion for coaching is clear. Is this something you want to continue doing?

Yeah, I think I will. You know, I definitely. I've loved it. Like I said, I've been doing it for five or six years before and after the show, and so I love coaching and I know I definitely want to do it again. I don't know if this last year took a toll on me and you know, come in, you know, after practice and you know, Arie would meet me after practicing, after every single game and she's like, you just seem stressed. I'm like, I got a lot on my mind, Like this is stressful. She's going to games, she's seen us get blown out, and I'm like, I've never been through anything like this in my life before. You know, I'm a strong competitor and at least I know I'm going to be in the game, you know. And for me to deal with a culture that was so used to losing and they were okay with that, and it was tough for me, and with the distractions of you know, post life after the show and stuff like that. With the kids, it was a lot, and so I think I want to coach when the time is right. But I told Ery, you know, moving forward, I want to focus on my new career. I just as of a week ago, I just passed my real estate exams, so I'm about to get my real estate license stuff.

Let's go.

Yeah, congrats.

I'm really excited about that.

No pressure, Rodney, But you're a great role model and I want you there with the kids.

I know, so I'm I promise I'm definitely going to coach again, but it's going to take some time.

Yeah, makes sense.


Well to close up here, Rodney, we do have to ask you.

The bachelorette on your season has recently announced that she is in a relationship. What are your thoughts feelings about this new found I mean, I don't know if they're calling each other love life yet, but romantic life for Michelle.

Yeah, yeah, I just I just heard through the grapevine that that that that happened. But more importantly I am I'm happy for her. You know, that's that's very exciting. Like I said, I've just recently found it, so I'm really rooting for anyone to find it. And we all know that we went on this show to find it. So it's one of those things for Michelle, and I'm super happy for her. You know. I hope that everything works out, and I hope that she's she's found her person because being on her season, I know how passionate she was in that pursuit, and so yeah, I'm happy for her.

Ronnie, thank you so much for joining us. It was so great to have you. I could listen to you talk forever because you're just like such a soulful, warm human being.

I appreciate you guys. Thanks for having me. Ben and Ashley, you guys are the best.

Yeah, I get to feeling better.

Thanks for coming on with this this flu it's a big deal.

So until next time, Rodnie, don't make it too long.

We'll probably be giving the headline. I don't know, probably during Christmas, Ashley.

Thanks. Rodney.

Matthews is engaged, but we'll see, but we'll always hold out hope for you man.

Thanks for coming on the podcast. Until next time. I haven't been, I've been, Ashley, I've been, Ronnie say here you guys.

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