What's happened? Everybody?
Happy Wednesday to you, A beautiful day wherever you are.
Why because you're listening to this show.
Texans All Access, John Harrison, Mark Vandermiir here with you in the Hyundai Texans Radio studio.
News broke this afternoon.
The Texans have added an offensive lineman, a left tackle to big Zach cam Robinson from the Vikings.
Mark and I are going to react to that. After we talked to the.
Recently extended Derek Stingley Junior, All Pro staying was in the house. He's been in the house. He's been in this building, I think every day since the offseason, been working out.
I saw him yesterday in Hallway.
He and about thirty other guys are here working out, and he stopped by after doing all the press conferencing and all that kind of stuff, and we had a chance to chat. We chat about his family, becoming a really good tackler and becoming all pro sting, but wants you to keep your ear off for this. I asked him about his interception against Tyreek. You talk about a guy with recall football IQ, Derek Stingley Junior has that. Here's my conversation with all prosting my man guy wanted all along twenty twenty two. In fact, I actually wanted you wait before that. I don't know if I've ever told you the story. Derek Stingley Junior in studio twenty nineteen. I walked in the studio. We were having trouble covering people and I walked in. I said to Mark, I was.
Like, man, I wish we had that kid from LSU.
And he goes, he goes who Stingley? I said, yeah, and he goes, well, year is he? He's a true fresh and we gotta wait. And I was like, yeah, we're not gonna get him anyways. Long behold you end up here in Houston. Derek has been one of the best things for the franchise. You get the extension, he signed the extension. First of all, how do you feel just to kind of have I don't know if that was weighing on you at all, but just to have that done it over with, how's it feel?
I mean, it feels great.
I'm glad to be a part of this team for you know more tom Oh, hopefully you know a little bit longer. And I'm just ready to get back to work to keep going.
So I saw you in the hallway two days after you're signing extension.
You're out there working with a.
Bunch of guys, and you've got more guys here seemingly in the building at this time of year than ever before.
And you mentioned it in the Ryan Clark podcast.
You talked about setting a standard that Nico the year before, you saw what he went through and you wanted to be able to set a standard.
Why was that important to you for this organization?
Well, really, like, like you said, Nico was already here doing all that, So like that standards is already set. So I mean, I was just trying to keep up with how things operate around here and hopefully more people just do that on a consistent basis.
You get drafted in twenty twenty two, not very good.
In twenty twenty two, the Miko comes in, you get a few more players to come in.
Things change. You saw it before you see it now.
What's kind of been the biggest thing you think in the transformation of this organization, Derek.
In your opinion, you actually like like on the like.
Just from the team perspective, what's been different from when you got here to what it is now?
Well, really, I think that the group of guys that we got or that we had on the team last year and the year before that just like an immediate like almost like a chemistry.
Yeah right.
Thing played into that, like going through the workouts before the season started, like you can already see like you you know how to talk to your teammates, and then by the time you get on the field start doing practice, then that's where you start seeing like like how people are when they come to competition on the field. And then by the time we get to the actual games, it's like everybody's already clicking in. And I mean you just see that from the from the beginning.
So I grew up about thirty minutes from here. My dad was my coach. My dad had a way getting kind of tough on me. I know, your dad coached you for a long time, and when my dad got tough on me, I always had moms.
That was there.
And a lot of people talk about your dad and the impact, but what about your moms being there for you throughout this entire journey as much.
As your dad.
Yeah, I mean without without her, Like I mean it's saying it's the same for both, Like if without what they do, I wouldn't be sitting right here right now, like like yeah, with my dad a lot working out and you know, just you know football and it really is more than.
Football, but like talking about but yeah, so.
Yeah with football with him, and then with my mom is like you know, like you see the family side of like like her side of her family, like how they always together, how they always you know, communicating and stuff like that. So I mean it's different levels to what they do. And I mean a lot of people don't have that, but I got it so.
To help support system man.
And they're the only two people that get to the stadium before any of us too, which I think it's fantastic. I've seen him in every single stadium before I get there, and I'm one of the first uh to get there. One of things I love doing with you is talking about the game. We talk about things that have happened in the game, Like you can give me the details and everything. We after Jacksonville game and you had an interception and you gave me a whole breakdown of what happened against Brian Thomas. So I'm gonna give you my favorite interception and I want you to tell me.
What happened December.
Fifteenth, twenty twenty four, fourth down against Miami Dolphins. The first interception when you're one on one on Tyreek Hill, the one in the south end zone or near the south end zone.
Take me through that play and what happened? You remember? I know you got the recall. Yeah, So.
On that play, I think it was either to play before or to play or two plays before that he ran He took an outside release and ran a dig and he caught the ball for a first down, and that that really the way he ran the route. It was kind of weird, like you're not gonna see nobody else run that how he runs it, so all right anyway, So that's that's that's beforehand.
So that set it up in your brain. That's that's that something out right. And then.
Either the next player or two players after after he caught that pass, it was kind of like the shot area going into the field, and I kind of like, I just had a thought in my mind that he wasn't going to try to just run past me all right here, even though he could have, because we were in single high and they had a lot of field to work with to like a front pile line throw or back pipeline, whichever one they wanted to do. But he took the release, and he still he stayed kind of vertical off of his first couple of steps, and then when he was running like he wouldn't like Tyree, he has a specific type of run and how he looks when he's running like he But I just had a feeling that he was about to break and then I just kind of locked in on the hill and then once he turned, I turned looked for the ball.
A lot of people when they the NFL put out a video, if you know, the NFL put out a video on Twitter, like three and a half minutes of your best plays, going all the way back to your game against Jackson.
With your first interception in your career. It was an interception, past breakup, et cetera.
I think what people miss a lot about you, it's how well you play the run and how well you come up and how willing you are to come up and tackle.
Where did that kind of start for you? Always?
Has it always been part of your game that you're gonna take pride and not only cover people but coming up and making tackles as well.
Yeah, I mean that that kind of well, I mean going back to a little kid. Yeah, but once once I got into college, my defensive back coach, Cory Raymond, he would always say, y'all gotta tackle, y'all gotta y'all gotta know how to ta come down and make a tackle hit with this shoulder, this foot forward. And he would just say that and we would kind of look at him like why, like you know, like what's the point of us really getting in there and tackling. But I mean it turned out that, I mean, to be a great, a better corner, you got to show up in the run like you gotta you gotta be reliable or what's it's just gonna run the ball at you thirty times a game and you're not gonna help the team if you can't make the tellus.
And now on the other side of you got this young buck. He'll come up and do things.
And you said, use the word crazy, and I think that kind of fits with the way Kamari plays and Kaaln's back there. Now you're adding CJ to you, guys, what are your thoughts about the secondary and what you've got now with those two young bucks. Now in the second year, you're coming back, JP, coming back healthy, Chauncey being added to the mix. What you think about your secondary now, I mean I think I think we can just keep growing. There's always room to grow, Like, yeah, we had what we how many? Like we all we had a couple of sicks each last year?
Yeah, now that's like twenty I think between y'all. Right, So, but I.
Know I'm speaking for everybody, and I know that we all dropped some interceptions like we all Yeah.
I wasn't gonna say it's gonna let you say.
We all dropped a light, like we left a lot out there on the field. So I mean, just getting back to the to the basics of fundamentals like why, why did that happen? Why did this happen? And just going out there and probably getting like thirty each.
That'd be nice.
I got to ask you about the commitment from the organization, from the McNair's on down, making that commitment to you for the next how many every years? And you said it on the podcast. You want to be in Houston. Like a lot of us, we want to be in Houston. I think when we see players that say we love Houston so much, we want to be here that you you're endearing yourself to us, but the organization has been endeared to you from the McNair's on down.
How does it feel that they make the commitment to you.
I mean it feels great, and I mean I want to thank thank the McNair's for having me here, believing in me since I since I before I got here. Them, Nick Cerio, the Miko Dino, see like everybody, everybody. That's a part of all my growth as a player in the NFL. All but really you know the mcneery Without them, I would I wouldn't be here, so no doubt.
Congratulations Derek Stingley as we know him, all pro sting You're the very best man.
Appreciate your time.
Thanks all right, It was great to catch up with the all pro Derek Stingley three years ninety million. Really happy that he is here, and not just Derek Stingley but family friends. He is everything that he was cracked up to be from twenty nineteen when I started talking to him. When he's draft in twenty twenty two, absolutely great.
How I felt during that because I had a meeting earlier and I couldn't do that one. But you know it ended up being like this, Johnny, Like when I was talking to Clinton Portis, Yeah, twenty fifteen at Washington practice, You're like, it's a cane's thing, leave him alone.
Got it. I felt like you and.
Derek just needed to talk ball together, two defensive backs because you played DBA college. Now he played it a slightly I'll say, slightly higher level, slight little bit slight, a little bit higher, a little bit high as our old friends would say, a little bit, a little bit bit. Who doesn't a little bit a little bit, but a little bit higher level for staying. But you guys talking ball sounded great to me, and I would have been like, yeah, you know when you covered the guy and this interstepping the ball, that was awesome.
Been like Farley from SNL. I love talking to him about the Tyreek play I got. I wanted to pull up every interception and go through everyone. But what I took out of that is that his football, like Q, is so good, He's so smart. He his recall is so good. And I remember talking O'Brien talking to about this as well, but about Tom Brady's recall. Tom could remember everything from every game and that would help him because he would see something years down the road and remembered how a defensive coordinator reacted to him. It's just it's incredible. I mean, I'm just so glad that he is. He and his family and friends are back here in Houston. We'll stay here in Houston.
Never left.
Gonna stay here in Houston, which is absolutely fantastic. But we have news, got news this afternoon. Not made a fish bud. The Texans have signed an offensive lineman, in particular, a left tackle, one of the very few free agents essentially left first of all that had never played for the Texans.
There were a lot of them that had played for the Texans.
Cam Robinson has not played for the Texans, but he will. He signs a one year deal to come to the Texans. He had been with the Jaguars. We'd faced him every year since twenty seventeen. He started as a rookie there in Jacksonville and played very well for Jacksonville. Traded in Minnesota last year, starting and played for Minnesota the entire year, but was a free agent at the end of the year. One of the reasons that he was traded because of that, because the contract became an unrestricted free agent and the Jaguars wanted something for him, and now he becomes a Houston Texan. Now rewinded a little bit earlier in the day and there had been some scuttle butt on the internet that Titus Howard had restructured a deal, and I thought, Okay, what does that what's that money earmarked for? Yeah, and in a few hours later we found out it's Cam Robinson. Mark your gut reaction to Texans signing a legitimate left tackle.
With a lot of pelts on the wall.
Yeah, he's played a bunch and I remember when he was drafted and the early reports he was struggling in camp or something. We were at the Greenbrier getting all this stuff and we thought, oh, good, good, because he's a Jaguart, we need them to struggle. But they kicked ass that year and he played in almost every game there's a rookie he played pretty well.
Yeah, he did.
And he's had his ups and downs injury wise, and you know he's missed some games in recent years.
Yes, so you have to take that into consideration.
I don't think this eliminates them drafting a tackle, thank you, in the first round.
I don't think this takes this out of play at all.
I believe that that's still very much on the table for them.
It's not you know, and I asked you this before we went on.
I said, it's not mat Khalil, it's not larrymy Tunsel, and it's not mat Khalil either, Right, mak Khalil was just not desperation. But okay, this is insurance with a very high deductible on the cheap or something. I don't know how to put mak Khalil at the time.
They just had to do something because maybe mk Khalil could have ended up playing.
You don't know. You had to take a look at him. This is not that.
But it's also not acquiring a stone cold no question, he's going to play seventeen games and be elite for you. Left tackle acquisition this is something where this could work. This could work. It could also be something where he's grooming. Well we we canceled that word. Cancel that word. He's helping develop a younger tackle. Yes, and maybe it's Blake Fisher, who knows.
Maybe they're thinking, well, Blake's gonna play left and we'll bring in Cam to sort of supervise him or whatever.
Be the guy until he could be the guy.
I don't know, or they draft a player and that is what's going to happen, and they'll let him battle it out. If the player's ready, great, If not, Cam's gonna play.
I think what's interesting about it just from so many different levels. And Aaron raybol textas and he said, so Cam I left tackle, then Titus, and Titus becomes kind of the focal point here obviously, Yeah, because what happens to Blake, So what.
Happens to Blake and Titus?
Just from the standpoint of I think, whatever you do, you gotta get your five best out on the field. Now, I do think there are some guys that have some versatility. I think Grant cam Robinson is a left tackle. I think Blake could play right or left tackle. I think Titus can play every position on the offensive line. I think Jarrett Patterson probably just a center. I think Jewics could play center of guard. So my point in bringing all that up, you know, Lake and Thomlinson and Ingram, the two guys they brought in are probably guards.
There're gonna be some pieces.
That they're gonna have to look at, and combinations are probably gonna have to look at in mini camp and OTAs to go, Okay, how do we like this group? How do we like this group? And then you're gonna draft an offensive line. And I don't think there's a question. But to your point, to your point, signing Cam Robinson and having Titus and Blake in house doesn't preclude them from t can a tackle. But what it does depending on the tackle they select, because they don't think any the only like true left tackle, probably only playing left tackle that I could see out there, as Josh Simmons from Ohio State, others everyone else. I could see tackle, left tackle, right tackle. I could see tackle, or guard. I could see a lot of them fitting in in a number of different ways. Gray's abel I could see him playing any of the three positions center, guard, tackle.
You got to get the five best. I shouldn't say it that way.
You got to get the five that fit together the best, and you get the best play out of what was it?
What did what did her Brooks say in Miracle?
Kur Russell, I'm not looking for the best players, I'm looking for the right players.
Yeah, and that is exactly what you're looking for.
And so you you take that bullya base and you go, Okay, who are the five?
Right? What's the right mix? Yeah?
Well, you know what, tomorrow show, we're gonna have Wade Smith on, and Wade played every position on the offensive line, So nobody better to have on the air than Sade Smith to talk about this very subject and how this can all fit together.
How about this for a comparison.
We have a young player, possibly Blake, possibly Titus is not a young player anymore, but he's at left tackle, an underdeveloped left tackle right and maybe he can come in and play at Gangbusters from day one, but let's just call it what it is.
He hasn't played there much.
So what if this is the veteran quarterback you bring in until the young guy or the inexperienced guy is ready. And if the inexperienced guy is ready, whoever that is, well he's gonna play. If he needs a little more seasoning. Now the experienced guy is gonna play. I don't know how else to weigh this right now, in the absence of Nick really talking about it publicly, I'll go with that. I'll go with there bringing him in it's even more insurance. If not, we feel that he could start at least a half a season for us, maybe more, and then maybe somebody takes over from there.
Maybe it all works out wonderfully.
He's in year nine, maybe that's it. Maybe he's able to play the whole year and he's our guy. So it's one year contract. There's a reason why he's on the market though, right right, it's a.
One year contract, and what I've seen online it's fourteen and a half million dollars. I think it's what it is. So my thought is I agree with you that. And look, there's you know people that are like, oh, you're pay him that much money, he's automatically a starter. Well, the Seahawks paid Matt Flynn three years twenty four million dollars back when what three years it would be like three years and about forty million dollars now or more to be a quarterback.
And they didn't even get the week one with Matt Flynn.
They decided Russell Wilson was the guy, and Russell Wilson was a third round draft pick.
They moved Russell Wilson in.
He took over as the quarterback and stayed in Seattle for a very long time. Matt Flynn really hadn't heard from much since then. I could appe it if you end up drafting the right guy and that guy is ready at some point, you don't have to rush them. You could get them a custom get them.
You know, used to playing.
You get a lot of reps in the preseason playing left tackle because you kind of know what Cam Robinson is. But you got to get Cam some obviously, some reps to get comfortable with what was being called, what the line calls, playing next to a particular guard. You can do a lot of that in training camp, maybe do with some control practices against teams, joint practices, et cetera. But it at least gives you some options that you can go to. And to your point about Matt Kalilly, I think it's a better option than Matt Kalil. Like Matt was really at the end of his life injury. He was at the end of it. He was beat up.
It was a miracle to have him get out there for a series of getting right right.
I think Cam can can still play. Was he was he what he was four or five years ago. Hard say, but at least you have him on that roster and he's.
Going to be motivated a one year deal.
You know you want to get another big deal, you want to cash in again. Well, play well in your one year, right and do everything right. You got the opportunity to do it here. You got an opportunity to do it with one of the thirty other teams. So I think from that perspective, it's you asked me put the.
Tunsil Khalil scale where is it?
And I literally put it right in the middle, I said, because I think he can play beyond what Matt. I mean matccalil hadn't played for like two years when we got him, I think in twenty nineteen or something like that. He's not larim at tunsl But what you now have done is the piece you've added to the buoy base. And because of the position that he plays, you now have options in the draft to be able to say, you know what, all these linemen are pushing down to us, which one do which one do we have rated highest?
And do we feel the best about it?
And it doesn't even have to be a first round draft, that's right, That's what you could pick two or two in the one in the pick you know, right, tackles in this organization's history who played really well like Eric Winston third round draft choice, Derek Newton's seventh round draft choice.
So, George off the top of the garbage heap. You don't mean where it's gonna come from.
How many reps did Charlie Heck give you over there to a fourth rounder.
I think it gives you a lot of options at twenty five. If Nick stays at twenty five, but if you do stay at twenty five, it gives you a lot of options. And maybe it is going to be a receiver because we feel better than we thought, and based on who's dropping, we feel like in the second round we could pick somebody up. We have two third round selections we can mess with to move up in the second round as well to see what's available if something good is there mid second round.
There are a lot of different ways you can go.
You mentioned it with Tomlinson, with Ingram, now with Robinson. There are three guys coming in along with the guys you have. You feel like it's hard to pinpoint exactly how they're gonna line up, but you got a lot to work with. Now that's adding to the depth. You're adding to the room and clearly they feel good about it. They would not have thrown that kind of money at him if they didn't feel really good about him.
Do we have a paint company that is a sponsor of the Texans that we're aware of. I don't think we do, Okay, So basically, we went to Sherwin Williams and we just got a bunch of paint.
You didn't want to say the wrong spot, right, that's right. We went to Williams.
We got a bunch of cans of paint, and now we got to figure out.
With those cans of paint, how are we going to make it look good up on a canvas. Yeah, and we're not done going.
We got another trip to Sherwin Williams coming up in April, right, and we could even go free agency wise, there could be there could be another move coming now. Obviously you know with the money, salary cap all that kind of stuff, you're you're button up against it. But you want to be able to be ready to strike if there is another deal. Like Tevin Jenkins is still out there, and Tevin Jenkins, when healthy can be he is absolutely swarmy when he's healthy playing guard. So it's not done and I heard SHAWNA Seth talking about this this morning because they were talking about panicking in a sense like are you panicked? And I was like, it's March nineteenth, there's no reason to panic, Like why panic not? Even there's no sense in panicking at this point because you woke up Cam Robinson was not a Texan. Now you're going to eat dinner, or if you're late and you realize Cam Robinson is a Texan, the text helps you and you got a lot of paint, now.
Figure it out.
The national pundits are already putting them under so much scrutiny and will continue to do so because of the Laramie deep right, because it was a risk, and from the outside looking in, it's a tremendous risk.
And maybe from the inside looking out it's.
A tremendous risk because you're really reshuffling the deck and getting rid of one of the key cards. Here you've added some others and now you're looking for that good hand, the five fingers in the glove up front. Can they do it? Will they do it? We don't know until we see it. You know, everyone's gonna have their opinions, and somebody right, so may be wrong, but we're not going to know until we see the whole mix on the field. I just want to see them run the ball better, Johnny. I want to see them inflict their will on people. Run the ball a little more, play action, run it downhill a little bit more.
Make life easier for CJ. Stroud. All related to this I saw.
And I can't credit the person because I don't know who came up with it, but I saw this graphic. It was a stat Mahomes in the Super Bowl pressure rate thirty eight percent or something like that.
Stroud all season long, thirty eight percent or close to it. It shows you what he was undergoing, because Mahomes looked terrible in the Super Bowl, and look CJ held it together under that kind of pressure during the entire regular season.
And that's why you went to Sherman Williams and you went and got.
A lot of paint, because you got to figure out what paint goes together. And by the way, when you put five fingers in a glove, I don't need that glove to be like all sequined and jazzy on one finger, the rest of them just like a bunch of nubs.
I want the love to be cohesive and want it to be nice, and I.
Want that glove to be able to work and come together like a fist and punch people writing them out. That would be really, really fun. Okay, we get back the NFL. Well, it's teams have submitted some proposals that need to be considered rule changes a couple weeks from now at the annual meetings. We'll see what happens then and we'll talk about the next on Texans All Access. We'll go back to this Wednesday issue of Texans All Access. John and Mark with you. The Texans have signed Cam Robinson. According to sources, Mark and I discussed that in the first segment. If you want to listen to that on the podcast, make sure you're checking out all of our podcasts. Okay, Mark, we do this every year. Now, where are you going to be in two.
Weeks I'll be at the NFL Annual Meeting otherwise known as the Owners Meetings.
Yes, the Annual League meeting. We always do this, and these I think get kind of interesting. NFL teams have proposed rule change.
Oh yeah, let's go. So there are.
Three on field and then two off field. Well, actually there more than that off field. Yeah, there are two. That's two there, and then the Steelers have one. Two Okay, now the Steelers one off the field is kind of it has to do with how you can contact a player during the tampering period. Yeah, I saw that one, So it's kind of interesting how you can go about it. So the Steelers have, uh, they've thrown in a rule that, hey, there should at least be one one phone call they can make.
And all that kind of stuff, so we can get it. That one.
Probably the one that's gotten the most attention is this one from the green Bay Packers. So I think we knew back when this came out it was the green Bay Packers, but now we know for sure. Club rule change proposal green Bay Packers Rule twelve, Section one to prohibit an offensive player from pushing a teammate who was lined up directly behind the snapper and receives the snap immediately at the snap AKA abolish.
The tush push right.
Your thoughts, Well, it's worded very precisely, so if you're downfield or away from where the snap was taken, yeah, I can still push you, right, I could push you along.
Why are we doing this? If one is.
I understand that everyone's crowded in around the snap with the tush push, the brotherly shove, whatever you call it, but we still allow, we still want to allow pushing if it's on the edge, right, So the ball down the field and there's this big rugby scrum, Yeah, guys pushing, they can push them, right, But now the quarterback can be pushed. Yeah, quarterback can't be pushed. So why is one okay and not the other? Why all of it.
Eagles have mastered one and not the other. Yeah, I guess so that's why.
And everybody kind of benefits from the other from time to time.
That's right.
The touch push, it's hard to benefit from because you don't do it well, you're not willing to risk doesn't Jalen hurts squat some unbelievable.
So he's super strung. He can take that punishment. You know.
You do that with a more diminutive signal caller and you might break him in half.
So look, Johnny, I don't know. I feel like.
For safety reasons, maybe it should be abolished. But give me the data, right, if it's not causing that many injuries, you know what, stop it? Stop it. It's a rugby scrump.
You can't deal with a rugby scrum in professional football exactly. The thing about it from a health perspective is it's not a full on like collision because you're already there.
You're right there.
Yeah, it's not like it's a ten yard difference where you're running full speed in it like somebody up.
So from a health standpoint, I mean, I don't know if his.
Match shop got hurt by Albert Haynesworth and a freaking quarterback sneak.
I mean, the only thing you know, your foot crushed, it's fat Albert Haynesworth. Those things happen. The thing.
The thing about it is like, okay, quarterback gets in there and he's kind of upright, and he gets back and people are like, okay, but that's He's like the wires at the rodeo stage during the Journey show.
Oh you know what, you know what happened there? What stage is rotating right? Yeah, it's theater in the round and it rotates. Yeah, well something got messed up where things loosened up, so now you're rotating and you're twisting things. They just do the visual math on that. With wires and electricity way through them. Apparently, I'm going to give you one more thing. Apparently it got so hot the fire that some of the cabling and wires turned into piles of goo.
That bad.
Yeah, And there, I know I'm taking a terrible tangent here. There was one guy who brought a circuitry board or something home with him to his shop.
Welded it all night long. Oh God, this guy's a freaking hero.
No, he's an expert to make sure that they can do the show the next night, had it back by dawn and they rehooked it up and made everything safe and they.
Pulled it off beautifully.
And I love stories like this because that guy's not getting any recognition in here because I really.
Don't even know who it was. But you know, I got these little tidbits of information.
Well guess what's not happening at the bottom of the tush push piles of Google right exactly, all right, So that's plan number one. I say leave it. I don't think there's anything this next one to me. I actually I like this one. The lions are now proposed The lions got busy here. The lions that proposed changing Rule eight Section four to a eliminate an automatic first down as a penalty imposed for defensive holding in illegal contact.
All right, so this is how it works. It's third and ten. Yeah, you got defensive holding. Yeah, five yard penalty. It's third and five, right, should be third and five. But in reality it's an automatic first down, right right now, it's an automatic first douce, right, that's what the lines are proposing. No, it's five yards. So it was third and three, Yeah, you get your first down. It's the distance awarded third and ten.
It goes to third and five.
You tell me, Johnny, how many defensive holding could be pretty egregious? Why is offensive holding ten yards and defensive holding is five yards? How come no one proposes offensive holding five yards? Why does in a league that wants offense? Why is offensive holding so punitive? It's a drive freaking killer?
Right? Why not make it five yards? I don't know. It's a good point. How about making defensive holding ten yards?
I would do that, doubt I would do. And then no first no automatic first down. So if it's third and fifteen, it's third and five, right with the penalty, I.
Think going to ten yards.
Leo contacts Thay in five I think, hang on, I just changed the I want to go back to offensive holding. Why don't we Why don't we do this? Offensive holding is five yards? Would it be too crazy? Everyone's gonna hold like crazy as too much of a I think you go non risk.
I think it's the defense that goes up to ten to keep him consistent.
I don't like both of them at five.
I don't I don't like both of them at five because you can just clutch and grab, and especially if it's not gonna be automatic first down. It's like third and thirteen and Kelsey has your beat and you just reach out and grab him. You know it's not gonna be an automatic first down. All of a sudden it's third and eight, or actually it'd be third and three. I like that better than third and eight.
Flavorite one an automatic first down.
I think I think both offensive defensive holding should be ten yards. And obviously offensive holding is not going to create a first down, but I think defensive holding should not create a first down either. I agree with the lines on this automatic defensive holding you've got then you then you would have defensive past interference at fifth or uh spot foul, you'd have defensive holding for ten is ego contact for five?
Okay the ah really?
Wait, illegal contact and defensive holding two different things.
Two different penalties, because they are their two different penalties. Why do they have two different penalties? Have two different have two different uh? Have two different penalty? Uh, two different penalties?
So no automatic first downs other than PI, that's right, because it's spot Oh so spot of foul even if it's seven yards on a third.
And yeah, DP, I mean DPI is a spot foul.
Anyways, this spot file automatic, that's fine, that's fine. But if something is dean defensive holding or legal contact once ten, once five, that's what I would do. But right now they're both five well five, But they will not according to the Lions, they want it change. They do not want automatic first down. You know why I think this is important because if we ever go to fourth and fifteen, Yeah, on.
The on side kick.
Oh that was when Matt money Smith brought up with those at the combine.
Yeah, some people. One of the things he was against was defense holding.
You the contact, which is not a fifteen yard penalty, also gives you an automatic first down. Well, if you change the rule and make both of them five yard penalties, but it doesn't give an automatic first down.
Now that becomes playable fourth and fifteen. Holding will run rampant in on those plays.
Yeah, oh totally, yeah. Absolutely. Let's like pick up basketball. It's like when when you're it's point game. Yeah, rab anybody, you punch anybody like they're not getting a good shot off.
You know. It's kind of like that. It might be fourth to two. Yeah, you're not going to the line the ball. Shut up.
You might have four cracks at it after like three different deventsal holdings, but you're not going to get that one. Okay, this is uh number three. This is from the Eagles. Okay, if the Packers suck their soft leave the push push, No, that's not what it is. Eagles say, Rule sixteen, Section one to align, You're like this one to align the postseason and regular season overtime rules by granting both teams an opportunity to possess the ball regardless of the outcome in the first possession, subject to a fifteen minute overtime period in the regular season.
Yes, because I agree. I want to go back to the old way, but they won't do it. No, I want to go back to straight.
Up sudden death. Yeah, straight up sudden death.
Oh, Mark, you can't know, incentivize the teams to win the game in regulation overtime, it's, oh my gosh, what's going to happen? But they're never going to do that, So let's just put that away. That's pie in the sky. The way it is now is stupid because it's a ten minute overtime period. You are flirting with tie disaster every time time out. It doesn't take much. It's three percent, it's one. Actually you'll probably get two or one team will get to one team will get one, right if you play it out unless things get crazy. But you see what I'm saying, And there's isn't there a two minute warning in the ten minute period?
I think stupid? Make it a quarter?
Make it a quarter, and so you agree with the Eagles on this and give each team a possession?
Ya give each time or not? If you're gonna do that, do this? Yeah, I tend to like that.
Okay, The next two and the last two that I've seen here from the Lions. Now, the first one I'll read to you. It's Article seventeen, Section one seventy one to exclude from the ninety player limit. A player placed on reserve slash into reserve before or on the day of the roster reduction of fifty three players, unless such players designate before return.
Huh yeah, exactly. So forget that, we're not gonna spend any time on that. I don't know they can. That's a sure past. It sounds good.
But this one becomes really interesting because it would have impacted us last year. Okay, Article seventeen, Section one seventy one from the Lions to amend the current playoff seating format. Oh yeah, to allow wild card teams to be seated higher than division champs if the wildcard team has a better regular season record.
Yeah, I understand this. So that means the Texans would have gone where last year.
The Texans would have gone to LA. They would have played the Chargers in LA. Players are Chargers had the better.
Record even though they did not win the eighth They were eleven and six Texans were ten. I know this is not going to be popular with a lot of people, but I'm going to say this is the right thing to do. I think if you win your division, I don't devalue winning the division by not giving a playoff berth. You got to give a playoff berth. So even if you win your division at seven and ten for some horrible reason, you get in because you won that division, But that does not mean you get to host automatically. You have to have a good enough record to host. I think that's fair, Johnny. Look, yeah too. There have been times in our history where that would not have been good for us. Seeing the Houston Texans going on the road in that wild card weekend action never done it before. Every time you've been in the postseason, you've been at home. Because every time you've been you've been in the AFC South champ two years ago could have been a wild card, but the Jacksonville Jaguars helped us out by losing to Derrick Henry on the last day of the season.
That was awesome. But I do agree with this.
I do agree with this now that we've gotten all those home wins, I agree with it because the Texans will be in better shape next year, I hope.
So that would have.
Been the only change in the AFC, Like we would have gone, we would have gone to LA instead of them cominganged.
NFC would have changed things significantly.
The Rams are going on the road. That's right, well, on the road anyway in Arizona, but really on the right. The Lions would have been one, the Vikings would have been two. I'm sorry, I don't know, Eagles Vikings.
I don't know how that would have I don't know how that would have broken out both over fourteen and three.
So I would imagine Lions one. Well, division winner would win the tie break, agin play each other. I don't I don't remember.
Eagles two, Vikings three, then Packers four. I'm sorry, Commander's four, Packers five. So the Packers would have gone to Washington.
Is that right?
You would have had the Rams go to the Lion Oh no, no, no, the Rams would have gone to the Vikings instead of the other way around. That game would have been played in Minnesota. Now, after watching that game, I don't know that would have made much difference. But the NFC playoffs would have been totally, incompletely all jacked up. And oh the Rams, Yeah, the Rams to have gone to the Vikings, and so there's complete difference. Now you can argue the other side of it, which is okay, AFC South wasn't great last year.
Well, the NFC North got to play us.
That made it easier for that, I don't know, but in the NFL, I think everything being equal, I actually agree with this one as well, even though we benefited from it and winning the division is it's I think that that college football is going to make this change too, because if you set up a ranking system, like what are you setting up the rankings for?
Like if a team is number five in.
Your rankings, but oh, once we factor in our team that wins the conference gets a buy sort of thing.
All of a sudden, team goes from number five down to number ten.
Like wait a second, that doesn't that doesn't feel right right, that doesn't it doesn't seem right now. I know college colleges are a little jankier because the schedules aren't even like they are.
Not out but right, it's a good point you make. There's enough of a Paris and you can make there.
So the Saints, why did I say the Saints, the Vikings and the Lions squared off last game of the regular season for all the marbles, all the marbles the Vikings lost With this format, they would still lose the bye. Yes, they would still lose the buy. So there was plenty to play for. Yeah, In that winner take all number one seed.
And so one of the.
Things that I saw that was written was like, you know the Texans. Now, I know it was week eighteen and we had winning the game, so the arguments whatever moved, but they were like, well, the Texans would still have to play even though they had won a division. I understand that we didn't go to Kansas City and not try and win that game, right, even though we look lousy against Baltimore, we didn't try and not win that game, right, we went to Tennessee. But it would give you even more incentive, right, it would give you even more incentive, which I find to shout the season to make sure you get you know, think about US US at home in a playoff game versus US away a playoff game, two different things.
Yeah, so it's the universe would be different, definitely different.
Playing the Chargers in La yep.
Although come on, you're still gonna get after Herbert, but I get it. Yeah, this place was rocking that night and you don't want to lose that.
And you bring up a great point.
Last season, I thought one of the underlying issues with this team was the fact that they didn't have the division clinched, but it was looking like it was wrapped up for a long time, for like a couple of months, and unless you screw it up, and they almost did, but they didn't because they beat the Dolphins that day. They clinched the division later when the Colts lost to the Denver Broncos.
But I like it.
I like the extra insative to play even better in those late season games if you have a big lead in your division.
I actually like all of these except push alone. The Packers are being weasels about that, like stop, stop every other one.
I like, I feel like it was a bigger deal the year before or two years before.
But whatever, what's that the tush push?
Yeah, I mean, and I thought with the safety emphasis they might do it, but again maybe the data just doesn't back it up.
Yeah, I mean went in doubt, go back to the data.
What about kickoffs? What are we doing here so saying thing about it? But we already had it was a one year deal, so we'll see.
They already had it out there that they might move the touch back to the third and there's.
Nothing been announced about that yet.
Now there's still time because you don't it's a couple of weeks away.
But oh, they table votes also for May a lot because there's another big owners meetings in May, right, not with all the coaches, and.
Just not the one I get to go to in May. You get to go to the one that they are not having in July.
I get to go to the one that they have in January and mobile, yes, that's when I get to that.
That's a big one. That's a big one, and very much is a big one.
Now coming up, final thoughts on Cam Robinson becoming a Texan and other things.
Going around the NFL. Next right here in Texans All Access.
Yes, sir, welcome back Texans All Access from not Texans Already Studio. I am John Harris, your host, Glad to be with you to finish up this Wednesday show. And well, it's been a little quiet around the Texans other than Sting's extension, which we had a chance to catch up with him. If you missed my interview with sting go check out the podcast for the first segment of the show, actually for all segments of the show if you missed it. But Derrek Stingley Junior obviously signs the extension. He stepped in studio that was really really fun. The other news that accompanied our interview with Sting was the fact that Cam Robinson, former Viking, former Jaguar, former Crimson tied All American, signed a one year deal with the Houston Texans. Now Cam was the I think in some cases, I think it was NFL Dot Comedy pff.
He No, it's the athletic. The athletic. He was the number four tackle on that list.
Now, some of them had already gone back to their own teams, et cetera.
But Cam was available. Texans jumped all over it.
And as I said in the first segment, to me, this is about throwing paint up on the canvas. I've seen some people say the guy that I enjoyed from the Athletic, Ted Winn was like, you know, Kolepopovitch, good luck with putting together off its line with Ingram Lake and Tomlinson and Cam Robinson. It's a challenge, obviously with whatever the Texans are gonna do. But there's no telling a how many of these guys they've acquired are gonna start be how many guys that were in a building are already gonna start See, there's no telling what the situation will be once we get to Week one, and there's no telling what we're gonna do to draft. So you might draft two starters in the draft, two young guys, and you might play them alongside Cam Robinson. You might play them alongside Titus Hour, you might play them alongside Blake Fisher. Who's to say to me, there's no at this point, there is nothing set and stunt about this offensive line other than tyas how it will be here because obviously they just restructed his contract.
Other than that, you don't know.
Even signing Cam Robinson, you'd think it that money, he's probably gonna be your left tackle starter, But there's no there's no rock solid guarantee that that's gonna take place. You don't know that Texas are still and are still in the mode of construction for this offensive line. But Cam Robinson brought in he's watching him this afternoon after the news broke about Cam Robinson.
I think he still got some pretty good juice left. Like I watched the.
Week eighteen game against the Lions. I mean that's late in the year, tired. He looked like he moved really really well. Like it looked like the Cam Robinson I remember from younger, his younger days earlier in his career when he was with Jacksonville. So again, is it is it bringing in a rock solid, you know, one like he's gonna be the left tackle of the future. No, but if he get some good play out of Cam Robinson, it allows maybe other pieces to kind of fall in a play place where you want them. So we'll see what it turns out to be. Became Robinson is a Houston Texan and you have listened to Texans All Access and I appreciate that.
Thank you so much.
We appreciate that NCAA basketball coming up right here on Sports Radio six ten.
We'll see them all, everybody, and as always, go Texans.