Happy Monday. Everybody.
Welcome into Texans All Access from Monday Texans Radio Studio. I am John Harris, shows football on a side of the reporter and the man you hear wringing.
His hands ready to go. It's to voice the Texans.
Mark vandermer Mark, good afternoon, good evening.
How are you doing great, Johnny Weather? You know the light it's light out later, yes, I'll get that out, so always good.
It's light out later.
So it does feel like afternoon when we begin the show, as opposed to winter when it's just the depths of darkness at six pm.
I love this time of year.
Yeah, great weather, rodeo done, congratulations on a nice good job, Rodeo, good job.
And what's impressed me actually more than anything, maybe is I get in at I don't know, eight twenty eight to fifteen this morning. The dirt's already gone. Yeah, they got the dirty dirtst Yeah. No, I thought somebody's going to take a week or something to get all that dirt out. And it's not just normal dirt. That's thick, clumpy dirt.
I walked on that stuff when I did the Cash ground. It was all gone, all gone, and they're packing up so fast. It's like they've been a victim and they got to get out in twenty four hours, which they don't have to. But they're doing the good work here. And obviously, you know, watched hoops over the weekend. Coached kids. It was a great weekend.
Yeah, you had a good fight football weekendt coach.
I did a good Yeah, this was good. Five kids, only five kids showed. It's five on five and we crushed it. We did well. But you know, they've been around a long time, worked on some things. It's funny because you know, you do what we do. You watch NFL teams practice, and I think that you know, when I practice basketball or football, because I coach both those sports, I want everything to go as fast as the NFL teams do you know. It's like station to station, let's go, let's go. You guys, come on, and you're not used to that. I remember watching college teams practice football, like Miami even and we were good, obviously, But when I came to the NFL, I'm.
Like, oh, it's even faster.
Just stationed to station, the speed at which they conduct a practice session.
It's so funny.
You say that because during OTA's and mini camp mostly sometimes training camp, but mostly it's during OTA's in mini camp because it's a little less stressful than training camp and the time fits a little bit better. There will be college coaches. I've seen TSU Rice, you were Houston. I've seen a lot of coaches here, and I can't tell you the number of times I've stood near some of those coaches and they're talking to each other and like, look how fast they're doing this drill or they get from drill to drill, And I kind of take it for granted in a sense like yeah, you know, they're just a practice, they're just going from one to drill to next. But I've heard them. I can't it's a dozen times if it's once where I've heard coaches like, look how fast they're doing that drill. Look how they're doing that, and how clean that is, And you know, you realize, okay, Yard, you're dealing with the best of the best, the pros.
The pros, they know how to do it. This is what this is what they do.
This is how you get ninety guys all moving in one direction. And you know, college, trust me, in high school doesn't quite go that fast.
Trying to get everybody from drill to drill your setup of it.
Remember when Bill O'Brien took the job here and he talked about the coaches and I, this is the first year the coaches and I are going to go out and practice. He didn't word it this way, but practice how to practice, you know, go over the practice routine with coaches. And they were bringing all sorts of warm bodies out there from the football opice crew, like scouting people who wouldn't normally be out there for this kind of thing.
I said, I want to do it. You know. When I was hearing.
About this, He's like, well, what what can you do, Vandermare. I'm like, I don't know. Like I could be a tight end and pretend to catch a pass.
I don't know.
I wanted to participate, But they practiced the practice routine, which I thought was notable. One other note, by the way, Johnny, before we get rolling on things.
Yeah, I was.
Reminded of the two best coaching jobs Demiko Ryans did this season by coaching flag football yesterday. Is he going to compare him coaching flag football to demiico RAN's coaching this team? Yeah, this idea is that's what we do, but only because we had a bad week last week and I had to reinvent some things and focus on the fundamentals and do I'm not gonna get into all the details.
But really just reset everything.
And I thought of all right, Demiko really had to do that. After getting blown out by the Ravens. He reset a lot of things because they had a little extra time. They had that weird game with Tennessee where we don't need the win, but we need to play well, we need something.
Yeah we don't win, but we need to win.
Yeah, we need something going into the Chargers games. We could charge a game. We need the playoff game. They didn't know who it was at that point. We need something positive to happen, and we talked about it. They had a great week of preparation for the Titans game. No matter who was going to play, they've locked in. They got down to it and against the Titans opening drive bam touchdown. Rest of the game, Davis Mills play as well. Obviously, the defense played well. They beat the Titans, a team they had lost to earlier. Titans weren't playing for anything either, but they weren't here either. Okay, so they had whatever they had motivation wise to play the end of the season well.
And I was reminded of that.
I thought that was a great coaching job because it led to the great job they did against the Chargers. It was all like a two and a half two weeks stretch. And I'll go back further the game against the Jacksonville Jaguars leading into the bye and then the Dolphins. Yeah, because they got beat by Tennessee. They got got by Tennessee. They were on fumes. It's Week thirteen, No buye, everybody burnt out. They need the bye desperately, but they have to beat the Jaguars, and they rallied to do that. And then they had a fine performance against the Miami Dolphins, a team that was pretty hot coming in here. So I was reminded of that thought. Man, they reset, they refocused, they recalibrated, they re whatever, and got ready for those two outings. And I know it was more than one that I mentioned there, but I was reminded of that how important it is to sort of reset during the season sometimes these guys. Otherwise every week it's the same thing. You want a lot of similarity, you want routine, Yet you want every week to be this quote new season. That's how they look at it. And I was reminded of that.
Yeah, that can that can definitely happen. I mean I had it happened my second year as a head coach. I wanted to be I wanted to throw it. That was what I had more fun doing down up passing. I didn't think high schools can really stop good passing attacks. And I realized but halfway through the year, like we just can't do it. We just can't do it. We can't do it. We can't protect it, we can't catch it. We could throw it, but we can't. We just can't do it. And I'd always been an option guy, and I'm looking at the tape of the next week and I'm like, the team that was playing the next opponent couldn't stop the option.
And I was like, We're gonna do it. Run the option. In one We're gonna run the option. And we turned it around.
Basically, we had some components of it in the offense and we just I just said to my office as a look, I'd like to be able to throw it. We just can't, I said, So we're gonna We're gonna strip this thing down. We're gonna have ten plays, five more option two or three out of runs, and then we're gonna have like two or three pass plays and that's about it. It's good and we did and we kind of made that changes and all of a sudden, we just started kind of Wow. After about two or three weeks, I'm like, you know, my offensive line is not bad. Didn't run blocking. Man, They're getting and they're getting better. Man, they're getting better. And by the end of the year, it was like, man, they really took a lot of pride in like stuffing it down some team's throat. And I thought, hmm, okay, And I think that's one of the things as a coach. And you know, Demico talked about that with with Nick Cayley, adaptability and you think about adaptability and you think, okay, and you always heard from your Patriots people like game plan offense, game plan offense. I think the adaptability you have to have not only from you know, practice to practice, week to week, but like any game, from drive to drive. And I think that's one of the things that Belichick was so good at. Belichick could figure out what kind of game it was like Hey, this is gonna be a nine to three slug fest.
Let's make sure we got our run game in order.
You know, this is gonna be a high flute and man, this is a plus like he would know by the first quarter, near the end of the first quarter kind of game was gonna be, and that helped him kind of figure out how he wanted his coordinators to call the games for the next how many ever quarters? And I think that adaptability has got to be seen in this in this offense, which brings me to this, it's time to take stock. Take stock where we are. So we're gonna do the Texans in the first segment, next segment where it takes stock in the AFC South. All right, okay, personnel, So we're looking at Texans personnel.
Where are we? What have we done? What's left? What have you done? And how do we feel about what it looks like right now? So feelings, yeah, feelings, Feelings are always good. Let's start with the receivers.
Thus far in the receiver group, Christian Kirk has been added to the trade, Braxton Burrio signed, Justin Watson signed, who got a nice little ug goodbye tweet from the Chiefs.
So the weekend. Thank you. I'm forgetting about him.
Yeah, I do too, And I think that's a mistake because I think Justin Watson uh is gonna end up making this football team at receiver. I feel very strong. I think you make some plays. I think his experience in Kansas City will be helpful. But I think his size, his ability to go down a field, make plays down the field, I think is gonna help. So added three receivers to a group that more than likely won't include Tank Dell right at least Matchie Hutchinson, Jared Wayne, Johnny Johnson, Xavier Johnson in that wide receiver crew. How do you feel you got a bona fide number one in Eco Collins. You got him signed for the next couple of years. I feel good about that. You brought in three free agents, one via trade and Christian Kirk restructured his contract.
Over the weekend, or may have been done before, but it was reported.
I thought this morning, two other free agents, which you know, we'll see where they fit.
And then a remaining group that's here. How do you feel about the receivers?
Do Barrios and Metchi play the same spot?
Kind of? Pretty much? Okay?
I think Barrios, Kirk and Metchi. There's a lot of overlap, a lot of a lot of overlap. Look, Kirk's gonna play. Kirk's good. Yeah, he's gonna play Nico Kurk. I feel good if healthy Johnny. But last year going into the into training camp, yeah, how great? Did we feel fantastic?
Because he had Nico Dell Dan digs and you were thinking, Okay, we got a big three and let's see what Mechi can do now that everything's behind him and he can really flourish, And look what happened. We didn't get the results that quite we were quite looking for. Injury is obviously the biggest part of that. So if everybody stays healthy, I feel pretty good. I still feel like there's a rookie to add to the mix. Okay, so those are my feeling. I feel good. Give me a first three rounds rookie that they feel good like that.
I like the way you did that.
Okay, let's go tight ends, all right, Gold Schultz, Brevin Jordan, Kate Stover, state static. No additions those three if you want to, well, we'll do fullbacks with running backs. Those three Schultz, Jordan's Stover they're back, Brev coming off the ACL, Kate coming off end of the year. We missed him do the injury at the end of the year, but I think he's rehabbing ready to go. Schultz Jordan Stover, how do you feel about tight ends?
I feel really good about the tight ends, except I feel like there's another one coming. Look, you absolutely have to have at least a couple of camp tight ends. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but what they've got right now. I feel really good about Brevin Jordan coming off the injury. I've seen him every day. He is working hard to get out there. He knows it's a big contract year for him because he got the one year extension. Kate Stover, you and I have talked about him. He has swar mentality. He is exactly what they're looking for, not necessarily as a fifty catch a year guy, but as somebody who can block, make the big receptions at big moments, you know, kind of like what he did in the Bears game. We talked about that of it last week, and look, I like Dalton. I know Dalton's mate a big place for his team. It's got to be more consistent. He'll be the first one to tell you that he's a little for more consistency.
So let's see.
I think those three with Shultz Jordan Stover, I feel pretty good about it. I feel like there's a why missing a guy that can be an inline guy and on a.
Draft Jackson Hawes from Georgia Tech as a guy. I really like.
You know that Jackson Hawk is basically Tea and Toreano. Well, we wanted Teaking to beat Teagan just can never could never stay healthy, and so that was always that was always an issue. I do think that there is a tight end in this draft coming at least maybe two one drafted, one undrafted.
But you mentioned it camp bodies. I mean those three, I mean.
If you went into the season today, those are the three you'd think are going to take the majority of reps at all the different tight end positions.
But is there a fullback coming British Brooks, Well, that's let's go to fullback brids Brooks Jakub Johnson, who they both sat in.
Yeah, so I feel pretty.
Good about full back two because I think Johnson comes in he knows you'd been with the Patriots for a year or two, so I think you know, Nick knows he's been around the league a little bit, and I think British was just getting his feet wet playing fullback. But making a roster I feel okay with fullback. So if you take the tight ends with the fullbacks, yeah okay. But I still feel there's something missing from that group, mainly a y in.
Line tight end.
But if you end up getting you know, an Elijah or Royo to Faulty in the second round or a third round, you know, a tight end of that ILK who is just a phenomenal pass catcher, tremendous athlete, guy from Texas one drop all of twenty twenty four was one of cam Ward's biggest weapons or tremendous and seniable. You know, a guy like that, if he were to kind of fall into your lap, you might have to take him.
You might have to do it.
You might have to take a Mason Taylor, Jason Taylor's son who played at LSU, who my comp is Dalton Schultz.
You know, that might be a guy that you have to look at.
So I feel like, maybe tight end, there's a y in line guy missing. But I wouldn't be opposed if there's a pass catcher that they felt like could play kind of the move tight end spot that would help him out too.
Yeah, I'm eager to see Brooks. There's an X factor there that we want to see. We want to see how he does with the health factor, put in and life because his name is Yaka and I want to be able to say that it's a play by play anounceach.
I knew you would, Okay, quarterback, Let's let's pass that. Okay, Let's get to the offensive line.
So I know there's there have been some editions. They were coming fast and furious last week. Texas have added five five offensive linemen. They had a Cam Robinson last week one year deal. They signed Lake and Tomlinson, a guard from out of Seattle, one year deal. Ed Ingram was added via trade with Minnesota. They signed Jerome Carvin earlier the year this year due to a futures contract, and then they just recently signed Trent Brown, one of the most massive individuals I have ever seen in my life. And I remember see him at the Senior Bowl and being down on the field and he's one of those guys I looked up at went holy cow.
I mean, you try not to say it out loud, but oh my God, So.
I'm gonna hit you with this, this Jef dep chart I'm looking at from our friends at our lads. This is what they have down as the starting five on the offensive line. How confident do you think that you are right now that this is the five?
That this is the five?
Cam Robinson left tackle, Titus Howard left guard, Jared Patterson at center, Juice Scruggs at right guard, Blake Fisher at right tackle.
I would say more likely to happen based on what they have right now.
That's it. That's it, that's it. I do too.
I think Scrugs at right guard is the one thing you'd say, But then Juice has got to play right. If Juice isn't the right guard, Let's say you really you want to move Lake and Tomlinson over there or something like that, or Ed Ingram plays that spot. Is j Just's going to slide to center? Do you really love Jared Patterson at center?
Maybe you do? I keep going back. We talk about this, and this is.
Why we do these shows, and we reference things said on these shows, like Dwayne Brown saying it took them three or four years to figure it out on the old line, and we talked about the the best O line this team ever had with Wade Smith last week. If the left tackle on that line said it took him three or four years to figure out, and he was drafted in two thousand and eight, that means twy ten, twenty eleven, that's where.
He's really hitting his strike. That's right, all right.
So, and not that everybody's going to take three or four years to figure it out, but we tend to want instant results on the line, like Blake Fisher last year. I heard the guy's talking about Blake this morning, and not that they're writing Blake off at all. But Sean's point was, if Blake turns out to be the swing tackle, are you disappointed in that potentially as a second round pick or do you feel okay? I still feel fine with it, because who knows what's gonna happen right right? Is he automatically getting Octitus out of there right tackle? If they deem that they have a better left guard off than Titus?
I don't know.
Is Cam Robinson based on what they have right now, Cam is the starter at left tackle? Maybe that changes too. I think that's the more likely than not offensive line combination. I still think they'll draft a left tackle first three rounds and a guard somewhere else along the way, and they'll figure it out. Because one thing we don't know is how Cole Popovich, Nick Cayley, how they really.
Want to do it.
We think they're going to run downhill, smash people up, try to develop that mentality that we were talking about with Wade last week. And I think they've got the guys in the building to do most of that, but there's probably a wild cart or two coming.
What I think it's going to be interesting here is the competition. Here's why I say this. Typically when you're talking about position battles, you're talking about player x player, why they're battling for one spot guard?
You know, the battle for left guard.
I think you very well could have a competition between Cam Robinson, Titus Howard and Tomlinson to figure out which two of those should go on the left side. You follow what I'm saying, like I don't, I don't know that's a direct competition between Titus and Lake and Tomlinson for guard. I think it very well could be between those two in Cam. If Cam's not playing well, then maybe Titus has to move to the left tackle and Laken slides into left guard. So I think the competition is gonna be kind of interesting for how you might fit things together. Yeah, I feel like the most the most confident. The thing I feel is that Titus Howard's gonna be part of off ins the line. I think the one hundred percent, especially after restructuring his deal, I feel like Titus is going to be part of this line after that. I don't know that I'm totally one hundred percent confident with saying, Oh, this guy's gonna be here, this guy's gonna be there. I just know Titus is gonna be part of Offon's a line. Now which position he plays, I don't know.
And I think that's where the competition comes in.
Because I think other guys are gonna have to battle to show, hey, I can play exposition. How do we move Titus around to be able to fit that? And I think that makes Titus as important as anybody because you can't play Titus at any of these guard tackle positions.
I just don't tys.
I don't want playing center, But I think that that's where competition could be. Blake Fisher Trent Brown of the right tackle if either one neither one of them is playing on that, well, well maybe we need to play Titus at right tackle and put Lake and Thomas into our draft pick and left guard. I don't know, but I think now and we said this, we said this as free and scy what's going on? They just don't panic. The Texans can't panic. We can't pan it. Go look, there's time.
And what they do.
They added Cam Robinson, They added Tomlinson, they added Trent Brown, they added depth, They added guys that have started this league before.
Where you said it it's competition, and it's competition because we don't know how they're going to do it. I don't know if they know how they're going to do it, but they're going to have them compete and there's going to be more overreaction to how they line up on the offensive line than anything else in training. Care can't wait for me is going to be in there. It is just going to be so and so's next to so and so, next to so. He got more reps than this guy. And look, it is gonna be.
In the first real training campus that media isn't supposed to announce, right.
But you know, yeah, just out of the Hayes in the bar and the horses out of the barn. Something's out of the bar, Yeah, that's right, and that's or the cats out of the bag.
So whatever you show on the field, they're gonna talk about, they're.
Gonna talk about. Okay, I'm gonna ask you this weird question with the offensive line. Yeah, because one of our one of my favorites was Mike Brizel. Yeah, Mike kind of came out of nowhere, right, Zach Thomas, Austin Deculus, Tremaine Ankram, Ladarius Henderson, Nick Broker, Jalen Thomas.
Who's gonna do it?
Of that group? Hey, do you think there is one of those? I'll give you the name that keeps popping up to me because I'll tell you when he has been on the when he has been on the field for the Texans, he has done good things. I'm not gonna tell you it's perfect. I'm not gonna tell you it was fantastic. Last career too. Austin Deculus. Well, when Deculus got back on a field, come of playing some tight end and then in that Tennessee game, he was ruining some dudes like he did a really good job out on the edge, pass blocking, fiery, feisty guy, and a lot of starts.
Do you still get credit for him as a draft choice if he turns out to be something?
Yeah? Absolutely, he left the bill. Yeah, okay, Good.
Drafted him twenty twenty two, so I'm not saying it's perfect. But I also want to see Ladarius Henderson. I think he was playing hurt at Michigan the last how many ever weeks of that year that they won a national championship, and then obviously he came here and it was a sit year to get healthy, and he's now gotten healthy.
So I'm curious to see what he brings to this.
But I feel like in that group Zach Thomas, Deculus Tremaine Anchorm, Ladarius Henderson, Nick Broker, Jaylen Thomas, I feel like there's a guy in there that could maybe step up and say, hey.
Hey, hey, hey, what do you call it? Don't forget about me, don't forget about don't forget about me guy.
It could be one of those guys that obviously we're not talking about because the guys that are already there, the guys that they've added.
Are just all the talking points. But it could be one of those other guys that steps.
Up and it takes one position, yep, guard center, whatever, it takes one position, you're like, hey, this guy's pretty good. Like I like Jayleen Thomas coming out of college at SMU. I really liked him, so when we got him, I was like, Hey, this might have possibilities.
But then he got hurt.
And he got hurt in training camp, and obviously you can't tell what a guy's got if he's gonna end up being hurt.
But Nick Broker's done some good things in training camp.
I just feel like there is one of those guys that might play a role on this line in a big way in twenty twenty five.
I feel like they have enough guys where you'd say this is a bona fide plus offensive line if they all play to their capability.
I agree that's healthy.
To their capabilities, you could be that, but the coaching's got to be there with it to make it happen. And scheme too, because last year's unit maybe the last two years not suited maybe for the scheme they were running in the running the football department, yep, and everything else. Obviously, Year one worked out really well. Year two not as well running backs yet.
Oh running backs okay mixing, Yeah, Damien Dari JJ and another j J Jerard Jordan. Those are your five running backs going into camp. I'm glad you mention this. I forgot about that.
The key here is can Pierce return to twenty twenty two form in this scheme? In whatever adjustments Nick Kelly does with the line, with everything we've talked about running downhill? Does Pierce return to that? Because it's funny how our lads says Darry as the second back, because Darry is the third down back, so he's going to get a lot of attention that way. I think, Johnny that they're looking for an X factor at third down back. They re signed Darry because he's reliable, they know they can count on him.
They know what they got.
But I think they're looking for maybe the next Dara or a guy who could even do more as a pass catcher on third down and pick up the pass blocking part of the scheme as well. So because they're always looking to replace you, right, and I'm not saying they want Darry out of here, but they're always looking for more, more and more and more. So maybe they draft somebody like that, But a real big factor here is Damien. Can Damien do what Damien used to do? And he still does some of it for sure. Those two big runs last year showed he still got yes exactly. The Tennessee game was awesome.
Special teams speaks for itself. Still curious about the kickoff rule. Next week I'll meet the owners. Yeah, what they do about that rule? But I like what they have here. Is there an X factor potential coming in terms of all right, we're gonna we're gonna take a guy in the fifth round or sixth round, whatever wherever they pick right after Nick makes his moves. We'll find out then. But they'll pick a guy who kind of dropped a little bit for whatever reason, but maybe he can help this football team because the draft is loaded at that position.
It's a it's a great point you make, uh, And I've been shutting from the rooftops. This running back class is incredibly good. And you know, listen, Joe, that's the right way saying this. I want to make sure I say this properly because I love Joe Mixing be on his team, but you can't allow him to take such a beating throughout the year.
Sure, so you've got it, Like, is it Damian? Okay?
Can you give yourself a different wrinkle in the passing game through a running back like Brishard Smith from SMU is a guy that Drew and I've talked a lot about because he's a guy that at the University of Miami he was a little more in a slot as a receiver, but then they put him in a backfit at SMU.
Ran the ball. You're like, whoa, this guy's got some skill. Man.
Maybe you get him on day three and he's just a different type of weapon compared to what you have that Okay, this gives us a totally different offensive element. Then we're even looking at the roster today, like, man, what can we do with that guy? You know, It's like when you draft Will Fuller, You're like, oh, man, we can take some shots down field. We could do some things when we got Will Fuller. Man can't play that car that quarters coverage. You just sit there. You know, you gotta respect his speed. I think it's the same thing with add a piece like a Brishard Smith, adding a piece like DJ Giddens from out of Kansas State, a little different type guy great in the receiving game, but still more of a true running back. But man, I could really see that guy being i'll say dari replacement, but a younger, a younger guy that could look at how Daria is used and go, hey, they could use me like that, if that, If that makes any sense. So I think offensively going into this thing, and we'll save We'll save defense because I want to do the AFC South in the next segment. Okay, we'll save defense for later this week, all right, But when you look at.
This offense, and that's kind of the way I want to.
I wanted to take stock of where we are, because are you gonna ever at this point of the year feel great about what you have?
No? Can you feel good about things? Sure? I think you can feel good about things. But like you said last.
Year, at this time, we looked at wide receiver and went pull hole man, shut it down.
This is going to be fantastic.
And then again, you can't predict Stefan die tearing ACL. You can't predict Tank Dell's need getting exploded in Kansas City.
You can't predict those you hope it doesn't.
You just look at what you have on the roster, right, now and go, okay, how are we whether it's a comparison to last year, how are we against the teams we're gonna face. How do we feel about these particular units offensively? And I think obviously everybody points out offensive line. You look at the offensive line, but then a lot of additions have they added? Starters don't know I would think of all the additions they mad at the offensive line, I think one of those guys starts one I don't know who it is right now, but I think one of those guys ends up starting.
I think a draft pick starts and then you.
Figure it out between Tyus Jarrett, Juice Blake, and some of the other guys. We mentioned the offensive line, what that's going to be on the offensive line, and I think when you kind of start looking at and take a stock of where this team is, you're like, okay, it's not perfect. It definitely is not perfect, and the offensive line is not set where you'd like it to be. But you can start to go okay, all right, Like they're starting to put the walls up. After we knocked everything down, we tow it down to the studs. Now we're building it back up. And these are the materials we have, what can we build with its line? And I think the other the other thing to consider, especially the offensive line, is we've got a couple of new carpenters this year. You know, Well that's the big We got Nikeley and we got Kopopovich.
And I think that, along with the opinions of Damiico Ryans and Nick Cassario, that led to the dismantling of the offensive livest or three of your five starters from opening day gone, and now you have what you have. They clearly did not like the level of performance. And you saw a big hint last year with the drafting of Blake Fisher in the second round. That's tackle. Yep, you saw that.
They still have some thoughts here about what might happen at guard. For instance, we have to move Titus. How does Blake really fit in? Are we drafting a swing tackle or are we drafting a starter? You thought you said on draft night? What did I say, he'll be your right tackle? I said, they're not. He's not coming here to compete to be the swing tackle. He's coming to compete to be the starting right tackle.
Now, well that would involve moving Titus and what happened the last five weeks? Move Titus and Titus handled like a champ and the offensive line got better when they did that. It needs to get significantly better as well. How about the AFC South. Let's take stock of what teams have done what worries us. We may not ultimately be worried about the three teams, but what moves and what things have the AFC South team's done that have got our I rays that we need to keep an eye. We'll do that next right here on Texans All Access.
Welcome back to this.
Money edition of Texans All Access from the Texans Radio studio. John and Mark Mark. Quick question, because I see this on TV? How annoyed are you by the Bateman as Batman commercials that have been on television?
Wait? Have you not really happening? Is it? No?
No, no, no no, But it's a commercial where Jason Bateman is playing Batman.
It's the Bateman instead of the Batman.
Eh okay, I respect him though, Oh no, I little bit white the career later in life, because I know earlier in life he had a hell of a career, right he was Team Wolf two, not one, but two. He did the show whatever it was, the Hogans was that what it was? I can't remember not getting in confused with Kirk Cameron. I don't know that the thing you do get him confused with Kirk Cameron. He did one of those things. And his sisters Justine Right who is now a producer or something in Hollywood. Anyway, But I respect Bateman for building his career up in his forties and now fifties and the SmartLess podcast which I during COVID. Yeah, they do a little too much bantering. Wait a minute, we're guilty of that too. Sometimes they do a little too much bantering. But they're they're really good. They get great guests.
All right, let's break down the AFC South and take stock as we did for the Texans offense in the first segment, Let's take stock of what the Let's start with the Inneapolis Colts.
When you look at the roster.
And there are names, you look at it and go whoa, because you're so used to seeing the colts have the same names. Alec Pierce, Michael Pittman, Josh Downs, Quentin Nelson, Ryan Oh.
There's no Ryan Kelly. Oh, but there is Will Frott.
There's no Will Fries, Brad Smith did stay yep, and they still got Jonathan.
Taylor and they got Nelson. So when you take.
Stock of the Colts defensively, a lot of the same names, but they added a couple guys in the secondary, cam Bine them at safety, Travarious Ward at corner because they had to Nico proof that team.
At least that's the way I looked at it. Ooh.
In typical Colts fashion, they have not done a ton. They're pretty much the same team, but the couple of moves they have made you look at it and go mmmm, okay. Significant your thoughts on Daniel Jones as the backup quarterback or competing quarterback with Anthony Richardson, Annie Khalill Herbert from the Cincanti Bengals, and then the two secondary members cam Bine and Savarius Award. How much better does that secondary become with them?
Our broadcast booth is always liked Herbert, always thought he was a good players.
True, it's nice depth player for them.
With Jonathan Taylor if he gets hurt whatever, they still have Tyler Goodson, the guy who dropped the ball on twenty twenty three. They still have him. But to me, you said it, Johnny. It's a lot of the same guys other than the line, which they have filled internally, right for now, For now it's internal, that's right. But other than the line, the two guys in the secondary, and Daniel Jones reserve quarterback because he gonna play, all right, Daniel Jones is gonna play some QB here. Anthony Richardson, even starting opening day, projected not to last for whatever reason. Now, if he does, it'll be amazing for them that he's able to go to the distance or most of it. But in all likelihood, no, because two years ago Minshew had to play. Last year Flacco had to play. Daniel Jones is going to have to play. I mean, this is pretty easy to predict. How will he do, We don't know. But they didn't really win with Flaco. They won a bunch of games with Minshew, but they lost to you know, they finished what nine and eight that year, So I don't know if Jones makes the difference. One thing Jones can do and Minshew can run a little bit, but Jones can run with the football. Jones he can get you some first stance. And Jones, at this stage of his career, if he gets in there. If and when he gets in there, I think he's going to sacrifice the body because hey, this is my last chance maybe to do something in this league, and I'm with a pretty decent team relatively, and you know, I might be able to uplift this team into something good in this division, especially if the Texans have some struggles for whatever reason. I think Jones is a pretty significant if I had to go over the top needle moving acquisitions in the division, he's a top five acquisition here because he's a quarterback. Yeah, he's probably gonna play based on their recent history.
At this point.
If Cam Warri gants drafted by the time, yeah, and obviously that gets thrown in there as well. I think one of the more underrated losses for them is Dioa Dingbo who ends up going I think it was the Bears. I think that's a good move for the Bears. I was glad to see him really out. I do worry that the Colts will get active in the draft and maybe try and find another another edge guy, another athlete to put opposite of Laoutu Latsu. They still have Quitty Pay, who I think has kind of been under I think he's underperformed Samson Ebicom coming back will be good for them, but I think they're gonna have to find another another difference maker up front. Linebackers They don't They don't scare me much at all, but I think big tackles though. Yeah, they still have the Forest Buckner and Grover Stewart, which I hate seeing, but I'm really curious.
They were very you know, when Ryan Kelly had been kind of dealing with injuries.
Tannerborderleini steps in its center for them, that's going to be, I think, an interesting one to watch.
Dalton Tucker played a lot of right guard last year. I thought he did okay.
College free agent rookie, He's done some good things, but he's not Will Fries. So I think where the Colts can maybe make some headway is with Pierce Pittman downs. If ad Ni Mitchell ends up starting to kind of get it at wide receiver, if you get him playing at a high level with those three wide receivers, and now you've really got kind of a three four wide receiver, you know, mixed there. That's a It's just a matter of who's throwing the ball and how consistent can they be. If those two guys are throwing them the ball top to bottom. That group, that's a good group. Without Tech Dell on the Texans, that's a better group. Yes than the Texts. No, but they got everybody else. That's because Pittman' is a solid one. Pierce has become a real deep threat. Josh Allens, I think is one of the more underrated guys. And Mitchell is a total wildcard. I'd love total tea. Yes, oh yes, I wish. I hope Christian Kirk gives us that. Okay, let's go to the Tennessee Titans because they have spent money. Now, when I look at our lads who has helped us with their depth charts, they kind of color code things and guys in orange. They have as free agent signings, they have six, according to our lads, six new free agent starters. Van Jefferson wide receiver. They paid eighty million dollars to Dan Moore to play left tackle. They added Kevin Zeitler a one year deal at guard, a guy I know a lot of people in Houston wanted at guard, which I thought would have been a good fit for us. That at Draymont Jones on the defensive line, Cody Barton, linebacker from out from the Broncos.
Xavier Woods played a lot.
Of football for the Cowboys and then the Panthers. He will start at one of the safety spots. What do you feel about the Titans with this caveat they draft cam Ward to play behind a much improved, seemingly offensive line. Let's take stock of the Titans.
What do you think?
I I'm looking at the receivers with great skepticism here.
Yes, I agree with that.
You know Ridley, Yeah, but Ridley has those those moments where he disappears or drops balls or whatever. Tony Pollard looked good last year. They've never gotten out of spears. What we were concerned they would get our spears.
Hasn't been fully healthy going. He's not healthy. Yeah, it's it's been a tough go for pre draft. We're talking. Conquo is pretty good. We saw him catch and run along one here.
We're still chasing him.
I'm not worried about the Titans even with Ward for now, but I think it could make the difference. Look, we lost to this team last years lost. The Titans lost, you know, so that could happen again. But I'm not concerned about them making this huge leap to really shake up the division. Right five six wins, Okay, I think it's somewhere in there, Johnny.
I think Defensively, even though they had Jones Barton Woods, I mean the jerryus Need is supposed to be a playmaker, I really don't see him that way.
I mean, they really have Simmons and sweat inside.
They kept yardage totals low, I know, but that was because their offense kept giving them an opportunity to stay on the bench because they would just score and the offense would have to go back on the field. Last year, think about that, because we moved the ball in these guys pretty well either, you know, even at home we didn't play well, but we moved the ball on when we wanted to. And I just I think Cam's gonna end up making an impact for them at some point. But I just don't it's not gonna be right away. And I think that offensive line is getting a little bit of too much love. They've added more than added Zeitler, and that move Latham over the right tackle, which I think is gonna help him, so they kind of get two for one with the more signing.
I just don't think Dan's.
Really good as an NFL tackle right now, even though they paid him a lot of money. I think he's done some okay things, but I don't think he's really.
Reached that level as a tackle.
But that just shows you kind of the dearth of in the market at this So I'm with you. Let's get to the Jags, final team in the division. What have they done well? They gave us Christian Kirk, that was nice of them in a trade. Offensively, they added Diami Brown to go with Brian Thomas Junior, a deep threat. They had two interior editions with Robert Hainsey at center formerly the Bucks, Patrick McCarey with the Baltimore Ravens. Okay, then they added Eric Murray, a guy we know, and then they added Jordan Lewis at nickelback on defense the Jags, as I look at it, Oh, they also added Liam Cohen and the Magnificent Gladstone is at GM and I think that matters because I think Liam Cohen if he finds and strikes the right cord Trevor Lawrence, you never know. But they've I mean by personnel, the Texas have actually added more in personnel than either one of these three teams.
Which I find interesting.
But these teams spent a little bit more to get some of the guys they were looking foreign free agency and Diamie Brown, Hainesy McCarry Jags take stock of them.
How do you feel if.
I'm a Jaguar fan, I don't feel very good. I'm hopeful. The only hope here is that Trevor Lawrence somehow turns into what they wanted him to be and he plays at the level of his best games. If he could do that, that's something, because his best games, you know, it's the old Charlie Epps golf swing thing.
You're as good as your best swing.
Potentially, his best games have been very good, and look, we've seen him put up points against the Houston Texans and a lot of other teams. I got a feeling though it's not going to happen. Maybe it got toxic or whatever with Doug Peterson. I just have a hard time believing it. I'm still perplexed as to why that didn't work better. I get not working to the level that you want, but I don't get not winning eight to nine last year. I don't get that. I don't understand it. I know Lawrence got banged up. So what you know, You're supposed to have a good program to year three at the time of the Doug Peterson program, and you made the playoffs your first year. He shocked the world and won the AFC South. I was so surprised about that. I don't know, is Lawrence really going to materialize at this point of his career? To me, I know, we're not that deep into it, but we're kind of getting there. We're kind of getting into this middle stage where I'm not going to say you are what you are.
But you are what you put on tape. So far, he's gonna have to take a big jump. I think you're exactly right, and I ain't gonna.
Be able to run the ball well enough to counter whatever he does not have.
So is it as simple as saying that Jags are going as far as Trevor Lawrence and Liam Cohen's low affair takes that.
Yeah, and it better get off to a great start. Yeah, because imagine the Jags at two and five or let's just go one and four, and it's just not.
Especially I mean Trevor last year.
I mean, obviously we know he was injured after the is he's hit and set out the rest of the year, but even before that he was injured. I don't know Trevor played all that well. We played him here in Houston in Week four.
He missed multiple deeper SI was not fright. A lot of misses inaccurate with the outs. Just you know one of those. You know when you get those, it's third and six, quarterback goes back to pass the opponent and just sales the ball or it's just like he's throwing it a little too far to the outside the guys to the inside. That proficiency isn't there in the passing game. This is Doug Peterson, Super Bowl winner with a backup quarterback.
At the time as the twinner.
Yeah, why can't you do it with generational talent? Air quotes Trevor Lawrence. I don't know. Didn't happen? Is Liam Khne gonna be able to bring that out? Look, say what you will about Liam Cohne and Mayfield or whatever. Last year, I credit Mayfield with a lot of that. Mayfield himself fiery competitor, not perfect at all, but man, he's gonna ball out. And I think Mayfield's short stint with Sean McVay. McVay is a great healer, I believe, yep for coaches and players.
I think so too.
His short stint with Sean McVay really helped him.
Yeah, I think you're right, absolutely right. So we'll see what Trevor Lawrence does with Liam Cohen. All the additions the Jaguars, yet comes down to what sixteen does every single Sunday. All right, we get back, We'll go round the league. What has happened and what we got the owners meetings coming up? Rule changes, are they happening or not? We'll discuss all that next on Texans All Access. We're one final segment of this edition of Texans All Access from the Monday Texans Radio studio. I'm your host, John Harris Foot playing on the sideline reporter for your Houston Texas. Glad to be with you. Mark and I talked about in the first segment. You know, where where are the Texans right now? What have they got going on?
You off? It's a line.
There's been a ton of changes, five new players being added to the roster, three leaving the roster made official today. Trent Brown added to the Texans roster official eleven years out of Florida.
I think, guess I can finally tell.
My my Senior Bowl story. When Trey was at the Senior Bowl, I remember like just enormous, and I don't know what had happened, but Trent came out the very first day and he was wearing like this white helmet and it was not his Florida helmet.
So I kind of wondered, like what had.
Happened, And so I asked what had happened, and they said, oh, yeah, well, Trent's equipment for some reason didn't get here on time, and we had to find him a helmet because apparently none of the helmets that they kind of had on hand any at South Alabama, any anything, would actually work for Trent because like yours, truly, and I'll tell you my story, they didn't have a helmet to fit his head. And I've got almost a size eight inch head, like I When I was growing up kid, they called me a hundred watt because I had this big old head his skinny body.
It looked like a light bulb apparently.
And so when I was a freshman in high school, I got moved up to the sophomore team. Well, the sophomore team you wore these silver you were our silver helmets or gray helmets, and they didn't have one.
To fit me.
So I had to wear one of the off colored white helmets. And my mom was the only way. My mom could find me. She just knew I had a different colored helmet all because I had a massive head. Well, Trent couldn't find his helmet to fit him because his gear hadn't gotten there. It got there the next day and he actually had a really nice performance at the Senior Bowl, which I remember there's so many people.
Down on him because the didn't really know what to expect from him.
And I'll be honest, I don't really know what to expect him going into year eleven here with the Texans. Does he end up being a swing tackle? Does he ended up starting a right tackle? Hard to say, but Trent Brown is here in Houston, And whenever Trent Brown has been counted out in some sense or regard, he has always risen up to the challenge and given his organization like more than they could ever thought.
I mean the Patriots.
I remember the Patriots signing him and I thought, well, this isn't gonna go well, and he ended up playing extremely well. In one of the Super Bowl seasons. So Trent Brown a Texan along with the other offensive lineman that we talked about, but five new offensive linemen, and that doesn't even count Jayalen Thomas who got hurt training camp, the Darius Henderson who was drafted but then was injured and had to rehab all year long. It doesn't include those two that have really not even set foot on a field for much for the Texans. So hopefully there might be something there, as I described in the first segment, So it is good to see Trent Brown officially a Houston Texan. Colorado will have their pro Day extravaganza depending on how you classify what they're calling it later this weekend, and we'll be on NFL Network. You know, the Sanders is never run away from anything that they do, so you can a chance to see Shdor throw the ball and Travis Hunro will be catching some routes.
So I'll be on NFL Network.
I want to say April seventh was that day, but I'm pretty sure it's in April either way. April fourth, excuse me, the Colorado Buffalo's football showcase from Boulder will be seen on NFL Network. Cam Ward had his Pro day today. He threw obviously, video of that has just been popping up all over Twitter, and it's just it's incredible to watching him throw the ball. The West Columbia grad doing some tremendous stuff with the canes and probably gonna be the first pick to the Tennessee Titans.
But we will see very very soon.
All right, at the show, appreciate Mark being here, all you guys were listening.
We'll see tomorrow everybody, and as always, go Texans.