Hello, Texans, Welcome to the show plenty to go over tonight. As always, Jonathan Alexander is going to join us at about six thirty tonight to discuss everything involving the Houston Texans. What else would we be talking about on this very show. After this show on Sports Radio six to ten, they'll go to March Madness, First four stuff, first date, first four, first whatever it is, because it's the tournament before the tournament, that's right, that's what they do these days. It's not the field of sixty four hasn't been for a long time, folks, So enjoy though it's fun. Longhorns play tomorrow, by the way, John Harris with us, of course, Johnny Haws.
It going, it's going great.
I love the first four starts at a few days early, but you know, it's the it's it is.
The true Star tournament is Thursday.
It always will be, even if they go to seventy six, which it sounds like they're messing around with considering which.
I would I would hate, but I hated sixty eight.
And it's it's okay. It hasn't hasn't ruined by lunch, but I did see something. I get your thoughts on this real fast before we get rolling. Okay, I saw somebody say exactly what I believe in this, and that is those sixteen seeds shouldn't have to play their way in those four playing games exactly why the power for the last power four teams, and I agree with it.
Moreheardily, Amen, Amen, you're right. A sixteen should never have to play another sixteen. You're in the tournament, you qualified automatic bid as long as it's a recognized conference, which obviously it is, they should not have to go through this process exactly.
The upside is this, because you know, I've been in college athletics a lot, and then obviously you played in college athletics. These schools will tell you that's an opportunity to win an NCAA tournament.
That's right, That is right. I agree with that. A sixteen and a sixteen, that's a fair matchup.
Right, and you can win that and get extra revenue for your league and all of that because it does factor in even though most brackets, all brackets are printed with sixty four and it just has a blank slate. Even for the Longhorns and Xavior, both elevens are squaring off, right, I'm with you that fairness wise, they should be in the sixty four. But they will tell you, hey, I get a national window all to myself here and I get to play this meaningful game. So that's the upside. But the downside is you're not in the sixty four. And I don't think it should expand I think the tournament really started last week. We talked about this. The conference tournaments are the playing That's what it's all about. That's how you play your way into the tournament, even if you had a bad regular season. Now, I don't like these leagues that and I could go here plus and minus on this one too. I don't like these leagues that don't allow everybody to make their conference tournament. I like everybody getting into the conference tournament. But IVY League they only take four of the eight. Yeah, well, they never used to have one to begin with. Those it was just only the last five or six years. Lasht tournament hashtag progress. Yes, but we still agree it's a better postseason than college football.
So there, that's true. And oh, by the way, I don't know if we discussed this. The IVY League is now allowing its champion to go to the FCS playoffs in football.
Yeah, that's very cool. They have never allowed that.
Even I remember being in at Brown and we weren't very good. We were not gonna win win the league. But I don'd like to senior champion get a chance to go to this because every team on campus got a chance to play in the postseason except football, Like, why are we hanging on to this? Well finally they got smart and said, well, yeah, we're gonna let our champion go play in the playoff, which is awesome.
Fine, It wasn't like the Harvard Yale game was you know, like the Southern Classic order they call in New Orleans where you know, Grambling would opt out of the playoffs all those years in that game because that huge you.
Didn't have that.
It wasn't like Harvard Yale was at in Foxborough, sellout crowd doesn't work that way.
But you being in the IVS would know this. You know, one hundred years.
Ago plus Harvard Army, Yale, these are the top teams in the country. They were the top teams in the nation. Hard to believe, but it was true. But of course that was literally a one hundred y years ago plus. Anyway, let's get to some other things now here on the program. I wanted to start with a complaint, Can I can I complaint the complaint line?
Well, of course pro football talk, all right, they had actually they had praise for the Texans getting the Derek Stingley junior deal done. Yeah, so that's nice, right, But they also had this little dig and it's such, it's such brand name recognition and over respect for brand names. Because here's the tweet that they sent out earlier today. Nearly half of every team's schedule is determined by a schedule rotation. This year, the teams of the NFC West get a very good draw. AFC South, NFC South, And I'm thinking, what how about we get a good draw?
Because the NFC West, I know you got the big brand names, the Rams, the forty nine Ers, Seahawks, I get it. But you know what those teams now, Seahawks won ten games last year, forty nine Ers didn't do so well. Rams did fine. But to me in Arizona, whatever, but why don't we get some respect here? Why doesn't the NFC South get a little respect with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Okay, want a playoff game?
I think if the Titans and Jaguars were better one of the two were better last year. Then I think it made But we had two teams that are draft We have two teams in the AFC South. They are drafting a top five in this draft, the top five. The NFC West is not drafting until I think, gosh, where is the NFC West. NFC West who finished last Arizona, San Francisco, San Francisco drafting eleventh. Yeah, we have two teams from the FC drafting in the top five. I just don't like that, Johnny, I know I don't like it either, But really, I mean, look, there have been times for the AFC South. I remember what was it, two thousand and nine, two and eight, everybody was nine wins or more. Yeah, I mean it's a incredible division, but it's taking a step back.
The quarterbacks aren't there right now. Other than CJ.
Trevor has been up and down, and you don't know who the Titans quarterback is. Anthony Richardson has been hot garbage. But if those quarterbacks started kind of turning it around, then all right, THEFC South is gonna from a perception standpoint, he's gonna start to turn around now the shot he takes at the NFC South, I don't know about that. Tampa Bays I think really good. Atlanta missed out by one game at the very end, but they've got a young quarterback and have got an explosive offense. The Saints are the Saints, and the Panthers I think are gonna be one of the more improved teams going forward.
Bryce showed a lot of improvement.
They've added pieces, They've done some really good things with Dan Morgan and Dave Knalis as head coach. I think the NFC South and we get matched up with them with the Buccaneers this year.
But yeah, I kep of taking a shot at the NFC South.
I think NFC South is on par with the NFC West and has he given too much respect though to the NFC West, even though I'm basing this on last year's record.
Okay, you have two ten win teams, one of them made the playoffs, winning the divisions ten wins?
Okay? How many wins did the Texans have? Johnny ten wins? See? Okay?
And the Seahawks won ten games and did not make the playoffs in a much tougher that expected NFC Because you had the Vikings and Green Bay Packers winning double figures games, and the Commanders more than the Seahawks. They were eleven plus all those teams, but the Cardinals eight and nine, the forty nine or six and eleven, And this is not a bad year to get the NFC West. You have a Rams team that was flirting with getting rid of Matt Stafford, right. You have the Seahawks with Donald instead of Geno Smith, which is probably an upgrade I think.
I don't know, but they said themselves that.
They were trying to get a deal done with Gino and couldn't do it and they went for Donald. Okay, maybe they wanted Geno over Donald. I don't know how they feel in their heart of hearts. And the Cardinals, Okay, I know we were kind of high or high ish on Gannon after year one. But now year two, back to back losing seasons, what you're gonna do here and San Francisco, it's a good year to get them losses galore as far as personnel that needs, you know, leaving the building and not saying they can't replace them.
But you don't know until.
You know that's right, And I think I think it's a good year to be matched up with them. Like I look at the NFC West and the first thing I think about it is, all right, we're quarterbacks were facing and you mentioned him Stafford always gonna be tough. Kyler uh Kyler' stuff. I mean, he's just a tough quarterback to deal with. There's no question about that. But Party, I mean, I mean, you might get the contract, but Purty doesn't scare me.
What you have the supporting cast.
Yeah, and the supporting cast is not like it leaks everywhere exactly.
And then there's Donald and you you just don't know what Donald. I mean.
I went back and I was watching I was actually watching Lake and Tomlinson. But as I was watching Laken Tomlinson, I got a chance to watch Gino, and I'm like, man, Gino dott that man, look at him, make that throw?
He dotted that throw. Man, that's a dime. Holy cast. This story, it's really really good.
So Donald's got a lot, He's got a lot in front of him, and he doesn't have Koc to help him.
I know Gino played in New York, okay, but if he played give me another market other than Seattle.
That would the Bears.
If Gino had somehow gone to the Bears and done exactly what he did, oh what he's been doing.
In Seattle, it'd be the story of all stories. Right.
This is absolutely small. That's not that it's a small market, but it's not a large market. It's not a sexy, gigantic market because it's way up there in the Pacific Northwest. It's the outpost of the NFL, but kind of in a good way.
You get there.
It's cool city, and they got the cool stadium and the cool fans and all that whatever. We're gonna go there this year for the first time in a long time. It's gonna be interesting. I've got other things to talk about too, because the tweet that was making the rounds the last couple of days actually came from the Texans. And it's funny the ex post tweet whatever ex post does X post sound. No, No, I'm still not just gone back to the tweets, I know, because you know it's an elon thing.
Elon change it back. Like we said earlier, this is one.
Thing you can do get everybody on your side a lot about a government.
Can we get you out of government and just focus on Twitter. Please, let's let's not go there right now. Let's talk about follow. It could no politics.
Talk about what I want to focus on Twitter, or how you feel about Elon you'd feel a lot better about him if he's focused on Twitter, if he if he changed the name back to Twitter. Yes, okay, this is one thing I'm going to do that everybody's going to be in favor of. You know, this is bipartisan beauty right here. Change the name back to Twitter, Change name back Twitter. But uh, there was a.
Post by the Texans and it was what's the loudest game you can remember it in RG Stadium? Oh, a couple of days ago. Yeah, And people were saying interesting things to me. I think people were too many were recalling great moments that deserve to be recognized as great moments. The watsack and the twenty nineteen playoff game against the Bills that turned the game around.
That was a lot, I will admit that was I saw that one pop up like that. It was loud, but it was also sixteen nothing. It was not like a few others that you mentioned. The offense was going nowhere. Now they turned the game around.
That's one of the great Watt plays ever, no question, because it flipped the script on that game and they eventually won a playoff game. And it's a rare thing in this league for any team to be able to win a playoff game at home, especially when you hadn't won one since what twenty sixteen, So it was three years later. Great, beautiful, but not the loudest moment I can remember, not even close.
Loud. Yeah, very loud, but very loud, very not I.
Put And by the way, in this conversation Johnny, I put opening Day of franchise history in its own category. It's hard for me to measure that because it was the first one. You had nothing else to compare it to. It was a unique situation. You're opening against Dallas, and I'm gonna say that I don't know. I'm sure we'll top it, but in some ways it's hard to imagine topping it.
And it wasn't what you would think.
It wasn't necessarily when they're on defense, they.
Always rose to the occasion like that.
It was kind of like this din throughout it was it was like one of those Mexico soccer games here where it's just like so crazy loud all the way through they went nuts over the Quincy Carter sack because you knew what that was a clincher right there. But unique thing, let's just put that off to the side.
I agree that that's one of those you know, when you talk about scandals and sports h you always just put OJ up in the far right corner like nothing's top, and that that's like a hall of fame one. You just don't even discuss that because it invariable somebody coming what about OJ, Like Okay, come on, dude, like we we know that it gets brought up every time. But let's let's stay off of murder for the most part. But that's a hall of fame one. I mean, it's kinda the same thing. That's such a unique moment, right, first one in history, the first game in history.
Yeah, like I could see that.
It's like the greatest golfers, Nicholas Tiger, happy, Gilmore and everybody else happy. Yeah, certainly have you seen the trailer? I have not seen it. Am I gonna be disappointed?
Or yeah? Yeah? Probably? Yeah, probably I can't twenty five. You have to take.
It's a different time, so you have to kind of look at it a little differently. I remember seeing that. I was twenty four, I think when it came out in ninety six.
And I was thirty years later. Great movie. I love Sandler and maybe they find a way.
But I know, having watched Full Swing on Netflix, that a lot of the current golfers are.
Are featured in this. That's cool.
I like, like Scott he's in this because they did not do that last time.
No, they did not.
They only had a couple of them that were in the bar. Yeah, when they when they were they had their tour championship jacket on. Okay, I think I can't.
I can't remember a couple of fictional character of course, and I can't remember the actor's name who plays him? But does he run that Twitter account? Shooter McGavin. Does the actor run the account?
Whoever, whoever it is. He's also the bad.
Guy in Dirty Work with Norm McDonald, which is one underrated comedy.
I can't remember his name, but he's he's awesome. He's always playing a jerk and he's great at it.
Yeah. And Christopher McDonald, Okay, Christoph McDonald, he's very al I would have been here all day. Yeah, not pulling that one.
So back to the games, I saw your tweet, I saw your response or your response, and I was not at the Atlanta game of twenty eleven, probably because I was sleeping because I had to do my overnight show at that point. So I but I do remember watching the game at home, going, holy cow, it's.
Loud, like you could feel it. You can really feel thing different about that game.
Yes, the loudest I can ever remember where I have been in there, and it was in my first year. It was was your second one and that was what scoop and score against the Colts. Yeah, that was unbelievab. Were getting kicked in the teeth Macfiazi. Once I kick, they go up like twenty four to nothing. Got that score. But then we kind of get back in and we get a couple scores before half. It's twenty four fourteen. We're back in this thing. Man, we're gonna we got a shot. We score to make it. We score three. No no, no, no, down, we're down twelve eight or we're down twelve, that's right, that's right. But I want to say we missed a field goal or we got stopped, and so it's like, oh, kind of squatched our momentum and then JJ gets that fumble, takes it back, does whatever inn A and dants he does, and a place is going absolutely eight bleet down and.
I think I was like, oh my god.
And that was after the Buffalo pick six. That was after the Buffalo pick six. So we're talking peak wat Okay, this is what at the peak of his powers in twenty fourteen, because that's when he scores the six touchdowns or whatever it was. He has the touchdown reception against the Raiders out there, and that starts the ball rolling of JJ, not only being JJ defensively, but scoring touchdowns on offense and defense because and he's done it before. Obviously it picks six in the playoffs and that we'll get to that in a moment. But the pick six off, who's the Buffalo quarter j Manuel ej Manuel right? Who's broadcasting? Right, He's broadcasting nice shower, So he picked him off, ran into the house. Unbelievable, great moment. Somebody brought that one up. Great moment.
Not the loudest, not the loudest, but what is on a roll this year? This is a primetime game.
He picks up the ball, runs it to the end zone and the hair is standing up on the back of everybody's neck.
It was just shreaking.
I don't think I've ever heard it as loud as that, other than there was something about the Atlanta game where the whole city bonded around we don't have a quarterback, right, Sean gets hurt, Lionert gets the start at Jacksonville, doesn't make it to the half, Yeats takes over, they win the game.
They come back here to play Atlanta.
This is TJ's first start, and everybody was behind him, and you knew you had to stop them because you're not going to score a lot of points that day. They won seventeen to ten, which is the same score they beat the Steelers by earlier that year.
That's right, but this was different.
The intensity was building this year with the Wade Phillips defense, but the Bulls on parade coming out party was Atlanta twenty eleven. They were playing the music. It was really thick with excitement enthusiasm in a way that I've never seen it on that side of the football in that building before, in this building that we sit in right now. So I'm going to say that that was my number one moment. And yeah, the Watt scoop and score was number two. Now people talk about what about the playoff games with Demiko, what about Cleveland? Because that was some and people were posting videos of that game, their own personal ones, which some of these I had never seen.
I've obviously obviously seen the highlights.
Christian Harris, you know, because that was the second one of the back to back, the Arris pick six. Yeah, the place does he abrupt? I mean that was insane.
You want to know what I thought was pretty loud and it's crazy, this this game, this game we play. I think the loudest moment at an Energy Stadium was the second sack of Justin Herbert after we had scored. Oh yeah, we had scored to make it twenty five. I think we scored to make it twenty five to uh.
I don't know.
They did not have much twenty five to six. Maybe we had scored kicked it off to them. First sack, Bang, he goes down, like crowd goes nuts. Second sack, he goes down again, and I think Mario was the one that got him and kind of slammed him to the ground and it.
Was like all my I mean, it was shaking. I was like, holy cow.
That was.
That was probably the loudest moment.
And then of course the very next play third in Forever, Herbert hits McConkie goes to the house touchdown, Like what just happened?
This place was rocking and it just went silent.
And then of course D'Angelo ross ran back to two on the kickoff or on the no it's twenty three to six, he ran it back and it made it twenty five to twelve. And then of course we scored, Joe scored and made you know, thirty two twelve to win the game. But that after that second sack, I was like, if we had sacked him a third time, the place would have fallen down, and that would have really pushed it to be in contention with JJ and fourteen against the Colts. But they up the touchdown and mcconkee and away we go. But that that's an underrated one from from the playoff game. But the Christian Harris back to I mean getting the pick six the right after Steven Nelson had gotten the pick six.
Oh my god, that was.
That was.
That was a different level of loud and I just I hope Christian can be back healthy this year. It's going to be so fun to see him back healthy. And because he's healthy and Henry healthy, it would be really fun to see those three guys work together this year. But my god, that was loud, but nothing like and I'd always go back to this. I know a lot of people were in the stadium to get a chance to hear this until after the game. But this third and something, and I remember you said in your call, come on, JJ, something to the extend of come on, JJ's.
Time to make a play. I said, it's WAT time. Yeah, I did literally right before the play.
But I know I was like, oh my god, you put up the watch signal and it's just it was like ninety nine flashed up. He was like, Okay, let's go. That's how good he was that year. That's how good he was in twenty fourteen when when we needed to play, like we need a sack right now. He win guys.
So many times.
We just talked about the Buffalo playoff game. There was a play in that Jacksonville legendary game where Andre Johnson catches the game winner wide receiver Scheeding was it in in overtime earlier the Jags have it over midfield, this is in overtime. It's either in overtime or late in regulation. I'm gonna call it in overtime. Wat comes up with a big sack then, and they needed it because they were threatening. Chad Henny was just carving up the teche and I hate him so much, respect him so much. But Watt came up with a big sack at that time. And that's who he was, and that's why Gary Kubiak said he's like a quarterback in that when you need a big play, he's gonna go get you a big play. You need that buffalo sack because they're about to score and you cannot have that. It was thirteen nothing, and it was sixteen nothing after the sacks, right, and then you came back to when that game. That's the flair for the dramatic that he had where it was not just big defensive plays and sacks and stuffs, but they happened at critical times.
Yeah, and that is really cool. Okay, you want another one.
That's completely it's what Okay, well, it's what driven, but we forget about it because we got absolutely housed minutes later. Twenty seventeen, back here for the Jaguars after Hurricane Harvey and Watt is announced coming out.
Yeah, of the tunnel, and it's too bad. It's kind of like the old in a different way. It was unbelievable.
I mean, the place just went out when he was announced after you know, he had raised the money for Hurricane Harvey and the people that were impacted by it. It was I mean, we talked about it. We were like, can you imagine what it's gonna be. This place is going right?
And it did.
It rocked, and then we got the ball and then Yannick and got away and Klays Campbell decided to sack Tom Savage. The first three times we touched it, We're like, we're in trouble. We're in a lot of freaking trouble. And that defense arguably one of the best I've seen live. That Jacksonville defense just went to work. They turned into Sacksonville that day. Ten sacks, but it.
Was ten sacks. It ten sacks, but the.
Opening with JJ coming out after Hurricane Harvey, I mean, it.
Was it was electric.
That was that was Unfortunately, there's history for that because two years before in the playoffs, you had the incredible beginning against the Chiefs. Before kickoff right up until kickoff with everybody waving the towels and it was electric. And then mal Davis kickoff return for a touchdown. God, oh oh god. But the moments before were great. So I like to relive the good ones. Yes, but what was part of so many? Andrey Johnson obviously part of so many and we need so many more. And one thing, as you're talking about the victory of the Chargers in the playoffs this past season, we talked about the victory of the Browns. You pointed this out right after. The Texans are six and two.
In this building in eight ploff games held, So play at home.
That's the big message to Dimico too. Kubiak two, O'Brien, that's it.
C J.
Stroud the all time leader in playoff wins for your Texans. That's cool. Two and oh at home? Two and two.
Overall, you know, not bad, good start, gotta wins.
Got one, Yates has got one, Shop's got one, Watson, Uh, Brock's got one, Brock Deshawn's got one, and CJ's got two.
Six And Brock and CJ have what else in common? Only Texans QBS.
How about that?
Brock Oswiler So Brock's going in the Ring of honor. I don't know if you knew this, but we're gonna do this this year. Breaking news, sound breaking news, Brocks Wilder.
I got a chance to tako Brock a little bit. We got to Las Vegas for Big twelve media Days, and it you know, I know Brock. When his name gets brought up, it's you know, it was not it was not a great run here in the winning season, won a playoff game, but it's really I mean, he's a good dude, and he knew what he was up against, and I hate the fact that he came here with so much expectation. I think if he'd to do it again, he probably would say no to come into Houston. Probably, I think, well, who knows, And I think there are some other reasons for that that would have probably helped him out a little bit more.
That was subject for another day.
But Jonathan Alexander joins us next from the Houston Chronicle. Let's get into it with Jaya on Texans Radio. Back to it here on Texans All Access. Mark VanderMeer and John Harris with you in the Hunday Texans Radio studio and joining us right now we're making it a Tuesday habit of sorts. Jonathan Alexander from the Houston Chronicle And Jonathan, I want to start here, as last week we got together a lot of stuff that happened in the first couple of days of the legal tampering period.
League year got underway.
It's kind of quieted down a little bit since last week. There are some things that are happening here and there. That Derek Stingley extension, we'll talk about that. But what do you make of what's happened since we last chatted? Not a ton Are you surprised about that? Take the temperature of where we're at right now with the Texans.
I'm a little bit surprised, but not so much just considering where Houston was with their salary cap. They didn't have a ton of money to make a ton of moves, and they did that last year, so the strategy shifted. But I guess what I'm not surprised about is is just how much reconstruction or remodeling of the offensive.
Line they're doing. Trading away Ken.
Green, releasing Shack Mason, trading away Lerman Hunsel, and they're going to rebuild the offensive line and you know some of the pieces that they feel Lake and Thomason signing him and then trading for ed Ingram. To me, on the surface, you know, I thought they could have went a little bit bigger with the money that they opened up, But its apparent that they're trying to do it with low price free agency, seeing if they can get some guys in the draft to build their team. So I'm not really particularly surprised when you look it back at what Nick Caseario said, But there's still a lot of unanswered questions.
For sure.
One of the things that is well now answered, what is Derek Stingley junior worth. We knew it was going to be a big number three years at ninety. We'll kick in after his rookie contract is up, But obviously there's bonuses and we don't know totally how it's all structured. Jonathan, maybe you do, we don't. But either way, Derek stingly gets some of that cap money. I don't know this cap number is going to be all that different this year, but go forward, it will be your thoughts about sting getting the extension a when he did, and b by how much he goes above what jac Horn got in Carolina.
Yeah, I mean, I think all along we kind of figured that Derek sing would be among the richest cornerbacks in NFL history.
But when you look at his extension and how much.
Higher that is compared to the other cornerbacks, you know, he reset the market with his extension. Now, the Texans are technically giving him a four year extension if you add in the year that they're counting as a fifth year option. Even though they're not picking up the fifth year option, they're giving him a year won that same price.
So they love having for their future.
And I'm not in the slightest Bitschus prize because Derek Saying is everything that Demico and Nick Seio look for in a player.
He's a guy who works hard. He's a guy who you know is was available last year, and he produces on the field, and he's only going to get better. It's only the crazy thing is every time I.
Look at his age, he's only twenty three and producing the way he's producing. He literally changed games for the Texans last year, So you know, that was huge thing to be able to sign him to an extension and to get it for thirty million per year, and the reset the market where the previous time was twenty five. Is a big deal for Stingley, for cornerbacks around the league, and even CJ. Stroud, who was repped by the same agent as Derrick Singley.
Jonathan Alexander joining us from the Houston Chronicle. All right, back to the other side of the ball. Let's go here. Draft twenty fifth pick arrives. Nick hasn't moved it. This is a hypothetical, obviously, and both of you can weigh in here true or false. Over seventy percent chance it's a wide receiver or offensive lineman. Over seventy percent chance that twenty fifth pick goes for that, assuming the Texans hanging on to the pick.
Jonathan your first, Oh yeah.
I definitely think I'm almost at like one hundred percent that'll be one of those two, and I lean towards offensive lineman. To be honest with you, I just put out my latest mock draft, and I have the mock and Tyler Booker, who I think may may end up falling a little bit. But yeah, I'm almost at one hundred percent with offensive lineman, the wide receiver, and I think it'll probably be an offensive lineman.
When you said seventy percent.
I was anticipating in my mind offensive lineman, and then you went wide receiver or offensive lineman.
I'm like, that's one hundred percent. Okay, that's that's one hundred percent.
In fact, in my mock draft last night at footballtago dot com, Mark actually made the pick for me. He picked a Mecca Buca, wide receiver from Ohio State. I'd like for Mark to actually explain him. So he did a good job explaining himself last night, but a Mecca Buka, Jonathan, how do you feel about that?
And Mark explained your pick, Jonathan your first Yeah.
So I think that that is a reasonable pick if you believe that you can get a starter at guard in the second round. And I could see him doing that if they use one of their extra third round picks to move up higher in the second round and get a guy like Ganovan Jacks.
So I could see that happening.
I like Abuka because he's a big receiver. He's not huge six', four but he's six.' one he fits. The bill you Call Him robert, woods junior. THAT'S right i like the size of the sound, of, that yeah and size of that. AS well I think he'll be a good addition for this. FOOTBALL team i think he's the kind of receiver, they need and you can't go wrong with The big buckeye Program In nick. Cassario's eyes, you know That fits nick's bill of wanting to draft from. Bigger schools that would certainly be one.
Of THEM so i, Like. That, Johnny YEAH i'm i think your rationale.
WAS good I just i had to hear it again And let jonnton take a crack, at it because every single mock draft you see.
Now is O limeman O limeman O Limeman o LIINMAN AND i i.
DON'T know, I mean i'm kind of with you guys in a SENSE that i think, Something's coming but it's, just hard especially with the trade because, you know last Year Is. Stefan diggs he seemingly the trade for days came out of nowhere and, we're like whoa?
That was that was.
Pretty awesome Speaking, Of diggs jonathan he any shot of him Staying.
In Houston b what do you think the future Is For. Stefan, DIGGS.
Yeah i think he'll probably be one of the later. SPRING signings i think he's still holding.
Out, hope now OBVIOUSLY the acl injury complicates things for him a. Little bit if he didn't HAVE the, ACL injury i think his market would have been a little bit better and he probably would have signed with the team. By now but just kind Of Knowing, STEFAN diggs i think he wants the. BEST opportunity I don't I think i don't think he's opposed to coming Back. TO houston i think he is more than willing to. Come back he has a home Here. In, houston obviously he has a CHEMISTRY.
J STRAU but i think a big part is finding. That NUMBER and i Do Think stephan dias is big. On respect he wants a number that shows that he'll be that.
HE'S valued i just.
DON'T think i just don't know That the texans are willing to give that much money. To HIM so i still think the door is, still OPEN and i still think that there's a. SMALL possibility i just don't have it as a.
Possibility jonathan in between last time, we talked in, this Time the colts solved all their quarterback problems By Signing. Daniel jones so you tell us how's that going to work Out? In indie how do you see that playing Out With.
Anthony, RICHARDSON yeah I See anthony richard maybe being the, starter initially and then eventually they have him on such a short lead, they, say, oh well.
We need to Go To.
DANIEL jones I Think chris ballard is probably gonna be on the Hot seat infering, this year and he's going to Be Even, shane stikesen and they're not going to be hesitant in moving on from their, franchise quarterback Especially If daniel jones is producing.
IN practice i think they'll end up giving him a shot at some point during.
The, Season okay i've got. An intro this is for both. OF you i want you you got to hear me, out here because there are.
OPTIONS okay i got A feeling tennessee's pretty Locked Into. Abdul carter. ALL right I mean i'm Sorry. Cam, ward yeah you scared me.
For. It yeah actually he made me happy for him a, little Bit Uh. ABDUL carter i mean it would make Sense to tennessee because they don't really Have. Any Eddreshers but tennessee's got to get a quarterbackarterback speaking. A Quarterback The, cleveland browns, the well they have, a quarterback but he's not working, right now uh and probably not gonna work for a, little while not Being To. Sean watson so they Basically Have kenny pickett and. Nobody ELSE so i am making you each the general manager Of The. Cleveland Browns, Andrew berry i'm sorry. For that you Just Gave miles garrett a lot of money. GOING forward i don't know if that, was smart but you held your ground and you're gonna keep him There. In cleveland you did not want to see, him go, so okay good, on. You guys but now you have a decision to make at. Number two perhaps the easiest thing to do would, just, Be well i'll take the next best quarterback on, a Board Presumably. Shdure sanders so here are your options at number two in. A draft you could either just straight.
Up draft that's.
One option the, second option you Can Sign, russell Wilson Draft abdual carter at number two and then get, your FUTURE as i say in, their quotes quarterback down.
The road.
Or you could Just Sign russell wilson and Draft shaduor sanders right, after that or whoever you deem the. Top quarterback so those are, three, options dang those are your. Three, options okay if you have another, Option too oh?
Both okay, Go ahead johnny is? Your option? Go ahead what are you doing at? Number?
Two Jonathan If, I'm cleveland i'm trading Back With. Las vegas they can Jump.
The giants oh and Maybe Take, shadu sanders get a future first round pick USE and i might end up having a bad season in twenty. Twenty five so you get whatever high pick, that is and whatever High Pick las vegas is gonna, give YOU because i don't think that they're going to, be Great right and if you're not, number one you move up to get, number one and whoever the top quarterback is in between twenty, sixth DRAFT when I Think deshauna watson.
Contract will be over or will be near over where you don't Take.
His okay so there's a follow up question that mark for. You answer Will the manning Family Allow arch manning to Go?
Cleveland oh this is interesting because they pulled this before With the chargers telling you it's.
In play if marches all out of bagg, of chips it's in to go another direction, For, You okay John that i'll let you chew on out a.
LITTLE bit i am going to spend a third, this Year and i'll go as high as a two, Next, year OKAY because i think it's gonna cost that much to get him at. This, point okay there's a market, for him and this is making the. News, Rounds okay i'm gonna go ahead and Trade For joe milton Of The New.
England patriots you. WE'RE not i am gonna, Do.
IT johnny i think this guy, can play maybe the general manager Of. The browns and you, know what he thrown caution of the, wind before we're gonna do. It again, and look he he did some things in. The preseason it's FUNNY when i was Watching preseason patriot ball because they were ON the nfl network all. The time they were showcasing the mccordy brothers calling those games. And, Everything Yep joe milton had some SORT of x factor thing. Going on there's. Something there and then he plays what was it in the finale or whatever? He played he was, really good complete seventy five percent of, his passes, a touchdown. NO picks I Think joe milton can play. This game he's, six' five. Two forty five the. GUY can run.
I like him, i want Him And, If i'm cleveland i'm.
Going, after him okay so let me give you history lesson his very First, game in michigan He played against minnesota and was, all the talk.
All the rage week. One looked sensational by the end of the year he had To. Transfer, to, tennessee okay yeah But, that was Michigan, that. Was, marball right, uh you know it's interesting you. BROUGHT that Up I think joe milton would be definitely.
A pe east i would bring, IN even well i don't know if you, could do both But Bring in Russell Wilson AND joe milton. I don't know and then you have To have duel carter don't have to worry about, YOU or Saying i.
Mean wilson's looking. For a job what do you, Make, OF that Jonathan I. Mean russell wilson this whole thing has the dominoes have to Start Falling. WITH aaron rodgers i would imagine then the market really Opens. Up for RUSSELL that's how. I see it how do?
SEE it, yeah i, AGREE you know i also think that we've seen what We've Seen. From russell wilson he can do enough to maybe.
Hold your afloat but he can't help you really, win A game so i wouldn't spend a ton of.
Money on him, so you know he'd probably be a backup. Option FOR me but i do like the Idea Of a joe Milton Ahead.
Of Russell, wilson all right have you filled out?
Bracket yet, Job, OH.
Boy no i haven't filled up.
MY brecord yet i planned to do IT today and i was going To invite some texans fans to join my bracket and we just see who's the best.
Out OF it so i do plan. ON do it i Have a pretty i'm pretty confident in the, Final four though?
Are all? Right go ahead or do you want to?
Give, It out yeah i'll. GIVE it Out i have duke going to the Final. FOUR at Florida I have Michigan state and houston.
IS so, brave i, mean come on this is His.
State over auburn i'm.
TAKING that, CHANCE i, know i, know but, Yeah, That's Yeah HEY michigan, state's I mean It's. IZZO in march i mean it's when he's got he's. Got some talent he's got some. Talent, this year Yeah he's Got, jason richards see this is when you. Start Feeling Old, LIKE jason richardson i WAS watching after i had. Graduated from, college, I'M like yeah i remember him being a young dude in a twenty teen that want. A national championship now his son's A Freshman. At michigan state. It's it's unbelievable and then you look at his draft And It's like, Jason Taylor's son mason, Taylor's in it.
Like, it's crazy Damn we've gotten we've gotten, old for sure there's no. Question. About that jonathan what do you have for Us? In, THE chronicle yeah I got a.
Mottin draft out my second mock draft Post free agency mintdraft full SEVEN around who I think the texans are most likely to take if the draft, falls this way and we'll have some had A story on stingley and have some more stuff the rest.
Of, The, week outsdaddy jonathan thanks a lot for being.
With us today absolutely thanks, For, Having.
Me Jonathan alexander houston, Chronicle coming UP johnny and i will give you the NFL's final four for.
Twenty twenty Five Maybe It's.
Texans all access it's our final journey of the Evening Here On texans all Access And on sports radio six Ten Tonight it's, march madness coverage so don't Miss that as area forty five has the, Night, off now johnny with the bracket being filled out by everybody who is interested in filling. Out a bracket THIS, week the nfl we got our own bracket, to worry about but, that's later.
On, of course, HOWEVER early look i want an early look, at a team and let's Just take the texans.
OUT of it a team to crash, the, final FOUR well THE afc and, nfc championship games let's just put. It that way upset APPEARANCE in THE Afc and. Nfc championship games and we're not going to sit here And. Pick the texans, i'd love to but we have to remove them from the conversation just to be fully.
Transparent, and, objective right. YEAH fully transparent i.
Think we're, going but anyway what do you think GIVE me an afc team that did not make it last year to? The, final four OKAY That means, afc championship game who could. CRASH the party i want To take the ravens, OUT of this. I really do i really want to take them out because that's.
The obvious answer give me somebody else.
From out, of the blue from out, of the blue somebody, who gets hot because there's gonna be.
That Hot. Team chargers broncos.
Broncos are the first team that. Came, to Mind okay but i'm going to give you a team that's going to. Make the playoffs that is you're gonna hear it and go wall have you lost?
Your damn MIND what could i predict you that this is gonna BE?
The afc huh that did not make the? Playoffs last year and it's not Gonna be the bengals because that's. An Obvious one the Browns, Shot.
THE browns jets I, considered the jets. You considered them? Steelers made it? Who Didn't? Make the.
Raiders No Way The, New england, patriots Oh, Yeah with rabel rabel a lot of, Upgrades And talent drake may in. His second year They're Gonna. Trade joe milton They're. Gonna trade joe that's.
A good trade i.
Like. That Trade Uh The new england patriots are gonna be back. In Our lives Elliot wolf And alonzo high smith run. The personnel stuff vrabel getting that TEAM back, where i mean the talent on this. Team has improved they've obviously paid a lot of money for the roster cause they had they had, money to spend so maybe they're paying a little Bit Of A new england patriots tax, to you know kind of get.
It back going But Just with drake may. Let's start there he ends up Going To the pro bowl all that.
Kind of Stuff They signed morgan moses to help, the offensive line but defensively is really where they. Went to Work They, signed milt williams paid a lot of. Money for him They Brought in harold landry WHO played For. Vrabel In tennessee robert splain is one of the more unrated linebackers. In this league and then they Want And got carlton davis to Put Opposite. Of christian, GONZALES so defensively i think they're gonna be as good as a lot of teams. IN the league i think the offensive line still needs, one MORE piece and i think they need a playmaker to go to what they got. A wide receiver just, one MORE playmaker and i think they can get to nine to eight and be in that wild CARD knicks like i could see them doing, a you know Like Last year's denver.
Broncos type, Team you know drake. Taking A step so i'm Going To.
The royland Patriots so the East has got We've, got the West so the east Has. Got the north so he's gonna it's gonna be. A Tough, schedule the browns who? Know who.
Knows That's right the bengals spending all their. Money, on offense yeah they have to put, up thirty two but they'll.
Give, it, to you right but their defense can at least get in, there and, go you know swap some. Punches WITH them so i just think just the draft.
Help them now their question is they've got to get, an offensive lineman and in, MY mock draft i had him Traded down because I've Heard just new england not Totally Sold, on WILL campbell which I think is i think it's dumb if, that's the case because he's.
GOT shorter arms i think. HE'S a guard i think he would be a Perfect. FIT for Rabel i think rabel.
Would love him can you give me an example of an offensive lineman with shorter arms that's, been really good like a tackle like there has NO precedent face i don't.
REMEMBER shorter arm i don't remember arm strength or armlengked. All that much there are, guys you remember like that Guy's got Like, julian and davenport like he had like go. Go GADGET arms but i think that's kind of overblown a. Lot of times isn't strength? Almost, more important yeah, strength feet out especially A Tackle AND will campbell i think he's got pretty, good feet.
TOP long arms i can't.
PLAY tackle competitive i think there are some guys that when they have really like thirty one or thirty, two inch, arms like okay that guy's definitely got to move in to center or guard, at That Point. Like Graham barton grand bart's a great. Example Of that graham Barton Was. AT tampa bay I was AT duke and i, really liked him but he, had short arms, and it's like we'll just go. Right, into center well they drafted him a. Number Twenty two the bucks did at, number twenty two and he's going to be a ten year starter at center And Probably a pro bowl.
Before too long SO.
It is i think sometimes it's just what. A, team needs yeah they look at it and, go that, guy hold up does?
He have strength does? He have feet does?
He Have, agility brad smith we're still waiting to go into Guard, with the colts and he was like thirty. Three inch arms he was not a, long armed guy and he ended up. Working OUT fine So I think will campbell will be the Right Piece. In NEW england but i ended up trading. Out of there they Ended Up getting kenth grant to put on defense and a bunch of draft picks to.
Go with it they're still building that team and they got a ton of.
DRAFT picks too i think the obvious TEAM in the nfc to make the playoffs that did not last year from where we are right Now. Pre, draft atlanta yeah that's kind of winning, Eight last year.
One eight uh seattle probably even more obvious since. They Won ten but i'm going for a team that did not get the. DOUBLE figures Wins i think.
Seattle, STEPS back Okay i think seattle's, eight nine wins, not ten wins and that can be the difference to get.
In a wildcard let's get the nine losses one of them, to Be yes the, texans up there never.
Beating, them, up there no only beating them.
Once team history, wait, a minute oh nine oh, nine beat them and that's.
The only. Time. That's it danglay we do not discuss twenty thirteen and. Twenty seventeen anymore and.
As far as and as far as, going up there you've only been, up, there twice right should have won, At, twenty seventeen yeah should have could that's one of the. Greatest games overseen that was incredible, you say that but a loss that fits the category of greatest games that were losses and that year had won twenty fourteen at The.
ONE of dallas i don't need to. Recap the ball that's it. For the show, oh tomorrow.
Night full show we'll talk about everything Involved with your Texans And beyond march madness stuff coming up next to have, A Great.
Night go texans