Old-School Raw Dogging

Published Jul 31, 2024, 7:55 PM

This week, we chat about the 'raw-dogging' trend that has gone viral and the ways we raw dogged our way through life as kids in the 80s and 90s. There's also meditation, machetes, extremely inconsiderate pool pals, the shittiest neighbours ever and a baby name that will likely become the butt of many jokes. Enjoy!

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Get a Yong get a. I hope you're having a great day.

Get a get a.

It's mal Monty. Hello everyone, anyway, thank you for listening to all of you.

Mal Monty.

So it's been going around for a while, but the ninety shit where it's on Instagram a lot. Anyway, I hadn't even seen this. And the other day I announced to Sam because I always do, I'm like, oh my god, because I don't pooh off and I'm like, I've got a pooh.

I've got a pooh.

And I said to him, I'm going to deliberately leave my phone here and just not do anything. And I sat down and I was like, this is wild. I have not not taken my phone to the toilet in so long. And then I got off and I was like, I just did a shit like from the nineties, and then all of a sudden it was everywhere.

Let me ask you, So, when you were in the toilet, did you pick up anything like?

No, I did anything at all. I didn't read the I didn't read the back of labels and stuff like that.


I definitely tried to get in and out a lot quicker than I would usually.

You know, what could be a good strategy. There is that if you didn't take your phone into the toilet with you, right, because I would assume that most people do, even though it's revolting. Whatever most people do.

For revolting, we do.

I wonder if you took those moments to actually try and meditate or something.

Just something nasty about meditating while you're excreeting.

I don't know. I mean, I can't even meditate, but I'm just saying like that thought of I don't know, like a mindfulness practice or something.

He's gonna do that. Nice idea, but no chance. But there is lots of people talking about doing ninety shits right now. Also, why don't you do like a guided meditation or something, because my mind, this is how this is how bad it is. You know, transcendental meditation, and they say do the course, they give you your own specific mantrab whatever.

Yeah, I've done it. I'm not going to go pay two grand to do that. So I found online years ago, like this list of mantras in accordance to the ear you're born or whatever. So I started to try and do it. I will make a fucking word out of anything. And then once I've made a word out of it. Then I start thinking about what that word means or whatever, and it'll take me into some scenario. My mind is never quiet ever, I can't, but it's not.

That's the whole thing about it is. It doesn't have to it doesn't have to be completely still. But it's like if you notice that your mind has gone, then you say your mantra and it brings you back. And some meditations. Literally you might say it one hundred times. Other times you might say it twelve. You know what I mean.

Look, I know it's good for you. I'd love my kids to be able to start doing it from now. But I'm just like a lot of the time too, I'm just constantly consumed with all the other shit I should be doing.

I know that's why you need it more than anyone, I reckon, But I found meditation Mountain is what I'm doing at the ROT because I have like ten fifteen twenty minute while. You've got to find a voice that you like. Yes, but it might be like for stress relief, or it might be like a body scan or just I don't know, And I don't listen to all the words. I drift off constantly and think but then all bring me back and I also will go you have just laid and been like, I'll consciously breathe for that time. Yeah, and every night I used to do a meditation ten minute meditation with backs a yoga nidra is really good too because it's a body scan way. But he doesn't want to do it anymore, so we just put on this song that is like no sound or anything like that. It's quite meditative because I'm like, no, you need to have something.

Yeah, And I think maybe sometimes with meditation too, for myself or whatever, it's like you're expecting something to happen, like you're expecting something magical to happen. Yes, I guess you don't get into that deep state until you practice enough or whatever.

Well it's a cumulative as well, yeah, exactly. It's kind of like if you do it once, it's not going to do anything for you anyway.

Well, you know, maybe I'll give that a go. But speaking of the the Pooh people are doing this thing raw dogging on flights. So you go on an aeroplane and you were not allowed to have any stimulation around you at all, So no phone, no book, no magazine, no earphones nothing. You just got to sit there, sit there and do nothing.

And can you pull out the flight thing in front of you and you're.

Meant to not read anything, You're not to take in anything. You just have to sit and do nothing. Now like people are having like psychological breakdown, I bet they are, which I reckon I would too. I can't think of anything worse than that. But I was thinking about that and all the things that we used to raw dog that we didn't know we were raw dogging at the time.

Raw dogging is having sex with no with no condom. Yeah yeah, So is this just saying like it's just you completely Well.

I guess all those things like having a phone on you all the time and stuff in some way is like a form of protection. Really Yeah, no, yes, yeah. I thought some things that we used to raw dog in the day, and the things they taught us, like patients physically lining up at Ticke Tech to buy concert tickets or going to take further Remember bass, Oh my god, it was like I think it was even before Ticke Tech it was called bass. And if there was a concert you wanted to go to, you physically had to go there with your body and wait in line.

Yes, yeah, I don't remember bass, but I totally remember lining up at ticketech.

Jesus creativity. How many different ways can you make an ashtray for your mum, even if she's a non smoker, for Mother's Day? How many different ash trays can you make in pottery?

Oh god, that was great though, wasn't it. And then you'd wrap it up in like a grain sellar, always.

With the ribbon with us, yes, along the ribbon to curl. Oh my god, god, so good research skills. How about if you needed a service, or you needed to find someone's phone number, you had to look in the Yellow Pages or the White Pages.

Oh my gosh. We were saying this the other day. We were telling the kids about the White Pages and Yellow Pages because I, when I was a kid, was obsessed with the Essendon Bombers, the AFL team, and I got the White Pages, looked up the name Lloyd and called Matthew Lloyd's house. He went to school with Mark, did he anyway? I saw his very first game on that It was on my birthday, so on the eighth of July. I don't know what year. This sounds psychotic, And I became obsessed with him, of course, and so I remember looking up Lloyd Essendon and then calling up and speaking to his dad.

I mean, doesn't that seem completely wild? The people's phone numbers and addresses, addresses everyone, how fancy you were if you had a private number. Why she got a private number? You have a private number?

I can't believe the addresses were in there as well.

I mean, you're pretty safe if your surname was Psmith or something, but if you had a different surname.

Wow, they were so thick.

I know, but you know, stuff like compromise when you're at the video shop with your siblings. Oh, six weeklies for six bucks, you get to, I get to.

The weeklies were always so shit. But then you'd get there a bit late on a Friday afternoon and all of the new releases had those tags on them.

Sorry, I'm out.

Oh god, so frustrating.

I know.

We're talking about how kids also don't know, like recording shows. Remember it'd be like, don't record over round the twist, and you'd have your tape with the VHS with the sticker at the front. Do not tape over round the twist, Yeah.

Do not tape over? Oh my god. And then someone always taped over something significant there was. It was a funny meme out ages ago, and it was just a bunch of like VHS tapes or whatever, and it just said, it's like roulette, what's it going to be your kid's fifth birthday party? Or a porno. It's just put it in and see what it is. Oh my god, that was funny. Yeah, but yeah, I think they've got to start start raw dogging some other.

Dogging in life more.

My kids can't raw dog well, I know, but you know we our parents raw dogged their own shit before, you know, and they thought we were really.

Exactly every generation thinks the next generations completely fucked. Do you know what my son's got obsessed with his whittling, as in like with wood with wooden knives. Yeah, obsessed. Both of them are obsessed, and I've just had to completely let it go. I don't watch them. They've got these little like knives that we got from the camping outdoors thing, and they like, you can lock them in close the knife halfway down and lock it in. But they're so obsessed with them. They just stand out in the backyard whistling for ages. It's the best thing ever but the other day, I'm like, oh, Alo's gone to a friend's house, and Bax is like, where's my knife? Alo had fucking taken the knives to a kid's house. And I was out at lunch and Backs is calling me, going, where's knife? Where's my knife? And I said to Sam, I reckon Alos taking them. I'm gonna have to message the dad. And Sam's like, how do you message the dad and ask if how son's got knives there?

So I just left it.

And then when he got home, I'm like, did you take knives? You can't take the knives against.

My brother in high school got caught with a knife in his bag. He was like, oh no, why pocket knife or whatever. And when he got home, mom and dad were like, right, why was that knife in there? He said, idiot, just in case I needed to cut an apple or something. There's no knives at school, so I needed that. I reckon. My mum was half way to believing that, like, actually, great idea. Good on you for eating the fruit.

You know what, I would have thought your brother was back in the day a mad walk.

No, Na, he wasn't. He wasn't. Actually don't know why he did it. He never got bullied at any point, so I'm not sure why he did. But he wasn't that kide right. It wasn't like we were walking around gone looks good at chose as Mario or whatever.


It wasn't like.

I remember when I was in high school, this group of people, young younger kids came to the school wielding machettes.

We had the same thing. Machetes were a real thing back then, wasn't it. Baxter wants a machete. He wants to say, for a machete. I said, that's a step too far, mate, that's a step too far, because you can cut shit.

Pretty good with a machete, but I might. No. He's like, can I please get like they're like twenty four dollars, And I said, there's no way you're getting a machete. But I vividly remember being at school and an announcement coming over everybody, please get you to your home rooms straight away. Moved straight away to your home rooms, and then just looking at the window being terrified but also exhilarated.

Yeah, I know, because it was something different. It was like the epic.

Version of a dog being left out in the school, Like a dog running around the school.

That used to scare me if there was a dog on the loose, and oh.

I loved a dog and loose and someone would always own it, like somebody some kid would find it and they'd grab their collar and other kids come out and be like, no, no, I'm taking it to the office. So I'm taking it to the office.

Oh, I wouldn't have wanted to have touched it because I would have assumed even though I don't think we have it in this country. I remember everyone get rabies. Yeah, for dog bites you.

That's I'm terrified of the dogs in balley because I'm sure that I'm gonna get rabies if it bribes me.

None, I'm like stray dogs. No way.

Okay, I got a question for you.


So my friend Kerrie went away with her family, right and she was laying by the pool. This is a club Bintang. Have you a bin tang? It's in like you go to Singapore and then you I've seen a few people have.

Been there lately.

Anyway, I'm so desperate to go to a club med because they're just so epic for kids. But she was laying by the pool, okay, on a day bed yeah. Next to her is a lady who has her a podcast playing but without headphones on, so really annoying. I would be annoyed.

I would be annoyed.

But what would you do in that situation?

I would be so annoyed, and I'd probably do a few or whatever. I wouldn't say anything. And then if she said, oh, sorry, is this annoying you, I'd say no, it's fine, it's fine, and then I'd bitch about it later. That's exactly what I do if I'm being honest. Although if you got me on a real shitty day, yeah, maybe I'd say no. I wouldn't. It doesn't matter how shitty.

Any I wouldn't carry goes excuse me? She did, would you mind putting on headphones?

Good on your cares and shed.

Me from there? And I said you did not, and she said I did. I said you should have got up and gone somewhere else. I just don't think you can. It's the entitlement of that woman is infuriating. It's the same as people talking on their loud speakers like it's so rude.

But also, if.

You're laying down and you've really nestled in for a good laze about. That is so I get how irritating that is for Kerry, but just then have the guts and the audacity to say, can you put your headphones in? And then you've both got to lay there. Oh, I couldn't do it.

That's what we're all climbing towards, isn't it. Yeah, that's the dream. You know what. Another thing she could have done was start playing music through her really loud.

Imagine that is so passive aggressive, isn't.

I imagine the woman then said, excuse me, could you please turn your music down or turn your music off? And she could have said, sure, when you turn your podcast off, I'll do that.

Isn't it? Like just some people are so bloody rich with what with their entitlement, aren't they. We've got friends who have got like this. They've got a holiday house. But it sounds fancy, but it's not. It's like just a kind of a sheddy, sheddy kind of thing anyway, because they're not there all the time, and their neighbors live there. Their neighbors just park in their driveway whenever they want, so they'll get down there and their cars are parked in the driveway, So then they have to go and knock on the door and be like, can you please move your cars? And they never apologize. They're just like, oh yeah, sorry, no, no, sorry, there's no story there. Oh yeah, we had people over last night. Yet we'll move them. And on top of that, they use their bins all the time, so they'll often get down there and their bins are full.

But hold on.

It gets worse. One time, not long ago, because they get a water bill. My friends, the bill spiked so hectically that he's like, oh my god, there's something's burst down there. So he quickly goes down there and checks and realizes they've got a pool, a new pool. So they've clearly climbed over the fence and hooked up the hose to their outdoor water system and have used their water to fill their pool.

They had to have said something about it put camera. They had to have said something about that.

But he said, there's no proof, there's no proof. Sorry, I can't And I said, what would you do in that situation when I saw them, I'd go, how's the water in your pool going? I'd say something like that.

I get that, you wouldn't like, No one wants to have warring neighbors. No, but that is fucked.

Isn't that head that is? And he said, then they were there one like they were there one time, and they still use their bin. See, he said, they're so used to just using our stuff that even when they know where they're they're still putting stuff in our bin.

Oh, they definitely need to get a camera up there.

They've got cameras now.

You know the other thing that really pisces me off, right is that say what kez, did you know? Like there's that label then that like, oh you know, oh that person's a Karen. It used to shit me because I'm like, no, no, no, But Karen is the entitled person. Being assertive about something is not being a Karen. Feeling like you're entitled to say and do things, doesn't matter how much that inconvenience is other people. That's a Karen. That's totally a Karen spewing. If your name's Karen, now, aren't you really? One of my best friend's name is Karen kazar bet she gets. I used to call all my barbies Karen. I loved that name.

Did you did you want to be a Karen?

Yeah? I would. I wanted to be anything but Melissa. I like Melissa. I don't think you really do.

I don't mind it. It's not intensive. I wouldn't call any I wouldn't call my kid Melissa, but it's not one that I'd go like if my name was Melissa, I wouldn't care, you know.

I think it was last week or something, it came out that this couple had called their daughter, I'll spell it for you a double N a L y Anna Lee Annie Annalie. But it looks like anally a written down. I know there's the double N, but whatever, it looks like that, And I'm like, at what point do you not say, hmm, maybe we'll spell it like Anna lee or something, because can you imagine what that kid's going to go through at school.

It's like when Amy Schumer called her her kid Jeane and their last name is a Tah and she didn't realize genatal Gennatal, No.

That was the middle name. The middle name was a tal or whatever, and the middle name, you know, asking everyone at school what your middle name was, and then someone always had like a weird one and they never wanted to say that was.

Me because mine was Maureen, which is my NaN's name so, but it was also always very old. Yeah, like Maureen Katie Mareen is like what's yours?

And the top three of that era louils Anne and Jane has.

Jane's my sister's middle name. But I told you how I didn't have a name for a week, right, I didn't have a name for a week, and then I get Katie. It's like, what the fuck?

Yeah, I've told you. Mark went three months with no name until legally they had to love three months. I've said this before, and his name.

Is I'm not remember I was going to be a Mark if I was a boy. Even with the sea it's a sea cooler. Well, I don't know, it's a bit different. At least there was a bit more thought in that Mark. I just don't get it.

Oh, it's so good.

All right, we're getting out of here. Everyone. Thank you so much for listening. I hope you're well and we do love hearing from you. Show and Tell Online is where you can find us on Instagram. If you can give us a rating or a comment wherever you listen to us, it's just super helpful.

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