Why Money-Savvy People Have Money Dates—Even When They’re Single

Published Feb 4, 2025, 1:00 PM

This Valentine’s Day, we’re turning up the romance… with your finances! Whether you're single or in a relationship, a money date is the ultimate act of self-love. Pour yourself a glass of wine, light a candle, and let’s make your financial future irresistible.

In this episode, we’re making finances feel sexy, fun, and totally stress-free. We’ll show you how to plan the perfect money date (yes, wine and fancy cheese are encouraged), how to overcome money anxiety, and fun ways to gamify your finances. Plus, we’ll help you dream big, stay accountable, and set financial goals that actually excite you.

FREE Money Date Guide – We’ve created a super cute guide with 30+ prompts to help you plan the perfect money date, whether you’re single or have a partner. Get it here.

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Acknowledgement of Country By Natarsha Bamblett aka Queen Acknowledgements.

The advice shared on She's On The Money is general in nature and does not consider your individual circumstances. She's On The Money exists purely for educational purposes and should not be relied upon to make an investment or financial decision. If you do choose to buy a financial product, read the PDS, TMD and obtain appropriate financial advice tailored towards your needs.  Victoria Devine and She's On The Money are authorised representatives of Money Sherpa PTY LTD ABN - 321649 27708,  AFSL - 451289.

Hello, my name is Satasha Nabananga Bamblet. I'm a proud yor the Order Kerni Whoalbury and a waddery woman. And before we get started on She's on the Money podcast, I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land of which this podcast is recorded on a wondery country, acknowledging the elders, the ancestors and the next generation coming through as this podcast is about connecting, empowering, knowledge sharing and the storytelling of you to make a difference for today and lasting impact for tomorrow.

Let's get into it. She's on the Money, She's on the Money.

Hello, and welcome to She's on the Money, the podcast that's here to spice up your relationship with your bank account. Valentine's Days just around the corner, but this year we're ditching the roses and chocolate for something even better.

What's better than that?

Well, not many things, but whether you're flying solo or in a couple, today we're making money dates the ultimate love language.

I'm be excited and with me as always is.

The woman who's basically doctor love for your finance. You're right, Victoria, Divine, how are you.

I love this. It's giving like late night talk show. It's giving smooth FM. Yes, definite love song dedications. Yes, yes, And I'm like really here for that because like I'm not mad. So she's on the money. We're pivoting. We no longer talk about money. We talk about love. It's a live date show. Oh gosh, I kind of love the doctor love vibes. Yeah, I'm really feeling of energy in this room today. Before we get there, this isn't just for couples. I want to make it really clear from the very beginning of this episode that it's not just for the people who are buddied up. Even if you're single. I genuinely think that a money date with yourself is one of the greatest forms of self love. And I mean it's probably even better to be doing money dates with yourself before you get into a relationship, so that you're even more stable. Another human being is not your financial plan. And if you can put yourself in the best possible position, like you're going to weed out all of the not so nice people to date as well. Yes, Like imagine going into a date that would be overwhelming for the other person. Oh look, I've got all my stuff together. Oh she's serious. Okay, So Beck, whatever your situation, we're making today all about building a love affair with your financial goals sexy, and it really does start with regular money dates. Whether it's with your partner or with yourself. There's lots people to argue with. You're just doing it on your own. Yeah, just you by yourself.

Little red wine, a spaghetti bolonnaise, a moment you tie it to like the end of the chair, and then you both meet in the middle and it's just you.

You, It's just you and your couch. Oh my gosh.

Now I feel like I already know the answer to this. You've kind of explained it very well. But just in case, why should we be going on money dates? Why should we be having these?

Because they're better than regular dates? No, you don't you love a real way?

Do you love your day?

Your date? You're like the most above and beyond person when it comes to like organizing a date. Last week, you were like, it's date night tonight, and I was like, oh cute, what are you doing? And you like whipped out in your bag a full curated menu, you'd like graphic designed it up. You're like Okay, so this is entree. This is main. My partner's not currently into dessert, but I'm gonna have some options on the table anyway. So we've britten them down, Like, what are you doing?

You've got such a great memory because it was cool.

This is a perfect example of why being straight is not a choice.

Ah, yes, yes, see.

Well everyone want to be in a relationship with a girl.

If that's what they did, I know that's it. It was just, you know, not to brag, but it was just a regular old date. Now it was a Tuesday. It was a Tuesday. But this is the thing, is that I spent more than I should have. And so this is why money dates are probably very important, which.

Is good and for couples, a regular money date it's really about building trust and building that dream life together and avoiding the dreaded conversation of why is there no money in our joint account? Oh that's not very fun. They spent it on Fkashia dough. It was worth it. Did that recipe work? I'm so glad? All right, all right, thank you? And if you're single. On the flip side, it's really about I guess self love and that is honestly one of the most empowering forms of getting clear on what you really want and not only how you're going to get it, but how you're going to attract it. And I think that that's I don't know, really sexy.

That's hot. Invite yourself out right note saying will you go on a date with me? Now?

Leave it on your desk. Got work, that's exciting? Maybe one little rose? Okay, send yourself flowers name. I love that. Okay.

So if we want to go on a money date, what's the first step other than writing yourself a note?

Okay? So you're not just going to plan it and then tell your partner. By the way, tonight we're having a money date, m because I can guarantee that's not going to go down anxiety. Not everybody is in the same headspace to talk about money. Yes, not everybody is ready for that conversation. So I think floating the idea of oh, beck, we should be doing some like regular money dates. What are they saying, how are they responding on's their body language?


When you are floating that question, are they open to it? We're not saying if they're not open to it, don't do it. We're saying, get them bought into the idea of having regular money dates, because you need them to be able to be in the right headspace for it to be productive, because there's nothing worse than going into something and being like, Hey, beck I want to have a chat with you about XYZ. I don't really want to talk about this right now. So you're evasive and you don't get very deep answers and you don't really have any thought behind it. You're like, oh, yeah, whatever you want to do, Like that's so unhelpful. And I think also putting it in the diary, so we're not just saying, oh, we should do these money dates and then not doing them. I think it's about diarize it, like open your Google calendar, even if it's just for you and pop a time in there, because when you write something down or you schedule it, you're actually more likely to do it. There's actually a thing that called implementation intension. If you link a specific action like your money date, to a set time in a calendar, it makes it feel like a real legitimate thing. And that sounds really fluffy, but the studies around this implementation intension showed that it can actually boost your chances of following through by more than fifty percent. Oh so, And I feel like that's the same for any goal you're setting, right, Like if you're just going to say, oh, you know, I want to buy a new car this year, and that's and crickets and no plan, Yeah, how likely is that going to happen? Like that's just a wish? But if you go, Okay, I want to buy a new car this year, and then you like make a little plan and go, I think I'm going to do that in June? Okay? Can I do that when in June? Like when should I start shopping? Are you more likely to achieve that?


I can see that. And if that sounds too hard back and let me hold your hand, well, I say this with a lot of love. If you can commit to binging an entire Netflix series for entire weekends doing it, I promise you you have the time to schedule just an hour a month for a money day, Like we need to get our priorities straight. And sometimes I need to put the hard word on you and be like I know that you're saying you don't have time, but are you like me? Beck And did you spend last night scrolling for an hour and a half phone on TikTok while you said that you were going to go to a bit.

Well, that's true, but it was very fun. Some people are coming from different money situations and lives, and for some reason, whenever people bring up money with me, especially if they're maybe from somewhere more well off or they're a little bit better with money, I instantly have this anxiety in my body.

No, I want that. How do we work through that?

And that's the thing is that if you're conscious of that, I don't make you feel like No, you don't maybe feel like that unless you actually ask me on a money day, then maybe I'll start feeling stressed out.

I don't want you to be stressed about money, but if that's how you're feeling, you need to go back and look at your money story. Yes, so true. If you grew up in a situation where money was really scarce peck and you've spoken about this before, not having money is such a significant stress that it triggers a physiological response in your body. Yes, you get that pit in the bottom of your stomach, you get a little bit uncomfortable, You're not sure what to do, with your hands. You don't mean to do that. That's not you choosing to act like that. That's your body going trauma stress. I'm gonna repulse from this, essentially, and that means that we need to dive a little bit deeper. I don't want you to be uncomfortable, but I want to talk through. Okay, back, like, you're in a situation. Now, you're safe, you're grounded. You have a full time income, and it's a good full time income. That's not the situation you were in. Talk me through. You know what happened historically to make you feel like that. And it could be, oh, we never had enough money growing up and it was a stress, and you know, there's a million different things that could come up there. If you're like, oh, I just don't know why I feel like that, have a think about your physiological response. So, okay, where are you feeling sick? Feeling sick in your tummy? Okay, Usually that's linked to anxiety. So if you're feeling sick about a situation because somebody mentioned something, we're not talking about gastro right, Like, you could be sick for another reason, and that's true, true, You just don't have gastro, but were going into this and if you've got kids in daycare, very likely gastro. But have a think about that and go okay, cool, Like, this feeling is really uncomfortable. I'm not saying you do have anxiety, bit it could be linked to being anxious about money. Yes, why when I think about spending? Am I feeling anxious about money?


You might not be able to remember exactly why, because the brain is incredible. The brain is actually insanely smart, and if you have experienced trauma, it does what's called trauma blocking, so it actually stops you from remembering a lot of things that trigger those responses. But you know what, it's dumb at do we stopping the response? Ah?


So like it'll block you from remembering what happened. But then when you experience a trigger, you'll still feel sick about it and you'll be like boh ah low key rude. Yeah, very unhelpful.

It also makes you feel a little bit crazy, but exactly notice so true.

We need to work through that. We do. So if money dates are something that you're like, absolutely not they I'd love you to go back and listen to our episodes on money Stories and what that might mean. There's a lot of content on our podcast that talks you through that maybe doing a little bit of journaling sitting down. You don't have to share this with anybody. Your money story is actually personal. Yes, so it's actually none of anybody else's business. And if journaling feels a little bit risky because I don't know, beck I get anxious writing things down? Yeah, what if somebody finds this? Yeah, Like I know it's a really productive thing to like journal because, like I've heard, putting it on paper is a really good thing. But like what if my husband reads it thinks I'm a bit du lulu? Yeah? Or like what if I kind of sound like a loser? Exactly? Do you know what you can do later? Can burn the paper? You could, so we could do the task. No one needs to see it. Yes, you don't even need.

To REREADO put in a locked folder.

So there's lots to do. And I think that really touching on money stories here. If this is bringing up that icky feely yes, and that much a good idea.

My one in particular comes from like I'm worried that people will understand because they haven't lived the same life. But like, if everyone approaches this with gentleness, kindness, openness. Everyone kind of has a different journey and so if we just kind to one another will be okay. So you've really kind of got me feeling a bit more comfortable outside, dear, and maybe I need to schedule mine in with Jess or just myself. So once I've done that and the date day is here, what are we doing first?

Oh, we're going to make it a legit date. Like I want you to look forward to these money days. A pizza absolutely, if that's what you're into, order pasta, if you're comfortable, you could go out for dinner. I'm a bit du lulu, So like, if you ask me to justify spending, I can help you. I'm definitely not one of those financial independents retire early who is going to save all of their money for a rainy day. Like, if you need help justifying a purchase baby cakes, I am your girl. So if you need to go out for dinner to make this something that you really look forward to, let's see that as an investment in your financial health. And I'm not saying go and spend and you know, get into a whole heap of debt. But I do think we need to do something that makes it worth looking forward to. I want this to be something that you go it's money date night, And it's kind of like that sweet treat theory where beck we're going to have to go and do this like god awful presentation at work or whatever, and we're not looking forward to it. But if you do that, we'll go out for a sweet treat after, do you know me? And you kind of like go, oh, this might be worth it. Yeah, it's very exciting all of a sume exactly. It's kind of like having a day at work where the sun is really beautiful outside and the weather is perfect, and knowing that the beach is waiting because you get to finish work at three pm. Good Like, it's a good deal. So we want to create the good deal for ourselves because otherwise we're going to do one money date and full of the bandwagon. So if you want, you could light a candle, you could pour your favorite drink, you could get some fancy cheese. You could make a whole vibe like Audi cheese platters underrated. Their cheeses are, their biscuits are very good. Make a little Audi cheese platter. We all know that my favorite rose is La Mule from Audi Gorgeous a bottle which, to be honest, like fourteen ninety nine, you're gonna want to hope that it's a good bottle of wine. Yeah, you can get cheaper, but that's also you can definitely get cheaper, but it is very very nice wine. And don't get me wrong, Like a few people might be like Victoria, I've seen your Instagram stories when you drink very expensive wine. Sometimes, yeah, I do. Like I'm very lucky. Like my husband and I we love a good bottle of red. I'm not gonna lie, but like, when it comes down to it, I'm still budget. Day to day, I do have a little splurge item, don't get me wrong, but like day to day, if I'm planning a money date with my husband, I feel like ten dollars is like a normal amount for a bottle of wine. Oh yeah, you know, I'm probably gonna spend a little bit more if I'm going to a friend's house and like taking a bottle of wine. But if you're having wine at home, no more than ten bars, you reckon.

What's your theory is the theory if your favorite is the fourteen ninety nine one go for that. But generally, when I'm just by myself, I'm at home or I'm having a friend over and we're really doing low key, I personally am max seven dollars.

I feel like everyone has a theory. They have a theory, they do they But anyway, you're going to hopefully create a situation where you feel a lot of connection with your partner. So whether that is your partner or you're in a financial boss like, I don't mind, but we're just going to make it something that you're kind of low key looking forward to. Yeah, that's very cool. Like we're going to talk about the money like an hour, but you could have like a three hour date.

Yeah, it could be very romantic, it could be cute, and also it's kind of like you're talking about your future. That's cute exactly. So how about you and Steve, how do you do your money date?

Our last money date was actually at a bar called Harvey, which is funny because that's my Sun's Day. It's actually just lokey, really cute bar out in Armidale, which is semi near where we live. We ordered a heap of little antipasto things. We usually go on a weeknight because it's too hard to go out on like a Friday or a Saturday night, Like I feel like it's just too busy, like everyone wants to be at the cute wine bar Wednesday night, though no one's there. There was a few people, but like kind of empty. I did a few little antipasto things. I had a cocktail, and we just talk about the things we want to achieve, Like we were talking about, okay, should we go like obviously bigger things. We talk about our budget. We go through you know, what are we spending, what are we saving? Like do we have goals for this year? Ali on track to meet them. We talked a lot actually about daycare fees this last money date, because obviously having a child in daycare, it's a lot of money, but also it's our first year doing it, so we're kind of navigating. This is a new item on our budget. We've talked about holidays, so we're really lucky that we are in the financial situation where a holiday could be possible. We haven't planned anything though, because we went on a big holiday last year. Sure, I was kind of like, oh, I would actually prefer to save. And don't get me wrong, Beck, I don't want you to think RV's being budget to be relatable. Like, at the end of the day, I did not grow up rich like I grew up and money was relatively scarce, like we always had everything that we needed provided for us, like I never quote missed out, but money was stressful, Like it was something that we didn't talk about. It was something that, you know, was a bit overwhelming for me. And that's kind of what led me to making such bad money decisions in my early twenties, which is again fine, but that doesn't mean that because I now have more money, that has changed. Like, yes, we can afford nice holidays, and we have been on a few of them. But in my head, I'm like, you go on a nice holiday every second year, sure, and that's still a privilege. But I just said to Steve, no, absolutely not. So we talked about that stuff. We talked about smaller things like, oh, what's our emergency fund? Looking like I was talking to Steve about potentially getting our mortgage refinanced. Okay, so like we've got our mortgage and we are currently not on a fixed interest rate, and you know, I don't really want to lock in an interest rate right now because our interest rates, hopefully by the end of this year, are going to go down, so I don't want to commit to something now to go down later. But we talked about that because right now I feel like it's a little bit higher than it should be. And I called our bank. I obviously have a broker haha, Zella money, but I called our bank myself to see if I could get a lower rate, and they couldn't do it. And I've seen lawer rates from other banks, so I'm like, is it worth moving? Like I like our bank. I like the facilities we have because we've got like an offset account, so we put all of our savings and all of our money that we earn into an offset account, and then we spend from that so that you know our money is working hard. Literally the way I spend money and like do my banking is how I teach you guys in the Money masterclass, So if you're interested, that's how I do it. But yeah, we just had a chat about money and life, and I feel like those conversations about money then stretched into like our values and what we want to achieve, and like now I'm reflecting on it. That daycare conversation moved into oh, what would that look like if we had multiple kids, Like, you know, how much would that cost us a year? At the moment, Harve is in daycare for two days? What would three days look like?


It's a lot of like brainstorming time as opposed to just line items in a budget. So we do go through the budget. We've got that on our phone on the spreadsheet, went through that, but then it's all about, I guess, you know, what are we spending? What does this look like?


How much is rejo for our cars combined? Okay, it's that like how do we feel about that? Lots of questions like that that. I feel like people think a money date is sitting down and like really holing into the spreadsheets and is at the start, especially if you don't have a budget right now and you're trying to set one up for you and your family or yourself. But for us, it was like, I don't know, a little bit aspirational as well, like all things we want to achieve, like not right now, but one day we would like a bigger house because you know, not complaining beautiful home, but it's really small and if we have other kids, like, we don't have room for other kids back. Yeah, so we're like, oh maybe one day and I was like, mate, bunk beds.

Yeah, like absolutely.

Yeah. So it's all of those conversations. Okay, the kind of like intertwine into a budget conversation. Yeah, cute because I think that if I said to you, sit down and have a money date with your girlfriend Jess, you just think it's about going through budget and how much she spends versus what you spend. But it's also about values and what you're trying to achieve and yeah, what that looks like and honey, are you happy with your job? Like it goes into conversations like that of you know, what do you want with the next steps of your career and what do I want with the next steps of mine. It's actually just so lovely to make sure they're always on the same page.

It's q and you're kind of like relearning each other. Yeah, let's talk about work stuff and what we want to be.

It's an event really, so I think so like I like them.

Yeah, So music's playing, we've got to drink. The vibes are high, and what should we start with.

As I said, I feel like, if you've not done this before, we really want to be starting with conversations around why we want this, like why do we want to have money? We want to be on the same page. I want to be talking about celebrating the month that was, Like you could do that money wins and confessions. If you had a money when this month there, can you be like, oh my gosh, yes, when I was grocery shopping XYZ or got a confession, you'd be like, yes, coffee. Do you know what I mean? Like, there's definitely things that could come up and make it a little bit more fun. I don't want you to have boring dates, Like money doesn't have to be boring. It can be fun. So I think it's about reflecting on what you've achieved, maybe what you could do better. But if you've never done this before, it would be about sitting down and going, how do you feel about a budget before you even feel one in if we do a budget together, what would that look like to you? And your partner? May go, I don't know if I want to do a budget. Back feels a bit restrictive. Okay, well, let's make sure that it's not a restrictive budget. Let's make sure it's just reflective of what we spend so that we understand every dollar that comes in and every dollar that goes out. Does that feel better? Oh yeah, Actually that would be really helpful because I'd love to know what I spend on X.

Or y Z.

So I feel like it's not just about patting yourself on the back and being like, oh, good job, Beck, woo. It's actually psychology one oh one. When you acknowledge the progress that you've already had, it releases dopamine and we love dopamine. Yes, And you're literally training your brain to crave that feel good feeling so that you keep making positive changes.


Okay, Like if your partner sat down every single month and I've essentially helped celebrate you and what you've achieved, and I said coffee before. If you're playing along at home, the reason I mentioned coffee is, Beck, what's your goal this year for coffee?

Well, I'm not going to spend any money on coffee, not going to buy coffee anything.


But if your partner sat you down and said, Beck, how's that going, and you go, oh my gosh, another month, I've slaid it. I've done so good. I didn't do it. I make coffee at work. Like, imagine if we're celebrating that every single month. Instead you're setting that intention at the start of the year and then nobody asking about it.

Yeah. True, and then you're kind of like one day you wake up time and you're like, oh, who cares any exactly.

But imagine if there was a schedule check in and you just know what's coming, yeah, kind of excigning.

It's like, nope, no matter what, I'm very tired today, and so I'm extra proud that I'm not buying a coffee.

Pat me and tell me. I'm pretty like it's gonna work that hard? Isn't that hard? Exactly? So I feel like it's literally psychology one oh one yeah, and for me, that works. And I think if you're in a couple asking what's one goal that we've smashed together or you know, keeping each other accountable, if you're single, going all right, what is one move that I did this month that made me feel like a boss or made me feel like I've killed it, or is really helping towards my goals? And I mean, if you're single and you love this idea of money date you have other single friends, imagine doing this with a buddy, Like it becomes this I don't know, aspirational goal setting task. And this is me probably extrapolating it out, but it could be like a vision boarding moment as well. Like you guys could keep a joint pinterest of like cute images that keep you motivated or like Maye collages that could be your backgrounds to stay on track, and like just having an accountability buddy helps. I think, Yes, I love yappin, so like why not? Yeah, cute? We should have a vision forty night.

Yes with like old magazine.

Yes, and I'll bring the wine. I'm happy to spend fourteen ninety nine, don't you worry?


And then we can get like old magazines. And I have this little Polaroid printer. It brings out of photos from your phone. So if there's like a photo anyway, it'll be cute. We'll talk about this later, okay, But we want to dream big because from my perspective, it not only gives you direction, which we love, but it really taps into your values and makes your goals feel I don't know, exciting and meaningful, because after all, if you don't dream it, Like, how on earth are you going to achieve it? Yeah? Like, if we can't think about it logically, how are you going to be able to achieve that goal? Whether it is you know, getting a promotion at work, or it is you know, just saving your first five hundred dollars into your emergency fund, or it could be a really big financial goal like buying your first home. If we can't visualize it, and if we can't see ourselves actually doing that, how on earth are you meant to back yourself into doing it?


Like, how on earth are we meant to achieve something if you feel the whole time like you're like I want to do that, but I can't.

How are you meant to get to your destination? If you don't know what to type into Google Maps?

Exactly it's just on the right page. But you could be asking yourself lots of different questions like oh, what are our money values? And if you don't know them, like, how are we going to work that out? Like we could start asking questions and it's like the process of elimination. Beck, would you spend one thousand dollars buying a horse? I would you would it's probably I probably let's talk about why why would you do that? Like fun, like, you know, being a little bit wistful, maybe you are really impulsive, like let's talk about that. That brings out a lot. Okay, Beck, would you spend two million dollars on a house?

In this hypothetical? Do I have the money?

Yeah, you've got two million dollars. Yeah, you'd buy a house. So but why would you buy a house?


I see, Well that's a good question, V because we can ask ourselves questions totally about money that we have not got.

Ye, that's true. These are questions that my husband and I like to throw at each other. And I don't know. I wouldn't want you being a fly on the wall in these conversations because they are silly conversations that don't mean anything. But my husband the other day was like, would you spend ten million dollars on a house? By the way, I do not have ten million dollars to spend my house. And I was like, I don't think so. Yeah, Like that's a lot of money. And don't get me wrong, I'm very lucky that I live in a good area and I have a beautiful home. But like, that's just not my vibe. That's just not who I am. And I was like, oh, actually, the idea of spending that much on an item, I don't like. That doesn't feel good. Yeah, And my husband and I had this really good conversation about like how we feel about that. We're like, and this is going to sound so entitled. If we had three million dollars to live in our dream area with like our dream school and our dream everything, and we had that money and was comfortable, I was like, I'm not going to say it makes sense, but like that would add up because I feel like some houses in Melbourne cost that and they're not like extravagant ten million dollar houses like I mean in Brunswick it costs like two million dollars just for a Terras house nowadays. Right, So I'm not saying that that is reasonable, But these are the conversations that you can open up and you know, you could even have with your girlfriend and be like, Jess, would you spend ten million dollars on house? Yeah, and go oh wow, Like I do value having a roof over my head, but I don't know value yeah, but like where's the balance. What do those things look like we can be wistful, we can be wishful, we can you know, pretend for a moment, because it really does help drive our values. Yeah, because like that tells me, Okay, my values are actually pretty strong in that area. And it's not about what you earn and what you spend. It's actually about like how you're going to allocate that money. And you're telling me if I had unlimited would you do that? And I was like, oh no, yeah, there's so much more I could do with that. That's a great point. It's like saying, beck, would you spend five hundred thousand dollars on a car?

Yeah? Now that's where I would draw my line. You go, only no, it's a vessels getting from A to B.

Okay, so other people would and like no judgment, no, no, Like I don't care what you spend your money on. But like we need to have these weird conversations, Yeah, to help draw out our values. Yeah. So true. And I'm not saying that they're normal things that we would do, but like you've just told me that maybe your values are a little bit different to somebody who does value that.


Great, we're moving towards understanding our values and what we're doing. Absolutely, So we're working that out and then you know, you could extrapolate it down as well, and it could be like beck, what would you do if you had ten grand tomorrow?

Yeah? Sure, okay, Well what would I do? Would you pay off your parking fines? The thing is, I just don't think I'm there yet.

No, you're not ready to commit to giving City of Melping their money? No, I can't.

I think I would something like go on a big holiday or blow it all and then end up in the same position.

That's just what I do. Okay. I'm trying to work with you on this, and do you know what? I love how honest you are. Thank you, And I hope you know that I don't judge you.

Thank you.

My job is to give you all the education so that you can make a decision that's true, that feels comforty for you.

I feel like we do that. Well, yeah, I think so, Like pop Off, Queen, what would you do if you had ten thousand dollars?

I'm a bit boring, and I guess this question really plays into my financial privilege because I already have an emergency fund and right now I'm trying to be as honest as possible. I would probably just pop it in my offset, Yes, okay, pop it in my offset, because right now there's nothing that I would want to purchase or do with that money. But it would make me feel a little bit more secure. It would bring down my mortgage repayments slightly because we'd upset the interest. I'm very lucky. But other people would have different commentary around that, because, like you said, you go on a trip or do something really fun. Someone else might be like, oh, I've got medical bills. Someone else might say, oh, I really want to help my mum buy a car. Someone else might say, oh, I would just blow it all at the Pokey's, Like everybody else has these different values, And I think it's about answering it, honestly, because I'm not going to judge you. That's not going to judge you. No, it's about just really starting to understand your value set and what's going on. So I feel like that's a really good place to go to a break.

Let's top up our red wine, oh those tunes, go and have a little dance and we'll be back soon. Welcome back everyone. So V what is next in our money date?

Lineup. So now we've been a little bit aspirational with us some really silly questions of the fun part, like did you know that you can buy five hundred thousand dollar cars?

I know that is crazy, isn't it?

It blows my mind though someone could spend half a million dollars in a car. Yeah, that's wild, Like why you got it? This is where we're going to reflect and realign. Yes, so this is where we can learn from the past month. We can sit down and be like, Okay, well, being a little bit silly, let's rein it in. Let's reflect on a few things that we've done in the last month so that we can hopefully like spots and patterns, we'll see where we're working towards. And we're going to look at the good and the bad, because at the end of the day, I want you to look at the bad and get to a point where we're not feeling bad about it. Let's pretend to Beck, you fell off the bandwagon with your coffee sitch yep, and I bring it up and go Beck, you've gone out for coffee six times in the months. I don't want you to feel sick about that. I want to be able to bring things up with you and have these conversations and you go, yeah, that's an observation, full stop, end of story. I'm not feeling sick about it. I'm not feeling attacked, I'm not feeling judged. It's just an observation. Sure, because does it help you to crucify past?


Like, what does that do? It just makes you feel bad about your situation, and it actually just perpetuates this idea that you're not good at money. Totally. By pointing it is like we're just pointing it out because we need to highlight it so that we can talk about it. But like, I'm just pointing it out. I'm not doing it to make you feel like trash about yourself, because if I do that, we're just perpetuating this idea that you're not good at achieving goals, you're not good at setting and achieving what you want to do, and oh, beg, you're not good at money. And I'm not saying that's true, but that's how you feel when I bring things like that up. But I want to get to a point where I can just say, oh, observation fell off the bandwagon six times beck you go, oh, my gosh, Yes, let's talk about it. Oh, went out for coffee with a couple of girlfriends, And we might find there are some really beautiful reasons why you fell off the bandwagon, or we might find an underlying problem, Like we might find something that's underlying that's really just not helping you that we need to work through. Yeah, I was feeling like trash about myself at work, so I popped downstairs and got another coffee because, like I was, just thought it would perk me up.

Yeah, And do you feel no, Absolutely not exactly.

So we really want to work through these things and be able to spot patterns and then realign to ensure that the plan that we've put in place evolves with you and grows with you and is the right fit for you. So it means that we're able to keep our financial goals super relevant and also achievable. I think it's about I don't know, mid course correction to keep your money on track and you on track. Because I see this all the time, and I used to be very and I'm still very guilty of this. I'll set a goal, say I'm working towards it. I'll commit to my husband and be like I'm going to do x y zed this month, and then we check in a month later and I haven't done it, and I'm like, oh maybe next month. Yes about that, don't look this way. How about we talk about you, and that I think is really important to reflect on because if I don't identify why that has happened, it's just going to happen the next month. Sure, So like, let's identify why that's happening so that I can get on course and maybe reach out for my partner's support in staying on course. If it's that important to me. Yes, So what's next Next? We're going to look at areas that you might be able to improve, and we need to remember here that your money date judgment free zone. Ye, Like I can say to my husband in that safe space, now, I wouldn't spend ten million a house, but also twenty dollars bottle of wine on a weeknight, you're insane. I think it's these conversations that are really important in a relationship. And it's funny because there's such a juxtaposition often even in my spending where my values are really reflective, like I'll buy a very expensive skirt. Let's pretend I spent a couple of hundred dollars on an outfit or a skirt that I really wanted back. But then I look at white T shirts and I'm like, I am not spending more than ten dollars on that. You can get that a kmart, Like why do designer companies do white T shirts? But that's my money values and yours might be different totally. You might be like Victoria, that's insane. I would never spend anything more than fifty dollars on a scale or twenty dollars, or I would never even buy anything new, And that's your values. But Mina here, there and everywhere, and I feel like that's a good thing. Yeah. I feel like there's this idea that because you have money, you should spend more of it. This certainly is right, Like, obviously, because Victoria has some money, she should always have expensive things. Nah, it doesn't spark joy bye, Absolutely not. So. I think it's about planning where we can improve and then just getting into the nitty gritty of it. If you're like I really want to save some more money, We're going to plan out our upcoming expenses. Be like, all right, Beck, what next bill is coming up? Is it going into winter? Do you reckon our electricity is going to be more expensive. Let's have a look at what last year's was and what we spent on that, or it's coming into summer. Yeah, we're gonna use our AIRCN more. How much did that cost last year? So that we can predict some things, We're gonna have a look at our subscriptions. I think the thing with subscriptions is beck you can get rid of them and get them back whenever you want.

That's so true. I don't feel like a failure, but it shouldn't be that way.

Just delete it if like you're going away for a month and you're not going to be on your TV, or like you know, you've got a busy work period, you're rid of Netflix. I'm sorry. Netflix is probably not going to sponsor me because I keep being like, just delete it. It's fine, but like you can get it back later. And you know what, my favorite thing about this is I delete stuff all the time. If you go into your Apple subscriptions, you can see where they all are because I subscribe through my phone and through Apple. The amount of times I delete Netflix and then they email me or welcome back off it like, yes, yeah, you're right, there is a new series I'm interested in, and I'm willing to pay you this month on and off and on, and I can't be trusted honestly, or even upcoming life events, like let's make sure that we are planning for things. So if you've got a wedding coming up, like how much is that going to cost? Like what are you going to wear? Are you getting a gift? Like it's transportation or accommodation or whatever. I just think it's a really good opportunity to try something new or make mini challenges. Yeah, like mini challenges. I do this in my personal life and I do it in my work life. So at work, I often make mini challenges for my team and die and we have like a month of focus on one particular topic. So like one month that might be about you know, client leads, or it might be about automation and system processes or whatnot. But I just go all right, it's kind of like a sprint. We're just going to do this for a month. So instead of always talking about like, oh, I'd really love to automate a few processes now, no, no, this is the month to do it. You can do that with your budget as well. You could be like, okay, cool, this month, we're really focusing on automation. What else can I automate?


Can I automate this? What can I do? And I think it's about you know, maybe you could like do a no spend week. We don't have to do it forever. Like, if cutting back on your spending Beck is challenging for you, what about we just do it on a really small scale, like intimate fast. Yeah yeah, but that's much easier.


What if I said to you, Beck, this year you have to spend less.

I would know even what to do.

Okay, But what if I said, hey, Beck, let's have a no spend week. Oh yeah, Like I feel like your rise to a challenge. Oh yeah, say less. I can do it for a week. Yeah, I can do anything money, I can do anything for a week. Fantastic. But can we do that? Can we try meal prepping? How many people have you spoken to are like I could never meal prep. It's just not for me. Okay, I hate it. Try it. Just try try it. And you know what, I know Beck's tried it and hates it, hate it, But you tried it, absolutely tried it. And I think that's important. Set yourself a goal of I don't know, clearing out the pantry and the fridge before you go to the supermarket. Yeah, like, maybe you set a goal for yourself that this month is a month to save money on food. Like we're not going to do it forever, but like, maybe you're going to go above and beyond this month to be as frugal as possible on food because at the end of the month, you might have some cool new habits. You might learn that you never want to do that again as well, but you might have some cool new habits. You might have found, you know, a new recipe for work lunches that is really budget friendly that you actually like and it's super easy. Or you might find that shopping your pantry first is actually something you can get around really easily. Oh my god, so true. Like there are just small things that doing a little challenge could then mean that you implement better financial habits in the future. I might accidentally pick up a great habit. I think it's worth it. And also maybe you're finally looking at your superbalance. I don't know, slippery slope, guys.

Okay, so we've got our plan, Yeah, how do we wrap up our money date?

So you're coming to the end of your money date. Yeah, it's a bit awkward. Likes you can you can do whatever you want. A little bit more challenging if it's a single money date, but like, do whatever you wish. I'm going to sound a little bit woo woo Delulu, I don't even mind. But trust me, there again is a little bit of science behind this. But you know what we're degreeing, Beck, We're always ending our money dates with gratitge intentions.

Great, love it.

I love it as well, and it sounds lame, but it's so nice. So you're going to write down together or on your own what you're grateful for, and then you're going to pair it with clear financial goals. You're not just planning, you're actively boosting your chances of success because, as you know, I'm statscal and I really love to dive into the research of like the psychology of money and what that looks like. Don't be surprised if one day I come into the office and I'm like, I'm doing my PhD in the psychology of money. How elite would that?


Man, I can see that's pretty slope. But research shows that practicing gratitude actually lowers stress increases motivation, while setting intention creates a roadmap to keep you on track. Gorgeous, so sexy. Yeah, and then together they're going to create I don't know, a really powerful mindset for you that helps you achieve your goals faster and with more focus. And we love that.

We love that. That's what we need.

We love that, Beck, absolutely, how do we do that exactly? You write it down, but we're writing yes, but what I was saying before, so we really want to celebrate our progress. So celebrate not only your savings or what date you've paid off or you know that you checked your superbalance this month for the first time ever, but let's celebrate the fact that you actually showed up. You did this. That is so good and I'm just so excited because past you would never future you is very thankful. Oh yes, And then we're going to write down three things that we're grateful for. I don't know why we do three, but I always do three. Sure if you got more, like, if you ever written down what you're grateful for? I have I feel shy, even though I'm the only one right, I don't have it. You don't have to tell me.

But what no, No, But like as I'm writing, I feel shy for some reason, do you know what I mean?

Yeah, I used to have this Kiki k Journal and it was a daily journal of gratitude and it like had prompts and that really helped me, because I'm not the type of girl who just gets a piece of haber out and then happily. Yes, maybe this is where I get my three from. It asked me three things I'm grateful for. My intentions were asked me how much water i'd had. I quite liked that, so maybe I need to go back to that. But we're going to write down three things you're grateful for, but in your financial journey, it doesn't need to be I guess, as deep and meaningful as that kind of sounds, but you could say, I'm really grateful that I made it through the whole week and I didn't order Uber eats once. Mmmmm, I love it. That's actually really big if you're somebody that always falls onto Uber eats has like the backup dinner. Or you might say I'm really grateful my account didn't get declined when I tapped for petrol this month, yea like, because those are small things that you just go. I actually worked really hard for that not to happen, and I remember being in those situations and I'd be like, I hope this goes through. And either were a few times where I just knew I didn't have the money, but I'd had a previous experience where it had overdrawn my account, and I was betting on the fact that it would hopefully overdraw my account. Very stressful, it's very stressful, but you just go, I hope this does and then when it does, you're like, oh, thank God. But then you're knowing that you have an overdrawn account. But that's okay as long as you're out of there. Because I wasn't always good with money, beck No, And I think that that's why I'm now good with money because I learned I don't have to do that or I can change that about me. And I mean, if I can do it, you can do it. If you can do it, and I can do it, anyone can do it, like it's the best. And then we're going to set an intention, So what's one thing that you could do next month to keep that going? Like if you were like, oh, my God, I didn't order Uber Eats once. I'm so proud of myself. Like do you want to continue that? Like? How would you continue that? Like what's an intention to maintain that goal? And then, of course before it's over, I want you to pull out your calendar. When are we having an X money date?


We're going to put it back in because if you don't make the appointment right then and there, it's not gonna happen. No, that's so true. It's like when I get my lashes done. Yeah, very niche experience. But if I do not rebook my lash appointment, then then there they become real scraggly. I don't book for weeks, I can't go into the time for it. They end up all come out. I have to set a whole new appointment to get a full set again, instead of maintaining them like I should have in the first place. So what have I learned? That we always have to set the appointment before I leave the premises, and the same thing happens for your money dates? Unrelatable for you. I don't mean you've ever had last extensions, but you know what I mean, right, Oh? Absolutely, I do this all the time.

You would have said it then there or you would never ever going back, So don't forget last step.

But I would say maybe the most.

Important, so obviously Valanheine's day. I mean, I think we should give everyone a gift.

I think we should. If they got to the end of this episode, they deserve a gift. You're still we didn't mention it earlier because if you didn't get the full way through that you're not getting the pressy. That's cheeky. But you know, I love a guide, you know, I love making documents and things that I can distribute among the community. I mean, you remember our savings charts. Oh, one of my favorite things ever. But I've made it a little bit easier for you. So we've put together a very cute guide for running your money date. Oh cute. There is a version for couples, and there's obviously a version for singles, and we've included more than thirty different prompts to get your conversation going. So I'll link that in the show notes. Download it for free, money win. That is so sweet. It's so cute too, It's so aesthetic. I got our graphic designer to make it look very, very pretty, so that you like, feel like your money date is a little bit fancy.

That is so cute, I actually think I might download that.

Yeah, I'm going to send it to you. Don't worry. I'll send it to Jess as well and be like use this on bed.

Yes, please absolutely, Now, don't forget press follow and subscribe to the podcast so we can keep.

Bringing you the content you adore. And my friends, remember that money dates they don't just have to be about numbers. They're about building a relationship with your finances and then feeling good and achieving goals and creating the life that you deserve. Happy Valentine's Day next week, My loves, Happy Valentine's Day. Bye.

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She's On The Money

Millennial money expert Victoria Devine shares her foolproof tips for financial freedom.
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