Underpaid? Here’s How to Fix It + Oura Rings Vs a $20 dupe

Published Feb 13, 2025, 6:00 PM

You’re working harder than ever… but where’s the pay raise? If your job keeps piling on responsibilities without the extra dollars to match, what do you do? Do you ask for a raise, push back, or start looking elsewhere? We’re breaking it all down. We’re also tackling a big relationship question—what happens when you and your partner aren’t on the same financial page? Whether one of you is saving while the other is spending, or your money goals just don’t align, we’re unpacking how to handle it. Plus, we put the viral $750 Oura ring to the test against a $20 budget dupe to find out… is it really worth the hype? 

See the Oura ring dupe here

Ready for more laughs, lessons, and unhinged money chats? Check out our oh-so-bingeable Friday Drinks playlist. Listen here.

Acknowledgement of Country By Natarsha Bamblett aka Queen Acknowledgements.

The advice shared on She's On The Money is general in nature and does not consider your individual circumstances. She's On The Money exists purely for educational purposes and should not be relied upon to make an investment or financial decision. If you do choose to buy a financial product, read the PDS, TMD and obtain appropriate financial advice tailored towards your needs.  Victoria Devine and She's On The Money are authorised representatives of Money Sherpa PTY LTD ABN - 321649 27708,  AFSL - 451289.

Hello, my name's Santasha Nabananga Bamblet. I'm a proud yor the Order Kerni Whaltbury and a waddery woman. And before we get started on She's on the Money podcast, I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land of which this podcast is recorded on a wondery country, acknowledging the elders, the ancestors and the next generation coming through as this podcast is about connecting, empowering, knowledge sharing and the storytelling of you to make a difference for today and lasting impact for tomorrow.

Let's get into it.

She's on the Money. She's on the Money.

Hello, and welcome to She's on the moneyodcast that makes personal finance fun, especially on Fridays. It's our favorite day of the week because I get to get my team together and celebrate you how incredible She's on the Money. Community is just agreed. She's back as always. I'm going to be sharing our favorite money wins of the week. Miss becksay ed. She's here with a number of different broke tips. She's broke, not just feeling broke. We'll be helping to endser a money dilemma which this week is all about not being fairly compensated at work and something that you slid into our dms about what do you do when you and your partner aren't aligned on your joint goals. I feel like that would be so hard, like you probably do. That's the end of the show. At the end of the show, Well you know how to sold fights communication. I thought you were going to say fists.

Well you look at just.

Like you about to kick her out off.

Because I thought that Jess would say imvnication. Jess looks innocent, but like she could. She honestly is often on the verge of throwing hands through and through before we get to all of that, though, Guys, how were your weeks? I'm hoping none of you threw hands?

You go first, because I feel like you did throw hands at least three times now that I can do it.

No, I didn't.

Good Happy Valentine's Day.

Love it. I haven't done anything.

Oh no, that's a total lie. We had a photo shoot yesterday.


I'm like, I have literally had the biggest week, But I don't know where you were. We it was such a fun day.

We got lots of content, lots of fun videos.

We hired that house back down on the morning to Peninsula that we hired when I first did like our investing master class, so we're like, did our investing master class? Wanted like beautiful sets, and one of the most cost effective ways to do that was to hire out an airbnb essentially that we were allowed to film in so that we didn't have to hire like a production studio, which is really expensive. But then also our team all across the country and when we come together to do content weeks or content days, they need accommodation. So I said to the girls, what if we hired a really big, fancy house that's so clever. You all get a bedroom. All the bedrooms have on sweets, so you've got your own rooms and stuff. But we have this big girl house for a week, and it's just it is so much fun, like getting to produce content and have everybody in one place at one time. Like, it's just it's a very good week for me. I was wondering, No, it was not mine, absolutely not. It is currently for sale though Beck and Jess our money. If we pull our money, we still don't have enough for the deposit. Yes, it goes.

The house, am I actually don't think I want to know.

From seven mil whoa, that's so many.

Dollaries, seven three hundred fifty thousand, literally, like you could buy a whole house for the Yeah.

That's that.

That's what I say for a little apartment.

Crazy, it's crazy, Yes, it must be. We won't be doing that, but it's nice to borrow for a week. Yeah, yeah, it was very nice. Thank you for letting us borrow your house. Like, how was your week?

Really good? Really cute? You know, I just I really like that I know that I'm in a relationship, but I also I really love my friends. My friends are the loves of my life, and so it's a very big like you know, I want to I want to celebrate Gallantine's Day and Guylanine's Day, Gylentine's Day, and they as well. So it's a big week of.

I think you would just say Balentine, well, I guess I like how you were trying to be super political and like, yeah, want to correct and that include everyone. Valentine's would actually just meet the brief.

Turns out actually that there's a word.

It's good. It's good. You just wanted to share big love.

Yeah, and obviously The photo shoot was so much fun. I've never felt so like fancy, you know what I mean.

Standing in a seven million dollar home does up the antique does something to you in your bones. The confidence I feel like gross because you're like, the photos can't look that bad because look around. Yeah, yeah, people are going to be looking at me. They're going to be perving at what that mirror costs.

Or yeah, and I think you can polish it herd if you're in a seven million dollar half.

I think the thing that Jess and I loved most about the house is like we're pervy, right, so like everyone does this, Like, let's be honest, you're at an air banba. I'm opening the cupboards, I'm looking in the drawers.

I'm looking at those tees y as individual.

The individual packs of the tees they had. Jess and I go around and we look at the home. Wh we love a homework. Jess and I target kmart Eh and m so many of those things that I was like, oh my gosh, this bookshelf is probably going to be covered in like such expensive coment.

Wasn't they really could exercise in Things don't have to be expensive to look I mean like granted, obviously you have the backdrop of the seven million at a home.

Which and when we googled the dining table because we were like, oh, this dining table is stunning. It's fifteen thousand dollars. Yeah, couldn't be.

But it was very cool to see that they did have a lot of beautiful accessories that were from kmartin target.

Yeah, it's like they really did the high low. But I mean, maybe I'll get them in my house while looks seven million dollars.

Is that how?

Yes? Yeah?

Good? My new Kmart cushions make my house look like the seven million dollar house exactly.

Yep, that's exactly it works.

It's not even half, not even a quarter like wild Anyway, this week has been really fun. But I was wondering, do you want to hear one of our five style reviews?



This one was really cute. So this one is from Jackie. She says, empowering like many others, has literally changed my perspective and my behavior towards money for the best. I've just made my first investment with an ETF and I'm so happy. I love the dynamics between the hosts and find the podcast overall to be a positive and educational space. Thank you and cute Jackie.

Yes, and congratulations on your first ETF purchase and.

She's an investor. And also like the fact that you took the time out of your day to just leave something positive on the internet. That's goo to thank you.

Thank you so much.

I adore it all right. Speaking of positive our Facebook community is one of my favorite places to hang out on the Internet. It's just grichie. Yes, what money wins and confessions are you bringing to the table this week?

Well, when I start off with a follow up from a couple of weeks ago, you might remember I read a money win from someone about Planet Fitness. Oh yaid oh they're not Australian. How annoying they are. I said, I'd go away do some research. We had some queens slide into our dms to confirm that Planet Fitness is in fact a thing here.

I like this.

Podcasts actually a two way conversation, Yes slightly. I feel like a lot of podcasts are just like you hear the content, you leave it, No, no, no, the dms are open if we say something on here that's actually open conversations. I love that you listened to this but I actually want your opinion. And when they jump into the DMS and they're like, oh, you know how you're talking about planet fields are you kidding? That's great? This is just a long limited, once a week, I believe.

But Alicia also slid into our DMS and said, apparently in the Newcastle area, Planet Fitness has changed the name to Earth, but they have the same amenities, so maybe look out for few rh like the cafe you are yeah, Earth, but to refresh people's memory, so you pay the ten dollar I think it's ten dollars a week. Is they're more expensive?

This sounds like that.

I promise ten dollars a week is the gym. The more they want to give us free memberships to like unlimited spray, it's like I want to test out once a week's bread okay, okay, okay, I guess we had it every single day, Jess, how many times do you need a spray? Tann in a well. This is what I was thinking because I was kind of running the math in my head because it's once a week. I just need a ten once a week.

Totally, it's about five, so it's not about it is five dollars a week for their cheaper version, but that doesn't cover the extra enemities. So it's ten dollars a week for the more expensive they call it Black Card, and that includes your once a week spray tan, use of the hydro massage, use of the Red Life therapy boots, use of the massage.

Chess Is that usd.

The more expensive and crazy? And the thing I was thinking is I'm no longer like a regular tanning girly. But back in the day when I was doing my weekly tan you'd use about a bottle a month, right, And if you get like an Isle of Paradise or a Santropez that's about forty bucks a bottle. So for the same price that you were spending on tanning, you could just do the spray can and then you've got a due membership for free. In my mind, ye see, if I've gotten back into tanning, I've done the opposite. I feel like on social media there's like an uprising in influencers who are like, I'm not turning anymore, I'm embracing my pale skin, and I love that for them, but right now I don't feel that comfortable in my skin, and the like I'm sorry you can't deny it. When your body is covered in a coat of spray ten, my confidence increases.

I'm sorry. It does something to my ego and at the moment, I need that. Yeah. So I'm just going to roll in ten every week and it's nobody else's business. I'm feeling much better about my body. Thank you for asking, as.

You deserve to be.

Planet Fitness was also the one. I think I read this in the money in where you can bring a guest. Actually this was your bread tip. You can bring a guest in staffed hours, so it's quite yeah, economical, I feel as well.

So I don't know.

I've never been to a Planet Fitness, so I can neither confirm or deny it. But I was thinking maybe I should just pay ten bucks one where you can go test the spray tan out.

And there's one in Geelong, so it's not weird, yeah Geelong or long close to you.

Yeah yeah, there are a few others. That was just the closest one to me anyway.

We can one's called Planet Fitness, or that one's called Earth these.

Are that's Planet Fitness, Okay, God genus website anyway, enough about them, But I just wanted to follow.

What else I feel like, I feel like it's a good conversation to have.

Yeah, I just thought the girlies might like to know.

We followed up. We did ADDUI And because it's a two way conversation, can you girls tell me what is the best fake ten that I can do at home? Like, I don't want to go get us pray ten every week like I know some people do that. That's just not my journey. That is an admin nightmare. I need something that I can put on at ten pm, Like that's that's the vibe, that's the goal. Tell me what the best at home, like moose ten I think is for me. Yeah, the one that I can put on? What is the most like for you? Non fail? You have one that's weird?

I sometimes they were faked what this is? Sometimes it was in the winter. Sometimes I just just for a little bit more orange because I don't I kind of go a bit gray in the winter. Oh yeah, weird.

So what are you putting on? What it's called?

It like a little bottle and it's you shake it and you it's foamy. It's like moosey. Yeah, foamy everything.

Under the sun. Let's take this off list. Okay, and you can tell me which one you recommend, but I just need to know because like they aren't cheap anymore. And that's fine, but like I don't want to spend seventy dollars or sixty dollars or forty dollars on a bottle of fake tan that then makes me look orange.

Totally fair.

I paid my jues in high school with my orange tan. I don't need to relive that in my thirties.

Yah, alright he Next, I've got money in from Jordan, who said she used the online chat to price beat via Bunnings, so she got an extra ten percent off the best price you could find for a carpet cleaner that Amazon had on sale. She ended up saving herself seventy bucks and she picked it up an hour later. Oh, okay, don't forget about the online price beat and you can do it the chatbots if you don't like talking to people.

Yeah, sometimes it does feel like awkward when you're like, hey, so, oh can you see the online like this is actually cheaper in this other store? Can you price beat it? Or I could never I do? I absolutely regrets. Yeah, absolutely. Jb Hi Fire hates to see me coming. Yeah, I love a jb unlucky unlucky because I'll just get it up on my phone.

And be like.

Next, I've got money in from Tess, who said she'd been eyeing the Aora ring for ages but couldn't bring herself to splurge. Then out of nowhere, she won one at her gym.

What which is crazy?

And I thought this was a good spot to quickly interject because you and I both got these for Christmas.

Yes, and we did, and they're so expensive.

So expensive, and I love mine, but I will say I wish someone had told me this. Mine looks like shit now and I've had it for maybe a month.

Like I don't even want to talk about it, Jessica, I text you a pho show. Yeah, so my husband bought me my Ara ring for Christmas because and do you know what, I will put the link to this in the show notes of this episode. I purchased an Alley Express, which is like direct from China kind of website. It's legit, It's okay. I purchased a dupe Aora ring. So for those of you following along at home, an Ora ring is like it's like it's got the functionality or a lot of the functionality of an Apple Watch. So it's a health tracker. So in my Ura ring, I can track my steps and my heart rate and my sleep and it's been really helpful. And I purchased it because I used to have an Apple Watch, and then I didn't like looking like a spy kid, so I stopped wearing it. But I did still want to track my health, right, but I couldn't commit to the Aura ring price because by the time you buy it a USD currency conversion, it's about seven hundred and fifty dollars, so it is a very expensive purchase. And when I look at the ring online and in like all of the TikTok videos, I looked at it's quite a chunky ring too, and like, I'm not a chunky jewelry kind of gal, so I wasn't even sure if it would be comfortable to wear. So I ended up buying and like researching, surely it's been duped, like the world is very savvy nowadays. Found it perfect depends on whether you've used Ali Express or not before, but it will cost you anywhere between like seventeen and twenty seven dollars for the basically the same thing. The only thing it doesn't do beck is your temperature. So a lot of people and one of the reasons why my husband then decided to purchase the real quote orring for me was I was in love and still I'm in love with my dupe, my cheap one. Jess Jess had to the cheap one as well. Looks the same. Yeah, it looks great, looks identical, and sadly wears the same. In fact, I think was it like Christmas Day or the day after Christmas. Jess and I were texting, We were like, whoa, we both got orderings, were so excited about it, and then I said, this is really exciting, but low key. Did you expect when you like opened the box and held your orring that it would feel like better quality? And Jess was like, oh my god, yes, because it didn't feel like like better quality than the dupe, like the dupe actually it's the same. In fact, I would say at this point my dupe is in better condition than my aura ring because my aura ring has completely changed color.

I see.


I just want to say heads up for anyone who's thinking about it, is mine is just so scratch scratched. Typically we're on my non dominant hand, which is what they recommend I take it off if I'm doing like I don't, you know, pick up weights or do dishes with it on, Like I try and.

Look after it.

But even so I've had it for like a month at it looks trashed, which I just thought the chance for was to let people know that because if you're spending I was shocked at truly spending so much money. So much money, I thought it would last longer, so you to do it, And I mean, it probably is going to last, but it just doesn't. It doesn't look as nice as it could. And I think that that's it's an important consideration. And like Jess and I think we're on the same page here.

We upgraded to the Aura, and like that was something that I was like, oh my god, if I could get that for Christmas, like that would be elite. I really wanted to track my temperature because of fertility. Okay, so you can use it, Yeah, you can use it to track your period and use it as in my case at some point I want to get pregnant again, and like that's a really helpful tool to have. But if you don't care about that stuff. I can't see like, and the analytics are obviously deeper on aura, but like, honestly, the Duke, you know when you just like, is it worth It depends on where your values are at, really, but like try the Duke first and then maybe upgrade if you're like, oh I do love this or whatever.

It just feels like such a war that sucks that you're like, it's.

Even more exciting if you're testing. You win one for free. Oh my god, gym to give away.

It's a great pres Wow.

Next, I've got a money in from Color, who said she's returned back to work after taking some time off for her cancer treatment. She's managed to pay all of her beginning of the year bills with her very first paycheck, which is a massive win for her because obviously things are getting a bit stressful with not working.

Just like, Carl, I hope you're doing well where yes, can you update us, like, are you're okay? I know that you had your treatment and you're back at work, but like you're doing right? Yeah, looking after you and making sure one hundred percent. And then also side note, sorry financial advisor comes out in my brain. I don't know if you have any insurances inside your superannuation. But if you do have like inside your super couple of insurances, check if you were able to claim on them. So I think a lot of people have this misconception when it comes to like life and income protection and stuff, that you can't claim on it unless you die, and you might actually be able to do what's called a partial draw down, which is where you can claim on your insurance for having a significant health event. So like check, just check, and it might be no, and then like, Okay, no worries. You haven't missed out on anything, but you might be missing out on some cash if you haven't checked. So sorry, financial advisor comes out.

I'm sorry. Next, Tiven money went from Emily, who said her husband went to Vinnie's and she got a pair of brand new ugs that were priced at fifteen bucks. What they had ten dollars on their loyalty card, so he got them for five dollars.

Than Kmart's, and Kmart's ones aren't even like real. Shirling, Yeah, shurling, shurling, that's crazy. That's like the sheep skin word.

That's what that is.

Shirley, that's cooler. You know that yeah, thanks essentially girl. Oh she used to wear track pants, ugg boots and a singlet.

And then lastly this week I'm gonna money been from Ashley who said money win seven dollars a kilo for Cherry Hill cherries at Colds. Oh that's a gorgeous I will be stopping at Colds on my way home.

I love cherries. Do you know what I really want to make?


Though I've never had cherry pie? Oh I love that song. Yeah, but like I want to try cherry pie. So I feel like I'm going to get some cherries that make like a from scratch.

Yeah. Well today I feel like it's the day for it.


There's something sexy about cherry pie.

Yeah, no, I like it all right, Beck, I need to know what are your broke tips for people who are actually broke?

Yes, makes you feel broken?

I feel like crazy?

I must I must be missing a reference.

You are missing a massive reference. I'll fill you in after the Yeah. Because there's a difference, Beck, I don't know if you know this, but there is actually a massive difference between feeling broke and actually being broke.

Oh my god.

Right, And like if people say they're broke online but they're not. They just feel broke a little bit offensive. Oh who are actually broke?


It's like I get it, I get that feeling, but also it's not fully the same. I think maybe poor and broke because it is if you like, have your have your savings and you are fine, you're asking, but if you've got savings, you're not broke, you're not broke, but you're still like, oh, I'm I'm have some extra cash to spend probably the way and you've spoken about this before, Oh yeah, as somebody who you know has very openly and we are very grateful for your generosity in terms of you being so open. But you're like, it does make me feel like trash when someone's talking about like, oh, I'm so broke when you literally are, but you know they have savings. Like it does scare me, you know, when like someone's like scared about something and you're like, oh my god, I feel exactly the same as you because we're in the exact same boat. And they're like, I'm scared, but here's my safety in net and you're like, WHOA, Okay, I don't actually have a safe in net. I should be way scared than you. And I didn't realize that until you said that. That's the kind of feeling. It's like I'm panicked now all of a sudden.

Yeah, and that's not a situation anyone should be in. True anyway, any move on from that and I will explain the tea that.

Wo oh my god, I'm so excited. So this first one comes from Sophie, who must know me a little bit too well because I mentioned a few would have been a few months ago. I reckon like this gaming app that sounds dodgy, but it's like thing. It's called free Cash or something. You download apps, you play games, you get money. He's legitimate because you have to watch all the ads and stuff it is. Yeah, you do have to watch as you don't to spend money. You don't have to spend a cent. I've made like seven bucks in a few months, but Sophie.

Seven dollars in a few months I didn't have before.

And it is fun.

No judgment, fun, thank you, no judgment. Because I play candy Crush and I don't make it exactly.

But imagine you're useless game totally. Imagine you're just like in a scroll whol for hours and you're like, oh man, this is so dumb. But then you're like, wait, I probably made forty cents today to take.

Money playing would Q puzzle. I'd be I was earning money from watching tiktoks. I would be wealthy, and there was.

Probably a way to do that.

There's no figure it out.

We'll figure it out. So Sophie said that shop Back actually have games on there. Sorry what Yeah, And so Sophie made fifty bucks. I haven't like, fully, Sophie fifty dollars? I know, isn't it so good looking into this? Yeah? That that that would have taken me like a year to make.

So this is really in your gaming app. You need to I don't need free game anymore. I need shot Back shot back game. So I'm going to be checking that.

I just wanted to let everyone know please check shot back games.


And then the next one comes from Amrita, who says, if you check your spam, make sure there's definitely difference between spam and scam. I noticed this the other day too. Obviously you get your like all the promotional stuff in your junk inbox. But and Marita said that she found an email from my car auto you know, the kmart offering her one hundred dollars off and seventeen cents Oh did you Yeah, seventeen cents off petrol at Coal's Express.

And that's not seventeen cents off is it's so good.

And I believe it's seventeen cents off petrol is for like eight weeks, like two months or something, which is like a big chunk of time. So that's why I know it's a dumb break tip because I'm like, I'm telling you to check your spam, but.

Don't forget my car points lover coming in my car. You can get FLYBYCE points when you do your services there. I didn't know that your tires and stuff and they I don't know if it's all services, but I know with my last but maybe it's a deal that they run.

But look into it.

I got a year of free roadside assistance with my sermon.

Yes, I always get one of those.

Yes, So don't like, don't pay for roadsid assistance, just totally do you know what I mean?

Double stack it?

Oh my god, double stack it. God, You're so smart, You're so smart with your words. And then this next one comes from myself. Obviously it's Valentine's Day and my pacycle falls on the fifteenth, and so oh no, I know. So I'm like, well, all this and also mine just as anniversaries on the seventh of February, so it's seventh of February, fourteenth of February. I'm like, I ain't got any money left. That's savings, that's everything. I've got no money left for arguably one of the biggest times of the entire year for me and my partner. So I decided to take up a few different hobbies that were really really cheap. So crocheted a big love heart pillow.

Why the sweet.

That's very sweet, But I just want you guys to know that it literally costs, like I think I was thirteen dollars in total. That's the stuff, that's the yard, that's the crochet needle. But you actually use my finger because it was so thick.

You crocheted with your fingers. Yeah, my finger was so you're a crochet with your fingers and I'm an ally.

Yes, yeah, no, gorgeous.

Imagine the power. We have so much power.

So that was, honestly, yeah, because the croshet neodle was not actually needed. I used my finger instead. That was probably eight dollars in total.

And that's a.

Gorgeous gift you straight with a bit of your perfume. Gorgeous and you're so sweet.

Can you imagine in the rip out party?

Absolutely not, absolutely not, like I'm leaving vicariously through you.

That's so cute. Well suggestions if you got The next one is actually I also took up pottery and literally with like the firing and all this, like legitimate pottery.

I saw on your instagram your pottery creations. They were so cute. Yes, thank you.

So I have, you know, a match box which I'll share online, matchbox ceramic that is usable. I'm trying to figure functional is the way I'm thinking of. And then obviously all these other little trinkets and things like that, and the whole so cute. The whole thing was like the fifteen dollars for ten killers of clay, which is gigantic. It's gonna last for the rest of my life. And then to actually get everything fired is like, I don't know, it's ten dollars a kilo or something.

When you say to get everything fired, oh sorry, you take it somewhere and you just get it fired, like is there like a clay shop.

Yes, well this didn't make any sense to me before I did this, but my my friend actually told me, so you have to go to a pottery. I go to Northot Pottery, which is actually not in Northgate's in Brunswick East. They're just Google pottery supplies near you fire things for you. They also fire things and so you. Firstly I had no idea. Yes, and so my friend I get that was a hobby that was out of reach. Oh my god, totally I thought the same thing. But I would recommend stoneware clay. It's easier for beginners to like, it's malleable whatever. So you go in and then you do one firing. You glaze it, you paint it, You paint it, you glaze it, you fire again. That's it, which sounds very You are.

So creative and tell people will have partners that I'll like tonight. They're going to be like I thought about getting you flowers. I thought about taking you out for dinner. I thought about thoughts dump him.

No, thoughts aren't paying the bills.

If you guys could see beck, Yes, what's just wearing today?

Well this is really it was quite a festive jumper.

It's pink and red.

It's pink and red. It's beautiful, it's romantic, and if I squint my eyes a little bit and look a bit closer, it actually reads dump him. And so I think it's like, maybe it's on brand for today in big red, big red writing letters it says dump him. So I think it's a reminder to anyone out there, whether you're doing a he or her, if they're not putting in the effort, then friends are the best alternative to and the best everything. But you don't need a partner. And if they're not putting effort, go to your friends and have a nice Galanine's day.

Not hand sculpting you Clay, Yes.

Is that exactly exactly?

Someone is going to have to let this man in on the secret I'll him off.

Well, I love that.

I feel like that is very wholesome. Let's go to a really quick break. On the flip side, we are going to be having a chat about not being fairly compensated at work, which is going to be hard and something you slid into our d MS about this week. We're talking what to do when you and your partner aren't aligned on your joint goals not on Valentine's Day.

A savage.

Welcome back everybody. Let's take a listen to this week's money dilemma.


There, have you got a money dilemma you just can't solve that. She's on the Money Team is here to help. Every week we tackle your dilemmas, both big and small, to answer your most burning money, career and life questions. To get involved, simply head to our website and leave us a short voice recording and you might just find yourself on the show. Now, let's take a listen to this week's money dilemma.

Hi, my issue is about pay rises and job title change. So I work as a product developer for a medium sized fashion brand and our product team consists of my manager who's the head of product, another product developer, and a print coordinator. We used to have a fashion designer. As of that they've fired her. During our either review, we was discussed that we were understaffed and overworked, so we'll be hiring someone new to help us out. Shortly after, the other product developer announced she was pregnant, so our new hire was going to turn into a maternity lived cover due to personal reasons my manager has moved away for six months and we'll be working remotely print corner it has just quit. But don't live in a major city, so it's hard to find someone with the right experience. And now my manager's not in town, she won't be able to train someone new. So what was the team of five has now become a team of two who is just me and my boss who was working remotely. I've now been tasked with handling print work, fashion design, and product development. Last year, we had three full time staff members for these roles, and now it's just me. This is casually mentioned to me in a group setting for framed as an opportunity for me to grow. Last year, I did ask for a pay rise and I was told that growth isn't linear and that my role depends on experience over time. As I don't have KPIs. I suspect asking for another pay rise will mean she'll just say that it's temporary for the next six months and once the other developer comes back, the role will change again. Help me, please, I can send you more in for mo gay.

I Did you say mo gay?

I said okay, okay, mogay does doesn't make sense like even problems.

This sounds really that this this is so annoying. One of my biggest pet peas. Maybe it's not identical to what our listener is talking about, but when companies, either strategically or accidentally or whatever, make the team a little bit less and less, like every year, just subtly and like give each person, pre existing person more responsibilities until they have so little people in their team that they don't have to pay that much. But everyone they're still doing all the work.

That's what I'm trying to say.

And that's that annoys me. But I don't have any advice that Victoria could give.

What about advice that you would give.

I would find a whole different place to work, I would start. Yeah, I would be leaving there as soon as possible.

So Beg's over and out.

Yeah I am.

And I think I just we're not just numbers, were not money makers. We're just where like they't haven't seen that already been there, they haven't like kind of been like, oh wow, we're really putting a lot of pressure on our team already.

Then I.

I just think you should leave. I just think you need the stuff from scratch, you need to get out of their asap and maybe that's bad advice.

No, that's not bad advice. It's advice from a friend. That's true, the advice from a friend, your friend.

I'm your friend exactly, but it could be redeemable. Mmm, Jess, what are your thoughts. Well, you said that it's your Severie has said that it's based on the breadth of your role rather than role.

She was going to go down.

Oh that's great to year because the breadth of my role has expanded to include three other people's jobs. So by your definition, I should be earning all of their salaries.

God is so embarrassing. Sorry, carry on.

Just obviously they're not going to do that. But I would argue that you're in quite a position of power like they have lost. Oh yeah, you are in a massive position effect. You probably don't feel that way right now, but you are, my friend. They've lost every staff member but one who is remote.

You'rely and it's your manager.

It's your manager. You're the only one holding down the fort. You've just told me it's very difficult to hire into your job. Everything that you have just said says to me that they can't afford to lose you.

Like, do you know what I mean.

And obviously, if you're not being looked after, as Beck said, get the hell out of there. But I would be sitting down with your manager and saying, hey, I'm doing the jobs of three people. You haven't replaced any of them. I've taken on all of their workload, or we've split it between myself and my manager. However it's worked, list out all the things that you're doing that you weren't doing before and say hey, like, either you compensate me for this, I just can't do it actually, yeah, or I'm getting out of here. Yeah, those are your options.

Yeah, it's so good.

It's an interesting conversation to have because I think a lot of us go oh, it can be absorbed and you go, yeah, of course. And I mean in our team, happen. We're a tiny team, so you know, if someone leaves or if you know, let's a good example, someone's on holiday, I'll be like, hey, Jess, can you help out for X, Y Z. And I feel like that's very different. No, no, no, it is very different. But like you'll shift around what you're doing and put a few things off so that in your thirty eight hours of work a week, like you can accommodate a few extra tasks, but if I said, can you please take on Brooklyn George's roles, your current role needs to step back as well, because you're telling me that there's going to be more capabilities that I need to fulfill each and every single week. But at the end of the day, you're actually only paying me for thirty eight hours a week, like you are paying me to be present for those hours. So I would be sitting down and going okay, cool, like I do all of these things, and you've just given me a list of other things you want me to do. Which ones are going to take a cut? Like which ones am I not doing?

So like I do?

And you might want to break down the role because like they can't really argue with this. You want me to break down the role into okay, well, you know, don't. I don't really know what you do because I know you developer, but I don't know what this means. When you said print coordinator, I was like, I don't know what a print coordinator is, but they must be important because you've said you've lost them, so you had five people and you do not have the capacity to do all of those roles. So I would be sitting down and going okay, cool, Like, I do my job for thirty eight hours a week. Did you want me to like allocate fridays to doing parts of her job?


Yes, no, maybe, no, no, no, we're hoping you can do it on top of that. Okay, Well, one, when am I finding the time? Because that's actually really unreasonable to expect. But two, no worries. Back to what Jess was saying. You said, growth isn't linear. It's going to be based on you know, what I take on, And that's fine. So if I'm taking this on for this period of time, I do actually expect to be compensated. And I know that our listener wrote in or voice it in and said, you know, maybe I would revert back to the original salary, Like and let's pretend you really want to stay in this job and it's not about leaving and finding somewhere that values you. Maybe that actually never happens, like because after six months, let's pretend that Maternity Live Cover comes back and you know, other people are on the team and they go, oh, we're going to put you back to your other salary. I would go, Okay, great, noise who's taking those jobs off me? Because I can almost guarantee they won't take the jobs off you, and at that point they can't revert your payback because you'll be like, cool, So are you saying that you now want to pay me less to do the same job, or are you actually going to be taking that off me? Because if you're going to be taking that off me, great, And I'm not going to beat around the bush here. You don't need to be paid for the two people's roles if you're not doing the two people's roles. But I can almost guarantee that if you've taken this on and proven to them that you do it, and you're doing it really well, this sounds like a company that's probably not going to hire if they don't need to. If you're proving capable and confident in that role. We're not talking about burnout or we're not like you need to take all those things into consideration. But the likelihood of them actually dropping your salary back to what it was before would mean that they would have to sit down and talk to you about the fact that they're taking capabilities off you. Because if they said, oh, Beck, it's been six months, we've hired this person, you go, cool, how's my job changed? Embarrassing for them?


So also you mentioned that you don't have KPIs. Not every business has KPIs. We don't. She's on the money, we don't have KPIs, like just doesn't have any. But that doesn't limit her. So what that says to me is that the business is using their lack of framework to not support you in your growth. I would be asking for KPIs and even.

Just chalking up what you do because you're totally right, like, I don't have set KPIs that I work towards. Have you said to me, what have you done? You know in the last yar, Oh, I know what you've done. It's so I can think of ten things off the top of my head that I would go, oh, I've done this and that, Like, I'm sure in whatever job you do, it would be the same yep. And if you're not sure what that looks like, maybe look at other job descriptions or roll descriptions for your job and look at what the kind of key markers are within the industry as well exactly and go, oh, like that's what I can benchmark myself against because even if there aren't KPIs in place, you will be delivering something absolutely a small team, Like I find that the smaller the team, the harder.

It is to just float along as well. So we're assuming that there would be a lot that you were doing. But yeah, I would be asking for KPIs because they've essentially said, hey, our business structure actually really limits your growth and even your ability to understand what you've achieved.

Is what not?

You just said to me, And that's not cool. Like I would never sit down with Jess and be like, well, because you don't have KPIs, like what like for us, it doesn't make sense. It's not in our culture to have KPIs, Like I don't want, Like, that's just not for me, and that's fine. Other businesses would be like, we would absolutely fall over without our kPr and that's cool, Like each to their own. But don't they use something that you don't have in your business as an excuse for not supporting your team. That's not fatal. I just think it's a cop out for them to be like, oh, we don't have KPIs, Like okay, cool. So how did you write the job description for the now missing like three people in our team, Like where's that come from? Like how did you work out what their capabilities needed to be? How do you know what I need to cover? Like, there's just a lot to it. And I'm not saying that what they're doing is right. It absolutely isn't. But it also just sounds sketchy. You said something that told me your business is toxic. You said about I think it was a product developer. You said, but they fired her. That tells me everything I need to know about the culture of your business and the fact that you need to get out whoa like But they fired her, like as though like the tone of that was not you know, oh, but they had to let her go. It wasn't oh, but they fight like it was the tone And that's so fine, Like I get it, But that's telling me that management probably aren't that respectful. Yeah, because that's not how people who have respectful management talk.

Such a great point.

Should we get into this week's Oh I can't wait, I can't wait. Are you ready ready? Okay? Hey, she's on the money queens. Hi, My partner and I want to buy a home together this year. I have an apartment I bought alone during COVID times that has equity and have saved a substantial amount, made many sacrifices, don't worry to have for another house deposit. They only have a tenth of what I have saved, smaller salary than me too, So it's not entirely their fault, but I'm ready to go. I can't help but feel hurt and dismayed that they're taking so long to catch up. I realize it's not their fault, but I've been working tooth and nail and feel like I'm more ambitious. What should I do? Thanks? Guys? What would you do?


I have anxiety in my belly. I know it happens all the time. I'm sorry, guys, I just know, wiz this is happening. But I get this whole conversation is like scary and stressful. I first of all, the partner doesn't have as much disposable income. Yeah, and so that in itself is like, yeah, they're probably gonna take a bit longer. But I do want to preface this whole thing by saying, I know that our listener is not by any means being cruel or harsh or anything. They did say that they understand the situation. But the person on the other end who might have been making as much money probably already feels a little bit like, ah, I'm kind of not contributing financially as much as I could. You might feel bit inferior in that way. But at the end of the day, let's all remember that everything is completely made up. Money is made up. Like the value of ourselves should be based on how we are and how we treat people and how we and what's like whatever values are and stuff like that, like that that's actually what matters. But I can understand that now I've kind of gotten to this point where how much money you make can make you feel either really inferior or really superior, which it should not. How much you save, how the ability that you have to save, and none of that should actually matter. But I can understand that's not what's in question here. I'm just saying for the person who's not saving as much might be feeling a certain way, but it's really like some people I really admire this, like they can really make themselves like not want to get uber eries and not spend an extra thirty cents to get soy milk and all these things like they are so on to milk. Do I get swy milk?

Do you get swy milk?

I get soy milk, And sometimes it's a dollar more.

I know I could tell you your coffee or what It's fine. It's fine, you can.

But even sometimes I'm sitting on my couch, I'm like, I really feel like a coke zero. I will literally be breath.

I know.

I judgment, but like you are not uber eats in coke zero.

Have a couple of bottles in your pantry, Bob.

Listen, you can't tell me I'm thirsty, don't have any bottles in my pa, but I will be doing that from now on.

Next time call me.

True, you'll drive to me and bring me.

Okay, that's it, that's it.

Yelling will make people sad, and maybe you want to get breath.

I know where you live, Like, I literally know where you live, and you are walking distance from getting yourself a coke zereou get off the couch.

That's true, that's true. Okay, I'll message you next time.

Well, you live in a regional town that doesn't have access.

To go like no, we also wouldn't have breats, so you just be I'll just be thirsty all night.

Oh no, it's almost like water doesn't exist.

Actually would be hard. But I'm saying even with someone as someone who doesn't actually make that much money, and I mean I make I make a decent amount, but I don't have any savings, Like I shouldn't.

Be doing this.

It's still in those moments, I'm like, it's nothing. It's not like I'm like battling in my mind. It's like not even a thought for me.

I just can't.

I cannot possibly save in those moments. And so I think people who can and always do and are very consistent and very impressive, but some people just genuinely are wired differently and that's not their fault. So I think all those negative feelings of you know, they're valid, but maybe try not to make or not not saying you are, but maybe trying not to put, you know, kind of like transfer that feeling to the person who is already not keeping up. They're probably stressed.

Sure, there seems to be a gap between expectation versus reality, Like your expectation might be up here, but like who set those expectations? Was it you and your partner together? Because like you know, buying a home is definitely like you might both have that goal and that's great, and you've set that like as a shared goal, we want to purchase a property together, but like, what's the reality of your financial circumstances and did you actually sit down and agree to Okay, Like if you and your partner beck sat down and said, oh, we want to buy home together, like, there would be a lot of conversation around, well, okay, what do we need to do to achieve that, and what's valid and what's going to work or not? Because you know, you spend money differently to other people and I spend money differently to other people as well, and we need to talk about you know, what are your habits, what are the things that are going to happen, Like what disposable income do you even have to save? And if those conversations have been had and you know, your partner was like, yeah, yeah, I'm saving this, I'm saving this, and then you get to the end of it and they just don't have it, that's a different story too.


Actually I never had that conversation with my partner, and I just expected that they would be as good as me at saving Then oh, we need to reset that. Yeah, just what are your thoughts?

Yeah, depending on what kind of conversation you had at the start. The thing that our listener wrote in that kind of flagged for me was you said that you've made a lot of sacrifices to save your deposit, and I think, like, obviously keeping into account the fact that your disposable incomes vary, do you feel like your partner is matching that energy, Like, are they also willing to make sacrifices? That's what I would kind of base my feelings on, like are we both like like, if I earn double what you earn, you of course are not going to be able to safe the same amount as me. And that makes perfect sense. But if I am then still foregoing the uber eats and foregoing all these things, but you're still going out on the weekend and blowing it with the boys or doing whatever, it says that maybe our priorities are a little bit different, which is not a bad thing, but again you kind of need to get on the same page. I would look at, can you afford you've got equity in a deposit ten times the size of your partners? Can you just by by yourself like ten times is a lot. It's like you're saying, oh, my deposits ten times what yours is. Maybe you have one hundred thousand and your partner has ten thousand, or if you say fifty grand, they have five grand, and it's like, well, that's actually significant. And to me, if you had that amount, maybe they're not ready to buy either because they might not have like a good emergency fund. They might not be equipped for that financial decision, which you clearly are. And that's absolutely fine, but I would be looking into that, Jess. And I mean it's not necessarily.

Your situation, but like you're buying on your own, and like that's the plan, and you know, I don't think that that's a bad thing. This listener has actually done that before. They said that they have an apartment that they've already purchased with equity, Like is that something you want to do again? Or let's talk about timeframes. Why are you in a situation where you're like, oh, I really want to buy, I really want to buy, Like you actually already own property. Do we need to wait for your partner to like, you know, you're ready to go fantastic but they might not be there yet. And this might be like their first purchase that they really want to share with you, and it should be exciting as opposed to stressful, Like, yeah, where's the sense of urgency around purchasing coming from right now? Because like, I get it, I do the second you decide you want property like you want it yesterday, I get it. But where's that pressure coming from?

Can we talk about it and have you earn the numbers to see that they can service the loan once you get it?

Would be mad than because if you're saying, again, we.

Don't have exact figures, so you could be that they're saving two urine like five thousand dollars a month, then it's not a question of that. But you just remember that once you get your deposit together and once you make the purchase, you still have to pay your rent, You still have to pay your rates, You still have to pay all of those homeowner things.

If they're struggling to keep.

Up with you in terms of saving for the deposit, chances are they're probably going to struggle keeping up with you in terms of having the funds for those things too, Like have you done the numbers? Are they capable? Is that something they want to do? Like, can they only do it if they completely sacrifice their lifestyle. Maybe that's something they're not eager for. Yeah, Like, yes, you've got to get on the same page ball and at the end of it, if you find that it's just not the right timing for the both of you, is it something you can and or want to do alone? And if not, maybe that's an avenue you can explore.

Yeahue, And even just the language used in that message, like I just always break everything down so I try and understand it. You said, but I've been working tooth and nail and feel like I'm more ambitious. Like that to me is a reflection of you maybe seeing their worker thick and what they're doing. Like there's no way like and this is maybe just personal preference, but like there's no way in any dynamic where I would say, oh my gosh, I've been working tooth and nail if the other person wasn't lacking. If that makes sense, Like, you know, Jess and I might be working on a project together and I might go, I've been working tooth and nail on this, and like the next thing would be because I feel like Jess is letting me down, because otherwise I'd say some of the wind project's not doing someone's not doing their part, because otherwise I'd say we've been slaving away at this together because you told me it was a joint goal. But now you're saying you think you're too ambitious, because yeah, I just feel like you wouldn't say I think I'm too ambitious if you felt like the other person wasn't lacking that trade.

Yeah, but also I do want to say if the person is like ambition and money, there's no correlation.

No, I agree, And it's also so hard, like let's imagine, you know, we spoke to them, or I spoke to a money direst a couple of weeks ago and they were like, yeah, my partner works in like as a kindergarten educator and they don't make much money. Like you think about these roles where someone might be working, you know, part time, or they might even be working full time and just not making enough to pay rent bills, this, that the other, and save, and you might find that the person who earns forty five thousand dollars a year is actually a better money manager than someone who earns two hundred thousand dollars a year because the person who earns forty five thousand dollars to save it requires them to go above and beyond with their budget and be super frugal and like really savvy, and like the fact is that they're even saving anything should be rewarded. Yeah, But then someone on two hundred grand, they get to sit back a little bit more comfy and be like, savings are not that hard. It's like, yes, it is. You're in a privileged position where that comes so much easier to you, when in reality, if we looked at it, the person who's earning forty five thousand dollars is a better saver. Just because you've got more doesn't mean you're better. So I just I think it's so important to break it down and be like, well, what is even there, Like do you understand their capacity to save? And once you understand that, what are their values? Because my values play out in my spending all the time and I don't actually want that to change. Like if someone said you have to cut absolutely everything to do X, Y and z, but that thing wasn't as important to me as it was to you, Like it's probably not going to happen.

I'm so sorry. One more thing. One more thing. I'm ready as a person who has been in a similar situation with someone who's buying something that I wanted to be a part of but only had like a small portion of, and was like, Wow, this is literally my ownly opportunity. I didn't have but doing it, But this is my ownly opportunity because I own have like the luxury of like family or anyone who will be able to lend me money in the future. So I'm like, this could be my thing. And then to not go through with it, or to not have the money to like kind of keep up with the person you're going to buy with, it does feel like shit, to be honest. And so maybe your partner is like, I've never had the opportunity. I've never been so close to being able to buy my own property, and my only opportunity right now is to do that. The only option is to do that with you. Otherwise I just cannot feasibly buy myself a property. And is there an option too, And if you're like, oh, yeah, I'm happy with that, maybe there's an option to like maybe do like five percent, I don't know, make it like legal or something, do.

An agreement, But it knows what you contribute.

At least they're kind of in there, you know, yeah, yeah, but I don't know.

They're full conversation. We did ask the community, do you want to know? What?

They would love to know?

So we asked what would you do if you had saved more than your partner for a house? Ten percent of you said you would wait for them to catch up, twenty eight percent of you said buy the house alone, and sixty one percent of you said buy together with what you have now.


So then we asked how would you handle feeling resentful about saving more? Fifty six percent of you said I would have an open conversation about it, thirty percent of you said except you have different situations, and fourteen percent of you said I would reassess our financial compatibility. Resent is one of those emotions.

I feel you have to deal with it because if you leave resent alone, it's simmers and festers and just takes over and takes on a life of the zone like you.

You can't sit on it.

You have to.

I think you have to have a conversation or you have to come to a point of resolution within yourself.

But you can't just leave it. Yes, eat your last Yes, I agree, I agree. We did ask the community for their two cents. First person said, my fiance and I in the same boat, and we're planning on getting a binding financial agreement and still buying cool I love that that's literally what you were suggesting.


Another person said, you need to get your goals in alignment. It sounds like you're not on the same page when it comes to expectations. Another person said, dividing finances only sets you up for always comparing finances. She's kind of interesting because like same, like when Steve and I were saving for our first home, we had a joint savings account to do that in, and we honestly didn't keep track. And that's a very privileged thing, but we didn't keep track of who was contributing what, and like there will be like if we go back, there will be one person who contributed more. But at the time, we were working towards a shared financial goal of having a family home together. And like, you know, if and when we would have like separated, I think we would have dealt with it then, But it was never something that crossed our minds to be like, oh, but you're contributing this and I'm contributing that, but in saying that, we did feel like we were contributing semi equally, like one of us more at the time, Steve earn significantly more than me. So he's the one, Just to be very clear, it wasn't me. He is the one that would have been contributing a lot more than I was. But like the way we saw it was one day, it all all come out in the wash, and like we're both contributing to this relationship, and like, from my perspective, I'm very grateful, But the way my husband sees it is like we both contribute and it's not always financial, like it can be in labor and division and support, and like, I just find it really refreshing that sometimes those comments are coming from my husband.

Or not me.

Someone else said, you need to unpack why you currently feel hurt. There might be a lot more to it than just that. I agree. Someone else said, maybe worth a discussion because how's the mortgage going to be split base on your different salaries. Another person said, you have to honor your feelings and respectfully tell them how you feel within communication is the answer.


Another person said, it's not the total that matters. It's whether they matched your sacrifice to save in a similar way. I agree. I loved that. And then last one someone contributed we split based on percentage of our income. I bring in x percent and he brings in one percent. So that's just how we split our joint costs. Cool, lots of options.

There's many options.

Ah, comes back to communication, doesn't it, Jessica, Oh my goodness. Well, it has been a week. I have been grateful for everyone and everything this week, and I'm just so grateful that we've got to have a chat with you guys today.

Yeah, so good.

We will see you bright and early on Monday morning for money.

Darry though, see them Happy Valentine's Day.

Bye guy Bye.

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Millennial money expert Victoria Devine shares her foolproof tips for financial freedom.
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