Ah, life. The only time we won't experience stress is when we're done and dusted. Stress is part of the contract, and it's actually a healthy and beneficial response to our environment. But since we were 'put together,' we humans and our environment have evolved (and continue to do so). Now, we are constantly switched on, plugged in, chasing lions (these days, that's called having a job or business) and running from bears (metaphorically, mostly). So, how do we manage it and ourselves?
As entrepreneurs, how do we lead (ourself) and be led (by ourself)? Why do we have the answers but not follow them? Why do I (and maybe you) continue to white-knuckle it and do things I'd never advise a client, employee, or friend to do to the point of smashing into that inevitable wall?
I throw all these existential questions to our friend Bobby C today, and we have a little conversational workshop around it!
Website: testartfamilylawyers.com.au
Website: theselfhelpantidote.com
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