Full Show: Tim Got Stopped by the Mafia in Naples!

Published Mar 24, 2025, 9:06 AM

It's Boys Club! Tim & Joel ran the show today, and things got weird fast! We kicked off with the poisonous plant that leaves you grinning on your deathbed—terrifying and fascinating. 

In the Glossys, Aimee Lou addressed her viral teeth, Paul Rudd told a wild Stallone story, and Gwyneth may have thrown shade at Meghan Markle. Oh, and an Uber driver peed in an elevator before delivering burgers—no words.

Oh hello, Part Care podcast.

Hello mister Tim Blackwell, I have I know. I came in and on Thursday and saw you both in the flesh.

I r L.

But it's so nice to be back. And I'm back back now. I'm in my little booth in Melbourne HQ, and I'm not going anywhere.

Yes, back again. You'll go somewhere, don't ever start. Don't don't make a statement like that. You definitely will go somewhere again.

Oh I will, but not for the next few weeks. I mean next few weeks. That's pretty good for me to get a few weeks on.

The Yeah you know, yeah, yeah, a few weeks on the trot.

Yeah, yeah, enjoy enjoy the time with me.

We haven't done it on the show yet, but it will be in the podcast. And I cannot wait personally for your Meryl Street back.

Oh my gosh. I've got them written out because I can only do Meryl Streep in a certain character she plays.

So I didn't go to my baby not that well.

No, I could probably do that more convincingly than she did. I didn't go what was the quote? How do I I didn't go sto stole my.

Babies or eight that's fusumptuous.

Didn't go stole my baby. Yes, I'm loving Meryl Streets glow up at the moment. I mean, not that she needed.

To glow up, but with Martin short right, she is.

Really she's confirmed, the confirmed.

I don't think they have confirmed. I think they have.

They're in love. And now that Christoph Waltz is joining only murders in the building and I've interviewed him and they must have been having a great four seasons and now they want to ruin it by bringing him on because he is a grumpy, grumpy man.

But a great actor. I mean he's walking on the floorboards. Oh my goodness. I mean you assume someone who can play that part is not a nice.

Guy, no, not lovely to some you know, twenty four year old little you know, game guy from Australia who's flown halfway across the road with the work road the world to do the press junket for horrible bosses too, and turns out you're the horrible boss, Christoph Waltz.

You know what, Christoph Walt's getting annoyed with you? I would have bet that every day of the week.

Well, the journalist one of the journalists from I think she was from Japan. She came out after me for me in tears, so I went in like terrified.

Yeah, yeah, he's hectic anyway, I didn't realize he was. He was joining only murders in the book. And Selena Gome's still there.

Selena's still there, Meryl still there. Martin and Steve. I mean, I've never watched an episode, but it's right, sounds right up my ally.

I watched the first season. I can't remember if I liked it or not. Felt a bit Steve Martiney, you know.

Yeah, and I'm not. I love Steve Martin. I appreciate his comedy, but it's.

Not my I went and saw Martin Short and Steve Martin live, and I will tell you this, Martin Short stole the show. Steve Martin phoned it in. Looked like he wanted to be anywhere else but the ICC in Sydney with his banjo.

Oh my god, I'd love to I'd love to be at the ICC in Sydney. Not with the banjo, though.

Did What was the joke that Martin Short said that Steve Martin's hair is whiter than something? I was funny that's the worst thing. It's the worst to know that you don't know the end of the joke.

I still gave it a laugh.

Look it up anyway, look it up. It's funny. It's funny what Martin short said about Steve Martin being so white. He's whiter than a dot dot dot. Feel in the Blake text us through four O nine R t J R t J with the end of that joke, and we'll give you a prize.

I know Ricky will be so confused with the text line and she looks at it tomorrow.

Enjoy the paras.

Enjoy this is Ricky Lee and.

I thank god it's Monday, Monday Afternoonday. God, it's Monday. It's the best day of the week.

T G.

I am guys, this show is good for what ails you on Monday. Here we go. Let me just check my run feet to see who I've got today, No Ricky today, who's that little cute little chuckle.

From recognize that laugh anywhere? At present? I am back and I'm not going anywhere. Yes, have you been playing this with you and Ricky or this for you and I?

I remember? I mean, what a couple of weeks you've had You've had a week to film your secret project.

Well we can talk about it now. I have filmed task Master. It was truly one of the greatest TV experiences I've had of my life.

And this is coming from a person who was on Show Me the Movie for not one season, but for two seasons.

Well hello, I got to sit next to my Show Me the Movie host Rove mcmaus, who was another Can do you call them contestines or tasks? I'm not sure on Task Master? But what just it's a real mind. It really plays with your mind, this show. But gosh, I had the time of my life.

Well maybe because the next season starts this week, I think, doesn't it.

It does with Lex mckowne and Hughesy and Tommy the little whole bunch. Our season I think is going to be the r Raided season. It's pretty filthy.

And when do we get to see that?

I'm not sure later in the year. But okay, yeah, watch this space this blonde brain of mind. Might be great, might be terrible.

You've also got like the busiest week of your life coming up this week. We'll talk about that. So because of the Melbourne International Calmedy, first little kicks off this week Thursday night to your first run dot com dot a you that's the place to go. All right, let's start a boys show. Ricky's got live Australian Idol results this evening. It's all happening. I'm still here in my normal spot. It's all good.

Oh she's a good book.

Ricky, Lee, Tim and Joel on Nova.

I'll chapel. We are at the Pink Pony Club right now. It is Rickyl, Tim and Joel just the boys today. Yeah, back tomorrow Live Australian Oil tonight. In fact, we had Eilish in from Australian Idol on Thursday last week. I think, no, Thursday, Friday, Wednesday.

Whatever, No, I was here Thursday.

It was Wednesday. She did Bad Guy. We gave her Bad Guy. We're gonna play it. We're gonna play it so because it was so good. And also five hundred bucks a day thanks to a new friends at bed Shed. We got new friends at bed Shed this week.

I love bed Shed. I bought the first mattress I bought was from bed Shed.

Was it a temper?

I think so, And it is the mattress in our spare room. And we always say that that mattress is haunted by the ghost of sleep, because everybody that comes to stay at my house goes, oh my gosh, like they call my house rehab, which is ironic. But they come and stay in that spare room and love that mattress and don't get out of bed.

So the ghost of sleep is a good thing to be.

It's a good thing. It's like, yeah, no, go in with the ghost of sleep.

Okay, good because we have a thirteen five hundred dollars ten per mattress to give you out Friday and five hundred bucks a day up until then. Bed Sheed's mid season clearance actually on now. Upgrade your bedroom or your spare bed for less at bed Shed. No one's better in the bedroom.

They really are good mattresses. Sometimes I like getting in an argument so I can sleep in the spare room.

You always have everything like laid out on your spare bed.

Like that is the packing room in the backing room. At the moment, it's very, very very.

Dirty now because I wanted to do this on Friday, but you weren't here because you're a resident kind of like astronaut guy, Like I was gonna call you astro boy.

That's okay, I'll go with astro boy.

Astro boy. Remember we were talking about our friends and splashdown Creonine back on her FA. I mentioned to you that I got this weird start that they got like four bucks a day in overtime.

Yeah, that's right. What were their names? I can't believe I've forgotten. They're my favorite.

And it was five bucks a day extra in overtime because they got an additional one four hundred and thirty bucks on top of their salary. So over the nine months or whatever, it worked out to be five bucks a day.


Nice, that's nice. But imagine the calls that are coming in for autobiographies and sit down interviews with Oprah and speaking to us. That is where the dosh is going to be.

Do you think? I don't think anyone's interested in people.

Who are I am read I'd read Sunny's book.

But we got updates from them every day, boring updates.

I want to know.

Everything was stuck underground for nine months. They were in space chatting to us on zoom every day. Nice.

I won every last piece of detail from Butcher Sonny. But they're crazy hair up there because you couldn't control it, but you really maybe put in a clip or something.

There's no detail because they were literally stuck in space for nine months. So that was it. That's the beginning, middle, and end of their story.

Well, I'll read it then you don't have to read it. Speaking to her, Yes, Oprah is definitely calling. What Oprah's definitely calling? And if not Oprah, Kelly.

Clarkson what, well, Kelly Clark is going to do a song about him? Yeah, Kelly, ok, I don't believe anyone. Okay. Thirty twenty ships by Nick Thurday, twenty fourteen. I won't bet these. It's our first three callers because every caller today gets one hundred bucks thanks to our friends at this And are you interested in Butcher and Sonny their story as of any time after now? Like I think we're done, we've done or not done? Really quickly take the call now, real quick.

I'd be furious if I was butching Sonny.

Yeah, sure, but no one's reading Butcher in Sonny's book.

I don't want Butcher and Sonny's book. I don't want them to write it together unless they aren't together. I don't want I want, I want to hear from Sonny. I like Sonny. I like everything Sonny is. She seems funny, Sonny.

Kathy interested or not interested?

Not interested?

That movie?


I've been there, done that, Kathy. Have you spent nine months in space thinking you were going to spend seven days there?

No, I'm with you, Kathy, it's ridiculous. Kelly. Are we interested or not interested? Kelly at all? I told you not interested there. I thought about them every day, said you can't remember their names.

Because I'm that disturbed for them.

All right, Three, I want to get a clean sweep here. Three cause anytime you're ready, come on, let's go.

Three calls in there, Kathy. Look, I didn't mean to snap at you, and you said, been there, done that. But with no one's been stuck in space in nine months except for Sandra bulloking or cleaning.


I have to buy all the books.

No one wants a book a movie. I don't even I don't even want to see them every movie.

They've got to make a movie?

What called stuck?

And they have a really passionate like radio host.

I used to look into my Ricky, Lee, Tim and Joel on Nova.

The Mafia, The Swedish House mafia.

Oh I thought you meant you and I.

Know you and I couldn't be less mafia with.

The FM mafia mafioso.

Are we mafioso?

I don't know. We're Martha's Martha Stuart.

When I was in Naples, which by the way, is a whole I won't I got stopped by the marka Taste. Yes, I got stopped by the mafia. They were driving my little rented feet punto and they're like, i'll.

Probably be asking if you're old enough to drive it.

Twenty it was, and I'm like, what they said, it's a tall road, It's a tall world. And I'm like, oh what, And guess what I saw? I paid it and then obviously told a friend of mine later and they're like, that's the mafia if you want to use. So I've actually given them mafia. I do well.

I guess when I've I have stayed in Italy before, and they've closed the gates at night to wherever you're staying because they say it is mafia country. But they do not come for tourists apart from the odd twenty from you know, an easy and easy get like yourself that they don't want to come to tourists. They know the tourists are very important.

And I know we're all about this and today, but I tell you what, the fea punta around those streets in Italy. It handles like a dream. And I know you love saying that as well, the punto, I love the punte. Yeah, now very quickly because we are already running late. Tell us about this, tell us about this little plant.

Yeah, it's very like Audrey too, from the Little Shop of Horrors, which is a reference. I should have not done with it just being here. The poison hemlock, that's the name of the plant. The poison hemlock, also named smiling death, is a plant that causes muscle contractions if eaten right, so it can cause paralysis while the victim remains conscious, and in some cases it can cause a huge smile to appear on your face as the victim dies due to nerve damage. But you're like smiling going out like an open casket.

So hang on. So that's what Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga wrote that about. Get it, Come on, guys, we're back. Happy mind day. If the bloody.

Ricky, Lee, Tim and John, I'm.

Over Australian Idol, Australian Ilem, Australian idol and one of our favorites. Eilish just here is so nice to me. You are here because we do have a bit of an announcement for you today.

It is Viewers Choice Week and the Australian public are voting on the songs that you are going to sing in Sunday Night Show.

Are you ready to find out what that song is?


Iirish the song you are singing this week?

Did you, oh, Joel, last night the top eight performed? I know you would have been busy.

I would Yes, I have just returned home. But I need to know. And obviously did this Irish, this Irish, this gorgeous Irish get an unfair advantage by coming into us studio.

Because everyone got told last night by a different section of their life. You know, some people got their favorite football team. Oh okay, yeah, and you know Eilish is part of the over family. Have listened to how she went old last night with bad guy so good.

Oh very good, Me like Alonish.

Oh yes to the outfit and you know how impartial to Hamburger And then it's still there Hamburger. Yeah, he did Bens and bones, beautiful things, have a little Listen to this.

Stle Man's terrified as the man who.

Stands to lose you please stay.

This is so Eurovision.

Yeah, it's beautiful job anyway. The reason Ricky is not here is it because tonight at seven thirty the results? How many leave tonight? Like? Why not two? Someone who's don't think?

I think absolutely too. I hope we haven't said Iris sharp Gosh, I'll have to watch.

No, I should be fine idle tonight seven thirty on seven here's Lisa rayan doja. Yes, just a little.

More Ricky, Lee, Tim and Joel on Nova.

Lisa ray Doja cat that's born again. You know White Loaders on tonight? Right? Oh?

Is it a white Loaders to night tonight?

Yes? And Lisa in White Loaders? Did you see this over the weekend? So no, most of the big stars of the series got between like maybe three and five and maybe six or seven million dollars depending on who they were.

And yeah, your Parker Poses and your Jason Isaacs are probably on the upper end.

Yeah, Lisa got twenty five million because apparently the viewers she's brought in has she's paid for her salary ten times over and she can hacked.

She's amazing.

No, she's good. I don't know how to slow burn this year. I'm not sure nothing's really because I know spoiler alert brother's kiss. But apart from that, what else has happened?

Oh, I'm loving what else has happened. I'm loving it. I'm finding the dynamic between the three girls so scary because it is like what I've had happen with friends, when you're like, oh, we were friends in school.

It's just great on a weekend to happen. It's time. That's what I noticed for you, man, I'm four hours in now. I want my time back unless something happens tonight.

You got mail Jim and Joy sing day day, bitch, It's one day, so let's check the meals.

R TJ at over FM dot coms Are you are? You can text us if you'd like for O nine I t J, R t J slip into our socials. On Friday, it was just Ricky and I and we got a little bit.

We got a little bit happy happy, okay.

Music wise single every Oh no, that was my fault. I hate it so much.

No no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, now.

Baby, give it a give it.

Let's all celebrate. Don't have a good time. Come on.

Com mixt Tim.

It was the it was the International Day of Happiness on Friday, which is obviously beautiful. And I'm still as happy as I was Friday.

Don't get rid of good Yeah, look me in the eye and say that I'm still very happy. Good boy, Yeah, wrong eye.


So I message you came through on Instagram.

Sorry for your worst time taking a sip in my coat.

A message came through on Instagram ree Friday's happy music, only to Ricky, not to you. It said, I just wanted to let you know that you'll show on Friday about happiness. Put me out of my despair. Then I know this is amazing. Then made me realize that music is one of the great joys in life. And tacos that's me. Adding that when you sing with Tim, I started singing along with you. It made me forget about all my worries and although I am a crap singer, here I felt awesome. Thank you, Ricky Lee get this. You have changed my life so the better.

I thanks.

Thanks, Yeah, changing your life for the better than Lyrics from from Wicked from for Good. Next movie, Yeah, Wicked part two. Really yeah, that's the big song in part two. It's very sad, depressing song. It's what I'm gonna be sung down the aisle two in my my funeral, not in my wedding.

Do you have an is your funeral?

I think so?


I'm going to have an open casket to my eyes, thank you, glued open so I can look into your eyes one last time, so.

Your face will be as stiff in death. Okay, you're around botox, you are around this year? What is it? Rigan Mortars? Yeah, I get that without time.

That is the sort of doctor's consultation i'd go in for. I've had something rigamorous, please, but I don't want to die.

I would like some rigamortis without the death. Thank you very much. Doctor.

Now I'll say Morris Mortis.

Hey, look, we talked about it's on Monday. We talked about it the week before we went. We gave away that car, right and you you had the little electric item in the back seat and someone gets so and then people were saying soda strangers were electric, and I'm saying, no, they're not. It was the whole thing.

Is it a soda street electrics, I would, I thought, say an electrical item, literally something you don't plug in the soda stream which doesn't use any power at all.

You've got now our mail bag was heaving these complaints of fake news and misinformation. Yeah, via Insta, love to tell you blackers, you're wrong. I own a soda stream and it very much needs to be plugged into power. Then one I need to let him Factuel know that he is wrong about the soda stream.

It can be electric.

We had the soda stream. We brought it into the studio on Monday, and it's not electric. The one that we've always had is not electric. It's it's powered by gas canister and that's it.

Yes, my mine at home is definitely not elect its.

But of course, so so to stream have emailed us.

Oh okay, hi to stream.

Folks who knew sparkling water could be so contentious. So the actual answer is everyone is right. What while our standards sparkling water makers just use high quality food grade CO two and the magic of press button to carbonate your water, we do also have an electric model. What our e Terror, Our e Terror sparkling water maker uses electricity to turn tap water into sparkling water with just one touch of a button. So exactly what the non electric one with three preset levels of fizz that allow you to control the carbonation and make your buvely beverage just the way you want it every time. We hope this helps. Well. I think we need to I think we need to see an e terror. I think so to stream, we need to send us an e terror just for the for the office, because I love a sparkling water.

Yes terror, I want to see.

I want to see if this the electric one is, you know, worth it? Because I like old school. I'm a manual guy.

I can take my soda stream anywhere, you know, on my famous camping trips, I always take my soda stream because it doesn't requiet power.

Oh yeah, I love a great camping holiday with the kids. A carbonated or sorry food grade carbonated co two.

I'm always camping.

Thanks for your mails. Your mail's in the bay. Next your first shot to win five hundred bucks thanks to our good friends Bedshed.

Ricky Lee, Tim and Joel on Nova.

Yes, oh yes, rolling like thunder under the covers this week you could score a five hundred bed Shed about your bed Sheed's mid season clearances on now I'm grade your bedroom for less and bed shed. No one's better in bedroom. You have one yourself.

I have one myself. It's I love it, love it.

Watch your temper and temper mattress. We've got one of those, you know on Friday worth thirteen thousand, five hundred bucks. Let's just say almost war eight thousand bucks worth a mattress that's just unded up. So we haven't under the covers celebrity on the phone, right.

Wow, this takes me back to dancing too in a days that when the Prime Minister had to address the nation.

That's right, was an under the cover celebri on the phone of real life under the cover celebrit You and I have no idea who it is. It's legit. We have to guess the identity to win for our listener that Joel. Okay, you've got Lauren.

Hello, Hi Lauren.

Good afternoon.

How are you?


Good good afternoon to you too. I am absolutely swell, thank you very much.

And Zach, I've got you today. Hello, how are you guys?


Note five hundred bucks up the grabs. Here should we meet our under the cover celebrity. Let's do it.

Yes, so hello, we.

Can how you are? You don't get to ask the first question.

Is that first day?

First day? Okay, you asked, So our under the cover celebrity is here. Let's just say hello under the cover celebrity.


Okay, now they really are under the covers, Joel, you can ask the first question under the cover celebrity. You can only answer any question with one word.

Under the with one word under the cover celebrity, under the cover celebrity. Have you and I met in person?

I r L Indeed under the cover celebrity. Have you and I met as in me and you copying of my person? Yes, indeed, I've got it.

I've got it this person. You can go, oh God, I hope it's right. I love this person, Angela Bishop. Yes, because I love you and and Bishop.

And also what a great person to start our bedsched promotion with. Because you're the queen of the waterbed, the queen I am the Queen of the waterbed.

This is the truth.

Say don't you remembering that little fact because it's stuck with me when think about you in that water bed all the time. Hey, Lauren, you've won five hundred bucks next to bed ched. Thank you very much your legend.

Oh you're so welcome. I love my aunte Bishop.

Thank you. Ange was more mysterious than that. No, I like the voice that you put on.

It was a nice indeed, Ricky Lee, Tim and Joel on nov.

That's me clicking along, by the way, Sabrina Carpenter busy woman.

Oh we're all busy women around here.

Yes, our Rickie's not here today because she's a busy woman at her other dropper side hustle Australian Idols tonight at seven thirty.

We're a hobby of hers.

Eight's becomes six? Haven't I have an idea? Who the two that will go home? We had we voted last night, me and my daughter.

Did you is the one I like Gizella?

She's oh yeah, she's slaying as they.

Say, oh mother eight. Yes, I'm going for Gizella. Yeah, she's seeing to find gravity. So of course she's won me over. She's got me for life.

Gos wicked and you've also mentioned Ice barnsfair to Georgie, so you're certainly back the.

Glasses on street. Let's chick because miss me, Yes, let's check the glosses a little bit. This is the girl in White Lotus who has had to address her teeth. She plays the partner of the older grumpy dude. I actually don't know any of the character's name.

She's Chelsea in the show. I don't really know the character, but her name is Amy Low. She was on Jonathan Ross over the weekend like my little mate young Blood. He was there performing his new song. It was really good. Check it out. She was talking about her teeth called Jonathan Ross and what the Americans think. I can't believe the impact my teeth are having. The Americans can't believe, but they're all being lovely. These videos just come up on my Instagram. These orthodontists dissect my teeth and say what's.

Wrong with it?

But then at the end go but we don't think she should change a thing.

It's like a real full circle moment after being bullied.

I really like her. I like her on the show, and I really like her think I've seen her in a few other things. I really like her as an actress and a person.

Wow, you really think you know this person?

Even though I don't know a name or the name of the character on the show.

Wow, all right, you're obsessed with the astronauts. You don't know their name, you're obsessed with No, I didn't just say that.

I didn't just say that.

Sonny. Yes, I know, Buddy and Sonny.

I know.

I'm a funny woman, a woman claiming to like them. You are, Okay, I love Sonny and Butch next, Glossy, what's happening here?

Okay? Oh this is Jason. No, it's not Jason, Saidaikas. It is Jonathan's Paul Rudd. You know, No, I don't.

Paul Rudd was on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and he revealed that Sylvester Saloone gave him boxing lessons, Rocky himself the most emotional, incredibly profound experience watching Stallone teach my son how to throw a punch, and he's like, you got a lean Burke for and he punches Jack Chin. They's how you break someone's jaw.

Paul r He's okay, now, I remember Paul right. He's the one that looks younger and younger every time we see him, also.

In everything, like absolutely everything.

Yeah, I would suggest he probably ice barths. That's how he looks so good.

Probably next, go see what's happening here?

Oh, I know who this is. We all love on this show. We love this person. Go Winneth Paltrow.

GP, as her friends call it. Yeah, remember that's how she came up with goop. Oh that's right, because Yahoo and Google are really big, so she figured to be big in the online community. Put ooh in the middle, and then people call it GP, which puts G on either side and P on the other side.

She's a smart cookie. Watch she cocking at the moment.

Well, this is funny because last week we were talking about Megan Markle's reality show again and the fact that she was faking her recipes and faking the things that she was making.

Oh yeah, Winneth come outs. It was kind of having a dig or something.

Well a very subtle winner yea, because she's filmed herself making breakfast in her own kitchen, so.

I saw definitely did it in her own kitchen, and then you make up.

She put pre made scones in the oven and baked and made bacon and eggs. Looked nothing like the final picture and everyone thinks it's a little tilt to Megan Markle.

It certainly is, but still look at her actual kitchen. It's gorgeous, just like her stood and last so much. I love Gwyneth's converted me Last glossy. Okay, this is definitely not Jason Sadeikis and whatever I thought it was before. That's Taylor Swift on the right and come on Joe, Selena Gomes.

Yes, Taylor has been kind of off off grid for a while because she's been in our faces, you know, every day for three years.

She's been working.

So Taylor broke her silence online to post about Selena Gomez and Bennybit Blaco's new album Love You First. You know, we know songs like this probably, She said I love this album so much. Oh my god on her instant story, mister Taylor, come back, but.

Have a good slate. Knockoff time, glad up paid time.

Yes, c G.

I am crank it. Thank god.

It's Monday, Monday, looks good on you late and alright, Monday after our old mates back in the fold.

I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. I'm back in Melbourne, h Q. I'm loving it.

You know what song this is? Gaga?

Oh do you know what I thought? I thought it was the start of that a long time ago. We used to be friends.

My restaurant rules on Dandy Warholes.

A start of that now, Oh this is killer of course.

Dual Leer has just wrapped up her I think five in Melbourne.

Yeah she that was She been off in Melbourne. So many mates were there and it looked fantastic. I saw Troy Savann on stage two.

Yes, well do. I brought Troy up Okay to perform Rush and then Dua and Troy gave a fan wait for this, a us B a USB with a new twist on her hit song Physical, have a little listen to God last night, Oh my God. A lot of screaming, but basically, are you gonna leak it? Are you gonna leak it? And this is it? This is the lead song girl Boy Physical, check it out, check it out this song. And she kicks off her Sydney run of dates on Wednesday.

She puts on a great show.

Ossie artists she'll have up in Sydney.

Come on, Ricky, Lee, Tim and Joel on nov.

It's not cute, don't leave the choice of van Physical here on neither leaked from the concert. Was it last night? The USB thing?

She did quite the residency here in Melbourne.

Happened on Saturday, but did Advanced Joy perform on Saturday. Oh my goodness, it's so confusing. Advance was last night Bitter Rip Tide.

This is still like in the This is a doer though.

Yeah, I don't worry.

She's gonna have in Sydney. Maybe Vickar and Linda or.

Something, vicker Ball from Melbourne.

Yeah there Melbourne.

Melbourne's own.

I'm trying to think of Sydney.

Maybe she'll get Cyril up got his from dark. I can't keep up.

I can't possom us. She's her next?

How about this next? I want to know about a bit of elevator love? What has gone on in a lift in an elevator? Good or bad? Callers?

Ricky Lee, Tim and Joel on Nova.

I saw the footage from Cyril's Red Room in Adelaide as well over the weekend. Oh look incredible. I don't think the Red rumors in Adelaide over the weekend? Was it or yeah? Yeah, but it was?

Yeah it was because I mean I was, it's going to be there. I missed out on it.

It looked so epico, like a great little spot.

Yeap of course at Adelaide at the moment is the place to be.

Are you serious?

I am serious. There's so much going on there at the moment. I mean not been Comedy Festival is about to be, but Adelaide Fringe and Adelaide Fringe, Adelaide Festival, wom Madelaide. There's something else. It is like May madness or no, wait what month? A week? March madness?

What does worm stand for again? Wim world music?

Yeah, something something very intellectual.

Anyway, this year I had an incident in an elevator in the storms. Remember I was stuck in there for like an hour and a half, no power.

No, did you fart?


Did you fart?

What do you mean?

That's my paranoia about You know, I've been in many an elevator in someone's fart, and it's like a game of cludo, like who did it?

No? I was on my own. Remember that story I told on air. I was on my own, stuck in an elevator for an hour and a half in our wild storms with no power. Are you serious? Is this microphone through your head?

No, these headphones are on, so don't worry about it.

That's not just refreshed me, like a story. I don't want to relive it. It was traumatic.

Oh shut, it was. So you got stuck in an elevator during an electrical storm, that.

Huge rain event that we had here about a month ago. It was it was hectic and then and I was only like only going one floor up. It was embarrassing.

Oh yeah, you should take the stairs, loser.

That's what I'm saying. Power at is to my phone round at a battery. It was all iron. So an Uber driver this is we're pivoting now and thirteen twenty fourteen, every call so they get the hundred bucks thanks to our friends at Nisson. Because then this an ex trail ePower is hybrid, reinvented. You don't drive it, you glide it. Take it for a test flight at your local Nissan dealer today. Thirteen twenty four ten, tell us about some elevator love anything good or a boat in an elevator Because an Uber driver has been caught mid act in an elevator at a Sydney apartment complex during a delivery. Now not that mid act, he was basically weing. Surveillance footage shows the Uber driver can be seen and doing his pants while he selects a floor w He then pees in the corner of the lift before reaching the building's tenth floor, where he exits to deliver a Betty's Burger.

I was going to say, I can see the branding on the box on the.

Betty would be furious with his advertising. This has got nothing to do with Betty. Betty's Burgers a good people.

I know they're good people. That's not even generic Uber Reeds bags.

No, oh no, yes, the as you can imagine, the residents have been kind of trying to get in touch with the guys at Uber to try it fair enough cover the cleaning bill. Yeah, who does that?

Why do you want to urinate in a lift?

I don't know.

And also the doors could open at any moment.

It was one in the afternoon too, Like, you can't even argue that the guy was sloshed.

No, go do it behind a tree, Like. I just find that so. Although I find elevators intimidating, because I mean, I'm fine with claustrophobia, but it's more other people I get, like the church giggles in there, Like I laugh for no reason.

In the in the lift.

Yeah, I know, I find it funny. It's so childish, but when there's someone else in the lift, I get like giggly.

Remember that time I was in the lift. You probably won't remember. I've only told him they're fifty times. But I was in the lift with Arnold Swartzenegger. Oh I do remember that, yep, at the Star. I remember the.

Time I was in the lift of Tara Reid and her phone. I've never heard a phone that can go loud with its ring tone, and she could not find it in her bag and it got louder and louder and louder. Sharknado's own Tara Reid.

I sat next to her at one of the reboots of American Pie, and I just assumed that she was like a you know, the big actor that kind of gets up and leaves and doesn't watch her own movie. You know, she sat next to me the entire time.

No imagine she does that everything here.

I felt like, I'm like, you're really good in this, and she's like, yeah, thanks, are you to leave? You're making it awkward for me. I just assumed you were going to leave.

She had a phone on silent, very loud.

Kylie elevator, Love what happened to you?

I really good city.

And my son is just saying that donkey hot dog and we got in the lips at.

The fire State building. Goes up about sixty something flow yeah, and the door started. He dropped the great big spart and we had this sixty something flows to the top.

Yeah, right the far chamber.

Yeah, oh banger well need this had to be in here.

I guess what came first? Guys of us, She's elevator love or shout and knows song about elevators. Lift.

That great rivalry keeps going.

Fricky, Lee, Tim and Joel.

A Vegas Room Global Tour powered Bakespedia, Let's go.

Oh Yes. On Friday we announced Christina from Perth is coming along joining us with Cassie from Adelaide on Global Tour.

So thrilled. I'm going to have a perf buddy there with me. We can talk all things, you know, Dome with Dome, Rotto, the Bell Tower, sharkness, Yes, absolutely, what happened to Mark McGowan, all.

Of that sort of stuff. Basil zimples, Basil he the leader of the Liberal Party. Now over there he's going for it or something. Yeah, you know what I can't work out to say, you know, what I can't work out if Basil's emplus is popular or not.

Yeah, you'd have to ask him. Yeah, you'll have to ask him.

Maybe Nathan that and Sean tomorrow morning on over nine three seven in Perthin put that question out for us. Is Basil's emplus popular thirteen twenty four to ten? They could take a poll and then give us the results on our show tomorrow that that'd be nice.

They wouldn't be more popular. He wouldn't be more popular than Nathan Ada Shawn because they are, of course not kings and queens.

Of Perth Radio. All right, let's put somebody else in the running to come along with us on this trip Friday, we'll announce who it is and Jesse, you are in with a.

Oh my gosh, I'm so excited.

It's going to be airpic Miss is your boarding past to see the world's biggest artist up posted personal that you haven't got yet, but you are very very close. Now Auckland to see Gracie Abrams Los Angeles with this man Dan Lowell and Las Vegas. She'll be seeing Jelly Roll and Post Malone as well. It's so exciting. Thank you. I'm so excited.

I'm so excited. I'm sorry nervous right now, but I'm so excited.

Well, we could be close to you. Gracey Abram Style on a plane. Yes, well done on Nova's Redroom Global Tour. How does he do it?

Incredible to speak, Ricky, Lee, Tim and Joel on Nova.

Boy, he could be close to Jesse. She's in the running on Friday with making the next call to join us on Nova's Red Room Level Tour powered by Expedia. You were made to chase your travel passions Expedia. You are made to put them all into one stress free packaged Expedia made to travel travel evings Gracie in New Zealand, Dean Lewis in La Jelly Roll and Post Malone in Vegas.

Oh my gosh, are we going to coordinate our outfits? I'm assuming yes?

Yeah, no No. A friend of mine said to me, you're taking carry on right? What they're like? I apparently you're above the wing or below the wing? They call that in the in the know. That's what my brother says. Are you above the wing or below the wing? Meaning do you work above the wing or below the wing? And like any everyone below the wing says you should never put anything below the wing.

Well that's fine to say, but if you're going somewhere for more than three days, you need to put things below the wing.

Maybe you don't.

Maybe you're a drag queen. Where you gonna put all your wings and stuff?

Of course? Yeah, yeah, for the three thousand drag queens that fly overseas every day.

Well, there's so many franchises drag grapes. It's like the Marvel Universe.

All right, who's your distant relative thirty twenty four to ten? Course is they get a hundred buck seas in this? And who's your distant relative? What does that mean? Like celebrity relative?

Yeah, or maybe they've got some some sick job, or maybe they are a politician or I don't know, I don't really.

My third cousin and his Mark Zuckerberg, that kind of thing.

Well, you know, I was I was meant to do that where's your family from? Or whatever that show is called, Yes.

Go back to where he came from?

Back to yeah some of you one of those ones, And I said, yes, I'd love to thinking my family are all from the UK. I'm going to get a free trip to the UK. And then a few months later, after doing the research, they called me and said, your family are so boring, we can't make an episode out of it.

I mean there'd be a few little interviews at macas.

Yes, yeah, I could have made it interesting. I was going to make it very interesting.

But yeah.

Anyway, a while ago Eva Longory it revealed that she is related to Meryl Streep, right, yes, yes. She made an appearance on doctor Henry Louis Gates's genealogy series Faces of America in twenty ten, and Doctor Henry had cross Yeah I know you binge it on the Weekend. He had cross referenced DNA to see who shared a relative in the last one hundred years. When it revealed Eva is distant cousins with Meryl Streep. I mean, how rock and roll is that?

Like at the Golden Globes and my friend was like, there's Meryl, go say you're her cousin. I'm like, I'm not gonna go to Meryl Streep and say we're cousin as I'm like, no, I'm not going to do it. I hear cousin, covin and Meryl She's like cousin.

I was like, oh my god.

I was like, clearly you got the talent in the family.

Wow, Meryl Streep and Eva Longoria. I cannot believe me.

Meryl's a Gerber in real life, isn't she? Is she Gerber? Or is that her previous husband's name?

Oh no, her previous Yes, yes, but not Gerber. It is it is a g You're right, and it is Gamma Gamma. Yeah, because there's Mami. Gamma is the daughter who made really well Mark Ronson, who also pushed our former producer Gemma out of the way Marie Crisis in New York to a get to the bathroom first and then go and request Mama Mia so she could sing at the top of her lungs at a karaoke.

But I tell you that Meryl Streep held my hand for five minutes. I love that.

But would you like my Meryl Streep impression?

Oh? Yes, and then we'll so Rachel don't hang up.

Oh yeah, Rachel know you she won't after hearing this, I can only do Meryl Streep in the Iron Lady.

Here we go.

The Falkland Islands belong to Britain and I want them back. Okay, I've another one.

Does sound like you though a lot? Yeah? Okay? Here we go.

Okay, gentlemen, if we don't cut no, no, I've got a bit too pot gentlemen. If we don't cut spending, we will be bankrupt. Yes, the medicine is harsh, but the patient requires it in order to live.

Yeah, I'm just feeling you doing a British accent. I don't feel Meryl.

Meryl's not British, She's American.

True. It's amazing all those actors can do these days.

I know, me, Meryl, Jill, Jillian Anderson. Where can all do it?

Actually? I watched Shrek two, one of your favorite movies on the weekend, Shrek too. Who's the voice of the fairy Godmother?

Was that Jennifer?

I thought it was Gillian Anderson. Gillian Anderson.

Jillian Anderson.

Oh you're from Jillian's Island.

Jillian Anderson so hot?

Yeah, she's pretty great. Meant to be going out with someone at the.

Moment, I think so.

One of my home passes is Jillian Anderson. Meant to be going out with someone famous at the moment. Yeah, Okay, let's get to rape and Meryl the Mountain. Actually, Rachel, Rachel and Julie just hang there, guys, because We'll get to your distant relatives in a second. Let's se Britney spears as Circus first and we can order to regroup after Joel's impression.

And I want them back.

Ricky, Lee, Tim and Joel on Nova.

Get in the running to get along with us on Nova's readorom global tour with Ben Lee and Mabel after six and then Small's He's Got More to Do a leap the tickets. Now Jillian Anderson rumored to be going out with Ben Affleck. Now could you imagine incredible?

Because we were having a iron Lady off talking about actors that have played Margaret Thatcher, Meryl Streep and Jillian Anderson, and you know, I love Meryll, but I'm going to controversially say I think Gillian Anderson's was better.

And then we pivoted to people who play Winston Churchill as well. Yes, that movie, that Greg Gary Oldman version, except for the scene on the tube with the baby and the woman that didn't actually happen.

Yeah, I remember that now and it kind of pulled me out of the film because I thought than that it was kind of all set in the war rooms.

So yeah, the cabinet war rooms that there's a rumor that the Churchill did catch the tube once, So then what the director did was go, oh well, stuff that and then turn it into this full made up scene which wasn't even necessary to the story.

I know there's a rumor going around Melbourne that I once caught the V line and I'm really trying to have that shut down. That's really off brand for.

Me, because you're more of a restaurant tram guy.

I've done the restaurant tram and I had one of the best nights of my life.

Really I did.

I did it with some like my you know, my daggy friends, like my best friends, my real daggy friends.

Your best friends would be lovely, would love to.

Thomas and Kyle, you know my dad friends that love all that stuff.

Yeah, okay, we're talking about distant relatives, and Eva Longoria has has claimed that Meryl Streep is a distant cousin. They actually asked and Meryll's confirmed it exactly. Just wouldn't have thought Longloria and Gerber or Gumma Gumma Gumma and Longoria.

They're both very tight with Hillary Clinton. That's the only link I've got I know. They're both mutual friends with Hillary.

Even was so big for a little while there, wasn't she like she was?

I didn't even watch Desperate Housewives, and I knew she was like the biggest thing on planet Earth.

I this will surprise you. I loved Desperate I absolutely loved that show. I watched it every Monday night on seven.

Doesn't hold up.

Like you. I am not rewatching it and even.

We watched it in the team. He's notting you. Okay, I'm giving a good.

Hey, Rachel, who's your distant relative?

My friends cousin is Miranda Kerr.

Oh that's a good one.

I like it.

So you've got good jeans, your friends.


Yes's got really nice simples just like Miranda.

Good for them.

There you go. Rachel waited about fifteen minutes to say that.

Thanks very.

Hundred bucks thanks to this, and don't worry what might it worth you? While Hey, Julie, who's your distant relative on my husband's side of the family?

John Wayne?

Oh wow, wow, I'm really covering all the big current movie stars, aren't we really? Really?

Tim and Joel?

This we can Smith's nice to meet you and nice to re meet you and be reintroding to you again, Joel.

And how are you finding me?

Nice? Actually it's a nice change. Yeah, it's nice energy. Yeah, I'm in here on my own. And Ricky is about to go on the Idol stage for the results show tonight at seven thirty m.

Looking glam You're.

About to go on the Gala stage Wednesday then about to go onto the Mess. Well, how are we saying it? Are we saying myths? The Myths stage and Thursday?

Yeah, but the Gala Wednesday night and then I'm on stage every night from Thursday at Max Watts formerly the High five.

Oh yes, I love that venue. I love when you saw a twenty four hours stand up there with Kate Laine Brook. I remember this. Yeah, he used to do it at every like every few comedy festivals.

You do, Mark Mark, Mark Mark, Oh, come on, John, what I'm working with him? Mark Watson?

Now Dark Watson did twenty four hours stand ups, so we'd go like because we do breakfast radio, so we've gone before breakfast radio like three in the morning. Yeah.

Well, you might have caught Fiona Laughlin streaking across the stage. I remember her telling me that that was that.

Took place, that wasn't in the hour I was there.

Yeah, well, if you want to come along to my show. Friday Saturday are sold out, but this Thursday and Sunday are running at preview prices even though the show is well and truly running, because I've done it in Adelaide, So yeah, I get amongst it impression time.

Months you did your Meryl stream impersonation, So I'll do an impression. You guess what it is?

Oh God, okay, yep?

Is it something?

Should I say?


I actually say? What I'm with the impression on the actions just for you.

It's a pigeon, a pigeon. You're the pigeon lady from Mary Poppins.

Thurday twenty fourteen. Are you into pigeons? Are you right into pigeons? Now? I know someone's right into pigeons.

Feed the birds? Like do you go on top and the bag the pigeons? What a weird question?

Happens a bag?

That's what they do in Mary Poppins. She's like, she's the old lady fed the birds topens a bag and then Mary Poppins, let's the kids go and give it a tuppence to the old lady and the old lady feeds the seeds to the birds. Okay, gosh, I hope that's how it goes, or I've gone crazy?

Are you into pigeons out number? Because a Japanese designer is known for drawing inspiration from animals for her designs, and she's now designed pigeon heels. Look at them, the actual pigeon.

Oh you know, I like a creek cookie.

That lady's got her foot in a pigeon, like a proper pigeon shoe, like a pigeon heel, like an actual literal pigeon heel.

You know, he'd be mad for that. Whoopie Whoopy would love that on the view for Shoecam. That would be to bring back Shoecam. She would have those on her feets. Oh my goodness, she'd even come in. She did even do the show that day.

They're going for a fashion brand name something. He's selling a pigeon clutch bag as well for two hundred and fifty eight bucks. That seems Oh yes.

I have seen those around. I think the housewife might have had one at some stage.

Oh yes. And then the wings of the pigeons flap up as the opening of the clutch bag.

I don't mind that.

I rock that. Are you into pigeons? Remember Mike Tyson, he's into pigeons. I love this bird after the rest. I loved that bird so good, so good.

What we love about these birds is what we can't get from human beings, and that's loyalty. Oh my god, Oh my gosh, I mean pigeons. Yeah, actually, in terms of birds I'll take a pigeon over a magpie any day. Magpies used to chase me from like the school bus dropped me a block from my house, and I used to have to run home with my with my school bag over my head because the pigeons that magpies rather, would attack me so hardcore on the way home.

Did you ever have one of the ice cream containers with the cable ties coming out of it? Oh?

Was that to protect from magpies?

Yeah? I don't know why. I don't know. Why don't you paint like eyeballs on the back of them?

I've heard that, Yeah, on the back of you're a helmet if you're cycling.

Is that because they want eye contact or you're not? Because I'm so confused, are you supposed to give magpie's eye contact? Or not.

Well can I can I tell you a story, but you're gonna hate where it comes from. Yes, when I did, I'MO celebrity, get me out of here? Oh my god, no, but you love this. You're like when I did, I'm celeberty to get out of you?


They it said to us, we had a little briefing before we were completely on our own, and they said to us, the ranger said, do not look the baboons in the eyes. If you look them in the eyes, they will they will not leave you alone for the entire time you're around. So what did Maureen McCormick aka Marsha Brady do? Within thirty thirty seconds of hearing that brief she stared down a baboon And then for the next six weeks baboons sat in the trees around our campsite and pitch at us all day long, all because they wanted to harm Marsha Brady.

So you're in their hood like they probably hated it, i'mou celebrity to get me out of here as well.

I know they're like, who is this nasal bloke that doesn't shut up and he's desperate for screen time? I've never heard of him all right, love it.

See buddy, we're back tomorrow. As per usual, Ricky's back tomorrow too.

As the full cast.

The fullcasts are part Wow, no understudies or anything.

No good night to come along to the show.

I don't know

Me even after all.

Ricki-Lee, Tim & Joel

Three of Australia's most respected personalities, Ricki-Lee, Tim Blackwell and Joel Creasey, come t 
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