PT. 2 -- On the forty-ninth episode of Point God, former two-time NBA All-Star, Baron Davis, continues his journey of talking with the best point guards to ever play basketball. Baron interviews LA basketball pioneers and former NBA journeymen Pooh Jeter and Bobby Brown. Baron is joined by Pooh, Bobby and special guest Jamal Crawford to talk LA hoops culture and they give Baron his flowers for inspiring their greatness.
Point God is a production of iHeartMedia.
Produced by SLIC Studios & HNB Media.
Executive Produced by Baron Davis
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Point Guard is a production of I Heart Radio. But it was I'm like, this dude was an artist. It looked so different. I stole Moose from you and I was like, Tim, I remember one time you kicked up the leg. Once you kicked up twice. The third time you kicked up cross from trying to dog foot on everybody. I'm like, damn, Like who is this dude? I'm like who we talk about? Like, uh, you know your journey like Sarah and then you go into Portland's you know what I mean? And and and like how did that transpire? And you wind up playing for h one of my college coaches and Michael Home and what was that like? Now? So definitely, you know, being one of the top eighth graders you know coming out of l A. You know, I ended up going to Sarah and Sarah was loaded, you know at that point guard position with like juniors and sining. So uh, coach her arrest in peace. Um. He was telling me, he was like, you know, because it was like you can play VAR, but you're not gonna play your feelinine. I don't want you playing JV because of JV coaches. A baseball coach, this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna have you played freshman. We gotta we know you the baddest thing. We're gonna have you played freshman because my two coaches are my former guards, Coach Read and coach the Burn shout out, and I'm they're gonna give you my foundation now after your practice, if we need you, I'll have you practice with us, you know, with the var and it's and that. But um so like when I tell people like I went from playing on the freshman team, and then when I do, I don't think they got them no more did they have freshman teams? Who was y'all playing against man? We're playing against other freshman teams. I'm home and Bro, that is the sickest Bro. That is the sickest hoop ever. I'm maybe I'm just warning guard and I'm like, I'm probably having four, I'm having forty ball and I'm at this like five to five three at this point, and uh then you know, I cried so much. Coach I was like, all right, like we're about to start playoffs. We're moving you up. So people on the JV already knew what was going on because when we Davy team. Now all the homies that's city already know what's going like what was happening, never scrimmages. So then you know, I get moved up. And then you know for my sophomore year to you know, and coach Hurt he was in a backcourt with John Stockton again Zaga, So I was learning all the tools early, so you know, I'm coming in with that exam foundation, you know, with Dart of course, my pops had his views and my uncle's. But then getting with Coach hert, I was with a coach who definitely play where I wanted to go. So learning from Coach her from the four years at this time, I wasn't really even playing a you like, because it was so much politics, you know, even with like the homies that was coaches. It was just like we think we want to roll with with I forgot the guard that mount of day or this and that like. So so Coach her a little bitt me like, hey, man, like you're over there not playing like play with us, to play with the high school team. You're gonna get the same reps and we would do our own type of development. So I was like, all right, I'm with that. But then I go off and we play. Remember Carson used to have like a little summer league with all the uh slamming jam. It was like slamming in high school de Mingus. I gave them forty. I gave Dominus forty and the only person school and Compton ladies and gentlemen. The top school in Compton, Domingus was like the n w A of basketball. They was like the fucking uh five five of high school, like the U n l v A high school. They was. They had all the talent, Tay Shawn Press, Jason Thomas, Tyson Chandler, Kenny Brunner, uh man uh kind of just raw all the raw au talent that had potential to go pro wind up going to Domingus. So so then you know this is going into my this is going to my summer, going to my junior So I gave them forty. The coach over they were like they recruiting. He recruiting like Steve Morgan, like Keian. Everybody is recruiting me on the court to go there with my pops wasn't having it. He was like, no, we're staying there, Sarah. So so now my name is starting to like buzz on the West Coast. So I started having a real interest, you know, like from schools. So, uh Gonzaga, I mean about now my senior Gonzaga. How about this boom? Me and LB didn't go to no Nike camp, ABCD camp. He was a superstar. Say we had to pay hunt. Let's I think that game was like a probably discount. Now they give a discount or a scholarship because they used to send them letters. They used to send them letters like phone hunting for the camp I used them since used to come to the house. I'd be like, damn, man, like this gonna never happen. Man, talk about like in from al Aino, you know what I mean. It's like they think we saw the palm trees, all that ship, the west Chester, the Guardana, a crossroads, like talk about just the lifestyle, the off the court, the navigating like how delicate is that right? And what's and what's harder? Two make it in basketball, you know what I mean? And navigate all that ship and learn on the court or to be on the streets and having to navigate, you know what I mean. It's like like is there a moment in your life, uh that you've been able to take a break, you know what I mean, Like because you both work so hard in basketball, like talk about the lifestyle, how hard you have to work to not deal with the bullshit when and and just talk about all the the elements around that, you know what I mean, Because I don't think people understand l A l A as an environment. So I mean obviously for me, uh, growing up because I live I grew up living on like on on the West Side, like on Adams and Carlon, and we moved to Englewood. So my my most of my you know you was in Inglewood. So I'm in Inglewood. You know it's the NHPs and the families just all that is like right, you know, walking this is from the creative so but and in our neighborhood, it was you know, we had all of you know, the Bloods and you know all of my friends like Marcus Watson and uh Brandon Watson, like all them dog State. You know, we all was right here and I grew up with them. So it was like all we did was play sports downstairs. And this is in my in our gate basketball, football, baseball, all that I don't still on the outside of that gig, you know, it's they're doing everything, uh, you know, stuff that you know we see but we ain't you know, involved in. We're trying to be around it because obviously you know, my parents, their parents you know, you know, paying away for us to not be involved in and us as kids, like you know, we we watched what was and we we see it and you know, we around it like we you know, we didn't want to be involved in that, but it was just it was there. So it's like we had to navigate around that. Like some of your friends being from here and we're trying to put you on you want to you know, hang out with them, but she can't because you know, this is what I want to do. I want to I wanna im gonna play sports. You ain't involved on that, so you know, I'm gonna trying to stay away from that. So parties uh in the neighborhood or wherever, and this you know, fights on on on people, you know, gangbanging left and right, and it was just like I just we you know, navigating to all that. It was just trying to stay away from there at the same time. But you don't want to like be like na they say, my homie because he because he say my homies, but I'm just not involved, right and then s basketball sports just kept me away from all of that. So you know, I'm just navigating who and you know that that's side of you know, the neighborhood. It was wrong. Yeah, I would. I would say that there is no freedom off the court, but when you get on the court and you get to the gym, that is probably why a lot of us love basketball so much. Because you're so afraid to play in the streets. He's so afraid to walk out of your confines, right of your yard, of your block, you know what I mean, walk to the park ship like that, Like even if the park is four blocks, it ain't safe. Yo, yo yo. We gotta tap in real quick. Let's here a quick word from our sponsors at all. Like I used to like to go to the like it was a mini more down the street, and it was like, damn, do I want to go to the store right now? Like do I want to like text somebody? Really? So what I used to do is just get my ball and dripping to the store. So it's like if they act like yeah, we throw this and that, Like bro, you know, I'm just I'm dripping in my ball. I just blocking out, or I just say I'm back. I got what am I to do? But that's the beauty, Like I don't think one thing that people like the gangsters in our communities, they don't really get the credit to. Like, because I was about to ask you that question, Pool, I was about to ask you that question. I ask kids we are like we're growing up with people, like we're all hoping and playing sports and this and that. Then as we playing au they're still in the streets, you feel me, and then they drift off into the hood. So now as we are getting this type of you know, attention for our studio this and that, people were like, you know, me being in Gardena and you know, and you know Guardena is full of crips and this and that. So it was like, y'all that's poor over there. You know, Hey he cool, Like we ain't met. Hey, he got you going somewhere. You know, we know your pops and your cousin and this and that, Like he going somewhere. But the beauty also as being hoopers like you know, beat you and like you know your area and Ray Ray and his area and bottoms and over there are in this area and l being this area. So when I'm with you, it's like okay, like oh he cool, okay boom like and now like in the community, like you are known as somebody who's a hooper and not trying to disrespect. So and I always tell people like outside of l A, like especially in different states, like how y'all calling us soft in our hoods? It's in your hood like like now you got this extra rob rob because you have l A and so life dow like like like we always said, like New York you can have that title like of being this we are the lifestyle, like the lifestyle and New York is the mecca. Were the lifestyle. We are definitely the lifestyle man and and man like and ladies and gentlemen. This is this is why this, this is why these these guys are point guys. Because one, I need to get both of all y'all roses right now, right because and your whole era right because my era we was gang bangers, not gang bangers, but like we had to affiliate, right, so we are associated with being gang members. So when we go play at Crenshaw wherever you win, it was like, oh, you from that hood, you know what I mean, Like you really had to like like represent your hood, you know what I mean. Or people would like say, oh he from he from he from on this side of town, you know, he he go to Crishhall, he from this, he go to west Chester. He like you, you almost had to be a blood or a crip or whatever it was, depending on what high school you went to in our in my area. That's how like I think for me, like going a crossroads, I kind of like missed out on a lot of that, a lot of bullshit, you know what I mean, Because you know in l A, like high school is where it's happening, you know what I mean. High school is where all the static and all that ship is happening. And that is after that you graduate to the streets, you know what I mean. And y'all area, y'all came around and y'all start breaking that scar tissue. Man, you know what I mean, y'all don't realize what y'all did. Y'all start breaking that scar tissue because I couldn't go to song and so good, you know, and and and be a hooper and and feel like I was in my neighborhood, right, y'all start playing on the same teams together. Y'all start playing on the same and you teams high school, y'all would hang out together. And when you think about like when I when when I look at it now, you know, pooh lb Ray Ray, m Will d Right, Trevor Um, you know, uh we call it bottoms. Uh, so many dudes from so many different eras, I mean areas, right, and y'all breaking up that scar tissue to wear your parents, your uncle's, your cousins, you know what I mean? They all at the game from different hoods. Is that a fact? Bro? That is the biggest fact. And I think that is what really started to like basketball start trumping being a gangster, right, Like we had to be basketball players, but we also had to be a gangster because it was front the hood. Y'all was like, fuck, this is hoop over everything, right, Like we don't want no parts and none of that ship, you know what I mean. And everybody else kind of followed, you know what I'm saying, like, speak to that man, speak to like. I don't know if y'all ever took a moment to realize that in that time and in that moment you know, uh in l A in that you know, in that era, but like that was I think that was really important because you also created the extension of l A's brand of point guards all around the country. Camaraderie and you know, uh, like what was it in that moment because you know you did it in high school. You go to college, right and y'are coming back to college, y'all still hanging You're planning to say, no, y'all moving together. You know, I don't even think y'all realize the street aspect, of the cultural aspect and the lines you were pushing while you were doing all this on the court, you know what I mean? But like speak to like that like that brotherhood of like you know, what's y'all form? You know what I mean? Because it was y'all who I mean our brotherhood definitely. I mean because I feel like when we were you know, in that era and it was all playing, we all like on the same teams, were hanging out. It was like we all you can tell we all like have that that that mindset and that that at hunger to like yo, we were all trying to go like you're trying to make it out of our situation, like we're trying to make it better for our families, we're trying to make it better for ourselves, and we love to who So it was like all of us had that same uh, that same like goal, that same kind of goal, and it was like natural for us to be hanging out with each other like that. Um so our brotherhood. Really it came natural in this from us all, you know, being around each other as young uns and going through the same you know, type of tribes and relationships with this basketball stuff. So you know, that's how I feel we and the thing is with our brotherhood, like us knowing each other like as at a young age, you know, we just continue to you know, inspire each other and push each other to that point of like, Okay, this is the goal. Let's get these college scholarships. Okay cool, you know, um then from us getting the college scholarships, okay, now we one step closer to our our goal. So if it's the Jon Thompson and if it's you feel me like and also like people these two you know, small like these two like Trevor and d Right need to for show get they flowers become because when Trevor and d Right. Now these are two people we like, are with all the time. So when they made it to the league, now we of course we had access to you though, Boom. And you know, I access to Lucius Harris and Milk Colossio and and uh and of course we had connections to j Hart. But when we really saw Trevor and d Right get drafted in college, it was like, oh, this is real. It's own, like it's it's opera. But then like in college, that was our time when we were like, you know, you only have that select a few, like really working out with you, Boom. So while we're in college, now we are now help you, like preparing you and now getting pushed. So if we're able to do this against each other now when we're going back to our seasons, ain't just playing against me, y'are playing against Chauncey Mo Williams. Who else was up there? Everybody was up there, and I was like, Yo, I need my young dudes. I want to feed them to the wolves. Yo. You know what time it is. You know, this show wouldn't be where it is if it wasn't for our sponsors. And let him have it, right and and and and of course you're like because of you, we had a strong connection with Rico. And this is when Rico Rico Hines was starting out. So we got us doing all types, were conditioning the court, but you know, like that was he was fueling us, like y'all was un us even being But then we started we was able to see things like off the court ride now boom, like you know, like you flying us everywhere your family, We're driving your whips, you know, like we're getting back to close. It was it was bro okay. Remember the ice creamy. Remember remember we're right at the remark with the with the ice creams. Find these fucking pairs of shoes, bro, anything you want. Hey, you know, smooth went straight to the ice creams. I said, Smooth, what's these ice creams? Food? You don't know? Hey, bro y'all y'all was keeping me up on all the cool style whatever. It was was like you guys are like the stout icons, you know what I mean? And really like for real to transition the pioneer between like basketball is a lifestyle. We dressed like skateboarders. Skateboard we we gotta skateboard swag. We gotta we got a basketball swag. It's a hybrid. Y'all start wearing uh swim shorts to the gym and ship like that and like you know what I mean, You'll just start like taking this ship to a whole another level. Man um talk about talk about just the essence and the swag and the style and you know what it means to be you know, l A guard and you know even like you know, dudes, who who who got that flavor that that's not from l A. I mean that's from l A. But went on the live other places like you can still see you know what I mean, you know the swag, um, but to say a boom the one thing like as we are connected with each other, like people outside of like couldn't believe it that he was like, Yo, you y'all cool with each other, Like wow, look at Yeah, I gotta surprise for youall. I gotta surprise for the West Coast is in the building. Jamal Crawford just popped into the Point Guy show. We're pooling ll be Brown pool jetted Jamal Crawford. It's your boy Bed, your host. Point Guys, the masterminds, the pioneers of culture, flavor style, essence like the is um you know what, that's crazy that mall just popped in because like when people see like our group together, you know, like when people see like people couldn't believe that, like they ain't like Trevor d Wright LB like like y'all all hang out like, but then you go to see all, you see the same thing. I'm in see y'all. I'm saying, Dang, it's small. Tray Simmons is by Cowboy is out like it's like everybody's together. That's why I like when I used to take my time to go to Seattle and be with you know, Tray Simmons and be Boy for their birthday party. I used to be like, dang, like like the only two areas like really like that are strong connected. And that's why you always see a large group after us make it right, how we are influencing that community. So yeah, and that's that's the whole thing. Like people will be like, no, why y'all got so many people in the same with y'all with bed and the way y'all got to set up the infrastructure, it's like its own ecosystem. You know what I'm saying that there's an eighth grade right now, that can hit you on text. It's a ninth grade I can hit be. D's a sophomore to get hit it will be and be like, Yo, we don't even do on this and y'all gonna get them through it. So they got the Checo, know what I'm saying, Like they got the actual Chico. And so that's the whole thing with us, just like yo, you gotta reach back and get somebody and then everybody's coming. So it's not like we never left, like we've always been connected, you know what I'm saying. So if if Isaiah got a backpack giveaway, ten of us is going you know, I mean, if I got my prom everybody's playing it, Dejon t Murray got something, We're all gonna be there. And that's why we're so strong, and that's why there's so many more coming because we never left. We've always been connected, always getting and se sauce right, that's why damn how y'all's to see we never loved and that's what that's what Bet was doing at being the best PG in the world. We had we had access, he was visible everybody Like if it's Drew Holiday and this and that's so when you come in and see like it's like why, like why love? But you know what I mean, it's like it's so based on love right that like I am no good, you know what I mean, if I don't have y'all get what I'm saying. And I love watching y'all play because y'all y'all practicing some ship that I ain't seen before. Y'are doing some ship that I ain't seen before. Now, Marla tell you now, these other dudes in the league, man, we know what the fun they're doing every time every game, you know what I mean, it's like they cold, you know what I mean? They cold. But what we're looking for as like creatives, you know what I mean. It's a difference, you know what I mean. And you know some people are you know, professional painters and some people are artists and don't give a fuck, you know what I mean. And so we're taking them recipes and them ingredients, and like, oh ship, look how LB taking the iverson, you know what I mean, and just rocking it with a little heavy first, you know what I mean. I'm like, man, look how Pool coming down off the inn and out between the legs of the pull up, and I'm watching all that ship because I'm like, yeah, if I can if I can pull up like Pooh against these dudes, you know what I mean, if I can catch somebody off balance, and now I'm putting that in my game. You know what I mean. You can speak to that too, because like you know, you can. You know what I'm saying exactly exactly what Bed is saying. And that's why I think the culture always connect with the real because when you when you're doing it like that, the cultures like ship, that's what I would be doing files out for you. You know what I'm saying. It's like you representing them on a different level. That's why you can walk on any mother the king in the country and they gave you the same respect. I mean, that's that's that, nigga. You know what I mean, that's all the shops off because we're representing y'all. That's where we get it from. Like but he said, especially now, there's so much cookie cutter ship, like everything was the same. That's why John marn stands out because he's doing his own way. That's why, you know what I'm saying. Steve Francis stood out because that was doing their own way. Everything look the same right now, and so Blind and Kyrie say, that's for all artists, Like we're really all artists for real, especially when you think the game like that. You know me, like we just playing the game like we're bringing that street to it. We're bringing that our own flavor to it. And that's what makes it spicy. That's what makes it good. That's what makes it resonator, you know what I mean. And that's and I also think that's what gets us there, right because you know, a lot of a lot of kids and even business people, you know, just listening to this show. It's like a lot of the inspiration that you're giving is really the game of Like you have to believe, you have to have vision, you have to have creativity, right in order to be a one of one. Yeah right, yeah, because pretty much and and the thing and be and I told you it's in different ways. But Bro, you were like it was like some other ship when I saw you, Like Kenny Brother was the man, right and you can't you made your rides. The kid heard about Kenny Brother and he was a dog, and I was like he got the Gary Payton physicality is nice. That ain't like the most skilled, but he's gonna winners, donna get done. But the ship I saw you doing, bro, I was like, I was messed. I was captivated. I'm like, I've never seen somebody this good and wasn't in the pro because you know, I'm fourteen thirteen, fourteen years old. I had never seen somebody so good. I swear to guy Brod walking my barber showing I got to tu be in high school on the wall. Were the same age nigger, so you know, like it's a whole different love I got for this dude, like I was here and Natty here, I saw you that don was the first four Yeah now yeah, Socks was all away. It looked like he didn't care about nothing but who. And I'm sizing him up all hey, that's all. You might have had some prowings on or something. I was like, man, who is this dude? Like like he was a throwback, like you didn't care about never but who. But it was I'm like, this dude was an artist. It looked so different. I stole from me and I was like team. I remember one time you kicked up your leg once you kicked up twice the third time he kicked it across and trying to dunk foot on everybody. I'm like, see, I'm like, who is this dude? I'm like, I want my games to be like that, Like I want people to be mesmemorized when they see me. I want them to do I want with jaw to drop when they see you. I say, playing who like this is your frason. It's a different level art, you know what I'm saying. Like, for example, when Kendrick spit, let me get like when okay, when you're going back a little bit, like when somebody else I canna saying the names, You're like, oh he's cold. When Kidrick speare like not something different about him. That's how I saw me at a young age, you know what I'm saying. So I'm like, I need the first day as a little conor the first thing I said, I can make it like this do bearing days, brocase out of this world where y'all see him. So it was just a trip just to watch this whole journey and rise bro, like real talk, real talk, and you'all see it close like it will be y'all. So different level y'all. Like for y'all, what was that like for y'all seeing Bed at a young age and just knowing him and seeing his y'all, I'll take Nat heard going down. Henry compete album Hold That Line point Guard is a production of I Heart Radio. 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