
Jamal Crawford Pt. 2 of 2

Published Mar 16, 2022, 7:00 AM

PT. 2 -- On the forty-seventh episode of Point God, former two-time NBA All-Star, Baron Davis, continues his journey of talking with the best point guards to ever play basketball. Baron continues his interview with legendary NBA combo guard and 3x 6th Man of the Year winner Jamal Crawford. Jamal talks about his NBA idols, the current generation of PGs and more!

Point God is a production of iHeartMedia.

Produced by SLIC Studios & HNB Media.

Executive Produced by Baron Davis

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Point God is a production of I Heart Radio. I'm gonna give my ship off. I don't know how long I will be here. I'm gonna give my ship off. Either y'all gonna accept it or you not. And I thank God that I was like I had the mentality to do it. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Point. The podcast show presented by Slick My Heart Media is the label I Am Your Host. Baron Davis a K. Egg Boom, Diestel, a k A B Diddy, a k A too Easy, Helly from Seatttle to l A to Seattle to l A back to Seattle. Painter artists, a visionary, a real life in three D moment, an icon maker and one of the most incredible human things you will ever get to know. And in Cyclopedia Information The Path Finding the Kingdom Jamal Croper and like talk about like talk about just like you you as a basketball player, right, It's like you've got you have this is M you have this it you have this sauce, right M. How do you do it? Do you practice it? Is? You know, you know what I'm saying, Like ship, Like, how do you do it? Do you practice it? Do you think about it? Like is it more your dreams and ship but like you know, it's it's all of it. But I'm gonna tell you what I stole from it. I got you, stole from you. I stole from stuff on Baghare. I stole from Ai, stole from from Isaiah, I stole from Tim mark Away. I stole from Kenny Anderson. So I stow. I stole from Nick Vanasy about master right, So I stole my move. I stole from all you guys, like you said before an introduction basketball his story, like I studied everybody. I literally have studied everybody from my era in before and so all the way up, and so with that, I would do that, and then imagination, like the imagination to do something, and then medi I'm gonna tell you crazy. Ever, I've never wance Donna a ball Hamlet dream all life. I use I use humans as combes, like I would see what would work, was wouldn't work because I'm like that cone is not a six five six six athletic do I mean? So you know move? So what happens in your mind when that play that you're trying to work on that cone doesn't work? You freeze up. I'm like, no, I'm gonna use these peoples cones and then I'll see what I worked and one done. It's crazy. My my my ten best moves. I had my arsenal. I never put out the league, so I was if I had never made an Allstar in the game, I was gonna put out every time down the court. I was in part of a different one every time. So now now they're the Prince records. They're just in the balls. They just in the valls because I'm gonna give me my son. But I'm telling you like it was just imagination. I was just with this work or what if I did this with this Okay, what if I did my food work and I got long arm, so I got a seven for wings man. So sometimes I'll lose the ball and they think I lost it and put me into another crossing. If I was in boxing, i'd be a CounterPunch. I would do something to see you react and then I'll play off of that. That's so dope, man, Like you know, just like I can imagine you just create, you know what I mean, Like with a basketball without a basketball in the grocery store, like I see the young Jamal Crawford, like I shaking right and bopping, and like, it's you. You have a game that you cannot teach. You have a game that you was born with. You birth this right? You You you have birth this style right. We like to ask the question, like if there were three artists right that you can relate your game and your style to, who would those artists be? I think, and I can give you a bunch of them, Like I could say kiss, I could say, oh, I can say, but the one person I try to emulate my game after it, I wanted to sound or look like if they sound it was and and what I mean by that was he was so unique and so a friend that we had never seen one. When I was a kid, I used to ask people like, yo, whose game don't resemble? Is it Pennies I ever since? And it was like, nah, you look, but nah, it's a kid that broke my heart because I'm like, Damn, how am I gonna make it to the top league if I don't play like nobody league faster? Twenty years now, I'm like, Damn, I'm glad I don't. To this day, I don't think there's one person play exactly like so I wanted to be like Andre, how Andre like me? Andre rapped like he's from a different planet. I wanted to play like I was from a whole different place, like period. I wanted to play like, Oh, I want to be the street dude who could bridge the gap between street and the quote unquote professional game and make it blend right and blow in the world's like I love skipped to death, but skill with skipped on the streets and he's ready for austin the league. And that's not his fault because at the time we grew up here and it has to do that. Yes, he has to do that. He talked about that. He talked about that on this know like he was he it was he had he was. He was like, look, Doug, I was the top point guard in the in the country as a juilior didn't matter. So he was like, I know how to point guard. But it's like you gotta you gotta give something up, you know what I mean. And I was like like, fuck it. I said, I waited my whole life to be on the stage. I'm not giving I don't know how long I'm gonna be here myself. Even y'all will accept it or you not. You know. I thank god that I was like, oh my god, I had the mentality to do it, because I think, no matter what, they'll remember that don't remember me. You got you got moves named after you, bro. You know what I mean? Like how does that feel? You know what I'm saying? Like you growing up, You're practicing all this ship. You know what I mean? You got this imagination and like you lo Keith feeling yourself, you know what I mean, because I'm going through the same ship, you know what I mean, Like it's like a dace and then like I'm mad that I didn't get to pull all my ship out, you know what I mean, because of certain things. But you did not give two ships. And that's what I love, bro, because when it happened, you were already gonna do it right. That ship wasn't spontaneous. Bro, that was not spontaneous. You're like, Yo, I'm about to do this move on this motherfucker right now because it's the right moment in time, and like that's complete freedom, you know what I mean? Like how do you get like, like how did you get to like linded that moment hit? Was it? In college? Was it? Did it? It? Happened. It was young because my dad, like he played, He'd always give me the basics of the game. Follow through the shot, don't over drip, you know. He would give me the basics. And so for me, he was like, yo, people are gonna say you fancy. He was like, if that's who you are, be this person all the time. So for me, I played the same way if it was a high school gym, if there's twenty thousand people there, if he was on the black top. So I own my flow, own my side. I'm not changing, I'm old. I'm just gonna master it so I can do it anytime anywhere and still like her whole say. He was like, people here the flashing lyrics. I could really rap, Like I can really go. I really, I actually know the game. You can really get. You can play on different levels, you know what I mean with different people. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because I could. I could play my catching shoe game ball that I'm a family you can still play today, can still you would be like play And that's what I tell somebody, Like a one on one is very very different because at fifty they're still the one of one, you know what I mean? At sixty they're still the one of one, so they can still who you know what I mean, It's just they can't move maybe as fast. But if you put them out there, they're gonna get you some money, you know what I mean. It's like now basic ball player and a and a professional. And you know, like when you when certain people retire, they have to retire because they're no good. One of ones continue to get better. Boo. My last game, my last school game I play. I was thirty nine. I yes, I know. I was watching it. Love Hey, Love have mercy. If you told somebody that story twenty years he had fifty one. Man, he was thirty and he's like, man, get out of here, like off the making this step, making this ship, would you stop? Hey? And going into it. I had twenty five for three straight games. So for that month, it was a short month. For that month, I averaged, Bro, you was you wanted six. It was my highest scoring month of my career. Started six off the bench and we want and we want to half the games boom and I don't even play think about that. That's it's crazy, bro, that's crazy. And at one point I was gonna follow a lawsuit against the NBA for a discrimination because they won't let me play. Hey something something went down. Something, Hey boom, something went down. Bro, there's no way. So my thing is the year before that, I went teammates a year and that's the more you're trying to win. That's just character, Like, yeah, team, but that's what you need in the league. So you can't question to me on that side, right, I just average thirty one for a month. I can't question in the hoops. You cannot question on the hood. And this the other thing. You asked me to come work in your front offices, and you asked me to come coach, so you respect my mind, you respect everything I'm about, but you don't want me playing. I'm like something, I'm cool, bro, oh cool. At this point, it's it's some something's not something's something's going down. I'm not feeling it. So I'm gonna separate myself from that part. Yeo, yeo, yeo. We gotta tap in real quick with us here a quick wear from our sponsors. I'm gonna just separate myself from that part. And and and like now you know as like now you're in the the gray right right, you know what I'm saying, but like you know, and I think this show is also for like the young point guards that are in it, you know what I mean, and about to you know, in their transition. There's a thing about you that that is patience, that's humbleness, you know what I mean, that's curiosity, and there's something that's ever evolving, you know what I mean, like dive in into the importance of that, right because you know, I found myself in that situation where like, damn, dude, I can still I can still hoop now, and it's like I was thirty eight, thirty nine and it was just like damn, I can't get it. Fucking man. I'm still gonna play basketball, right, but I'm gonna let basketball help me transition and involve into the same basketball player. I was right talking about the importance of like you know, especially for like these point guards and and these business people to understand how to be like true to your essence, right because you know, like you have like your rock star you feel them say, and like you are one of one. You're a rock star. You live in the moment, you create the moment, and now you're still creating the same impact. You know what I mean off the court. You know what I mean, as you did, as you know, multiple six Man Award winner on the court, you know, talk about Yeah, you're absolutely right. It took me a minute to be honest with you. That first year. I'm like, damn, how do I not get even the contract off? Not one team said Okay, we're gonna give sign him up and you know you'll be here whether he's not playing, whether he's just a mentor not. One team that they would do that. So I was a little better at that part of it because I'm like, damn, what's that saying if I can't get a contract off, Like I can't get a minimal contract offers last rosters following the team, Like, what's that saying about me? So I was a little bitter about letting somebody else kind of right the end of your story. But I'm like, then, I gave twenty years to this game and professionally, I'll get my whole life too, and I still will. But how do they have the power to just say okay? So yeah, And that bothered me. But once I got through that and got past that, I saw the blessing on the other side of it, and and I was being able to coach my son, being home full to time, being able to do to talk the game, which I love doing. You know, uh, to teach the game because when you're talking, you're teaching right like you're there's a younger guard after who's gonna hear something and it maybe one jewel or one gym he's gonna hold on to for the rest of his basketball playing career and probably the best of his life period. Because transfer over from basketball from sport, it's a real in sport teaches you things to teach you, like you said, teaches especially in your coaching. It teaches me patience, It teaches me um to be teaching, to be resilient, to teach people to be uh he have humility about them, won't care who you are, what you've accomplished. You have to have a certain humility that that carries all the time. Treat people respect. That stuff travels, and so the things I'm teaching now is it's second to none. I would rather coach than even do talking, even do TV stuff, or even play like I played, because I love it. Rather like we have practice tonight, I have practice plans I have we watched film. Don't let it we watch the film. We are we're doing still development. Like all the stuff that they don't know right now, terminology they don't know is gonna stick with them for the rest of their career. This is their foundation problem. I need to get my kids to you. I'm teachings and ship I'm doing, I'm play video. I'm gonna send you a practice playing every single day with practice and it's just amazing. And every time we're going to we just came back from May Hoops that was in Cali and yeah, and the experiences. Every time we're go on a trip, I make sure we do something with the team and the parents. The first session and we went to Portland, I got the sweet the Blazers game a lot. It never been to an NBA game, especially having Songics here so that you can see their eyes just dreaming. The next session, we ran out the whole thing and David Busters, all the parents, all the family members, all of them. Because it's about memories and moments, so it's not just basketball stuff with life that I'm trying to teach them well, and we try to do something every single trip that we go to so they can really enjoy the full experience. Of what's doing things the right way? Not just a you, but your basketball journey, in your life journey, what motivates you or what motivated you to do all this? You get back? Um, it's like ship man, I'm I feel so inspired and I feel like, damn, I'm just not doing enough. You know, like what what? What? What? What is it that that moves you? You know what I mean? And like on another one of you know, my interview shows just called big business Inside the Game, and I feel like you are the pit and me of business inside the game. Someone who's got their NBA their masters, there's their doctorate from the NBA, right and from basketball, but like in the game of life right like you are you are, you are in your past, your masters, in your doctor right? What what? What is the motivation people? Like I love people, especially kids, but I love people like I have a I think my compassion level is heightened, to be honest with you, like, I think people will look for people and then I have a different level of compassion for people. I think it helps me feel good seeing somebody else reached their potential or seeing somebody else happy. I remember when I was in college, I didn't have much and I think I had twenty dollars and I bought a pizza and I had like fifteen left, and there was somebody on the street. I gave him all fifteen, like I didn't know where my next dollar was coming from. But I always just and compassionate for people because I've been to have not I've been the ones who weren't supposed to be here. It's very compassionate with that, and I'm very assenstive that for me. I think my sister told me on the journey. She was like, once you come into a lot of fame, a lot of money, you become a bigger version which you already were. Right if you was an asshole, You're gonna be a bigger asshole. Now you can really send on people, flex on people. If you was somebody who was compassionately cared about people, well now you've got more to help those people within as well. So I've just always been in tune with that. I've never been jaded, And for me, it's just people was always been my number one thing, especially these kids. So I think it was a natural progression. Before I had a foundation set up, before I had all that going, I was already doing these things I was putting in place, put it in proper place. YEA, all right, I got some light. I got some I got some light. Um. If you were to build your perfect guard, you have five attributes, right. You can take any attributes from any guard that's ever played to build the perfect guard. Go. I want. I want Magic Johnson's basketball intellect. I want Michael Jordan's determination and will. I want Kobe's talent, hu just about out talent, about out talent. I want, Oh, give me step shooting and give me Kyrie's handle. We're good, give me, give me, give me, uh, give me Boom Disney's handle and give me step shoot. Yeah, and Boom Dones. I want Boom Disney's handle and step shoot. I'm yo. You know what time it is. You know this show wouldn't be where it is if it went for our sponsors. Let him have it, sick, I'll take I'll take that over, Kyrie. Kyrie, you want to have a handle and handle contest or something. Dug Okay, if you could switch positions, right, I want that dude off of that team. Put me on that team. That is the team. I want to rocket. Who would you put switch positions with I always say mine is Tony Parker, and uh, I say that every episode because he yeah, him and Steve nash Man like ship, god damn, all right, what if we're gonna do that? Get take off, take off, Monu and put me with the Spur, because that's the thing. Think mine was a goal six man. But I think he had the luxury of playing for one system, one coach the whole time. I had twenty I had twenty coaches, so I had I've only had the same coach back to back years twice in my whole career. Twenty coaches in twenty years. They all see you different, right, Some see you as a point something its two guards to see you started. Some see off the bench. So I had that luxury of playing for one coach the whole time. I think that would have been that would have been a man. And I say the same thing with Tony Parker. Yeah we're gonna be Spurs. Man, We would have been Spurs. It would have been me and you instead of Tony Parker and Genoboli or the other one. The other one. If you took off Swaggy Peat and gold State when they had oh my god, we got down have been the greatest show going dude. All right, all right, uh we did. We did. The three artists, three music artists. Now I want to say if there was an artist outside of music, right, if there are three people that would make up right the essence of your game outside of music, you cannot use music. There are three people that are entertainment driven, I would say, outside of rap, entertainment driven, art driven, culture driven, leadership driven. If you could take three people to define your game, let's say Wood Harris, because he's he to me so coldy, so lord a mercy. He's so cold and he always kills every room no matter what. So I would say Wood here is I think Stokely from Mad Condition is the same. You don't he don't get hit crazy cold, he's been around. Hey, bro, you got bombs? Yeah? And then can I say sport? Can? I said, like yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I said quick already. I wanna say mak Moode on this because he's to me he's a basketball scientist, like he's a basketball since Yeah. I just love everything he's about. He's so true to his craft and he's so true to his who he is as a person. He's so in tune with who he is as a person. He's never tried to be anybody else. I respect that so much and I'll try to live like that. Now, name your five favorite point guards in the league or now, in in the in the moment of now, the moment. Who are your five favorites? You can include shooting guards as well. Who are your five favorite guards? Now that you watch it. I'm gonna say John, I'm saying Kyrie, I'm gonna say Steph, I'm gonna say Luca. Oh yeah, wait, he's such a such a he's such a he's such a gal. Any any players like he got headphones you bro? Oh my god, He's like Brandon Roy. He built like a bigger version in Brandon Roy. Bro. Yeah. And then I'm gonna give a shout out to see Pete. Oh yeah, for sure. I just love himself. Yeah. Then finally, oh oh man, can we slash the spot for the mellow? Oh? Hell yea yeah man? Yeah. And then our last question. You've been so inspiration on this show. I feel like everything you drop has been jewels. But like, if there's a young Crawford out there, there's a young Hooper out there, and you wanted to leave them, are apart with them. You know, some words or some last words of advice. What would that be? It would be tased your dream. You gotta have tunnel vision while you're doing it. It's gonna be half the people say you can do it. It's gonna we have to say you don't through the ones that believe in you that you can't, and the ones that didn't that you that you can, that they shouldn't believe you in the first place. But more importantly, treat people you want to be treated. If basketball is all, will remember before then you wasted the rest of your life be a good basketball player to be a better person. There you have it, Letty and gentlemen, boys and girls, Hoopers of all ages, leaders of all ages, you have it. You have it from the mastermind of hoop, the maestro of Handel, the King of Bob, the connector, the instrument an inspiration and giving back a person who is bigger than himself. It's ever evolving. My dog, my dog, you dog, hey, hey, I thank you for getting inspiration dog for real, Like you don't understand what you mean to me, Like you help give me imagination, like you help give me inspiration because I'm like, this dude's talent is out of this world. You're like that Andre three thousand that we talked about ship if you're if you're Andre the bro we have saw align our lives, our journeys, our paths are stories, you know what I mean, our mission and our purpose. You know how we lead. You know we leave with love, but it's also out of some type of weird fear of not being able to give enough, you know what I mean, So the next Quesson can accomplish enough, and so you know, you know, for me to you, bro, it's just like you. I give you your roses because I'm watching everything you do. I am your biggest fan, you feel under staying like I'm your biggest supporter, Bro, Like you know, wherever I gotta come to Seattle or whatever? When can I can I walk with? I take you to the Partmer shop real quick, like so people can see you on my wall. Bro. That up? I noticed the first on the Point guy. No, that's the first time we're walking on the Point guy show. This man has I've been watching. I'm thinking he talking about I see quick, I see all the guys. He's gonna bring me all one day. So it was all in guys, playing in time. But I gotta show you this problem because I got inspiration. This is something that's in my house. Yeah, I mean I am inspired because I am walking through your fucking house and you got a barbershop in your house. I'm thinking you're going around the corner. But as long as this is taking ladies and gentlemen, I would have had walked out of my house. I would have walked. Oh my god, dude, he walked out of the house, in the house, back in the house, out the house, in the house. It's like a scare foot the house. We get bad. Come on, I'm come on with God. I think I think, I still I think I still got my McDonald's all American ships. I sing you them too. You know I have no do that is dope, I need. That's dumb. Bro. I appreciate you. I don't make it up, bro, like for real real, You've been an inspiration for me. Bro. Really, I appreciate you. Bro. I love you. Jim Man, I appreciate you. Love you. Jamal Man. You you you the best bro. You are. You are you are what the league and what basketball and what people need to know and you are the best representation of us and everything you know that's coming out of Seattle. Bro. You you know whatever you need from me. You know I'm locked. You know what I mean. Seattle Unified, l a unified more God from us, Bro. I appreciate you, God blessed. Appreciate you man, the miestro of Handle, the master of Flow, the King of Bob, Jamal Crawford. Ladies and gentlemen, Thank you. I Heart Radio, Thank you Slick. This is the point Goud podcast show here Yeah. Point Guard is a production of I Heart Radio. 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Point God with Baron Davis

In the ultimate "give them their roses" series, former 2X NBA All Star Baron Davis sits down with th 
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