"Spark of Rebellion Pt. 2" (S1E2)

Published Mar 18, 2025, 7:05 AM

Lightsabers and Wookiees and Holocrons, oh my! The fun continues with a discussion about 'Spark of Rebellion Pt. 2" and how it all doubled as an introduction to the world of Star Wars for newbies while paying homage to the original films; setting the course for what would ultimately be the Star Wars Rebels journey. And, like Kanan Jarrus on the Spice Mines of Kessel, Vanessa, Tiya and Taylor "let you all in on the secrets" as they share more behind the scenes stories!

I think you said lightsabers are the coolest, and just as a person who yes, as a person who plays in Mandalorian on TV, I'm just gonna have to say jet packs.

Way, no way, no way.

Hey everyone, this is tser Car, voice of Sabine Run Specter five, and I am here with my friends.

Hey, what's up. It's Vanessa Marshall Harrison Doula from Star Wars Rebels, also known as Spector two, and I got another Specter for you.

Spector six, Taylor Gray, Ezra Bridger. And with us we have.

I am John Ley Brody, non spector but full on moderator for Pod of Rebellion. Welcome everybody. So we are going over spark A Rebellion Part two again Disney Plus sequencing season one, episode two. Even so, technically speaking, if you're going by the original sequencing, it was a TV movie where we're going by the Disney Plus sequencing. And yeah, I guess I shouldn't waste any time you liked my recap last week. I was very happy. I felt not that I seek out external validation anymore. I've done a lot of therapy to sort that out, but it was still nice to get that external validation and flip Taylor Gray's Han solo bad feeling into a good feeling.

Which I've got a good feeling about this song.

Become You went from Hans solo to Harrison Ford's character on shrinking. You just kind of came like, yeah, I guess it's okay. Sure, yeah, sure, it's fine.


Going to your recap. Thanks for coming, Harrison, I appreciate it. All right. Here comes the recap for Spark Rebellion Part two. I don't know why I'm talking like William Shatter, go with it. We pick up from where part one left off, with the Ghost being bored like the tanted for and the new Hope, and Ezra is still unsure of what to do. He ultimately decides to follow Harris's suggestion and is able to warn to others just in time, while also showing off his cosmic bart Simpson slingshot with the help of Sabine Chopper, disabling the artificial gravity by the way, rebels the at first alien Romulus. The Ghost crew is able to float out of Harm's way only one problem. Ezra gets left behind. While in the Imperial Sale, Ezra's questioned by Agent Kallis, who is determined to set a trap for the Ghost Crew when they inevitably come to his rescue. However, Ezra is convinced that no one is coming to his aid, and in a moment of frustration, he throws the holocrown he's stole from Canaan's room against the wall. To his surprise, it opens up and we hear the familiar voice of the guy who once dated Duchess the team. Since he feels no one will come to his rescue, Ezra decides to use his own sabinusts to engineer his own escape, but then, after eavesdropping on comms, he learns that the Ghost Crew did come back for him. Azra is reunited with the Ghost Crew and they narrowly escape the grips of Agian Callous. While back on the Ghost it appears Ezra will be taken home, but he reveals another bit of information he came across the wile eavesdropping on comms, the location of the in prison Wookie. The Ghost Crew makes their way to the Spice minds of Kessel, but are then ambushed by Agent Callous, and this leaves Canaan no choice, but the reveal that like Gretchen Wiener's big hair and mean girls. He is full of secrets. The big secret is revealed when he courageously walks towards the Imperial Troopers and by the way, Repelsentive First Wonder Woman hashtag represented first and reveals what he's been hiding under that perfect ponytail is that he is a Jedi. As Canaan fights off the troopers, Ezra feels inspired to rescue a young Wookie from a Stormtrooper, and the process shows off a vertical leap that would make Vince Carter jealous. Thanks to the bravery and textbook teamwork of the crew, the Wookies are now all reunited and safe, and they all say their goodbyes, and now it would appear that it is also Ezra's time to leave. But when that moment comes, he feels a conflict like Vader and return to the Jedi. But what looks like a goodbye actually turns into Ezra having two pass to choose from. Once again. Behind door number one, Canden offers Ezra a chance to learn the ways of the forest, or he can choose door number two and stay on the thought. Before we get his name answer, we are treated to a montage a company by the voice of Obi Wan Kenobi with an inspiring message that of course is bookend with the moral words and made the force fee with you. And as Obi Wan's voice fades away, we see Ez back on the ghosts and evidently chose door number one. The episode ends with Agent Kallius be in a total tattle tale and in forming an inquisitor of the Jedi he encountered. And it would now appear that, like the eighties song by Glenn Frey, the heat is on this rebel squad.

Wow, we are a mean girls podcast.

As appreciable all the references. I especially love that Vince Carter reference.

We love our sports on this podcast.

We'll go now.

Get some sports fans on. Here are some athletes who are Star Wars fans.

There's a lot of them out there. I know Victor Victorina is one of them.

So we're gonna be I vote for a live podcast at some point here where we can bring various sort of notorious athletes onto about their their fandom with Star Wars.

I would love it if we could do. You know how, like during the NBA playoffs or the like Super Bowl, there's always like people saying Hey, I'm so from this show, Like I feel like we're going to position ourselves like, hey, we're the Potter Rebellion. You're watching the NBA Finals. I'm just gonna put it out there.

It's gonna matthes that that's it's because I'll be watching regardless.

I'd like, yeah, anywhere there, Yeah, that would be amazing.

Super Bowl. We're gonna be at the super Bowl one of these years. Yeah, I'm just going to put it out there as well, just all all the things, all the sports things, because we do love our sports here. So initial thoughts, I know that, what's your initial thoughts watching this? We went over the last week. On last week's episode, we talked a lot about behind the scenes, but I feel like the second part of this is where the story really comes together. I think we all have probably the same favorite part of this episode that we can get into. And I think it's such a great moment because you're because we we we we drop these breadcrumbs, especially when Ezra is snooping around the ship and he finds these artifacts, like Okay, when are we going to get it? Like are they are? Are they going to make us wait till the mid season? Finale. But I feel like we do get everything we want, uh in the second part, and it ties it all together. It's really cool.

Should we jump to it or should we wait?

Well, we might as well we can jump.


I have one question today, you know, like Harry Potter Goblet of Fire is that's my favorite because there's like a sports at the quidditch thing in Star Wars?

Is there ever a is it pod racing? Is there ever?


Do you know what I'm saying, like a eventized competition.

I guess pot racing would be.

Yeah, I would say pod racing. I mean at the colin JC early.

I guess the game they played to the like chess like game is Deeric.

Yeah, I don't know.

Maybe it's like I had to ask, it's got to be pod racing. I think that's the only crowd sure.

And I just want to say, like, I know people have their opinions of episode one, but that pod racing scene and Phantom Menace is awesome. I love that scene and it's I think it's a great sequence. It's everything you kind of want out of an action sequence. And yeah, maybe I don't know. This is a deep pull back in the day. This is my. My favorite comedian of all time is Richard Pryor. And I'm wearing a Richard Pryor shirt. Funny enough. And he had a sketch comedy show and he did one called the Star Wars Bar you can find it on YouTube. And he's talking to somebody and I know, I don't know. I'm pretty sure this isn't cannon to Star Wars. But he's talking to something about No, like, hey, Garon had this money. I know you like this guy, but he had a laser bat so I don't know. Maybe this I'm bregating in JC homework before the end of the show. Is there some sort of laser baseball in the Star Wars cannon. Maybe we'll find out at the end of the show. I guess.


Yeah, apologies, let's jump to the That's a great question, though, I just was curious.

I had no idea.

No, when you said it out loud, like, oh, like, I'd never like, I didn't even think about that. That's a now I've really want to know I had.

This is a little slightly off topic, but slightly referencing what you were just talking about. I had to play quidditch in a movie where I actually happened to play a die hard Star Wars fan. My character is a diehard Star Wars fan, and we happened to play quidditch. And I am not athletic, unlike you go on this. I'm a dancer. I've been dancing since I was two, But I mean hand eye coordination. Nope, don't got it. So we were shooting. It was a movie called The Internship, and I play this character.

Name It's so good.

It's obsessed with a cause playing slave grolea. So that was funny because it happened right before I got this job.

But yeah, we.

And we were shooting in Atlanta. It was like ninety eight degrees that day, and we had to play quidditch and I'm just I who I had to take so many We did so many takes because of me and everyone else in the scene, Dylan O'Brien, Owen Wilson, Josh Brenner, also a Star Wars actor and a huge fan of Star Wars, Vince Vaughan. Everyone was good except me, and so I sort of was the reason why we had to keep doing take after take because I had to score and I really had to score and anyway, but it's just hard, guys, it is hard.

That's so funny when you scored to know and go, wow, probably you really.

Didn't stalk like that.

That's really how he talks vinces like, you can do better than that. You can do it. I believe in you.

That definitely happened. I digress. I'm so sorry. One of my favorite moments in Star Wars, not just Star Wars Rebels, but all of Star Wars happens in this episode.

But we can talk about it later, because.

Let's talk about it now because I feel like everybody's thinking the same thing so much. Oh are you really?


Okay, So you know, like you were saying, there's this like we're being teased with this idea of like okay, wait a minute, wait, you know.

It won't be right back after this.

And so you're like, wait, what's going on? What's this slight labor? Who does this belong to? With it?

You know?

And then there's like some force force sensitivity and all that, and then it's it's funny and it's like goosebump inducing where Ezra says, you know, like, are you gonna let me in all the secret? What's the what's the like we're gonna run a point twenty two. What was it to pick up? And then he says, kid, I'm about to let everyone in on the secret. Oh, it's the most badass. It's the coolest. Even watching it last night, I was like goosebumps all over again. And then when callous David o'yellow with that voice like butter and so, what did you say? He says, focus your fire on on the Jedi.

So good.

It's so it's like peak Star Wars. It's uh, it's just it's just well, chef's kiss and.

We get the classic music to the the fair use please don't see what us lucasfilm, And this is where we really start to see the making of what the Kiners were doing with the music, because they were being very respectful towards the sound we're used to with Star Wars, but they very much created their own thing throughout the course of the show, which which we'll obviously get into the further on we go with our podcast journey. But that moment, like, it's goosebumps every time, just like that scene in Superman when Christopher Reeve finally has the Superman costume. This is on that level for me. In terms of okay, now, now we're here now, like I'm glad you made us wait until this moment, this of the series or of this TV movie to reveal, Okay, he is the Jedi, the Jedi ponytails not just for show, it's all part of the ensemble.

Yeah, the payoff is huge in my opinion.

Was that your favorite seeing Taylor or did you have a no? I agree.

I agree.

It's because they didn't make us wait too long either, which is nice, Like there is a version of this where you don't introduce the Jedi till the end of season one. Yeah, I mean it is cool that in the opening because now it's going to linger with us forever. It's like he's capable of so much. It's when is he going to choose? Because if I remember quickly, he doesn't always bring it out, so it is cool to see. Also, lightsabers are just the coolest things, so it's pretty sick that that's out immediately.

And it's great character development and expansion because it's obviously it's something that Canaan was suppressing for so long and almost in denial of, but he has to let it out. But then it brings out that part of were going back to Aladdin Diamond in the Rough. It goes back to Ezra like embracing oh, like inspired by that, and then you go and save the young Wookie and again with the Vince Carter hops and everything, and which goes to something Vanessa you talked about. I know you love that Stormtrooper part with Ajent Kelly.

Yeah, I realized that I mentioned that in our first episode, and really that's not in the first episode. I was referencing the end of this episode, which is the second part of this total story arc. But I hope it was fair to mention because I'm just sort of thinking that as like the initial beat of our launch if you will.

Well, it did air back to back, but yes, in all fairness, it was a TV movie. It all blends together, so sure, you know, just I think everything's correct in that sense. And this is when it really felt like classic Star Wars to me, and an overall spark of rebellion was almost like I'm not saying it's a New Hope two point zero, but it had it felt like we were getting if you never watch Star Wars, it was like a proper introduction, like a starter kit to Star Wars, but if you have, you're appreciating like they're treating it like a legacy sequel, like a legacy series and not dismissing anything else that happened. Just like when Scream rebooted their franchise recently with like the legacy sequel NIV, Campbell came back it still it kind of felt like the original, but felt like its own thing. That's what I feel like Rebels was doing. But this scene in particular was very classic Star Wars. The music, the lightstabers, and even the Wilhelm scream when Ezra uses as cosmic Bart Simpson slingshot and we had the Wilhelm screen, which I think Jac's gonna have some really cool info on that, because you don't hear that as much anymore in Star Wars, and so when I've heard that for the first time, I was like, oh, the Wilhelm scream because even in the prequels, George wasn't using it as much as he did in like the original trilogy. So I felt like that was such a nice callback to let's get back to our roots foundation and then from here build out what Starrubs Hubbles is going to be. It's this this is the scene where I feel like if the show is I don't think I don't know if the show is ever on the bubble, but or if like anyone had to decide, like this would be the scene like, Okay, we have a show, we have a series here, this is this thing's gonna go as long as they want to go.

And speaking of Goosebumps, I know we're kind of working backwards here, but man, uh you know Master obi Wan with the message yes, and Kanaan sort of pensively, he's got his eyes closed and he's listening, oh Goosebumps again, Like we're just we're just off to the races with this first two you know, one two episode arc.

I love it.

In a great time to Clone Wars too, so I mean you're you're satisfying the people who may have been like I'm Clone Wars or bust. But then bringing in James Arnold Taylor, which can we get him on here?

Like do you James Arnold Taylor?


I could call him right I could call him right now. What do you mean should we call.

Him right now?

Should we call James Arnold Taylor right now?

I mean I don't know what he's doing in Nashville. But he no, he has said, and Ashley as well. They both would love to come join us anytime.

So we should we.

Should give him proper notice. Maybe don't.

Yeah he might. I mean he's a dad, you know, he might have some things going on.

But uh, that would be a funny segment called James Arnold Taylor.


No, we could just cold call various individuals. What about the little Wookie though, I mean, that became the darling that broke the Internet. I'll never forget that. As I said, it was sort of live at the time, tweeting things with friends like oh you know that that was the Yes, the Jedi, the revelation, all the feels, the goosebumps and all those things. But equally that that little, uh little guy was quite popular. As I recall, was there an actor who voiced that character. I'm trying to remember. I don't believe so, because he'll tell us.

Or Jac's got a lot on his plate this time.

I know, Jc's like the cartoon octopus. You know, that's like the operator.

Cutest Wookie.

I love that.

Uh is it is it? Is it a mom or a dad Wookie? I think it's a dad Wookie right the dad and it.

Kills dad or uncle? Not sure, Okay, let's stay down, kid.

But I really love that, and it really tugged at my heart strings. But I really love that. You know, we see Ezra at the very beginning of the very first episode where you obviously see that he is a good hearted kid on that that makes me sounds old. He's a good hearted human because he's helping these people, but because of his circumstances and how life has gone for him, he's also like has to be self sufficient, so he's also like looking out for himself. And he steals the yoga or he takes the yogans yogans is that what they are?


And so and I feel like it's so it's it's so nice to see this like this, this everlily, just in this short amount of time where he you know, I guess he just hadn't been face to face with such like selflessness and you know, really like honorable, honest people that are like doing good for the sake of doing good and not just you know, like for them out for themselves, and so it's so it's it's it's really touching to see how quickly he's able to go like, wait a minute, I'm kind of into this, and he like goes and selflessly saves this little baby Wookie, and you know that's progress. Yeah, there will continue to be progress, as we'll see, but.

It goes to show how important it is, like that is a mirror to the world, Like if you just show people goodness, it's infectious in people and that's why it's so great and entertainment alone, like kids watching it seeing the same thing will feel like Ezra, like my brother doesn't share toys with me, and then they experienced it like this and they'll reframe how they see things.

But I will.

I will bring up the sling shop because and I go to some of these conventions people people make fun of that slingshot. I think it is so sick, like yeah, it reminds me of like goonies and like like I don't know, I like anything that's going to be different like that, And I don't know what he's shooting out of it, the little like energy balls, but I love that there's a slingshot, Like you would never think of a slingshot in a world where lightsabers exist totally, what are they shooting.

Yeah, everything.

I found a little rookie it's kit War, kit War.

In the episode, I was like, when did you want his name? Y'all had a conversation apparently did I know this is going to be controversial and I know I'm kind of going down. I think you said it in a previous I said it in this episode. I know, listen, obviously lightsabers are amazing and super pool, but you said that like I think you said lightsabers are the coolest, and just as a person who yes, as a person who plays in Mandalorian on TV, I'm just gonna have to say jet packs.

No way, no way, no way. Sorry, the well, let the audience respect. We're going to get cool, We're gonna get.

The I'm nervously drinking water as you developed, John.

You know, people who are oppositional and contrarian will say jet packs. They'll say anything about lightsabers. But everyone knows Star Wars hinges on a lightsaber.

Of course it does. But when we're talking about like the coolest weapons or the coolest gadgets, jay Z, can you fact check us?

This reminds me?

When I was like, this reminds me, and I was like nine on the school bus, and you would be putting together like imagine Baltimore went up against. Okay, if a lightsaber and a jet pack, a lightsaber goes right through a jet pack.

A jet packed a lightsaber does nothing.

A person wearing a jet pack evades the lightsaber because they're in the air. They're gone.

No, no, one blast.

You shoot at someone with the lightsaber, They blast it right back to the person with a jet pack.

Nothing happens to the lightsaber.

We're going to take a poll. Yeah, we decide this is going to.

Be our best social clip ever. By the way, with this, I am so happy. Look it. Well, I'm going to piggyback that with a possible and I think JC can fact check this as well. So there's a line that Ezra has in this when he warns the ghost crew he says it's a trap. Now that line in particular is associated with amra akbar of course and return the JETI even though I believe Princess Leia also said it, I think two or three times in Empire Strikes Back, but canonically speaking, in the sequential order of things, technically, Ezra Bridger said it's a trap first before lea for Admiral Acbar my knowledge, nobody said it on the Acolyte because technically that will be first, because that's higher public. They definitely said it's a first trap when Many Essento showed up. But yes, yes, Many, We'll hopefully get him on here one day, but I'm going to try. I just want to say Ezra Bridger said it's a trap first in the sequential like timeline calendar, year whatever. I don't think they used them Mayan calendar, but whatever they use Caz Bridger, which I'm sure like Eleia and Akbar, like, hey, you know what, I heard az A Bridger one time said this, let's just go with that, you know. So that's going to be me inserting that sort of Star Wars canon.

On the shirt.

Yes it first, that's a great shirt. I wear that shirt. Rebels did a lot of things, and like Rebels, I feel like it put us into this territory of a lot of like fun Star Wars, not that anything else, not that the original trilogy wasn't fun, but this sort of like new adventures and new characters, which I feel like. I love the solo standalone movie, like did it need to be made? That's debatable but I love the movie because the first act was very Rebels, and it was around the time Rebels came out, and so many people for whatever reason, had their opinions about Solo. But now we have Skeleton Crew that's out, which is wonderful and has that sense of adventure, but you trace it back, it's Rebels. Rebels leaned into that adventure, into that fun to realize, to understand that that's Star Wars. It's George made it for kids like he wanted because times were so dark and he wanted to have something bright for people to watch. And Rebels, I feel like was a nice reboot going into where we are now. And I've even been on social just kind of. I think I shared the screenshot with you all when I was asking me like, hey, who watched Rebels, and I had so many people responding and a lot of them said they consider a peak Star Wars. So I'm just just spent shout out shout out to Taylor's fiver account for.

I Love Yes, piggybacking on what you said, I feel like we've jumped right into like the Star Wars eness of it, where there's like action, it's action packed and yet We've got these fun quips and banter, which is so original trilogy to me. I mean I'm not I'm not likening our show too the original trilogy, but I just mean in that way of Star Wars, there's there's a chase, there's you know, high stakes, and yet there's funny banter back and forth. I love when Space Mom comes in with the full Gara zeba rellium, like you know in Trouble, Space Mom is mad, you know, or like when what does Ezra say, Like when you're in the cell, in the holding cell and you're like my uncle the Emperor, Like all of that is just fun and kind of just get gets you in the Star Wars mode, you know, like you're like, Okay, I see what's going on here. You know, hopefully we continue that people feel that we continue to that throughout the rest of the series. But I thought, like we're off to a good start here, Like it's it feels Star warsy in all the best ways.

Yeah, they're like actual sitcom beats.

I was just gonna say, I didn't really recall zeb being so such an adversary to you. I mean, you guys fought, man, you did not get along initially, I don't remember there being such friction when I was wading, Like whoa, they really need to get to know each other better. And it's beautiful the way you actually come to do that.

But I get to me, that is the biggest sign of love, Like, yeah, you can't have an argument with like I just I won't engage. I mean for me to go at the jet pack lightsaber, I have to care and I have to care about you otherwise I can't. Yeah, I mean, And so when I see Zev and Ezra go at it, I'm like, that's like the person I've fought with most of my life is.

My brother and he's my favorite person in the world.

So like it's it is so so sweet and also we know where they're going, and for it to happen so early with relationship like strange relationship of Ezra not knowing if he's going to join this group.

Yeah, I love shout out to Steve Bloom. I love those moments where you know he's like snarling and growling and you know he's got these funny one liners. But as soon the moment you need him to give you like just just get gets you a little va klemped. You know, he's he just brings it. It's so it's so skillful, he's so masterful.

Yeah, and there's another fun Ezra moment here because Ezra one of the trademarks as uh we go through the series is Ezra has his whole bag of tricks in terms of his aliases or his fake names that he gives people so callous as him his name is he says job of the Hut. It's the first time he does.

Is I think.

I think what jac and I are going to do. We're going to have like a tally maybe every time we get to the end of like a season of Rebels, will kind of telly together how many times did you say job of the Hut? How many times? How many langueses the sabineo Because at the end of this we see that she understands Bookie and she's a master of Zeene the linguistics and Taylor I plaitically, like, was that something that Dave discussed with you? Like was there ever? Like, I don't know how much I know we talked a little bit about it last week about like we was there a question of like how would I know who job of the Hut is, like, what, what's the context of this?

You know?

Yeah, is there anything that you could enlighten us with that done that?

Yeah? There. We had conversations early on where I think Dave pretty quickly realized when I wasn't laughing at like communal jokes that I didn't know as much about Star Wars as everyone else did. And he had come up to me and he was like, hey, don't watch anything, like, don't wherever you're at, just stay there, because he was like, there's this misconception in Star Wars that like every character knows as much as all of the fans know, as if every character is sat down and watched everything that has been put out. And he was like Ezra, when he goes to Space, it's his first time off of lo Thal, he's heard these names, and he's just grabbing at anyone like saying, hey, my name's hand Aaron, Like he's just saying something that isn't his name, and he doesn't know who job of the Hut is, but it's just a name that's crossed through in the zeitgeist of growing up on loath All, I think, And that was a really interesting thought for me. It was like oh yeah, Like I think people often hold themselves a bit higher, like being in on the the knowledge, whereas.

A lot of these characters they only know what they know. And so there was a real honesty to that.

When davesa it kind of unlocks something for me where I was like, oh yeah, now I don't have to watch anything.

Which is funny because I was the exact opposite. I went to Dave and I was like, Okay, what do I need to know? What can I watch? What do I read? What do I which is you know that I feel like these are these are like illustrative of both Taylor and my personalities. But you know, Dave was great and he gave me some good homework on like which Clone Wars episodes to what like you know the Mando centric Clone Wars arcs and episodes right yeah, yeah, pre visual hey and like Freddy too. He was like, okay, just what you gotta do? What you go to watch? You want to like make sure you read such and such and the closet attention to you know, this particular fight scene, this fight sequence anyway, So yeah, I feel like I went into I went into this from a different place than Taylor did. Taylor was like, oh, Ezra doesn't know cool cool cool.

I got it, I got it.

We good.

The job of the Hut things even it is funny now too because I was talking about how I earlier about I was on social media. I'm on threads mostly now about who watched Star Wars Rebels. And then I saw the announcement. This is months back when they announced Jeremy Allen White is going to be job of the Huts Sun the Mandalorian movie.


And then they showed but they showed like the photo job of the Hut. And I commented with the gift of Ezra Bridger going job of the Hut, and I said, I thought this was job by the Hut. I had so many people go, yes, that's exactly what I'm talking about. Like so, like I said, there's a lot of Rebels fans out there, and it's almost like how Ezra has to find that within himself or Canan has to let out his Jedi ness. I think there's people out there that need to just be like, hey, I want you all to know you don't have to hold in your Star Wars Rebels love anymore. It's all here. This is what their pod is for so just let it all out because I got so many responses on that. It's one of the most things I've got an engagement on ever on social media. It was terity. Yeah.

Well, at some of the cons that I went to, I think I went to dragon Con twenty fifteen, I did a panel with Peter Mayhew. I remember someone stood up and was like, I can't stand Star Wars Rebels, and I said, well, have you ever seen it? No, Well, then I'm not really sure we can take that as valid feedback. But I think the pandemic, a lot of people in Lockdown had nothing better to do but to kind of catch up on Star Wars content, and it's had a whole new following at that point. And then of course, with you know, some of the theatrical releases, people wanted to get the backstory before certain things came out, and now universally, I have a lot of people come up to me at the events saying how much they adore Star Wars Rebels, how they were sort of late to the party, but how much it meant to them. So it's just amazing the longevity that it's had and the relevance that it continues to have, so it's really fun, do.

You feel I feel like when stuff like The Bad Batch came out, I felt like that's supplemented it a lot. I filled in a lot of those blanks. And then when that seventh season of Clone Wars came out, the one they never got to release, I just it all just felt like such proper pieces of the puzzle coming together. And Rebels is such I almost consider it almost like the middle child of Star Wars. And here's what I mean by that, Like the middle child can be the one that's the overachiever, but still they're not the oldest and not the youngest. And because of when Rebels was released two years after the Disney acquisition and then right before Force Awakens, and then Force Awakens open up a whole other can of worms in terms of Star Wars discussions, but all along, like Rebels was there for seventy seven episodes, having this just just great thing that exists in Star Wars. But so I'm so happy to hear that more people are getting onto it, because I know a lot of people missed it in real time. I didn't because the moment I saw a sparkle rebellion, like, oh, like I have to see more. And then by the time and again we'll get there. We got along, we got a we got a road to go. But by the time we got to the mid season finale of season one, you if you weren't all in, like that gets you one hundred percent all in and you never want the show to ever end. So it's it's like I said, I'm and I'm a middle child too, so I'm just like, I empathize with the middle child thing. Well.

And also we were like the very first thing, the very first joint venture once this film, you know, was acquired by Disney, and so I think I think there were plenty of people who were thankfully brooding for us, you know, Star Wars fans who wanted us to succeed and wanted to, you know, lend their fandom to our show. But I think a lot of people were skeptical, very skeptical. I remember, just specifically for Sabine, like this Mandalorian is an artist. Oh she paints what is this? Like?

What what is you know?

Well played? Yeah, I'm the one that was like Aladdin spates Aladdin. I gosh, we were talking each other the whole time.

But I mean, I hope.

I hope, like like Vanessa's saying, I hope once people actually watched the show and hopefully felt like we were doing you know, doing doing right by Star Wars and Star Wars fans. Is that like hopefully they came around. I think they can. I think plenty of people came around. I've had plenty of people, you know, that I've interacted with at various conventions and Star Wars weekends, et cetera, that were like I was super skeptical of this like artist Mando situation, but you know, like I'm fully on board with Sabein now. So you know, hopefully we changed the minds.

The whole thing you just had just now with like that was you comments and that I feel like that's the you got male reboot we all deserve. It's like, well, you were the one seeing speech with them, like I wanted to be so bad. I wanted you to be the one Artist Mando. So uh, just you're gonna throughout the course of the pod, you're gonna see I'll go on random sidebars like that because I thought of you got mail when you did that, Like wait, how was the one doing that?

I love it.

Another thing that I loved about this episode and this is this the second part of this TV movie really ties together all very much a new hope. When Ezra's back home and Kanaan is telling like, you can learn the ways of the Force, and Kanaan said, well, what's the force? And Canaan says that Ezra basically what Obi Wan said to Luke in episode four, but in his own Canaan way. And you know, I've never talked to Freddy about that, but i may just kind of sidebar with him because I'm sure that him knowing what he knows, and sometimes, as you know, knowing what you know is also knowing nothing because it can also it can work against you. But having to do the lines that Sir Elaginnis did and the temptation to try to capture what Sir Eleghinnis did, but Freddie being Freddie, he always figures it out. As we all know, he made that Kanaan's way of I'm going to say the same words that obi Wan says, but this is going to be my way of saying it. And again, it's a starter kit for Star Wars fans who never watched Star Wars and now that's their introduction to the Force, and I just I felt like it was so smart how it was written, where obviously Rebels became its own standalone thing, but you have to respect like where the foundation came from. And I think that's how smart this what this two part movie is.

Thanks John agreed.

I agree, And there's incredible writing throughout as well.

And there there's so many easter eggs that I mean, Star Wars fans are It's the best fan group in the world because they're also so aware of everything. I feel like I've learned from all of the sentiments that fans have shared, but how much they plugged things in that correlate to other parts of I guess canon. That's also a big thing is that it being in canon it all we get some of the biggest moments of certain characters in Star Wars in Rebels that you kind of have to go to Rebels to find it. And I know a lot of fans have come to Rebels and for that reason is to sort of illuminate whatever we showed.

I'm remembering. I think it was the first celebration that we did in Anaheim, when I don't know that this correlates to the second part of the first storyline. But when Dave Filoni whispered to Jedi Ricks, it's Kilted Jedi Rick is his name, and we're still friends on uh X, I guess and told his daughter, who's now like in college.

But okay, don't say that part.

I know, it's so weird. It's so weird, like she was the only human. She was the only human on earth who knew who voiced Chopper, and I just thought that was such a cool way to bond, first of all, with a kid like here you are, You're invited up on stage and this kid is the only one who knows. Didn't even tell her father.

Yes, I never told a soul pick the right kid.

If that was me, everyone would know.

When I was five, Yeah, you got you.

I would have walked off that stage and announced it to everyone.

But he knew.

And another you know, shout out to Kilted Jedi Jedi Rick we Rick Plot I believe is his full name, just to you know. We were a been something called lining up dot net and we lining up dot Net raises money for I believe it was the Starlight Children's Foundation. It's been ten years so but we would stand in line for force Awakens and all the subsequent films, and I would send them all pizza while they were waiting in line in the cold. But yet, yes, one more example of how we were welcomed into the Star Wars community on a level that is really quite remarkable. I can't say that about any of the other franchises that I've been involved with. Maybe Young Justice, maybe Spectacular, Spider man Ish, but nothing like this anyway. Rick shout out to Rick and his family.

I love that. I love like you're rattling off because you've been a part of so many iconic properties. Veness. It's like there's probably like Flex, like Young Justice, Flex, you know, like you've been on so many cool things.

I remember, I don't want to disrespect those communities, so I did have to.

Know I'm very much like I watched all those as well. And I remember when we first met. It was San Diego Comic Con, I want to say twenty seventeen, and you were on a panel with the late great Kevin Conroy who we all miss, Bruce Tim, Chris Gorum, and Tara Strong. I believe that was the panel, and I remember the first thing I said to you was like, I love you as Black Canary on Injustice because I was obsessed with Injustice too the video game.

Oh yeah, great game, great game.

Yeah, and it's the three year my friends. But then there's moments where I pause, like, oh wait, you're this and this, and especially with you Vanessa, something like oh wait, you're a wonder woman, you're also black Canary, you're also this, and it's just you know, because I view you obviously as a person first and foremost. But then when you mentioned young like, oh yeah, that's right, he's wide man. Oh yeah, that's right. Guardians of the Galaxy. Oh yeah that too, now that you mentioned it that.

Your friends with a prolific, proly, truly truly same dude, Like you're like, oh, Steve the greatest human and you're just bugs with him. And then you're like, wait, whoa, hold on, hold on, let me just unravel your very very lengthy resume, Like yeah, same.

It's also fun to hear you guys did it much more.

I never did it.

I tried once playing other characters in the show.

That's my favorite.

I'm like I'm like, hang on, hang on, hand, who is that I know? And it's like, oh, that's Steve. That's Vanessa, that's Steve. You did a couple two you didn't, you know?

I think, no, I know, I'm like no one, but Steve picking out. Steve as like verious troopers and like this this this bad guy. And for me the Easter Eggs are like it's Wears Waldo, but Steve Boom's voice very different accents and tenors and timbers and stuff. That's really fun.

I think I got to play a tie pilot and she was really intense. Now that you're saying, like, yes you did, Yeah, yeah, she.

Was like coming in hot on Green nine or nine or I don't know what.

I said, but you know that that sparks a question in my mind now. And I've never really known the answer to this. But when you if you do multiple characters, I know you're under contract for this character, but like if if you're going to do like another thing, like are you how does that work? Pay structuralise? I don't know if you're allowed to reveal that numbers like, I don't know if you're allowed to reveal that. I mean, maybe that's part of our part of rebellion, but I feel.

Like that's an interesting generational wealth.

If you pay another if you play another character.

Right, No, I think included in your day rate is up to three voices if I'm not mistaken, So you can you can throw in a town's person or her session.

You mean yeah, yeah, do you mean to tell me all of those voices that Steve Bloom voiced on our show, if it was just three of them, if it was just three per session, it was all like an all part of the part of the that guy was working overtime.

Let's go back on strike, guys.

I forgot something.

I mean, unless it's you know, if you're playing like some alien character who's key that that's a secondary character, but you know someone who's who just says like Roger Roger or I mean, sure, no disrespect to Matt Wood, who's Radio Roger. He was definitely, I'm sure he he was credited for all the clones that he played. Those soldiers were that those were what were the name of the Raggio Rager the battle thank you?


Not clones, that's d but anyway, Yeah, but if it's just sort of an incidental character you I believe there's up to three.

That's interesting because yeah, which is.

Why on your animation demo you want to let them know that you can cover the kid, the old lady, you know, the wizard, the you know, grocery person, I don't know you, you on your you may get the job, but then they reference your animation demo to make sure that you can cover various roles as needed, show some range exact that there.

No, it's very good information because I'm sure I'm sure part of our audience are people who are aspiring actors or people who may want to get into the animation space. And I know I appreciate you sharing the information. I'm sure they appreciate you sharing some of these little I guess trade secrets for lack of a better term, because why, well it's just last week we were talking about let's not treat voice acting like it's a lesser form of acting. It's a different form of acting, right, and just like, but there's this whole other set of economics and other logistics that aren't going to line up one to one with like a live action contract. So like, again, we were not going to turn this into like an economics podcast, But I feel like that's really valuable information because people sure tailor well, if I.

May interject, since we're on the subject of you know, we we three certainly get folks all the time coming up to us when you know, at meet greats and autograph signings that are like, hey, I really want to get into voice acting?

How do I do it?

And that's a really hard quest.

I mean, it's a hard.

Question to answer because there's no easy sort of oh one plus one equals too. It's like there's it's there's all different kinds of ways one can come to this. But I was just going to say, two really really really great resources for those who are interested and want to give their you know, give it a shot are Dee Bradley Baker and Steve Bloom. They both have websites and they Vanessa. They like teach courses. You yes probably talk.

To de Bradley Baker's site is I want to be a Voice Actor dot com. It is free and uh, there you will find all you need to know. How to make a home studio, how to create demo. There are exercises that you'll find, vocal exercises, passages to practice this and that. There's also Steve Bloom has bloom Vox Studios and he has all kinds of guest speakers and that is much more interactive and also not free, but he is very hands on. I think he teaches a class once a week and you sort of move up the ranks. And he asked me to guest speak one night and I ended up booking a Fox promo. This is not a flex, this just happened, and rather than cancel, he's like, take us in the booth with you. Bo I was like, all right, So we went in and Gwen, who works with him. Gwen found the Fox promo so that she was able to show what I did behind the scenes and the beep and sort of what I heard. And you literally get that script two seconds before you're reading it and they're taking it straight to air. But it let them know that this is what it means. You're sort of like a doctor on call. If you want to sign up to live in this world. At a moment's known as you're teaching a class and suddenly you're in a booth rattling something off for thirty seconds, it's over. But yeah, Gwen found the final spot and it was it was really interesting for the students to see. So that that's what he affords people is kind of a look behind the scenes and not only his experience, but he has a ton of different actors come on and share their trade secrets if you will, and so that's also helpful. There's another site that I'll mention It's called skills Hub, and skills Hub was created by Jennifer Hale, who plays alas Sakura, and she just played another character in The Bad Batch JC Will Know forgive me.

I can see the care that's our other merch idea. JC Will know. We got to have j c Will know. Yeah, we need space mom merch too.

We do.


But Jennifer is very active in the Star Wars video games as well. I've been in a bunch with her. But Jennifer has a website where and I'm actually I am teaching on that site as people have requested that I help them in various ways. And I've met a lot of really really cool people on her site. But what I love about hers is that it is a community, and when you join, you get a there's like a forum. I get updates all the time, people saying like, Hey, I've got this audition, I don't know what to do. It's a great resource to find community within the voiceover community, and there's like no hater energy whatsoever. It's all very very supportive. I'm trying, Oh the bad Batch. She plays Senator Chucci. Let's go Jennifer and everyone knows her. She's Shepherd. I call her sweet hot Shepherd in mass effect. Let's go Aspect one, two and three. Anyway, Jennifer Hall fan here. But there are lots of wonderful classes that folks can immerse themselves in and do them all. But I always say go to Dee Bradley's de Barley Baker's site first, as it is all free and so comprehensive. It's lovely. He's a fine gentleman, and.

You're learning from the best, I mean the best of the best.

Yeah, the man of like literally a million voices. I mean, like I think like IMDb's like coding had to be extended just because of like his IMDb page. It's pretty ridiculous. So one little little tidbit that I'm going to head on here before I'm going to take it to our I believe probably I think I would, dare I say our favorite part of the podcast. We go to the Spice Minds of Kessel In this episode, I if I'm not mistaken, and jac will correct me very soon. Canonically, I think that's the first time we actually see the Spice Minds of Kessel. I know it's mentioned obviously in a New Hope I did the customer and listen to twelve part SS of that whole thing, but I don't think we've ever seen it until Rebels and Rebels again, as we see throughout the course with a lot of things get debut and rebels. But I believe, if I'm not mistaken, Spice Minds of Kessel as one of them. But let's find out right now and go to our fact check segment with JC. What do you got for us?

Alrighty, Okay, I got a bunch of stuff today. I went deep on some things, so excuse me if it's if I drone on John. You and Taylor opened the show talking about the Star Wars line I have a bad feeling about this, which is said over and over and over throughout all Star Wars, and you mentioned that this episode. Taylor flipped to I have a good feeling about this from episode one where he said I have a bad feeling about this. For your recap, well, I did want to say that Hans Solo actually famously says I have a good feeling about this in Solo, a Star Wars story Hot. Yeah, so that is the first kind of reference to it. I have a bad feeling about this, which is then said in canon order in Star Wars Rebels. First, Taylor, you mentioned Star Wars sports. You guys came up with pod racing. I also wanted to say in episode two at the Outlander nightclub scene, the death Stick scene, in the background, you can see people in the bar watching sports on TV. The sports that they're watching on TV, one of them is called Nunaball. It is droids that are playing some sort of football like sport. A Nuna is an animal from Naboo that's kind of like a swamp turkey is the way it's described, and Nunaball, the Nuna, the actual animal, is the ball that the droids are throwing around. Odu Piando racing is also seen on those screens, and the Oda Piendo kind of looks like an Ostrich, so it's like Ostrich Star Wars Ostrich Racing. So those are the other two Star Wars Wars Sports that I was able to dig up. Tia mentioned her movie The Internship, which is fantastic I just wanted to point.

Out it really is.

Go watch.

It's really fun. It's really really fun and welcome. There's a deleted scene, well where Will Farrell plays Boba Fett. So, yeah, he shows up in a Bob Effect costume. That's the one I'm talking about. Yeah, and so if you want to see Will Ferrell as Boba Fett, I mean he doesn't play Boba Fet. He cosplays Boba Fett. So if you want to see this, check that out, dig up a DVD of that, which is what we learned about last episode. What DVDs are. If you don't know Willhelm scream. Yes, the trooper falls, he uses the Wilhelm scream when he's knocked over. John, you mentioned that you don't hear it as much anymore. Wilhelms scream was like a ben Bert trademark. Who's the genius sound guy who George Lucas hired to do the first Star Wars, which a little deep dive on that. Originally, George Lucas was good friends with Walter Merch, who was an editor. He edited The Conversation and the Godfather and some movies. I think he did the Godfather movies like that. Brilliant, brilliant. Editor George Lucas went to USC and said, I need the next Walter Merch to do my Space movie, and they were like, we've got this guy, Ben Burke. So Ben Burt did all of the Star Wars sound effects. He loved the Wilhelm scream, which is why we saw it in all of the original Star Wars. A little background on the Wilhelm scream. It was part of the WB sound library. It was first heard in a nineteen fifty one film called Distant Drums. The name comes after a character named Private Wilhelm in a movie called The Charge at Feather River which came out in nineteen fifty three. He gets shot in the leg with an arrow and he lets out that scream. That's where it kind of got is most recognized, even though I think it's the third appearance of the Wilhelm at that point. The voice that you're hearing is an actor named Sheb Woolyy is what is believed. I know Ben Bert did a big deep dive into the archives and where that came from, so it is believed it is Sheb Woolly's voice who actually performed the scream that we've heard hundreds of hundreds of times throughout movies. Now, Tia, you mentioned Yogan fruit. It is Yogan, even though it's pronounced or even though it's spelled with a J. Kitwar the Wookie does not have a credited voice actor, so it was probably one of you guys in the booth doing making noises or whatever that they used as part of your three voice deal that you signed up for. The energy sling shot of Ezra's it is just called an energy slingshot that doesn't have a fancy name. It doesn't have a DL forty four type designation. Apparently it costs forty credits, and it was handcrafted by a z Too named Furple.

Holloway, or Wallaway.

The z Too is.

A six starm alien species, which, if you're familiar with the pod Race in episode one, the Podracer guest Gano was a Zito alien. All of this info was in a prequel young adult book by writer wind Him called Ezra's Gamble. So maybe John and I need to go and grab all the or all of the Star Wars rebels, comics and young adult novels and do a deep dive for all of your guys sci fi weapons. There was a great, lively debate about what's better a lightsaber or a jetpack, so.

I did a little research on this.

According to IGN's Best twenty five Sci Fi Weapons, lightsaber is number one.


Sideshow Collectibles also ranked lightsabers number one in their list of best sci Fi weapons, beat out things like a proton pack, the Alien Pulse rifle, the Noisy cricket from Men in Black. Also notable Star Wars items the Death Star thermal detonator and seismic charge, which came from Jengo FET's Slave one. Collider did a ranking of all specifically Star Wars weapons. Lightsaber ended up number three on that one, behind Death Start number two and the Force as number one, which I feel like isn't really technology. Sadly, jet packed did not show up on any list.

Okay, a jet pack is so much a weapon as it is an accessory, a really.

Really badass.

I'll give you that it's a great accessory.

Really it's not.

It's not Apple.

I will throw a bone to u t though, the Dark Saber on Collider's list was ranked number four, right behind lightsaber, so you know the Mandalorians get represented thanks to Collider. Canonically, it's a trap. The first time it is mentioned in timeline order is Star Wars Rebels. The first time it's mentioned in release order is C three. Po says will be signed sent to the Spice minds of Castle smashed into who Knows What to R two D two in Star Wars episode four. Later on, Han Solo makes reference to making the Castle run in less than twelve par six. The first time we physically see a photo of Kessel, I believe is in the premiere set of the Decipher Star Wars CCG card game, which came out in I think nineteen ninety five. In that card set, it's shaped like a potato and is referencing that Kevin j Anderson Jedi Academy trilogy books where they all go to the Spice Mines of Cass.

I think that's all I've got on.

I do have.

Vanessa mentioned Rick Jedi killed Rick. I wanted to point out he does a wonderful George Lucas cosplay if you can find him online. He does a great George Lucas cosplay. You also mentioned Starlight Children's Foundation. Lining up dot com does use Starlight Children's Foundation as their charity of choice.

Yeah, I think it's lining up dot net. Actually, oh yeah, yes, yes, but it is starlight. Yeah, And I think that's all I got for this episode. You guys gave me for my money, we gave you. I have a question though, I guess hopefully we'll have video eventually. Really you have the most speaking of champion hair. But I have I have a question. The earphones that you're wearing. Are they resting betwixt the grains of said mohawk or have it? Is your your mohawks on the it's behind the mohawk, like, I'm just wondering. Is it dented in?

Yeah, yeah, there's a little dent on it.

I was trying to figure out how to do a mixed minus on my mixed board before this. So because I have another podcast to do tonight that I am on my I am made part of, and so I will be redoing the mohawk we have.

We have a lot of Poto photographic evidence of all that was shared today, So we'll get it all on the socials for you. Don't worry.

Absolutely blow up our Instagram and so yeah we will. I would love to hear from the people. We'll probably on Instagram. You can do those polls where people can vote. Yeah, we're going to open it up to you all. You can vote on jetpack or lightsaber. And also I'm gonna throw one out because we're talking about Jac's epic mohawk. Yes, and I already know what my boat is. But who has the better mohawk? JC? Or Hawk on Cobra Kai. You already know my answer. I'm I'm out to look all respect the Hawk. I know he won the All Valley Karate Tournament, but I got to well, we're just gonna throw out unless you know what the people want.

I'm sure you have an encyclopedic knowledge about Star Wars and probably beyond. I'm guessing no. And my man JC, I don't even want to. I never want to know, JC, if you're actually looking any of this up, just never. I want to believe that it just sprouts from your your very very uh you know, big brain, and it's it's all in there and you just kind of pull pull off these backs when we need you to.

I'm just gonna go with that too. It's just like Lobot's so jealous, like I need all this machinery and yours is just there, so.

Like the mohawk.

It's all it's my attempt to either look at like the rock Geteer or the episode two Clone Trooper helmet.

Love that mission accomplish. We do love the rocket.


We'll sidebar on that because Jac and I've been we have something, we'll talk. We'll talk anyways. Thank you again. Jac has always thanked to the three you. Thank you to our listeners. We're two episodes in. We got a long journey ahead of us. And again we're not only going to be talking about We're not only going to be recapping episodes. We're going to have some bonus episodes and because there's a lot of themes and there's a lot of finer minutia to get into when it comes to the entire UH Star Wars universe. Once again, you can write to us Potter Rebellion Podcast at gmail dot com. Send us your thoughts, send us your fan theories, fan art. If you met maybe the three either Taylor, Tia and Vanessa do con and want to share the story, please share it in the email and then we will share it here on the podcast because again we are a very inclusive environment. And follow our Instagram. It's just Potter Rebellion. We keep it really easy and eventually we're gonna have merch that says JC will know. We'll have space in We're gonna have mom space Mom Mando artist as I did it first, and.

That's gonna be that's going to be a pretty good artist.

We'll also have other actors on. Steve Bloom will join us, uh as as they appear in different episodes. Uh Steve is on a different time zone, and there are other issues. But we will have all Star Wars family present throughout this, so you can look forward to hanging out with everybody eventually. So it's it's going to be very full of family members.

The family affair absolutely, so eat your heart. Yeah, and eventually will come up with an outrope. And until then, yeah, thank you for listening. Like Taylor said, I like you the.

Music music.

Our apology said George Lucas. You ran out of time, you know, Jimmy Kimmel.

Sey'll next time.

May then force me with you always cute.

The music.

Potter Rebellion is produced in partnership with iHeart Podcasts Producing, Hosted by Vanessa Marshall, TiO Surkar, Taylor Gray, and John Lee Brody executive producer and in house Star Wars guru slash backchecker J C. Reifenberg. Our music was composed by Mikey Flash. Our cover art was created by Neil Fraser of Neil Fraser Designs. Special thanks to Holly Freyan, Aaron Kaufman over at iHeart, Evan krascoor At, Willie Morris Endeavor, Tresa Canobio, George Lucas for creating this universe we'd love so much, and of course all of our amazing listeners. Follow us on Instagram at Potter Rebellion and email list at Potter Rebellion Podcasts at gmail dot com

Pod of Rebellion

Pod of Rebellion is a Star Wars Rebels rewatch podcast hosted by Vanessa Marshall, Tiya Sircar, Tayl 
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