"Star Wars Rebels" alums Vanessa Marshall (Hera Syndulla), Tiya Sircar (Sabine Wren) and Taylor Gray (Ezra Bridger) are going back aboard The Ghost to rewatch and discuss every episode of the beloved series! They'll be joined by their friend and Ghost Crew stowaway, Jon Lee Brody, who will moderate the discussion each week. Get ready for a weekly dose of behind the scenes stories, occasional visits from friends and trivia from our in house Star Wars guru and fact checker J.C. Reifenberg. Welcome to Pod of Rebellion!
Hey there, it's Vanessa Marshall.
I'm Tia sur Carr, I'm Taylor Gray, and I'm John Lee Brody. But you may also know us as Harrison Dula Specter two.
To be In Friends, Spector five.
And Ezra Bridger Spector six from Star Wars Rebels.
Wait, I wasn't on Star Wars Rebels? Am I in the right place?
We want to welcome you all to our Star Wars Rebels rewatch podcast pod of Rebellion.
Each week we're going to rewatch and discuss an episode from the series.
And share some fun behind the scenes stories.
I do remember de Bradley Baker and he said, are you ready?
And I said, what do you mean?
He goes, Welcome to.
The rest of your life.
And sometimes we'll have special guests join us.
This is Steve Bloom, the voice of Garrets every Radios, also known as Spector Full to know, mess with me?
Why di you to hook?
I remember George Lucas coming to the set and talking to him about Star Wars.
Because you're like, oh my god.
Sometimes we'll even have a lively debate. I know this is going to be controversial. Listen. Obviously, lightsabers are amazing. I'm just gonna have to say jet packs.
No way, no way, no way, no way, and we'll have plenty of other fun surprises.
In tribute to I wanted to point out famously, on the set of A New Hope, Peter Cushing hated the writing boots that he had to wear, so a lot of his scenes were filmed waste up because he literally was wearing slippers on the bottom half. So even on camera. Actors have a long tradition in Star Wars of showing up to work in their pajamas.
Oh uh and me, well, I'm the lucky ghost cruise stowaway who goes the hell lottery and guide the discussion each week, kind of like how.
Canaan got it. As are in the ways of the Force. You see what I did there?
Nicely done, John, Thanks to you.
So hang on because it's going to be a fun.
Ride to the music. Listen to Potter Rebellion on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.