
Meet the 2022-23 NAPSA President - Flynn Swift - Ep 103

Published Aug 7, 2022, 9:14 PM

The National Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association (NAPSA) represents students from 17 universities nationwide studying either an undergraduate or postgraduate pharmacy program.  NAPSA is committed to advocating for Australian pharmacy students to ensure their future is prosperous and their status, rights, and privileges are protected.

Today we’re speaking with Flynn Swift, newly elected president of NAPSA’s board who is currently in his third year of a Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane. 

In today’s episode, we chat about the year ahead and what’s changed in the world of student and intern pharmacists.

This year’s Virtual Student Summit provided students of all year levels with greater insight into community pharmacy; the ability to practice to full scope, to lead innovation, and be an integral part of the community and patient health outcomes.

If you missed the summit, here is a link to the recorded sessions
