Sins of the Father: A Tale of El Silbon

Published Dec 31, 2024, 9:24 AM

When a teenage activist encounters a whistling graveyard spirit searching for the bones of her lost son, his search for justice unravels the dark secrets of his own family who recently fled Venezuela.

Ingredients and being medios.

Fellow seekers of the dark, I'm your host, Dally Israel.

Welcome to Nocturno. Tales from the Shadow.

Join me as we dare to enter the flames of fright, where the veil between worlds. Rodin and the Haunting Legends and Lord of Latin America stir to life retold with a twist, and Tonight's tale inspired by the legend of Venezuela's infamous whistler Elsilbond. We meet Batrillo, a young man fighting for.

A better world dream no beer, who will.

Soon discover the shadow side of justice. Join me for Sins of her Father, A tale of ediocitable.

And the wuss are welcome here.

The funder High Student Union demands immedia accountability from the administration for the discriminatory treatment of immigrant student community.

You're talking about.

We demand accountability, We demand transparency, demand action.

Don't big a treat not there, come here, not manatreat, not here, man grands put them here.


Damn boy, you're going viral.

Yeah I have, but you know it doesn't matter. I wish I could be out there every weekend making a difference. Do you know how my parents are they'd ground me for life if they knew I wasn't even thinking about protesting.

Or maybe you just need to lighten up on yourself, you know what they say? All work into a play makes Jack a dull boy. Speaking of which, check out what I got.

Wee gee board? Aren't those like evil?

Come on live a little?

You know, I don't believe in that stuff.

To be continued, my chariot arriving. Are you sure you don't want to come with me and hang out until your parents can get you. I'm not so sure it's a good idea. I'll walk through the graveyard at night.

Oh, don't worry, I'll be fine.

Okay, my friends.

Call me later, I'll see.


Hey dad, I'm just getting out of Spanish club.

Listen, I got stuck on this stupid project at work. Can you tell your mom that I won't be home for dinner?

Why can't you just tell her?

She's not answering my calls whenever?

All right, I'll let her know.

Thanks to you. I owe you want to yep, and we need to talk. I'm on the phone with my son.

Who's that dad?

By just a co worker. She's eager to get back to our project says.

Yeah, okay, well I'll let you go.

Then here, buy me home. You can't keep avoiding this forever and this let me handle this. So you really think your dad is having an affair?

Oh, the signs are there and he's always working light. The way he was talking to this supposed coworker sounded really intimate.

I don't know.

She was all, we need to talk.

That's weird.

That's suspicious for sure. Looks like we need to do some detective work.

Oh uh, sorry, I dropped the phone.

Did you hear that?

That creepy whistling sound.

I told you it wasn't a good idea to walk to the graveyard at night.

Shh, listen, it's getting further away.

Where's it coming from?

I still don't hear anything.

Shit, it's this freaky looking old lady under the oak tree.

I think she's the one whistling.

It sounds so closely, like it's.

Inside my head. No, no, no, I swear, I swear your eyes they're all dark and empty.

That the connection is bad.

What ship ship?

She saw me?

She's coming towards me.

Stick can hear me?

Jesus Christ, Marla, be careful with the dishes.

Speak of it.

I'm gonna stick of it, Marla.

Please, it's not my fault.

I have to work late.

Yes, sure, it's work.

Uh huh?

Is that all it is? Work?


What is this little note about?

We need to talk about Veronica? Who's Veronica? Tell me?

Did you go through my things?

It's just a work north Jesus.

So then why did I hear you whispering that name on the phone the other night?



It's de Andres? Who is Veronica?

She's nobody?

Yeah right, yeah right, nobody?

Sorry about that? Can you hear me?


Damn? That was like an audio telenovela. Sorry that joke. I guess you're right about the affair, and we have a name now, ver Right?

What a mess?

Let's just talk about something else, Okay.

Can we talk about what happened in the graveyard? Do I need to bring over my Wiji board? No?

No, I'm sure there's some logical explanation. When you were right, I shouldn't have been walking there alone at night. I think I just psyched myself out. That poor woman was probably just homeless and looking for a place to rest.

Yeah, that are looking for a place to rest her lost soul.

Ha ha ha ha, very funny.

Seriously, though, you're okay.

I'm fine, it's exhausted.

Okay, Well call me at the graveyard. Lady shows up in the middle of the night breathing over your bed.

You're the worst.

I love you?

Good night?


Who's there? It's me, memoir. I need to talk to you.

I'm trying to sleep.

Explain this to me.

Don't lie? And what's left to say? Are you gonna tell dad?

This is exactly why we left Venezuela.

The police, the military.

They won't see you as a kid when you're out there.

They'll see you as the enemy. It's dangers me.

I'm more.

Do you understand? I get it, Mom, I get it.

I hope you do. No more protests and we'll keep it between us, promise. Okay? Okay?

I did your dad mentioned where he was tonight? Wasn't he at work?



Never mind?

Good night, honey, night mom? Mm hmmm?

What is your.

What is it all?

This is your she's your feet, You're all covered in mud. Where did you go last night?

Nowhere? Nowhere?

Swear I told you no more sneaking around.

No, No, I wasn't.

What I'm sick a thing like doing this family mm hmmm mm hmmm.

Mmm mm hmm.

Hello, hey see, that's sorry to wake you. I think I sleep walked to the graveyard last night.

Are you serious?


I think we're gonna need that Ouiji board.

Can you meet me at the graveyard?

Yeah? Did you hear that?


What is that whistling?


Either you're losing it or you're being haunted.

Right, let's just get this over with.

How do we do this?

Put your fingers over the plantchet that yeah?

Yeah, like that? No, sh.

Hear a swistling Woman of the graveyard.

If you are a spirit, say yes.

Stop moving you stop moving it?

Shut up.

I know you are.

Seriously, I'm not whatever.

I ask something more specific.

Okay, hear us, Woman of the graveyard, what is your name?



I swear to God, I'm.

Not moving it. I'll take my hands off of it.

This is happening.

Holy shit, holy shit, write it down, write it down.

Okay, what is it? We are?

And see.

See it's just nonsense. It doesn't doesn't spell anything.

Wait wait wait, I read somewhere that ghosts sometimes scramble things or leaf things out.

Maybe the fowls are missing.

M hm the ornic.


Isn't that the name of my dad's mistress?

That would be a weird coincidence.

Hear us whistling, woman up the graveyard? Is your name, Veronica?

Oh my god, it's moving again.

It's it's it's going to yes over and over. So that that's her name, Veronica. Hear us, Veronica, what is your last name?

El f.

R see are you writing this down?

I'm trying.

I'm trying, l v R C m are others with a seed, no.

Id body, that's it. That's it, that's it. It's spelling something else, uh l g d l geez delgado maybe.

So maybe it's hyphenated.

Is your name Veronica Albarez Delvado.

I'll take that as a guest answer the question.

Go for it, okay, Nonica Alvarez?

What do you want from me?

Whistling sounds far away?

Now maybe she left?

What Why are you looking at me like that?

Behind you?

She's right behind you.

Okay, it's good, but I think the cooman is overpowering the other flavors.

Well, maybe you should have cooked it yourself.

Then, No, it's good. I'm just saying.

Patricia, what's wrong?

You're bird eating?

I know this sounds crazy, but and I saw a ghost in the graveyard.

A ghost?

When were you in the graveyard?

You are grounded?

Her name is?

What did you say? I said? Alva? Do you know that name?


Of course not.

Why would I.

I have to make a work on a Sunday, Yes, Martha on a sunday.

I just can't anymore with either of you. I've had enough.

I've had enough.

Go to your room?

What Mom? What did I do? Mmmmm? I don't know. Jordy, Johny.

It makes no sense unless someone's playing something sick joke on mysef.

How would anybody know?

Of course I do not.

It's in a box in the eye.

No, we need to get all that's behind us.

Why start up any trouble.

Look, I can't talk here.

Can I come to your horse?


I love you too? You know you're the one I look more?

What m.

Hey, I was just about to call it.

You you come over like now?

Back window?

What happened?

So it turns out my dad's mistress is named Jolie.

Wait what so then who's Veronica?

I don't know, but I think my dad knows something. Just just gidd he as fast as you can.

M m hm, So what are you looking for? I don't even know. All I know is in a box.


This is hopeless. I don't know how much longer I can stay away, Mom, hears us screwed?

Sorry sorry, sorry, sorry?

Wait look at this.

That's the stamp of the National Intelligence Service in.

Let me see it.

Hold on, Oh my god.

What there's a bunch of stuff you here about.

Someone named Aliberto Oliverarez Delgado. Yeah, yeah, there are all these lists recording his whereabouts three pm, sallydola.

That means leaving school, right, give me that.

Oh shit, he was only fourteen.

It's a year younger than I see. He attracted every move and all these newspaper clippings too.

M Lack of evidence exonerates a head of intelligence from agcusations of war crimes, torture, and forced disappearances.

What damn he he wasn't active? Oh my god, I'll listen to this.

One mother of missing student activist dies at forty five by suicide, never.

Knowing what happened to her son.

Oh my god, I'll see about what what her name must be? Only gud who has think out. Ho shit, that's horrible.

So that's what her spirit is looking for?

How how is my dad involved in all this?

Maybe this will tell us.


Look there's a tape in there.

Do you think it still works? Only one way to find out? Let's plug it in.

Okay, I think we would have take another. I didn't want to single outation of that game. I mean, just get it done.

I didn't understand all of it. But I'm pretty sure that's an execution order.

I think they're talking about Veronica's son, Mos times today. That's your dad's voice.

That's really him. I feel sick. This is so dark.

They just erase them from existence. How could my dad be a part.

Of all this?


Hi, alright?

Always thought you didn't You didn't add them for a tech company house?

How could he lie like that? What are you gonna do? See? I have no idea. Ai bourdios andres.

We can't keep hiding this.

There's new momentum for justice in Venezuela. Protests are erupting everywhere.

This is our chance to come forward with the evidence.

Protests don't change anything.

Look who could it did for Veronica's son?

But it's different now kill people are demanding accountability.

If we come forward, we could actually make a difference.

We were supposed to do this years ago.

You promised. We were so much smuggling the evidence out.

If we go public with this, we'll be implicated too. They'll come after us, our families, everything we've worked for will be destroyed. Let's put the past behind us.

No, Andres, I'm tired of all the hiding, hiding the evidence, hiding our relationship.

Andres, I love you, but I don't want to live with this kill forever.

We were part of that regime and we owe it to Roonica and her son to set things right.

I know, I know, but it's too complicated.

H We'll find a way through this.


M m.

Mm hmm follow me, mm hmmm. Where am i? Am I going to the graveyard? Mm hmmmmmm mm hmmm mm hmmmmm.

Mm hm hm.

Mm hmmm.

What are you doing?

Are you digging up a.

Grave looking.

For the bone but you're not here?

What are you talking about? You're just scaring me.

M Are you listening and stop digging?


Stop? Stop? What are you doing here?

We're in the graveyard, asshole? You called me? What's happening?

To you.

You were choking me.

I'm so sorry.

It must be Veronica.

She's she's getting into my head.

What happens?

It's my dreams. It's hard to explain.

We need to stop her before she hurts somebody.

I have an idea. I have an idea, but it's risky.

M hm hm mm hmmm.


Who do you love most in this world? You are a baby. You're the one I love most. He's my son.

But listen, I'm not coming.

Home to me.

It's an emergency. Are I'm okay? I need you to come to the grave.

Are you?

But m hm.

Ship no reception?

But heyho, where are you.

Here? Over here? Dad?

But he see that?

What's going on?

What happens to Alberto?

What I thought?

There was an emergency? Don't change the subject, don't lie.

We found your box in the attic, Mister de Silva, How.

Could you work for people like that? People who would kill someone like me?


What do you mean someone like you?

You're so caught up in you're bullshit.

You don't even know me.

But Terco has been organizing protests at school for over a year now. He's been fighting for justice while you've been living a lie.

I plan to go to the present turn everything over. Once we were in the States, That's.

Why I kept everything.

So why didn't you?

It was just too dangerous.

Sometimes it's just messed on leaving things alone.

We'll tell that to her. She's here, I said, so you're.

I was nothing more than a glorified secretary.

Please please.

Take me to the bones of my son.

I can't the Sodus, they burned them and scattered them into the wind.

Were you're captain?

You took them one. I loved the bot. Now take the one. You walk the snow.

Now you're you're You're away from it.

Laver her out of this, Hi.

Has baby, we got help. Somebody please pang.

A list.

That was a red light.

Don't worry, baby, I know what I'm doing.

I love you so much. Man.

We're getting out of here like she was.

I've done a long time ago. I'm looking back.

It's now or never.

Are you okay?

Have you been drinking?


No, no, no, of course not.

I just see things clearly for once. There's no time to rest around left.

It's too precious.

I should have left mar a long time ago.

Keep the damn whistling.

Whistling what whistling down? We're scaring me.

You can outrun her.

She'll never find us, she said, who no, Veronica, when you're.

Talking about no, no there, please, you're going to get us killed. I'm saving us, baby.

You have to trust me.

Let me out of the car. Shut up? What please? Do you hear?



What exactly we've loved?

We're saying? Save for what?

M is that you?

Thank God?

Please help us? She's coming for YOI you don't need.

To worry about Veronica anymore.

She took me, Dad, What's it's okay?


I always wanted to make a difference, and you're right about protesting. Sometimes it's just not enough. I love you, Dad, But justice must be served.

An eye for an eye.

And the bone for a bone. I love Veronica can finally rest in Beef.

What does for you?

It seems he's found. Call him is the most unexpected of places. I have a feeling the list of the guilty is a bit too long for him to rest easy until next time, my friends, take care and remember that the shadow of justice long, and the dead never forgets.

Nocturno Tales from the Shadows was produced by Sonoro in partnership with Our Heartsmichaeldura podcast Network, Produced and directed by Luis Eduardo Castillo, Developed and produced by Bettina Lopez. The executive produced by Conel Burr and Giselle Banzais for iHeart and Camilla Victoriano and Joshua Weinstein for SONOROI. This episode was written by Stephanie Adams. Santos. Performances in this episode by Dani Trejo, Gustavarossa, Kuei, ten Marco Pelas, Sophia santi By te Mbil, Annie Hank Pedro, Hollywood Rivera and Sebastian Villa Lobos. Our production manager is Kerenzachairees. Recording engineering and sound designed by Cassandra Tinajerro and andres By Enna Casting a coordination by Ainsley Martinez, Alex Gonzalez, Carenza Chaides and Petina Lopez. Voices recorded at the Invisible Studios and Out Loud Audio in Los Angeles, the Relic Room in New York, Panoramic Audio in Miami, Bill Carcery Productions in San Diego and Matt Block Sound in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and low Key Entertainment in Lima Perul with engineering by Charles Carroll, Stephen George, John Anderson, Lester Dangler, J. K. Hudato, Brett Tuban, Ethan Grafton, Manuel durran Reno, Joao Diito Cavallero, and Bill Corkery,

Nocturno: Tales From the Shadows

If you think you know the scariest campfire stories, you’ve never heard the bone-chilling legends th 
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