Wisconsin farmers are some of the investors in soy-based firefighting foam. It's finding great success with fire departments across the United States and right here in Wisconsin as well. Bob Bosold discusses the product and the process of developing it with Dave Gourlie, Chris Turner and Jason Wiley.
A warm up starts our week, but moisture's also coming our way. That's the start of the work week according to Stu Muck.
The National Weather Service has launched "Rain Gauge Rally 2025". This is an effort to try and get citizens involved in reporting their rainfall on a regular basis. Pam Jahnke talks with assistant state climatologist, Bridgette Mason, about how they use this information and how they're working with the National Weather Service.
The freeze on federal funding is having a negative impact on a group that's just starting its busiest season. Charitee Seebecker finds out about how plans have changed for Fairshare CSA. Tess Romanski, Communications & Development Manager, explains exactly what a CSA is, how it works, and why it’s a win-win for both farmers and consumers. CSA stands for community supported agriculture. Romanski explains that FairShare was notified that one of their signed and contracted grants was terminated. That grant was specifically for CSA promotion, making CSA accessible they had planned a project to do a lot of research into CSA and make CSA accessible and provide a lot of resources for Farmers to be able to Market and reach new audiences. With the loss of funding and talks of funding freezes and conservation programs under question, it's a hard time to be a farmer so she says now is a great time to show your local farmer that you care.