As the saying goes, the time has come and the time is now! And THIS time? The bitch is back. Three-time Las Culturistas Icon Award Winner Pat Regan joins Matt and Bow in his long-awaited return to podcasting, and the three talk one thing and one thing only: the entertainment industry. Follow along as they discuss being suspicious about various people in both scripted and unscripted spaces, namely in "The Undoing," "The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City" and "The Real Housewives of Potomac." There's also a large portion of the episode in which Pat and Bowen stumble upon a sitcom premise and proceed to blue-sky it before Matt chimes in with some questionable pitching. And don't miss the vulnerable convo about late arrivals to certain fandoms. Top off your serotonin with this lovely virtual reunion before you sign up for Pat's MasterClass. And stay tuned for his upcoming projects from which you already know him.
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Look mad oh, I see you? Why why? And look over there? How is that? Culture? Yes? Goodness ding dong last culture ess calling. I suspect a lot of things, this this one, this one, and by this one, of course, I'm referencing the episode this one. Well, I'm suspecting a lot of things because I'm very suspicious in my sort of status of being right now after watching such shows as The Undoing and It's Who Done It? And The Real Housewives of Potomac, where I'm suspicious of people's intentions of old wounds being sort of torn open, the sutures being ripped out. Speaking of sutures, you know what else has some just weird drama going on is Gray's anatomy. And that's why I'm so happy to and we're not going to bring him in yet because we haven't had nearly enough time together. He's giving us the scoop on some things that I can't really believe. I actually have to say this. This just came through from the panel. Remember the panel from a couple of ago, Abby Huntsman, So they sort of are panel. Everything that gets happened on the pot it gets run through them, etcetera. But they just came through with this new title that our guest has, Gray's Anatomy Special Correspondent. Yes, oh my god, this is huge. This is so huge that he's here. Um, but we're not talking to him yet. We have to catch up with each other. We have to catch up with each other. I'm not watching a single show where I'm not suspicious of people's true motives. You know. I don't know if it's the seasonal thing. I don't know if it's because second Lockdown is upon us. We're both but yeah, very suspicious. I really there's not much to catch up on. You and I have checked in a lot over the last two days. I'm just excited to bring in our gas. But unless you are there any items that you want to God, you are so rude. I'm so suspicious of you. Know, I'm really suspicious of you because you have through the Central You're so excited to not talk to me because well, I guess we've spoken enough. So I suspicious. That's not it's so suspicious. You're not cathartic today. Everyone. Okay, so our guest doesn't know this. I'm sorry, you know what, I don't mean to like cater to the guest too much. But the guest. Our guest has not been in the podcast space for a long time, so there's been some new sort of fun little inside jokes that are on the pod. Now. We we say the word cathartic when we want to say iconic. I feel like you and I don't have to perform the friendship when when the when the mics records, you know what I'm saying, we're friends offline? Yeah, I just want you to ask me how I am? How are you good? Let's bring in the guests anyway. This guest is a celebrated icon of guesting on Lost Cultures. He famously um was he was our first ever Lost episode. Do you remember that? Remember? Remember we recorded a full ast episode and we lost it and then we we were forced to have him back. Thank god he was cathartic when he came back. Because he's sort of earned his place as the the first ever Lost culture he says icon Award winner, which we haven't given one out in a while. Did The only recipients of the award are Pat Are Our guests are Rachel Pegram and I think there's one more, Yeah, but I'm not I'm not ready to say, but those are the three. Those are really the three. The three and our guest has sort of, you know, become a cultural icon. He would say, you know, you know them from the Treatment podcast, you know them from their celebrated work in film and television. The projects are upcoming. Oh my god, Um, he's making me laugh already. He once had he had a cousin whose vest was featured on an episode of Scream Queens The Ryan Murphy Show. He once had a Swedish woman tell him that you would do well in Europe sexually. And one time someone someone went up to Colin Quinn. His aunt went up to his mom's friend went up to Colin Quinn on a beach and told him that he did comedy. So these are all his his credible and the last one, the last minute. We have to mention all of them. The last one is he was famously blacklisted from my show Live on broad Gay. Yes, yes, it was famous drama. Honestly, I wish the Housewives cameras had been rolling on that one white the episode slash reunion opportunity. What would you be wearing? What would you be wearing at that at that year's reunion? What would I've been wearing at that year's reunion. So I was sort of at that time doing like way too much product in my hair, slicked to the side moment and bowen you. Is you actually for many years throughout your two ohs twenties had too much hair. I had a lot of hair. I thought, you know, the tall pomp was the thing. In many ways it was. Yeah, but I think that you've settled into your haircut. My haircut which was dictated by my glasses, my two half moon's where it just did not look good with long hair. I wanted to centralize that. I wanted to draw the eye of the glasses. And if I'm getting too much height on my hair, then like the center sort of the center of whatever vision is off. So had to lower the hair, had had to had to sort of pear down the hair, and then just just to make sure that the glasses were sort of the had the marquee roll and then you have sort of me no glasses in sight, and that's why I can have the height. And that's rhyming on purpose, sort of on sort of and you know what they say, you know what they say when they go low talking about you with your hair. We go high talking about me with my hair. They do say that. I am so excited for for our guests. We texted him to see if he wanted to do the show. He said, the time has come, and the time is now. The time has come at time is now now more than ever. We need our guys, and also really everyone's been sort of demanding that the guests returned. He's been in the conversation and we we also just independently said on this show in recent episodes, which I guess does not listen to. He doesn't listen to the podcast. He doesn't listen. We've brought him up many times. We gotta be miss Pat so much. Isn't he the funniest and we love him so much? Everyone, please welcome. Would you have anything else to say? No, I'll say it to her face. Okay, say it to your face. Please welcome Pat. Oh my god, you guys, I say all the listeners you know me for my upcoming projects, and I'm so you may have seen it. I forgotten you guys may have seen an upcoing privates. I forgot the name of the poem. That show. Is it hacks Um? It's actually I think it doesn't have a name right now? Okay, well there, let's just say there's a show out there. It doesn't have a name. Am I not allowed to say? I actually have no idea what I'm allowed to about that? Um, but I will say, you know, I will say this is I think they did write on the show that I do think will be very very good and funny and everyone should run not walk. You gotta tell you I I read the pilot and I thought it was actually it was you know what, I helped a friends. I always told the story to the shore runners because I really thought it spoke to kind of an authentic appreciation I had for the show. Is before I was attached to the project, of course, I was helping in dear friend self tape for a role. And you know, you get these sides in this business business. I'm gonna okay, master class. My master class is the entertainment business. Thank god, thank god. So what's the what's what's so that? Okay, So now that we know, what's the first line of your commercial, your big commercial for it? Oh my god, Oh now you're it's a it's a tight close. It's a tight single on the on you just think about that and like and like like a we work. Um yeah yeah, yeah yeah, um. He's waving his hands at me, gesticulated me aggressively. You wanted to bring out, Sorry, what's your first line? What's your first line? I've made my career in my I've made my career in the entertainment business. And it's a business that you can to Wow, I am on board. Take my money, bitch. Oh my god. Yeah, you wouldn't think this, but I have a year of subscription to master Class. You wouldn't think. Yeah, I have you taken one for some reason. I see you even though even though you're not necessarily a vocalist. I see you taking Christina Aguileris. You know what I didn't? I didn't, but you know I did. I did actually say it to my, uh my sexual partner this evening. You're same sex sexual part sexual partner, the same sex partner. I I brought up Brittany and Christina, and you know, I had the most intelligent thought about them. I said, you know, it's so funny that they got um compared so much because they truly are so different. Say that they say that. It's saying that, and you know where it stems from. Actually go on, queens, tell us it comes from our darth of pop stars in the early two thousand's, like they were just our two female pop stars. To everyone's like, wow, they're just alike. But it's like if they were here today, it would literally be like bearing Billie Eyelish to do a LiPo, which you wouldn't wouldn't You wouldn't do it. But if you were the only two, then you might. Okay, Bowen, are you feeling? Are you feeling the same way that I am? Read the eraser of Jessica Simpson and Mandy Moore. I know, I know, But you can't lie that, um, they were the two. You can't lie, You can't lie. I want to. I want to pitch this as a rual culture when it comes to Britney and Gristina, you can't lie. That's exactly. That's its rural culture number number sixteen. When it comes to you can't lie that they were the two? Right? You're so right? Can can? Is it? Is it a truth that you can't lie about that Mandy and Jessica would make up the four? Oh? Yes, absolutely absolutely they would be the four. But but the fact no, because Jessica and Mandy have both ventured out side of music very successfully because because they were not shackled to this UM I don't know the deification of pop stars in the way that we did in the nineties and earlier that say that, I actually think they did benefit from not being the two because they could go on to be on NBC, they could go on to UM write a book, yes, and they could yes, they could go and sell shoes, so it sells shoes first and foremost. You know what I love to say about Jessica Simpson And my mother told me this. My mother, who's famously a hairdresser, on about the extensions, isn't it said that Jessica Simpson has the best hair extensions in the biz. You know who has the worst hair extensions in the biz? You the authority should tell us? Now, actually this is Angelo. I think has like observed this. But I know who's Angelo. He's my SeeMe sex partner, sex sexual partners partner and domestic depending on my mood, and and I've always known it. And then he said I was like, yes, that's true. It's I don't think you girls watched this franchise. But Gina from O C has just always had these extensions that like are comical. They're comic, they're comic con the sixth they just they you know when you can tell, like the hair is going to a certain angle and then like the extensions, like there's always such a shift with her and it's hard. She needs to get she's her hair Dreerson needs to get her ship together. But wait, or is it could be gay man that's true, yeah, or hers but lesbian woman or his but shape man or yeah, there's anyone can be a hairdresser. It's actually real culture. Number address works your left, look to your right. They're both hair dressers. Wait what were we gonna say? What were we talking about? Like four we talked about Brittany and Christina m Was it the undoing? No, the master Class? It was the master yes, yes, yes, oh okay, oh And I was going back to this point about the entertainment business, which would be my master class, which is um oh oh. And this goes actually ultimately back to my upcoming project. So for you young girls out there who are trying to break into the entertainment business, what you need to know is that sometimes you do these things called sides for a little part of a script. That you read to try to get a role in TV and film or even a place to do plays. Have sides. I think that they they we have to, I'll ask the panel, okay. And so I was helping a friend to a self tape for this show that I was not touched to yet, and I said, you get these sides, And my god, is there anything more galvanizing than getting sides in this town where every side to you guys like, well this got made, so truly anything can happen. You know what I mean? You read some, you read some bad sides, it's all absolutely absolutely. But then I read these sides with this friend and I was like, oh my god, these are the first good sides I've ever read in my life. And then I ends up reading I'm not sure it was very rewarding. I was like, oh my god, I'm writing on the one show that's that I actually read it, and I was like, this is so good. You got you got to write on the one. Yeah, it was mean of me to say some sides are bad, was it? No, not at all, not at all. It would be mean of you not to say that, because then these writers keep writing out there and they think they don't have any work to do. Well, guess what, We've read every side and you all have work to do. You all have work to do do except for them, except for the show that I'm that I've wrote on, who does not have work to do because it does not have work to do. Wait, and what was the story? The story that you tell the show runners is that you loved the sides. That's the story beginning, middle end. Yeah, I never knew the name of the show. I always thought that it as that funny show. And then I when I and then I wrote on, I was like, what show is this? I was like, I've read this somewhere when I was Wow, it was it was that funny show. It was one funny show that I liked. Well, I mean that's we look forward to that upcoming project. Whether or not we can even say what the name of it is, we may have to bleep it out and the regions will be in the absolute dark. I don't think you've said it yet, and I don't think it exists yet. I don't think it has a name yet. I can come out as having said it. No, but the name that you said is not the actual name anymore. I know. And I'll be accountable and responsible for that moving forward. Yes, I have asked. I have gotten word back from the panel about whether or not those sides you call them sides if they're from plays. And they both have their arms crossed and are looking at me and staid, of course they're called sides. Oh my, so that's sorry. I'll deal with them later, but they're really upset. You guys also said something that interested me. Um, while I was an honor well, while I was had a Hannibal electric mask on and with my mouth was chained the shot during intro that a new feature, a new feature of the pod. We have to chain our guests by the face before had you guys actually had it delivered to my house that can't endiblector and you made the person who delifered it come inside and expose themselves to potential COVID. That's because that's that's how my Heart Radio does it. Were a corporate, corporate entity, he said. Matt Bowen in the team and I Heart Radio says I have to come in and do a prolonged exposure. And I said, oh my god, that feels so at risk. But come on in, girl, that feels so at risk rest. Come on in girl lovers. Oh my god, do you want to hear about your sexual trust? You had recently bowen yang, which I don't know about that when I was when I was off the threat. What does a tryst mean? Do you? It means, Okay, you've forced my hand. Well, you penetrated anal sex. Okay at this point, that's what it means. I just want to I just want to like put a time to this. This was a couple of months ago. I guess it was what I was off the threat for a bit and then people so we have a thread and Pat will sort of leave it. Sometimes I need to be walked back to the couch by usually Joel, Yes, Joel's Brandy Cohen. Sometimes I take my microphone off. I say anything acid, which is which we should also say, is played out your trash? I say, yours trash. I take a microphone off, I leave the thread for weeks at a time. And of course, me, who identifies as a cast member over the Housewives of Dallas, takes trash very seriously and I will let will let that really hurt my feelings. I actually got that or she was coming from with that, Yeah, Brandy because is Brandy from Dallas doesn't like being called trash because um, she grew up trash. I got that. Sorry that, but wait back to the important thing at hand, which is Bowen. I don't know what the tryst is. I really everything, everything has been flattened in terms of my sexual memory. Doesn't that isn't that? Is that alarming that? I'm quite alarmed that so inception of you sex really? Oh? Yeah, I hope I didn't. I'm always want, you know, it's been a second since that podcast, and I'm always wanted. I hope I'm not misstepping. No, you don't have to worry about that with us, not with us, not when it's literally sister life hashtag, hashtag hashtag after we do the hashtag after, you know. A good name for this episode could be Sister has Gone Wild. Maybe we'll see. But I don't like what an episode name is an organic so I don't. I bet that, but I don't like that either. I don't like that either. But I think we I think we landed on something pre recording, which is the time has come, and the time is now. That time has come and the time is now beautiful. It's a front runner of the title of ups. But I love but there's an urgency to it. Okay, keep going, sorry, Pat. Oh, So basically what you guys were talking about when I had my hand and my Loctor mask on was how everything all these television shows are very suspicious. That is a huge theme of culture right now is just feeling very suspicious of the character is both real and fake, scripted and unscripted. The scripted space, and of course in the unscripted space, I'm feeling very suspicious as well. Oh. This is when, no matter what, if anyone, if any character appears to me, fictionally or otherwise, this is what I do. And I want you to picture me as sort of Nicole Kiman in the Undoing. This is what I do. What which to me is go tell them bowen. It's but Matt says something so poignant to the thread last night. Nicole Kidman is the pre eminent expert master of of acting shocked, but not just acting shocked, but receiving information, receiving of shocking information. It's so hard to do. It's so hard to do. Yes, she's been getting off of shocking information on that show. And I will also say about that show is. I actually think it's the first show in history that they had the show and then they wrote the book that the show is based on and like implanted it. Like I watched a show and I was like, Okay, surely this show spiritually was based on a book. But I but I don't actually even believe that would be too similar, right to big littleize this can't also be based on a book. Then I google it. I want to tweet something about how this show is spiritually based on a book, but I'm actually it was based on the And I was like, they just wrote that book in later is like after the fact, they were like, let's write this book. Let's let's fudge the number so it says two dozen fourteen, and we'll say it was based on the book. You're so suspicious, You're so suspicious that you think that that this maybe wasn't even based on a book. So you think the show is sort of so suspicion heavy that you think it's sort of now covers the show itself and it's creation of suspicion is spilling out of the show. And I think it's life imitating art in this way because and I think it's like in um Wes Craven's New Nightmare where Freddie comes out of the movie and kills actually the actress who plays the girl in early movies, or tries to um yeah, happens in Fridays in West Craven's New Nightmare. Or may he rest in peace, Rest in peace, May he rest in power and peace. So do you think that that that it may be, that it may be revealed, you think it may be revealed at some point that this show perhaps maybe wasn't even based on a book, but exists to just be a Nicole Kimman vehicle that was a book to TV adaptation. To me, this show, it's already two on the nose, okay, already for it to be HBO, for it to be Nicole Kimman, for it to be the Hair, for it to be like Murder and to be for it to be a school, and for it to be a rich father of the woman, and for it to be a doctor, and for it to be like all these things. It's already like, okay, is a parody sketch on Saturday Night Live, and it's so on the nose. And then for it to be based on a book, it's like Okay, this is too much. This is literally two on the nose. I kind of agree. I'm inclined. I something has been sort of well no, I mean, Matt, we talked about this like it's I would say, it's not like a fantastic show. It's a fun we don't know that yet. It's I don't know it's it moves. I like that, it moves very well. A lot happens. Yea. I will say I actively don't care about anyone in the show anymore, but I will continue watching it until I think I solved it. Actually, so okay, so let's just say we've just seen episode four. I don't really have the same opinions as you guys. I have loudly gasped at the end of every episode, like audibly, like this this has been me. I literally sat right here where I'm sitting right now, looked up my television, and at the end of episode three, I went like this, I haven't had that. You were not gasping at the end of episode three. What happens at at the end of episode three don't have to say spoiler alert, we we don't have to mention it. I know what you're talking about. I want to say spoiler alert. I never got this upset. What are you upset about that you wouldn't say spoiler? This is what I'll say, Actually, we have a fun thing to ask. Subsequently, this is gonna be a tangent that we're gonna come back to this and shroll through the line of the show. Was just discussing the undoing and suspicious characters and television and film because, as you guys it otherwise, I grew up and lived a large part of my adult life not I'm not being invested in Rupulse Jock Grace and only become the person who in walking around and saying, actually, RuPaul's Grace is pretty cool, which is which just cathartic, but which is the perfect time to do it. It is cathartic. But I've always known that Bone spoiled something for everyone of RuPaul's Grace, but I never knew what it was because it never meant anything to me. But now that it means something to me, I would love to know what Bones spoiled. It was the season seven episode in which Katya was eliminated, and I did not spoil it. I did not spoil it because drag Race is live event viewing and I put on Facebook, not even Twitter, so it was a closed sort of circle of people. It was not. I was not broadcast filled with your gay friends who watched the show and gay person who is not like other gays and actually doesn't watch the show and instead I might even watch something until now when I finally let go And what did you say? But what did you say? I said, Katya no, which could have meant anything. I couldn't have. So you know what. I experienced this too with um with I'll say season twelve a hero, No, this is separate. This is a Survivor, a hero, a personal hero on colleague who I cherished and loving the key so funny Chris Kelly, I spoiled Poverty's exit from Heroes Firstpillents, and I did feel really bad about that. From here is versus villains, Like what is it war? I spelled that for him, and I did feel really back because I tweeted. But it was like after waiting like ten years for her to come back and then for her to leave. It's like and that was on Survivor Twitter and everyone was talking. Sometimes you just get caught up in the emotion of the moment. You parolutely. We can't wait around for l A to let our emotions out, thank you. We have to live our lives in real time, not on PST. I think that if you are living in Los Angeles and you go on Twitter during the time when you know your favorite show is on, you're asking for trouble. And Chris Kelly is very deeply wrong and who want to start? Are you on in this spoiler? Well? I think I think they're two completely different things because I'm not on yours. But it's the same Pat committed the same offense that I did five years prior. It's about intent. It's about intent. You were, you were, you were stunting you, You knew what you were doing. You wanted this. You you you, you live by the thing of you know you that bitch when they cause all this conversation and you wanted to start a conversation about yourself and I know it, Um what was you? Oh yeah, and that's what you wanted this whole time, and you wanted us to be sitting here. It's five years later and you're still the story. You're still the headline. Aren't just the most suspicious? Works so hard all season? He gets at home her moment and I was about bone. Five years later, five years later were talking about you were talking about and talking about that's all right. I just want to say that the most suspicious character of all in film and television is Bo and Yang, absolutely fictional, scripted or unscripted. I have no idea anymore. I don't know anymore. David E Kelly. Wow, I truly almost always forget that David E Kelly did the undoing as well as Big Little Eyes, which makes it even more like it's who I just think. It's like, yeah, I want to I actually didn't know that person's name before this moment. I want to challenge that person to do something completely different next time. I want to challenge I'm just something completely different. I'm to write in a fantasy space. I wanted to be Game of Thrones adjacent or something. I wanted to feel like a home. David E Kelly is like most comfortable, like right out in the hallway outside of a courtroom. That's where David E Kelly that prefers to live like lawyers spaces and lawyers homes and lawyers cars. It's but like just like litigate or no, just like just being in the courtroom is so narratively rich, like there are so many things that there's just so many things built into that already. But like, I don't blame anybody for like writing a procedural or or writing like just just courtrooms like Search Party season four, like our season three. I'm just like this is so well done and like, yeah, the court room is a very rich place. And also, you know who I'm gagged is on the show is the lawyer who her name is um nomadumas Wenny. She's incredible and you know, well this I'm about to tell you. She won an Olivier Award for playing her Moiae Granger and Harry Child. Yes, yes, she was Hermione. Yeah, and she received the Tony Award nomination. What other television projects can you do? Are you like analyst? I'm actually on her Wikipedia, which is where everyone and this should be part of your masterclass if you want information about the entertainment industry, Wikipedia is going to be a site for you. Okay, Um, so she was. She's really mostly a theater actress, but she has been at you hate to see it. She has been in Normal People on television. She has been um was she in a show? With Phoe people or bridge in Olivia um Coleman Coleman, Olivia Coleman a broad Church. It was called broad Church. I don't think she was in broad Church. Okay, maybe I'm thinking about someone else. I think this is a blind spot that all three of us shore, which is um, well, she's relatively but I've been getting into pret TV um mystery and that's why I'm watching Sherlock right now, and that's why I watched broad Church. And I started watching Elizabeth Moss BBC Murder, but it was actually too boring for me. And he had to um that top of the lake, Top of the Lake I couldn't connect to with Oh Happy Valley I watched. I really enjoyed that a wonder woman police officer who actually is down tight, throw some punches, get punched, yourself free a girl who's been trapped, and still make it home for dinner time. Can I just ask, like, because you have this sort of expertise in this area, now that you've watched some British TV, that's how you can bring the hammer down so on the undoing, which to you is not sort of doing to make a to make to make sort of a joke what it should be Yeah, and P I feel like and before you answer that, I just want to put out a theory that you will I I assume you will rebut but I think if the undoing took place in London, you would be obsessed. See. I want to say yes only because I know you need that right now. But when you're so far out on a limb and I could feel your attention, but I don't know if I would because I'm not I'm not at the anglophile of some of my um contemporaries. I don't know that I am. Do you know what I mean? Like I famously went on Rucket, this is actually one of the bravest things anyone's ever done. And the Witness Protection Program asked if I wanted to be involved. I said, I'm actually, I'm actually cool. I'm going to stay you Pass. I said, I'm gonna stay me. You told Kara Meslin hard Pass. I told Karam the Witness Protection of Program wants you. The're gonna set you up in Oregon. You're gonna be a farmer. And I said, you know what, I think I'll go ahead and stay me this time. But thanks shout up to our our manager, Kara wait, is this is that such a hacky premise for a sitcom? Because I love that. We're just someone who like didn't doesn't want to be in it and wants to live, wants to stay themselves. Oh and they're but they're like accidentally get into it sort of or they agree to go and you know that that that w p P is chasing them. Oh and they're like, we need you to go on into this and they're like and they don't want to. That's all right, No another now now we're blue skying this idea whatever sort of like what else are sort of like they are like final do witness protection? Then all of a sudden they realized that, okay, guess what, they're straight. That girl they've always had a crush on actually is into them. But they have to go away, and then they keep trying to come back to their old life. You know, they have to our exist in these two worlds and Witness Protection Program. Actually they can't know that they're back in their old life, so they're hiding from the person they witnessed, hiding from those who are the Witness Protection program. Yes, and they're compet and it's the question is and the question of the show is what is identity. I have to stop you because I feel like I can't let you sort of Maria reputation as someone who can do a master class on the entertainment industry and come in with this sort of crazy pitch that I couldn't follow for two second. This is the show. This is the show. Shut up, this is the show. It's a gay guy and his sister. Short of Ship's Creek. They two, if you will, because everyone knows you can't sell a show with only a gay guy. He has to have a sister's you can't. It's actually really closer number seven. You can't sell a show sister if he doesn't have a sister, Like who's going to be the horror? Who's going to be the horror? Doesn't have it together? Hello? So um basically, which literally I mean not to drag every show, but we got your um. Oh okay, this is the show. It's Witness Protection and they say we we don't want it, and then the Witness Protection says, but you guys are under the most danger of anyone ever. And the show is they're trying to live their gay and horror life, and the people keep trying to kill them and they have to just get out of the way. Easy, simple, breezy. It's a gay and his horror sister and the people are trying to kill them, and they had the opportunity to go into w P P and there's someone probably played by Let's just say, um, who's who's like Who's like hot right now? That works in this gay show. Let's say, um Shreiber Leev Schreiber's hot right now? That of the show. I was I was gonna say that was the original pitch, and then was Blue Sky. Can I say something that That's why you need to be really careful in this entertainment industry who your creative partner is, because let me tell you something, Bowen could have a pitch that sell else and then you have this whacko next to them who they attached for talent purposes, which is probably how you got involved. I would imagine Pat's the whacko Pats the whack o talent who comes in and is like, I just had a new idea for the show. By the way, Okay, oh wait, funk I forgot the show? I have an idea. Okay. Basically, the show is the following. Two people are in love. They're afraid to tell each other. It's been years. It's kind of Dawson's Creek. Basically, they're finally, like lifelong, are finally going to commit their love. One of the mess witness protection the other one. Now, we're actually not telling that one story, or maybe we are, but or really telling the story of the other one who's trying to find the love of their life, who's in witness Protection. No one will give them answers because it could en danger their life, and they have to decide do I want to endanger the person I love or do I want to walk away from them forever? And that's a decision that feels like it feels like an essay. Now that Pat is my creative partner, I don't want to undermine his vision. But I feel like that's not the that's if we're focusing on the one who is an improve Witness Protection, that feels like the less active story. But what if they're driving all over time? What if I see flashes of the person in Witness Protection in his new life. We don't know very much about it, We just don't wait. This is kind of like, this is kind of this is kind of like season one of Veronica Mars. I kind of like that, Oh yes, I love Veronica Mars and just rewatched it all on its entirety. And that's a part of culture that would be in the world. But I would answer for your famous question what made you like culture? That's not our question. First of all, can't we just stop right now that it's not the fucking question, and the disrespect that you've shown me not listening to the show first lifted you up. So I will say when I told Angelo seems sexual slash domestic partner that I was coming on the show, I said, where I got my start one time I did it. I'm showing with this woman who said who literally claimed every single place was the was where she got her stuff. He was this order of lesbian woman. It used to be in New York. Can I go just like where you before? I'm like, I don't. I didn't show the dupot to night. Do you know it goes know it? That's where I gonna say, every single space that is so good that you met her. That's so in my vocabulary of this reminds me of that other lesbian person we met at our show in Denver. Wait, I'm so mad that you guys did you guys did to three Austin, Chicago and Denver, and of course Pat Patrick and I Patrick Patrick and I famously did a just a shockingly good show at the Bellhouse together. You really are the third culture. As though I've been taking a step away from the podcasting space, I did with the text message from shout out to our former family member Meg Pope, and they did so you were mentioned, and they did say that you were mentioned in Lost Countries and it was so sweet. And I listened and I gotta tell you, I kept bouncing on the episode, trying to findecifically in a moment, and I did. I did in trying to end up listening to a large amount of the episode and I said, thank God, I said, God works in mysterious ways. I needed this today and then um I found it and it was so nice. Well, that's how we feel, that's how we feel. We love you, that's how we feel. I want to circle back to p was that we went on this huge tangent about this the swittest protection sitcom. But I've powers about to reveal the bravest thing he's ever done. Yeah, I said that my podcast that I that I wasn't crazy about Fleaback. Oh yeah, and look at it. And this was in response to Bowen positing that I might love Undoing if it was set in London. Okay, so and I and I actually I see now that that theory does not hold because, um, you you you have said on the record on this very up so that you're not an anglophile. I'm not an anglifi aw and that's something that took me really along to be okay with. Can I ask you? Can I ask you like, do you find yourself? Because I know you love shows that take place in New York City, but you know what it's like growing up on Long Island. I do not emphasize this city that you've lived in the shadow of, where there's people to be found, where there is um sort of counterculture to be found, where there might be even people who don't care about lacrosse that you can connect with, of course, and so, of course when I see these people on my strains, I would say interesting. And so do you think it's interesting like to watch the culkim across the street? And do you think there's do you think there's symbolism in watching her across the street that they keep showing it every other shot. First of all, first of all, before this, before the car gets away from us. Let me just say that I like the show, and I like the show. I don't I think that, um, I think it's heavy handed we and I think they say everything twice in it. Have you noticed? So this is this is where choice I think it is to be like, we do this thing. I'm saying things twice. You know. So last night you texted us and you asked, have you gotten to the cocksucker line yet? So in the fourth episode of The Undoing, Donald Sutherland has a moment where he's explaining to Hugh Grant spoiler alert that he will come after him because he's a real cocksucker. No, no, no, he's He's explained to the principle of the school. Oh yes, yes, that's what it is. He's like, I'm a coucusucker. I'm a cocksucker. And he said he says it like he says it like I'm a cock sucker. He adds an extra vow, cous sucker. He says cocus cocksucker. Yeah, yeah, what's the deal with that? I don't know, but Sutherland just talks the way he talks and we should all just let him. I always think is he British and then like the answer is really no. But the thing is, the thing is is that, Um, I don't even have a problem with the delivery of the line. I think Donald did you know the best he with that It was a really strange um piece of writing that I want to understand. Yeah, I don't. Yeah, I want to sign a positive or negative value to it. But I did find it a strange bit of writing. The cocksucker line, Um, well, you know, in a show like this, the i'mdoing, um, you know who done it? Everything matters. So I don't know if I don't know if you've been listening to every word. But like, for example, when she told that story in the first episode about why Hugh Grant doesn't like dogs, that to me, there's no you know who done it? There's no unimportant scenes or like every Yes, this is like it's sort of everything. I actually disagree with that theory. No, no, no, I'm telling you everything's gonna come back famously love Who've done it? You know, I'm I'm I read, uh, I'm reading. I get the Christie in the order of publication. And I'm a big fan of the Who've Done a verse? And I think in a book like that, that's strictly who done it? Yes, but you but you have account for red herrings. You have to account for the fact that this is who done it of course first and foremost. But it's also a drama, right, So there of course something in that space that's kind of clouding that the economy of a Who've done that, where nothing is wasted, that kind of using all parts of the whale as it were. Absolutely what do we think of the buffalo? I think either one work. I think either one either both of them are called equally culturally sensitive and both both deserve to have their entire selves used. That's true. I think that there's some signific I think I think you know what's a red herring to me is um Connie Chung. I was like, what is the signal? When Connie Chung was in the show? That was a moment in culture. Yeah, that was a little anachronistic. It was interesting. I used to love her growing growing up in Long Island. She would be on my commercials. It would be her, she would be there she was based on Long Island. That was her haide, it was her heyday, like she was huge for news when I was she was huge, Chung was Oh my god, that whole thing. I was like, this would never happen, Like well, Connie Chung being like okay, so I don't know, I believe you convinced me, and then him being like okay, but I'm happy it happened on the show because that last shot of episode four was chilling to me. When he looked into the camera and she asked, do you have any idea who did this? And he said yeah, I do. I felt like, okay, So let's just ask this question of the three of us. Let's go to Bowen first read the undoing Who done it? Who done it? I think a lot of attention is being placed on that kid, on their son, and I'm very interested. It's it's it's ultimately a story about his development, his traumatic processing of this um of seeing his parents sort of unravel But it could be a thing where he found out about the affair and then just inhumanely sort of committed this disgusting crime. You feel that The Sun played by actor Noah Juke Noah, Yes, who's very British. By the way, he's going to be a star, huge star, handsome boy and good actor. Careful, careful, I'm allowed. I'm allowed to remark on the boys good looks. Well he did he did have like a sex scene and honey boy didn't he? Oh, I don't like that. I know. Wait, should we cut this all out? No, We're definitely keeping it because it's our responsibility to make sure people know that people like you were out there. Um. But what I want to ask you right now is who done it on the undoing? That's my that's my theory. I literally he said, said said he solved it. Okay, I saw the case. You know who did it? Who? Donald Sutherland? He found out about the affair. He never liked this guy. He was at that event and he left early. Um, and he now is so desperate to have her believe that the husband did it. Oh my god, I really think it was Donald and I'm really good and he threatened you. Grant's character in the sl Yes, he's also like like like um, sad and anxious in a strange way, Like did you notice in that last episode the way he was like crying apologizing to Nicole and begging for her forgiveness. I was just like, he's really upset. There's something going on there, and sort of it's like, what is the narrative purpose of this character if not to have killed this woman? Do you know what I mean? Like, what what else is he story besides this sort of sense of like, um conflict between her family and him, which I don't think is like justification enough for how much time he gets. Yeah, yeah, that's totally real. Um. And I guess I I should fault to me saying what I think, and I'm resting with it. I really feel like it could go either way. I think that I think that you both could be varying degrees of right. I think that Pat's really onto something, but I also think there might be something to the fact that Nicole. There's no spectrum of truth. Okay, you think Nicole did it. I think that it's possible Nicole did it because I think it's kind of interesting. I'm so sick of that type of thing where we realized the star the whole time had done it, like let me see enough for that. Yeah. I just no matter what the outcome is, I feel like I've seen every version of it, you know what I mean, that's totally with the show. There's a version of it that I'm into, which is like Jodie Foster and Flight Plan where it's like they accused, Like there's a whole like the half of Actuo is them accusing her of of of losing the daughter. I love that movie. I never saw that movie, but should I watch it? I just yeah, Oh my god, you would love it. I'm sure you would love it. Isn't it Jodie Foster and Peter Scarsard and then um, and then I'm Sean Bean. Isn't it too? Oh? I love Sean Bean. Let's take a break and we're back. And here's the thing. I want to just kind of hard cut because one of the reasons I was so excited to have Patrick on today was because we have so much Housewives stuff to talk about and I really need the Housewives authority. And then at the end of the episode, we'll kind of have his special guest correspondent, grayze anatomy correspondent way in. But I need to know what my girls thought of the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City premier. I thought it was I think we're really being set up. I think I'm cautiously very optimistic. Me too, I think so. I I saw a snippet of the Watford Happens Live where they were all on like that. It was chaotic, that felt a little like Corey gra I mean all of it is, But yeah, I I can't tell yet after episode one of season one, I don't want to see what kind of terms they're all on now, Like, let that play out before me. Spoiler alert, don't Bowen Andy Collen, oh primer. I do think, like, like it was funny to watch them all have their first like appearance on watch What Happens Live be all together and on a zoom because it just felt like jumpy and like they were all trying to get their moment. You can tell who, like the fucking hogs are from the first episode the Hogs, I mean Jen is Jen, Mary and Lisa, I think, and Heather. I'm still in a place with um uh, with the with that with Salt Lake City where I need to know. Their names aren't enough for me to know who they are. So here's here's I can run it down Meith, Mary and Meredith. I know Mary is the pentecost is the first lady of the Pentecostal Church who married her stepgrandfather. Yeah, we famously have Jen who's the first Muslim housewife ever. She is married to a football coach, and she is she used to be Mormon and now she is Muslim. And as the Utah State Um, yes, yes, yes, he's a coach. You just say, it's crazy how much money college football coaches make. Well, they're certainly loaded. And then but I think she also has her own business. Um. And then um, there's Lisa Barlow, who I found out is actually the centerpiece from which they built out the cast. It was Lisa because because this originally was supposed to be about business women in Utah and they were not. It was never not going to be about Mormons. It was like it was like it was not supposed to be a housewives franchise. And then they saw what they had and they were like, this is a housewives franchise. I never understood as somebody who wasn't an anglifial, I never understood why they didn't do that with one of my favorite ladies of London, Ladies of London. But anyways, but anyways, Lisa Barlow is like Miss sun Bands apparently, and she owns tequila brands and she is an active Mormon, but she converted because she's culturally Jewish. Then speaking of Jewish, there's Meredith who has her gaye son, which is iconic to have the first gay son on a housewife's franchise. I'm trying to remember there was one situation where someone got outed by one of the other wife was a son, a son of the family early in house I think I want to say it was in Jersey. I was gonna, yeah, that feels I think it was in Jersey. Someone said someone was gay and they didn't want to And I cannot feel like your your son is gay would be a thing, a slurry thing someone would say on the done out of malice. It was more done, I think they were. It was like an ally of the not of the gay community, of the other housewife who was who was attached to the gay son. And I think it was just sort of like, I don't know, I don't somehow it came at that. It wasn't like your son's gay. It was more like referring him as a gay son. For a gay son to one day be attached to a house life is huge. I mean, it's a huge moment in history. Just no, just just to put it in Pat's um, in Pat's terminology. Just now, um, the house life attached to the gates. Maybe not not not the gay son, mother, the housewife, it's to the case. Um. So we see them sort of go on a hike. It's I was watching it with Jared in thirties. I I kid you, not. Fifteen seconds into them being on screen, he goes they're Jewish. He knew they were Jewish immediately. And then what else we have? We have Um Whitney, who we saw, we saw getting her vows renewed, um, and we find out that she was excommunicated from the Mormon Church. Well, that's that's a controversial. Now she says she's for having an affair with a married man while she was married that she worked with, and now she's sort of being reaccepted into it in a way. And finally we have Heather who is sort of has a complicated relationship with the Mormon Church being met. Um, she's divorced from one of the richest Mormons in the world. I guess yes, he there's off of the bat seems at least interesting to me. I think Heather feels like Rony Heather. There were so many similarities. Yeah, and I do love it. The other one. I love a storyline where one refuses she met that te knew the other I went before. There was two iconic things that happened. I felt I don't know her, despite the fact that you definitely do and you smell like hospital. Smell like hospital. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Like it's um because especially knowing the cast was built out from Lisa, like she must have told producers she knew this woman. Literally. There was an interview where she's like, well, the first person I went to was Heather, and so it's like, okay, so you did know who she was. And I love the terminology of good Time Girl, where it was like I would have loved I wish that I was a good time It's my dream to go back to a real school and be a good time girl. And I would have looked Vagina that was dark that it was that it's her dream to go back to college. Yeah, but but but relatable in many ways. Okay, So I want to stay right off the bat that out of the six of them, I already know the one I identified with, and it is Lisa because she went to three different fast food restaurants with her kids and husband and out like a performance. To me, well, I believe that they don't cook. I believe that they don't cook. Yeah, I just felt too hammed up in a way that was like, I just felt it was very like first day of filming. I'm going to show them that kind of mom I am, and not exactly one who cooks. I'm the one who goes to like, I don't know, well, fun her drag. I guess she didn't do a good enough job. You're so fucking rude. Why how come? How come when I say I identified with one you attack? I never do that. You did that? You did never did Ever. Though we did get into a scuffle on Twitter over Denise, didn't we I wasn't considering considering it a scuffle. I was considering it back and forth with a friend. I was considering it a good natured intellectual scuffle because you you are a good you are. But I think we're on the same side. We're both team Denise. I am team Denise. You know It's I don't always I'm not always on a team. Sometimes it's more like and sometimes I don't align everyone on the same team. We're all pick and choose, like you from that side, you from that side? Yeah, Um, I know we were arguing about We were arguing about Erica because you said, this is the first season you like Erica Jane and I said, I've always liked Dereka Jane until this season. Yes, and that and that was what we scuffed about. I relate to Pat's view on Erica, which is the aggressive pandering to the gays, um, which I think, which was your kind of like reasoning behind your sort of distaste for her, right, Yeah, and yes, yes, Anyways, I don't want to get off track. No, but who so who bow and Yang first? You? Who do you identify with on the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, Utah? I guess I'm I guess I'm either a Jen or a Meredith, Jen in the way that like we but we like we like sort of ostentatious things every now and then, um, or Meredith in terms of me just being But I guess you can't be either because Jenn and Meredith sort of pitted against each other in this episode in a way where it was Meredith party, but Jen made it admitted about herself. I don't I know that. I don't know that I would do that on Jen end part. No, I don't mean you. I don't see you as a gin Can I be honest, Mary, No, I don't think you're married. I think you might be. This is scary. I don't think you're I don't think you're Heather, but I should hope not. I think I'm a Meredith. You think you're Meredith. The only reason why I don't want you to necessarily be a Meredith Meredith is because and I don't wish that for you, is because out of the sex of the Meredith is the only one I thought maybe boring. Oh no, see, I'm a Meredith as well. I like Meredith. I'm married this as well. But that makes sense because me and Born are both Scorpios. And so if you're a Scorpio and you're a Meredith, I'm doing a study, so please DM me. And if you're willing to do a trial where you live in a lab for nine weeks as a Scorpio who's a Meredith, then please ye me. Maybe you are because because both Meredith, Meredith and Lisa are best friends. And that's and if I'm saying I identify as a Lisa. That makes sense for me to read both of you. So I'm trying to figure out, Like I'm there was something early on that made me go I love Meredith, and I can't remember this is someone said this? I think I don't know if it was up or for was someone else. But um, the fact that Meredith is not like pointing out, like emphasizing the fact that her son is gay. Yes, she just tastefully has a Gason. She does, he's not so far has not made a big deal out of it. I respect that she's just tastefully the house life attached to the Gayson. But wait, can I ask you guys a question? Her husband Seth screams second family to me. Oh, there's always one. I could certainly see it being him. Um. It's weird to think that we're getting to know these women and it will capital w get to a place where we are. We are seeing life shattering, the world altering drama before them. I feel like I know who's not going to make a back into Whitney. Whitney Whitney. Yeah, she's too disconnected and she doesn't she hasn't. She's certainly done. Um, interesting things He's made interesting choices, but she herself doesn't strike me as interesting. I'm not desperate to know what she's about to say. Sure, her main storyline was off screen. Her cousin was like, I'm happy for yours. Well, we saw we saw that. We saw that from the shoulder down from the Pat, did you did you go with us to see Sense of Boulevard on Broadway? No? No, I saw um on island Once on this Island with you? Oh? Yes? And then and then Patt and I went to go see Slave Pat. Pat isn't for all of Pats a version to theater. I rejected that notion, and I think Pat actually loves well. But he said one of my favorite things that I've ever heard leaving a theater, which was as we're leaving Once on this Island, which Bone and I loved, I really love on this Island. We were leaving and I said, Pat, what did you think? He goes. I didn't like it. She was mentally ill and then helped the main characters of that felt. The main characters that film I think struggled. I think Um there was decision making and that in her that I didn't understand, and I thought she needed someone to talk to. But I'm also, um, do you feel that way about Ariel in The Little Mormid? Because they're very similar stories. Almost every female character is mentally ill if you really track it down before five Well, I think, I mean I think that, Yeah, anyone who was like immediately like I've met you and now there was something in that play where I was like, there was some moment where I was like, this is this? Well, she sees him immediately and she sings about the stranger and white the rest of them, thinking how did she recognize I remember thinking how she even recognized him? They didn't even meet or something like that. I remember thinking she should go and move on with her life instead of, um, going with instead of being obsessed with this guy. Sure, I don't remember the play quite well enough to really I think maybe maybe what maybe what upset you is when she gets thrown out of the kingdom and she sits outside the gate for three weeks. Ultimately stars I was a girl, she turns into a tree, is really what happens? That is, Yeah, I didn't like that, and that didn't happen, and that didn't happen in what We're made with Sunset Boulevard. Bone is referencing when Bone and I went for my birthday and we were we were in the literal like truly one of the last in the theater to see Glenn close in Sunset Boulevard and she comes out and makes her amazing first entrance and all we could see was her little feet and people looking out here of this like and people were flipping out. We were streaming. Yeah, that sucks, I am I you know speaking of this. You know I saw it the New just before quarantine. I saw an opening night. I hate to call myself the sort of theater metropolitan man who lives in New York, Who is guy? Um what? I saw the New West Side Story with Isaac Cole Powell. Yes, I saw the day before lockdown. Oh, I saw it like a few days before lockdown. So I guess a little bit before you, I guess, And then you must have seen that I saw it, and then you saw it soon after. You probably influenced Poe's decision. You're an influencer. But you, guys do you guys both know that Isaac Cole Powell, who was the lead US story, was the lead and once on a siland and say that I was attracted to him both of those um roles very attractive sexually. And secondly, um, I was second row of that which I felt like, oh my god, they gave us it was this great seat and it was one of these events that we went to, was like an opening and uh so we went. We didn't know what seat and for when we could not find our the young woman who was going to give us our tickets, who was a very speak or nice and we're trying to get her attention, and then we turned her into literally in our face, truly breathing on us as we were like looking, was Vanessa Hudgens like, that's insane. Well you and your same sex partner Angelo, Yes, I would say Angela might have touched her nose, but the side of his head. And anyways, they put in the second row and we were like, oh my god, this is so um they gave us good seats, but so much of it happens like on the screens that we truly couldn't see a play, Like we truly couldn't see the play. It's actually it's actually a rule of culture. Sometimes very close seats are not the best seats. That's rule. Filter number sometimes sometimes very close are not the best seats. Um, I want to get us back on track. Well, let's let's be quickly checking on Potomac. Yeah, so let's just chat about what did you feel about this last episode of I God, I really loved Wendy the beginning of the season. Now I'm just like, you got this exceptionalism narrative. He's got to stop this. I honor the fact that she is so educated. We all do, but she but the way that she sort of doesn't weaponize it, but like, I mean, just kind of lets it frame Every single conflict on that show is a little, it's it's it's a lot, and it's like, you gotta, you gotta ditch the exceptionalism narrative. This is this just applies for anybody where we are not, we are not, we are not, We're none of us are even that special. Do you know what I'm saying? I only have a bachelor's degree, and I felt comfortable saying that I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts. Wow, I have a b F Matt, I don't know. I don't think better that. I don't help that I'm humiliate. I won't, I won't, I won't ever again, seriously, don't say that I'm waving my arms in the air, which is my state. That's what I produces. To cut that, I think. Um. I really also identify with Bowen Yang and what he was saying because I really loved Wendy so much and I still do, like I still do. I am a very forgiving person. Or if I like you, you really can do kind of stupid ship for a little while and then I'll still like you, like I still love Kenya more, I still love Bethany, I still I still have love for Teresa. Teresa, I don't have love for Renna. Actually, that's so stupid. That's really disrespectful to say. And I call it. They all have varying levels of I call immunity. And I said this on the thread, but like for me, Robin is someone who has immunity. Where do I always agree with her? And it's should she have included Karen in her website? Absolutely? Yeah, that was The pictures weren't even bad. When she said these pictures are not usable and then showed like these kind of stunning pictures of Karen, I was like, bitch. And then when she told when she said under confessional that she remembers years ago when Karen said she didn't like raise Dick. Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Robin was doing a lot. Robin is being messy. But she's someone who was like, Okay, you shouldn't be doing a space of like you, Monique. As someone who's in that category with like, I can be firmly on your side while acknowledging that you've been like in Monique. First, Candice, I am on monique side while knowing that she is very much in the wrong in that situation. I'm I'm finding that I agree with Pat Regan in all things. Yeah. Wow, I think I agree with Patrick and Bowen because I am also rooting for God. I am also rooting for Monique and knowing that what she did was wrong. I just I can't get on team Candice. I can't. No, I've I've always struggled with Candice from an early age, and I think that, um, I think we've all spoken about Karen having this sort of redemption story where and I'm also experiencing that to a lesser degree, but nonetheless that I'm experiencing it with Ashley, who I really didn't like for a long time, and now she's kind of episode. Yes, I mean she's going to she's going to get some ship. I think for the next episode. I think on Twitter people won't be happy with her. But because she's like going against Candy, like what is It's like, I I want to decentralize Candice from this this narrative. I've I've said the word decentralized a lot this episode, but as you have to, and sometimes an episode calls for that, thank you, But I feel like it's like the whole, the whole, the whole, like atmosphere of the episodes lately has been make sure we don't piss off Candice. Yeah, no, I know, I think that. Um. I loved Karen's impression of Wendy walking down the stairs by the way, and no, I know I think that. Um, but I think actually it feels like why are you? What it's insane is for Monique to be suing Candice is crazy, right, and so for actually to be lending support to that moment, for someone to like truly beat the ship out of you and then be like, I'm actually suing you because I beat the ship out of you, it's crazy and um, so for actually to be like she those are like for her to like this thing, being like she's definitely not cool. Judge like is kind of like, actually, don't worry about it, you know what I mean, Like I don't know that Candice needs to be sued over this, you know what I mean? Well, Okay, so in my experience sharing space digitally virtually with Monique, Samuel's oh yes, which she's she's countersuing with with this like sort of testimony that Candice was the aggressor and she kind of actually even landed the first blow, which we which from the footage we've seen, is not true. But then Moniqu kept saying to Andy like I'll have I'm bringing receipts to the reunion, which we should we shot. We shot this episode like before, and then they just finished the union and they say it might be four parts. Yes, I saw that, um, And so Monique, Monique's whole thing is like bringing in actual undoctored footage quote unquote that Cannie was the first person to like start the fight. But so she's not even saying that on the show though she's talking about this wine class. Um. Yes, an Candace story that I mean, there was definitely a long period of time where her could have been let go of you know what I mean, Like I mean Monique was attacking her viciously and ran back to her. Yes this being said, I am anti Monique, but um and I think Karen's handling it with much of palm. Yeah, thank you. Um I just wanted to ask one more Housewives question before we get before we bring the correspondent part of you in, which is, what are your thoughts on Cathy Hilton joining the Beverly Hills Housewives. Is this just another way for them to pad team Kyle or do you think it will get interesting? So, Kyle someone whom I is another one that I forgive kind of And that's why. And that's why me and Lenna have a strange Renna have a strange relationship because, um I just Wrenna. Something about her just drives me crazy. Like when she said you're so angry, she could have been talking to me. She could have been done to me at that moment. And yeah, and she knows that and that's why she are are you are so? And Kathy? I think it's what the fans have wanted for a long time. We want to see all which, by the way, I did you guys watch the Paracels and doc. Yes, a big part of the Parcelson doc is that she has like eighteen m laptops, and when asked why, she's like, I just every time I break up with the guy, I have to get a new laptop because they might break into my old laptop. The logic doesn't make any sense at all, and it's like, okay, cool. But I think that documentary is the reason why Kathy is finally doing the show because I think that her reputation took a huge hit. Documentary came out because yeah, you know, and always says he wants Chris and I and I do. We don't need to Chris. I don't think she'll ever do it. I think she might. I mean, she's done with e you know, she will never do something that she cannot produces, not control of her that's true. She's never going to allow her image to be manipulated by someone else, now that she's made probably close to a billion dollars doing about herself. Yeah, that's True's true. Anyways, I think Kathy has got to know. Kathy has problems with Renna. I've seen that that's going on. They're already feuding on social media, So I think it's Renn has come up into the season. Yeah, it's it's time for N to have a bit of a fall, I think. And Garcella, I think, I think this is what I think. I think Kyle, who's been photographed shooting with Garcelle, is recruiting Garcelle because I think Kyle sees an opportunity to like bring garcell in because Garcela has a bad taste in her mouth Rerena from last season. So I think that garcell will get kind of um persuaded to join Team Richards, which which includes Kathy and can happen when too. I feel like when two people are such foes one season, they end up being allies because it's like we saw that with um, we saw that with Teddy and Dret last and also Eric Erica and Durt Erica and Dret and we're seeing that with Monique and Ashley and um. So whatever. But the other thing is one more thing I have to say about housewives. What I've noticed in me pause for driving this is beautiful. What I've noticed it me is for some reason, I'm so drawn to the betas, like I love cost lives that are like kind of the underlings of of an alpha and so like my favorite house lives across the board are Robin Dolores from Jersey, Um, Stephanie from Dallas. Stephanie from Dallas is one of the queens. She's one of my she's one of my course, she's in my all sar cast i'd loved um. Carol was huge for me, and um, I'm I'm a beta. I guess no, no, no, but I love no Carol falls. And you guys can be Carol and Heather if you want for Halloween. If you're you're saying that I should be Heather for Halloween, I see you two as Carol and Heather for Halloween, okay. And and I'm Bessiny and and that they though honestly that should be and I'm Desfini, and I do think that, Um, that's logically logically. My favorite on Atlanta should be Cynthia, I feel like, but for some reason, in Atlanta the pattern is broken. And my favorites on Atlanta are Porsche and Kenya is the number one. And so yeah, yeah, I mean Porsche is um incredible. She should have like a huge career in scripted. I'm gonna go Porsche should have a huge career in scripted. See Porsche. I think is an alpha who needs to be taken care of, and I feel like you, I think, I think that's very pat Yeah, maybe I look for the ones who need taking care of it. Maybe that's how I feel. Maybe that's how I feel. I have a different take on Porsha, which is that she's a beta who rose very quickly to alpha and too fast to where it was messy. But now she's settled into her alpha status and it's enjoyable. But she had a rocky road. Yeah, I mean she literal, she literal really Monique Kenya, she literally dragged her. I loved when they were like getting along, you know. I saw Joel I was went to set in the audience of Joels keep on with Kenya, and I just remember that was after the premiere of Atlanta, so we hadn't seen it yet, and Kenya was saying to her in port here in this great place, and I'd love to hear it. But now it seems like they were kind of um not anymore. Yeah, I don't know if they'll ever be best. I hope I'm being interesting because I don't feel like I'm being funny, that's that's okay. Every time you come on three hours of sleeping at last night? Why why? I don't even understand why. Basically, um, basically, we got a crazy sleep schedule that somehow resulted in two nights ago and me sleeping from four am to one pm and then napping from six pm to eight pm. So this is crazy. And I could not fall asleep into almost seven am, and then I woke up at ten am. That's shocking. What was it? What? What? What brought on the sleep schedule? Like the first domino falling, it was the domino that did faull was just quarantine and I happened eight months ago, and now it's the learning behavior. It's the first domino fell eight months ago. That has been another domino. What a sick, kind of torturous time for the dominoes to keep falling so hard? Wait? Can I can I actually confront you about something? Oh? Of course that's Mike came on the show. I feel that, Um, so this is this is something very sensitive to me. I got really into Survivor and I would often try to like engage with you about it, and I felt that you shut me down repeatedly. You're laughing, tiling, and you know it's true. And I feel that can I say what I feel? I feel that you thought I was trying to like take Survivor being your thing, and that was not the case. Pat, I hear you. First of all, I don't feel survivor is my thing, even pause for Paul for gravitas. I think that, um, no, it's Chris Kelly's it's Chris Kelly's thing. It's our ultimately survivors, Aaron Jackson's thing. And no, that's that, that's that's true, that's right. I think that what was poking insecurity? Okay, and now I'm getting vulnerable and I'm being cowering after she's had a couple um yeah um ums you too. I think are both very enthusiastic about the culture that you love, and that's what we the universal we love about you guys. Okay, but I think that Survivor is something that has always felt neats to me in this New York gay world, it suddenly felt like and and Parvety was someone who was really special to me and important to me m developmentally and yeah even more, Yeah, she is the reason that I um came out and I think that. So I just think I was like, you know how we all feel. But you could draw the same comparison of I'm someone who got very into jag Grace, very like the game. So it's the same same comparisons could be John. Then I'm here to say they can. I absolutely feel because in some way I was like, wait after you and I feel this way about man a lot of times where I'm like, I've told you about this thing for years and now you're on board, and now you're now you're fully like kind of blossoming in the space that is untethered from like my like pushing this on you for years and years and years, like I do I acknowledge about Jack Grayce is that U it is insane that I like, truly for decades decades, I'm aging myself with how long I have I watched Dry Grace and um, and I don't know what I just you know what happened is I made it through because I remember watching this season stuff and premiere at Bowen's apartment, um, back in the day and not connecting and not getting it, and then UM, one time at Lulu Cross is I'm me and Matt and Henry watched a different season from Youre an old one and I don't remember which one, and I couldn't connect. And then I tried to watch season four by myself one time and it was like the zombie thing and I was like, this is so long, and I couldn't It was not the right time and place. The trips have fallen in the right way now where you can enjoy it now in decades after everyone else. And it was watching with and she was he was able to contextualize. I could ask things like, what were people saying at the time? You know what I mean? Sometimes you just need that kind of what we're someone to tell you what people were saying at the time, because you obviously are watching you wa It's like, how do people feel about Sharon? I need to have that conversation, need someone to represent Yeah, And so I guess, I guess, so I guess. So for me, what I'm saying, which is the reason why I brought this up, is that I and literally almost exact same as you're saying, was sort of looking to engage with you, my close friend about it, and I felt that, you know what, sort of one word answer or even worse, L O L me sometimes when I when I wanted to say, like wow, Ken from Millennials gen X is so hot or whatever, and so like you know, that's I guess That's all I'm saying is I was hurt by it and that and the ball is in your court. Okay, So I'm gonna take the ball and dribble a couple of times and start driving towards the hoop. By saying that I really saw it as a ball. I really saw it as a tennis ball. I think that because I think I think the expression is basketball. Yeah, I've always thought basketball. I'll have to ask. I'll check in with the panel. No, they say they're upset that there. They they can't agree. One of them says basketball, one of them says tennis. Who's saying who's saying what? Megan is sort of very loudly saying it's basketball, and Abby is sort of very quietly saying she thinks it's tennis. And unfortunately three votes for bath that still three votes for basketball took alright, So so anyway, what are you gonna do with the ball? No, I acknowledge that I understand where you felt that. I think there was discomfort, but I do think, and I'll said, and I'm not saying this is your fault, but this is where it's coming from. It was very much like a very public I get this, and I think because to me, it's different in this way, like drag Race is something that in our in our little circle, is very celebrated and everyone and everyone watches him. So it's like for me to like drag Race doesn't feel like I'm claiming it. And then because Survivor was something that's been so I could only talk to a couple of people about for all these years. I'm sorry if I start crying, but you thought, who does this? Bit is all of a sudden, now it's publicly, so publicly and so enthusiastically, like for some thing that poked at something in me, Okay, and that happens. We're all human beings. Pat. I want to first of all, Matt, I want to say that I share, I share this, I share in this sort of um confounded nous around Pats sort of I can't say, I can't say I understand still to this, to this moment, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. And then I want to say, Pat, thank you so much for so cogently like putting that into words, and like, I'm but I gotta say, I understand this completely from Pat's point of view, and completely I see you have to understand this is the time when I, you know whatever, you guys had this huge platform, or you're getting to talk to heroes of mine. Of course there do you want to? Can I tell you something? I would? There was a part of me that was like, we should bring Pat into the part of the episode, and that would have been such a moment. But then when all my text works started going unresponded to, that's a lesson. Yeah, yes that was image. I understand that was a matorm But I'm messy and I'm imperfect, and I'm what house does this make it? What house does this make you? Should makes me a little bit? I think I could see Bethany doing this. This is a little bit m Bethany Sonya sees an eight Jeeter brand, Tipsy girl, vodka girl, Oh yeah, I got you. This is a little bit of that screaming at This is me screaming at you, sending down to my elevator. You sobbing um because I because I called my thing tipsy girl, because he called you tipsy girl. But I am not expressing, um that I think I was correct. I'm just saying that that was probably where it was coming from. That's kind of an iconic way to say sorry, I am not expressing that I think I was correct. Let's see as as a fellow, as a fellow scorpio who could be emeriti like I really I get this, thank you, And that's when and so helped would have another scrupio who could be murdered like around just the kind of cohense that you're a girl, You're not crazy. That's just what it is to be a scrupio who could be a merit of and Um and as me of Pisces who just wants to love you, know what I mean? Like it's so sometimes I just love too hard about you. I will say this about Matt Rogers. I do think you're very good at coming from a place of abundance and not feeling so much jealous. Like you never seem jealous or better, which is I think a skill that I have not mastered. You always seem interested in like um, you never seem territorial territorial. You always seem like you want to lift lift the tides which I don't want to do for me. For me, I let fear come in and I say, you have some I don't have as much. You know what I mean? But Pat, what you should know and I'm gonna I'm gonna throw a superlative out there. But what Pat should now is that despite irrespective of that jealous instinct, I think anyone would want to hear what you have to say about anything, which is why, which is why I understand, and that's where this is coming from her, Like I want to know what Pat thinks. I know, I don't know what what I know what you guys don't. Baby, you don't have to explain it any further. I think you've I think you've explained it. I wish I could build a machine and go back in time, but I can't build a machine. And as said, and now we said it, but I and now we've said it, and I if I could build a machine, I would, but I can't build a machine. And if I could, I wouldn't want to because life is beautiful as it happens, and the book is being written every second, preach sister, now before we move on, I don't think so, honey, we say that I need to know you as our Gray's Anatomy Last Culture Reasons correspondent. What is going on? We know that since some ship went down. Yes, Um, wait, so I'm actually a bad correspondent. I'm bad at my full time job, which these which I do get paid two dollars a year or four. I'm on salary at laws colot Races. I get two dollars a year or two to correspond on Grays. Money we have and I, um, you know, haven't really finished the premieria and I go through this with Grace. Shout out to one of the funniest people I've met recently, Ariel Cartland. If she's listening, I'm show. If she'll listen, you guys are my Ariel curls. She's so funny and she um told me she's also current on Grays and she's the one who told me this. But on Greatest Twitter there was um talk and spoiler alert. If you don't want even loose spoilers, shut your ears now and bowen. That's how you do it. And so so there's a list of characters that do have I I am dB credits this season the mind blowing. These characters include Izzy Stevens, George R O'Malley Adele. And by the way, when Ariel's I mean this list, I thought I was thinking of Adele the singer and I was like wow. And I was like wow, an amazing stunt casting and that would be a great patient. I could see Grays, I could see Adele coming in as like herself essentially, like as a big singer in the world, and like, yeah, it's just to perform like rote surgery on her. You know what I mean. Can't you see that they've done that for sure? But she would say I think that they did an episode where I think it was Derek it might have been his sister was had to do a brain surgery on someone who loved to play guitar, and the person didn't want him to clip out the piece of his brain that played guitar, So Derek hadham be awake and playing guitar the whole time he was operating on his brain. There ridiculous he would know not but not to cut out. Um. It's so it is a stock narrative where it's like a performer comes in that the surgeon like Burke, operated on a on a on like a horn on a sax player, a trumpet player that he loved she had operate on. Yeah. Yeah, it's a trope within grades of this, like a very interesting way of raising the stakes, I will say of surgery, which already some would say of high stakes. High I think you have seen to stop with the exceptionalism. Guess guess what if someone is in a world class saxophone player, fair hands still matter, absolutely matter. I'll say that, say that that. Wait, okay, so okay, So we've Izzy George Adele, Callie Arizona, Um, I've heard Christina Christina. Christina was the other huge one. Basically, what this fear is right, that they're going to try to do zoom hang out or something that they're gonna it's gonna be a zoom from Christina the other fear. They did that with Christina though, where she was like and she was she was already in another hospital and and her and Meredith for facetiming all the time. Yes, they've done that. And they also did a thing where Christina was in a cold city with them the actor who played Mr. Finnian boy Meat's World, and she um only could talk to Mary Do on the phone for a few episodes. Yes, that's right, that's right. That was before she burned left, So it's interesting. I mean I think that what the question is, are they saying these what they end times? Like, is um Grace ending Katherine? Yeah, already talking about Kine coming back because I've always would be huge bore. I've always feld Grace's sexist. Because if we're gonna bring back Derek, who is bad at who is bad on set, if we're going to bring back Isaiah who is bad on set and said fag, like, could we have to them bring back is the unfortunately who ultimately had an annoying mom and never said fag. I never said fat to anyone. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I think I would love to see Katherine Heigel as Izzy back playing her iconic character. I mean that is how we all fell in love with her, and many of us are still in love with Katherine Heigel, and we would like we will wish the best for her. I just would love. Yes, we wish that we ultimately whatever she was going through during that time in her life, Um, we wish the best for her. Some of us have like bitchy years, you know what I mean, Like I think my bitchy years were like my like early twenties. I think we're my like bitchy years, right, and my bitchy years were definitely my mid to late wouldn't you agree, Well, you weren't being a bitch, really, I just thought you, and you know what, you probably were being a bit too people. You weren't being abed. I wasn't being a bit to you. By definitely was being a bit to people. Y'all. We are transitioning into I don't think so, honey. This is the segment which is a sixty second segment where we take something and you know, rail against it in pop culture, and we sort of go hashtag off as they say, and it makes that per second cure. I don't think so, honey. So I am ready with my I don't thinks. Okay, So this is Matt Rodgers and he has his I don't think so, honey, and his time starts now. I don't think so, honey. Candice Owens and all the fucking fools saying that Harry Styles is not representing masculinity when he wears a goddamn gower and which, let me just say, by the way, he looks stunning, and let me just list a few people who have done androgyny in the past. Do your fucking home. How about Ms Prince? How about Ms David Bowie? Bitch? How about Adam Lambert? How about all these people, regardless of their sexual orientations, who have dressed their gender band And this is a part of not only pop culture and pop music, but rock music. It says fuck you to anything. So I don't think so, honey, Candice Owens. And I don't think so, honey, Ben Shapiro, as if we should care what either of you have to say. By the way, I don't think the honey Ben Shapiro, who like bragged last year about not being able to give it, get his wife wet. And now you're going to be the authority on what's fucking masculine, Get the funk out of here. And also I don't think so any Candy Cohen. Stop complaining conflating socialism in quotes with the downfall of masculinely shut up, you're so stupid. And that's one minute. Her name is now henceforth Candy Cohen, no longer Candice away Cohen. Let me tell you something, Candy Cohen. I remember I heard Candy and a random we thought you were changing Rosten doing Candy Burris. No, but I have done, I really have done. I don't think so, honey, Candy borrows in the past. Yeah, because I didn't think. I didn't think. I didn't think she should have had another kid when her daughters were like, please don't. Um. But anyway, but it's also none of my fucking business. Um. But yeah, I couldn't stand all this stuff, the controversy about like Harry Style looking stunning, like wearing whatever the funk he wants. And you know who doesn't give a funk about this Harry Styles, So no one's no one's gonna bother him. He does, he's so ununaffected by this. But that's the thing too, It's like, wait, this is not a new conversation, and it's just like, I don't know, maybe maybe just to connect the theme to Potomac, it's just sort of ripping the sutures of old wounds, wouldn't you say? I think that? Um, you know, I think this is the prophecy being fulfilled. I think this is the third of a trilogy of the dress scandals. I think we had Monica Lewinsky. I think we had what color is that dress. I think now we have our third dress scandal, and I think I think there's a narrative thread there, and I think this random is as satisfying ending up if I agree. It feels like there's finally um. It feels like there was so much moral ambiguity and what colors address right? That was the theme. It was like who's right, who's wrong, moral relativism and now nation, and then in Monica felt like there wasn't moral relative It felt like it was very moral, but like on the wrong side, like we all burned this woman down the steak and then everyone was wrong and she was on the right of that dress kandal, and now this dress kinda we're finally all coming together and saying no. Candice burus No, it's actually a great forgot her name, so I thought she was she was. She started as Candice Candison, she became Candy Cohen, and then now she's Candice burs Um. So I sort of loved like taking her own name away from her because she's a damn fool. That's a new trilogy that's very satisfying in its conclusion. I've known for years there would be another dress thing by the way I knew, you knew very nostredamus in that way. And honestly, that's why Pat is able to say something. And I'm bethany, period and just and I we have to trust um. Okay, So, Bowen Yang, it's time for your I don't think so, honey, Do you have it? I do? I do? All right? Well, that being the case, Bowen Yang's, I don't think so, honey, of your time starts now. I don't think so, honey. Diptique employees the world over, I've got to several Diptique stores all across the world New York, Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Charles de gaul, Airport, Honey, and every employee I've met there has been sort of judgmental in some way, in some form, And I don't think that's a valuable part of the culture. That is not part of that should not be part of the value proposition. I do not find value in buying a candle from someone who was rude to me at the store. I want to buy my you know, Jaz jas Men, my footed Boa, my bay even iconically, and I want to buy it and have it be a pleasant retail experience. I am risking my life in your store in these times, and for you to still uphold that culture is toxic and yes, poisonous. I know, I'm I look, I'm a synonymtan, but I think I think it's worth emphasizing that point that you were all poisonous, poisonous people. And that's one minute. All employees of diptiq have now been called poisonous. What is? I think I'm gonna speak for a lot of people out there when I ask what is, I'm so relieved I'm the only one who doesn't know what they're. Um, they're a parfume Marie there. They make candles. They make lovely candles, iconic candles, even um. And I've I've really been on a candles kick candle. You know, I tried to. You know, Labo does a different We know that. On recommendation of my therapist, I went into Lavo to purchase the um birthday gives for my sexual partner last year or my same sex sexual partner NOAs and I walked in and it was also for me, it's just so judgment I walk and I go, these are some of the sense that he likes. Can you help me pick a gift? And he was like, um, I actually would never ever recommend doing that because you never know how it's in a combined with his body chemistry, and it could be really wrong. You could be really wrong if you try to guess. And so I was like, okay, well, I just want to give him something. It's like I've been gamed for like six months. I just want to give him a gift. And he's like, I just can't get conscious. Um, he couldn't make a recommendation at the old story worked. So he literally was like I had to get like a sampler platter of like a bunch of little different ones and then I gave it. My work was like, now has like eight drops of like thirty different Did you get that lit labo employees name? No? I didn't, but I wish I did. You should have, because one of Bowen's favorite things is to name employees that have wronged him by name on the pod. No, I don't. You've You've done it several times once my last episode that I was here. Yes, you did it about a ski person Todd, But but that and that I don't think I think so, honey. It was the first time I ever said seek treatment because I said C treatment to that episode. That episode was called C Treatment. Yeah, um, I interesting where you got to start. I know, I don't want this narrative to hold where I am using the podcast as the way to air out my my. Oh, then you should behave the way you behave. No, I'm I'm not misbehaving when I go buy these things in misbehavior? Who also that that's that's horrid. Body chemistry is a lie. It's a lie. It's an it's a lie that is being made up by perfumer ees like it'll it'll smell the same on anybody. I recommended Madi Fragrance that I love, and then he loved it too. That's what I like, and I like it to come into your shop, and so says, can you please just help me pick one out? It's like just help them pick one out, you know what I mean, Like just to me, he shields down shield. However, this guy was I think he had something in it for you. And I even did the thing where I was like, it's for my boyfriends. I could know he was gay, and I thought that would kind of establish some sort of like camaraderie. Started a turf wars what you started? Yeah, I started a huge turf war, and it kind of felt almost like I wasn't the kind of gay he wanted his store because I had a backpack on. You need to tell him, you know what to find normal? I honestly to find normal? Is it a slang as a messenger back? Is it a total because guess what, I used a backpackground this town exactly. And that doesn't make me any worse than you, Mr Lelabo, as i'll call you. Well, he's already sort of popping off. So we're gonna transition from this directly into Pat Regan's I don't think so honey. Now you you're sort of um, you're sort of a renowned I don't think so honey, or you did win culture war, but I do always say that my um. I've retired officially and this no longer. It doesn't affect my legacy. These are all exhibitions now, so it really in the master class that is you in the entertainment industry, this is not a part of that is really, this won't be included and this won't be reflected in my rate that I have received from master class. You are you are the Nicki Minlage. If I don't think so, honey. You've technically retired, but you will your output will still be somewhat consistent. Okay, even even even more so. All this being said, it's time for Pat Reagans. I don't think so, honey, and his time starts now. I don't think so, honey. Apple the company, it's a classic for a reason. They suck. They literally want their customers to die, gruesome, bloody death. That's how much they abhorre their customers. They get away with this like they get away with a certain like thing of not being quite as bad as Amazon. But it's like, you suck so much and you better get down your ass. And thank god Jeffrey Bagels existing, which just stracks everyone. I'm coming for you, Apple, because I'll tell you what happened is on a election night, I was moving a trusser with my same sex sexual part, sat down for one single second on my fifteen inch MacBook Pro computer and l a screen broke. And it was the one year anniversary of when I got that computer. So yes, it was the day my warranty ran out. But I will say every single person and Apple I've talked to has been unhelpful, except for the men and women who work in those stories where I celebrate those geniuses I love. Everybody will say I sent my, I sent my I sent them my computers. I still haven't checked it in. Still haven't have my computer. I haven't checked it in. And then I don't think so. Honey, Apple, the company jobs. You can take your turtlenecks and shove them like the ass rest in power, power, first power to Steve Johnson. Who else did I at that one? This episode? I told someone to rest in power? Earlier on I don't know what's no, No, we'st crave and what's crave? And sorry, man, we have to we have to really, we have to sort of like do an episode soon which is who's dead who's not? Because we've said so many people that were that are dead that are not dead. Yeah yeah, wait, but well, first of all, can we say number one, Apple, the company found dead. Number two, that sucks for all your subscribers on your master class that wasn't part of it, because I think it would have been a worthy thing. Number three, I have a question for both of you. Yeah, have you well not really for Bowen since he has a twelve, but Patrick has your phone started to sort of like act weird. By the way, first of all, Bowen, if you have a twelve year centterest, thank you start acting weird. This is what this is what happens every year with the new with the new os. Well, it's happening again. This year is no different. We can go I have ten are. For the longest time, I had sc between the five and sex. It was part of my brand, and then I finally last summer made the choice. I'm really happy you're out of that stage of your life. But it was I'm hardened to hear that. It's not just me. That's sort of whenever I'm texting, it's like the letters don't show up and like, oh no, that's been happening for me too. Yeah, it's just the Apple needs to like just you have enough money, like just let us have our products, and like they try to capture you for life long, like it's impossible. Well they have, they have. It's a monopoly. It's not okay. There needs to be fair. There needs to be fair competition in this space. And that's why I'm launching and electronics and computer brand and called fair Fight, And it's going to be completely run by stupid gays. You don't know computers, and we together will build a new world that is collectivist at its finest. Collectivism is at its finesta. It's just like the way Apples dreaming with this computer is like slit. It really just doesn't it just really hasn't felt good. And I'm paying them auto mon so disappointed it disappointed in them. You know, it's that there's no recourse like they were just they're just unchecked power. Apple is unchecked power. And you said it's say that, say that I finally had to say it. I never wanted to say that. I had to finally say it. And now we said Patrick final words, closing thoughts for all the readers. Now that you're back, because we can say you are, you are sucking back the bitch is. I think you're back in a bit with the bitches, back in a big in a major way. Yeah. I think what I would say to my listeners first and foremost is I'm back on cameo and and it's that holiday season, and I know that you've already seen me in my upcoming projects, but continue to look for me in them. I'm not gonna say too much more about what it's coming, but you guys hold tie it, and um, I would hold. My final words are hold tight. Okay, we've all missed you so much. I'm so glad. Yeah, this is our fourth episode together. And I know that you guys sometimes don't count the last episode and episode total, but I do count it, and I do count it. I've actually turned a corner and I count it. And that's and that shows that both can grow es. Actually culture number one hundred and six, Bobo grow Grow No, this is five including the last episode episode. Um, can we talk about Nicola Nicola? And then there see Treatment which Netflix has taken off there and Netflix has removed that episode, and and and and then See Culture and the many Seek Cultures and then many times you've co hosted with us, you might be the you might be all the the pre eminent Last Cultures dis guest. And I have an announcement. Oh my god, the panel is telling me that Pat Reagan has yet again one the Lost Culture Race. That's Icon Award. Oh my god, I would as per accepting it. I would like to say first and foremost that awards are so silly, and this thing that you're going right now is beautiful but I don't care about it. But it also means so much, and it means more than any other one because I'm the oldest and and bo I think you can agree that it is it is now custom for you know how we always end the episode with a song. Yes, but it is now custom. Is now to continue that the the the Cultural Award winner ends the episode with the song. Chooses the song, or you can initiate the song. You can sing with us, is it a song of pop culture? Can be an original track, whatever you want. It can be whatever, oh oh my gosh, okay staring at the blank page out the balance, friends, go sho And if you want to hear the rest of that song, you can listen to Natasha bedding Fields CD, Bye Bye,