Matt & Bowen gain post-nut clarity this week and catch up on culture! They discuss the Super Bowl, how Back To The Future and Final Fantasy 7 predicted the future, the thrill of daytime sex, how spooning can lead to emotional danger, and Dylan Efron with his booty in the air. Also, Diddy, Blake v Justin, Stacey Rusch, Wendy Williams and the Anora-issance. All this, how Microsoft Teams sucks, Ashanti's "Foolish", Jon M. Chu's big win at Critics Choice, and an appeal to Universal Epic Universe.
Look, oh, I see you my own look over there is that culture? Yes, goodness lost culture dang Joon lost Culturista's calling Bowen and I are in conflict or not tag shall even though we could be no, please, I can't say you try. How are you feeling after the super Bowl? Well?
I missed a lot of it, but I am a little bit rattled. Honestly.
Why what happened that rattled you? It's crazy.
I'm not to talk politics, but it's crazy that like our president is going after yet another pop star.
He loves it. He loves to, of course with pop stars and awards bodies, like I said, as if they're individuals, and he gets off on it. So how many times is he tweeted about Taylor get a lat I'm not keeping track of it on Twitter or on truth.
So I just know that like he's reveling in it, and like if you could go back to two thousand and nine and be like, go to the VMA's and be like, Taylor, this is what's gonna happen to you, Like yay, sorry, dead named Kanye, I get there.
I did it again.
You're gonna buy out and add at the dentist to go to easy dot com.
So for people that don't know there was this insane Kanye ad that he had bought, it was just him like really out of it, like telling people to go to easy dot com. I have to say, like, does he still sell close? Is that still his thing? I'm not sure. I don't even know what his deal is anymore. I'm just afraid of it. Hey guys, this is Matt. I just wanted to jump on here very quickly and say that this episode was recorded before we found out what Kanye West was selling on his website. Obviously, Bowen and I had no interest in actually logging onto easy dot com, and so it wasn't until much later, a couple of days later, that we found out what exactly he was selling, which was t shirts with swastikas on them. So that's obviously fucking insane, and our sentiment, as always is fuck Kanye West, and I just wanted to make sure that we made that totally clear so that you didn't think we were being glib or dismissing the situation as like anything other than what it is, which is fucking disgusting. So back to the episode, just wanted to jump on and clear there. Bye.
I think something broke the way that Sarah Sherman talked about David Lynch and how he used the Adam bomb as a way of talking about humanity being broken and shattering, like there's something shattered culturally. When I think when that moment happened is yeah, that's the origin point.
Yeah, so much of what's.
Happening now yep, for like this brook to diverge in the wood, Oh in this way, you know what I mean? Like like that, that was a very fateful night. You have so much clarity. No, I know I can only call it post not clarity. No, because I know you got the nut yesterday. How do you know you told me so we are not going to do this.
So this was what we were in conflict about before the episode started. Bowen just no longer wants to discuss his personal sexual exploits on the podcasts discussed in Shit. He is rolling around like a pig and shit. He's like, Tate, it's okay, I'm okay. Like imagine like Bowen just and it's cocks all around. It's okay, I'm okay. He's turning down the cock. He's saying, it's okay, I'm okay, because he's so inundated. Well you know the origin of that phrase.
But she was in the studio and they were like, you know, it's around meal time, like let's order some food, like, Tate, do you want anything?
And she kept saying it's okay, I'm okay. Really, that's because she wanted to keep working. She wanted to keep working, she says, she is. This is the thing.
This is someone who holds all three of her titles very seriously, seriously singer, songwriter, dancer. Yeah, nothing takes over. It's a very well balanced, you know, triangle a plane as it were.
And Tate McCray will be on the podcast in two weeks. We're very excited. And what you just did right there was amazing for two reasons. One it provided new information about Tate that I didn't know, and then too, I deflected it, and two was a misdirect. It was a redirect. It was a deflection and a project.
Okay, when was the last time you talked about your sexploits?
I actually have an announcement. I'm no longer bringing my sexploits and personal life to this podcast because I'm genuinely out here dating again and so I don't want anyone to know how I how I like. I don't want to say one thing and then someone think it's about them, right, because now I've had that happened recently. I've had that happened recently.
Where I was I was on our good friends Patent Cats podcasting treatment and was talking about someone, and then another person thought that I was talking about them.
Oop. Ali, it's Amelia Badelia vibes. It's like in Sister or Sister when they would both when they would have to switch. I got my own mind, my own stuff in my own time. Yes, just like should we reboot? Yes, that actually should be our show. It's a sister sister rebort twins when we played twins, and the conceit is no one can tell us a part because we're twins. Well you know this is this is an interesting glimpse. Of course. Matt and I wrote a show for ours Nova anfest called Night Soap, and it was originally something else.
It was originally called and this was conceived back in college. We were like we were just on some different ship back then. Because Matt came up with the title the Twins are Fighting Again.
A gay fantaga with themes, a gay fantasia with themes with themes where we did play twins, and then we did end up like we always wanted for the show to end in a space battle, which ended up being the thing that carried over into Night Soap. You know that I still have notebooks full of like plot ideas and joke ideas and twists for our show. The Twins are Fighting Again. Really, yes, I think it's Twins Are Fighting Again is title of app The Twins are Fighting Again Now. So we eventually did create media that was the Twins are Fighting Again, which was this podcast or you mean Nightsope, I'm just saying it. Ultimately, we did it because we will release this episode. It will be called The Twins Are Fighting Again with Matt and Bowen. So don't let anyone tell you it's not possible that you're kind of hey, a half baked idea can't come through later. It can show up in any form. It can show up in any form. Yeah, but we didn't end up doing it. We did Night Soap, which maybe Night Soape will see the light of day. I still believe in Night Soap has some sort of entity. I'm really proud of Nights because we tore. We tore.
Not only did we tear, but we really gagged the girls with a plot twist at the end.
You know, I almost died that night. What do you mean? Okay, No, it wasn't that night. It was for your You did another show at Ours Nova, yes, and I did. So there was time in my life there was what would you call this was like an eight to ten month period of my life during pap Roulette and that Hu where I was doing death drops on stage. Yes, you were doing a lot of and you were very good, but yeah, I was describing it full leaps into the air, like no training, just me visualizing in my head and watching drag Race how it should be and allowing myself to fall on the ground. But this was my entire late twenties, and during that I forget what it was you were doing some I was doing. Yeah, I forget our showgasm or something. It was showgasm. Yeah, you were hosting something or performing one some one person show. And I came out and did a death drop, and afterwards I was told that my neck almost Hilary swank million dollar baby on a chair.
Can you imagine, man? Oh my god, I'm so sad even thinking about that.
It would have been really awful. Had I Hillary Swank million dollar baby because I thought, let me do a death drop. Imagine explaining that to my parents. I am to have done it. I would have had to have done it.
I would have been in a police outfit for some reason, in a police outfit. I just imagine being in a quote unquote police outfit knocking at your parents' door telling them that their their son had passed away.
Okay, let's check it out. I'm Katrina. Oh my god, Ritchie, it's Bowen. Hi. What are you doing here? You look so cute? Miss Rogers, I'm miss Rogers. Are you? My name is Officer Yang and I what's happened? Oh no, you'ren like this at all. Your son was doing a show gasm was a guest on a I don't understand a show gasm show that it's there, don't know showgasm. It's at ours Nova, which I don't like the title. Really, Oh it's a play on the words orgasm and show. Well I understood that part. So what happened? How was the show? It was mid?
It was a mid well oh sorry, So in about ten years.
That's going to be a term that people use, so sort of in the middle, sort of not so good, not so many. Well, you know, you do lots of great shows, but we love coming to the shows.
In this moment, I'm sorry, sorry, mister Rogers. In this moment, I am a Katrina. You've always called me Katrina some reason. I've taken it upon myself to be a police officer for.
You, but I support you. We love the police. My mom doesn't say how my mom feels back. Your son Matt did a death drop. Oh no, and he Hyla recently a million dollar baby has had on a chair won the boxing match. I only saw the first forty five minutes of that movie and fell asleep. What happens at the end? Is your husband around? Can I come in? Yeah? Of course, come in?
And oh man, you are so embodied in Katrina.
I know her better than she fucking knows herself. Oh my god, do you feel I feel like you? You are that way with me. Sometimes you know me better than I know me. I here's what I'll say. I know your energy sometimes without even being in the room. I literally know exactly how you feel at all times. I know I lost. Yes, I usually have like some sense, oh my god, what the temperature is at all times, so like whether you're okay, you're okay or not.
Like what was the last time you tried to like really channel into into like my mind.
I mean I literally walked in today, looked at you and said, what's the matter? No, that's a whole separate thing. It is a whole separate thing. I was having a conversation with Engineer Doug. Engineer Doug and we were talking about something heavy, and I come in the room and I saw but I don't even know how to describe it. There is almost like a it's like a it's like a resigned yearning. It's like, oh, I said, what's the matter? No, I was listening to the conversation.
I was listening to your conversation as you guys walked in, and because it was dovetailing on a conversation that I was having with Engineer Doug as well about the same heavy topic. Yes, yes, we're dancing around this. It's not it's not anything bad. It's just it's a thing that you know, it's something bad. It is right, it's something bad. It's just not something that should be.
Do you mind if we if we share, Like Okay, so Doug experienced lots of pain because of the fires. His neighborhood is has taken quite the beating, and we're thinking of him, and we were just checking in with him and again reaching out to everyone out there who is It's so odd sometimes when I feel like the world moves on, you know what I mean, I can't stop thinking about this. Yeah, Like it's like I remember when I was little, Like my great grandfather passed away when I was twelve, and I remember I had this moment where it was like it was like mid November, it was cold on Long Island, and we were at the funeral and we get in the car and we turned on the car and I remember, like so loudly, like pop music started playing from the FM radio, and I was like, it's so crazy that the rest of the world is still listening to pop music, and like, you know, it's going to be a sunny day today or it's going to continue, like the world's going to keep going in this way despite this tragedy, and I can't imagine how it must feel to have the entire world pivot and like send you condolences and like, obviously it's been a lasting topic in the news because it's such a tragedy and so much has befallen that region. But the moment where it feels like everyone else moves on to the world keeps turning.
Of course it must. It's still well. It just makes it impossible to go between like feeling this interior kind of like mourning and loss and like how do you cope with that like from within and then try to engage with the world in a way that like isn't totally devastating, because it's like, oh, the world does spin on and you're like, yeah, what does this mean?
I wish I could specifically remember what song it was that was playing, because you know, it was dumb? Is it what yours? This? It was two thousand and two, So let's think about November two thousand and two. Ken, are we that good at culture? I'm gonna say a shanty foolish foolish? No, I hope it was. Oh, that's the thing is like, I feel like if it was a Shanti Foolish, which by the way, is a great song, is that on the Great Global Songbook? I don't think it. I don't think it has. We might have to do a new list that might be nominated. What Foolish by Ashanti might be nominated. Wow, I don't know a category, but it might be nominated. You we have to we have to do what days that you and heard the HU take no more keep Wow?
I mean we can't officially say it's nominated yet because there are meetings involved.
No, there's so much meetings involved now more than ever. There's meetings, meetings involve let's just say the Cultural awards. There's meetings involved. There's meetings involved. That's all. That's all we can say. You are why are we multimedia?
Because this was this is all this is what you are pushed to do these days. You have to be multimedia. I didn't ask to write a book, but they asked us how.
Did that go? Did we ask to write it or did they ask us? I think we always wanted to do. We always wanted to write a culture. Absolutely.
I I'm cooked, and so I don't think I could write like I'm like Rules of Culture is the perfect book project for me and us. But I'm saying my brain because I I don't think I could write down a single thought or depiction of my experience in like a memoir form. If I were to ever gun to my head have to do that, you literally could.
But I at the same time, I do think it's good that we're sort of entering the book space with like not training wheels, but we get to do it together, yes, and we gets to do this thing that's going to have like such a fun container. And so it's practice for your incredible, revelatory, searing, trench trenchent provocative sexual at times if you ever open up, because here I am trying to get you to open up about your goddamn sexual exploits. But it's like trying to milk a stone, shouldn't you think so? Especially really culture number eighty eight, trying to milk a stone is a real that's that real expression. I was talking to my girl the other day and I was trying to find out what we were doing this weekend, and it was like trying to milk us. Yeah. Wait, I get what you're saying. Should the episode should title of that be to milk a stone? Instead of the twins are fighting again to milk a stone? Well, okay, now we're giving too much shine on to milk a stone. You know what I wish we could do what have the reader's vote for this title of thing. But we can't because that's not it's not going to chronologically logistically, it doesn't make sense. I get so frustrated when there are chronological or logistical limits. Yeah. I've been like that since I was little. What was the first time travel narrative back to the future the future? Which if they ever come to me and ask for my letterboxed, Yeah, that's up there, I'm saying forwards back to the future. You see me have to check that it was for Oh I would have had to check. We all have to check sometimes. Thank you for that. So Back to the Future is a great film nineteen eighty five released. Yes, who knew that they would know so much about how the future would go? Flying cars? Yes? Actually, what if you I've watched that movie, if you watch Back to the Future Part two again, it's actually kind of freaky because because what's his face as president is Biff turns into tru when then he becomes president the world's destitute. I'm like, tell me what you're like?
How which was like, how do these people who make stories and make up fictional things sometimes they do know. Well, it's actually, you know, it's not that hard to think, Like, I don't know. All I keep thinking about these days is Final Fantasy vin. I'm like, how did they know?
What happens in that?
It's these people become eco terrorists because the government is literary corporation and that's what's happening now. Sorry, it's like our entire government is now being bought by private equity. In a sense, it's crazy, like the concept of like a national border is not going to be a thing very soon. It's like it's just going to be a big corporation. And that's literally the plot of Final Fantasy seven. This energy company called Shinra is sucking the light that the planet's life energy dry, and you are a band of eco terrorists trying to stop Shinra. But then you have to stop this insane super warrior named Sepharoth who wants to.
Destroy the You've brought her up before.
Well, because I told you that she was voiced by Lance Bass and Kingdom Hearts.
Now, okay, are we saying she isn't like like referring to Sephrov as like a big, bad gay guy.
No, Well, Sephroth could be read as queer for sure. Seriously, there's no like romantic interest, Like Seth is not romantic in a way. Sepharrov is like an ace kid. Do you think that if.
They did Sepharrov's backstory and we find out that actually Cepharroth was queer and maybe it was not so easy growing up, that he would be a sympathetic character eventually gain sympathy for Sepharoz Oh, you understand, maybe you do.
Have sympathy for Sepharath in the story, I will say, because he is. He starts out being this heroic warrior that cloud Strife idolizes and the whole world idolizes. Really it's Cephroth. He is a great, a warrior of great renown. But then he learns of his origins that he was created by having allegedly well it's it's so complicated, but he discovers that that he was quote unquote created by having the cells of this alien creature named Genova injected into this woman named Lucretia, and he has a psychotic breakdown because he's like, well, Genova is my mother, and I have to destroy the planet because it you know, Genova wants to it's so complicated, so.
A lot about family lineage and what is expected of you clouding the judgment. Absolutely, Do you believe that if Sepharrov could have just been a normal gay guy that he would have been happier?
I don't think Japanese so it's a Japanese game. Japanese culture has not fully grappled with queerness in the way that Western culture has. And that's not a knock on it. It's just I'm doing a lot of conjecture. No, I think you're asking such important questions, and I think it would be a better game if there was an explicit queer narrative put in.
So what you're saying is you think that if Japanese culture was only at the place that American culture is at, like if they had really grappled with queerness and they could have injected that into the story of Sepharov, that we as a world's culture could understand sephar Off more and therefore we might have more of a sympathy for him. Perhaps.
And I will say, and I do want to walk back something and say that it's not that there's a notion of catching up that japan has to catch up to Western culture in terms of qoerness. In many ways, they've been pioneers. Of course, there's the Sailor Stars. There's a huge, very trenchant transnarrative in that. Oh it's this boy band. When they turn into the Sailor Stars, they turn into women.
So we could learn from Japanese culture about how to always people always well, you think that we should do more like they do. And I would encourage you to go visit the nation of Japan. You know, I want to go. I know you do well. After you came back and had such a wonderful time, I thought, that's the next spot for me. I thought, let's go to Tokyo. What would you want to do in Tokyo?
Mmm, I think you will have a very Stefani esque Gwen Stefani esque sort of journey there.
You will visit Harrisha, I come back even more problematic, When have you ever been problematic? I ask this genuinely. Hmmm, truly, I'm like, when have I ever been problematic? Probably in the ways normal white gay men are, in the ways that everybody is. Yeah, but let's just say it like a problematic. It's like I think I'm not I don't want, I don't actually want to explore this. Well you brought it up. No, I'm do you try to burn me on this episode? Yes, what you did? You came in here and you said, I'm gonna get them. You once and for all. You've been so combat up, combat it even this.
We had we had Microsoft teams meeting this morning, and Matt was in the middle of this. It was like twenty people and Matt was in the middle of this great run and I just wanted to quickly add something in. And then Matt, you know, in a very interesting way, said, don't that was you.
I wasn't talking to you. Someone else was trying to tech. No, you were talking to me. No, it wasn't. I'm telling you. I can't say the person's name, but someone someone there was like and I felt them do that, and that was what that was? What was the word choice exactly? It was, don't do this, let me finish? It was I think it was I think I think what I said to this other person was just one second, just one second? Is really charged?
Just one second? I wasn't when you know it's not going to be just one second?
Excuse me? What was it? Six seconds? First of all. Now it wasn't you that I was doing about too. But now I'm pissed you tried to cut me off through Microsoft Teams meeting.
First of all, well that's this is my I don't think so, honey. Oh what oh no, no, not you. It's just just the platform, Microsoft Teams. I don't understand. No, we need to save it.
It is. Actually I came in with this in the pocket. I'm happy that you did. I didn't have anything today. Life's been so good, everything's been great. You look great in this cardion. By the way, thank you. This is one of my favorite things. It's from Corridor. I love Corridor. Yeah, I really like them. They're really good. Oh look but I've buttoned it incorrectly. That's okay, you know that that horrible feeling. No, it looks even. It's good. It's even.
You know what Qurridor is good at everything, knits, sweaters.
Sweaters, flannels. Gay and straight can wear, yes can. In fact, sometimes you go in there and I can only describe the atmosphere from people that work there as gay or super friendly, great guys, And you leave being like all right, all right, yeah I do leave Qurridor thinking God, I mean, if we could all just come together at corridor. Yeah, you know who's a straight guy that I Actually it's worked on me. You know what I'm gonna say, Remind me Dylan Efron from The Traders. Oh, we love Dylan. I love the vibe. I love the vibe. It's just a sweet boy. You see that one picture that floating around online about him with his booty in the air. Oh, yes, sure, we should literally put it up on the back wall and just like have that be the thing for lost co. Can you look up Dylan Efron booty. Yeah, and then the airwife you're google search history later, Dylan Efron asks in air he's in like the water or something. You gotta look at it.
Oh, I've seen this picture. It's very Tate mc cray coded, very Tate m cray coded. I'm excited to truly finally see what she looks like Tate Tate, because you know, on Iconic four hundred we were singing her braces. But my bit back then was she's just moving around so much. Still want to see your beautiful face. You want to see a beautiful face. And of course this is all in jest. We love Tate and she's a beautiful girl, and she does have a history of sitting still and being still.
We're about to we're about to have a conversation with her. Yes, sing a little song for us, Sam McCray hands, This is a bop. It's a great song. How you doing over there with that gay search? What do you think? All right? Now put it up here. Now, I know it has to be a certain frame rate or something. We're gonna look at this. Whatever it is. Frame rate. You can't get it up here. You can't get it up it's on the drive. Then bring your computer over here. We'll just show it to the camera. Show it to the camera. Okay, So this is the picture. This is a sort of famous picture of Dylan Efron. Now I'm going to zoom in George. All right, so this is what we're giving. This is good stuff. And now why would that man do that if he wasn't trying to tease? And I'm okay with it and bait a little well, you know, he's he looks like a skilled, skilled boy. This is back arch culture. I mean, this is a great picture. This is an amazing photo.
There's such a confidence in that pose, yeah, that it makes you wonder and I And it's not like a This is not a panic situation.
It's just like embrace it. The eyes are locked on the camera to the national The eyes are national geographic eys. You can only describe this as Tate McCray coated, of course, it's actually real culture number ninety. You can only describe as Tate McCray coated. Yeah, okay, thank you, Doug. We'll return the laptop. I'm not ready to give it up. Oh give it great. By the way, there was that one scene of he comes over to take it. I say no, No. There was that one scene of Dylan Efron and Tom Sanderval walking up when they were in like when they were a couple. Yeah. Spoiler alert for traders.
There's a duo challenge and Tom Sandaval and Dylan in front are a duo in the challenge.
And they're like a married couple. They're both dressed up and got you. It worked on me, unfortunately, the redemption of Tom Sanderval. No, there's no redemption. There's no light in that man's nose. The redemption is not working on me. I'm still oh please about Tom, But I will say when I watched him and Dylan e Fron walk down the aisle together.
I had thoughts, well, that was just the idea of two men walking down the all of.
The am I that horny?
No, I've been okay, I'm about to get vulnerable.
That's what I've been wanting from it. It's not this is the vulnerability the judges have been looking for, But this is maybe what you're getting out does Sometimes I can just kind of get there by just thinking about the idea of two men kissing. I will say this that makes sense. Yes, I would rather watch men make out than do anything else. Well, all this other stuff that they're doing on each other, then go to war. Can I say I agree with you. I'd so much rather watch men kiss than go to war.
Whoever did that mural in Berlin of whatever was it, like Henry Kissinger and No Gorbachev making out or whatever?
That Berlin mural is just done that. They should have just done that. Can I say something about these warmongers? They would love get sex like it's so fun and once you get over the hill of like the pain or whatever, like you're gonna love the way you look.
I guarante, I guarantee you this is my thing not to talk about the gender binary too much, but I think, of course never we were talking. I was asking about Jalen Hurts last night during the Super Bowl, and one of our friends there was saying how he has like an all female team basically love that manager, publicist whatever, all women, and like he was asked about that and he was like, yeah, I was raised by a strong mother, and women are just better at their jobs and they're just better people. And I was like, see, this is the thing, and I thought, oh, sure, like because an all male team would be like just all so much energy, so much like pent up something where I'm like, I mean not to say gay guys don't have their problems, but you are. There is a nice release of the valve. Well, they're constantly releasing valves. Yeah, not even necessarily on the weekends. Sometimes it happens Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. My gay guys or straight guys, can I say I released.
The valve on Friday day? That's great. My new thing is I love a daytime, weekday hookup. And I understand a lot of that's they're nine to fives. But for those who have an alternative schedule talking to all my gay podcasters out there. Daytime hookup is actually so good because you have a lot of energy. Yeah, you haven't eaten a lot yet that day, right or at all? And I just like cooking up when I can see the daylight, when you can go to a show. After hooked up the other day, me and the guy when got a sandwich? What? I just pitched it. What sandwich? Did you get? Such a good sandwich? Actually, this part I can be specific about. It was an insane It was like a spicy pesto chicken sandwich that you could never eat before you bottom during the day, but post bottoming during the day. Roll up your sleeves. We're eating spicy chicken. We're eating and fisting you. I didn't like that language at all to the elbow. But were we talking about that that came out? No, we were talking about Oh, we were talking about someone we found someone loves someone, we found out likes to be have this sexual activity. It's on their menu, which is fisting. Yeah, And I kind of just said but madd really dropped into a character and he was like and he just really he like mined it. I think we went we were like a glove because they were talking about how fisting begins right where.
It's like, you can't have to go with with fingers like this. It's gotta be like Italian hands, like when you hold a pen, right, this is how you hold a pen.
No, I hold a pen weird, you see me? Right? I have smudges all over this part of my hand when I write thoughts on this. I'm a writer who writes like a lefty. That's why.
Well, a lot of great writers hold their pen in a fucked up way, like yourself, Sylvia Plath, Sylvia Plath, isn't it so curious anytime there's like a great artist who like holds their pen like this, I'm like, Oh, that's why I.
Loved the way you said. Isn't it so curious? Like it's just the way you tossed that, Isn't it so curious? Any good documentaries lately? You know what I just watched? He Yeah, we haven't really talked about Peacock. Thank you, Peacock. The only people saying the truth, Yes, people with journalistic integrity. These days, it's only Peacock out there saying the truth. It's only Peacock out there saying that this is a coup this is the coup. They're not saying that. People really aren't saying. People aren't saying it. Like did you see that crazy as interview that Christine Nome did. By the way, Christineome, I believe, I forget what's coming about. But she's she's she's she's security, she's Homeland Security.
She's the one who shot her dog because it was annoying and then gotten glammed before the ice raids in New York. Yeah, so she was I think with Dana Bash on CMN being like, we can't trust the government, And Dana Bash was like, you are the government.
Can't trust the government, Like, what are they going to say now that they can't say the problem? The fault is entirely with the.
That's them saying we are just here to dismantle right right right right?
What I mean? Okay? Cool? But it's like, but then, like, where does that authority come from? Anyway? You know what I love about all this? It's making eggs cheaper. You're not to live about all these executive orders like totally changing the.
Price of milk and thank god, the ten trans athletes in the United States can no longer compete.
What are we talking about and you know progressive media is falling apart too.
You were telling me about this drama between the young Turks. Oh, the young Turks is in shambles. Well it's oh god, it's crazy.
Like just to watch them make like a right word swing, to watch a on like Jillian Michaels' podcast, it's crazy. Jillian Michaels is out is out here with the right wing podcast. This is my impression of Jillian Michaels on her podcast. Yeah, yeah, biggest loser Jillian Michaels. Yes, she opposite direction us Bob Harper. Bob Harper went to the Truth and the Light, which is Peacock the Traders. Jillian went swinging right podcast? What was? How did we get on this? I don't know how we've gotten on a single thing we've talked about today. It's been one of the documentaries. Oh we didn't talk about Didty. We haven't talked about Ditty on this podcast, and do we have to? Maybe not? Maybe we don't. What's the papists? But the thing, Okay, this is what I think we can say about Ditty. When you really look back at like making the band, and you really look back at all of the media that we have of him pretty much everything. It's kind of shocking that no question was asked about the way he treated anyone in his orbit, because it was an exclusively abusive and totalitarian but his version of he's an abusive narcissist, which might feel like it's a redundant thing, but it's like he was always very good at the image.
And of course, if you watch any isolated episode of making the band, you're like, fuck, that's a monster. But then like after this club shooting that Jalo was that, it's like that's so that's another crazy thing. After that club shooting, and after he was acquitted because he had fucking Johnny Cochran on the horn, like, yeah, he really like cleaned up the He like took years off, cleaned up the pr changed his name to Diddy from puff Daddy. Like he was always really good at like shifting the perception. And you know, and even when even last year when like you know, Cassie filed the complaint in the and the civil suit, like he was denied tony, deny, and then the video came out of him in the towel like chasing after her and beating the shit out of her when that video came out, he goes on live or he just releases some front facing video being like that, take full response, takes full responsibility.
I've listened to a lot of podcasts about narcissists in the past couple of years and just trying to understand this behavior, and it's anything they can do in a moment to get to shirk responsibility or to to just like another tactic is I'm going to say out loud the thing that's wrong about myself so that I can claim it as a victim narrative and no one can say it about me. Right Like these people when they're put into a corner. It's not always the Trump thing of like you're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong. There's other also another narcissistic tactic, which is I'm going to make myself seem like such a pathetic victim and like say all this stuff about myself so that actually everyone else is rendered speechless because I've already said it. They have no intent on actually changing, but they need everyone to know that they're aware, because wouldn't it be crazy if they weren't. That's like another tactic that you see.
I I was going to connect a Dot to housewives, but it see, oh yeah, it's giving that right.
I think that it's insane to compare her to Diddy. No, I mean no, but I do think like I actually I have felt pretty triggered because you see all these like narcissists getting away with everything. It's like, I'm sorry, but you watch the super Bowl the other night. Trump comes out to all of this applause and all of this fanfare while the world gets expeditiously worse by the second. And then you watch like all the commercials and it's like Casey afflecks back in a super Bowl commercial and like Tom Cruise is still Tom Cruise, Like he's not the figurehead of a cult, you know what I mean. It's like it's very frustrating. And then I turned to the room and I was like, this is kind of crazy, right, and someone was like, straight, white men are back, They're back. And then there was that bud Light commercial. The over correction there is wild, right, It's a lot. It's like, Okay, we really are making a big pivot back to like not just a conservative mindset, but like a truly like fuck off to anyone that's tried to make us feel badly for being who we are, a straight white men. It's like that wasn't even what happened. All we wanted was like for there to be some accountability about the pain that's been caused by a straight white man only ideology for this long. Like they're just upset that people have a voice now, and so it's like that was one thing, but then it was like when media included people and tried to make everyone feel included in like a you know, consumerist way, that's when they really had had enough. Sure, yeah, like you can't be in our bud Light commercials? Yeah not bud Light. Right, Well they're back. So they're back. So what happens now to last coach? I don't know. I can't tell.
I think Jillian Michaels is third co host vibes, Yeah we do and tear. We absolutely slay the house down Boots with Megan Carelly.
The Red Scare Girls were on Megan Kelly. Oh great. They were having martinis and talking about the election. What kind of martinis? I wonder, I don't know. I think they were having martini's. I think that was the part of it by that I pulled. I was like, are they fucking drinking martinis and talking about the end of the world. Anyways, what part of you was afraid right now? Oh? A huge part? Yeah, yeah, I mean right now in even talking about all this and talking about it right now essentially, I just mean like when you get on the mic and talk about this types of stuff, I don't.
Think like, no one's gonna like come knocking on our door because it's like they're not worried about.
Us, you know what I mean.
They were never worried about us, And We've never been like warriors in that sense.
I've never been a warrior. I'm a gay guy that likes to like have text during the day totally. But when are they going to come for us with that? I know?
But that's the like gay guys who have sex during the day literally don't threaten anything about like it doesn't concern them at all, So like there's no need. But they're gonna want to come for that, but like there's no need to, you know what I mean. I think it's because they haven't done it yet. I'm telling you the other day, like I had such incredible sex during the day with a gay guy and I was like, this is the key This is like the key yea for people to just understand, like, while you're out here wreaking havoc from a government's perspective, you could be getting it from behind on the floor during the day. That's how you know it's real. I'm just saying, hardwood, okay, carpeted.
Took the took the comforter off the bed, through it on the ground and pointed to the floor. You did that, No, he did that. I said, this is exactly right, Kennel Vibe. I even said, I know that's right out loud. Can you if after every position changed during gay sex? I know that's right. Me on the floor, I know that's right. Me getting into the butt.
I know that's right, me opening the door to trade coming in. We don't have a minute to spare.
Don't bring her into this. Sometimes this podcast is just for me and you in a way where I'm like, how are people listening to it? And then so many people do, because there's gonna be people that exactly know the reference when you say we don't have a minute to spare, and the people know that reference in part because of you. I'm not giving any I'm just saying, like you introduced me to brook ash I spotlight the right people. Oh and I am a faithful brick Ashley watcher every episode, every episode I have been. I have had a harder time sitting through the live reactions to all the Housewives episodes that she's had because they tend to be long. There's a long time, and you got a lot you have to get with a lot of people. And I think she's a very talented editor. I think she's very good at just cutting together a nice forty minute recap. You know, speaking of Housewives recaps, I have a very bad feeling about your girl, Stacy Rush at the Potomac reunion. Explain, did you see the preview for it? I saw the preview that they played at the finale, but no, it is alleged that she paid TJ also Es Yeah, to be her boyfriend. I've heard, and that he finally is like, she hasn't paid me. I'm not coming to the fucking reunion. It was all fake. How are you going to deal with that? If it's true, which it looks like. I think that's iconic. Stacy Rush is a perfect housewife.
They've even said in the Vulture recaps that she is an alpha. Oh no, I'm sorry, she's an apex predator house in the making. The way she came, she went after Karen Angisel by the end of the season, I know that's right, But put the comforter on the floor because I know that's I'm taking. I'm taking in the butt from that from Stacy Rush. She is the most I mean, this is the thing. It's a it's a lookism thing. It's like, she's so beautiful that I don't care what she does.
Wow, okay, so you you don't care if it comes to light that she paid this actor?
Is that the worst thing anyone can do? By the way, that's not a morally wrong thing. It's explicitly not real your reality.
But is that not a new I love watching you swim upstream. I'm not swimming upstream. I I think you'll agree with me. Is that like new achievement unlocked? Like we have not seen a housewife do that. That's an iconic novel housewife behavior paying for some random insane man because he is crazy. That's the other thing is his behavior now that we know it's probably fake, his behavior is like even wilder because like, did he think he was gonna book as a result of this on camera activity.
You look wacko, sir, you're a wacko jacko and he and is that not amazing for a house to do?
Sally? Yes, But he comes in on fifteen out of time with aj her her friend. Yes. Yes, And then he was like, she doesn't want a problem, and so neither of us are a problem, and I have a problem. And then he drags her away and she's like, you're you're giving a lot of energy, You're alive. And he was like, I just wanted some time with you. I want a time with you. He is, he looks so beautiful and I'm so happy to be here. It's like so clear that it's safe when you look back. But it's like she got more than she bargained for. You got more than she bargained for. But that is a new that's something. And I'm being genuine here. I'm not I'm not like being gymnastic about this. It's like she is so interesting. Can I tell you what I think is gonna happen? Yes, I think Robin's coming back, and I'm not mad about it. I keep taking these ls. Do you look at it as an L? Yes, she's bad on TV. No, I don't think she is. I actually liked Robin on Traders on Traders. Sure, I'm willing, I'm I'm willing to burn this with Robin. Really, why won't you burn it? Where was that from? Again? That's set Lake City? Why won't you burn it? Lisa? Why won't you burn it?
She comes over to the other couch, burn it, burnet, burn it. No, I was ready to burn it with Gizzelle, and then she got went ahead and showed her ass. She made it too personally redeemable. I'm sorry, I would.
Say, Gizelle, it's a note. I'm interested in Robin Dixon. Listen. I think it will be interesting to have her come back in light of all the Karen stuff, especially if Karen is going to jail. Do you think she's gonna go to There's a high chance there's a Nazi. There's not even a non zero chanceship. It's a definition. There is a definition and the words of Madam Warrible. Definition chance is my favorite thing. You said it twice a day, at least in front of me. There is a definition chance. If you work as you should, you be ma. That is literally my message to Robin there's a definie chance if you work as you should, you'll be making good. Yeah, because I think Robin, this is the thing. You kind of have to look back at the whole thing with different eyes now that we found out that there's the stuff is Karen is so deep and dark. But what does that have to do with Robin. Robin was always on Karen's ass, right, and Karen acts like and I love Karen Hughes, We love Karen hu but she's acted like bigger and better than all of it for such a long time, right, and then all of a sudden looming there's this like darkness, which you know she wasn't well, she's she's always been so obsessed with the etiquette and what's what's potomac and what's not potomac. Etiquette obsession is so funny to me.
Well it's it does belie lie this thing that she has nothing figured out in her life, that like Ray never fucking paid his taxes or whatever, and like there was a man another man with her in the car that night.
Do we believe that that's true? I think that might be true.
But this is all, this is all you know, we need Wendy Williams more than ever.
So apparently she's she's done that interview where she where people are like, she sounds normal. I think that's a hard thing to say. It's hard to anyone in any like because she also has a diagnosis. So it's like people that struggle with you know, any sort of I don't even know how it comes. Maybe a bit of like situation. You're gonna have good days and bad days. So I get the entire internet being like, see, look she's fine. It's like, I don't know, she's got a diagnosis from a doctor. We've also seen her be very not fine. Right, So I think people should continue to let the nationals weigh in on what Wendy should or should not be doing.
Thank you for saying that. By the way, I'm a doctor. Well I presented something. Now laugh Jordan Doug, are you got y'all laughing? He laughed at me when I said I was a doctor. I have four degrees.
I only have one degree. I know.
I had a census worker call me and she for some reason the way she said, and you have one bachelor's degree, yes, And I said, uh huh. For some reason, it sounded like a dick and.
You have me. Look here. Oh it's easy to count because it's just one bachelor's degree. It's easy. It's a Bachelor of Arts in chemistry. That's interesting for n y u. Okay, now that makes sense. So one bachelor's of Arts in chemistry, it says here, just looking at your extra crict danger box improv very good fun improv group. That's very good fun improv group. Okay, okay, So yep, I guess I've heard all I need to hear as the census hangs up the phone. One idiot, useless, idiot, waste of money bag gay guy that I call a fagot. Where are we on the word fagot because I'm embracing it, as you can see, I've used it several times.
Is it a thing where our friends over at Stradio Lab have said reclaiming an insult is, which I don't think fagot applies.
They'll say hanging Aboustralia Lab. They'll say anything. They just want to clicks. No, you can never be lost college period.
Well, I predict a rise in that slur being used just in a more general.
Certainly certainly well, straight white men being so back right. I've read that's your bottom dollar that you're gonna hear the word faggot. I hear it's happening in the Austin comedy scene a lot. I keep on the ground, Yeah, and tell him me to go to oil Can Harry's. And you know, you can call someone a faggot if you've if you've had an anal fisher. I wouldn't wish that on anybody.
If you've experienced anal pain in such a crazy apocalyptic way, like every gay man has, you can use that word.
Remember yesterday what I went to the bathroom to pee, came out of the bathroom and I was like, ah, because I had like a sudden, insane pain in my butthole. You remember that. Yeah, I am the transparent one on this show. I'm transparent. Say something transparent. Oh my god, I am. I shave. I shave.
I did a full pube shave for the first time in months because a man asked you to no, because I was like, it's I'm getting I gotta whack the weeds.
Imagine a man like rolling over and being like that was great. Next time. I just for me. My preference is that you shave everything. Kiss me so good. Babe, Oh, do you like to be a little spoon or big spoon? Nice? I like to be big. I say, feel good? Feel good? You feel even better? Hairless spooning or how do we feel? It's always good for five to ten minutes? And five and ten seems like a liberal sort of allotment of time, because you know what happens when you spook Okay, this is arms arms go. No, this is unfortunately what happens when spooning works too well. Oh, and I'm going to reveal this and the person that this is about listens to this podcast. I'm just gonna know. And no one acknowledged this when it happened, but I am acknowledging it now. So I hook up with someone while I'm on tour. I know this person. Well yeah, so we've sort of have like a like a friend slash sex relationship and have sex great, wonderful, and then afterwards he's big spoon. Uh huh. And it actually was good big spoon where you actually could sleep like that really, but unfortunately it was just good. We just like had good but bed kem it was. We're gonna come on the podcast. I'm so serious. It's but it's you're saying it's it was good puzzle pieces. It was really good puzzle pieces we had. And I was feeling like, oh, I actually could fall asleep with this lovely no risk of any relationship here, he's in a relationship, et cetera. So I go into that dream state of like where you're like half asleep, half whatever, and when you're being held like that, and you have sense memory to a time when being held like that you were in a relationship. I half asleep. He shifted a little bit and I kind of went back and I kissed him, and I said I love you, and I felt this isn't a stupor, like was it a stuper Yeah? And I literally I'm not in love with this person. I don't. I do love this person. I care for them sex, but I don't. The way I understand is because I was somewhere else. I think I honestly got triggered to a time when I was in love with a man that held me. And and so I go, love you, I love you. It's fully three words, because love you is different than I love you. I fully say I love you. I feel him go, look, I feel it kind of like a shift and then I lay down and now I'm like wide awake because I'm like, oh fuck, like I just like that woke you up? Or the shift book. It was like the shift and then I love you and then his like little like moment. I could have gone right back to bed because I was in half ram but I was like, oh no, I just said I love you to the sky. Oh that's so bad. And I just played dead and then it was fine and we never talked about it until now and I so you said, this is the first time you bringing up after it, after the after I almost said something right in the moment, but I thought, like I almost because like you know, when twenty seconds passed and then twenty five, and then I could have just been like, hey, I said I love you. I don't mean it, I do, but like you know, and he would have been like, it's I think windows is always open. I mean it's out there and it's out there now the windows so okay. So and he listens, and you think, religiously he will okay, he will receive that. I will receive a DM. That's great, and I think it's great unless he doesn't remember, which that's also fine. But I guess now he's being reminded, I don't love any of you that I fuck once. Can I just say, like, that's not like I think. The earliest I've said it is after three.
Three times, after three times, that was that, that was the soonest you had said I loved it, I love you.
Yeah, but three times this person, Yes, I've had sex with like three or four times. So then you but it was a mistake. I've said I love you one time for real, which was a horrible mistake that I made after like after three times once and it was it was too soon. But you live. You learn, Yeah, you learn. Well, thanks for sharing that.
By the way, I'm the transparent one. I don't well, you know, you're the combative one. You're the combative one, is what you are, and so you wield.
I am the heart of this podcast. Yeah, absolutely, you are the soul. I don't know about that. What are you? I don't know what I'm giving. I really don't know what I'm giving. I love this topic, I love this What do you mean you don't know what you're giving?
I'm back, you know what it is. I'm back in a moment of like it's just okay. One thing, onto the next, onto the next. I've done the four cross country flights in two weeks. I literally barely know where I am. This is dark echoes of like the hard moments of shooting.
You actually feel that way a little bit.
Well, I'm like, I don't think I've ever been funny or I've ever been like it's like it's no, and I know you're rolling your eyes, and but this is the thing that just like anyone who like works professionally in comedy like feels. It's a universal feeling and so like, that's not I'm not like hard on myself.
And you can draw the line to fatigue.
Yes, but again, so uninteresting to talk about that on this podcast. And I really have tried not to talk about this. I don't think it's uninteresting at all, but I talk. There was a moment on the podcast where I was talking about it a lot, and people were like, oh, being tired, being tired.
But that's different than like, my perception of myself is in the flux, and it affected because I am so busy, which you could draw a line to success and but but that is like it's getting fuzzy for you, and I don't I don't connect it to success at all. But the reason why you're traveling so much is because That's.
What I'm saying, is because there's just things to be at for the next couple of months.
Right, when will that end? April? April is when?
Like April's when like the award stuff is done, and like I'm backing to regular schedule it us and now like that's so the Oscars isn't like the finish line for I think Oscars is the finish up. And then after Oscars, like there's more stuff you and I might have to talk about a trip. Oh right, yeah, but that's fun, that's fun. It just but right now my brain is only registering it. It's like another place to be at.
We'll reframe that later totally, but I want to go to Berlin.
I'm still coasting on the Japan trip, Like I'm still like in such a positive thing, such a positive.
Thing, and like I will hold on too that for the rest of my life. Like a friend was asking me about it the other night, and I just like even just in recounting and I just got emotional again just talking about the Pokemon plane and talking about the food I ate and all these things and the wrestling, the new Japan Pro Wrestling, Oh my god. And then I'm gonna go with you to the Academy Awards. Do you think that we'll have like pretty good seats? I mean I hope so I tell also, what doesn't matter, it's just gonna be. You took our best sie Jared to the Critics' Choice Awards and if you if you know, you know, he was in the front.
We were front and center, aligned with the microphone.
It was unreal. Oh my god.
We got to meet the whole substance team, the producers who tell them what they said they listened to the episode. I think maybe the pot I mean like publicists are out in full force, literally in the in the professional sense and in the last culture sense. Like I mean, it was very nice to connect with some of you, a lot, all of you really like. It's fun. Like we're all just talking about movies that we like. That's just that's just what it is.
All we wanted was to me more on the podcast, but we don't think it can work. You don't think it can work. But we got to meet Coraly. That's so cool.
Got to meet Margaret and Jack and.
Margaret and Jack doesn't get bigger than.
That for me, ultimates and it was so fun. You know who was connecting with Jared? Who with Cynthia.
I heard about this.
Cynthia and Jared were connecting a lot because any time they would roll the nominees packages. These are two people who have the same media died apparently because they'd be like, I love that show, or that was an amazing short, Oh that documentary wasn't like they like, these are just two people who've seen everything.
Jared told me that he was like, Sing Sing my favorite movie of the year, and that Cynthia went, sing Sing is my favorite movie of the year. It's absolutely my favorite movie of the year.
Really good in Cynthy, Lauren, Lauren mad Cynthia, he love that he'd love that John m g winning Best Director.
So that was so great.
Just to expl because people seem to have comments about this. The Orlando Bloom, who presented the award, pointing out that in the past, I think since Argo, so it looked that's like the past twelve years, every director who's won the Critics Choice for Best Director has gone on to win Best Director at the Oscars.
And we say since Argo because Ben Affleck ben a Cup was famously snubbed for the nomination for the Photographer Best Director. Yes, so this is the first time, because every single year since that director has won the Oscars, and now John is not nominated for the Oscar.
John was snubbed for the Oscar snub. And so when he took the stage and won, with that information sort of top of mind for everybody, he said, I'm gonna win that Oscar and it was clearly a joke. You handsome as hell, so handso End did not have his speech prepared, did not have his phone with him, Off the cuff, off the dome, gave the best speech of the night.
I think off the cuff is the way to do it.
Absolutely, It's real. It's like he just started with the word I've always loved telling stories, and it just went from there. And then he talked about being in his parents restaurant, comber Food to Comfort Prices, talking about like spending his days just like writing and drawing at the restaurant while he was just trying to like get through the day. And it just reminded me of like all the times that like I would I would just like make up stories like at Chinese school when I was just waiting for my parents to finish up, like it's just it just like dug up this thing in me where I was like, God, this is just what we This is just what everybody in that room wants to do. And he told the most radical story of the year to me in like this mythic fantasy setting.
Like there's a lot of great interesting subversive stuff this year at the Oscars, but I feel like Wicked is this trojan horse of a thing where it's like about and whatever, like anti fascism, racism and like careerism and like all these things that like is such a huge accessible container for everybody that like it's pretty incredible. And I say, this is someone who like I have been. I've said I have just enough of an objective like POV and that's not objective, but like I'm obviously biased, but I just think, like I love that movie so much, even when I can easily forget that I'm involved, I'm just like, that's such a great fucking as he said anything to you guys about Wicked for good, like, yeah, they're still in the edit. Okay, so no trailer to Super Bowl unfortunately. Sorry, y'all.
They just want to get it right. But they've been busy with the word stuff, so like it's the timeline is just the dance card has been full. When did the When did the Wicked teaser trailer come out?
Was it? It was Super Bowl last year? I see, so people were expecting it this year. But it will be great. Do you think that Cynthia and Arianna will continue to do pink and green all the way through or do you think they'll shift to a darker vibe because it's a darker frien. I think they'll shift to a darker film. I think always going to start working some blue in as we've seen or I'm not actually seen on the Red Carpets, but like she and they've already started to move away from pink and green. Like but yes, one of Glenna's dresses and for good is blue, as we've seen from those photos. You've seen those photos. I don't know if I have what scene is that from?
It's another I think it's another munchkin Land scene where she's with Fierro, and I think people have like clocked those stills.
And you have no knowledge of the new song that Cynthia wrote for Forno. I don't honest to God's truth. I don't. Why did you look away from me? I just for me as someone who studies body language, because I've been studying a lot of Justin Baldoni, Blake Lively body language. I noticed that when you said honest to God, I don't you looked all the way up here. I was looking too.
I was looking at that camera, and I was addressing the listener readers. Katie's publicist Colles finalists honest to God, Honest to God? I don't, And I really like, what do you want me to say?
Sing the song? I don't know this song? Sing Cynthia's song. I don't know what. I don't think where it's going to come in. I don't know. I really don't know. I can't wait for No Good Deed. Oh, I mean no good Deed. I can't wait for much of the Witch Hunters because that song goes off. Are you in that? No? So what can you say about Fanny's role? What can you tease for us what Fanny gets up to a wicked For Fanny.
And Shenshin have seen their world view sort of payoff, which is we just want status, and that's all I'll say.
Do you think that their fall will be precipitous? I think I think their fall will be maybe quite literal. I can't wait to see how this turns, to see how this turns out. You know they're saying Anora is gonna win Best Picture.
Wait, and that's the favorite after DJAPG yep, And I'm I'm all for it, down for it, down for although I don't know there's a case to be made about. I'm just speaking to reputable people about this, huh. And there's a case to be made at because voting opened up this week for Roscars. There's a case to be made about because the news has been so awful, something might motivate people to vote for, like the feel good but still politically relevant movie in Wicked.
Yeah, I mean, I don't think it's out of it. It's not out of it. I especially with the John Chewin a Critics Choice. I think that there's the John Chew win at Critics Choice. I think the SAG Awards are still coming up. I think that the predictions were that you guys would take Saga Ensemble. But now I don't you know what I thought was gonna happen. I thought maybe producer Skill was going to go to a complete unknown just because it's like a lot of Bob Dylan fans. Let's say, but I just don't think that movie's that great. And I think that Anora now feels like they were saying with ranked choice voting, it feels like nobody hates Anora, whereas like every other movie and even if they have a lot of love, there's like a lot of hatred. So like the way that you win Best Picture Oscar is if if you get ranked two or three on everyone's ballot, you're gonna war. Is that the Green Book effect? You think sort of, yeah, it's like a movie that people well because people have kind of hated Green Book, but by the end after voting it closed, you know, yeah, well it's like it kind of became the villain late, right, so it was maybe too late, whereas Amelia Press that film has become the villain quite early, and it's like sort of doomed. But Anora, if it's not people's number one, it's probably people's two, three, or four. And that's because everything else is super polarizing. It's it's rate a queen. Yeah, it's rate a Queen. It's rate of Queen rules this year. It's great a queen rules at the Oscars. I want to ask you about because you brought it up me Yes, Blake and Baldoni, Oh, because we did. We kind of touched on this with on the Sarah episode. I mean, four hundred million dollars on top of the two hundred and fifty million dollars. My bit that whole week was so sorry, I have to take those sex. My husband and I are being super for four hundred million dollars. I actually only have about fifteen minutes. My husband and I are being super four hundred million dollars. Could we actually do lunch at two? I have something from twelve to one. It's a long story. My husband bring suit four hundred million dollars. That's really see that's a great sort of nunciation elocution. I mean, were going really great. Tom's car got three times. I don't even know that it's been a lot. Can I ask them? Can I ask like a you can ask anything. I I am so deep on this. I'm so deep on this. It seems like.
The prevailing story is that they're both bad.
I think that that is coming to light, like there's certainly been bad behavior on both sides, sure, but I am tending to side with Blake in this situation for the most part because the Baldoni stuff is like like he is like suing like his old publicist now for like releasing the text of the Times, and like there's just it seems like there's more stuff. There's more tracks being like covered up on the Baldoni side that there are a million lawsuits now flying around for so much money, so insane. The New York Times has involved, all these PR firms are involved, et cetera. It's truly a story of just rich how dark. Like the way Hollywood works, It's like it's because here's here's the real truth. You can be an asshole. It's not against the law. What's against the law is, you know, paying people in order to bury someone defamation, sexual harassment on set, Like this type of thing is like against the law. So he can prove a million ways to Sunday that she's a fucking asshole, but that's the law. But it's not against the law. And so basically he may have to pay based on stuff that like I'm sorry, but Megan Towey, it's Pulitzer prize winning journalists at the New York Times, like pretty much proved in that piece, and he can sue them or whatever, but like, you can't really dispute the fact that he paid extremely expensive publicists to destroy her and that it worked. It worked. And I think what he is kind of violently retaliating against is this image that he's built up of himself as being this like feminist and like this advocate ragmon, which I think if that's true or bullshit or whatever, it kind of doesn't matter, like in the eyes of the law, right because even if she was a total asshole and asserted her control over this movie and like you know, brought her quote unquote dragons in which, by the way, if you read the way that this woman texts, oh my god, it's it's wild. But she's talking about pebbles, talking about Blake Lively Blake like. But she can do all that stuff. She can assert control over the movie. She can swing her dick, she can bring in her famous friends, she can have her husband get involved in all this stuff. Like, it's not against you law exactly. The way that he acted probably was against the law. So okay, thank you, because I'm going kind of crazy being like, well, they're both awful, and I'm like, well, but one is. Well. The thing is like they I mean, I think at this point, especially because they keep digging in and they clearly want to go to trial, this is an ego thing and it's ugly all around. And I don't know necessarily where all of their careers go after this. I'm sure in some respect they'll kind of be fine. Yes, but you can say to you like he contacted his pr and said, you know, let's turn the narrative against her in such a crazy way that like we bury her and destroy her, and you can bring up all this stuff of her being a little bit of a jerk to these you know journalists like you know saying this kind of thing, like there's an old video of her talking about how she did blackface, et cetera. Like it's like you can unearth all of this stuff. You're not proving criminal, You're just not you're proving that she is. It's not an actress, it's not a big ego. It's not a criminal. No no. But but I guess what I'm saying is like it's like a liolilitic and it's like I think while he may be winning the thing about public opinion about her, he'll probably still end up paying. Right, Well, I'm glad it's made its way to lost culture. I loved. I will say the Chelsea Handler joke that I liked the most was like, I think we're all very but something she said like the yeah, we're good, We're good. Yeah. Because that's another thing is it's like when people are so hell bent on like they seem really sure that everyone cares. And I will say I really didn't until it was the only thing in entertainment news, and it's such a selve from all the rest of the dark shit happening in the world that it's kind of just like, all right, let's see what's going on with this Blake and justin thing, and all of a sudden you're sucked in.
But you're saying that window was closed very quick because now you don't care anymore.
It's not even that I don't care, it's kind of the thing of like it's it's very well, let's see how this turns out, because if it goes to trial, of course I care.
Right, how do you like bring that to bring it back to the fire, Like, how do you bring that level of like attention to like something that actually is.
Well, how about the fact that they were filing these lawsuits while the fires were happening total just to show like that the focus is so on them and that the egos are so out of control that this is literally going down and those things are being fouled in the court of law like while everything was going down. Yeah, but it's so brutal, it's so sad that like that's the shit that takes up are totally but I mean, like it's kind of always been, like I know, I know. Here's what I'll say, is good. The fact that you can even make that distinction now and us on our platform can be like, isn't it wild how distracted we all are easily by by what is essentially bullshit, even if it's a big deal to them, and it's a big deal, you know, to some people in a real way. Like at least we can be able to say, like, we see how easily distracted the media is and like, I don't know, it's all pretty silly, Like.
I hate that I know that his production company is called Wayfarer now and that's just information that's in my brain.
Ye's so close to Wayfair the furniture bran, Yeah, the furniture brand. Yeah, he should have thought it.
Well, this this just made me think, my out, my loanout company has a bad name, and I'm like, I need to change it in case I ever get into legal shit.
Dingo dingis dingham Dingo, dinkham Dingo Australian thing. What's yours? Oh? Your?
You know, yours is great, basic inast basic instincts, so funny, so good. I like my loanout. You've got a great loanout dnkim Dingo. I was just like, I can't come up with anything. It's two Australian words.
Put it in. I think dnkham Dingo's great.
But if that if it was like dnkham Dingo's you know, like dnkham Dingo file to complaint against It's like that sounds so stupid.
Do you want to start a production company with me? Yes? What should we call it? Like?
Do we wanted to have like a serious sounding name or called twins are fighting again?
Gemini? I'm meeting with Gemini. Entertained man.
That apparently that's that's the Google AI name. Like we need to get on these names y'all because sometimes they snatch up the it's like it's like, you know, getting a handle, you get like you gotta get, you gotta snatch it up quick totally, which to be called corridor.
Looking at your sweater. Yeah, this is a that's a good place to start. But what's something we both love? Mariah Kelly Gaga Mariah Kelly Gaga like it's a gay kids screen name and like two thousand and eight, Maria Kelly Wait, I've told you this is so revealing of my.
Your your your sl screen names, Casey No, what is it?
Ao l screen name?
Your Ames screen name and Ames screen name was Kelly Clarkston, wasn't it?
Yeah? When I was little, it was M A R O T C K seven seven nine. And you're gonna scream when you find that way of for Trenise from season two of American Idol, number five Nember, No, she was number six, she was fifth place because it was Trenise. Then Kimberly Clark then number three. Stop Kimberly Locke was her name. I'm sorry, Kimberly, I think you've messed up and I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. So it was Trenise. Then who was four Trenise? And who was fourth on season two of America? Oh god, no, I don't know why. It definitely Guy because I was like pissed because then it was first place was Ruben Stuttered, Second place was lock? Fourth place? I forget who that was? Yeah, but it wasn't. No, was fifth? I remember? Oh was it Josh Grayson?
That's just similiar stupid? Remember remember Julia Dematto. I was waiting for Julia Demoto. Julia Donald rocked because she was like a single mom or something, and I was like, I want her to win.
She she she was a single mom hairdresser from Long Yes, and she was very like the woman that I would go into say hi to my mom at work and she'd be like, oh, hey, you're so handsome. I've told you that my mom had really good relationships with everyone at her hair salon, including lex who first cut my hair into a crew cott and turned me around to the mirror and said, you look like a marine. And there was one nasty queen who my mom was in a feud with at work. And you're gonna die when I tell you who it was. Who the nail girl Bernadette well I don't like her. All right, Well it's time to wrap it up. This is I don't think so, honey, And this is where we take sixty seconds to talk about something in culture that has messed us up. And I'm ready.
This is Matt Rogers, I don't think so, honey. As time starts now.
I don't think so honey. The nail girl Bernadette, who years ago did not invite my mother to her wedding. They worked in the same salon, Exstasia in Lyndenhurst, New York. It was a community driven place where women came to get gorgeous. And so with these vibes over at the nail station, Bernadette is being a gatekeeper at her wedding. She invited everyone, including the girls who were essentially interns there who just swept up the hair, to her wedding in the late nineties, and not my mother. Can you imagine not inviting Katrina to a party? What the fuck do you have against my mother, Trina? Bernadette, let me tell you something. I better not catch you out here in whatever streets and you come up, Matthew, it's so excited to see you so successful. I'm Bernadette I used to work with your mother. I will end you five seconds wherever you're at. Let's go, Bernadette. You didn't invite my mother to your your wedding. That was problem.
That's one minute and fucking Bernadette. I'm sorry. We love that. We love every nail technician, but compared to Katrina, you're sitting down most of the day.
No, she was nothing. Katrina is on her feet. People are not going to Extasia and Lindenhurst for the This is no disrespect to all the nail texts out there, but this is a hair salon.
So know your place and know your role. Show some respect to Katrina clarities.
Just understand your legacies is not that you're I don't even know if you're still married, but either way, if you are, even if it's a successful marriage in terms of lost coach metrics, your legacy is that you fucked up in the late nineties and didn't invite Katrina to your wedding and I heard about it at home.
The legacy is I'm forgetting your ass. As soon as this episode is done.
He will, I won't.
I wish you all the best in life, Bernadette. I will not filed you away in any drawer in my brain, that's gonna be Bowenyang only. I don't wish you well, and I'll remember you, I clearly do. I was a young, young, a gay kid, and you don't.
Cross our mothers here. First of all, your wedding is probably way boring because my mom absolutely tears it up to love shack, tears it up to all the wedding songs, never too much, never too much, never too much.
Love shack is yeah, that's up there to say nothing of shouts.
Zalea Banks had a point the other day when she tweeted she wants to see Sam Smith sing never too Much by Luther, and then her fans were started dragging her like fuck you Sam Smith, and she was like, no, no, no, you don't understand Sam Smith can like sings like.
No Sam Smith can do called him white Luther, all right, And that's our Azalea Banks mention of the episode.
And this is Bowen Yang's. I don't think so, honey. You ready, yep? His time starts now, I don't think so, honey.
Microsoft teams, is it a browser experience?
Do I have to downe on the app?
It's not clear based on the call to actions based on the button, and and when I get there, the view is paginated. I have to click an error to go see the other eight people on the meeting. And then if I mute a pop up, a persistent pop up, no matter how many times you x out of it, pops up and says you're muted.
You're muted, bitch.
I know I'll press space bar when I have to speak out of respect for the thirty other people on this call.
What is the deal Microsoft Teams. I don't want to buy into the office suite anymore. Google Drive got your ass, and we're all using docs and sheets and pages. We're not doing the powerpoints in the year twenty twenty five. I don't know why we're still tethered to teams. I don't know why Bill Gates is an interview magazine at this point. Why do we give it these people our time, our effort, our energy. I have to spend five minutes after the meeting starts to figure out how the fuck to log on, and that's one minute. Everyone out there, Microsoft Team doesn't work for us. And I have all the sympathy in the world for the people who work at companies where they are forced to use Microsoft teams because of whatever contracts they have. But you must fight and use your power as employees to switch to Zoom. Just do it.
It's the standard, not the industry standard, it's the world standard.
The quality is so much worse on teams. What's the redeeming thing? I don't know. I ruined my day this morning. I don't know a worse platform. I don't know platform. Now. We're not fans of team, We're not fans of teams. There's also so much business to get into it. It's business to get into it. I can't see a full list of the of like a full populated list of like people like I don't know. The grid view is like different. It's three by five in the first three rows, then it's two by seven and then second it's like, this is the kind of thing that's really gonna piss BO off. No. I need I need to see everyone needs to have the same hierarchy on a Zoom or on a video conference, like totally agree, do you really agree? No? Yes? And I want to say we loved everyone on no no when it was a great call, great call. We would have loved to see you all shine equally, all shine equally. Yeah, that's the thing.
The grid just kept moving like the resizing, and people have bigger faces than others, and I was like, this is intolerable.
Yeah, let me tell you something. The Hollywood Squares it was not. No.
I just want I want pauland and Whoopi Goldberg and Center Square.
I just want to know exactly where someone is sitting in the Hollywood Square. I want all my zoom calls and like online meetings to be like Hollywood Squares. Like I know that deb from Accounting is the top left square. I know that you and I would have torn up it's back. What yes, it's It's like it's like fully a show. The other day it was on. It was Margaret show was on it. We need to get booked. Drew Barrymore. I think Drew Barrymore a Center Square that's iconic. The cast was not chumps. I'll tell you that we want to do. In fact, someone sent me a picture of it and was like, why aren't you on this show? Which I usually think if.
It was a little bit of a drag, right, but but I want the Hollywood Scores is so aspiration, it's iconic.
So we're available for Hollywood Squares. I want to say one thing before we go okay, and I feel like it's sad that I even have to do this, but I'm now begging. So Epic Universe is now finished, as completed, it's being handed over to park operations. I have not heard from anyone at NBC Universal or you know, the parks. I haven't heard from anyone from Orlando with an invitation. And I don't know what else I can say other than you want us there, trust us talking about this, Trust us like, please invite us please, and also everyone on the ground bts. The information has also been lacking. I've not been getting the leaks that I wanted, Like if you are on the grounds in Epic Universe and you can give me leaks you need to be getting in my d ms. I'm very good about discreetly sharing information. I'm not I'm not feeling it. You can see we went black. We went we went dark. Look at that. We went dark. Our backdrop went out because of because of the severity of the situation. This is a very serious situation and we need we need to be reached out. So we need to be collaborated with on this or I'm going to be upset. This sucks. See what's happening Microft, Microsoft teams? Oh no, it's damn smart TV. All right, well, we gotta go, We gotta go. All right, Epic Epic Universe reach out. I'm hearing that they're giving an engineer walkthrough in March. How are you hearing that someone reached out to me and I said, you need to reach out to Matt Rogers. No, Matt, sit down? What Matt? No? I now you're making me feel bad for sharing information with you because it didn't come up and it this person messaged me yesterday, dot me read it, Yes, and they might get in trouble. But see, if you message me, I would have put this out on the low. Okay, all right, no, no, no, don't get them in trouble. But like, no, I'm just I just want to read what the scuttle butt is. Okay, tell us the scuttle But I can't care this.
Oh here it is team members. Preview dates have dropped. That's all I've received what.
We we In the words of Diana Ross reach out, no one will do a better job than us at drumming up excitement. People need to hear about this and they're only going to hear about it all laws Coult. We have a huge platform and we will use it well. Speaking of hearing, we end never episode with the song I just want you to have this is reading? Yes, what does it look like? Bye? Bye? Last Culture is just is the production by Will Ferrell's Big Money Players on iHeartRadio podcasts. Created and hosted by Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang, Executive produced by Ada Hasnier, then
Produced by Beck Ramos, edited and mixed by Doug Bammniko Board and our music is by Henry Komerski