KSR is Live at KSBar & Grille talking UK Basketball's win over Colgate and take your calls.
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This is Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage.
Now here's Matt Jones.
Welcome everyone. It is Kentucky Sports Radio. Thursday, December twelfth. It is Virgin of Guadaloupe Day in Mexico, and we are here in the United States to Tachaos Bar and Grill on a sunny but chilly day. You give Shandon Clarke's Puppy Shop paone line eight five nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven. A Vision Auto Glass text machine is seven seven two four five two five four. This dicision sponsored by the TJ. Smith Office called djail make Them Pay. I got Ryan and Drew Ryan. We were supposed to have the South Laurel KSR Club, but South Laurel went and canceled school for snow, so they were not able to make the trip. So they're gonna come next week. So I put on pants today. I mean I always wear pants, but I put on jeans to look fancy.
And now it's just you.
I was surprised. I got the call that they had canceled school. But I looked like all of southeastern Kentucky canceled, Like everybody canceled, but looked like Middlesborough.
Well, see we're tough.
Yeah, you guys are tough. Yeah, we city school.
We aren't snowflakes, so we don't cancel for snowflakes. Eastern Kentucky they cancel the snow, and you know everybody gets Everybody's like, well why do you do it? If you go up in the hills and the hollis, you'd see why you'd do it, because you can't get the buses up there. Although I don't know that South Laurel Drew has a lot of hills and hollers, but maybe there's part of it.
I don't know.
Yeah, we'll blame the Board of Education. We know our club wanted to get here. I'll be honest, I was very excited. I also wore pants got here a little earlier, but I'm hoping on the makeup date we'll get to do it again.
I even talked about South Laurel with Chris doriing on the SEC this morning. Everything was lined up. Chris was like, hey, we were talking. I was like, listen, I got to get focused for South Laurel. So but that's okay soon. Yeah, Well, you can come out to Chaos Bar and Grill. We open at eleven. You can come sit with us, have lunch, give Mario a hug. He's here for free hugs all day. And we're ready to celebrate Kentucky beat beat Colegate, which I want to talk about. But first I want to talk about something all right during the postgame show, you know, so for people who don't know when we do this show, I hear the commercials in my ear from Louisville. Yes, okay, so we hear the Louisville feed. We don't hear the state wide feed or the Lexington feed, so I don't always get to hear what you the listener get to here so if you're listening on wl a P dot com, you're hearing different commercials than I hear in my ear. So I've been starting to get messages in the last week or so that they're like, Matt, when you do the Red State Barbecue ad, there is someone in the background that sounds like they're choking and that's clearing their throat, and I, you know, I was just like, whatever.
People say that stuff all the time. They're trying to get at you.
Well, well, last night, Drew, I was on the Postgame Show and I hear on the Postgame Show I hear the Lexington commercials and I heard it and Ryan.
It's me. Of course it's you. Who else would it be, Shannon? I mean, of course it's him.
Like I haven't even heard it on who You're gonna say?
That's what I want you to do. Go to the uh, Shannon, go to the podcast of the Postgame Show last night. It's either the start of segment two or three. I think it's the start of segment two. We play it on the air, and so go ahead and pull it up because I want to play it on here as well. In the middle of the of the commercial, you just start clearing your throat of phlim. So I'm sitting here, going at Red State Barbecue you can get tangy delicious barbecue, and you hear.
And it's you. It's certainly you, and A it's just in the commercial.
Yeah, but b why did you do that? Obviously I didn't do it on purpose. I have no idea. I don't even remember doing it.
Well. I heard it, and it is. It is.
So right, And it's part of the inconsistency that Mario has been talking about for people who don't know. When I tape my commercials after it's over. Sometimes Ryan has one after and he puts the headset on early and then apparently just starts like vomiting while you're doing it.
And I have a little story to go with it. I didn't know you were going to bring this up, but I didn't know it was Ryan. I only heard about one minute of the postgame show last night. I was writing it's hard to listen and type your own thoughts. But I was sitting there in the dark, and I had the postgame show on my little Alexa there and I heard that, and I thought someone was in the room. It startled me. I jumped and I was like, what the heck was that noise? But then I had to turn the show off. I didn't know you addressed it, so I heard that on my own, not knowing this.
It's loud. It's really loud. It's start of like in the background.
Some would argue it sounds like the commercial itself is a commercial for your flim and so now I mean Red State. The good thing about Red State is they kind of know that stuff, like that's part of the charm of the show. But the bad part is, Ryan, You've got to get this work done. You're flim, You're you're snoring, like we need to get this fixed.
Like I'm an old man. Stuff's happened when you become an old.
Man, you just start having snot everywhere.
I think, so your body does crazy things when you get older.
Listen to the microphone. Yeah, let's try to keep those things off the edge.
I agree.
A lot of older people on radio. I don't know if they all do it into the microphone.
That's true.
I haven't heard everybody just doing that. Well, Shannon, when he finds it, will let us know. But in some ways that commercial was a little bit like the game last night. It was, which was started amazing seventeen to nothing. Looked like this was gonna be an absolute route. You remember I bet Colgate to cover the thirty and I thought, well, I'm gonna lose this, and then all of a sudden started the second half. We're down by a point. We let him come back, let him take the lead. Luckily made four straight threes on four straight possessions with Jackson, Robinson, Trenton Noah and then I believe o Way made the last one and we're able to get a lead that we held for the rest of the game. But it was It was probably the most lack of daisical game we've had this season.
True, Oh certainly and ride because everyone was making their toothpaste jokes and ready to win by one hundred minutes into the game and the next thing you know, it's close. Well, three point shooting was the story for me. Breo was four for four in the first half, but the rest of the team was oh for eleven and without Kobe Brea been hot early. Who knows how it could have looked. But then they have that run where they got their separation. But Pope always wants them to shoot at least thirty threes, and for four straight games they didn't. They finally did this game. They got back over thirty percent. They had shot like twenty seven to twenty six. Twenty shot thirty two. Though it wasn't much, say, at least got back over thirty on their attempts, and that number improved a little because they were in quite the funk. Brea included for the last four games, thankfully.
You know, I thought that the biggest, two biggest plays were the two Jackson Robinson threes. I mean, he was he was two for eleven from three, but the two that he hit were at big times. And then traydon Owen with the big shot coming off the bench. That little run kind of.
Won us the game, it did, you know, they had I think they even got a three point lead at that point the second and a half, and when Jackson knocked down those back to back threes, it did seem to energize not just the team but the crowd.
You heard him get.
Loud through crowd.
We have to talk about the crowd for a met all right, So I heard good things about the crowd. Pope, Pope, you know, he was excited about it.
He mentioned on his postgame show.
But this was kind of interesting. So I'm sitting there, you know, I have an hour between two shows. I get a text message from a guy, a kid named Lawson. Lawson has shadowed us before. Lawson can't lee. I used to work with his his mother. His mother is a lawyer in UH in Louisville. Good friend of mine. I can't believe, you know, I have friends whose kids are now in college. It makes me feel old. But Lawson texted me and said he was home. He's home for Christmas, and he said I went to the game and these people in the lower arena kept yelling at me to sit down during the run, and then we are first caller to the postgame show had the same complaint. Turns out he went with loss in the hall, but they were complaining, and then all of a sudden, I kept getting messages throughout the rest of the postgame show. Yeah, people kept telling me to sit down too. Do we need to have an intervention with the lower arena? Reup fans that people can stand up during games? Are you pro stand up?
Anti stand up during basketball games?
I'm pro stand up?
You know you're there to support your team and if you feel it deeping your soul to stand up and clap and yell. Then you should be able to stand up and clap and yell. I have somebody yelling behind you to sit your butt down.
So do you think that people behind should should hush? Yes?
Yes, I'm very pro stand up myself. Outside of an exception, maybe someone's handicap, you know, try to work with them as best you can. Yes, but you should be allowed to stand up. And I've been the person behind someone who stood up the whole time and it maybe it was a little annoying, but I didn't have one zoo a complaint because they're allowed to do that.
Channon pro stand.
Up, stand up.
If you look at the best atmospheres in college basketball, it's all people standing up, moving around.
Our crowd just sits there on their hands. It's kind of boring.
It's weird because on football we don't do that. In football, I don't think our fans tell people to sit down. But I we are rupp Aerna, especially lower level has got you are not at a play, Okay, no one owes you to sit down, and we've got to change that culture. We rupperena. And you saw this during that run last night can be a really great atmospheyes, but we've got to stop this idea that you're there to be entertained. You are an active part of this environment and so for loss in And I believe the other kid's name was Chuck let Lawson and Chuck buck right like them do their thing and I and you've got to stop yelling at people to sit down.
I think I don't know what it is about people that think that they have the right to dictate what other people do at a ball game.
I mean, I mean, it is annoying if you're sitting there staring at somebody's butt, but.
Stand You can stand up too, Yes you can.
And like I agree with Drew, if somebody's like handy caap some issue, then you do try to work with them. I'm totally fine with that. But in general, up up on your feet, jackets. Fans can't be beat. We used to say that in Middlesborough.
Why can't we say it here. I'm completely with you.
You should be allowed to stand.
I'll add that last night I wasn't around any of the city standing debates, but one of my biggest takeaways was the crowd was pretty sleepy last night. Now, part of that was you'd just blown a seventeen oh lead and they were disappointed in conshoints weren't being made. It was a lot was a reaction to uh.
But then they went on that run.
It did, but there was a lull there where you could hear a pin dropping up, and that hadn't been the case this season.
Yeah. Well, I mean we were playing good.
It's hard to get it's hard to get the crowd excited while playing bad.
Now, Shannon, you have the the ad, right, I have what you played last night on the postcame.
Okay, So here we go. This is this is the Red State ad with Ryan the Flim Doctor.
Come on, let's go.
Anytime you're ready, Shannon.
No, it's not me.
Anytime. The computers ready, I'm.
Kind of I'm kind of waiting on. You are now everywhere.
Let me give you the latest select Kroger locations across Kentucky, southern Ohio, and southern Indiana. Same thing at Liquor Barn in Lexington, Danvill and eat Town. They're a jungle gym. Do you hear that out there?
You go? You heard it? Heard it?
Because it's you I don't remember it at all.
I thought someone was in my closet when.
It could be anybody.
No, I don't think it's I don't think it's lost it in Chuck. I think actually it's you. Why would you spit up during my my Obviously I did not. Would you like to apologize Red State Barbers?
David Carroll to Red State Barbecue? My apologies on Mattle can cut four more good spots.
In this one. You you're gonna be the one that owes them.
I probably should go get some Red State Barbecue for dinner tonight.
I think that's the best way to I think that's the best way to pay him bik So, all right, well, the Cats win the game.
Anything that worries you about this game going forward?
I didn't see anything new that concerns me. But they need to get Lamant and Butler back in a hurry.
Sounds like he will play Saturday, but it depends on how.
He does with Perry. Just couldn't guard anybody. I mean, Brea still gets burned back quite a bit. They really need his defense, but they need his everything back. But I did nothing new popped up. Yeah, I kind of agree with that. If I'm nine two eighth twenty two eighty seven. Text machine is seven seven two seven four five two five four. We'll talk more about the game. Let the kids stand up and the adults.
There's a picture of a one adult standing up during the game as well down low.
I interviewed him on my rapid reaction. We need thousands more of him, the thousands more him less.
I can't say. We'll be right back scas now and think about direction one like this? Why you do? Yeah? Do you know who it is?
Rim? That's right?
Stand yep, big big song back in my dep glory days, the glory day.
Uh huh good h eight five nine twenty two eighty seven.
Text machine seven seven two seven seven four five two five four.
What person rights? Matt?
Why do you have to stand a cheer? Can't you cheer and sit? You can, but it's not as exciting. It's the same reason I make these guys stand at the remotes. You can't help but command more energy when you're standing. When you're sitting. Your bite's very nature, not as energetic.
That's just the way it goes.
And you know you're you're there to watch a game. When your team scores you just natural intertings. A lot of timers just stand up and yeah, you know, give him a little fist.
Put one person right's mad. It's good to hear you finally change your tune on the rough crowd. You used to be far more apologetic for them and didn't trumpet the active participant theory. Now, what I've said before was it's also up to the team to play well. It's hard to get excited, Drew when you're playing poorly, as you could see last night. But I do think Kentucky, once Robinson made that first three that gave us the lead, I do think the crowd was kind of a big part of getting that to where it went from two to eleven.
I do think the crowd was part of that.
Yeah, and uh, I'll add that Trentonoah making one of those threes, got the feet.
How about him?
Played well, you know, he got some good minutes.
They called a time out after he hit the three, and Pope kept him out there on the floor. I mean, he was defense, wasn't hurting you, you know. I think he added a little spark last night.
I liked Pope told the story that Noah got the ball right in front of him as soon as he checked in and Pope told him to throw it into Amari. Noah could clearly her Pope, He's standing right in front of him, and Noah took a three. Pope said, I actually love that that he just brushed me off and wanted to get a shot. Shows to day he's confidence when he gets in and I also love that Pope's cool with that. Like a lot of coaches might have the ego of I told you to do this, do it. He wants his players.
That's one thing we always talk about the differences between Pope and cal That's one thing that they're similar about. They want their players to kind of have ownership of their team and do what, you know, make decisions on the fly.
I'm glad he pulled the trigger to hit the shot because, you know, Jack Gibbs said during the radio broadcast at that time, he's been shooting really really well in practice.
Yeah, Gibvens, he called that in the pregate. He said, I think Noah will play, and he's been shooting well, shooting well, and he ended up getting there. How about Tom Hart with his mentions said, you know who knew Mario would end up on ESP and said that Colgate needed to be more consistent to take it to the next level. And then he also noted about sage. Yes, he said that you can't put the sage in the wall. Ryan all Tom back with the KSR references.
It made me very happy.
Somebody sit at this table may have been feeding him, right.
Tom did all the work. He went to the stage, well twice he did. He said they need to burn some stage some sage. Then he went back to it later and mentioned sage getting wet. I mean he gets wet or something that feels like one of the more KSR reference heavy broadcasts he's done. I don't know if he was bored or people were standing up in front of him, but he was going to the KSR.
Well a lot sage, the sage being well, that was that. I do think that's a really Uh that was very specific and I like that.
He did consistency once in the first half, once in the second half.
Yeah, I think there were five or six throughout the night. I don't know if he ever got to cowboy hats, but I was.
Rooting for it. Well. Uh, overall, be a nice win.
Now Louisville barely beat you tap last night, they struggled, they were down in the second half. Some are you and all Drew worried about the Louisville game on on Saturday.
I haven't. The only game I've actually seen of Louisville was when they came back against West Virginia and the Bahamas, and they were healthier, Perrier played well. So I still don't really know what they are. I'm very confident, maybe too confident. I kind of just feel like they can't lose, which is probably the wrong way to look at it. But the I mean utup led a lot of that game. I was watching the score while I was at RUP, so that had to be a little concerning.
I've watched them get blown out now twice. The Dude game was interesting because they played really well.
For a half and then played really poorly for a half.
So you get they can't shoot, but they are tough at Chucky, hepburn guards, He's good.
He's good, and I think we do. That's why I want to make sure LaMonte Butler plays. After the game, Pope said they'd find out this morning if he was gonna play. He also said that he thought Kerk Crisa would be back in six weeks. He told a story said that as Kerr was coming out of the haze of his surgery and he was a little bit well. I think Pope said he was still high from the medication, that he facetimed Pope just to tell him how much he loved him and the team, which he said Pope said he almost went live on Instagram to show everyone Kerr being high.
I actually thought that was kind of funny. I bet Kerr would have liked that.
I thought that was a great story.
I loved hearing that.
But yeah, they they definitely need him and Lama back, and you know, like you said, Lamont had a full practice yesterday. They're gonna see how his body responds today. But we definitely need him. I mean, it's not the same team without him.
It's just not It doesn't I know, we won in the second half against Gonzaga without him.
But long term, I think we have to have Yeah.
Yeah, definitely. The defense, especially last night, was evident. When you got Colgate guys taking off the dribble, that's when it was evident he needed to get back out there.
Yeah, who's up at first? David David? How are you? David Good?
I'm on my way to Murray, and I did not foresee having to watch for mules and drunk people in rush our traffic.
Yeah, I made news yesterday too. He's been ready the story. Drew told that national news.
But go ahead.
One thing about the game. It's nice to see Oway finally hit a big three, because it feels that he's missed about five of them this year.
Yeah, it was nice to see Oway hit one.
He I mean, not only has he missed him the last few games, he's been way off, I mean, like not even close. It was nice to see Bray and getting a rhythm. But I thought the Oway one was big because he was looking to me like he was starting to like try to guide the ball.
In the basket.
And when you do that, Drew, it's really hard to get your rhythm back because you're you're kind of not doing what you normally do.
No, he had another open corner three, the one that he's been missing lately. Missed that one, but he got.
Two to go in.
Otherwise, I think you had like five rebounds, five ausus zero turnovers. He had a pretty good game overall.
I appreciate the call. Can I say something real quick about our team? Yeah, I think we overpass a little bit.
I heard you say that last time the post came.
I think we over I mean, I I am all for sharing the ball, but I think we give up too many open looks like Breya, he passed open a couple like you're the best shooter on the team. I don't I don't understand why gives up shots. I mean, I get it, but at the same time, we need him to shoot a little bit more.
And then when we drive in for a layup.
I'm all for occasionally tossing the lob to Amari and Garrison, but we do that a lot Drew and it sometimes leads to turnovers, like if you got a layup it was again, Braya one time.
Take the layup right.
Yeah, they are very unselfish. We've even seen them have an open layup and throw it out for a three. It's worked a couple of times. When it doesn't, it sure seems very silly. I like it when it's working, but it has led to some bad turnovers. Mario Williams tried to force a pass last night that never stood a chance. But when he does thread that needle, it special. So I guess a little give and take there there is a little bit of a give and take.
But I do think we over you know, I mean, that's a nice problem to have, but I do think we sometimes overpass.
Last night was the first time.
I think it was kind of obvious that, yeah, they we passed up with some open looks to try to force something in down low. Maybe maybe they were trying to get a mari on track and Brandon on track.
Little well they did. I think a Mario scored the first two baskets of the game, so that was good.
Tomorrow, remember we are at beer No's uh in New Albany. Right, Yes, Charleston crossing, Charleston crossing.
Why did you just stare straight ahead?
I thought Shannon was getting ready to say where we were, but he was thinking he's just said one minute.
Yeah, Charleston crossing. I'll say it.
Two thousand and two, three thousand and two, Charleston crossing, New Albany. It's our uk U of L preview show. It's at the Pizza Place. It's always good. It's a great chance to uh get ready for the Louisville game in their backyard. It's also our oldest remote we've been doing it now this will be our eleventh year. Like I said, our twelfth year, I think of doing this show. So that is tomorrow. Hope to see you all in Louisville. We'll take a be right back. Kentucky Sports Radio. T J Smith, personal injury attorney called TJ.
He'll make them pay.
Now more of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage.
Here's Matt Jones.
By the way, the story now has gone international as the Daily Mail has picked up the story of the baby just sitting on the steps at the Kentucky Gonzaga game.
Uh do we ever hear who that baby was? Even yesterday?
If we brought up on the show.
I did some searching on Twitter.
In the interview see the picture of the baby just hanging out smoking a cigarette on the steps of the Kentucky Gonzaga game, just lighting one up there.
I thought you were gonna say the international was the guy on the mule being chased.
By Oh yeah, that one will too. But but just just yeah, it's.
Nobody's claimed it. I guess you don't want to claim that.
I mean it's an infant. Infant, yeah, I mean it's like a baby.
It's it looks like it looks like Maggie Simpson just sitting there on the on the thing. All right, So we got some folks here from Henderson. Yes, this woman hears from for sales. It's her birthday, birthday, Happy birthday. This guy right here just brought us this is a a coke bottle.
This is r C.
First of all, this is a Tubby Smith coke from nineteen ninety eight six pack. But then this is an R Sea bottle from nineteen seventy four that has the Kentucky basketball logo on it. This R Sea bottle is fifty years old. Wow, fifty years old. What would happen if you drank this? What happens to coke after fifty years?
I don't know if I want to find out, But.
That was It's very cool. I've been a This is a fifty year old coke bottle. And then the Tubby Smith. Look how young Tubby looks.
Tubby looks like a baby.
He looks like a little young guy here fifty years ago.
He brought me a copy of the Saint Louis Post Dispatch from nineteen ninety eight when Mark McGuire at home run.
That's cool.
You should get that front. I'm going to get that. That's actually very that's very nice of you to do. By the way, that's very cool.
Can I give you a little before we go to the phones again, A little food to a food update. Okay, first of all, right down the street from here yesterday, did you all see the circus right down the street here from ks Bar? Do you know Ryan what hull All food is?
Do not know what that is? Drew? And I really like.
Hlal It's well, it's like it's hull All food.
I don't know how to describe it. What what nation does it come from? Do you know?
I guess it's kind of it's not Indies. It well whatever somebody will tell us. It's like a yeah, it's like that's it. It's Arabic. It's like it's like Muslim Arabic would be the way to say. But it's like chicken and rice, chicken cooked a certain way and it has like a white sauce on and don't forget the way lamb let bit there, big on, big on lamb and basically you get it in New York on the street a lot. Okay, Drew introduced me years ago when we were doing the us open Halal Guys, which is a cart which back then was a cart in front of Rockefeller Center.
Six actually right where that shooting was, like exactly, yes, almost exactly where that shooting was.
He's right, and we used to go all the time, Drew and I. Now they have restaurants. There's one in Nashville. They're everywhere. Okay, So it's it's it's very much expanded.
Well there's a hala.
It's not Halal guys, but it's a different place. It's called like I don't know, hulaw in your face or something right over here. It's just right down the street. And yesterday they gave away free food. Oh they said on Wednesday, all the food is free. Wow, which I don't know how restaurants do. That is someone that works, like you live on the margin. I don't know how they're giving them, but more power to them. I drove by yesterday. You would have thought Taylor Swift was playing there.
The line was.
I mean, the line was like three blocks long of people of people waiting to eat. You know, it goes to show you give somebody something free, huh, and they will do anything. The line was down the road. It was from like noon to five.
It was free. Wow, and I've never seen anything like it. It had to have cost them a zillion dollars to give away all that free food.
They probably know they'll make it right back on me and you eating lunch there for I will eat there. I'm going to be a regular. I'd' even had the food. That's the only part that garage. It's all right, there's a few customer spots in there.
Okay, gotcha. Well, I couldn't believe it. Second thing, skyline for the UKU of L game. Have you seen what they're doing between now? On Saturdays all that for the UKU of L game. You can get a skyline with blue noodles or red noodles, which is crazy to me, Right, blue new toodles or red noodles.
I feel like I have to go and get the blue noodles. I agree. Would you eat a blue noodle?
Yeah, I would eat it.
Yeah, But I'm like you, I feel like I kind of have to go and get blue noodles skyline.
You don't think that's weird because I mean, noodles are not naturally blue.
No, but I'm sure they still taste like a noodle.
You know, they just blue color, just a little color in there.
Why aren't you I'd go for it. Not the red ones, certainly not but the blue ones.
So you have until Saturday blue noodles, but you miss the free food down the road from the Whole All whatever the name of that place.
Well that's crazy because you just told us yesterday Fish's Big Boy the line there. Then you said there's a line of yeah.
Who hate it.
The same day Frish's closes out with the old in with the here in Lexington.
Who's up next? Bill? Bill? Go ahead? Bill?
Yeah, Hi Matt, first time caller, who listener? Yes, I got a quick comment about the crowdsed and of course that's nothing. Those of us have been around for a long time. Note that that hasn't changed. I was remember of the pet band back in the Potino era, and if you remember, they had the students on the side behind the bench, and they also had the band right at center court, and we constantly got told that if we didn't sit down that they were going to move us. And now you see the band and the students are now in the inZone.
Yeah, it's ridiculous.
It's ridiculous to not allow the people to stand you know, they basically moved the kids into the end zone, which I think was a money grab that I didn't like, but it is what it is.
That'll probably never change. But uh, you know, it's what I get.
If people don't want to stand, but you can't yell at the kids not to and even not kids, it's adults let people because we got to get the energy up in there. But it's been good this year, Drew. This has probably been the best it's been in pre since pre COVID when you're.
Been unreal in they're That Georgia State game the day after Thanksgiving felt like one of the best atmospheres I've seen in rop which is crazy for a non conference game like that, but so many people in for the holidays. We're excited to go see the new era and when the.
SEC basketball comes, I appreciate the call. We're gonna need our crowd for every game. I saw a stat yesterday if you look at the teams that were predicted twelfth through sixteenth in the SEC, So the bottom five teams in the SEC so far this year, Ryan, they are forty two and full Well.
Yeah, Missouri probably one of the LSU's.
Missouri Oklahoma, Vandy, LSU, and I don't remember who the other one was, but South Carolina.
Uh they forty two and full and that's the bottom tier of the SEC.
Yeah, forty two and don't even look at it. I mean, no, only one team in the SEC has three losses one.
That's crazy.
The entire conference. That's unbelievable.
It is unbelievable. And you think of the bottom tier guys like I think LSU is undefeated, Vandy's got one loss, Missouri just beating number one can.
And let me also tell all of you get your sleep in during the holidays. January fourth, we have a home game against Florida to start the SEC schedule, and it's at eleven am because that's a day.
I don't know why we're playing at eleven am?
Is that Why are we playing in eleventh January fourth?
Yeah, I don't know, but anyway, the game is at eleven am. We gotta be ready for that one. It's too early in the morning. I don't like that time slot, but that's a game we gotta win because it's a home you gotta hold serve at home. Yes, and that will be a big one early in the morning.
Yeah, They're very good. Really.
With last night's game behind us, only Brown has left on the schedule is one you can go in and just say we know we're gonna win. That this is flown by already and we're about to hit to that Louisville and were at Ohio State and hitting that gauntlet.
Yeah. Sec, Who's up next?
Go ahead, Clifton.
Hey, Matt, I live in Indiana and I wanted to call in and give you an exhibit A as to why we should never play IU basketball again. I'm driving around this morning in my car and the radio show I'm listening to brings up that yesterday evidently was the anniversary of the watch shot.
Oh, very ridiculous. Y're ridiculous with the Watford shots. Are Indiana fans? They The way they act about the Watford shot is why they are no longer an elite basketball program. The fact that they still throw a holiday for a regular season shot against a team that knocked them out of the tournament that year is why they are no longer one of them. I wouldn't even say they are a top ten program anymore. And to me, that's exhibit A. Y.
I don't I totally agree, and a reporter asked one of the current players as he remembered the shot, and he couldn't name the player that took the shot, and they thought it was a travesty. But then also they added that evidently Tom Crean and his wife were out the dinner last night, like Crean.
But Tom Crean and his wife have a celebratory dinner every year on the anniversary of the Watford shot.
Like, come on, man, like like Tom, I'm putting on the watch Shot outfit tonight for I mean, she.
Probably goes and dresses up nice for him.
Tom wears his special boxers and it's like it's the Watford Shot night. I don't get that. I really don't. I appreciate call. If you like, who are the top ten programs in college basketball right now? You can because of how much they wont Duke, Carolina, Kentucky and Kansas are grandfathered.
In because they're the four best. Who would you say or the other five? Today?
If you're saying what are the top programs when you consider relevant history all that, who is zag They're they're one up, so let's put them six.
Who else? It's Michigan State still want they're they're holding on barely.
They got a few more years to do something, and we're gonna have to have a conversation about the or not in it anyone.
I'd put Villanova ahead of them actually right now at.
This point, even without Jay Wright. Yeah, I mean, whether they've proven what's the I think I.
Would take them out because I don't think Jay Wright is the same. Would you put Arizona in there?
If we're taking these out and doing what's relevant, Yes, we're doing real or what's recent. I might even put like a Houston in there. We're doing real recent, but that's not a it's not a bad one a long time, it's not a bad one. Would you put Tennessee in there, Auburn, Alabama? They have all been better than Villanova and Michigan State, unless.
Tennessee still not been to the final four?
Yeah, I don't know.
I think it's hard. I mean, to me, definitively, the top five are the four historical powers in Connecticut at this point. I mean, you gotta put Duke Carolina, Kentucky, and Kansas just because there's a panache with those programs. And then I think you throw in Yukon because the wins. Yeah, and then to me, that's the five. What's interesting is I might go to twenty before i'd get Indiana.
And when we started, we started this show thirteen fourteen years ago, they were top five or six.
Indiana to me is behind. If you're talking about people will tune in to watch them. They're behind Kentucky with cal at Arkansas. They're behind Arkansas. I think they're behind Tennessee, Auburn and Alabama, right yeah, I just I don't think that they they don't matter, which is why I don't understand. I don't want to play them. I'd rather do Home and Homes with the Yukons of the world. The Kansas is the Houston. I mean, who cares. I know, you old heads.
Well, if they will get good, it's fun. But they're not gonna get good. We've been here and they're gonna get me good. But if they're not gonna get if.
They figured out, it's a good right now? Ahead of them?
Who is ahead of them? Yeah?
Somebody one time said they were Vienna sausage.
Vienna sausage really good fifty years ago, but now we have extra dinner.
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Yeah, there aren't many bad ones for Petty.
Usually not Tom.
Petty's got probably the greatest depth of non country songs I like Shannon of anybody, I can't think of anybody that.
Has a wider variety, like a wider number of songs that I like.
He's got a right to your wheelhouse too. I just got that vibe too.
Even though it's not country, it's it's it's not country, but it's like wall the line of country but like Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, you know, Tyler.
There's like a handful of people that I could say I like twenty songs of and Tom Petty's probably one of them.
I like this because he says Indiana Boys on the Indiana Knights.
That's what. That's a great reason to like it.
Yeah, eight five, nine, two eighth, twenty two eighty seven, real quick, couple of hires.
Do they work? Belichick?
It's I don't know if it'll work immediately, but I think they can have some success with him.
I'm going no, it's not gonna work, No, but it's gonna be fun to watch. And they're bringing Mike Lombardi, who is as GM as the Patriots, to be the.
GM of the team.
I'm one of the few people that was on the side of I wouldn't even want to make Kentucky. He's just too old. He undone college. What do you He's not gonna win one in two or three years, and so how long is he really gonna stay?
What about rich Rodriguez going back to West Virginia. They say you can't go home again? Can you go home?
That shocked me. I mean he had great success there though, he's still revered.
But they hated him because they said he backstabbed him and left and now he's coming back.
That's crazy, isn't it.
I went to a West Virginia game. They were top three and he was the coach, and that city was on fire. They were worshiping him at the time.
Yeah, I mean they had a shot, they had a shot to make the National Championship Game with him.
They lost and didn't get to do it. But I think they lost a pit maybe, but that's I think.
I think they lost a pit, like thirteen to nine, and next year they're playing on nine to thirteen they play each other, which is kind of funny.
But yeah, I mean, can you do that? Can you? Can you go home again?
He probably shouldn't because I don't know if they he can re duplicate what he had at West Virginia the first time.
Both those hires kind of surprising to me, to be honest with you, Who's up next?
Let's go to Nate.
Nate, go ahead, and Nate, Hey, what's up?
What's going on?
I'm a guy that was standing in the lower raining last night.
Oh, you were the dude in the picture that was standing and screaming and it was your first game, if I'm correct, right, But no, I'd been.
There before, but those seats are the best seats I'd ever had. I'd actually had some upper Rena tickets gave to me, and I was sitting there and I was like, man, I want to be closer to the game. And I got on ticket Masters started scrolling through and saw those two seats were available. RI end up being I bit the bullet bottom and got down there amongst the little aren the crowd.
So what was it like? Did they tell you to sit down?
No? Nobody said anything. I had a had an old man a couple of rows in front of me that was encouraging it. But I was just I didn't care what anybody thought. I was there to have a good time. And I can remember being a kid and going to uh Monday Night raw back when stone Goes rock those guys. I'm thinking, if the Kentucky Club would act like this, that's right, it would be insane.
We could we could open up a candle woo pass if they would, if they'd be like Stone Cold, wouldn't we Yeah?
Oh hell yeah here we would. Yeah? And I just we were struggling last night, I got up seventeen and us and and you know, they started making shots. And then once we started going on going on that little run, it was like, you have to get good before, and that's how I done last time. I was happy to get Maybe I was part of the reason.
Why we I think you are. I think you are the reason we won. So well. I appreciate it.
Glad you enjoyed the bougie seats for a night, and hopefully we can get you down there for a big game.
I love it.
I love that, appreciate appreciate the call.
By the way, see young guy right here, it's his birthday today from Naples, Florida, fourteen years old. Do you remember what you were like when you were fourteen years old? I don't actually want to know what you were like when you were fourteen years old. I have I think I have a pretty good guess and I don't.
Yeah. Probably very similar, that's exactly right.
Bodily noises, same inability to say the right things.
I you know what, just leave your leave it right there.
Nineteen eighty I had a big, massive afro hair.
That's something that's different. The ladies loved also something different.
They pulled it all out.
Yeah, all of the butterfly collars bose. Those are two things that I have seen change just a little bit.
Yeah, I'm glad Ryan didn't take the bait there and tell us about what he was doing as a fourteen year old. But do we need to break into the chee cheese birthday song?
Yeah, we ought it. We ought to sing before.
By the way, the UK volleyball team is playing in the Sweet sixteen at one o'clock. So the UK volleyball team plays Missouri at one o'clock today in the Sweet sixteen. That's the team they beat at the end of the regular season to win the SEC, so they've played them before. They play at one o'clock. If they win, they go to the Elite eight and play the number one team in the country. That game, we're gonna have it on here, but for those of you that aren't here, I think it's on ESPN two. Correct either way. So this it's the first game of the Sweet sixteen. Kentucky is likely favored. The game is in Pittsburgh and they play Missouri drew with the chance to once again make the Elite eight. It would be I think Craig's skin fifth Elite eight, which is kind of an amazing thing for a guy that to be at Kentucky.
Yeah, I'll be watching him.
Rude to Demne.
The SEC was good to him in the regular season. Gotta stay hot. When they won the championship a few years ago, I remember like pulling over on the side of the road and watching on my phone really getting into that run.
I'm hoping they can. That was a great atmosphere here at the bar. You remember that, Yeah, when we won the championship. So you know they if they can win today, they have a setup for a team that if they could beat them, they have a shot to win the whole thing. So that is at one o'clock this afternoon, we're gonna take a break. The football schedule for next year came out. It's a beast.
We'll talk about it right for this this Kentucky Sports Radio