Matt, Ryan, Drew, and Shannon talk March Madness, the trip to Milwaukee and take your calls.
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Welcome to Hour two of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage. Now here's Matt Jones welcome back.
I remember two Kentucky Sports Radio eightf I'm nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven Wingsday here at ks Bar and grill uh Dollar Wings all day, so all night. So come on by trivia tonight. I'm hosting my trivia next Tuesday.
By the way, Next Tuesday.
So next Tuesday, so get your teams. Next Tuesday, I'm hosting I got all the of This will be one of the last three qualifiers. But next Tuesday, I will be hosting trivia, So make sure to get get your team ready. The NCAA president Charlie Baker, by the way, just in an interview where he said the upcoming house settlement, which by the way, a judge will either affirm or deny, will in a couple of weeks, will be the biggest change in college sports in over fifty years. And I think he means the change that the last one was probably the integration of schools. For people, I know that we do the games and people are people are always confused about that because it is confusing.
But I'll give you the basics of it.
This house settlement, which would essentially transfer in ale to where schools are paying it basically instead of these third parties. When that happens, the NCAA believes they can then regulate to make sure there's not shady payments to players. I have some doubts if they can or not, But either way, it'll be such a significant sum of money that I do think it will probably eliminate a.
Lot of the shadiness. But in talking and looking at it, here's what needs to happen. There's a judge.
If the judge affirms the settlement, I think what's gonna happen is Congress is going to pass that settlement into law, all right, so they're gonna settle it, and then Congress is going to say this is the law now because the players agreed to it, because the schools agreed to it, and this twenty two million dollars a year will just become the budgets of all the colleges. And I think that's the future of college Athleantica. I think it'll actually be good. I'll say this, look at college basketball. Nil has made it a better product in my opinion, Ryan, I mean, the product is better.
Players are older, they stay longer.
The guys who in years past would have gone and been second round picks. They stay because they can get in ale deal. Like, tell you a guy like Johnny Brown. Last year, that kid's in the NBA. Yeah, Mark sears in the NBA. Now they have a reason to come back. I think that's good for the sport. So I actually think people said it. I think college football it's a little different because there's so many players. I think there's a lot of negatives. But for college basketball, I think it's actually been a huge positive.
I think it's a great argument. It is the greatest innovation in college athletics since integration. I never thought i'd see to day that maybe the college athletes would get paid to go to school like that.
But that's what they That's what it should be.
It shouldn't they make a ton of money for the schools. I mean it's the right thing to do. You know, when when Trump won, it's now changed to where the title nine stuff may not be an issue when it comes to the money, at least not the way it probably would have been.
The other way.
People are gonna have an opinion where that's good or bad.
It's just a fact.
I think the question is just I mean Mark Stoops when he was in the other Day, Drew said, just depends on if the judge will prove it.
Even the coaches know this.
One judge I think is in California who's managed this case for three years. That judge will decide kind of the future of college sports. And I think it's gonna happen the week after the Final Four.
It's all coming together. Finally, I agree with you on how it's helped college basketball. There are so many guys that would have just stayed in obscurity at you know, I'll use Dalton connect even though it's a Tennessee example, or Walter Clayton at Florida's from my own and heck, we got.
Amari from Drexel.
These guys never would have an opportunity to be on the big stage, and is made the sport so much better.
Amari Williams. I mean, just look at our team. All these guys have gotten it to this kid from LMU, right, Like, I mean, there's they all have a chance to kind of make this dream happen.
And I think that's good. Now, speaking of dreams, Mario's here's right, Mario, what's up, guys? I have a job for you.
What's the job.
It's a job that I feel like you can do.
Okay, all right, Unfortunately, because these games are in Lexington, Auburn, Tennessee, and Louisville fans are going to descend.
Upon this right. Whether it's good or bad, it doesn't matter. They're here. I'm giving you a job.
What's the job you're you don't seem excited about this job until I know what it is. Your job is to find a way to let Auburn, Louisville and Tennessee fans know that they should come watch the games at ks Bar. But you have to be creative how you do it. You have to like reach out to them. You need to find the versions of me at those schools to reach out to. You got to do something. You got this.
Whole drive to Milwaukee to work on it. Do you think you can do it?
I think I can. I'll reach out to a few media personalities.
Who do you know? Who? Do I know? Yeah? I don't.
I'm gonna have to look them up.
Okay. Do you think you can get people in the UK fan base? Yes? The phone?
Do you think you can? You you can use the UK fans. You think they'll help you.
I don't think they'll help me out.
Why wouldn't they help UK fans?
Yeah they like you, Yeah they do.
But so I'm gonna ask Monique standing over there, I'm gonna ask her to let me know how many of those people come, so that you will see how well you did on this because we know the Kentucky fans.
Will show up. Kentucky fans will show up.
But what about the rest? That's on you my job now, Okay, so come up.
I'm up for the challenge.
So give me some ideas of what you think you might do to reach Auburn Tesse or Creighton. I don't think there's gonna be you many Utah State or u c l A fans.
I think there will be a lot of Creighton fans.
The Creton's probably gonna be the easiest.
Why it's crighton the easiest. What do you know about Creighton.
Because obviously they were they were blue, and they're like they're going against Louisville arrivals.
Because they wear blue, they're more likely to come.
They're going against Louisville.
So like we have you know whereon is.
Is that in Nebraska?
What do you not know about Creighton? Wow? What's their nickname?
You're taking an interesting you're taking a very interesting strategy. You're looking at the Creighton angle. So you're gonna try to get in touch with Crate. They're my first options.
I need you to also do Alabia, Tennessee. We're gonna get about this. Here's another one. Alabama State.
There's gonna they're not gonna have a lot of people, but the people that come are gonna want to have fun. I think they will come at the Alabama. So maybe you reach out to Alabama State. Sleeper that is a sleeper pick.
That's right? Who else? Who else am I missing? That's coming? Wafford, Wafford White Perry. We gotta take care of Wafford White Perry.
There's a legendary high school football player from Lexington that at Watford Jones.
The Baldy.
Maybe you maybe you find the Wafford or Alabama State people and say, do you all want to come and have a little party?
Now, Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm gonna cook up some stuff, cook up some stuff.
What if what if like an opposing radio station, like even in Louisville, want to do their show.
Here, Well, we were gonna have nick coffee here but he can't go.
I think a lot of people can't go because of the bridgeman, the junior bridgeman think so uh so anyway, But but this is your job.
I want you to do a good job.
Can you think you can hand I'm confident, So why don't you ask the UK fans out there to help you? Since Thursday and Friday and Saturday for here. Sunday will be fine because of Kentucky. But Thursday and Friday and Saturday to kind of make a nice little tournament crowd.
Are they gonna help you?
They're definitely gonna help me, all right, so ask them to help UK fans. I'm gonna need all the help I can get. And we're gonna try to fill this place up. Get Auburn and Louisville fans in Alabama state. I mean, everybody's gonna be in here. It's gonna be a good mix. It'll be a good mix. Good, it'll be like a big party.
Yes it will. Okay, all right, that's your job. Can you handle it?
I can't.
All right, you know you don't seem too confident. We'll see first after you didn't get here in time. I did not impalegize for that, and you're gonna go pick up our cars? When do we drive it? Nice little minivan?
Oh? Heck you a minivan? Nice? Okay? All right, automatic doors? Get our minivan? All right, thank you very much. Mark.
Do we need sections like when you come in like you used to say smoking or non Do we need to say like Auburn or Tennessee or Louisville to keep everyone separated.
Especially it's Tennessee and Auburn coming in here.
Indiana hired a new coach. His name is like something Devin Debris. I think that's something like that comes from West Virginia. Greg Doyle this morning wrote, Indiana finally has their coach to turn the program around, which I feel like I've read that sentence for the last twenty five years and it's never happened.
You're an Indiana guy. Do you like that they hired the West Virginia coach.
A lot of my good friends, obviously are still Indiana fans. They're just still but hurt that they didn't get Dusty May who went to Michigan. That's the guy they should have gone out for used to be. Are you gonna get him? Why would yes? Teamate leave. No, was he Michigan hired him? Like what a year before? They should have made that move when he was available. Yes, yeah, he grew up in Indiana. He was an assistant manager under Bob Knight. That's the one they missed out on. So they're still swinging for the fences. Then, I don't know if they got did it with this guy either.
Yeah, this dude, uh, people say is good, but like, who knows, didn't make the tournament this year?
You know Indiana?
Well, I mean I guess you could also say, look when Kentucky hired Mark Pope, even though we love Mark Pope, that was a BYU coach who hadn't won a tournament game.
I mean, I don't know why Indiana thought. I mean they thought they were.
They kept saying they were gonna get Brad Stevens or what like, it's not gonna happen. You have to try to swing for one of these.
Yeah, I love a He's leaving in the middle of West Virginia's pity party in lawsuit. He's like, I'm out, I'm y'all gonna have this. But also, there were just so many names they were shooting for. Maybe this guy pans out. But if you're a fan, you had to have wanted Chris Beard or Bruce Pearl or they shot they were shooting for the stars and got a lot of nose, or at least didn't want to wait on some of those guys.
The governor looked more stupid now that both the coach left and North Carolina won by thirty last night. The governor who filed the lawsuit, does he look Does that make it look dumber?
I think it does a little bit, especially when North Carolina just rolled last night. They looked like they deserved to be in the tournament. They played so well.
You got from devrye whatever his name is, Devys. I don't think he's from the DeVry he used to have.
He pulled on Liam Cohen he had just gotten there and talked about how that's where he wanted to be and loves Morgantown and I'm here Rago Mountaineers, and then nobody.
Morgantown, Bloomington, Morgantown, I don't know, Bloomington.
You can at least get to Chicago if he doesn't work out.
How many bad coaches can they hire before playing game?
How many coaches have they had so they had Mike Davis, was Tom Crean.
Next, Kelvin Sampson.
I think, oh, that's.
Right, Kelvin Sampson, then Tom Crean up. You skipped over a Dan Dakich.
Yes, that's yes, that's right.
Dan Dockicch was the coach for a few minutes before or did he step in for Sampson when.
I think Sampson got fired, had to finish the season. I'll tell you about it.
Okay, it's even more than I thought. So Mike Davis, Kelvin Sampson, Dan Dockitch, then Archie Miller, Archie Miller who had Bruiser Flynn on staff, Mike Woodson, and now the DeVry inst So how many times do they.
Missed before you just you're dead. I don't think they missed with Kelvin Sampson. He just got in truck in trouble.
I mean, I think Kelvin Sampson was a good hih he just got in trouble.
But you can do it was also twenty years ago. Yeah. Besides that, though, I think they've all been missing.
I honestly thought Archie Miller was the guy. I thought he was a guy who was going to have a great success there. He didn't just didn't happen.
Well, everybody I knew Mike. I knew Mike Woodson wouldn't succeed, and everybody they all you know, they were the third biggest Nile team in the country.
This year and still didn't make the turn.
Their fans were fired up about woods and they can act like they weren't. But when they got him, they thought they'd figured it out. I thought they stood a chance if they got one of the bigger names. Maybe this guy works. But that can't be exciting for Hoo's yours fans.
They can't. Who's up next year?
Mason? How are you? Mason? Hey man? How are you doing today? Doing good? So? I have this running.
Theory that if otaga Oway returns next year, that he will be a candidate for National Player of the Year. Do you think that's a little bit too over ex or do you think that's.
I think he will be one of the people they mentioned in the preseason candidate for National Player of the Year. Do I think otega Oway would be the National Player of the Year next year? Probably not, But do I think they'll mention him as a candidate? I do because he's had a great year, and if he comes back, he'll be one that they mentioned.
Even though I wouldn't say Ryan, I think he would win. Yeah.
I think he's a guy that you know, first team All SEC, preseason things like that. Ever, what he did this year, a guy that when none of us had in the starting lineup ended up being our leading scorer, scored double figures what every.
Game but two? I mean, who saw that? Peters?
I think he can do even better next year.
I think though, that's what they'll be selling them on as being kind of a face of college basketball. I don't know if that'll lead to any awards, but if you look at the people ahead of him on All SEC, they're all, yeah, they're all thirty years old. So I think he'll be maybe the face of the SEC and bigger.
I mean in college basketball in terms of freshman next year, the most high profile profile probably be.
The Boozer guys. Devon said, b Yu eight million dollars. E Yu can't be. It's not gonna be hip.
No one's gonna see the game, So it's probably gonna be the Boozer brothers, and I think Otego will be one of the sort of faces of college basketball next year, So I definitely think they'll sell him on that to try to get him to come back.
I expect he will come back, do you. I would be shocked if he's not back. He doesn't have the shot to go pro yet. Three pointers and then I mean, where else you gonna go at? You're Kentucky and they're gonna take good care of you and make your priorities. So he might enter the draft to go through the waters, or might even hear from people in the portal.
But I'd be shocked if he's not back.
And I think for Pope, he really needs him back because that's that is a centerpiece that you can go then build around. We had no centerpiece this year. We didn't even really get our quote unquote centerpiece until Jackson Robinson was the last guy. You can come in with that guy. I think that would be huge for Mark Pope. If I'm nine, two eighth, twenty two eighty seven, we're here, it's chaos. Bargill take a break at Kentucky Sports Radio. A lot of Milwaukee songs, the song's about beer. Is there anything like what do you?
I mean?
Is there anything about Milwaukee that the average person knows except beer. I mean when you say Milwaukee, it's like beer.
Right, Yeah, because they even Happy Days Arthur Fonzarelli of the Shots Brewery and was Happy Days in Milwaukee. Yeah, Lavernon Shirley, that was on Milwaukee.
I didn't realize I knew him, Lavernon, but I guess that wasn't Lavernon Churry. Was that a spin off of Happyness?
It was?
I think there's a statue of the fawns that I want to go see Milwaukee. Touch the heck yeah yeaher and cheese.
Got some good cheese up there? Oh, I bet there will be good cheese. Yeah, beer cheese, right, you can combine them. Although that's one Chester, Kentucky can't be giving that to walk.
Scottie Scheffler won the Masters, so he gets to pick the Master's dinner and he just released the menu. Okay, I'm gonna read you the menu, Shandon, feel free to jump in.
Is this a good menu for the Master? Remember that they could.
Everybody's wearing jackets and the only people that get to go are the people that have won and their spouses. All Right, appetizers, cheeseburger sliders, serve Scottie style.
What Scottie style in prison? Uh?
Firecracker shrimp with sweet chied chili and saracha mayo. So Papa Scheffler's meat ball and ravioli bike. First course Texas style chili A lot of meat in this main course a wood fired cowboy ribbi or blackened redfish with Jalipino creamed corn.
Sounds like a great deal so far. Dessert warm chocolate chip skillet cookie with a come in, let's go, I am seems like a pretty good menu to me. Great.
I think that all sounds pretty heavy. I think he's gonna feed all everyone playing into that, and he's just gonna sit back, have a little soup, and then be ready to go.
It is pretty heavy if you were to eat all that, if you were to eat the ravioli.
The cheeseburger sliders as an appetizer is.
A heck of an appetizer. If you're gonna have steak is your main course with a.
Bullet chili is footballs? Is he from Texas? Yeah? Texas flavoring. So here's my question.
You win the Masters, probably not gonna happen, but let's say you do, and you get to pick them in you, and remember you're picking them in you, and there'll be fancy chefs cooking whatever you ask for them. So what is your main course, Ryan gonna be at your Master's dinner?
My main course, Uh, it's gotta be some sort of steak, probably from Rodney's.
You mean you're.
Gonna win the Masters and you're gonna bring the steak from Rodney? How about we? Well, first of all, you can't do that because it's at the Master's.
Get it from Linda.
Yeah, no cha, Linda, no chi, Linda steaks prepared like they do it Rodney's. Uh my mom's mashed potatoes, my mom's deviled eggs.
Are you gonna make your mom cook them? Yes?
Uh my grandma's apple pie recipe. She's not alive.
So it's gonna be harder to do. Yeah.
And you know how old ladies when they fix, they don't have anything written down. It's all, you know, a pinch here, scoop there, it's in some mess of stuff. But that's what I'm going with, steak, mashed potatoes, deviled eggs, apple pie.
So that's like the most American generic meal you could have.
I'm American.
These colors don't run baby Patriot.
You are like you kind of epitomize American in some ways.
When Hedeki won a few years ago, his was all Japanese food, was it? So what would you put on yours?
You you're you're usually a more creative Yes, definitely, lots of Mexican food. I feel like I have a high tolerance for that stuff, and I could absolutely just destroy the competition by give them the spicy stuff, several taco options.
Uh, but that would I would go to mex absolutely.
Shanon, I think I would throw Everyboddy off main course Skyline chill also destroying stomachs.
I'll sign for that. I'll co sign on.
Main course skyline chili.
I would give appetizer or chaos bar, wingss bar cheese.
Logs has got to put that on my back here.
I'd have we'd have our folks come down there. But I do think it would throw people off if they had to eat sky Line chili is the main of course. I don't I think.
Everybody walking around with chili all over their face.
Exactly you want to talk about them it hurting them on the round the next day. If you if your stomach is not used to it, you get out there at Whole seven and there's no porta potty.
Then there's other things. What we're playing the long game here? What about you ship?
What about some sushi for like an appetizers, they're.
Gonna go soushush, you know, like those little dumplings that you can get that.
Good, old dude, I don't know what's next door here? Does those dumplings very good? Yep?
Then I'm going kind of with Ryan on steak, baked potato, maybe some like asparagus for a side asparagus and then and then banana croquettes would be my banana croquettes from Bulla County.
So there you go. That's uh, that's our that's our, our master's dinners. What would be your dessert?
I tell you the skillet cookie is a good that's a really good call. I love a good skillet cookie. It makes you feel awful after because it makes you feel like you're getting really fat. But it is a skellet cookie is really really good.
That's probably my favorite dessert. Yeah, make those at home a lot. I kind of agree with you. Who's up neck, Claude, Claude, how are you Claude?
Doing great? Matt Good morning to guys. Listen, I took a golf trip to Wisconsin last summer. Spent about twenty four hours in Milwaukee, and I've got a couple of things to recommend for you guys and the Foenus traveling up. First, go to American Family Field, the home of the Brewers. They have restaurants that are open there year round and it's very easy access. You can drive right up to the enterance go in. They get the team shop and everything, but they also have a simulator golf in there. You can get appetizers, have a beer, and play simulator golf overlooking kind of at the club level the field and that field is awesome, and that stadium is awesome. It's retractable, you know, retractabory.
It's a great what's the other one?
Okay, So Wisconsin has a cultural phenomenon called supper clubs. Before you get too far afield what that could be, they're just restaurants, but sort of the hallmarks of Wisconsin supper clubs are they're meaning like they do fish fries on Friday.
Serve yeah, Saturday, I'm not going to a fish fry.
I mean, remember this, but I'm taking I'm taking these goobers with me. I'm not going to a supper club. Do you understand, like I mean, we're gonna I gotta go somewhere that will let these people in.
Well that's so, That's what I was gonna say. Is their restaurants. You you you'll totally be at home there with your hoodie and your air Jordan's. But they have they have a broader menu than that, and they're they're the atmosphere is cool. They specialize in cocktails and unique atmosphere and appetizers, and it'll this sort of bridges the gap because they won't go to a uh, you know, a museum, but this gets you a culture of the guys.
I know. I appreciate the suggestion.
I appreciate the call, but they're not. First of all, they're not going to go to a supper club, and I'm not taking them to a supper club. My goal is to not be embarrassed on this trip anymore than we'll always do. I got our house, by the way, our our airbnb is the former home of the Wisconsin governors, is it really? It's two different Wisconsin governors have lived in the house that.
We're staying in.
Whoa how about that we splurged a little and got something kind of nice.
Everyone gets their own bedroom.
Slow down, you all gets your own bed.
And now everyone gets their own bedroom. We're growing up. What an amazing move. We'll be right back. It must be pretty.
Smith, personal injury attorney, called TJ.
He'll make them pay.
Now more of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage.
Here's Matt Jones.
Now, who is this, Shane? I have no idea?
Who is George Jones?
Is this George Jones?
Ear George Jones?
Me a walk from Wow?
That's why you could all go to old George Jones Milwaukee song.
There's more Milwaukee songs than I ever thought they were INNY.
I didn't think they were in either.
He if I'm nine two eight, twenty two eighty seven Wings day here at Chaos Bar and Grill.
Did you know the baseball season has started? The spring training games has started? Yeah? No, there's been two real games? Has there been two real games?
Dodgers and the Cubs have already played two games. The Cubs are already owing.
Two real games. Yes, real games. Gonna be the earliest start ever. They do this every year just nobody pays attention.
They play in Japan Otani when he was on the Angels, the Angels play.
Now he's on the Dodgers. They play, they get these.
Massive crowds, like massive crowds, and the Dodgers are two and zero and the Cubs are owing two already the season has already started.
So as like next week when you get your Reds Opening Day and all the games start over here.
Or is that the games start? The opening day for the Reds is next Thursday. Okay, so getting to play at Indy by us getting to play in Indianapolis, I'm gonna get to go to opening Day, whereas I didn't think I would if we made the Sweet sixteen.
So that's good.
It's always kind of tricky for you because, yeah, you want Kentucky to still be alive in the tournament, yet you hate to miss opening Day, which usually kind of conflicts with them.
All Right, we got to talk about Cooper Cooper High School here for just a second.
Wait a minute, somebody say, yes, oh that was her.
Cooper High School last you may remember, fired their head coach because they said he had a bad culture that made his players not want to play for him and that the whole thing was a bad place, but they were still really good and they fired him with like four or five weeks left in the season. His wife went on Facebook. She complained people it felt like the community. I don't know if it felt like the community was not happy about it. But then again, I don't live there, so maybe there were some people happy. I don't know, but there was certainly a controversy about them firing. They go to the regional last night was a reasonal championship, Cooper wins. They wont, So Cooper is now in the sweet sixteen. They'll be coming here to Lexington and the crowd it was a full crowd and they were chanting culture, culture or something like that. The players and the coach were dancing around. So this is now like the story of the Sweet sixteen as a coach who has already fired, has taken his team to the sweet sixteen and has been fired for poor performance even though they are going to the sweet sixteen.
What do you make of that? Drew?
If I'm not mistakeing, was was he the coach of the year in the region two before this?
Maybe it wasn't.
But regardless, if the fans and players are cheering culture and they've they're moving on. It seems like a terrible hire not knowing the specifics behind the scenes or firing but not on the pacifics. How do you let go a guy that has him such a great season?
So do you flip it? So do you bring him back? I mean do you bring him back? Like wake?
What does he have to do? Like if he were to win the state championship? Would they have to bring I mean you have to bring him.
Back right almost up leaning now, you got to bring him back. Now you take that team to the sweet sixteen, I mean eighties and coaches we even had it here for a couple of years. They don't get along sometimes, but yet you still have for them and good to win games. Well the coach has done that, he's one game going to sweet sixteen. I think you got to bring him back.
Now here's what you do. You bring him back and you fire the a D for firing.
Them the dumbause in this city, that's a good question.
Can you bring I mean, can the a D bring him back? And still no, couldn't be the same ad.
I don't think so. I saw I wouldn't want to work for him. I wouldn't want to come back to him.
If he let me go.
See, I don't know if I would either, And chances are he'll get another.
Job after this is over, probably a.
Good one, but I mean there I think one of the great things about Kentucky, and this is true probably everywhere, but I see it more Kentucky. There are a lot of controversies that don't make the news. For instance, how many of you knew that Bria High School, like the students.
Have walked out today? What's that about? I don't know. I just saw. I just got a message the students are walking out.
In Maria, there was apparently some message like ten teachers lost their jobs and the superintendent who's retiring took took first class fly to whatever like it's fall. But little things like that they're a big deal in those communities, right like they may seem little every where else, but if you live there, that's a big deal. And that's kind of happening right now with Cooper.
That's gotta be the number one story and for the whole region. The guy that they ady try to get rid of now leads them to the Sweet sixteen. To me, that's a big story.
It's a big story. Now. We have not talked about this yet and that's on me. We should have.
UK women have not only made the tournament, they are hosting the tournament. Friday, they play at noon against Liberty. Liberty and they and they are at noon. Now I would say, are like, go, okay, the first game obviously go, but then we would play probably Kansas State on Sunday. I really hope if the NCAA has any credibility, they can't put those games on at the same time. Like the Kentucky's men's game and women's game should not be at the same time.
Or even really close to each other.
If we're gonna host here, we need to be able to have our fans there. The women have suffered from the fact they've made them play at the same time as the men like three.
Times this year. They cannot do it in the second round of the tournament if that.
Happened, Do they consider that, like man, the.
Men's game will be scheduled just because of television.
Yes, so like the men's television will be on.
So it's it's gonna be up to the NCAA with the women to because Kentucky Kansas state with the women will not be a huge TV draw, so they've got to make sure they schedule it around so that fans can.
Go drough to that game.
Yeah, Friday works out enough. You can watch them at noon and then get it geared up for the men's game. I hope they don't put them up against each other in the second round. You mentioned all these other fan bases taken over our bar, evenbody going to Memorial, and we could have a fun free party here for that group too well, So.
If you if you come to, if you want to, we're gonna show the women's.
Game here Friday day.
We'll have all the men men's game as well, but we'll have the women's game with sound at noon from noon to two, and then all the men's games will be on, but the sound will be the women.
And you know, they haven't been in this spot in a long time, but I'm fired up for it. You know, Kenny and Georgia have already been to a Final four, so they've got some experience. She's still my favorite player on campus, including the men's team. I know we're going to Milwaukee to follow the men, but I'm just as excited to track them too.
Court Physical Therapy.
If you need physical therapy, go to I haven't done this when yelp, go to court dot com. That's KRT dot com. No reason to be in pain. With court Physical Therapy over seventy locations around the state, there's one near you feel better. No reason to walk around hurt, and most insurance companies we'll pay for it. Go to court dot com. That's KRT dot com. When we come back, we'll preview the games tonight and get ready. We head off to Milwaukee at one o'clock.
Are you packed? I am packed. That's got some dog, dude, I need to take care of her dogs out.
What does this say? I'm gonna walk all over Where do you get these shirts? Sure? These don't look official.
This is like from ninety five that says Kentucky Basketball, we just walked all over you.
Yeah, that was there. That was their thing.
That one you so that shirts from nineteen ninety So you've kept that.
Shirt since nineteen ninety five.
I think somebody gave it to me.
Well, it fits like it probably fit well in nineteen ninety five.
What's on the back? They're walking all there's footprints. OK, I get it. We're walking all over.
Actually, there would be a lot of people that would like that shirt road where that reminds me of the poem footprints.
And we'll take a break.
What was it, Gal said, I was walking and saw footprints in the sand and remind me of the poem footprints in the sand.
That was now fairy tweets of all time. We'll take a break, right backscaz oh walk it.
Welcome back, final segment here Kentucky Sports Radio. We take off on our trip to Milwaukee. On the way, if you have had like good restaurant recommendation, maybe an hour short of Chicago, that's probably when we'll be ready to eat dinner, all right, yeah, or like because we're going, we're gonna try to. We're not going into Chicago, so somewhere off the interstate on the way to Milwaukee, if you got it, don't tell me that sports bar in Lafia, Indiana's y'all always.
Suggest because it was terrible.
I mean there were there were people still smoking from the eighties in there. I'm not doing that again. Every time I drive that way, somebody tells me to eat there, and the food was good, but like literally I felt like I got lung cancer, just sitting in there for thirty for thirty.
Minutes, you found us a good was it an Indian or a tie place in Seattle. We're gonna do one of those again while we're in Milwaukee.
I think it was Drew that found that.
No, it's good.
Oh you mean the Indian place? Yeah, No, I Drew and I got the food. You let us handle that. You just we just need a place on the way the way on the way there. If I'm nine to twenty two eighty seven, I was saying to Drew, if I was in Lexington tomorrow night, I don't know if I would go to the Louisville in Tennessee game because I wouldn't want to deal with their fans. But I would definitely go to that ninety five you toss State Ucla game where it's gonna be empty.
I think it would be awesome to be in there. You probably could sit.
On the front row, because I mean, no one's gonna be there for that game you toss State in Ucla.
But I would definitely go.
I can't imagine two teams farther away but closer to each other that have to come across the country to play each other.
If we weren't going to Milwaukee and I didn't have to follow Kentucky, I'd probably just sit there for all the games. Honestly, how often does the NSAA tournament come up to your backyard? I would have already gone on Amazon and got my Crton T shirt overnighted just in time to boo Louisville. I would have absolutely cheered on the teams playing our rivals.
And if Louisville wins Saturday.
If Louisville wins and on Saturday, you could buy a ticket to boo Louisville and boo Tennessee in the in the same session. I mean you could go cheer Auburn and cheer say Ucla and literally boo Louisville and Tennessee with one payment.
Ryan. Of course, I would win a g.
That's a good afternoon.
That's right.
You come here first, pregame, go there, boo, the two teams come back to the post game, watch us the next boom boo.
That's a great day, boom out of the ring.
I will say, if you get Auburn, Louisville, Tennessee and Ucla in a session, that's a pretty awesome set of teams.
To be able to pay and watch play one game, right. Heck yeah, that's why.
I know a lot of people that had tickets before the draw came out. They just wanted to go to up to watch tournament basketball, and that ended up being one of the better pods you can get.
All right, let's go. It's time for DraftKings.
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If you have a given problem called one hundred Gambler eighteen plus Kentucky only, helsber exply new customers only. Both expire one hundred and sixty eight hours of trade issues for additional terms Responsible Game and Resource DKG, dot CO slash audio. I don't know any number, except I can tell you that these bonus bets expire one hundred and sixty eight hours after issuance. I in my head, no, one hundred and six eight hours after issue. Let's make our picks for tonight. Mount Saint Mary's. Shannon plays American in the first four, Americans a two and a half point favorite. Before I tell you our friend Dwayne uh his wife is the assistant dean at American.
If that makes a difference, I'm gonna pick American. I mean, why would you not pick American. We're all American, right.
That's exactly what we all said, we are all Americans. So I will pick American to beat Mount Saint Mary's.
What about you?
I think I'm gonna go with Mount Saint Mary's because they have a player named Xavier Lipscomb, which are two tournament teams, and I just found that to be very interesting. So, I mean, just because that's the only thing I know about them, I'm chearing for Xavier Lipscomb.
Interally, what it even so? His name Xavier Lipscomb?
Yes, what other names could a player have that are two tournament teams?
Drake? Drake?
What's another tournament team that could be a Drake? And Lamar could have a little Lamar didn't make the tournament though, Robert Morris.
That's true. That's just one name though.
Is there another school you could combined with Drake to make a name Drake Kentucky.
Mohan's coming to mind, Troy Troy Drake, Troy Drake. Yeah, is there Troy Drake out there? Who you got? Mount Saint Mary's are American?
Just my loyalty to mister d Wayne. I'm going with American.
Xavier in Texas.
This is a game where we might end up playing the winner potentially in round two. Xavier is a three and a half point favored against the SEC. Does the SEC come out strong and show that it deserved fourteen bids?
What do you got? I think so?
I think Trey John's gonna be a difference maker. They finished slightly strong. I think they won three out of four or something in the year. So I'll go with Texas even though they're getting points.
I mentioned this earlier. I've got Xavier, dave I McKnight Kentucky, mister basketball. He's like their best player. So I'm going Xavier to win this game tonight.
I think these teams are pretty much even if the game. If the teams are even and you're giving me three and a half points, I'll take the three and a half points and I'll take Texas.
What about you shan, Yeah, we're gonna put fourteen teams in for the conference.
You gotta have some wins.
Can't make us look bad Texas, So I'm gonna go with Texas tonight.
There's a lot of people now making the debate. Is Rick Patino the greatest coach of all time? I think the answer to that is no. I think the greatest two are in some order Skrzyzewski and wouldn't. But would you put Patino in what I call group two? Group two to me is like Dean Smith, Bobby Knight eightolf for up, maybe Roy Williams, but definitely Dean Smith eightolf for up and Bobby Knight. Would you put Rick Patino in group two?
Right there? Just to give just to give you the numbers.
He's gonna take his sixth team to the NCAA Tournament, first coach to ever do that. If they makes the Sweet sixteen, he'll be the fifth team he's taken the Sweet sixteen. No coach has ever done that. He's taken three teams to Final four, No coach has ever done that. So would you put Rick Patino as one of the six best coaches of all time?
I would just even if Saint John's doesn't make it to the final four. I still think he deserves it. He's in that group.
Yeah, without hesitation. I mean he even took Iona to the tournament twice in two years. There's a graphic going around that shows the record at every school when he took over, and then the record two years later, and it's pretty amazing the turnaround. He's done it every single job.
So yeah, that's what in there, that's what makes it so impressive. I mean, woodn't in Tchouzshwsky did it all at one school. Patino has done it everywhere he's gone. And if he's stayed at Kentucky, you know telling how many championships he would have had.
Look, I've been one of Rick's harshest critics, but just break down his career, all right, goes to Providence, they were never good before and they've never been good since, and he.
Takes him to the final four.
Yep, people forget that with the Knicks, he actually had success, like they were good. He left, comes to Kentucky. We were at the lowest moment in our program's history. Scholarship restrictions, no players, two years, no television.
Think about that.
Two years, no television, and he ends up three years later putting this in maybe the greatest college basketball game of all time, which we almost beat, maybe one of the best college basketball teams of all time, ends up winning a national title.
It's runner up the next year Louisville.
Right, Louisville was I mean, we loved Denny Crumble was a legend, but he had it had fallen apart at the end. Takes him from nothing, wins the national championships. Yeah, there were prostitutes and other things, but you know what, he still he still went and won the national championship. Dude, coaches in Greece. He goes all the way across the world, coaches in a country that he can't even speak the language, and they win the title as well. And then he goes to Iona that hadn't been to the tournament in twenty five years. First year he gets there, they lose in the championship. Next two years they go to the tournament, and now Saint John's, which hadn't won the Big East in thirty years. In his second year, he wins the regular season and the conference championship. That's amazing. The only place he failed was with the Celtics. Everywhere else he went he was successful except the sum.
What he's done here with with Saint John's has made them relevant again. They haven't been good in what twenty five years or so. He's got them now where they are. They got to be a dark horse to win it all. I mean, I think they're really, really good. They do the one thing you gotta do to win championships, and they play great defense, but.
They don't shoot, so I don't think they're gonna win the title.
But until they hit like thirteen in rowd the other in the championship game, did they Yeah?
I just he he may not be like he may not be a great dude, but again, when you're talking about who's the best, like, that's really not I mean, Barry Bond's the best hitter.
I'm not saying he's a great dude, but it doesn't make.
Him not a great hitter. I don't know how you can't say it. And I think what he's done at Saint John's. He's seventy one years old, and the rules, the rules of basketball have completely changed. Like Tony Bennett, Jay Wright, Mike Krzyzewski, Jim laher Naga, all these dudes have failed because they're like, I can't handle this change and rip Patino has not only handled it, he's excelled at it.
That's amazing.
Yeah, there's several examples of coaches that couldn't adapt. I think there's some right now where learning aren't able to adapt. Some big names I think are gonna just keep fizzling out. We might have just had one recently, but Patino changed the rules on I'm throwing a three point line, throwing anil whatever. He's found a way to make it work everywhere he's been.
He was the first coach to really embrace shooting the three at the college level, and he did that here.
Now everybody does it.
He was the first coach to press and for a while it worked amazingly. Now it's kind of falling out of favor, but he was the first one to do it. And now he's not the first person to do nil, but he's excelling at it. And he's also now the first coach to go I ain't recruiting high school guys, what's the point. I'm just gonna go get transfers. I hate to admit it, but he's not number one or two. That's Shryzchevskier would. But Shannon makes a good point. Ryan, he's had to do it at five different schools.
And they're gonna be probably better even next year. You know, now that he's got this success under his belt, he's doing it with these guys he just got. Now they've got success, he can back it up, go out and be even better next year.
And I was at that game. I was at his first game. I've told this before, but I was his first game at Saint John's. I just happened to be in New York City. I went out to Queen's and went to the game, and when I walked in, the first five rows of my section were all dudes that look like they could be extras in the Sopranos. They were all in suits and they had to slick back hair. And I said to myself, this dude's gonna win here like he has. He basically has the botty boom in the first five.
Rows of this arena. They're gonna win. And he's ended up doing Ryan's right. They're gonna keep winning.
That area is so fully yeah, so full of talent, But there hadn't been the teams to keep him home. Now, he can go to these kids, say you want to play in a sold out garden and in regular season games, and they also have an endless budget up there. I think he's just gonna keep making them even better.
All right, So tomorrow we will be doing the show from Milwaukee. Watch on social media. We're gonna be posting content throughout our trip. Our boss has said, we're going to use this to show how our other shows how you do social media on a road trips.
Are you ready for that? Let's do it. Let's do it.
Thank you all very much for coming this morning. Really appreciate it. Let's get ready. It's the best time of year.