More KSR Live from the Kentucky High School Sweet 16.
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Welcome to two of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage. Now Here's Matt Jones.
Welcome back, I number two Kentucky Sports Radio. Here live at the high school Sweet sixteen. The greatest show in hoops, says, has just tipped off.
Bowling Green and Adair County.
The Adair County crowd is right next to our mike, so you're probably gonna hear them for the next hour or so. Bowling Green head fans show up, but the Adair County wins the crowd to support by a lot.
We'll see if they end up winning the game, right.
Then, I'll tell you what I would be peeing my pants. I mean, I was nervous.
It's just enormous normal day for you.
I was kind of nervous just sitting here as they get ready to tip it off. I just love it so much. If I was on that court for some game like that.
Why do you you really are? Like you're like me on the Bracket Show, but about this? Why do you love it so much?
I think just because you know, I my dad was a high school coach. I really but I grew up going to high school games every day of my life. When we go to a kid I was in high school basketball all was about up and I wish I just wish one time I could have played in a big game like this.
Yeah, we were just saying, I think I think I would be the tallest player on the.
Court if they if I went out there.
You would have been the tallest player in the court in this game.
Well six nothing bowling greens. So a Derek County is gonna have to uh is gonna have to get better quickly. All right, So let's talk about a second about the port Old Drew. It opened yesterday. A lot of people got it. I think twelve hundred people are in it, which is an unbelievable amount. As far as for the men's team, a lot of names come you're gonna hear, but I think the ones that stick out the most, and I'm remembering no one's name but the kid from Robert Morris, who I think I would have a hard time pronouncing either way. Is I know a guy Kentucky once a lot. The kid from sam Houston State that shoots threes averages like twenty a game. The kid from Tulane, I think his name's Cam Williams is a guard that I know they like. And then everybody wants that point guard from New Mexican whose name escapes me as well. Why don't you give us some names to go along with my generic descriptions.
Donovan dent is the one from New Mexico that everyone wons. He's the number one guy in the portal right now, average twenty a game. He's gonna have a huge price tag. I mean, Kentucky has reached out. You know, I don't have a lot of confidence that it's still early, but he's gonna be maybe one of the most expensive players.
He's probably gonna be the.
You know, I mean, there's still other guys that can get in, but he he's gonna be Donovan dent Is. He was, you know, commerce player of the year there. He's gonna be the top guy probably in the portal if.
They can afford him. Maybe he follows Richard d. Xavier Duke's in the mix. A lot of big guys for Kentucky so far. There's the the magoon Gwathe from San Diego State freshman.
He looks kind of raw, like it might might be a couple of years.
If you get put him with Garrison, maybe you have something your boy. Elijah Freeman from Lincoln Memorial. They've reached out to him as we said last week, all kinds of the the you know B's guard d Dan Thomas.
I think, yeah, that's another thing they've reached out to.
But it's very clear I'm gonna look for a ball handling replacement for Lamont Butler with some defense and then a big guy inside who can defend or high priorities.
The person that I've heard Kentucky like maybe feels the I don't want to say, feels the best about like they know they're gonna get him. But the one they're most advanced on is the kid from Robert Morris. You said, mister Scoop scuttle, but here you said, you got something similar, right.
The message I got from the guy who is never wrong, never wrong. He said, you want to keep an eye on this guy from Robert Morris.
A kid from Robert Morris, so from from Spain.
He's from Spain, which I like, you know, I I would live in Spain.
Yeah, like I I'm.
Not gonna say I definitely will live in Spain, but I could see myself living in Spain like many years, like down.
The road Kentucky Spain Radio.
Yeah, uh, but but tell me he's so this guy's Spanish.
He's like six'.
Nine he's a great. Shooter where In.
Spain is he? From does it? Say? DON'T i don't know Where if you can find, That i'd like to, know BECAUSE I, i you, Know I'm i'm kind of looking at an international.
Traveler but he but he's a big dude who can shoot, threes and you could just if you watch any of his type and he played well Against.
Bama if you.
Watch any of his his, tape he looks like a guy who could play In Pope's this maybe a replacement for Car.
That's WHAT i was gonna. Say he's An Andrew carr two point. Zero it seems like the same, size good shooter from the. Outside not a, big strong dude by any, Means but they don't they don't need that In pope's.
Offense he had fifteen and ten Against. Bama he's From, Malaga. Spain, oh he's From.
Malaga, yeah it's like a it's like a beach.
Town, yeah, dude you, know.
Well let's go over there and do a little background research on anything to get.
You to go walk with me In. Spain and you were, like, Oh i'm, OLD i can't do. Anything jacob Interviewed Tulane Cam.
Williams every TIME i see his, name And i've seen it fifty, TIMES i read it As Cat. Williams it's really thrown me. Off BUT i hope we Get Kat williams.
Yeah so, SO i, MEAN i do think this stuff's gonna move a lot quicker than it did last. Year you remember we didn't get the word On Jackson robinson until the end Of. May at this point last, year you got to remember.
We didn't even Have Mark.
Pope it's, true, RIGHT i mean we Still Mark pope was like we were still at this moment last year we just found Out cow was.
Leaving, well at this moment last, YEAR i was at The sweet sixteen wondering why the coaching staff was down the street and not at the game Watching Travis. PERRY i remember that very. Well, yeah and we mentioned The North cota. Guy But Eagle staff is high on everyone's priority list two And kentucky's already reached out to.
Him SO i will you, KNOW i think this will be a hectic off.
Season who do you think is certainly back For?
Kentucky So i'll just go, personally IF i if you had to say who's the guy that you would put the most money on his back next? Year who would it be you have to put your life on them coming? Back who is?
It Colin? Chandler really, Yeah i'd say if you're out of the, guys ONE i would for sure be a. LOCK i, think, yeah you're gonna say CHANNL i, Say, chandler what about?
You i'm going otega o. Way.
OKAY i think all three of these guys are. BACK i Think Brandon garrison is definitely. Back, Yes Travis, PERRY i don't know for. SURE i think HE'S i don't. KNOW i, Mean i'm Not i'm not doing that to make. NEWS i just don't know one way or the, other CAUSE i feel like those four GUYS i feel very confident about coming.
Back Before chandler's, breakout when he was just kind of sitting on the, bench we weren't seeing a lot of, HIM i wondered what his future would. Be but now that he's played so, well it looks like he'll be a big piece moving. Forward and then the fiance posting about moving To.
KENTUCKY i, mean.
Girlfriend is.
Undefeated that is that feels like a pretty good.
Thing so you so we've got three freshmen coming in at this. Moment, uh you've got the five four maybe, Five so you think, SO i, mean we're probably gonna take four or five dudes in the, portal, right.
And you think one's got to be a point, guard one's got to be a big.
Guy you're definitely gonna get a point. Guard you're definitely gonna get An Andrew carr kind of big. Guy you might get another big. Guy you're definitely gonna go get an ace three point. Shooter and THEN i think you're just looking for like an all around stuck, Yeah AND i think if you can find, that then you consider it a perfect.
RUN i really think they might need four starters to put WITH o Way jasper's, close BUT i wondering about his. Defense it's just so hard to tell him that ot he's been scoring very.
Well and then.
Maybe Brandon garrison is your starting. Center BUT i STILL i think THEY i THINK i would go shopping with the intentions of maybe four.
STARTERS i do, too BUT i.
Think pope is gonna Think garrison is the. CENTER i Think pope is very very high On, garrison SO i would BE i think If I'M i Think pope probably looks at it and, SAYS i, have oh, WAY i Have, garrison AND i have two other guys who could be, starters which Is jasper And Colin. Chandler but he's gonna look for other guys probably to Get that's just HOW i would bet he.
Looks a good thing About garrison is he probably doesn't run off another center.
TARGET i mean he's.
Good probably, not BUT i mean someone that's really, Talented Having Brandon garrison on the roster probably gonna keep you, away especially When pope only plays guys twenty twenty five minutes a.
Game Richard patino was hired At.
Xavier what do you think about The louisville to save your pipeline.
CONTINUES i, mean he really did well At New. MEXICO i mean he kind of earned the right, to you, know make a, move and So i'm you, know he was a senior one of my first year here on The Lexic calague basketball. Team got to know him just a little bit before he took. Off i'm for. Him i'm for him.
Means you're gonna Get rick Versus richard next year in The. East that's kind of, exciting isn't.
It that was everybody's big.
Takeaway but, honestly the MOMENT i Saw richard To Xavier, NEWS i, Thought Rick patino is going to retire to horse farm In georgetown and just go To pope And.
Richard that's. True he could live halfway through after a.
Couple of years of playing his son in The Big east is moving to this.
Area and as long As richard's still, THERE i could see him In georgetown going to on The Chicken finger. Restaurant he likes.
Horses so that my initial takeaway was we were just gonna get even More Rick patino in this area Between cincinnati And. Lexton but it's it's it'll make The Big east, evens Putting Big east on.
The map even.
More he had a great season this. Year now you Add richard to the fold eight eighty.
Seven who's up? Next, Shit, Jerry, jerry go, Ahead jerry okay.
MAN i got two quick, things.
Buddy the first, THING i need to know who you guys are going be At fridays In.
Napolis and the second thing The Lord kids being recruited By bellermine In louisville And Campbellsville bellermine AND i seen he plays first the season and gets on our high school team At Coming county and he's the real.
Deal thanks for taking my, call but appreciate the. Call So Connor Roy lloyd is uh what number is?
Fourteen just? Scored he just.
Scored Adack county leads thirteen to. Eleven so he's going to Maybe. Bellermine who's the coach Of? Bellermine, now, Well Scotty davenport's.
Son oh, yeah It's Scotty davenport's. Son uh huh, okay number.
Five for there already has six points five rebounds barely end of this.
Game dude's making some big.
Contributions now, well thirteen eleven again you if you're at kspar you can watch it prep spin or just listen to the noise in the. Background here we are right behind The Adair county. Bench which guy's the coach? There that dude right, there dude's sitting in the. Chair dude who's sweating as if he's?
Playing, yes you.
Know drew's a former trumpet. Player couldrew maybe just the. Trombonebone i'm sorry, TRUMP i was the trumpet. Player, okay would you got a star part of the?
Band we could?
Good IF i REMEMBER i lost my ambishure and when WHEN i got braces which may be a little hard for, me but, Yes drew AND i could play trumpet and trombone and go join The Adair county.
Some drums bang. On you guys could jump right in there with.
Them But Dare county has like nine hundred and thirty. CHEERLEADERS i mean like that's a lot of cheerleaders for our high school.
Team they have a good turnout of. It here an awesome. Turnout nice job By Derek. County, alright who's? Next Kai, kai go, Ahead kai five eighty. Seven, hey, guys how you doing doing? Good?
HEY i have a question for all the guys and a quick.
One for, You.
Matt just the personal question for all the. Guys what do you think our turnout's going to be In Indian?
Athletes lucien to.
You guys In, milwaukee it really sounded like you guys were disappointed in the.
Tournament, well, Well i'll let you do your second question a. SECOND i think it's gonna be. HUGE i MEAN i know a lot of people. Going you, know when my mom said she wanted to, GO i mean like she's never want to go to. ANYTHING i think it's gonna be. Huge, NOW i think tickets are gonna be a huge. ISSUE i, mean like tickets are gonna be, expensive can be hard to. Get BUT i do think we're gonna have a big crowd There friday, night don't.
You i've talked to a guy last, night him and eleven of his. Buddies there's twelve of. Them they just decided let's. Go their tickets aren't the, greatest but they don't care just to be in the, building to be a part of. That AND i think there's gonna be a lot Of kentucky fans do the same thing just to be.
YEAH i know several people Going. Milwaukee you, know it is what it. IS i wouldn't really call it. Disappointing it's just when you're that close To illinois And. Chicago we knew we're gonna be out numbered coming off The nashville, trip BUT i think it's just gonna be absolutely packed With kentucky fans In annapolis in the second.
YEAH i do think there's a bigger like first and second round issue going, forward which is we just to all go To, nashville and then it's hard to get everybody to go the next, week AND i don't know what if that's just gonna be how it is for a. While what's your second, thing, O, Kai, yeah guess what's your second?
Question go? Ahead? Uh are you from town That i'm not from No, town although THEY'RE i appreciate the.
Call that's no.
Town that's a part Of. Middlesborough it's called No. Town LIKE i don't know why it's called that because it's spelled In Oe. Town but it's like a part Of middlesborough kind of like. Back it's where you start to get in the hollers and it's called No. Town it's where they, do uh the.
Preacher but you got the hose In, Middlesboro now you got the nose In.
Middlesborough you don't have to talk about the women Of. Middlesborough i'm not. Ladies they. Are they are.
Pete you're you're talking about the people.
Who make the metal sewage. Covers sewage. Covers, yeah the. Hose, oh the whole, family very whole.
Family and they got The no. Family it's not a, family it's a part of. Town is it like a, Neighborhood, yeah it's a lot Of no's lived.
There, no it's Just No.
Town well they call it No town THEN i just said to.
START i don't, KNOW i don't know why they call it, that but it's a part of. Town it's one of the precincts in the. Elections that was always where the shady stuff went. Down oh it was wait like you had to wait in the city elections For No town to come in because there was always the thought that maybe there was some like horse trading going on and they were waiting to see the. Results so you always you couldn't breathe easily until The No town precinct came in on election.
NINE i, See No town has the Shortest wikipedia Page i've ever.
Seen it's one. Sentence what does it? Say No town is.
An unincorporated community In Bell, County kentucky.
Units oh wait a.
Minute they're not Saying No town is part Of. Middlesborough it says In Bell. County, SEE i thought Of No town as part Of. Middlesborough maybe it's its. Own maybe that's why they were so wild over, there is they consider themselves an unincorporated. Entity, well, Uh Hinsley's Chapel church was out In Notto.
Town, yeah lots of good stuff In.
Notown, hey five nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven corn Bred.
Hemp they probably would be against. That In.
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Awesome go to cornbreadhimp dot. Com promo code half. Off we'll take a break and be right. Back it is thirteen thirteen at the end of the first. Quarter It's Kentucky Sports. Radio there you.
Go No, Town No Town ay five nine two twenty two eighty.
SEVEN i teach you a lot About Bellkim you GOT, rj you Got Kettle, island you got, freaks got Chain, rock you got Chain, rock you got no, town.
Got bloodgates In Pineville. Junction these are all communities In Bill carroll.
Parts Of Bell. County everybody kind of takes their own, thing, Right.
Fondie, well they ever consolidate, school they would the school like probably one.
DAY i hope not because in my school will go. Away, yeah but BUT.
I would, SAY i, mean there aren't that many independent schools left that are just city, schools but we we have two OF.
I mean we're one of the few school.
Districts where are the few counties in the state that has three school districts.
Because pineville is its own school district, Too yeah it.
Is it is for the big county school is the big school and you got the two little city. Schools.
YEAH i want to give a shout out TO.
Khsaa you know sometimes when you go to these tournaments shin and they give you like little. Gifts usually it's like a key chain or you, Know shannon, well you know WHAT i, mean or like a zip drive or. Something here they gave us like an old school camping.
Lamp so think about like when you watch The Christmas carol And, ebony.
Their screws will carry a. Lamp to show you know What i'm talking, about hold it by a. Handle this is a k h S a a camping. Lamp which is THAT i have to, Say i've never been given this. Gift what do you think about? This you just pull it up and then the light comes on and it's a camping LAN i.
Think electricity goes out there you go.
PULL i think it's super cool AND i am so glad THAT i got.
One you taking it with you to use the bathroom in the middle of the.
Night why. Not you don't want to trip over dog toys or shoes on.
Floor dog toys just in the.
Floor dogs they don't put their stuff, up but they're supposed. To they don't know where ye put your toys?
Up all, Right so we were picking. Games we're now to the part of the. Bracket it looks like it's mostly The Eastern kentucky. Teams tomorrow at eleven a. M North LAUREL uh Plays Breathitt. County Breathat county pulled off a big. Upset it was supposed to be hazard In Breathitt. County, Uh Bloody breathitt pulled the. Upset who you in this?
ONE A Breathat county's got a kid Named Austin. Sperry i've watched him since he was in middle. School he's kind of a flashy point. Guard they've made good. Shoes they do make good. Shoes coming back To North laurel kind of a surprise. Winner South laurel was the favorite to win the thirteenth. Region but once, again even without Reed, shephard Here's North laurel again in.
The sweet sixteen or who do you take?
It i'm gonna Take i'm gonna Take Breathe.
County, okay all, right what about? You once?
AGAIN i just want to Say i'm impressed With Ryan stolids with the. Roster he's named a player on every. Team we're assuming they're actual. People, YEAH i Mean Austin. Sperry he might have just, said Like Bill, reebok it may or may not be a person that, exists but go. Ahead i'm gonna go With North. Laurel though even though the, breath the breath and breakdown you gave was. Good we just have a history with that regional tournament With North, laurel AND i think they'll win this.
Game i'm gonna take the thirteenth region and go With North. Laurel what about, You Shif.
Austin, Sperry Tyler schedulers give me?
Breath does?
It Dare county have the shortest coaching staff ever put. Together it's like that coach is very short or that referee is very.
TALL i think not sure what it.
Is the referee is like six to six, coaches like five.
SIX i have beef for The derek because the guy that did the too slow on my handshake is one of their assistant.
COACHES i thought it was like a Kh this goes and shows you How ryan.
Lies this guy came up and did the too slow With Drew, shannon And ryan goes he works with THE. Khsaa, no he's the A Darek county assistant.
COACH i just think you just make things.
UP i thought he WAS khsa. GUY i didn't.
Know i'm just trying to impress.
Guys ryan is.
Just gonna sit here and talk about like he's gonna say things that aren't. True Lawrence county Plays Montgomery. County Montgomery county has only made The sweet sixteen once in like thirty five. Years but they upset What Mason county and got it in THE jr or G r excuse, me and they Play Lawrence, county which of course is Where Tyler childers was.
Born Lawrence county is the best story in the. Tournament they lost in the first round of the district tournament and here they are on The sweet sixteen because the fifteenth regions got that they expanded region turn.
The thing that mom went off on on. TikTok REMEMBER i told you you like this ain't fair fifteenth three ageons days super bracket AND i don't like, it and like she went crazy like she was and then LIKE i watched. It so THEN i got the follow up post and ghost it's still. Happening the world needs to. Know AND i was like all, right and it ended. UP i think she must not have Liked lawrence.
Camp let's be.
Agains Lawrence county lost first round the. District every other team's turning in their. Jerseys season's. Over they keep playing in up the sweet? Sixteen are they going to Beat? Montgomery, No Montgomery county will. Win Cayden reid became eligible In. January AND i heard that kid's name for fifteen Years. Yden this is his third?
School is he the one that his dad has?
Coached and then someone else coached and then shas and he went To augusta and then he went to AM i right about?
That yeh, Yeah, Augusta Bracken, County Mason. County now he's In Montgomery.
County he's like The devin ask you of going to of going to high. School he.
Hit he hit the three that BEAT grc in the region, finals though.
He's banked it in, Right, okay who you?
Got just BECAUSE i liked, That ryan, Says. Moco i'm gonna go With Moco. CREED i, mean that was one of the best shots of the regional. Tournaments i'm gonna assume he stays.
Hot from my Friend Sarah, JEFFERSON i will Take she's a person you.
Got ryan may not have any idea what he's talking, about but he seems like he knows what he's talking. About So i'm going to Follow ryan's pick Of.
County, yeah whether he knows or not to speak. Confidently who's, Next, Sean, sean go, Ahead.
Sean, hey, Guys first of, all if there is a guy Named Bill reebot somewhere in the, concrete the husband being an athlete are probably not.
Good he's probably a software.
Developer but, DECLY i want to give my good friend and former college, Teammate Tim. Felton i'm you guys are probably going to talk about that at some, Point but the imagine that being told three months ago you're you're not going to have your contract, renewed and then doing what he's, done and then trying to put on a happy face and keeping the culture the same as what it was to begin with and kind of stoving it in everybody's. Face that's exactly what he's, done and he's done it with clap And i'm proud of him And i'm, proud proud to be associated with, him AND i think that's the story everybody needs to get on and get behind because it's.
Incredible And i'll hang.
Out, well we'll talk about. That that's The cooper. Coach we'll talk about that when we get to that. Game BUT i appreciate the. Call who's, Next let's go To. Joe, JOE i got a, minute go, Ahead.
MATT i just wanted to talk about THE. Ncaa, brackett if we Meet alabama in the fire.
If we Meet alabama win.
And he cut, out not?
Here all? Right, yeah, WELL i, mean, yeah what do you say.
If we Meet alabama in the final, four they would have to beat us for the fourth.
Time, yeah, WELL i appreciate the. Call if we get to that, point Then i'll be so, Thrilled. DREW i won't care about the fact THAT i don't think we can.
Probably beat, him But i'll take. IT i know, It.
Kentucky we don't surrender, anyone but you get to the final. Four health care of what happens from.
THERE i don't care, whoat won't.
Worry we'll cross that bridge when we get To we're gonna take a, break come right. Back eighteen nineteen. Eighteen here at The REPERINA.
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Issueans for additional term responsible gaming resources SEE dk and g dot co slash. AUDIO i never got the old man lines for these high school.
Games oh they're?
Out where are?
They what was the line for this? One it's twenty to nineteen bowling green and a.
HALF i think it was a bowling green net minus. Six oh, well.
There county's hanging in there right. Now you got the? Lines, yeah they tweeted. OUT i saw it when on our drive back Home. Monday who sets these? AGAIN i don't.
Know maybe they don't want people to know where we.
GO i got.
Them, okay it's but he sits like right up, here doesn't he isn't the like right up here like in Twenty.
Oh i'm not gonna say which, one but in one of these heat you know who it.
IS i don't know who it.
Is yeah it, IS i can tell look at. It you.
Can you are The you would be the worst poker player in the. World not only do you know who it, IS i have a feeling like you have some bets going with him right.
NOW i WISH i didn't know who he is BECAUSE i would have bet this game full.
Show why did you, say faux.
Show that's what all the young kids. Say you look at.
Him just talking to. People he's just, Like, Hello.
Greg he walks in there and he turns into.
You like like they, said he's had three people at walk there's jet, time and.
There's another there's the.
Fourth like he just keeps it like he owns this. Room as popular as you are in this.
Room you've done more finger guns to people That i've ever seen you do in my entire.
Life he's like shooter. Mcgammon he's like shoot. Up he does that to.
Everybody CAN i throw you another little nugget if you?
Want we still have two more games For.
In the early, Eighties Paul andrews hit the most famous shot in the history of The sweet Sixteen.
Laurel Count Laurel county With Larry. Brunner Larry bruner was the coach who winned numbing The Middle. Cup you're Coaching Larry.
Bruner, well they've made a documentary about that game and that shot called The Shot heard around the, state and they're gonna play it over here at Lex live at four o'clock. Tomorrow that's. Good so if you're in town for The sweet Sixteen i'm gonna. GO i want to go watch you watch it because your coach is in. It Apparently i'm in the. Documentary of course your of course you're in the.
Documentary why are you in that you weren't even.
Here, well we did like a twenty year anniversary as it Chan laueen or something color on color AND i did, okay and, uh how are you in the? Documentary, WELL i assume that's what we were like a. Kid, WELL i was a junior in high school in nineteen eighty four another, state BUT i was At chanel eighteen when it was the twenty year.
Anniversary, okay all, right so that's.
Tomorrow that's, tomorrow four, O'clock Lex.
Live All.
Right shout out To terrence And Garrett, Berner Larry bruner's kids THAT i played basketball with growing.
Up do you Remember do you remember that? GAME i was like, Four, No but, like Did Larry pruder did to show you the shot or show you any? HIGHLIGHTS i was on the.
BENCH i never got to see. ANYTHING i had a question for.
You you've seen all the big story in the news about the group, chat.
Right about how we like planned a war.
On a group chat that was a bad, decision and like everybody's like blaming each other and they're, saying but somehow they added a. Journalist, uh somebody added a journalist to the group. Chat probably shouldn't have been doing it on group chat to begin. With, uh have you ever accidentally added the wrong person to a group? CHAT i, mean you don't plan, wars but you plan nights out With. Dante do you have you ever added the wrong people to a group?
CHAT i don't think, so, because as you, know my androids not the best on group. Chats, anyway you ruin every group, chat THINK i, ruined actually.
Shouting If ryan had been on the war group, chat we wouldn't have even had a bomb because Because ryan ruins the group, like no chats go through because Of. Ryan matter of, fact we could have saved this entire national security crisis if they Put ryan on the group, chat because it wouldn't have gone.
Through no problem would be still hung up somewhere between.
You it would still be the he's floating out. There The secretary of The army would be, like what did you want me to?
Do floating up in space?
Somewhere, yeah, exactly my green bubble text message to you, guys.
But but, YEAH i was probably a.
MISTAKE i did like when they were trying to defend, it one of the guys was, LIKE i think what happened is the journalist added himself to.
IT i heard.
That how did they think that's gonna? Happen CAN i just add myself to group? CHATS i don't think you. Can what group chat would you want to? ADD i want to be In Mark pope's, Chat, Like i'm sure they have a group chat about the.
PORTAL i just woud like to add myself to.
It On, monday he mentioned his ninety six group. Chat that's WHAT i want to get in and he said it's, actually, uh what do you?
Say it's between loving and. Threatening let me.
Tell you something between me and you on the ninety six group. Chat when When Cali, Perry i'm gonna tell a little. BUSINESS i probably shouldn't tell, Her but When cal when we lost in twenty fourteen The, YUKON i got. Sent i'm not gonna say by, who BUT i got Sin some excerpts from the ninety sixteen group.
Chat oh, really and.
You want to talk about some people not happy with the coaching at The university Of kentucky's ninety six group chat after we lost To yukon in twenty. Fourteen, wow was not still after a good?
Run? Yeah, yeah but they were very angry about that.
Game just about that. Game maybe some ex's and.
O'S i saw the five oh two podcast With jeff T, yeah, yesterday he was talking about cal and he said he told his little, brother y'all's x'es and o'ser ass talking about. Thirteam he's, like you're good because you're all, talented but your ex'es and o's are.
Ass he put that on the.
Podcast, WOW i mean there was there was some truth to that over over, Time but when are you going to ever get a phone that we can have a group chat?
In we missed some important messages.
MATTER i, MEAN i sent, YOU i send you messages and then nobody gets.
Them And i'm, Like Ryan, LEMONS i.
THINK i get, them SO i Think i'm okay with keeping my. Phone THEN i get your message.
One time the conversation for you, guys like halfway through the conversation and had no idea what you were talking.
About that's almost It's ryan's phone screws up the group? Chat who's up? Next, Heavy, heavy go ahead.
Heavy my my family has Been conduck fans for like four, generations but my dad is also From, england AND i just wanted to let y'all know the weed To bigs And, Niceville florida is sold out for the first time in fourteen.
Years. UNBELIEVABLE i, mean The Weaeda bigs.
Thing it really is like it's the It's kentucky fans at our weirdest and at our best that we just take this stupid wheat cereal and make it into a.
THING i love. IT i, mean so have you eaten it? Yet?
Oh i've been eating it SINCE i was about five years.
Old and do you like? It?
Oh it's. Great just add a bunch of. Sugar.
Yeah, WELL i mean that's true probably about about. ANYTHING i appreciate the. Call you put a bunch of sugar on. It it'll taste Could and.
If we have to eat this tomorrow at the, restaurant that's exactly What i'm.
Doing you Bring will you bring some?
YEAH i, Remember i'll bring.
Some i'll put it in the group chat.
Tonight we'll get. It We'll i'll get it On. Friday then in the group.
Chat if we're going to be part of This kentucky. Unity we To BIG's march To march madness.
Movement that pokes there is we To big still not done anything with their social media manager needs to be.
Agree last tweet was six days. AGO i, mean this is falling in your. Laugh they should be firing off tweets and making this a, big big part of their, marketing and there's just silence over.
There, YEAH i don't, understand and maybebe on the group chat. Thing CAN i just give a piece of advice to people in government when they screw?
Up, yes just SAY i screwed? Up? Huh why don't they do? That like it's a big.
Mistake but you know, what what DO i always say about? Mistakes everybody makes, mistakes so yes they.
Do what are you laughing?
AT i THOUGHT i heard something in the background.
There, yes it was me.
Singing you guys didn't hear? That go, Ahead i'm hearing.
Voices Maybe shannon is he, OKAY i don't.
Know it wasn't. ME i didn't have the mic on all.
Right, anyway Singing, Again everyone makes, mistakes so yes they.
Do just get up there and say we didn't mean to add this.
Guy, yeah it was probably a dumb thing to discuss the war on the group.
Chat we won't do that, anymore and then you can move.
On but then when you sit there and go he added, himself he stop, it, like come, on stop.
It there's no way to add. Yourself and if there, is that's even.
Worse if people get, like if it's a scenario where people can just add themselves to war group, chats that's.
Even more of an, issue isn't.
IT i can't believe they were discussing this major military operation on their personal cell phones on a group. Chat i'm a group chat that that alone itself reeks of of. Unprofessionalism let's go To.
Stan you get, this you get right in this, building and it's just like he's just, so it's so into it and go, ahead stay.
IT i wanted to talk About arkansas for a. Second there's something about this thing that seems like the elephant in the. Room nobody's mentioned. IT i can't find anybody talking about, it SO i must be off, yet straighten me. Out he had planned as a point guard on that team when they. Started he had that job before he ever got the camp because he was the next guy five. Star's he's a point. Guard they're. Terrible he gets. Hurt wagner goes back to the spot that he can play. For wagner's trying to get outside, shooter but he gets the baths of either hand and all of a, sudden they get a lot. Better the arrow gets. Hurt he brings in these two big guys that he didn't. PLAY i, mean he's running out of players and they haven't looked back. SINCE i, mean is that that's the WAY i see.
IT i can't talk about somebody that they should have been done less with.
MORE i, mean this guy does less with anybody could.
IMAGINE i appreciate the call we do have to give.
HIM i mean they you, know they beat two good, Teams kansas And Saint. John's they should have been good all year, THOUGH i, mean like the idea that this is an underdog. Story they should have been. Good, now you, KNOW i don't want him to Beat texas.
TAG i Think florida will beat. Them florida will beat him if they get that. Far but you, KNOW i, mean they've done a good.
Job it is, crazy though he loses two of his best players and then they're. Better but some of that shows like he kind of over coaches or in under coaches at the same, time.
Maybe he doesn't need a lot of players available where he has to make some lineup.
Changes just a small guy the group he has just go with The you, Know ad was awful all year and then he got good here at the. End and you, Know JOHN.
L davis went from just like sitting him in the corner and shooting threes to now he's their main.
Guy so there was a stretch Where Big z was winning games for, Him but NOW i got.
Play, yeah now you don't even put him, in so who.
KNOWS i was really surprised they played as well as they did With Boogie flann coming. Back you, know it kind of inserting him right For Mark mountain work and it.
Did it.
Worked he played well.
Too have you Seen Cash daniel's new video he just put. Out Cash daniel has a video.
It's him In Historic Davis arena and it says born for this OV.
W yeah he's training with. Us now that's LIKE i didn't know. THAT i thought that was gonna be. Secret did he just put that?
Out put out a video With Al? Snow, yeah he's training with. Us he's gonna be. Good he's gonna be. Born he's gonna be really good at.
This, LIKE i, mean It's i've, said like if he can travel the state and be, like, yes he's gonna be really good and AL i think al, like like it's gonna be a that's gonna be a good a good.
MARRIAGE i, mean just in this little clip of him doing a few basic, moves he looks like he knows already what he's.
Doing, yeah we didn't even get him And shannon And ring. Together i'm a. No twenty to eighty. Seven we'll take a, break come back final. Segment pick the final games here at The sweet. Sixteen this is HIS. Kesa that's, right you gotta fight for your right to. Party here At sweet, sixteen Where Bowling green Leads Adare county twenty to nineteen in the third. Quarter not a high scoring. Game let's pick the last two games, here Mister sweet. Sixteen Davis county and great.
Crossing Davis county is one of the best shooting teams in the.
STATE i haven't been In sweet sixteen a long. TIME i saw.
Forever their best player is a kid Named moss who's a, junior but Great. Crossing, dude this is a. Dynasty these these starting five been starting together since they were like. Sophomores i've seen him place since they were in middle. School It's Alki marino haven't won. Anything, yeah they're a dynasty in the eleventh.
Region, OKAY i MEAN i THINK i feel like a dynasty has to win. Something, YEAH i mean that's otherwise there's just a bunch of guys that played.
Begain it's a dynasty For Great. Crossing.
Uh, malachimrino mister basketball comitted THE uk. Bench dawson's a great, Player Gage. RICHARDSON i, mean they got some guys that can Get.
Yeah so that's an important thing for people out there. Listening if you want to see a future Cat tomorrow night at six, o'clock they're playing, here That's Malachi. Marino he will be coming and being on UK's. Team so you're picking Great Great.
Crossing, Yeah i'm, too what about?
You, yeah they're too good to go On Great. Crossing also see their ad down. There shout out To Austin haywood And Madisonville. Maroon So i'm going With Great.
Croston you know who was the name of the Good shooters On Davis, County.
Moss how do you know THAT i have a source in Owens.
Burrough of course you.
Do he's a junior in high. School, yeah who's your?
Source the boss? KID i thought you're talking About.
No Vic, evans the radio guy In.
Owensborough, okay that's better than having this source that's a junior in high. School you're just calling these junior, right just calls high school kids and, goes.
All, right you got you gotta eat for me. Today i'll let you use my.
Ross will be a guest ON vic show tonight at six. O'clock SO i had to be.
Ready, okay, good good for the. Show.
Uh Henderson county And Cooper cooper of course fired their.
Coach and then he went and won the.
Region and, now, uh there you, Said, cooper he thinks the third best team even with a fired.
Coach, YEAH i think they're probably the third best team in the state of.
This how do you fire the guy like if he's the third best?
Coach, well you, know we talked about some reasons think the principal did not like the.
Coach but this isn't about, Funsies it's not about being. Friends About Winny Mitch barnhart And john Cal perry couldn't even look at each.
Other they made it work.
For a, while AND i THINK i may be wrong with, it BUT i Think Tim sullivan is the only Coach cooper has ever. Had well that makes it even MORE RIDI i. AGREE i totally. Agreed so they're on a hell of a. Run. Man since that, happened they've been playing.
Great and, uh you have some people we should watch out for the poor in that. Game For.
Henderson henderson's Got Connor. Davenport his dad Was Joey davenport Sister County Second Region.
Superstar oh, yeah so that's Old Joey davenport's.
Boy, Oh Joey Davenport's, Boyaport.
Jennon Cooper Henderson.
County keep the, Coach Ad, Cooper Cooper, cooper you, KNOW i love The cooper.
Story in other, MATCHUP i take, them BUT i gotta go With region two and The. Colonels they're here for the first time in like twenty six, Years so even though they were.
My rival growing, Up i'm pulling For. Henderson you gotta watch For Joy davenports. Boy, yeah when he gets, going he's up.
Next let's go to call seven hundred and twenty four From bob And.
Jamestown oh, good what's, Up.
Bob i'm looking For Derek county rooting for them That what do you think About Richard petino taking Over?
Zavier, well we talked about that in the first, hour AND i think it's good For Richard.
And it i'd be good For.
Xavier might.
BE i always like that Cross county shootout when Those xavier and you, say he's always a good game up. There, anyway let's see it in the Dark, county get it dy like good.
Talk to you.
Guys appreciate they're down twenty six to twenty one right. Now, hey bourbon, Lovers commonwealth causes back with Their March Bourbon raffle and you won't want to miss.
It Pete march twenty.
Seventh how about this twenty thousand dollars rhyme worth of. Bourbon that's a lot of, bourbon including a Legendary pappy Van winkle six bottle, set plus exclusive prizes including The weller six Bottle exports, Set king Of kentucky and more bourbon big prizes several. Winners tickets are, limited so don't. Wait curious yours today At Commonwealth causes Dot. Org all, right so remember it Is wings day to. Day if you're coming in town for The sweet, sixteen come. See it's perfect day today because it's Dollar. Wings we got all the games from prep spin on and then trivia's. Tonight you could do a little bit of. Both you can do a little trivia Little sweet sixteen little, uh you, Know Joey davenports boy like a lot of stuff going.
On we get a lot of fans that come in in between games or maybe the night. Session you've been all day at the morning, session, coach, come come, hang go.
A couple of these.
GAMES i gotta go see the kids At Dample christian that are not allowed to play. Soccer not allowed to, ya If i'm south old, THEM i just hold soccer balls on the sidelines and go a lot of. Guys uh, huh if you, will if you'll let us, Win i'll let you play.
Soccer you can do some great trolling if you're that student.
Section even THOUGH i Think ryan completely made that, Story oh it's.
True all.
Right So, friday we're gonna do our morning show here In, lexington most likely at Ks, bar and then we will probably do a pregame show In. Indianapolis you, KNOW I i'm just talking to my, parents you, know my mom and And larry's coming to eighty seven years, old does not want to miss The Kentucky tennessee.
Game how.
Nice he's caught up in the.
Excitement, Yeah i'm trying to find like what just logistically you, know we're talking about doing the pregame show at ten. Roof, OKAY i guarantee You larry's never been to a ten Roof okay this one, Though and then trying to figure out how to get him from tin roof into the. Arena ye find seats that like it's so it's it's a whole. Thing So I'm I'm i'm trying to make, that make that happen Because larry's. Excited you, know he grew up on the border.
Too Of Kentucky.
Tennessee will you stop just touching people with superstar, oh Big.
Blue, Insider, okay fruits and. Fruits But larry's geting up like.
Contender if he'll be a, regular you'll walk in at, night he'll be on stage playing the bass for whatever band they've. Booked can you just get ready for stand Up base's gonna have a great.
Time all, right well it should be. Fun, no thank you the folks here at THE Khsa sweet. Sixteen who's winning the whole? THING?
X but nobody will know because you stole their radio. Signal we got to get it back right. Now, yeah he's by the, way just for the he's. Hovering there's some hovering going on From Saint x's radio. People they want their equipment. Back thank you all very much for. Listening we will see you. Tomorrow will be at Ks, Bar cats And balls forty Eight. No fifty six hours away from the big. Matchup this has Been Kentucky Sports radio