2025-03-20- KSR - Hour 1

Published Mar 20, 2025, 3:41 PM

Live from Milwaukee for the NCAA Tournament.

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Welcome everyone to Kentucky Sports Radio Thursday, March the twentieth. I am Matt Jones. It is the first day of spring and it is thirty five degrees here in Milwaukee, exactly as you would hope for spring. It is also the first day of the NCAA Tournament and gives shall the Clark's Pumpy Shop phone line eight five to nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven, Avisian Autoglass text machine seven seven two seven seven four five two five four. In this distion sponsor by TJ Smith Lofics. You call TJ. He'll make them pay here's what we're doing today. We are in a house in Milwaukee. I don't even know what part of town this is. What is it the Upper east Side? I think it's said whatever. We're in the northeast. We're in a part of town here in Milwaukee. If you want to watch, we have a rare couple segments shnnon on video. Oh well, Irio is streaming live from what KSR the Show from the KSR the Show Instagram accounts. If you don't follow us on Instagram, go to KSR the Show and Mario's got this camera right here in my face for you to watch. Ryan Lemon, it's nice to see you this morning.

I love this house. It's a massive house. It's beautiful, but you could tell some stuff went down in this house and at day day.

All right. So we are, like I said, we're in this neighborhood in Milwaukee.

And we drove into north Point neighborhood.

North Point. So it's not the Upper east Side, it's on the northeast side north Point, all right.

So north Point.

It is a house that I think conservatively is three hundred and seventy five years old. We got it from Airbnb. It is it's old, but it's nice. Like at one point, Shannon was clearly like a grand regal house. Yeah, the governor of Wisconsin apparently lived here. It's three floors. There are a million rooms, some of which have locks that you must have codes to get into.

Ron and I are sleeping in those rooms.

And we stayed there. We stayed there last night. We're gonna be here the whole trip. And uh, it's an interesting place. I mean it's not it's nice. It's also odd, maybe haunted.

Possible for brothel you possible?

Why do you think?

I don't know. It just reminds me of it.

It does have a lot of rooms, Yeah, a lot of room, a lot of brothels.

Yeah, just what I would imagine one to be.

You know, it does have hympathetically, it's an interesting point about how many rooms it has, because like for a sight, it's it's a large house, but it feels like I mean, it has like nine bedrooms and it has like seven bathrooms, and and I hadn't thought of that as a possibility, but I could see it.

Well, you know, when we came in, it said six bedrooms and we can only find two. And then we realized then we realized, you know, one door goes to a staircase, which goes to another room, and it just keeps going and going and going. It's it's a mansion.

And they name this place the Embassy, which I find kind of odd because, like I guess, I mean, there's no federal government in Wisconsin, so you wouldn't think there would be an embassy here. But but it's very nice. We're close to some neighbors. It's where we're gonna be for the next four days. Hardwood floors, kind of it's like we're in a stately manner. It is.

However, I keep waiting for another human to just walk out of one of these rooms in here. I actually, uh, last night, after Shinn and I watched Prices right all night, I took the butcher knie from the kitchen and left with it just to.

Switch bedrooms because you all were watching Prices right until like two in the morning.

Trying to place our bits.

We sucked at it.

Yeah, well, I mean, when you watch one from twenty ten, it may be hard to know the prices.

That's the most obvious I've seen inflation has seeing prices right fifteen years ago, and what.

Stuff you say, exactly, that's that's how you'll figure out what government does. So h So we're here. The NCAA tournament starts at ten, well, it starts in two hours. It starts for the next four days. We are very excited. We're gonna watch some of the games here. Kentucky has their practices and their press conferences today. We're gonna go there Mario and Drew and I and then we're gonna be watching games. Then Kentucky plays tomorrow night. It's an exciting time of year. Now. We drove up here to Milwaukee yesterday, Ryan an adventurous drive, as the kids would say. I don't know if actually they would say that, but it is. It was an adventurous drive.

We've all seen storms kind of roll in. That storm that rolled in on us was eerie.


It was dark and you could see the crowd the clouds spinning.

It was kind of crazy. We know, people had said Shannon, like, oh, if you're driving in south of Chicago today, you know you need to watch out. They have tornado watches and storms. And you know, my view is it'll be fine, right right.

It'll be fine till it's nice.

We'll watch for them. Yeah, it'll be fine, Like I'll see them, it'll miss us. I'm gonna keep the sun roof up. I'm gonna be fine. And then we were in I think it was dire dire Dire Illinois. So the traffic in Chicago was particularly bad. The ways had his going off the off the main pass we were on like some secondary roads and it had us in dire Illinois, d Y E R and uh. All of a sudden, our phone's buzz and it says tornado warning Dire Illinois.

I thought we were all gonna die.

And I literally was like, what are the chances? I mean, I don't even know how big dire Illinois is. Look up, how may people live in die Illinois.

It can't it can't be that that.

I mean, it can't be that many people. And we're in th sixteen. So it's like you know when you get a tornado warning and you're there, but but we weren't anywhere we could pull off right and we see it. It's not there yet, but it's clear it's coming. It's coming, and I can tell I know this car, I know the people in it. Nerves started to hit the car a little bit looked in the back. Mario looked very scared, and then I was like, we have to protect him.

This is our child.

Yes, and we kind of outraced the storm. I drove fast. We got to like fifteen minutes north and then it hit and apparently it hit Diary, Illinois. I don't know if a tornado hit the ground, but they had a massive storm. We hit a lot of rain, not the wind of the storm. But it is weird to get a tornado warning on your phone, because warning, I think, means they've seen it. Yes, the spot it, it's been spotted. To get a tornado warning on the phone and then you're like, oh, wait, this is where we are.

Yeah, it was that loud noise and it was all five of our phones in a tiny car. Kind of startled all of us. You even turned down Willy's roadouse for a minute on Willie's roadhouse, but it was not Yeah, that was a bizarre scene. You can you know Indiana, Illinois. It's so flat you can see for so far. We could kind of see the storm brewing off in the distance and just slowly heading towards us, and we had nowhere to go.

But keep I was kind of looking behind me, like is it behind us? You know, like when I was a kid, my house got hit by a tornado, So I've got a little bit RESD from that. I didn't know that, Yeah, that happened in I think ninety six ninety seven.

So I'm like seriously looking to see where can we pull off? But we're like it's like we're in the movie Twisters, Like it's just it's just a blank field. So where are you gonna go? Right? So we speed up, and if you've ever driven to Chicago, you know, when you first get into that Chicago traffic, there's that spot that they call him an oasis, right as you're about to get into Chicago. So we pull off there, run inside, pouring rain, it's hail, and then Ryan gets in there and goes, I've lost my wallet, which is a great Ryan Lemon move, Drew, because we haven't even gone anywhere. We've just been sitting in the car. And think about it. If he didn't have his wallet, you can't get the credentials, can't get into a restaurant or bar, casinos, there's a lot of casinos here. Can't get in casino, can't do anything. And and he I mean, he's the oldest one of us, and he's like, I've lost my I've lost my wallet.

It's over alert, yeah, phones going off.

So it turns out you went outside, you had just dropped it in the parking lot of the oasis and it was then drenched. How did you manage to do that?

I think when we all jumped out of our van, you know, cops nine one one, we were all just jumping out and.

Running into the old tops.

You know, like when the cops pull over a van and they open up all the doors and.

Everybody just scatters you that's what you do.

Well, so we were all scattering, and I guess at some point when I scattered and jumped and started running, it just fell out of my front pocket. Okay, and it was out in the middle of.

So now it's wet. So now you have that wet gross money.



My favorite part of the whole thing was Ryan goes, I lost my wallet. There's a good chance it would be in the parking lot. Yes, he knew, and he knew it was probably sitting there in the parking lot getting poured on, and it was, but he did he was in no hurry to go get it.

It was poured down, right, So would you rather have lost your wallet? Oh?

You know, wait till the stuff raining a little bit and I went out there.

And then hope it's still there. Because if there's one thing, truck stops are where you feel the same your money. It's certainly where no one would take in Chicago, right, yeah, right, a Chicago truck stop. I can't think of a better place to have your wallet just sitting on the ground.

But you know, that's that's why we love Ryan.

I mean, it would have just been a boring seven hour drive if we had to stop in an all glass overpass to hide from a tornado and have Ryan run back outside to see his wallet floating down the parking.

Lot the other part of the trip, you know, because people seem to like to hear about the road trips, we this. This car does not have satellite radio, you know, I don't. I try not to go on any long drive it doesn't have satellite radio. But Mario got this van, uh very rudely did not get a satellite radio. So we had to listen to and and then my phone. We listened to like podcasts. But after a while, how many more podcasts can you listen to? Right? So, so we got close to uh, we got close to Chicago, and I I didn't Delilah was on Love the Love Thing right, And you know, I hate Delilah, not not as a human, but I really hate that show. But I didn't rush she was basehing and in Chicago.

I didn't know what she was telling that.

I also didn't ruze she was live because she was talking about the storms. I always assumed that show was taped. I thought it was. And if you're young, you don't know what Delilah. So Delia was like this old lady and people call in and they're.

Like, Delia, my wife is and I've been married for seventy three years and I love her, and so I want to dedicate row by Katie, Katie and Perry because she makes me.

Roar and like that's the kind of thing, right, And then people call in and ask for advice. And I didn't realize how funny it could be to watch to listen to that show with Shannon, who mocks everyone who calls in. Who like, a guy called in and he was like so serious and he goes, Delilah, I've loved this woman for twenty three years. I drive her home from work every single day, and I want to tell her how much I love her, and I want to tell her that she's always complaining about men, and I always just want to tell her, if you just love me, I'd love you no conditions, I asked. And I want her to know, Delilah, what do I do? Shenon was like, stop being a loser.

That show should be called Delilah talks diversions that any of those guys have ever been with a woman.

First of all, I wanted to say to him, dude, you're in the friend zone right, like, it's not happening. If you've driven her home from work for twenty three straight years and it hadn't happened, it ain't.

Gold's the most pathetic thing I've ever heard.

Delilah, What do I do? He said, Delilah, what do I do? And then Delilah gives the worst advice Eli, which goes, Honey, wait five minutes, because once she hears this, I think your problems will be solved.

No, they won't, as if anybody's listening.

And that poor guy to well.

First of all, you'd have to assume that woman was listening. Yeah, Second, I think she'd be creeped out, and he's in that he here. She thought he was just giving her ride home for twenty three years, and instead he's like wanted her. So Shannon, reacting to Delilah, calls, I feel like needs to be its own show. To me, maybe that's because these are very sincere people and Shannon has no sincerity in his life.

It's so absurd that even that type of radio exists in your twenty twenty five. It's like, dude, if you feel that way, you could just pick up the phone and maybe text her.

He wanted to call the He was like, I don't know how to tell her that I love her after.

You want Delia to tell her you, ude, what is wrong with you?

The fact that he can't tell her is why Drew He's not gets it because he can't even say that when he that he likes her.

I'm taking the other approach. I can't wait to listen to more.

Delilah kind of remind me of like a Dave Ramsey, people calling him with their problems getting a little vice. But then she played some in between I need the soundtrack to Dolalla too.

Yeah, so Delilah, maybe I recommend it now. After all that, I still think she's probably lame. But the idea of, as Shannon would say, virgins calling me in and asking for love advice Ryan is actually kind of entertaining. I'm not gonna lie.

It was an all time first for all of us to listen to Delilah, But as soon as the story came on, we all got immediately got quiet.

We were all hooked. Man.

We had to listen to the next story that came on.

Who is the lamest person that kentuck call in next? Yeah? Anyway, but we're here in Milwaukee. That's your NCAA Tournament preview eight ZHO twenty two eighty seven. Text with she is seven seven two seven four five two five four. We will take a break. We'll let you can keep it rolling during the break, or do you just turn it off? See they wanted the behind the scenes. Well you can turn it back on on the second set.

Get Ryan's shirt when you come back.

We'll take a break. That shirt once again doesn't fit. This is Kentucky Sports Radio working back. It is Kentucky Sports Radio here in Milwaukee. Eightf I'm nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven. Text machine is seven seven two seven seven four five two five four. Mario is gonna film this segment on the KSR Show if he can get his phone to work, and uh, then he'll do. We'll let it go through the break so people can see what a good break is like here. So if you're on Instagram, go to KSR the show. One person writes, Matt, did you know Delilah has fifteen kids? Wow? You know it's one thing like Elon Musk. I think has like fourteen, But it's an easier job for him than it would be for her. Fifteen. She just volunteered. The three of them were drug addicts last night, which I thought if I was one of her kids, I'd be like, why are you saying that? I'm on the radio. But if she has fifteen, she's got twelve more so I guess.

It's got experience. I guess, so she's got some advice. Fifteen.

Has she just stayed pregnant like or she adopted a lot of them?

Oh that's probably right, Yeah, that's probably right. Yeah, Well, now you made me feel bad. No, I'm not sweet. That's very nice that you would do that, But fifteen's a lot, it is?

It also could be you're just talking about romance all day long and relationships at home. It's just like I need some more kids.

Yeah yeah, all right, well that's what you preach.

I am once again going to say Shinnon answers, Delilah calls, great call. That should be a show or a TikTok account or something else. All right, So Kentucky is here in Milwaukee, Ryan. We found out yesterday Chris Besmore put out this email that I guess went to someone. You know, remember Mark Pope said that he was going to pay for the gas money, yes, if you would drive to Milwaukee and uh and you and you had tickets. Now, my assumption was, yeah, that's that's a funny thing to say. Like I didn't really think he was gonna do it. And then Paul miller Ford like did a thing where they gave away one hundred hundred dollars gas car gas cards, and I was like, oh, that's nice, you know, use the official partner do this makes sense? But then I guess there were apparently people who just emailed UK and Mark Pope and said can I have my gas money? So they took it seriously. They were like, all right, hey man, you want, you want to pay for the By the way, why didn't we I mean we were coming, I didn't ask, But now we see the email that he's actually he actually responded and said his assistant, what's your VEMO will send you the gas money. By the way, you can't have a ninth grader or through twelfth grader because that would be illegal recruiting, which would be unfortunate if they did have one of those people. First of all, that's awesome. I have three reactions. One that's awesome, Two that's surprising. Three do you think you should have actually written Mark Pope and asked for the gas money? What do you think if?

First of all, if there's any coach in college basketball that would do it, He's the one guy that you know you could say, oh, hell, Mark Popel do something like that. Bought the ice cream a rup, buying gas to the people that didn't need it. I am surprised with you that people like really like, Okay, I'm gonna email him he's gonna pay for my gas because he said so when he's coaching show.

And presumably now that I and others have put it out Drew, other people are gonna do it. Too. I think he's gonna have to cut it all. I mean that's like one hundred dollars a person, or eighty dollars a person. I mean it's not cheap.

Yeah, once you get five point five a year.

I think he's taken home like less than a million now, between ice cream and buying gas for fans. He did a lot of stuff like this at b yu of fans. But I think he's just now realizing how I guess he had forgotten the power of big pluination here because he has gotten blown up with that. I think he was shocked by the ice cream move a few months ago.

To SHANEA, I know you wouldn't have.

Done this, but what taking him up under given them money.

I know you would have taken out him up on it, you would not have given the money, that is correct.

I think this will probably be the last time he ever does this when he sees the final tab. You know, he talked about on the Coaches Show and immediately the first person that wrote him was wanting them to buy a plane ticket from Florida. He said, I say gas money for cars, not for planes. People people will give.

That's exactly right. It is amazing to people. It's amazing to me. How when you do something nice for people, and this is on a whole other level. Yeah, but when you do something nice for people, gifts because expectations at some point, right, And we see this with tickets all the time, Like we see this with tickets, Like I'll give away tickets and sometimes people will get very angry about either the way I give it to him, Like somebody be like, well I can't get it that way. Well I don't have to, you know, I mean, you don't owe it to you. Yeah, that's on you. But that's exactly right. So I do wonder. But then again I wonder. We don't know how many people he gave it to. How many people you think emailed? I mean we'll find out probably in the press conference today, somebody will ask him about it, but before it comes out, right, and how many how many gas cards you think he ended up giving via email? Because they should cut it off now because I'm sure he's getting a ton, But how do me think you did it before that?

I mean, first of all, for people to email, you gotta think you're an older, older generation. I don't think any young kids are going to email forget for one.

Hundred dollars, they would, yeah, one hundred dollars one email for one hundred dollars.

Before you knew he was doing it, You're like just going to email him to think he might, right.

What do you mean he said he'd do it?

Yeah, he's he's you take it on your own, but Mormons don't lie. But you know, he says it on his radio show, Like, Okay, after the radio show, I'm.

Going to email him. Do you think is how people tie? Yeah, you go like that, I want to email him. Is this Sally type? I don't think like a spider.

People my age and old are probably the only people that would eat I think email him.

So I don't know.

I don't know if it'd be as high as we think it is.

That email, I mean it was, Oh, I would say at least a couple of hundred, maybe three hundred. That mean yeah, but whoever is running the email, and.

Well, we know her name's on there.

She was busy yesterday there.

Yeah, poor poor poor girl.

Yeah, you at least had to have a ticket, so that narrows it down quite a bit. So a lot of those people are probably flying. So I'm with Shannon, i'd say a little under a thousand.

You oh, it's definitely under yeah, thousand. Well, I wondered if people if it was a thousand, just for the record, that might be like one hundred thousand dollars he'd have to pay. So I din't if.

You're on the same car if people pull the fast but if you just had to show a ticket, if five people in the same vehicle.

I think it's gonna be a smaller number than you all think that's good. I think it's gonna be like eighty or one hundred. Like I just don't because I just don't think a lot of people would think to do it. Now after I put that after Chris and then I put that story out, now, I think they're gonna get it, sure, But I think, you know, at the moment, it's probably the case right that people are like, well, he's just being fai, so he's not really gonna do it. That's what I said.

I think it's probably less than one hundred that moment after the radio show that people really thought, Okay, I'm gonna email him and he's gonna buy me a gas card.

But it is cool that he's doing it, right, like you're getting a lot of Why are you close up on his nipples? Why are you doing that?

That's what the people want.

Trey Mitchell lost to Oakland. That's not good good mojo coming into the tournament.

Yeah, that is. That's a Trede Mitchell. He that we lost to Oakland.

Yeah, we've got a mark ERL put a big xl RM.

Well no, because then that's rude. Oh that's me, that's right. No, But that looks like if you put an X over Trey Mitchell, it looks like you hate it. But you don't. I don't think the places you said during the break you've not bought a piece of clothing since.

When probably the nineties, thirty years ago. But I bought something for myself because you you're at this point.

I mean people kid me about always wearing hoodies, and that's true, but I do buy them. You're to the point that you only wear clothes people give you right, Yeah, and I mean by people like strangers, not like just family, Like you only wear T shirts that people come up to the bar and hand you. Yeah.

I don't know if I own a T shirt that I bought myself, and.

You wear a T shirt almost every every day. That's good.

Wear a shirt every day.

I've got some of the UK stuff I'm gonna wear this weekend that Dane gave me so I didn't have to pay for that stuffund.

Like, it's Valentine's Day and you want to look good for your date and you're like, you know, no, I know.

I know the three shirts he wears. I could tell you exactly what they are. They're like, they're button ups, they're tight. He wears them all the way rolled down.

You never had their age, Like, I should upgrade to look really nice for this.

When's the last time you've bought something new to like look good? Like I'm Ryan Lemon, I'm gonna look like a hundred that I actually bought myself.

Yeah, I mean it's been probably fifteen twenty years, maybe more than that.

You haven't surprised your woman and be like, look at this thing I got.

No what about like a new winter coat or you know, new pair of shoes.

I did buy a winter coat like a year ago.

There you go, not a shirt though.

And you're still wearing a Trey Mitchell T shirt. I mean he's been gone for a year, we still remember him. Fondly. I mean we remember him. He seems fine, but like like the day before the NCAA tournament starts. This is the shirt you're going with.

And it's a Trey Mitchell shirt with Ryan silhouette, which makes all like it. It's one of one.

First of all, it's Trey Mitchell spelled wrong.

Tred mitchellilliams with with your picture.

That's saying, all right, so you're gonna leave this on during the break so you can they can see the magic. All right, Well we'll take a break. We'll preview Kentucky Troy next case. Welcome back Tekey Sports Radio here Live in Milwaukee. Eight five nine two eight oh twenty two eighty seven uh text machine seven seven two four five two five four one person rights, Matt, Can I send Ryan some apparel? Do you have a mailiing address? Send it to the bar. He'll wear it. Just look it up online. Put it to Ryan living.

That's not encouraging him to go out and buy his own clothes.

People want to give him stuff. What am I supposed to do? We told the story during the break that was just for the people online, so that I'm sure that was something you all really enjoyed there on Instagram. Well, way to do that. At k Y Sports Radio. You know, the the tournament starts in Lexington here in an hour and a half. Yeah right, Louisville versus Creighton opens the tournament up. The cards start the whole thing off against the Blue Jays. So yesterday Louisville was a excuse. Mean, Lexington was a buzz with with sights and sounds of teams in Lexington. So here's what I heard. I heard that Auburn practiced it Sayer High School.

Which is crazy. Number one seed that had.

That was Josh Hopkins, right, Josh and his buddy they went, Josh, a couple of guys from Lexington from got to Auburn. Josh is a Kentucky fan, but a couple of those dudes are Auburn fans. I don't know their names. What's what? What's there? What are their names?

There's lots and there's some pals. There's Josh.

Yeah, there's there's a big say there is a sayre to Auburn pipeline. There was a time where all the yeah, all the Auburn, the Sayer people went to Auburn. So I think that's probably how they ended up there. Trancy had Tennessee practice, and our friend d Wayne went to Trancy and Tennessee, so that may but the Tennessee buses were parked in front of Transylvania talking about one of making me vomit. Uh seeing the Trancy having to host Tennessee Louisville practice at Lexing Catholic. I don't know how that got set up, but Louisville practiced Lexi Catholic, and I'm sure the other schools did somewhere too. Somebody said U c l A was also at Trancy later in the day, so I think was a transy too.

Transy must have Dame Trancy.

Was a big day at Trancy. This big day at Trancy. If you were at Trancy yesterday, you got to see a lot of goods.

The Clive Beck Center was the place to be.

They needed the bubble still out there at Trancy. Could have practiced two teams at one time.

Now, another thing I find interesting about the host series, uh uh, Shannon, is that so they put the NCAA books eight hotels right for the teams, and they don't put any team in the same hotel right, So in order to even bid on the on the tournament, you have to have at least eight hotels that meet whatever their criteria is. And the way it works is whatever they deem to be the nicest hotel, the top seed gets sharted, and then whatever they deem the worst hotel, the last seed gets to go to. So here's my question. Auburn was the one they probably got in the nicest hotel. Somebody told me they saw them walking out of the Hilton.

Yeah, it's gonna be the Hilton of the Hyatt Dowtown.

I think they're at high at tennessees at the Hilton.

Okay, so you got those. Alabama State is gonna be the lowest. Where in Lexington do we think Alabama State State? Since they got the lowest of the hotels, A good question, where do we think Alabama State ended up? Maybe?

Is there like a days in or Ah?

I think they put him in a days in?

What's the one? Is there like a nights in?

Like there's a hotel out on Versales Road that Max used to live in. Did you know that?

No? No?

Did you know that? No? That's how Max ended up living with me.

He was staying in a hotel in Versails. He came here on.

The show and he was like a man. I was like, where do you live? And he was like and he told me the hotel and it was like just on Versales Road and I was like, what, that's where you stayed. He was like yeah, he was like that's where I stayed. And I said, you can't live because it was I'm not gonna say it was not nice. I was like, you can't live there. I said, you know, I got next to room. You can stay there. And that's how that all tell you ended up moving because I didn't want him to live in just like a hourly motel.

By the hour well, you know, like any hotel that has a number in the name is a bad hotel, like a Super eight.

I'm sure they wouldn't put them there. But where do they think they put.

Out a somewhere with a free HBO sign out front.

You know, there's a lot of options downtown, but I think they would get cut off before that. You got the Marriotte residence in Hilton Hyat. I don't think there's enough to get everybody.

Remember those really nice ones don't like they say no because they want to like sell rooms.

Are probably not going to be at twenty one Seed.

I'm sure a team is at Marriott Griffin Gate out there.

That's probably right. One team was probably there, but you.

Know they're at Beaumont. They've got like three hotels of Hampton and two or three other ones.

Yeah, that's exactly what. Isn't there a place out behind Joseph Beth book Store? Yeah?

Yeah, yeah, I bet that's where they were. That's one of them. Are team there for sure? Lexton Green.

Yeah. So anyway, I just always find those little details kind of.

It is weird to you mentioned seeing the bus out outside Transy the hotels. When I went through downtown yesterday, I saw Auburn Louisville ten See all parked in our beautiful downtown Lexington and it didn't sit well.

With Louives having their card march with their fans right now. So somebody literally just sent me a picture of downtown Lexington of a huge throng of Louisville fans are marching through downtown Lexington. Does that not sit well with you? It does not? Does not.

When they had the big protest outside yesterday, I thought people were actually just protesting Louisville in town.

I've heard, uh, the guy that Louisville get out of here.

I've heard the guy that likes to throw hands in his loafers at TBT has been sighted around town too. That's the dude that punched you into that. People have been sending me sightings of him. To be careful. That guy is that guys will loose cannon.

Yeah, for people don't remember Drew got punched in the faces.

It's more of this area. But yeah, he got me.


It doesn't sit well with me that Tennessee fans Louisville fans are kind of taking over our town right now. That just kind of doesn't sit well.

Louwill fans should. I mean, they haven't had anything to be excited about in years. So if they don't show up in Lexington, I think that's going to win that book on them.

I'm going Creighton Blue Jays.

Yeah it's Blue Jays, Ryan Cochbrenner, let's go.

So none of the thing. I think Glovell wins. Do you think Loue.

Yeah, I think I picked my in my bracket, so yeah, I think Global wins this one.

I think Glosvill probably wins that too. If I'm nine eighty seven, I turned that off. I'm tired of you. All right, can we do another behind the scenes next break? Now, who's up first? We got Doug up first? Doug, go ahead, Doug.

Hey, Matt, you hear me?

Okay, yes, go for it, all right.

I just wanted to bring up something that I noticed watching these first four games. During hat time of each game, there's a commercial and it shows an African American family watching, uh, trying to watch ball games on an old TV. The fathers up on the roofs and a raging snowstorm trying to fix the antenna, and the game they're trying to watch, well, it doesn't make any sense, but the teammate daughter is watching on the laptop. This most to be said the back of them the nineteen eighty You can tell if she's watching the laptop the game is the game. The two all referenced a few weeks ago, the Illinois Kentucky game at Illinois on Christmas Eve nineteen eighty three.

Well, that's interesting, you wonder if that's like, uh yeah, omen, yeah, if it's an omen, well we'll see.

I mean, because we could play Illinois here.

Yeah we could, that's right for sure? Yeah, yeah, I appreciate the call. Xavior wins yesterday. Would you rather if we assume we beat Troy. I know we have to keep saying that because we've lost twice in the last three years to a team like this. Would you rather play Illinois? Would you rather play Xavior? Texas is gone? Maxic kind of glad because I think Texas I don't know they Trey Johnson can go off, although they don't play defense. But it's the Illinois Xavier. They're very similar teams. They will bomb from three.


Do you have a preference who you'd want to play? That's what we've talked a lot about.

Illinois could be a team that just gets lightning hot and get fifteen three pointers or something in a game. They could have a game they only have two or three three pointers. I don't like that. I just feel like then Rodrick against us, that team would get hot. I'd rather take Xavier.

You want to play Zavier?

Yeah, that was the first Xavier game I've watched all season last night, but I didn't see anything that really intimidated me. So I think if I had the choice between Illinois or Xavier, give me a Xavier.

We did learn last night that Johnson on Xavier is a really good rebounder.

No Foster, Oh Foster. I did a bet a parlay where it was Trey Johnson scored twenty hit Texas Texas win, which they were leading the whole game, and then they lost, and then Marcus Foster had to get six rebounds, which I was cool to do to Rise he was a guard. I had it. It's just I lost the parlay because of Texas. But who would you rather play?

You know, I've thought Illinois this whole time, and I guess I still lean that way.

But Xavier looked.

Good and that comeback last night, well, they had like twelve threes last night. They obviously Texas was up big early, but once they turned it on, that looked like a scary team that I wouldn't really want to play either. I'll still say Illinois, but that Xavier bunch looked a lot better than I thought they were.

Think. I think I would slightly prefer Xavier because they don't the teams that have given us trouble or teams are really athletic Illinois. I mean, neither of those teams is crazy athletic, but Illinois is probably a little bit more so. So I uh but but honestly, it's gonna be pretty much the same game against either team. They're both gonna play the same way.

So good storyline. Got Davey on McKnight on Xavier former basketball and Orlando Antigua on the bench at Illinois.

You're gonna get Kentucky Reunion.

I have some confirmed hotels if we go for it. Yes, Auburn is at the new Marriot downtown.

That makes sense.

So they did go to the new Mayor Okay.

Creighton is at Griffing Gate.

We named that. Okay, so they would have been fourth or fifth on the thing. Okay.

Wawford is at the Double Tree.

Oh, they go down the Double Tree.

So Tennessee over at the Hilton. Okay, And those are the only four confirmations I have.

Nobody got the Dreary, so Wafford would have been the seventh pizt at Double Tree. Where's the Double Tree?

Isn't it off Richmond Road?

Oh? The Double Tree. They do give you a cookie though, they get cook though, Like I've stayed at that before, back before I had a place here, I would often stay there because I could get a room for like seventy nine dollars and that in the cookie it's warm cookie. No, but they when you check in you get a warm cookie at that Richmond Road double Tree. So I think Watford they may come out with the quick step today. Those cookies are good. They had a lot of cookies.

They can walk over and get hibachi.

But they could get right there. If the double Tree is seventh, then that's a pretty good list of hotels. They uh, I'm interested. I just poked myself in the eye. I'm interested to see who got eighth at Alabama Stake.

I'm effort.

Hey, KSR listeners. Spring is right around the corner. To celebrate the season renewal corn bread HEMP. You can get by one get a second product for half off with the code half off. So grab their sleep gummies which I used last night, something lotions bomb whatever. Ryan took a big gummy before he went to sleep. It was corn red Hill corn Redham dot com. The code is half off by one, get the second half off with corn bread HEIMP. We'll take a break. Be right back here in Milwaukee's kiss all right. You know we're doing the strong investigative work here on k s R, which is where the team's staying in the hotels in Lexington. Right, so we have Auburn is at City Center. That is probably the nicest hotel, Like it's the newest one for downtown. Yes, Tennessee is at the Hilton. Okay that would be probably second. Yeah, uh start where where we never found out where Louisville is right U c. L A Is at the High attached to RUP so they have to leave the least. The Double Tree is where Wafford is. Utass State got the Manchester.

Oh can't hard money?

Wow? Those the Mormons kind of snuck in there and got like that's kind of a fancy one Rye Palm tonight on the road. Yeah, you go out to Lost Palm, you're gonna if at one a m. When their game is over, if you toss State wins, you might see some stuff going.

Speaking right there slotting any So we don't.

Know where Louisville. Who was at Griffingate. I haven't seen anybody Griffing Gate. Somebody has to be a Louisville is or Alabama State.

Or Alabama State. And for people who are asking me, I don't know where Kentucky is here, although they were here yesterday. Uh and I did see a picture of they were practicing at university or they were doing walk or something at University Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Okay, so they were, which is like right, I think it's actually just a few blocks from where we are.

Actually, I suspect all our fans are listening to us now driving up today, kind of get here today.

Yeah. So Kentucky their press conference starts at three o'clock. You should be watching. We'll probably stream it, Mario, maybe stream it on one of our on something, and then they'll be on Kentucky Sports Radio. The website. Their open practice is three forty five to four twenty five or something like that. They don't let us film that, or at least in years past, I've had people yell at me for trying to film it. But we'll get what we can.

Yeah, we don't want to get kicked out. We have a history of that especially.

We do have a history. Who's up first? Oh, by the way, real quick, if you're in Lexington, bar opens here in nine minutes, you know, just come. You could come watch games all day. We're gonna probably have some fans of the other teams there as well. Mario was working on that all day but also there's no better place in Lexington to watch games. We got food, we got well food, food, drinks.

What else do you want?

Games? Games? Yeah? I don't know what else you could want? All there? Yeah, so it's all there. Who's up first? Jordan is up first? Jordan, go ahead, Jordan.

Hey, guys, you missed a name yesterday in the schools. Creighton's a first name. Creighton Abrams is the guy who the Abrams Tank is named after. But also, Matt, I know with your new contract, you're gonna have your own separate show, and I'm just here to tell you I think it would be a lot better if it was Ryan and Shannon hosting their own Delilah style love.

That can happen too. That can happen too, don't worry. I mean I just because I have a show doesn't mean they can't have one.

To negotiate my deal coming up?

Yeah, appreciate the call. Kentucky's staying at the staying at the Saint Kate Arts Hotel. Who fancy?

Sounds like a fancy s fancy place like the Manchester sound nice.

I'm looking at Louisville send off and it looks like the Hilton downtown, which across all their.

Bus and I said, they're also at the Hilton.

I don't think they're allowed to have two at the same place.

But when I drove by, the buses were a park next to each other, Tennessee and Louisville.

So maybe, oh, maybe they're uniting against you think so, like our two rivals decide for we're coming together, like the you know, Mega Power.

Yeah, but then you know what happened to the Mega Powers.

They explode.

They exploded, So eventually it's gonna happen exactly right.

Yeah, No, maybe is the the whole hut Lexton Green. It may also be a Hilton.

Maybe maybe they put Louisville out there.

Louis Is definitely at the downtown. I'm looking at the video.

Maybe at Tennessee the other Hilton maybe so yeah, we're at the Saint Kate Arts Hotel in Milwaukee, Kentucky. Is I'll give you a little bit about it for four point seven stars, yeah, uh or four point four stars four point seven reviews. It is a boutique for local explorers and business travels that brings the finest in hospitality and art together.

As one that describes this team right very Is it Kate like k A T E or c A y T.

This weekend? It's cy. I think it's Kate.

Sounds like we're kind of boogie at a little booty.

The first person who sent me that said UK is at the Saint Kate Street, and I was thinking they were making a joke, like remember Kate on State? Oh yeah, oh yeah, And I was like wow, because Kate on State was a thing many years ago in the in the UK world. Who's next? Jay Rock is next? Oh? Jay Rock? How are you? Hey? What's up? Y'all?

First off, I just want y'all know, y'all stories on these trips are always a fist.

But that reminds me. I pick up a five gallon bucket of detergent. I get like five hundred at the time.

And I go to Chicago a lot too, And.

The Delilah talk brought me back to one time I was going up there, and this is how the call went, Hey, Delilah, first time, long time. She said hoho ha, And the guy said, I ain't never really had a good luck with the women and all that.

But listening to all.

These calls and all these stories, and you've give the people confidence. I finally got me a woman. And this about five years ago. He said, I'm going to be a dad. My sister's pregnant.

I holler see. I knew that's where that was going. I can find I knew it when he started. That's where we were headed. He always got to take a shot. Barack Obama just released his bracket.

I thought, you can tell us what hotel he's in.

Barack Obama is staying at thesidential. He's got three se He's got Duke win in the title, but the other three are SEC teams in the final four. He has Kentucky going to Sweet sixteen. He has Kentucky going to Sweet sixteen, and US playing Illinois in the second round.

Well, if we've already seen Texas get beat that's his team.

Though, by the way, you know he's an Illinois guys, he's beating his team.

I didn't think about that. You're right about that. We saw Texas already go down. Is there any concern that the SEC will underperform? You know, they've been such bragged on.

This whole season. I'm a little worried about that. I'm a little worried about because I think our top four teams are gonna do really well, but our SEC performance is going to be judged by you know, does Old Miss beat North Carolina? Right, Diesssissippi State beat Baylor, do we beat Illinois or like, like, the SEC is gonna be judge, Shannon, by these middle teams. You know, Texas was at the very bottom of our league. But that I do think. I think that Old Miss Carolina game is big, Mississippi State's big, you know, Arkansas, Kansas, Georgia. Yeah, I mean those are gonna be the games, Shannon, where they decide whether or not we were worth it. Yep.

And you know you had teams that got in that had six conference wins, with Texas and Oklahoma.

A and M get upset by Yo.

You know like that, I'm a little concerned about that that they may underperform because they were just put on a pedestal for so long in called the Green.

And it's not fair to criticize Texas because what Xavier came in like fourth in the Big East and Texas came in fourteenth. The fact that it was closed like Xavier should win, you know, lex it.

Probably wouldn't be here if they don't win that double overtime tournament game.

Yeah, I mean, I don't you put our fourteenth best team against their fourth best team. Yeah, I mean we may end up losing, and.

I'm still up thirteen.

And if I said to you SEC or the Field to win, I'm gonna take the SEC.

Well, it's a great question because basically, I only think there's six teams that can win for them or SEC, and the other two are Duke in Houston. So the question, so, if you give me SEC versus Field, I'm gonna take the SEC. But I think it's a pretty close battle, to be honest with you.

So what about Texas not giving Rodney Terry a night to sleep for when news comes out there letting him go? He didn't Eve get to the locker room before that was I.

Mean literally they broke. He was being fired before he even did his press come. It's like, man, I know he has a chicken place where they sell drugs. It doesn't mean you can fire him. Right at the beginning of the show, all right, we're gonna take a break, we'll come back. We are here in Milwaukee, hour number two, getting ready for the NCAA tournaments. Kentucky Sports Radio

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