2024-10-16- KSR - Hour 1

Published Oct 16, 2024, 4:07 PM

KSR is Live at KSBar & Grille talking SEC Basketball Media Day.

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This is Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage. Now here's Matt Jones.

Welcome everyone, Kentucky Sports Radio. Wednesday, October the sixteenth. It is National Bosses Day. It is Hey, where's the present, Mario Nothing.

You didn't get anything.

It's walking through this door. In about five minutes. You're gonna get a present.

Okay, Yeah, you're just giving me a new set of headphones. That's not a huge present. Clark's Puppets Chop faulk Line is eight five nine twenty two eighty seven. A Vision Auto Glass text machine is seven seven two seven seven four five two five four. This edition sponsored by the TJ. Smith Low's called TJ will make them pay. I don't know if the Boss's Day just doesn't feel like a holiday people would get excited about. Do you think anyone celebrates that. You think there's anyone here listening that bought their boss something for Bosses Day?

Only somebody that may be in the doghouse and needs to suck up a.

Little bit today. I can't imagine.

First of all, the only reason I know is it's in this notebook, which has all these holidays. Yeah, if you're celebrating Bosses Day, and I'm sure you're not, send me a text seven seven two seven seven four five two five four.

I don't think it's I don't think it's real.

If you're a boss, that's like putting pressure on your office can celebrate. I think it's a bad sign. It seems like some send that email. Think about it, Michael Scott would do in the office. You know tomorrow is National Boss's Day. I'm not saying we don't need to do anything big.

He's a good excuse maybe to have a party at lunch and then maybe let out early to go to a happy hour on the way home.

Yeah, I mean, but the boss would end up paying for that. Yeah right, all right, we are here at Chaos Bar and Grill. You can come on out and have lunch. It's cold, but it's warm in here. We got the heat on and so it's it's ready to go. Sorry I missed yesterday. Uh this stupid hand wrist it just won't stop being annoying, and so I had to go uh to the uh hand and wrisk doctor. The doctor was very good. I do have a question, though, how do you think a doctor? It's like, you know what, I'm only doing hands and risks. This is gonna be shit, and this is gonna be what I do. Hands and wrists. You know, you can have you can have the elbow, you all can have the shoulder.

You give me hand and wrist. But it's a whole specific thing. And you and and.

They are they experts. They just see hand and wrist drew all day every day.

We had an expert on the show yesterday, Ryan called it the foid.

Okay, so we have to talk about that. Why did you do that? First of all, you don't know anything about what what what is wrong with Like whatever you said is not even a word that I have ever heard before? Yes, So why did you say that was what was wrong with me?


Was it used with chip train them, who also has a hand wrist injury?

But did you did you say I have the same injury?


No, oh okay, so you didn't suggest that you were diagnosing.

Mind No, No, we were talking about chip train them, okay. And that scaphoid bone is what Josiah broke and had surgery and that's not what I have three weeks. This is the other thing. What's what's this is the what is this thing comes out of your wrist? Is I'm sure what that bone is right there?

Well, it's a terrible place to get cut because it so you know, Sunday, it's just like swoll up on me. Yeah, And it got really big and then I went to the clinic, which you know, I don't know what to do. I went to the clinic and it and they were like this might be infected and gave me antibiotic and then they said why why did it do this? After a week and I was like, well, I was around a lot of people and they were like, don't be around people.

Well, I mean that's.

Hard on a game day here, and I guess everybody was like shaking my hand and grabbing it, and somebody, I guess threw their germs in me or something. And so so anyway, it's it's fine now they you know, I'm on some antibiotics and I have to go back.

But but like we're I think we're okay.

But I guess being around everyone on on game day probably didn't help me.

No more shaking hands till you till you're fully bad.

I mean I tried that. You know.

It's tough because I feel like Shannon Bob Dole because people reached out their hand to shake and I sticked out stick out my other hand and try to hide my right.

Hand, and it's like Bob Dole's pencil, you know, and you can't shake.

With the left hand. You can fist, but with the other you.

Can't shake because they've got their right hand, and it's more like you're grabbing them like you're in church in a pew or something, and so it's just it's awkward. And so finally I just gave up and I was like, fine, I'll shake everybody's hand. But then I guess somebody had juice on them or something, and it got in me.

And yeah, I got irritated, so it kind of opened up and that, you know.

Yeah, so when we were outside then it.

Opened uh huh.

So it was just it was just a disaster. There was a lot going on, and it was just it was.

Just to see the radio show, you know, having signal difficulties, gas on your wrist.

Like I'm you know, showing blood and so.

But anyway, we're okay now and we're back, and there's there's a lot to talk about.

I mean there there's actually a lot to talk about.

I mean, I you know, yesterday I didn't even get to talk about the fact we have a player who doesn't ties shoes, Like I was really interested.

In that, Like that's a good topic.

What an odd thing for Mark Stoops to say? How come Willcox doesn't play well?


He could start by tying his shoes. I need to know more about that. Have they asked him to tie his shoes? And he's just like no, does he just forget?

You know? Does he think?

Apparently there was a player back in the NFL who didn't ties shoes. He called him Shoelace because he would run with his shoelaces off untied.

Did he break a fifteen yard run and then the shoe came off and he had to go out of the game or was he able to keep it on?

So is that? But Mark Stoops was like, tie your shoes, man.

I think that led to a lot of frustration into that play. The other day Drew was talking about he busted a big run and he immediately has to come out because his shoe came off, but he doesn't tie his shoe.

Doesn't feel like a big ask, like, dude, just tie your shoe, like put your uniform on.

I'm on Stoops's side of this.

I feel like they're I feel like there comes a point, you know, I shouldn't have to tell you if I'm your coach use the restroom. I feel like I shouldn't have to tell you tell your shoe. It seems like if the guy walks out there and he doesn't have his helmet, I think it's on him and if his shoes aren't tied. I really don't blame that on Mark Stoops. I did see people say, well, that shows the discipline problems. I don't really think Mark Stoops, I don't care how much he's make I think he should just assume shoe time.

I mentioned this yesterday with will Cox specifically. I think there's a lot of not doing what you're supposed to do off the field. Not like he's getting in trouble or out, you know, causing problems. It's just we need you to do the bare minimum and meetings and at practice, and it boiled over just.

And now I guess we've lost a signal. Okay, now, okay, you guys are back now dropped out for like five seconds.

Yeah we go again.

Thank god, we've dropped out.

All right.

Well, hopefully it will be here the whole time. But anyway, so there was that. Then the second thing I found very entertaining is that the Louisville team basketball picture.

That's the first thing you mentioned when you came in today.

The Louisville team basketball picture, to me, is one of the greatest things I've ever seen. All Right, So you would think you would think when you have a team basketball picture, there's some easy things to do, all right. Number one, how about we all wear the same uniform? Right, that's not a life. Doesn't that feel like a pretty basic thing. We're all gonna put on the same uniform.

It's just the one thing.

We're gonna ask if everybody is put on the same uniform Louisville team picture, one guy's got on a different uniform. Now, did he like not get the memo? Did they not want him to be in the same uniform?

I don't know.

It reminds me of when I was in youth basketball. We played for the Lakers, but we couldn't get officially licensed Lakers shirt, so we all just wore a yellow shirt. And some of the richer kids on this team, Shannon, they had Lakers printed on the front, but other people just had a yellow T shirt. One guy just had a yellow like, I don't know, what do you call it? Tank top?

And we looked ridiculous. That's what Louisville looked like.

One guy, different uniform, then two guys same number.

It's not like football, that's right.

There's one hundred numbers between zero and ninety nine. There's only fifteen guys on the basketball team. You would think they could find a way to not have two guys with same number. Nope, two guys both are number one, all right, So we got two guys not in the same uniform.

We got two guys not with the same number.

Then why don't you all you don't have to smile, but why don't you look like you're not in a hostage video? Every single guy in that picture looks like someone had just told them that their dog had been kidnapped.

I mean, look at it. No one is smiling.

The only person looks happy to be there is Pat Kelsey.

Is Pat Kelsey, Which gets to my point. Okay, if you are gonna all go blue Steel, then somebody tell Pat Kelsey not to look like a little child smiling.

He looks like that.

Here's what it looks like. He looks like a little child who has dragged.

His team to a science museum instead of Disney World. Yeah, and they all are sad to be there, and he's sitting there smiling, and they're all going, eh, the other thing. I'm not like, far be it from me to tell the manager what to do? But can we iron the uniforms? Can we at least have finished the laundry before we put it on? It is the worst team picture I've ever seen. Then you throw in that. I mean, I'm not one to judge. You put me in a uniform, I'm not gonna look great. But they just the team looks like didn't any of those dudes look like they can play basketball?

Any of them?

No, it's not a very intimidating photo. You guys parted haircuts. I mean it looks like you hit the random player generator of and he just has a hat and like get your color hair and a sleeve.

And their name would be like Steven Johnson and like the whole team.

If I'm a little fan.

And I see that, I go, oh, no, what is this now? I know they could do a better job. If I'm the ad of Louisville. Right now, I'm saying, all right, we're doing that again. Yeah, okay, we're gonna get uniforms at match. We're gonna get uniforms that are are ironed. Hey, let's get different numbers. How about that, and let's all decide on the same facial expression. It is one of I don't know, maybe they'll be good, but it is one of the worst things I've ever seen in terms of it's funny. It's funny and pat Kelsey, I mean he can't like I don't know if he can help it or not, but he looks like he looks like the kid from the Christmas Story and he's like he's like one foot three.

It's just it's the whole thing is hilarious to me. I'm sorry.

With his face compared to the teams, it looks like there's some fan experience where they're on their one hundred and fiftieth photo and they're just rotating that one chain. Like the little kid runs up and he's so excited. The players like, oh, we've been doing this for three hours, Like it all looks so unhappy to be a part of that.

That's not the official team photo.

Is that?

That's the team photo.

When I if somebody goes to a game and they open up the program, that's.

And that's what they released to the media.

They're like, this is the best foot forward we can put up.

This is the best we can do.

This is this is you know, it's like the story I told about the guy runn familiar man just looks.

Like a man looks. They're like, this is just what we look like.

There's a couple of dudes in that photo that look like they're about to cry.

I think they are, look on their face. They looked around and we go we picked.

This, Yeah, what are we doing here? It's like the old Hickory High School and the Hoosiers mismatched sloppy jerseys, and these two guys on the end, especially the guy in the right corner. I think it was looks like he's gonna cry.

I think I'm with you, just as concerned that no one in the room thought, hey, before we put this on the end. Yeah, let's talk about how it looks like we pulled the uniforms out of us.

So sometimes Mario will just you know, Mario takes pictures every show. Sometimes on like a Tuesday afternoon, he'll say, you care if I put this post up and I see a picture, and I'm like, you gave me and Ride and Drew fifteen chins each, can we at least use a different picture, like I have that level of detail? These people go, we're putting this outside on a poster.

Hey, number seven wear the right uniform.

So when we were little, I remember Life Touch would come to school. You have the big crayon and occasionally a kid of goof off maybe put the crayon in his nose. Parents would get mad and there'd be a retake day. Yeah, and all the bad photos Life Touch. They'd bring their colorful background back and their crayon, you could redo it. Does Louisville get a retake day? Or is this official forever?


I think it's official.

When I was at Trancy, we had to take for our fraternity photos and that was stupid, right, and I don't remember even what it was, but there were like four or five of us that.

Were mad when we were freshmen. It's something the fraternity had made us do.

So we decided in the moment that our act of rebellion would be we would put a paper clip on our ear.

Wow, you guys are rebels.

Man, you wonder how I didn't end up in prison with it with this level. And so we did, and at the time it seemed like the funniest thing. But now I'm out of Trancy and that's the only official picture of me that I can find from my Transylvania days is me with a paper clip on my ear. So I can't ever use that picture for like, this is what I look like in college.

I have a paper clip on this year. That photo is.

Going to hang in the Louisville facility forever and people are gonna be like the only other thing I can make can analogize it to at Duke Law School.

Richard Nixon went to Duke Law School, and in the basement.

Of the law school is every law school class, and inevitably everyone goes to see Richard Nixon's class in law school, right, yes, So you walk around and you go, this is Richard Nixon. And Richard Nixon at twenty three looked exactly like he did at seventy five. And it's kind of an interesting thing to see. But in the picture, the guy next to Richard Nixon is almost picking his nose in the picture, And I thought, over the years, this poor guy. People will go in this basement for the rest of time to see the picture of Richard Nixon. And now there's this other guy like picking his nose. That is the U of L basketball team. They are all the guy picking their nose next to Richard Nixon.

Are you saying, Louisvill's got Richard Nixon coming soon the next year's team.

I don't think they're getting a title.

You know it's bad when it's not just Kentucky fans making fun of them. Louisville fans are making fun of it. Like the comments are did we ground them before the photo?

Like what is going on? All right, we'll take a break.

I want to talk about SEC basketball, Media Day UK Florida and more.

We are here at ks Bart's Kentucky Sports Radio work back.

It is Kentucky Sports Radio. Now I'm seeing more. It's like where's Waldough. Once you see something, you see more. I didn't realize one of the players his eyes are closed.

The one right back, coach Kelsey, like, his eyes are completely closed, Shandon number fifteen.

Yeah, there's another guy that almost has his eyes closed.

Four twenty four, his eyes are closed.

You got eminem in the back row there, number seven, Joe Burrows Randlayer.

Had too much corn bread Hemp.

Yeah, I mean thirty three was in my Delta Sig picture in nineteen ninety seven. It's just an unbelievable group of play. We can't lose to these guys. By the way, just for the record, we cannot lose.

I don't care what we have to do. We cannot lose to this hodgepodge of people.

I wrote earlier that I don't know anyone on the team, serious quest, do you know? I mean I know the one guy because he played at BYU. The dude that stands behind Pat Kelsey, who unfortunately. Well, I know that guy because he almost came here. But do you know the other people on the team.

No, I can name two. They have got named Chucky.

Hepburn and they have got him Chucky.

Yeah, you know, I'm glad.

They have a guy named Chucky. I didn't know. Yeah, a guy named Is there a Terrence Edwards? Is that a.

Person sounds right, sounds like a human.

Okay, Well, good luck to them. I hope it goes well. If I'm not, actually I don't. I hope they lose every game. Af I'm nine two eight twenty two eighty seven. Let's talk about that was you? It was SEC media day yesterday. My my early thoughts are some interesting things. First of all, Jackson Robinson clearly hates Eric Musselman. They asked him what he thought about his time at Arkansas or whatever, and he was like, I don't want to talk about coach musselwa, so I don't have anything to say. So that relationship clearly went well. Then I thought Mark Pope did good. I liked his jacket. Mark Pope's wearing good Kentucky gear. I need I want to buy some of this.

I brought up to Billity He's like, oh, I didn't think it was a big of a diligence to that'sicket.

That's a great jacket.

And the white jacket he wore at Madness with the Kobe logo and that was cool.

Reporter even used their question at mediadated ask about his jacket and jacket was cool. Said he was on a rack for recruits to wearing a photo shoot at UK just to be there all the time for them to just wear, and he just took it to another.

Little better than the rack. We used to have the head construction outfits. The last time.

Was gone.

We didn't have to shovel and the reflective vest and all that, So I thought that was good.

Cal Perry to me, looks sad. I'll be honest with you.

I just I he just looked like he I feel like he's gonna cry.

I don't know if they've posted it yet, but Jack and Zach interviewed a dude and a dude talking about Kentucky's kind of hard to watch. He is certainly said.

Oh that makes me sad. I wish you're right, you could just I wish a dude in state. I like a dude.

I mean, I wish they all had stay, but I get it. I understand why they went. But then at some point you wake up and you're like, I'm in Fayetteville and the reality is hit that I have found myself in Fayetteville next to the Poltle and Brad lives above the tin roof, and that's the only place I have to stay.

And like, I get it, my heart does go out for a dude, because you know, didn't he leave Even before particular Cali Perry left, he was gonna leave the program, but.

It would have been actually really good in this group.

He wouldn't be as a guy like him when you look at the other talent that we have this year. But otherwise, you know, I mean, I think inevitably everybody wanted to ask Pope about about Cal, and then wanted to ask Cal about Kentucky, and they of course both handled it well. They're both professionals, they know how to do. Pope did say I will be rooting for Cal every game but February first, and he said, I think we all will. I just need to say to Mark, love you, no, we want no, I'm not, I mean, I don't want them to like fail miserably but I ain't rooting for am I the minority. I know.

No, at that game when they lose on a Tuesday night to Old Miss, we're all gonna be big Old Miss fans. We want them to feel because they're gonna be good. We were working, but we're competing against Dardeed.

Is there any sense in which you want Arkansas to win?

No, there'll be a casual one off game if they're playing Duke or something. But I didn't want Arkansas to win before he got me either. I want to be above them in the SEC. Yeah year, what about you, Shandon?

Do you want them to win? Oh?

I've never liked Arkansas going back to the nineties teams.

So I mean to both of these coaches, I love you, Pope, and like I used to love you, Cal, and I'm sure i'll love you again one day, but stop telling us to like the other one.

You know, Arkansas fans, I ain't gonna cheer for us.

No, they're not and they shouldn't.

And we're not gonna cheer for them. And I remember when when Cal used to be here and he'd be like, you know that's not boo, Bruce Pearl. Yes, like I want to say to Pope, now, don't tell us before February first, Like, I'm not gonna boo col but they're gonna be people that do it. And like that's just fandom, you know what I mean, that's fandom. So no, I'm not cheering for Arkansas. I understand Mark said he will because Cow's been good to him. That's that's awesome. But like, do you think anyone in our fan let me ask you this, you think anyone in our fan base.

Is rooting for cal to do well at Arkansas.

I've heard some had one this morning.

What did he say?

He said that he would be pulling for Calipari when he's not playing Kentucky.

Yeah, I can't do that. I mean he maybe, Like.

I don't even understand how you do that, because, like Shannon said, Arkansas was our rival even before this.

Yeah, you know, I like them for a long time.

Like if you were ranking teams in the SEC, I didn't like Tennessee was number one, maybe Florida and then, but it's always been like Arkansas has always been one I wanted to lose.

During the Patino era in the nineties, the number one rival for Kentucky was Arkansas. Nolan Richerdson. You know, they were really good in those games they used to have on Sundays before the Super Bowl were some of the highest rate of games of the season.

And just from a basketball standpoint, there's a good chance at the end of the year it could be Kentucky Arkansas wanting to buy in the se tournament, or you're on the same seed line in the n CUAA Tournament. I don't want them winning a lot of.

I did not see was there an official media predict addiction of the standings.

We were eighth.

Okay, so that's a that's amazing to me. I mean, eighth in the SEC. We're gonna finish better than that. Yeah, I I feel like I feel like and I can't believe I'm saying this. I feel like Kentucky's being underrated. I put Alabama ahead of us. I'd put Tennessee ahead of us probably, But you're not gonna convince me any of these other teams are significant.

I mean, can you how do you put Old miss ahead of us?

On Auburn's auburns okay five, I would put us forth, all right, So I would put us forth.

But how do you put Old miss ahead. What what has Texas A and.

M done beat us in the SEC tournament?

But that was the other coach and that was a different time.

I agree that eighty eighth, I haven't about fifth eighth.

Just doesn't seem but I'm glad. I'd rather them under rate us, agree, then over rate us with this new coach, et cetera. Right, we will take your calls AF I'm nine two A twenty two and seven.

It's ks R TJ. Smith, personal injury attorney called TJ.

I'll make them pay.

I love it.

Docked in mortgage. Here's that jump.

So this song, for those of you on podcasts, you can't hear it. It's Nickelback photograph and as soon as the chorus hits, right goes.

I love this song. I do.

Kind of a sentimental song. Makes me think back of the glory days. I love it actually, the glory days. Yeah, I mean, I'm making fun of you. I'd like to make fun of you more, but I actually kind of like it too.

I'm not gonna you know, you can't make fun of Ryan for like I mean like it.

I don't sit and listen to it, but when it comes on, there are times I might go it is food, right.

Every time you do it makes you laugh.

Okay, So Chanton told me I have to record something, So we're just gonna do it here on the air for a second, because apparently I made a mistake. You know, I do ads for the local Taco. Yes, it's gonna be some free advertising for local time. I like local Taco. One on campus is always full, it's great. Then there's one out in Hamburg. They're great. I eat at Local Taco once a week. But I do an ad where I'm supposed to say Lexington's best Taco is the local Taco. Apparently I just said Lexington's Taco. I forgot the word best, I got the word best. I just said Lexington's Taco. So they want me to re record it and put him best. Yes, So Shannon, can I just say the word best or do I need to do the whole phrase?

I can do some producing tricker.

So this is what you'll do. You'll do the trickering. So I'm just gonna say best.

I think you should give the different versions of best.

So no, Lexington's best Taco.

So I'm just gonna go best, all right? You can can you work with that?

It's okay, I need another take.

You do a couple more, do a couple more?


How about like you go up like best.

Really excited best.

That's the winner.

They have a winner, all right? Between those? Can you can make one into the taco commercial?

Can you edit it? And then we hear your finished product during the show.

Well, let me we got work. He's gonna be on the show. Would you stop? This is a rage.

It is very tality.

Before we go the phones.

Two little pieces of news I think are important that people should think about. Number One, Gonzaga has released the game time for the Kentucky Gonzaga game ten pm Eastern, seven pm for them, so primetime for them. But we are playing at ten pm Eastern, which means my postgame show will begin the next morning ten pm Eastern at Gonzaga. It's gonna be a late night, I already know. And here we're gonna be in Seattle because we're gonna be at the game. But in here is gonna be a drunk fest of people. I mean ten o'clock start. So, I mean the reason why they're doing that, I'm sure is that is the day of championship games, right, And so I think their thought is people will turn the chance that the SEC and A championship game will end at like a less then and the hope is people will turn over and maybe watch the second half of Kentucky Gonzaga after the championship games.

But that is a late game.

Yeah, they don't want to compete against a major game like that. They want at least get some ratings for half a game. So that's why they had time.

I'm that's what it is.

I'm sure it's the idea of after the SEC championship game, because at the SEC Championship game this year's at night. After the SEC Championship game, the second half, people might before they go to bed watch Kentucky Gonzaga.

I'm guessing that's their thought process.

Reminds me of when they played Utah in Vegas, and I think that one might have even been eleven pm start back in Kentucky just a few years ago. I think it was the CBS Classic whatever it was, maybe be in one off, I don't remember, but that was just a weird experience watching UK or UK basketball after midnight and then all the work.

Yeah, it's a big game and it's gonna be late at night second thing, and I think this is a major thing that to me, could endanger the uk U of L series.

The SEC and.

Big Ten they have not finalized, but they are in the process of creating an agreement where the SEC and Big Ten will play. You're guaranteed one football game against each other every year. So the agreement would have the SEC go to nine games. Okay, at non conference games, you would get five home and four away, and then if you're the one that gets four away, you would have a home game against a Big ten team. If you got five home, you'd play an away game against a Big Ten team. So every team in the conference would be required to play ten games, nine in conference and one against a Big ten team, and then they could do whatever they want with the other two. To me, I think that puts the UKU of L game in serious jeopardy, not just because it becomes harder, but because, if you think about it, if you play UKU of L home away, that means we would go from almost every year having eight home games to almost to having seven and one year only six. And I just can't see Kentucky agreeing to do that. I think Kentucky will. I don't want this but I think they would drop the Louisville game if that scenario plays out.

I think they would have to because, like you said, financially, you don't want to give up that home game, you know, every other year.

Because right now we get eight home games some years like this year seven the next year. This change would make it seven home games and six, and I just don't see UK given that revenue up drew.

I just don't.

I've already been up to believe the Louisville games in jeopardy. Just with the SEC changes alone, this almost makes a certainty in my mind. I think you would add like an Indiana would become a regular opponent in this well, So.

What they would do is every two years they would match you up based on total record from the two years before.

Does that make sense, So for.

Kentucky, they would add up the record of the two years before and match you up with the Big ten team. So if we were in the ninth best record in two year TA period, we would play the Big ten's ninth best team during a two year period. So the way they the two years they used, which might have been the last two, we would have played Michigan State, So we would play Michigan State home, and then you'd play them like you'd do a two game series, so then the next year you'd play them away, and every two years you could end up with any of the opponents based on how it changes. So for Kentucky, we would go to East Lands in one year and they would come here one.

That's the best part I think is all the new road trips we would get that we've never had before going to a Wisconsin or in Iowa. I mean, probably not gonna go to Ohio State or Michigan, but there's a lot of fun atmospheres we've seen on TV for many years heard about, but Kentucky fans would actually get a chance to make those trips.

I can't tell how much I would hate that if we would lose the Louisville game, to have to play home and home with Michigan State or Minnesota wiscontent. I would hate that, see.

I would intentionally, I would not hate that, I would I would hate not playing Louisville. I'm of the belief that you figure out a way to work the money out and you still play Louisville.

Because this has been.

My opinion about UK football for a long time, Like, if we're not gonna contend for a national title, then let's make the games entertaining. And I'd rather play Louisville than play Accrod. But with that said, I do I'm like Drew. I like the idea of playing new teams. If we don't do that, we're gonna play the same teams every year, basically, And I like the idea.

I mean, when are we ever, Like, we've never played Michigan State?

What about at USC?

Yeah, you couldn't.

No, we could get I don't know that we'll get USC necessarily, but we could get UCLA's not great.

They could end up being our opponent.

Wouldn't it be cool to play UCLA back and forth? Like that would be neat With the Big Ten now, they're all over the country, so you could end up playing anybody.

We could finally go to Nebraska. All the trash talk.

I mean, you could end up thinking about it. You could end up in LA against USC or U C l A. Or you could end up in New York against Ruggers. You can end up in Miami West Lafayette. Less exciting, but you could, Like I just I kind of like that, But I would say to you.

I would hate to lose the Louisville series because I am an advocate of playing that game.

And if they go nine SEC games and it's already in jeopardy, then they add this big ten thing, and I think it's probably gone.

With Louisville likely coming to an end, whatever the future holds, I think it's important to continue to win these games with a streak we're on and.

Not let the last game will be important.

I want to be able to say we won like the last eight or whatever.

Whoever the last time you play is will be important. Who's next?

Ship? Ryan, Ryan?

Go ahead, Ryan, Hey guys, So just a quick point before it gets my question. I watched Mark Pope and John cay Perry's Q and A. John Cayl Perry in the middle of his Q and A talks about how he has yet to introduce any set and nothing on defense, nothing on offense. Thank god, thank god he decided to leave, like, I'm so thankful to have more Pope. But anyway, I had a football question. I'm normally a podcast listener.

So he also.

Said that he had hoped he had COVID so he wouldn't have to come to the media day first media appearance, he's already trying to skip it, but go ahead.

Yeah, so football question. I'm in no way a proponent of switching away from March soups. I'm thirty six years old. The majority of my UK football fandom has been misery.


My early football memory is Kim Couch and and it took me and then after that, other than a couple of years of Bridge Brooks, it's been nothing but bottom dwelling. So I'm thrilled with where he's brought the program over the years. He deserves criticism. I'm on board with that, but I haven't made a switch. But I wonder how much of the change the people wanting change has been amplified by the fan base. Warning John Summer off, because I'll tell you.

That's part of it.

I think here's the thing you have to remember though, And I tell myself all this all the time, and it's very important to remember when you're trying to judge, quote unquote what the fan base thinks. Twitter is not representative of the fan base. It can feel like it is if you're on it, but it's not. I became very convinced last year that Twitter was more procal than the fan base was. I now think Twitter is more negative about Stoops than the fan base. And the reason I say that is after the game, you would have thought ninety percent of our fans wanted Stoops fire, But then on the postgame show, not one person made that argument, not one person. So I do think you have to say, like, don't I don't think the vast majority of the fan base is close to wanting John Somemraw instead of Stoops. There are some of those people, but I don't think we're there yet. Now, if we go three and nine or four and eight, then that might be a different conversation.

Yeah, and I and I agree because I'm I'm with the guys that they were talking yesterday. I think it's more likely that we finished with seven wins than we finished with three. But you know, I just I just wonder because a lot of people that I just talked to, because he's just he's he's an infectious personality, he's high energy, he's a defensive minded coach that has like the seventh highest ranked offense in the country this year. So like I was just curious, like if that was effecting the mindset, like I said, But I'm not certain.

Let me be clear. If stupents are of leaving, I appreciate the call.

I'm not certain John Sumrall would be the higher I think there's a decent chance they'd hire Brad White, so you know, I Mitch operates on his own path, right.

There also would be a conversation. I'm sure they'd go have vance Who would you who would you most like to work with?

What'll keep you here?

I'm telling you, like, there's a lot of dynamics. And the other thing is it's very easy to play games with other people's money.

You know, it's very easy to go fire.

Mark stops all right, man, where's your where's the You got that forty four million for the rest of the UH for the rest of buy out?

No, no, you don't have that.

So I'm just saying, like you do have to sort of think of circumstances. I think this Florida game, for many reasons, is huge for the program, the future of Mark, et cetera. We'll talk more about that as the week goes on. Hey, BBN, you wouldn't buy tickets the big game and then not go, So why would you pay for your health benefits?

Ryan and not use it.

I don't know.

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Your deductible, then gos get out of pain at Court Physical Therapy. Health insurance benefits reset January first, So don't wait called Court Physical Therapy. That's kort dot com. Experience the holidays without being in pain with court dot Com. We'll take a break. Very back Tucky Sports Radio. Welcome back to Turkey Sports Radio. Ay five nine two twenty two eighty seven. What person says, if we on the text machine, if we can't can't play Louisville, I'm fine with that. If you ask me tomorrow if I'd rather play a Big ten team or Louisville, I would take the Big Ten team.

Because, like Drew, I could go to different places.

I'm a big Louisville hater and I don't want it to go away, but if we traded it for that scenario, I would go I can live with this.

You get it.

Personally, I want Louisville continue to get worse and worse and disappear to where I never think of them begin.

What's clear what the Big ten and SEC want to do is they're trying to shut the acc in Big twelve out at the end of the day. What's clear is they're basically taking the view of, hey, we the SEC and you the Big Ten are by far the two best conferences. Rather than us fighting each other for supremacy, Let's just clear the deck of everybody.

Else and then it'll just be you and us. It's an interesting idea.

It's like Shannon when the Macha Man and the Hult Cogan said, let's make the Mega Powers. Yeah, and then no one will be able to stop the Mega Powers. But what ended up happening in WrestleMania five is the Mega Powers exploded, and you have to be very careful when the Mega Powers explode what happens next?

The wrestling analogies this.

Week Off the hook your wrestling analysis.

But I do think that's what they want to do, is they're kind of like, why should we Because here's the thing about the SEC Big Ten Games. Their theory is, Okay, when we host, it'll be on ESPN, When you host, it'll be on your television contract. Why should we give it to these other conferences? Why should we be given our teams to these other conferences?

That's their view.

I get it, but I'd still I would be on board. I would hate it. I would hate to lose. That Louisville game kind of saved our season last year, may save our season this year. Louisville last year.

Now, that's that scenario is real.

By way, beat Florida or Auburn, lose to the other one, beat Murray State, and Louisville game saves your season. Yep, that scenario is right there, Drew if depending on what happened, it's the.

Most likely scenario. I think we're heading straight for it. And as we saw last year, disappointing year, lowsome at home. You shouldn't have. But then how happy were we when Barryon Brown's doing L's down to the Louisville band and they're beating Louslane Louisville. We kind of forgot about what we were complaining about a few months before that.

By the way, on the football side, watched this afternoon for a uh for a flippy flip?

Oh, another flippy flip?

Yeah, we had we flipped a guy from Missouri the other day. I think you're gonna see uh later today another another.

Flip, a flippy flip.

Yeah, so just watch me. I like that, all right, don't don't say it like that? Don't. Yeah, no, no, no, please, don't don't do that.

This is a high school. Yeah, we're talking about right, you.

Just all right? Who's next, Mike, Mike, go ahead, Mike.

I'm at let's go to borrow. This past weekend a great environment and I had a bowl of chili Gillespie. It was very good. Well, they created it in my own kitchen. This lovel picture, man, it's what I cannot This is something to beout hold. Pat boss he looks like he looks like he want a contest to be in the picture.

But Pat Kelsey does not look like a basketball coach. Now, I don't hate Pat Kelsey yet, do you know? Not yet?

I don't see anything to hate him about. He just he looks like a ball boy's little brother.

Number twenty four you mentioned his eyes are closed, but he doesn't even have his hands on his knees like everybody else. Uh why does number three have his white tight on? And this is such the most Louisville gen Z picture ever, I guess I'm just old fashioned. You mentioned a couple of weeks ago about something you'd like to be brought back. I cannot stand. I cannot stand the mismatch shoes.

See why does that that really bothers? That really bothers older fans. I've noticed that over the years. Do you all don't lie the fact that they wear.

I'm on forty nine years old, Okay, I like, listen, if you want to wear dunks or Jordan's whatever, at least at least be the same color, like the pink and the green and the shark trees or whatever. It just wow, it just it just looks ridiculous.

Yeah, well, that's never gonna happen.

Just so you know. I mean, I appreciate the call. They all kind of have their shoe deals now, and I'm fine with it. But I do hear a lot of people not like the fact, Drew that they wear different color shoes that don't necessarily match the unil Yeah, that's an ageing Mario is laughing because he can't hear the calls.

But do you think that's ridiculous, Mario? People get bad.

You used to get your team issued shoes. They all looked exactly the same. You'd write your little number on the back. Everybody had the same pair. But uh, you know, shoes and fashion have become such a big part of basketball culture. It's the way they can show their personality.

Yeah. I mean I think that you just hit it like everything else is required to them. They see the shoes as the manifestation ryan of what their individual personality is.

But I think most people, probably my age, that grew up, like Drew said, everybody got the same identical shoe, don't like it. To me, I don't mind it. I think because my kids, I grew up with them doing that, you know, for a many many years, So I don't. I don't mind it at all.

Yeah, I hear that complaint. Yeah, quite a bit.

Who's next, Shit, let's go to Derek. Derek, go ahead, Derek.

Hey, what's up, guys?

What's up?

I wanted to comment on coach cal Okay, you know he's the first eleven years were wonderful and great. The last four years were terrible and uh he didn't he had his chance to change and he left us and drive or what he thought it was something better. But you know, I love the time.

He was here.

But I hope he loses every game. I want him to tell the fans that they're basketball bennies. I want him to say that we're the youngest team. I want him to get you know, I want him to lose, lose to somebody who shouldn't lose to. And I'll just just wish him that.

All right, sat the call, I get that though, I get it, ye like you know. I think what he's gonna find, though, is they aren't basketball Bennies. They're basketball I don't carries, which is gonna bother him more

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