Special Guest: Dr. James JC Cooley --CEO, International/National Television and Podcast Host, Author discusses the concept of Love, Investment, Family, and Empowerment.
Points covered
Dr. James JC Cooley is the international and national television host of It’s Your Life With Dr. James JC Cooley. The show is a Live, Primetime, and Syndicated show that is simulcast airing five days a week on The Answer San Diego Radio. The Show is also Live on e360tv and over 68 Live Streaming platforms that include Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Roku, Apple TV, and other streaming networks which can be seen and heard in over 170 countries
Brought to you by the J.C. Cooley Foundation, "Equipping the Youth of Today for the Challenges of Tomorrow."
#ItsYourLife #Talkshow #Podcast #Radio #cooleyfoundation.org