Special Guest:
Honorable Laurie Edwards-Tate, MS -- President, Founder and CEO of both a non-profit, and currently for-profit non-medical Home Care Aid Organization called At Your Home Familycare.
Points covered
· Journey into the home care industry.
· What was it like to start a small business?
· The services provided by At Your Home Familycare
· How At Your Home Familycare services ties into the holidays and also the community
Since 1984, Laurie Edwards-Tate has been the President, Founder and CEO of both a non-profit, and currently for-profit non-medical Home Care Aid Organization called At Your Home Familycare. It is a State of CA Department of Social Services Licensed Home Care Organization that currently serves seniors, disabled, infirm, and children and holds contracts with a variety of governmental and non-profit community partners. They are funded 50% by private duty and private pay services.
Laurie holds a Master’s of Science in Human Resource Management and Organizational Development from Chapman University and a Life Credentialed Community College Instructor. She established a Home Care Aide Training Program at Cal State University College of Extended Studies. Laurie is also a founding member of Chapman University’s local Advisory Council.
At Your Home Familycare. http://atyourhomefamilycare.com
Social Media
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/atyourhomefamilycare
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurie-edwards-tate-ms-a3513014/
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