Honeycomb: Bertie Beetles Year Round? Did White Choc Crunchie Exist?

Published Jul 7, 2024, 8:02 PM

Did you know there's Bertie Beetle PEANUT BUTTER!? If you expected actual honeycomb in this episode, you're gonna be shattered... it's all Violet Crumbles, Crunchies and Bertie Beetles. Ben goes full mad scientist in the kitchen and Em bribes you with a special Bertie Beetle offer. 

At the end of the episode we have a little note about supporting Ingredipedia via Lenny.fm. You can create a custom bundle of your fave four podcasts and support them for a total of $4 a month. No pressure though! Just if you're keen. 

[0:44] Bertie Beetle showbags
[6:48] Violet Crumble vs Crunchie
[16:16] Bertie Beetle peanut butter
[20:44] White chocolate Crunchie?

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