Hr2: Talking Ireland Game with Michael McQuaid

Published Feb 7, 2025, 4:00 PM
Michael McQuaid of the Steelers Ireland podcast joins the locker room to discuss today’s exciting announcement of the Steelers in Ireland.

This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Stark's.

All right, we are in the locker Room on the Audios Friday edition. It is the ultimate power Hour coming through it. Of course, our buddy's got there.

He is. What's up Optimists Optimus?

Hopefully you are fueled by Guinness because our next guest is going to lay it out for us. It is the host of the Steelers Ireland podcast.

Of course, my good buddy.

I got to see him all week down at the Super Bowl media row.

It is the one, the only.

Michael McQuaid, Michael, how are we doing on this joyous occasion of a day where the Steelers have been announced to go to Ireland?

Good start off?

I just.

Want to day for for Ireland, want to day for the Pittsburgh here it would be lightly are you doing?


All right, we're having some problems here, Michael. We got to get you locked in here a little bit. Yeah, yeah, it's just yeah. Can you hear us now? Yeah, there's it sounds hear me? Yeah, I can hear you now, be perfectly. I went, ok, we're having some issues now. I think Michael is still in New Orleans zone, so he's got no excuses.

Yeah, yeah, except for the radio, except for the phone connection.

Uh, Michael, can you hang up and.

Dial back in Let's see if it changes its better?

Now, guys, I can hear you perfectly. Hopefully you can hear me.

Okay, okay, now you're actually you're coming in loud and clear, yes, loud.

Yeah, sorry guys, Sorry, guys, I think radio rogue at the best of us. There no look and it's like delighted to be on what a day for the organization, On a day for Ireland is an honor. It's an honor to speak to you guys any day. Just over the moon moment.

So excited, Michael. We're looking at pictures of Croke Park or do you call it the Croker? That's what they said, the locals call it the Croker? Is it true?

We call it Crooker. It's like the Maca of sports in Ireland, and it's just it's it's the place. You know, obviously the theater a chance to play there in ninety seven, but almost thirty years all in the stadiums expanded, It's got big and we're going to see over seventy six thousand funds talking there later on in the year, and it's going to be out the guys.

Oh, I cannot wait, Michael. We've already talked about this obviously, I've been on Radio roll with you this week, and you know, we are definitely going to ask for all of the Irish hospitality as we try everything that is Ireland, from the liquid libations to the savory dishes. But kind of just talk about kind of the process of this. I mean, you talked about almost thirty years in the making for the return trip for the Steelers back to Ireland. Just you know what that process looks like to bring a game to another country. And obviously the last time the Steelers played out of country across the Pond was in twenty thirteen. So I mean even for the Steelers, you know, twelve years to get back to an international game, but of course be this of all national games, international games to be coming to Ireland.

Yeah, twelve years is a long time, and I think the Staters are actually one of the last teams in that thirty two to you know, make the trip over again so soon, so it's great to have them. They played the Vikings in London last time, and I think they're actually on their schedule at home next year. So let's see what happens. I guess in terms of in terms of Croke Park and in terms of nineteen ninety seven, that was actually for a preseason game called the American but it was the first time that Fox Sports had traveled internationally for a broadcast. It was a big moment and obviously for the late Dan Rooney, it meant an awful lot to the Rooney family. And I guess now, guys, with the added you know, technology, the world has got smaller. These opportunities present themselves to allow that we can have a game we can not just show Dublin on a grand scale, but show the world just how many Staeers fans are in Dublin and really, you know, do justice to the work of the Runey family, not just over the last twenty to thirty years since they've emigrated to America.

Michael, what's the reaction locally? Ben you get out amongst the fans and some of the people and the you know, the neighborhood and everything else, what's they kind of like? What are they saying?

So I'm on Radio Row right now, So all I can tell you right now is I have about fourteen hundred notifications on my phone. People are absolutely buzzing. They cannot wait. And I'll tell you what I might need to I might need a new phone after today in a good way. Look, we we went in the tour last week. We went to three areas around the island of Ireland and obviously, while we didn't you know, officially talk about it, there was you know, speculation of strikes that this was imminent and loads the excitement, the appreciation that every fan has for something as precious as a home game. People get it. I think, lads, and I'm not just saying this because of the podcast that we're on and the team. I think this is going to be the biggest international game that's ever. I think the momentum is there. Everybody in our is excited. It's going to be the hottest ticket in time. It'll be as hot as an All Ireland Football Final tickets which in Grow Park which you can't get over here. So it's going to be a massive, massive day when it happens, and just so excited. Guys.

No, you're absolutely right, and what you're talking about, I know I got an email. I don't know about everybody else, but I got an email, you know, stating about this moment and about locking in your opportunity you can actually go, and I just lost the There we go. If you are on the Steelers news or you've gotten tickets before, it says you know, the Steelers are heading to Ireland and Steelers Nation, pack your bags. We're taking the Black and Goal to the Emerald Isle. For the first time ever, the NFL will play regular season game in Dublin, Ireland, but the Steelers as the home team. Additional details, including opponent, day and time, will be announced as part of the NFL full schedule release this spring. And then, of course, if you want to be a part of the action, you could place a deposit to lock in your place for this. And like you said, Michael, I think that kind of underscores it is that this might be the hottest ticket internationally just because of you know, you already have the fans that are in England and Germany from extensive games being played, and we know how far that reaches, and fans of all teams right come and celebrate in these stadiums for these international games. But more importantly, we want to see more black and Gold than we want to see any other team affiliations going into the game. So it's something you want to make sure that if you're not, make sure you tap into the Steelers news and everything. And of course, Michael, I know, I know your mates, you know, not the full compliments not there with you on Radio Row and you're kind of the flag bearer for the Steelers, the Steelers Nation in Ireland podcast. You know when you think about like just seeing everything that's happening this week with Eagles Chiefs, and you're actually in one of the craziest days. I don't know if you've noticed that yet, but I mean, just talk about the last couple of days, about being on Radio Row and just everybody that's been out there today, because I know there's been a lot of Steelers.

Walking around there. I mean I was there yesterday.

I saw James Harrison, Charlie Batch, Willie Cologne, Joey porter Uh and others kind of walking around there.

What is it have you?

Have you caught any of those guys yet to talk to them about this announcement yet.

It's funny. I met Tom Hayward yesterday. I always was shot in to Max's valid's grip. It was good to see you, Maxus Valles Always it was shot in at Tom Hayward and the first thing he said to me was, I can't wait to get to Hearland. So the players are all bolting about it. I was shot in the charity boxes. Well, GI know what, it's just, it's ill guys as a football fund on someone who loves the game on the chance to talk about the game on the dB. It's just the finks to yourselves and everybody else to come over here this week when you see players, you see the world media. I knew he's your friends. It really is awesome, and you know, I'll be honest with you. Our table has been pretty hot this week when people coming up asking about the Steelers, asking about the Dublin games. It's just spacial, isn't it. Especially but it's the first time. You can't beat the first time for a game like this, So it's been a very very special week. And great to see so many familiar fiaces. Great to see so many Black and Gold guys playing for the Steelers here as well, and former players Hall of Famers Jerome Batt is here yesterday as well. And it's been a fun week. You know, it's been fantastic.


All right, let's get down to business here. We got to talk something serious. Can we outfit Max in a Leprechaun suit? You think that can happen?

Well, I've met the man. I think we'll do very well to do it. But I'll tell you what, if we can get a game in Ireland, if we can get over all the humps to get that to happen, we can definitely get them on a leaper concerts.

Yes, yes, we need to.

It's that That is the determination and persistence of a man that's been waiting for this game to come over to Ireland and I'm here for it. And like I said, Michael, we of course we'll be talking uh plenty of times before we get to the game in Dublin. But I've gotta I've gotta wear something special for that game. I've got to put something special on. And so I was like, do I call the Notre Dame mascot and ask him where he gets his outfit made or do I go over and get it? Get it, get it made in the Emerald Isle. To make sure that I'm outfitted with the proper the proper color green.

I mean, I have to find that Kelly green.

I can't go with you know, Hunter or regular green or any lime green.

I can't do that.

I've got to have the perfect Irish green for this occasion. So you know, Wolf and I've been chuckling about it, but I'm serious. I mean, if I if I, if I gotta put the suit, I'm gonna put the suit on. I might not dye my hair red, but I'm I'm gonna. I'm gonna do that. And you know, I'm definitely gonna partake in a lot of Guinness smids.

I will stand the all season, guys, I will stand the off season shorting the suit that I promise you'll you'll you'll look a million dollars home whenever the game is. They are all in twenty twenty five. But yeah, look, I mean there'll be a lot of green, not there, There'll be a lot of block and gold, and it's it's gonna be special. It's gonna be very, very emotional as.

Though, yes, I got I also got to ask us can you handle the shoes because I know they curl a bit in the front, right, But Max, how big are your feet?

So I do wear I was like eighteen nineteen depending on the manufacturer. Oh my god, yeah, yeah, you might not find buckle shoes.

Leave it with me. I leave it with me. Guys, I don't see what they can do. That's somebody that there.

Yeah, I love it. I love it that that that is tremendous. Uh, you know, one last one for me, Michael. I know you're you have still work to do there for the for the final day, there a media row and hopefully you do catch a couple of guys you can get them on there to do some live kind of reactions on there. I know, I know Joey's going to be around there a little bit later. You know, obviously you saw Charlie and and JB. I have a feeling there's a couple of more guys around there, but you know, kind of just to put a button on on on on this moment, right, like you've already said, it's historic, right, it's the first time ever, nothing beats the first time, and like you said, the last time was a preseason game, this game actually counts, you know, as you kind of get ready for this, Just what what? What do you think the build up's going to be towards this? I know the Steelers will obviously have some outreach opportunities in advance of the game, probably over this spring, in this summer, you know.

I I heard you know you talk to Cam.

But I feel like Cam would definitely be he he doesn't want to be outdone by his brother, right His brother went there last year with him and Calvin Austin.

Have you heard any plans for any type.

Of outreach opportunities you know, or you know, kind of community opportunities for the Steelers coming over there in advance of this game.

I look, I'm sure from what the Steers have done previously with flag football events and different outreach opportunities, it's going to be a very very busy few months ahead in a positive way. I spoke to Don and yesterday about this, and I know that there's a love plan. It's going to be fantastic for and you know, the people of Ireland to see that before Hunt and it's going to add to the game, you know, so it'll be so much and I just know what's going to step as the Steelers have set in the standard. The standard is a sounder. This game will be the standard afterwards for international games. I have no doubt about it, Margot.

I'm going to bring you back to New Orleans real quick. In radio row where you've ben Max been talking about some of the guys you've had on who's been your favorite, Who's who's the most loquation? Is one amongst the group of Steelers that you've had on air.

I was shot in the charity back watch like he was. He was good crack. He was telling at the Rudy family and you know what plans for the club meant to him in the city of Pittsburgh. And he says he still has a little chin wag with you guys as well. So he was good fun. Definitely good fun. And then I didn't have calm on in terms of sitting down, but we just we just got shotting on it. I think it shows you a lot about what these guys are really like in person. That Tom was lovely. It wouldn't have mattered if you were, you know, hop mccafee or a full on celebrity or just a fan, doesn't really a real get time for everybody. And I think that says a lot about him, about him as a man as well, as.

Long as you weren't Pat Mahomes, that's for sure.

Well awesome, Well, Michael, I'll let you get back to business out there on media row. Enjoy the rest of your time in New Orleans, and of course we'll be seeing you very very soon as the Steelers will be heading to Ireland. Then, of course is the great Michael McQuaid who handles the Steeer Art Steelers of Ireland podcast, which you can get on all major outlets. Of course, you can go to steel dot com and you can find links as well to it. Michael, thank you for the time. Cheers, mate, Enjoy the rest of your time in New Orleans.

I thank you very much. Wit I'll see us say thank you.

Appreciate your brother.

Yes, all right, man, that's awesome, awesome, And Michael is such a great dude.


We we had a good time because, like I said, day one, I'm coming in it was it had to have been like seven thirty eight o'clock in the morning because My show I was doing was at nine am Monday morning, and the Series XM set and literally their set was facing the Series XM uh stage and booth area that we had set up in Radio Row at Boo. I see him bright and early, and he came up. We took a big We took a picture with the with the with the Irish Terrible towel, the green Terrible towel there because we do one every year because I see him every year, but the first time they've had like a big set up there, you know, table and everything, so it was it was great to see and then we talked throughout throughout the week and like you said, you know, we just ran into each other, him being in close proximity, and I did a couple of of hits down there in the uh in the in the big main area. So Michael was just a gas to work with man and just see him and talk. And now I've done that. I'd done their podcast a couple of times over the last couple of years, so I imagine, imagine I'll be due for another visit with the fellas on the pod as we get closer to the game. But uh yeah, fantastic human and and a huge Steeler fan, man. I mean we talk about you know, his knowledge and and his love for the game and everything Steelers. He's a perfect host for that show. Him and the rest of the crew. There's like four of them that do the that do the podcast every every week. So excited to do that, guys. Yeah, yeah, great, guys. So all right, we're gonna sep beside. We'll be back with more here inside the Locker Room. Possessed Arrow swings one last time to the wolf Man as we barrel down towards the end of our final show here this season inside the Locker.

We'll be back with more here on the Steelers Audio Network.

This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Shure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now Here's Craig Wolfley and Max Starks.

P Park, a stadium accustomed to host the Gaelic football in.

Hurling, today hosts the American Bowl, a preseason matchup between the Fairs.

And the Steelers.

Double twenty five here we go.

You could draw that up better.

Oh my goodness.

Island is really a nice place to be.

We think that this will be a good way to solidify the team, to bring the players together. Sessial Delivery proke pack is ready.

Here we go steate it.

Wow, if you saw the actual video of that, been through that all the way across the Atlantic the Croke Park, what do you think, Matt?

I mean, I mean, that's a good one. I mean the fact that he made that. I mean, I imagine the video version of.

That probably gets a lot better than listen to it on radio. The one drawback of radio you can't see pictures.

That's true. Got home, you know? Yeah?

Oh no, I definitely did. And you know what's funny.

I just turned on my i G and and Diesel actually just released a video on his i G Stories of Doublin of dublin Er Irish whiskey, and he's interviewing people with a Doubliner bottle and and having Steeler fans talk about it, and uh, I you know, everybody's getting excited. It's kind of what that meaning is. Obviously Keys obviously uh was it James Harrison? You know James Ferrier went over last year. Alan Fanica went over last year for the watch party, and then of course we had Cordo Stewart who played in that game, also went over. We talked about Connor Hayward and Calvin Austin. I have to believe Cam Hayward's going over this time around. If they do any outreach ahead in advance of the game as well, hopefully I get to go as well. I'm just gonna throw that out there in the universe goes. Listen, Hey, you miss one hundred percent of the shots you never take.

You know what I'm saying.

So I'm shooting my shot. So it's up in the air. Let's see if it's a swish or an airball. We'll find out later, but I'm gonna put it out there in the universe. Wolf, you need some advanced R and D, and I'm I'm.

Here for it.

You like the girl, just like the girl in Hunger Games. I volunteers tribute. I volunteers tribute. I will go over there, I'll sacrifice, I'll go kiss the Blarney stone. I'll go find a four leaf clover if I have to. But luckily, as long as I fall into a pint of guinness. I'm all happy, but I will do extensive research. I will go up and down the Emerald Aisles. I will golf, I will hit out of the crazy bunkers that are over there. I will do it all in the name of research and development for everybody.

All right and Steelers Nation and you declare it, why not very good? Indeed, now I'm gonna I'm gonna turn the topic back to the Super Bowl here, Max, because taking yeah, well, you know you gotta get there sometimes, you know. The point being is Roger Goodell says, you know it's ridiculous. You got Clark Hunt, you know, the owner of the Chiefs. Hunt says, you almost have to laugh. Well, what do you think I'm talking about? And that would be the favoritism supposedly going towards the Chiefs in the Super Bowl by the referees. Now, before anybody says anything, you know, the thing about it is the Chiefs were penalized one hundred and twenty more yards than their opponents in regular and postseason since the start of twenty twenty two. It's interesting, But you know what, you dig a little bit deeper, and I think there's some things there that just I don't know, Max. You know, I'm not a conspiracist in the sense of the referees. You got seventeen crews of referees, one hundred and seventy eight referees out there. To me, in my mind, the fact that there would be any sort of conspiracy, no, it's ridiculous. I agree with that. But I will say this, this is what Chuck Nole. It was predicated on what Chuck Noles said back in the eighties, and I'll never forget that because Chuck Nole referenced the fact that the referees are human too. Those who are playing well tend to get favored, and to me, that speaks highly of those little things with Pat Mahomes. But it's also not just that. It's also it's like, you know what you've got, Chuck Nole meets TV money because TV money wants a Pat Mahomes. TV money wants all the stellar quarterbacks to be able to advertise in their games and to protect them. We know that, but when does it start to interfere with some of the referees calls? That to me is the interesting point, not the conspiracist, and you know they're out there to get Taylor Swift to the super Bowl and stuff like that. They can go. They go one hundred and twenty plus million with or without her. But the fact is, you know, you've got a guy that is so enormously popular, so enormously spectacular in his play, a guy like Pat Mahomes. It makes you wonder sometimes when you see some of those little bit of ticky tacky calls.

Yes, I mean it is something that you know, obviously has been talked about a lot, right, We've even joked about it on the show that you know, man, they get a lot of stuff their way.

But we also talked about this Wolf.

I think I think you and I had this conversation a couple of weeks ago talking about the favoritism about when you're winning, you get preferential treatment because you know, referees or fans too, at the end of the day, they become spectators to a degree, right, you know, and you have to love this game in order to officiate this game, right, and so you know that there's a natural human element that you're going to watch and you're going to pay attention from a spectator's view and then have to react, you know, to your job, which is keeping the order of the game that you're you're the rules keeper of the game on the field, and you know, when you've watched enough, you've seen enough of a certain successful team, there is an implicit bias, consciously or subconsciously that goes towards the direction of, well, if they didn't do this, he would have still been able to accomplish this, right, so it must be a penalty.

And so you know, referees are are are are are.

Fallible human beings as well. They're not infallible, and sometimes you do get calls wrong. That's why there's more than one. If there was just one, if you only needed one referee on the field, then you know it would be a lot worse. But they confer, you get different angles because of the position that they stay, and then you know, I do feel like we've lost a little bit. But the umpire moving behind with the referee and not being in the middle of the scrum of everything, I think some calls get missed now and so it's kind of you have to infer that the penalty has happened, especially with some of the holes that happen within the framework of the body on the opposite side. But if you see some arms flailing around like the inflatable, you know, flailing balloon men that are outside like a used car lot. From one angle, it leads you to believe, oh, he must be holding you know, type of situation, or the alignment on the line of scrimmage.

I know you have two side judges.

There's also something about the umpire seeing the helmets and if you notice a noticeable stagger and the helmets going across.

I thought those things were more accurate.

And of course that's one of the main things we talked about going to last year's Super Bowl was just how far back Jawa Taylor was lighting up off sides and we were like, we see it, you know, you and I were like, oh my god, you know how far I mean he could take the hand off. He's seeing that far back right and some of those things are missed. But you know, this is a bias. I mean, this is their third straight Super Bowl they've been to, they've won the last two wolf there is some bias that the Eagles are going to have to overcome. You're going to have to play a really clean game early on. You can't give the gray area to it because the gray area turns red and red for the chiefs right favor. So you have to be above board and how you approach this, and it has to be egregious on their end. But at the end of the day, you still got to go play football. They can be beat. They're not invincible, they're not immortal. They do bleed, you know, as they say, you know, Batman said and downa justice, right, I want to see a god bleed, you know what I'm saying. Like, that's how you have to treat that. They're not God's like they're human flesh and blood. But you have to go and you have to go force the issue. You have to take the fight to them. You can't expect to be given anything. You got to take everything in this game. And that's the mentality that you have that wipes the referees out of the game. Because if you play clean, you play above board, and you are didactic in your approach, you're not gonna have to leave it up to the guys with the striped shirts.

You know, I always laugh when I heard about, you know, a little bit of bleeding. I think of Monty Python. Was it was the Black Knight?

Was it?

What are you gonna do? Bleed on What are you gonna bleed on me?

What are you gonna bleed on me? Tis but a flesh woundn't.

Go shall don't you a time?

Excellent? Now think about this. You know, Hunt said you almost have to laugh, and I agree with that in that sense. But again it's down to those individual ones that, like you said, the referees are, they're they're fans of football, they're they're human beings. As Chuck Nole said, you know, it's it's really all about they tend to get the push, you know, the hidden vigoroush when the call comes down. And the interesting thing to me is when you couple that with, you know, Chuck Nole and all the TV money versus all the new rules that have come into effect to protect quarterbacks, it's just seemed back in the day, I mean, poor Terry Bradshaw. You want to talk about a guy that could get rocked because he was such a physical, strong player. He was a guy that just could get rocked. And we saw that with Joe Turkey Jones in Cleveland when he got the old you know, the the heave hole over the top, you know, that sort of thing that today that would have been the player probably would be thrown out. If somebody did that to Pat Mahomes, he'd be out for the rest of the seasons, no doubt in my mind. But it has changed, you know, and I think it's it's like you said, it's just it's just something that hey, you got to play better, you know, you gotta that's part and parcel of you got to come and take the.

Crown from the one who's wearing the crown. Yeah, exactly, And you know, not even take snatch. You have to snatch the crown all for the king, right and you have to kick him off of the throne. That's what it's going to take. And the only way that you know empires have been overthrown is by force.

And if you want to overthrow the.

Dynasty that is the Chiefs Kingdom, you're gonna have to go take it. And you have to do it emphatically because close games, guess what, they win them, close calls they get them. So don't make it close and don't make it questionable. Do it by force, and of course Malcolm X said it best, by any means necessary.

You got to get the job done.

Well, that's for sure, all right. The Possession Final Possession eraw of twenty twenty four points to Max will be right back after this. You're listening to the Steelers Audio Network.

This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official insurance and Cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Starks.

Alright, we are in the final final bell lap of the.

Twenty twenty four twenty five season. Last time.

I will be your maj d so to speak, your purveyor and previewer of all things that are lunch related.

This is your last early warning bell for now.

You know, I won't say finally like it's truly finally, but until we talk again training camp time, Max.

Max, I'm gonna miss you so much.

I mean, it's gonna be like a whole two weeks till I see you in Indianapolis.

No, I know, Wes, I know it's funny.

Our show technically goes on pause, but the work never goes on pause, as we know. And I'm sure and Wolf will be talking to many rizzlers and rizzlets doing doing his work as well, so we'll still be around the friendly faces and the friendly voices will still be around. Hashtag no cap exactly, that's right, because you know what, because we're bus.

Or sus what.

We're definitely more suss than bus definitely, but we do. But we do bring much riz that That's what I've learned from my kids, so hopefully I use that appropriately. I'm sure jan Alfa doesn't listen to our show anyways, because it's not in more like yeah, but you know, for those out there that do, please correct us because we don't care anyways. So a lot happened last night that we didn't get to yet, so I wanted to get to it. NFL Honors happened last night, Fellas, and you know, there there was there were some new winners at a lot of positions, just saying, uh, you know, one of the things I think that we can say is that Josh Allen is finally the NFL MVP.

After all the talk, all the years playing bridesmaid, he.

Becomes the bride or playing a groomsman and becomes a groom doesn't sound as good because I know a lot of groomsmen that never want to be grooms. Uh so you have to say brides bays because there there is a natural assumption that you want to be a bride one day. But Josh Allen beats out Saquon Barkley, Jarrett Goff, Joe Burrow, and Lamar Jackson for the NFL MVP. Joe Burrow is the comeback Player of the Year. He was in the field with Sam Darnold, Damar Hamlin, JK Dobbas, and Christian Gonzales. Coach of the Year Kevin An O'Connell. Fourteen wins not a bad way to break through. He beats up Dan Campbell, Dan Quinn, Andy Reid, and Sean Payton for that honor.

You know, I gotta I gotta sit here and say I agree with Bob Labriola. You know, the winner of the Super Bowl is the coach of the Year. The fact though, I mean, I'd never thought that way before, but when I listened to the labs talk about it makes more sense, you know, and you look at that and go, okay, you know, Kevin O'Connell, that was great. He fourteen wins and then just to go belly up they got whooped.

Yeah, yeah, he did get whooped, but he accomplished something that the Minnesota Vikings, and you could appreciate this Wolf that you played for the Vikings. Right, they never hit, they never hit that they would never expected. I mean, you think about that race the entire year in the in the NFC North, like to win fourteen games. Any other year, wolf, hear me, Any other year you win fourteen games, you are the number one seed in either conference, you win your division.

But the problem was you had another.

Team, right that did the same exact thing, and they beat you in the games that mattered, right, exactly. So so that's but that's what's crazy. But it's never been done before. Whereas the lines we had in expectation from them going to the NFC Championship a year before and then going again that they were going to be a team that would would be in the place that they're in.

Whereas we did not expect that.

Right because you go and you draft a quarterback in the first round, top fifteen picks and JJ McCarthy. Sam Darnold has been the disavowed one, you know, the entire year, you know, entire career. You know, he's a failed jet fit bust of a first rounder and for him to have the year that he did, so you kind of see what that is. And once again, you know, winning in success breeds apathy amongst the fan base.

So Andy Reid wasn't gonna win that.

Even though this is a monumental moment that they're going for an NFL three p they've gotten closer to anybody else that has done it. There's been nine different occasions by eight different franchises wolf that have gone back to back, the Steelers of course, being you know, the only the only franchise to do.

It twice and come up.

Short in the AFC Championship game or a divisional game in both of those bids to not make it a three peat. So seeing something that you haven't seen before, winning fifteen games along the way, hosting, you know, six out of seven AFC Championship games in Arrowhead. Just so much surrounding that, but people don't care about that. And you know, you could argue Sean Payton deserves it because you know, they had they made it into the playoffs, hadn't been in the playoffs in a while, and of course the defensive player of the Year, which this kind of leads to that Pat Certain becomes Defensive Player of the Year. So you figure if you have a defensive Player of the Year wardy or finalist the year team, that's very successful. But you know, the Broncos kind of came up short on that one, so I mean, I'll give it to him. Hey, kudos to Kevin O'Connell. It'll be interesting to see what they do next year. Oh yeah, weird to see what they do next year.


Of course, I thought dan Quinn deserved to not I thought he was probably the next closest because of the year that Washington had, after all the upheaval, all of the turmoil, all of the negativity, you know, for him to come in year one with a rookie quarterback, a lot of transplant players and make it to the NFC Championship Game with the Washington Commanders for the first time in thirty five years or thirty four years, I thought pretty impressive as well. I felt like he was probably the second closest in that running. But Kevin O'Connell wins the title of that one, so kudos to him. I talked about it. Defensive Player of the Year was Pat Certain and and this was your That was your pick, you know Wes yesterday when we were talking, and you know other ones in that in that in that conversation, Trey Hendrickson, who led the league in sacks this year. That was Zach bar Yeah, Zach Bond obviously another candidate as well. Uh, he's just a tackling machine for the Eagles. TJ was up there, but we know what happened at the end of the year and we understand why. And then Miles Garrett was another one that was up there as well. And like you said, I think Trey Henderson would hurt him was because the offense was so successful and that, you know, and Joe Burrow was up there for m v P and jmr Chase as well.

He had the trip.

He was the triple Crown winner this year at the wide receiver position, right led the league in receptions, receiving yards, and touchdowns. It's a triple crown for wide receivers. You just kind of felt like he would have had a shot at least an Offensive Player of the Year. Saquon was Saquon on a historic run that I felt like he could have easily have beaten Eric Dickerson's record, but sits out of Week eighteen, you know, declines to go back in the Giants game. They pull him early throughout a number of games. But he's only thirty yards behind Terrell Davis for most most yards in the season including the playoffs. So he's at twenty four forty six. Oh no, no, yeah, he's at twenty four to forty six. The records twenty four to seventy six. So if he rushes for thirty yards in the Super Bowl or thirty one yards, he takes out Terrell Davis's record. But just just a phenomenal year for Pats. Certain he had a heck of a run at the end of the season to close things off. So I see why he's the first defensive back to get in a very very long time. This is I mean, defensive MVP has usually been a defensive end outside backer type that's won at the last number of years. I mean, you think about Aaron Donald with his back to back bids as well. You know, it's been a defensive lineman filled position for.

The most part.

Absolutely, you know, I still think Trey Hendricks should have won. But at the same time, I go, it's Cincinnati, well, and.

Their defense sucked You have to remember, this is a team that went nine to eight.

Exactly, and their defense lost them a lot of games.

They were giving up like forty points a game. Yeah, you know, so you know it's like, hey, offense score thirty eight, but defense gave up forty two.

Oh well, there you go, there you go.

So, I mean, I think that all the team winning also matters in that position, right, And they didn't make it to the playoffs.

The Broncos did make it to the playoffs. The Browns didn't make it to the playoffs.

You know, TJ was silent towards the end of the season because he was injured trying to play through that. That's what kind of hurt his number. And then Zach Bond is a linebacker. But they expect linebackers to have one hundred plus tackles, you know what I'm saying, Like this kind of more standard, Like you had to do something beyond spectacle. You had to have like five interceptions and like seven fumble recoveries like at linebacker to even be considered, you know, for.

For that for that award.

Some other award winners, Jared Verse wins Defensive Rookie of the Year, which I mean, you look at what that Rams line did just in that wildcard game. You know they played out in Arizona against the Vikings. I think Sam Darnold is still scared of being sacked because they hit him so much. But they had a heck of a tear to get to the playoff spot, to be in that position, and then of course to win the wildcard losing the divisional round to the to the Eagles. Had a fantastic years of rookie and that and that that young Rams defensive line looks just ferocious. Surprise, surprise, Jayden Daniel wins Offensive Rookie of the.

Year Wolf, I mean, blew me away, had no idea, Yeah yeah.

And the historic run this kid led led his team as a rookie to the NFC Championship game. Ben's record for most wins by a rookie quarterback, but does not eclipse it. He does an eclipse it, he only ties it. So a phenomenal run for him as well. Some other awards, real quick, we got we have where's it at? Walter Payton Man of the Year goes to Eric Armstead of the Jaguars longtime defensive line. Of course, we remember mostly for his time in the for the San Francisco forty nine Ers, longtime stalwart and player for them. He wins that award this year takes home top honors for the ultimate service to the community as well as being a standout player. We have the Salute to Service Award which was which went to George Kittle for that award. The NFL Player of the Year, of course was Jayden Daniels. That was the hail Mary against against the Bears as time expired. The one player that was dancing to the crowd and he ends up tipping it to the tipping it to the receip. Oh my god, Like that guy is gonna is gonna not live that down. The Art Rooney Sportsmanship Award goes to Josh Allen as well, so, uh, you know, great honor for him of course, named after the late great Art Rooney, the architect of the Steelers and bringing that franchise to the place that we know and love today. Assistant Coach of the Year Ben Johnson. Surprise surprise now new head coach of the Chicago Bears, was that he was up against his own compatriot, another new head coach, Aaron Glenn. He was up against Joe Brady, uh Flow, Brian Flores, and of course coach Fangio.

Vic Fangio was that.

And then we have the Deacon Jones Award, which is like the Defensive Lineman Award. Trey Henderson wins that, Wolf, So there you go. He did come away with some hardware. At at the end of the day. The Air Player of the Year was Josh Allen, Yes, he threw for a lot of yards, also won the NFL V and then the Ground Player. This is the one that kind of got me a little little confused. Jamar Chase won the Ground Player. I thought this was a Saquan Award because I felt like air is kind of catching and receiving. Ground is rushing and running, you know what I'm saying. Like that was the one that kind of was like, but I guess you have to get the triple crown winner some type of awards.

So they found a way to, I guess, justify it.

But that was all the NFL Honors awardes or recipients from from this past year. I want to finish this out, Wolf, Let's do it Super Bowl Sunday.

Who you got, Who I got? I can't bet against the Eagles like I said, I want both of them to lose, but I think if that offensive line of the Eagles comes through and dominates the way it's capable, they'll win. But you what are you gonna do? It's hard to bet against.

At my homes, it is, it's tough to bet. So apparently you you hate the Eagles just to smitche less than you do the Chiefs, which is perfectly fine, that you know. I mean, and hey, listen, being transparent sitting in my glass house, I understand that completely. I don't want to see either team win because you know, it's like, oh, we got to deal with the team in the Eastern PA talking about how great they are, kissing themselves and hugging themselves, actually acting like the city of brotherly love if they win. And then of course, on the other side, I love burn Ins and Ken City Barbecue, but I don't want to see them do it three years in a row. You know, a lot of people want to see history. I'm like, no, I'm okay with history not being made on Sunday, and you know I have to go with it. I mean, I love Philly cheese steaks over burn In, so I'm picking.

I'm picking the Eagles as well. I know you're right.

It's tough to pick against Patrick Mahomes. I said this, you know in the AC Championship game. Man, I can't pick against Patrick Mahomes. But man, it's hard not to pick against them when you see what the Eagles have and we saw it up close and personal. I mean, they look like mon stars on the defensive line and the offensive line. Saquan has the most yards before content before first contact.

In the NFL.

That's why he had a historic two thousand plus rushing yard season. And the defensive line for the Chiefs is good, but they're not great.

And that's what I think it is. Sorry about that.

Guys almost drums out.

I know, I know, and I.

Tried to like turn away, but like the microphones like right up in my mouth. So I apologize. But yeah, it's I think it's gonna be a fantastic game. But I'm with you, you know, staying with the theme of the day, with all things green, uh, you know, with the with the Steelers Ireland announcement for this season. Of course we'll hear during the NFL schedule release win and who they will be playing. All we know is where they will be playing. But we guys got to answer the other questions around that game.

But a great day.

So you know, I go from Kelly Green to whatever that other green is for the Eagles. I don't even care enough to get the specific type. I just know it's green. We're going with the boys in Eastern PA. You heard that, Wesley who you got to round it out?


Boys, But much like Darth Vader and Tom Brady, until I see the body, I ain't gonna believe he's dying. The Eagles, I think, are better than the Chiefs in every department except for the one that matters most.

Good point.

I would probably say the coaching staff as well too, But I just can't pick against the Chiefs. I can't do it. I think the Eagles have a better roster, better team overall. But I'm gonna take Mahomes and any read until I see the body.

Well, the good thing is we won't have to face the West if we're wrong, Max, that is true?

Well, well you won't.

I will have to because I'll see him in Indy and because they'll be like told you so.

But you know what that means?

What Max?

How about we put a how about we put a pint of guinness in India on this one. All right, the Chiefs wear you buy them, the Eagles when I buy them?

How about it?

All right?

You know what, we'll we'll make it the match that that that that is a good that is a good old fashioned bet, right there, my friend. And of course I will have to if if the Eagles do win, I'll have to pull your Woodrows, Sendwich shop privileges.

Don't tell, don't tell my se don't tell my Philly family about this.

No gotta have the tee, No trouffle cheese sauce for you.

You get that's right, you go over to Scotland. Get the Irish is.

Worse than the Potatar famine, I.

Tell you, Yes, a Woodrow Philly Philly steak famine even worse. But but no, as a kid, I mean that, I think, like you said, I don't think there's a wrong answer. And I think because they're both so good, that's why they deserve to be here. Right, because these are the two best teams in the NFL. We saw both of them, both of them were dominating in their victories over the Steelers. I kind of have to say a little low tone But the more convincing of those victories was definitely with the Eagles because of the explosive plays, whereas the Chiefs just kind of dinked and dunked and just killed you with a thousand thousand paper cuts, you know what I'm saying, and just bled you out. You know, the Eagles brought a sledgehammer and they and they just beat They just beat you up. And they did not give the ball back in that second half. Remember that they didn't give the ball back and they were just chewing up time. So I think that's just one where I kind of I feel like from the eye test, it just looks better on the Eagle side. But you're right, this is also why we played the game and why that game will be played on Sunday down in New Orleans in the super Dome.

But for for Craig Wolfly, I'm Max Stark's West.

You are the ones that is we turn it over to him, of course, to CJ and the sin say for all their tireless work this season and to use Steelers Nation for tuning in every day during the week for all of these weeks leading from training camp to now the Friday that you know, the Eve of Eve's for the penultimate game, the Super Bowl. Here we bid you Ado, We thank you for all of your love, your support, and we can't wait to do it again come training camp time again. But of course you'll hear us over the airways variously throughout this offseason. Wes and Motes will be doing a great job. Of course, Matt and Dale will also be bringing you stuff throughout the off season, keeping the Steelers appetite wet as much as possible. I will see you guys for combine and owners meetings. I won't be on the draft coverage this year, but I will be around and of course bringing you whatever content on my on my feeds as we progress. Wolf when it's say some final words.

Hey, love y'all Steelers Nation, and front with that, I bid you adieu.

All right, Wesley, you still got another show to do. You're right now, that's right. Yeah we are, yeah, yeah we are, we are. We are doing the show right now, and we're gonna step aside. But it's a final edition of the Inside the Locker Room. We gotta keep it rolling. So we went a little bit over. So what you know, Hey, Wes, You're welcome and to Steelers Nation, go, make it a great day, have a great offseason.

In the Locker Room with Wolf & Starks (Pittsburgh Steelers)

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