This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Starks.
All right, we are inside Hour number two, which we all know is the power hour. That's right, Optimus, you gotta roll through one more time. But before the season's over with, keep doing your work. We're fine here. No need to stop because you hadn't stopped yet this season. Don't don't, don't, don't. Don't change your stripes now. But you know, one of the other fun things that happens when you're down here at Super Bowl and you're out and about. You know, we had a we had we had a dinner last night with with one of the other companies I work with, Serious XM. And you know, you know, when I think of New Orleans, think of Portuguese food, right, I mean that that's what they're famous for here.
I mean, yes, no doubt, I am absolutely When I think of New Orleans, it's not Cajun food. It's not desserts. It's not French cuisine. It is, in fact, the Portuguese.
Yeah, the Porto guests, uh food is what we think of. But we ended up doing a dinner there and it actually ended up being phenomenal, Wesley, and I know you're a fan of Portuguese food as well. I am, but yeah, it was. It was a surprised but it ended up being amazing. And so for those of you that are not familiar with Portuguese cuisine, let's kind of set that. I'm gonna set the table here quite so. They do a lot of they do a lot of uh seafood, right, there's a lot of fish. Obviously, it's a coastal country on the western coast of Europe, right, it's a little small patch that's right right on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, you know, because Spain is like a huge proportion of that, so it looks like it's almost cut out of Spain. But you know, two different languages, powerhouse in its own rights, smaller country. So they're known for a lot of a lot of fish, a lot of a lot of seafoods. Yeah, yeah, you know, there there's a lot of you know, we had oh god, what what was the fish that we had? Gosh, I can't even think about. It was a full, whole, whole red snapper that was absolutely phenomenal. They're like butterflied open and you know, still had the tail that they did cut the head off, thank goodness. And so we had that the pury purry chicken. So their sauces were really good, you know, some good beef as well, I would say, but cured meat is another thing that they're really known for. And of course the Berrico ham, of course, is something that's in that region, you know, between Spain and Portugal. So a lot of cured meat, a lot of a lot of cheeses that they make their sheep and cow and goats milk cheeses. So it was a it was a phenomenal dinner when I was not expecting to have, and I was kind of down about it because I'm like, man, you know, who wouldn't want to, you know, have some good old like just a crawfish boil.
Right, Portuguese food.
You just don't expect that you're going to go to New Orleans and have Portuguese food.
Yeah, yeah, it was a surprise, to say the least. But you know, my brother Willie Cologne, Willy Willy, his wife the Kisha were in town. They got in yesterday and so I met them before dinner. And of course, you know, knowing, knowing what my boy, my boy's gonna come through off the top rope, right, you know. And and uh so I had some crawfish beforehand. We went to a little spot called Clessy's and had a little had a little crawfish boil. So sat some picnic tables and uh and and caught up with him and his wife. And so it was a good time. So I definitely been even good down here. And so I got a nice little thing. But as we're walking from dinner back to the hotel with with with the rest of the crew, uh a car is pulled up at a light and I crossed the street. You know, you're crossing the crosswalk, and I hear this call and it is something that I know is you know, you want to take an account. But when you get called out by the wrong name West, you know what I'm saying, it's like it jars the system a little bit and I'm not paying attention. And they had to say I think they're talking to you bags. I'm like what and and so I turn around and and there's a car there, and there's these two ladies in the car and they scream out Pace, mister Pace, it's me, how you doing? And I'm sitting there. I'm like, she's not just called me, Orlando Pace. And turn around and she's waving her hands, are like, oh my god.
How are you.
I'm Robert he you know, Robert Hicks, his wife. And so at this point now she's like, it's fully on. So you know, what do you do in that situation with you know what I'm saying. You'll say, hey, you got the wrong.
Guys, so nice to see you. How's the family?
Exactly? So I turned, I said, hey, what's up girl, good to see you. Take care and.
Tell your parents, I said.
Alone, you know what I'm saying. And then I walk off. And and and so Brenda McCaffrey, one of our producers at Serious Tix, them might get a hand another one, and they're just looking at me. They are just laughing their behinds off, and they're just like, oh my god. I'm like, yes, I was like, sadly, this happens more than not at Super Bowl hilarious.
Oh, Like, I know what it's like.
I know what it's like during training camp and the Combine in places like that. It's very hard to go anywhere with you, Max, because just from your yeah, your playing.
Days of high level SEC college.
Football, two super Bowls with the Steelers, and obviously the franchise reach that the Steelers have and elsewhere where you played, and then the media side of your career now as well too.
It isn't we joke about this all the time.
It's impossible to go anywhere at the Combine with you without you getting stopped by somebody that you know.
But what I didn't know is that it's also impossible to go anywhere with you. Now I'm getting stopped by somebody that you don't know but thinks they know you. I mean, it just never ends.
Yeah, it's like and they go in so like full board about it that you feel bad not acknowledging who they think you are. You know what I'm saying, Because you don't want to crush their spirits or get them down or have them feeling negative. You want to make sure if people feel like they have the warm and fuzzies. I was like, you know, thank God. You know, the only time I will stop a person I'm be honest here is if they ask for an autograph. That's the only time that I have to like correct people really, and I shoot, I have to do that with Steelers Nation at times, right because they're.
Ramon Foster.
Barvel Smith. I'm like, so so, I mean, so it's all good, It's all good. It happens. But but I thought it was funny. I was like and not a bad guy to be compared to. Right, you know what I'm saying. If you're not going to know who I am, but you're gonna assume that I'm a Hall of Famer and also a Super Bowl champions and Orlando Pays the guy I look up to and who I wanted to bottle my game after. Not a bad guy. You know what I'm saying. You shoot for the moon land amongst the stars. Right, you know what I'm saying. I can't. I can't complain about that. But I just thought, yeah, I'll let this was slide. It's different if you you called me like what, JaMarcus Webb, great sea to you? Yeah, I would have been like, you know what I'm saying, Like you pick like some some guy that's that I completely skill wise. At least you put me that you bumped me up a tier, you know what I'm saying. So you know you could take that to the COMPLIMENTD and you can feel good about yourself. But yeah, all right, so that was a funny story. Well, we're gonna step aside because we have the one, the only cool breeze coming through in the locker room and want to make sure we get to him. We know that he probably will have a golf appointment, so we want to get as much time with him as possible before he teas off. So we're gonna step aside. We'll be back with more here inside the locker room. Jerry Dulac on the other side, when we come back here at these commercial breaks.
This is in the locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Shure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Stark's.
All right, we are back inside the locker room here, and of course it wouldn't be a Steelers locker room week without having the one, the only cool Breeze himself, mister g Gerry Doulac and Jerry doc is brought to us by Chuckin's Cafe Too in the historic South Side. Enjoy five for fifteen dollars, cops like buckets during all the pins games, catch all those games on their sixteen wondrously large televisions, and of course don't forget to try their newest HOGI edition, the Chuck Cut Original. Jerry, how are we doing today and where are we on this lovely day?
Well, Max, we are back in the Burg where it's chili and icy, and it's a long way from where I was last week when I joined y'all, But you know I'm glad to be where I am right here, right now talking with you. And well, yeah, and no wolf unfortunately.
Yeah, we are wolfless today. He is on the men, and of course thoughts are with him as he makes a full recovery. But you know, you got Max and West here, so we are going to We're going to steer this ship as best we can. And of course, when you get a good, good little gust inside your sales with the cool breeze, you know, it makes things a lot easier. So we appreciate you Jerry hopping on for us for a segment and kind of chatting it up with us one last time for this iteration of the locker room this year. So I do want to start out with some news that came out obviously at the beginning of the week, kind of a little around the league, just to do a little recap with ITAs. We hadn't talked to you since. But you know something that happened more AFC Newsworthy. That was, you know, Miles Garrett requesting a trade right at the morning Monday morning, right before really the press and the frenzy started happening for Super Bowl week. He drops that bomb of a letter that he wants to be traded. Now, I'm not shedding a tear for that, you know at all, Ja, because the don't want to say that guy twice a year. But what were your thoughts when you when you saw that that come down.
Well, first of all, my initial thought was, I don't blame them, because that is as dysfunctional a franchise as there is in the National Football League, and that includes the Jets, and that's saying something. They can't stand one one iota of prosperity because whenever they get it, they revert back to who they are and what they are, and that goes to their ownership, and that includes everything from the decision to move on from Baker Mayfield to signing Deshaun Watson to every other ridiculous move they seem to make. And so if I'm Miles Garrett, I'd sit there and say, I think the same thing. If your ambition is to win, you know, a championship of some form, a division title, a playoff game, something and and get and think you're going towards the super Bowl, then I would want O as well. So that was my initial thoughts. I don't blame him, but also until it happens, I won't believe that it's going to occur because they could make him a lot of promises and I'm not talking about financial but maybe a commitment to getting the right people in there, even though I don't think that'll matter. But you know, obviously he would command the steep price, and for those who think the Steelers would be able to get him, I'm sure the asking price would, especially for a division rival, would be way way way too high that the Steelers would not be willing to make and Max, you know, my feelings all along for the last two years have been, go draft your next Cam Hayward, go draft the young stud do it that way. I don't care who's available on free agency. Plus, they're just not going to do that with the price they're already paying their defense, they can't or to do that. So but until he's traded, until they decide to part with him, because that's a big piece of whatever it is they're trying to do that they haven't been able to do. You know, they take one step forward and then they take two back. In this past year, after finally finishing with a better record than the Steelers for like the first time in thirty five years, then they fall back to where they were this year. And Okay, I know Deshaun Watson got hurt, but he's not the answer to their issues. So, you know, the as Juju once said, the Browns is the Browns.
Jerry, I think, I think, yeah, I think we're all on the same page on that one. I do wonder, you know, kind of sticking with maybe same church, different pew. We've been in this weird kind of holding pattern in the last year or so, Jerry, maybe beginning back with Brandon Ayuk, where every time it seems like there's a receiver, a talented receiver who might be available or is available on the trade market, Steelers fans jump and are we interested in this guy?
Should we be interested in this guy? What would you give up to get this guy?
And I think the latest edition of that, of course, is Cooper cup Is he's been informed by the Rams that they'll be looking to trade him. You think there's any possibility the Steelers would be interested in bringing in a former Super Bowl MVP.
Absolutely, And by when I say that, Wes, I will tell you that in free agency there will either be some type of signing or some type of trade, because that's the first step toward building or rebuilding a weakness in their team. It didn't it didn't happen last year because they thought George Pickens would evolve, mature, you know, new offensive coordinator, big step for Calvin Austin. And while I'm not going to give up on Calvin Austin, I don't think Calvin Austin is the Pro Bowl receiver, but I think he's a nice piece in your arsenal. And of course you know Quez Watkins certainly, wasn't it Van Jefferson. You know a Van Jefferson is he's a nice number four receiver. I don't have a problem with him, but he's not your number two receiver. So uh. And I don't really see in any form the Steelers going in more than another year with George Pickenson. They're not going to sign them to a contract unless something drastically changes. And I don't believe a leopard ever changes his thoughts, and I think they believe the same thing. So to take that step, you you add one, and I don't mean a Van Jefferson. You add a player in free agency as best you can, an accomplished player, a receiver who could get open, not an ex receiver who can go down the field. You want to get a receiver could get open. That would be Cooper Cupp. And I'm not speaking specifically in the in these terms about Cooper cup but he would be that type of receiver. And then you go Draft one, and now you have Roman Wilson coming back. So now you have some pieces of place to move on from George Pickens. Whenever you decide to do that, and so whether it's Cooper Cup or someone else, I think you'll see that move being made, whether through a trade or you know, it's not a big free agent group out there. Yeah, Tee Higgins is out there and that'll be a big ticket. But you know, when you can you get a player like that, you know, more power to you. But to me, they will go get, in one form or another, a big play receiver, a big time receiver, as big as they can get before the draft, and then add another one in the draft.
Yeah. No, I completely agree with you, and that's something that needs some attention. Offensively, I think sticking on the offensive side, we played a cliff earlier in the show, and you know, Jake Glazer was talking to Matthew Berry on his show The Fantasy Ball Happy Hour, and he indicated that, you know, the Steelers are looking very heavily at the quarterback position. I was just a position that has nobody currently under contract. So naturally the speculation is either they're signing resigning, they're signing somebody new in free agency, or they're drafting them. Those are only three options you have right when you have nobody under contract, where are you at with the resigning aspect, and then you know, also, you know, kind of looking at what's out there in free agency in your mind before we even get to the draft option, Jerry, as we kind of evaluate that Steelers quarterback position.
You know, Max, I don't see as far as the Steelers are concerned, I don't see any options out there in free agency that intrigue them any more than one of the two options that they have on their team, and the most intriguing would be just in fields because of what you still believe is unpapped potential. They saw for six games, you know, the improvement from his Chicago days. You know, ten touchdowns, I think, turn one interception, foreign two record. I mean, that's nearly half the many games he won in three years in Chicago. So I think when you're looking at it from intrigue and potential moving forward, that's the answer. But I will tell you within that building, there is sentiment to bring or an inclination. I don't want to say sentiment because that makes it sound like they're bringing them back because they like them as a person, but to bring Russell Wilson back understanding what they saw that their offense can be when things are clicking as the way they should be, twenty eight points a game, you know, third down conversions, the reintroduction of not only the touchdown pass, but the big play touchdowns. So I think I think their decision will come from within the building. It's not time to draft anybody. I think maybe next year. So if if let's just for discussions sake, say their intention is to draft a quarterback, well, first of all, they're going to have to sign somebody before they draft a quarterback, because when free agency starts, the draft as a whole a month and a half later. But what if they were intending to draft a quarterback, then I signed Russell Wilson because he's the veteran who will be your bridge quarterback. You stick with him the other guy can learn or whatever the case may be, for a year. You don't have to throw him in there. If you're not going to draft a quarterback, which I don't expect them to do, then you sign Justin Fields at age twenty five, maybe it's twenty six. Now, who's you know still as age on his side, he'll be in his fifth year. You saw some development with Arthur Smith and and with his with coaching. He got here, And if I had to bet, I would say that's the way they're going to go because of the age difference and what they saw. You know, you have the ability to potential to maybe get something out of justin fields for a couple of years. So but I don't I don't expect that now. I won't be surprised if they draft a quarterback on Day three or the draft, But in terms of getting one in the first round, well, first of all, if you're going to get one that you really like, you're probably going to have to move up a little to do that. And I just think they have more and more pressing concerns elsewhere that they need to address because all this all, what they're doing right now, just like this past year and it didn't work out, is immediacy. It's winning a playoff game now, not three years from now, you know, not building for the future. It's all about being able to succeed now, and so drafting a rookie, drafting a quarterback at number one doesn't make sense for the immediacy of what they need to do. And so that's why I don't expect that to happen at all. And they're making these decisions for right now how can they get back to the postseason, finally win a playoff game, and maybe take another step toward what they you know, what they always claim is their ultimate goal, which is a Super Bowl. But drafting a quarterback for three years down the road, I don't think. I don't think that's that's in their plans right now. It's trying to get back to where they want to be as quickly as they can. And that's why I think the the moves will come from within right now.
Jerry, last one I've got for you. The big game is just a couple of days away. Who you got on Sunday night, Birds or the Chiefs three peat?
Well, Wes, I will tell you, I don't think there's any question that the Chiefs cannot match the Eagles talent just about every position but one. But it's that one position. And I also think, you know, I don't think this is any big secret that the Chiefs are just better prepared, They're better coach, they have better schemes with Andy Reid and Steve Spagnolo, and until somebody can show that they can beat Patrick Mahomes when it matters, it's hard to bet against the Chiefs. And so even though I think the Eagles have superior talent, It's just hard to pick against the Chiefs. And I like the Chiefs.
Oh there, it is Chiefs for the three feet. First time it will be accomplished in NFL history. And I tell you what, Jerry, I'm with you. I mean, can't pick against him until you beat them. And you could have the best roster in the world, but it doesn't matter. They taken that. They've taken down good rosters and and it is going to be intriguing. I cannot wait to see this game on Sunday, especially being boosting the ground here and seeing kind of the fan fervor build as we get closer and closer to Sunday. Jerry, it has been a pleasure having you on not only today but all season. We truly appreciate all of your efforts, all of your work and your time you spend with us weekend and week out. We wish you the best of the off season. And uh we'll see suitor rather than later. So joy time off.
Yeah, yep, Max, I'm guessing will you will you be at the combine right?
Yes, I will be a combine sir.
Well, I'll see at the combine I assume West will be there as well known. You know it, right, So yeah, but thank you, thank you. You know, I always enjoy being with you boys all year, every Thursday, and I'll look forward to seeing you. Well, it'll only be a couple of weeks I'll see an Indy.
That's that's funny, right those it's like it's like, yeah, the season is in. He's like, no, the season is starting, right, I can get.
Tearful, tearful goodbyes, but we'll see you later this month, was he at.
The end of the month. Yeah, right, thanks Jerry, That was all right. That was Jerry Dulac. Of course he's brought to us by Chupkin's Cafe to in the historic South Side. Please stop on by. You know, they got the five for fifteen cours lights. They got sixteen beautiful TVs that you can enjoy all the Penns games on. Of course, don't forget to try that new original, that Chupkin's Original. Man, I'm still waiting. We got to try that HOGI. We need to get that into the studio one of these days. Get the Chupkin's original. Sent our way to great you know, Max.
We normally do this like it's usually in April or May time frame, and it's typically like, uh, you know, Kobali or somebody like that organizes it and a bunch of the Steelers, you know, media people, and I obviously use that as a very wide cast net. Go down to Chuck Gus and just you know, sometimes after like an OTAs or a rookie mini camp or something like that, when everybody's down there and you know, just have a beer or two and a sandwich, and so we'll have to like we'll have to get you in virtually or something, or we'll have to mail you one of the sandwiches and you can break bread with us over zoom something like that.
Yeah, yeah, I have to check see if they're on goldbelly or not. You know, you know, see if a gold belly me at Chucki's original. But but yeah, all right, well, hey, we're gonna step beside. We'll be back with the pit with the actual last segment. It will be the bell laugh Jesus, we're already through the show and we'll be back with more here inside the locker Room after that. On the Steelers Audio Network.
This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by AKRA Sure, the official insurance and Cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Stark's.
All right, we know what time it is and we will not forget it this time around. It is the bell lap, So the sweetest sound in radio, because that is the early lunch warning system to let you know it's time to go out and forage. And if you don't, then good luck for you with that intermittent fasting A something that I do only by accident, never on purpose.
So this is the you know, I was going to say, yeah, the part where I would normally complain that I still had two more hours to go here before I could forage. But the lovely people at Moe's Southwest Grill Welcome to both, dropped off a bunch of Britos and tacos, So fortunately I am well fed.
Yeah, yes, you are well fed. Indeed, what home record Burrito and uh some Beria tacos.
Home record Brio and some Beria tacos.
I tell you what that'll that'll get the job done for lunch every time.
Oh that that gets it done.
You know.
And I used to be a huge Caso fan, you know what I'm saying, like their caso because they were the ones that had caso. Oh love the caso at Mo's.
So yeah, they were like the og caso place before everybody got on the Keso wave.
Yeah, before everybody was like, you know, even Chipotle, you know, reluctantly later down the line, like I guess we're missing all this cheese money sales, you know, jumped on the train.
Hey we gotta jump on his Cheddar train here, come.
On, Yeah, exactly, everybody's getting cheddar. Why not use cheddar to make cheddar? You know what I'm saying? So we uh so yeah, so everybody's got Caso, but yeah, Mo's was the original. So appreciate them stopping by the HQ and dropping it off, uh for everybody to enjoy except me and well Wolf doesn't get to enjoy it either. Wolf, I feel like was definitely a prime candidate for a homewrecord burrito. You know. So as we kind of you know, settle down at the end of this show, but you know, here in New Orleans, things are starting to heat up, you know, because tonight you have the NFL Honors and you know, a lot of a lot of the stars will be out and about here in the Big Easy and of course a lot of awards on the line that they'll be talking about. And you know, I think it's kind of crazy, you know when you think about just you know, what's on the precipice, but then also guys who are playing in this game that are up for awards, and you think of Offensive Player of the Year. I'm sorry, but that that that that guy number two six for the Philadelphia Eagles. Yes, uh looks like a prime candidate. I know you're talking about, you know, Josh Allen, which will be up for Player of the Year along with Lamar Jackson. And I'm sure Pat Mahomes has to be in that conversation even though the numbers don't look like that. But all they do is win, win, win, Like DJ kyll It said.
Yeah, Joe Burrow, I know it's up for MVP and Offensive Player of the Year as well. Yeah, Jamar Chase for Offensive Player of the Year, which is kind of wild to me, Max, because I think it's gonna be Saquon, but it is wild that like a triple Crown winning receiver is barely getting any conversation in this in this department as well.
Yeah because but but because normally, when you're a triple Crown receiver, right, you're usually playing in playing in the playoffs, and you're usually playing for a super Bowl if you have those type of numbers. But the Bengals did not even have a winning record, Like you said, Joe Burrow and Jamar Chase up for that, So you know, it was not the offense that cost of this season. It was strictly how bad your defense was. So yeah, you're right, not getting a lot of buzz because when you're on a losing team, the pub is not there for you, whereas if you're on a winning team. And of course, the historic run for Sakuon you know, just blew out all the other headlines.
No doubt.
But it is like when you look at what Joe Burrow and Jamar Chase did this year, the only other quarterback wide receiver tandems to ever put up the numbers that they did this year are like Brady and Moss on that eighteen and one Patriots team, like Peyton Manning and Marvin Harrison, one of those years that the Colts went fourteen and two, and then what was the other one, Aaron Rodgers and Davante Adams. I think one year when like the Packers same thing went like fourteen and two or fifteen and one, something ridiculous like that. And then the nine and eight Cincinnati Bengals with Joe Burrow and Jamar Chase.
Yeah, exactly exactly. It's like, it's like one of these things is different from me.
You're like the only team that has ever done that with a quarterback and a wide receiver and not won like fourteen to fifteen games minimum.
Well that or not even made into or all those teams made into the playoffs. Ye that team yeah, so so yeah, so I think it's just it's crazy to think that. But you're right, those are some other names, and heck, I I forgot about them as I was going through it. And you're like, because you're thinking about all the guys that are in the playoffs, NF championship guys, you know, and and Super Bowl contenders are usually in that category. When you especially when you have those type of numbers, you know, one that's going to be fun to watch. The the NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year, which we all know who it should be and who it will be, and that's in Jadeen Daniels in the year that he's had tiede Ben Roethlisberger did not beat Ben Roethlisberger's record. Just want to point that out. I want to point that out.
You know, that's right, fell fell in the in the conference championship game in similar fashion. But yes, it is as much as you know, we'd love to see our guy Zach Fraser getting a little more love. No, it's I mean it's Jayde and Daniels without a doubt. What what what they did there? And year one of again, I mean the same way we talk about the Cleveland Browns like that's what Washington has been, uh And they were just in the NFC Championship game a couple of weeks ago, and he was the A lot of people deserve credit in that, Dan Quinn, Cliff Kingsbury, a lot of people, Bobby Wagner had an all time season at his age.
But but Jayden Daniels was the one stirring that drink.
That's right, that's right. He he he was, He was the main ingredient. And you know everybody else just kind of came together along with that and and did their part to make sure they made him look right, because you know, obviously high risk, high reward at the quarterback position, you know, to the victor goes and spoils. He did a great job there. But but nonetheless, it was just it was a phenomenal season by jayde Daniels. And you know, the NFC East is going to continue to be tough for years to come. Obviously we don't know what's gonna happen with the rest of that division, but we know the rest of the NFC East is being represented because you have the Eagles in the Super Bowl right on the NFC side, and you know those two teams are going to do battle for many years to come. And we'll see what the Giants and the Cowboys do. I mean, you know, they're just in shambles. One needs a quarterback, the other one, you know, still needs a quarterback and just hired a new head coach. I mean, it's that division is just always topsy turvy. It's always volatile over there. Defensive offensive defense. I'm sorry, defensive Rookie of the Year. This is one that I'm a little bit I don't know who you go with because I mean, because, like you said, because you think about just the two defensive players for the Eagles and what they mean to their team, Quinion Mitchell and Cooper Jajan right. Quinnon started off the whole season, Cooper came on around Week five and played lights out ever since. I would think those two are right up there in the conversation.
Jared Verse probably. I would think.
Verse had a phenomenal run with the Rams, especially towards the end of the year.
And that's what I was thinking.
Do you know how with these awards a lot of times it's it's like the same as the Heisman Trophy, Right, what you do in November is more important than what you do in September. And I think Jared Verse has a strong case in that regard because man, did he did he finish on fire?
Yeah, finished on fire, and you know, even and the playoffs. Sadly, you know, there's the end of the regular season award, but if anybody thought or predicted what he would do in the playoffs, you know they were right by that time he had the voting in. But man, that's going to be an intriguing one as well. To see who comes away with that, because I think you know, you end with either three and all three are perfect thing. We're still as well the rookie for Washington, but his was more playoff when he had the two picks, so you know, it's it's like it's like there's some good ones out there. But yeah, I think I think it comes between probably like Quina Mitchell and Jared Verse really for the defensive Rookie of the Year. Potentially on that front, defensive player of the year, who you got because Trey Henderson was a sac leader this year.
I'm gonna go with a similar logic that I just used with Jared Verse. These voters, listen, it's a national voting poll, right. Not everybody is watching every snap of every game, but they are paying extra attention down the stretch and in some of those big time games and down the stretch. The Denver Broncos had a lot of tension on them they got into the playoffs, and a big part of that was what one Pats certain did on defense. I think we're going to see a defensive back win it for the first time in a while tonight.
Max w That's.
Where I'm going.
He made some massive plays down the stretch for them. You know those National TV games against the Bengals and the Browns.
And like he was Chargers and the Chargers. He was great in all those games.
And we know how the voters work too, Like they get bored, they get tired of voting for TJ. Watt, they get tired of voting for Miles Garrett. I got I got Patzertang getting it done tonight, you.
Know what, And listen, I'm not going to fight you on it, cause I think that's that's a really really good choice. And when you think about it, yeah, it makes sense, right primetime games, do you show up, do you show out? You know you're not going to be you know.
These people are these ters are human, right, It's like the whole Heisman Trophy moment thing, Like they're looking for the moments and he had a lot of those moments.
Yeah, and those moments have to come on prime time for everybody to see. But you get more unanimous type of decisions and everybod gonna watch a primetime game. And you're right. Passer ten was definitely in that conversation because, like you said, massive plays, pick six is U turnovers great PBUs against good receivers. Yeah, you knows as I'm saying. It's hard pressed because even though you win the sack total record like in Trey Hendrickson, you also realize you're the reason why your team was nine year correct. Correct, your side of the ball was it you individually, but your supporting cast you did everything in your power to make it happy. Yeah. Again, much the rest of the crew didn't like.
Much like the Heisman Trophy. If your team seven and five, you ain't winning the Heisman. Even if you are the best player in college football, it's just you. Even though they are individual awards, you still have to be on a successful team to win them.
Yes, exactly, So you're absolutely right, And I'm just trying to think, you know, and Dexter Lawrence would not get a NOD because his team wasn't in the playoffs and they got rid of their quarterbacks, so that visibility matters, you know, trying to think me. Even as wonderful as the year as Cam had, those stats don't stack up against the rest of the field out there in the NFL. And even though we were a playoff team, uh, we also went on a five game losing streak to end the season out, so he would be another guy I would consider had a had a phenomenal year. Then I'm kind of looking at like around the South, you know, h southern part of the country. Dallas, nobody, Michael Parsons was was was on it was was on the was on the one shelf for majority of the season. Nobody in New Orleans that stands out. Jacksonville, Uh, you know, nobody really stood out in Tampa. There were just there was just a good team. Nothing in Miami, nothing in Carolina, Nothing in Tennessee Colts. No. Yeah, I think Pastor tan like, I mean what you're talking about, and you've gone up against you know, you know, Kansas City twice and you played tight with them, and he had he had he had solid games against them as well. Nothing in Arizona, nothing in you know, nothing you could argue for. Actually the Chiefs, you know what I'm saying. You know, for as good as that defense is, you know, Trip McDuffie has been solid. But Trip McDuffie didn't have the highlight reel. He just did his job to a real to a to a good degree that nobody wanted to throw on him. So you know that's usually a sign of hey, you know, you're awesome. But when they don't throw you don't get stats, you can't be in the conversation. You just you know, you just get acknowledge as this is no man's land and that's the honor and of himself, but you need to be thrown on at the defensive back position. And Pastor Tan was definitely that Chargers No Minnesota No. I mean, you could argue some of the guys on the RAMS, but they're all super young. They're not they don't qualify in this category, right, you know, you know, and like we said, Jared Verse is going for the Defensive Rookie of the Year, so you would think he would probably be another guy that would have been in that if he was older and had the year that he had, that he'd be up there. Will Anderson I think could also garner that he would be up there with Pastor Tan.
Because he's a finalist, isn't he I'm pretty sure.
Yeah he is. He is. He is. And it's one of those things it's like when you're spitballing it, uh, you know, off off the top of the head.
Zach bund Zachnist as well too.
Yeah, and and zach Zach Zach Zach is tackling machine.
All over the place.
Man. Uh, he's been all over the place. I mean, and he's had a couple of nice like fumble recoveries, some scoops and.
Yes five five forced fumbles, a handful of sacks too. But it's it's also just from a statistics standpoint, right, it's hard to win it at that position.
Yeah, it is. I mean you have to have like one hundred and fifty seven tackles and like, you know, twenty seven.
For you're gonna put a blue key Cley numbers if you want to win it ball linebacker.
Exactly. It's like you gotta be, yeah, Luke, or you got to be Patrick Willis. You know what I'm saying, Like you have to that's the echellon that you have to be. And but I do think it is awesome that he's getting this recognition because remember he was a former Saints draft pick and they didn't really know how to use them correct and he didn't really play, and then they let him go for almost nothing, like a one year, three.
Million dollar deal, right Like he was a special teams guy primarily for New Orleans.
Yeah, exactly and now you look at him like man boy, talk about mismanagement of the player.
And it's perfect, perfect for him too, right that the super Bowl ends up in New Orleans, Like you couldn't script that anybody, if you were him.
You couldn't have So so yeah, so good luck up to those guys tonight. And I know it's going to be a lot of fun just seeing how that plays out. And you know, we'll have a lot to talk about. So you know, with that, we have run over on the show again, but I'm sure Wes doesn't mind a little little little time off the clock. But we'll be back tomorrow, you know, hopefully there's some uh some good news. We'll get reactions of course from all the news from today. But uh, with that, we bid you ado. I'm Max Starks. Of course, our brother our brothers stand in will be Craig Wolfley, wishing him the best and and a and a full recovery. And of course Wesley Euler there on the ones and Tuesday and on the microphone he does it two turntables on the microphone, Wesley Euler and and of course CJ and the Sinsey uh behind the scenes making everything go. We appreciate all of you Steelers Nation for tuning in and with that go make it a great day.