This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next, Now here's Craig Wilfley and Max Starks.
Yeah, I still feel confident how I'm playing. I mean, I watched it take there's there's not guys that's really beating me, that's getting a lot of separation. It just calls that I need to work on myself and know that I just got to get better. Know at the end of the day, I'm trying to be great, and I know to do that, I gotta clean up with the stuff I've been doing. So I just face it on and just keep working playing. dB is a hard physician, but you gotta have that mentality anyways, That's that's the way we live in And uh, I feel like I'm capable of doing that.
So jeor'e, you haven't play a game and a level work sothing happened and it got it was hard to get over.
I mean, yeah, you know this is a tough sport. You know, I want to be great out there. I want to do great things, and I could call it that kind of penalize that I hold me down to a point where, yeah, I'll get frustrated here and that, but probably like when I was in college or something like that, but not not too recently.
In the Immortal words of Apollo was eleven or thirteen, I can't remember which it was, but in the immortal words, I'm gonna follow Space Crew thirteen.
All right? Is that what it is?
Okay, West to give me any sign and the immortal but it just it just totally blows the whole beginning. I all of a sudden I realized I wasn't really I wasn't quite sure if it was Apollow eleven.
I mean, Max, we had this whole thing cooked up, and he stumbled out of the blox.
I hate it when a plan doesn't come together.
I just face planned coming out of the blox. Indeed, so usually Houston, we have a problem.
You tied your own shoes together. Max.
He's like the like the skier on the slalomn course who doesn't even make it off the little lift, just falls flat on his face.
Yeah, exactly, did you ever see.
In the Olympics, like theyd have like what they come out of ski gates for like the slalom or whatever, the gates open up. Well, did you ever see when the gates didn't open up and he bounces off?
Oh my god, I just got bounced back in my chair. Oh my gosh.
This is okay. It's not the way to start out here. Oh oh but thirteen huh yeah, here we go.
We have a problem. And the problem oh my goodness.
You know Touch always used to say, if you got to explain the joke, it doesn't work. And this is like in depth, it's like doing a research report on it. Okay, So that was Joey Porter. Obviously everybody knows joe yet flag six times last game against the Bungles excepted four had you know, some issues with t.
Look, it ain't gonna get any easier because what I'm trying to get to is that Land Clark, who is the referee and his officiating crew they are gonna be playing working the game this weekend against the Browns, and they frequently called not just false starts thirty you know, offensive holding twenty two, but defensive pis which are fifteen. Now they're not the highest, but they're in the higher echelon of officiating crews that throws pi's and to get to just remind everybody against Indy, they worked that game and they threw a PI on Joey there. So what I'm saying is, after all of this, the the you know the Browns, You've got Jerry Judy, and you know, what are you gonna do with this guy went for two thirty five in his last game.
That's a lot of lot of stuff.
Well, I think you're right, Wolf is gonna this is gonna suck a little bit, But I think this is a good challenge for Joey.
At the same time, like he knows that he's gonna.
Have to be on his p's and q's, and he knows that there's gonna be watchful eyes on him and they're gonna be looking for fault.
So he's gonna have to play super clean.
And whoever he draws, whether you know it is on Jerry Judy, whether it's on Elijah More, you know, whoever he draws, depending on how the personnel groupings work out, He's he's he's got to be good, hands have to be off of five yards has to trail be in phase. Uh when when contacting a receiver after that head around, you know, searching for the football when it's done to care, got to locate the ball. Like, he's just gonna have to go through all of the foundational things in this game. And you know, because like you said, you're guilty until proven innocent, right, So so I think that's that's gonna be a good challenge for him right out the gates.
Knowing the personnel, knowing that you have a guy that.
Has a propensity for this arms you, allows you to better you know, navigate and also conduct yourself.
M All right, let me ask you this.
What about the possibility of putting him on like Cedric Tillman, you lock him on an island and then you go with Dante and you got a safety on him too. You know you're gonna double team him. I mean, I'm trying to find ways things to mitigate all the opportunities. You can't just play Joey all the time on say a Jerry Judy and say put him out there. I wouldn't think anyhow, what you would want to do, at least some of the time is put him on you know, on the number two receiver and then double up on the number one. Maybe do a little more zone with with Joey, maybe, you know, instead of the man press.
I don't know.
I'm just kind of throwing things around, trying to think what I would do if I were in that case. Probably the first I mean, give the wrong directions to the stadium, the Jerry Judy, you know.
But yeah, I was like, hey, hey, hey, go to the back alley. Bus will be there soon, you know.
Don't go anywhere because it may it may pull up when you walk.
Away, but just stay there, you know, at least four hours.
Here's a good one from back in the day at three Rivers, we're playing the Rams. Rams came into town. So Dennis Harrow, who was a former teammate of Gary Dunns at University of Miami, Florida. Okay, so, uh, Hoggy Hara comes in. He's comes over early in a taxi cab, you know, back in the day. He left earlier. He wanted to get the stadium earlier. So they're in that circle going around three Rivers. So he sees Donny and is done. He's walking into the office right, and so it goes over tells him, tells the taxi driver where the visiting locker room. He says, you gotta go down here. You got to make a right Then I laugh took him out of this. They got him lost. It was hilarious, you know, except you know, Dennis Harra was not real happy.
Oh, especially if you especially if you don't mean to do it right. No, no, Dunn, he meant to do it. Oh Donny meant to do it. Okay, okay, okay, so he meant to do it. Oh my god, yeah, no, I mean.
You know, I mean, but hey, sometimes you know, you gotta lead him a straight Maybe we could do that with the referees.
I'm just wondering because because on that day, right, So, yeah, the game gets stuck.
Some Werther's originals and just slide it to him every once in a while.
Well here you go.
Uh, Dennis Harra is all honked off because Donny gave him the wrong directions. So in the midst of a pass rush, he kind of gives a bolo punch of Doney a little below the belt.
So a couple of plays later, Donny' sent a pile up with Gary and Buckle's chin strap. There's his leg right onto he bites him in the cat.
Oh my god. But here's the best part. It was the wrong leg. Oh my god. That just made the story oh so many times better.
He's got this guy screaming at him, kicking, and he goes, wow, it's not that as Sorry, I said, what did you say to the guy?
He goes, I said, sorry, Oh my gosh, that was alright. It's Gary Dunn movie. I got the wrong leg. I'm sorry. I just went Hannibal Lecter on the wrong leg exactly.
They were both meety, I got confused, and this is your buddy right this.
Yeah, talk about Hey, he would fail to know your buddy test I tell you that one, oh leg that I heard, whichever one I bite, I left so hard he told me, you know, Oh my goodness. So anyhow, getting back to what's already been a wreckage of a start.
Here, we're back on Joey so Houston. We have a problem. We've got Jerry Judy coming in. We've got Jamis Winston, who is just spectacular throwing the ball, even to the other team. I mean he's throwing what I think an interception in each of five or five interceptions over the last five games or something. He's he's definitely had some struggling issues with that, and certainly you want to take advantage of that. But certainly, but also just as much so you've got some pass catchers that create some real matchup problems, including David and Joku.
Yeah, David and Joku's going to be one of those guys that you're going to have to have an emphasis on him. Whether it's Minka that's going to be in trail, whether you're putting a Pat Queen or you're you're using Peyton Wilson, somebody's gonna have to carry him off the ball.
Somebody's gonna have to.
Know where he's at because he is the chain mover with a touch of dynamics right right right, and he deserves to be that kind of respective weapon because he's earned that. You know, this is where also the pass rush is important because if you get him blocking or whoever comes in a tight end and they have to focus on Chip before getting out on the route, that could mess with the timing.
Right, So you have.
To keep a good balanced mix of who's on him, who's off of him. You know, when do you drop the zone, make sure that you're still near him in the zone. You're not over him, you know, you're not directly over, but keeping keeping pass off responsibilities, making sure you communicate cleanly, because that's the guy you don't want to let just sit, you know, oh, right in the middle of the field or on the scene. I think that's where you have to kind of be creative. But the pass rush also dictates that because that gets him in or out of the route running business when he has to stay it in chip clock.
You know, it was interesting because that went back and I watched the Denver I was watching the Denver Browns game right from the other last week, and you know, the first play offensive play that set the tone really from line of scrimmage was a double high low crosser within Djoku and Judy, and they ran parallel routes with Judy being the high in Djoku being the low double crosser, and you could see where the safety dropped down and picked up in Joku to double right, but you got Judy running by himself and it was like a forty five to fifty yard game on the very first play, and you could tell that they were often running. They talked about setting a tone that's setting a tone in the very first play of the game.
Yeah, yeah, I remember, trust me, I remember that.
I'm like, oh god, we have to remember that. So you know, you're absolutely right. And here's the thing. I mean, Jamis has a canon.
I mean, yes, he threw some bad interceptions in that game, but let's not forget that he also almost threw for five hundred yards in that same game as well.
Absolutely, so the kid has accuracy.
He has an armed Mike Tomlin addressed it, yes on Tuesday, And this is a legit threat. You know, this is a team that has proven they can't score points now, their defense can't really give anybody up, but you know they did against us, and so there's a proven model there. But we have to minimize and effect Jameis Winston because if not, he's gonna to spread the ball around and death by a thousand cuts.
Indeed, you know, I mean again, the pass rush has got to be better than it was in Cleveland. This was a Cleveland offensive line that was giving up four and a half sacks a game at that point in time. I don't know what they're at right now, but I'm sure it's not anything.
You know, just unbelievable.
I'm sure there's still having some problems, but you know, being an accreature, one good thing is you got to snap count. Maybe, you know, you got to get him to a silent count, and you got to be loud and proud. Steeling Nation's got to come out big on this. And TJ's got to work his magic. You get Alex Highsmith back, it's going to be you know, the rush, the rush gets after it get to him and rattle him some. But you've got to change up your coverages and do all the things you got to do and all that. But you know what we got to go to break because you know who we got coming up?
The cool breeze.
Now, we got a cold breeze going on out there. We just need the cool breeze because.
Breeze. Oh maybe that's oh that's a three cannon shot? How about four? Oh yeah, all right.
We'll be back with more coming up right here in the Locker Room Steelers Audio Network.
This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Shure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers. By Bett MGM Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI and by FedEx Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Stark's.
Oh you know what happens when you hear that melodic music?
You know what time it is.
It's not a hot breeze, it's not an unseasonable breeze.
It's the right breeze, because it's the cool breeze.
And of course, the one, the only Jerry Doulac is brought to us by Chipka's Cafe two and the Historic South Side.
Enjoy five for fifteen dollars corps.
Light buckets during all the Finns games, Catch all the games on their sixteen illustrious TVs and try their newest Hogi edition, the Chipka Original. Jerry, how are we doing on this slightly frigid day there in Pittsburgh?
Well, Max, I will tell you that it's so cold here. I saw a pigeon flagging down a cab this morning on my way to the facility. It's a little chili, as they like to say.
Jerry, would it be you could say that it's colder than a ten toilet in Siberia?
Yeah, you could say that, Wolf and you wouldn't want to sit on it. That's about how chilly it is.
Yeah, absolutely, yeah, Jerry. You know, kind of as we get ready for this.
You know, obviously a lot of things were addressed on Tuesday. There's been emphasis all around the team, you know, But what's the general mood, you'd say, offensively coming out of the Cincinnati game and seeing what transpired Monday, what is the offensive mental approach going into this Cleveland game?
You know, Max, I don't know that just because of what we saw in Cincinnati is necessarily going to change their approach, But I think a couple things. One, I think they saw the approach of and again, different defenses give you different things. But you saw the approach of starting fast via the past. The past first five plays, six to the first seven, nine of the first eleven were past places. And you know, it was obvious that Arthur Smith wanted to get away from his tendencies. I mean, my god, throwing the ball to Mike al Pruitt, throwing a pass to Ben Skernics, splitting Cordero Patterson out wide. He took his run people, his typical run people, and involved them in the past game, and so that those were the two things that became apparent to me. But I think for this game, I think what the Steelers would like to do offensively or just in terms in general overall, but offensively is get on top of the Browns fast and a three and nine. I'm not going to sit here and say hope they quit, but I think when you get on top of a three and nine team, especially at home, where you've won the last twenty regular season games against them, I think there's probably you know, there's a good chance that you know that three and nineteen might not battle back. But then, hey, look, we saw the way Jamis Winston performed the other night, rolling up all those yards, all those passing yards, almost five hundred yards passing. But then we saw what Jameis Winston is about and why he has kind of been with three teams and never really elevated to what was predicted for him despite his fast start in the NFL, and that is interceptions and pick sixes. And he almost threw three of them. He had two of them, and I thought that linebacker was going to make it three in that game. And that's kind of what Jameis Winston does. He's really a great guy. You can tell that, but he you know, his reputation for throwing interceptions has hurt him throughout his career. And so I think if the Steelers could get on top quickly with their offense, I think they have a good chance. I'm not gonna say it's going to be a runaway, but I think they have a good chance of making this an easy victory.
For a change.
You know, it's interesting because I was reading this morning that Lan Clark, who's the refering crew, they've got a high propensity for throwing pi's and they had the Indie game where they threw one against Joey. Of course, Joey coming off of this and you know, listen, anybody that's not had their butt kicked in a game, penalty wise or by another player, you just have not played long enough. Because that's just the that's the fact of playing in the NFL. Sooner or later, it comes around, you know what I mean.
So well, go ahead, go ahead, I'm sorry, all right.
The point I'm just making with this, I'm not worried about Joey rebounding. He's gonna rebound the guy. The guy's got you know, he's got that iron will. I really believe that he, you know, is just one of those guys that is able to be kind of like teflon let things, you know, slidh off your shoulders and get out and do it. But what I'm worried about is that because of the reputation, you know, that it could create some problems again. And I'm just wondering what the Steelers might do to mitigate his exposure. Whether it's not playing so much man press, whether it's a little more zone action, or putting him on another receiver besides Judy and then doubling up on Judy.
It's there's some variations.
And number one, of course, is getting a hot pass rush going after Jamis.
You know, well, if you raise a good point. And let me say two things. One, I remember way back when when Paul Warfield beat Mail Blunt for three touchdowns in a game, and I think I was in his rookie season and Chuck no yanked him out of the game, and I think Mail went on to have a pretty good career. Yeah, And so I will tell you that I am going to speak to Mail here after we got off the phone, because I want to talk to him about that very situation. Not the Warfield situation, the situation that Joey Porter was in and as a cornerback, how do you deal with that? Because I'm sure over the years, let's face it, you know, they they change the rules because of mel Blunt. So if ever there was a cornerback who was targeted, it would be mel Blunt, right. But I think I think they'll let Joey come right back and bounce back. I don't think, and knowing Mike Tomlin, he'll challenge him some more and I think they'll come back and whatever their plan is, I think they will execute it regardless of what happened in Cincinnati.
So I think, you know, kind.
Of in that same vein, you know, as far as you know game planning and figuring out you know, what's going on. You know, one of the things that I think is still an unknown and one that I'm always gonna worry about is is run defense. Because we've had our ups and downs with run defense, Jerry, and you know, Nick Chubb did score a couple of rushing touchdowns a pair of them against us in this game. You know, just any thought or any discussions as far as you know, just about their thought process about how to stop the run as well, because I mean another thing is forcing a team to be one dimensional versus voluntarily picking the one dimension are two different philosophies. I mean, but I have to imagine they're gonna try and and and run the football in this game, because if they're expecting to go apples to apples and they think they can go toe to toe with us because we gave them a victory two weeks ago, how big of a factor do you think that run game is going to be in?
You know, for the Browns.
You know, Max and we saw the long touchdown run in Cincinnati, but you also know and and I don't know that that's going to change after what we saw from the Browns last week. But you knew it was going to be a lot of nickel and dime defense against the Bengals because of Joe Burrow and his two receivers. So, you know, are the Browns excuse me, how are the Steelers going to defend the Browns? Are they going to defend the team that threw for four hundred and ninety seven yards last week? Or are they gonna worry about Nick Chubb? My guess is they'll worry more about the past game because of the way the Browns, and it wasn't just last week, it was even you know, it was before the Steeler game, and so I think they'll be more wary of the past. I think they have to be. You know, Mike Tomlin has such great respect for Nick Chubb. He always talks about, you know, you got to stop Nick Chubb first. So we'll see how they decide to play the Browns based on what they saw last week. Why the Browns would change what they did against a really good Denver defense. I can't imagine them changing their approach when they saw how successful it was. But to your first point, Max, Yeah, I've been a little concerned about their run defense as well, because it's the one chink in their defensive armor, and it just you know, if they decide they want to just go, they're going to gang up to stop the run. Then you know, between and Djoku, you know who drops one for every two catches he makes. But Jerry Judy and the way Jameis Winston was throwing the ball, that could be a mistake. I'll tell you. The other thing that has been troublesome to me, Felas that I see is, you know, you look at the last three games, the Steelers have allowed seventy eight points. That's twenty six points a game. That's a lot for them. But the problem is thirty four of those points have come in the fourth quarter. That's forty two percent of the points they've allowed have come in the fourth quarter. And they're letting these teams come back on them. You know that that's Baltimore almost did it, Cleveland did it the last time, and Joe Burrow right when it was forty two fourteen I think it was, Joe Burrow comes back and forty one to twenty four, excuse me, and he comes back with two touchdowns in the fourth quarter, and all of a sudden makes a game that we thought was going to look as to be a pretty easy ending after the scoop and score by Peyton Wilson became a little problematic and they needed to convert a third down with justin fields just to kind of make sure they put the game away. So I think their leakage in the fourth quarter from the defense is more problematic than anything. And you know, they have to close down these games. They didn't against Dallas. You know, they didn't against the Browns in the first game, they almost didn't do it against the Ravens, and here they let the Bengals come back with fourteen in the fourth quarter. So that's the thing that I think needs to be cleaned up more than anything.
That's interesting.
That's a great point too, And that again points the time of possession, being able to run the ball, the four minute offense at the end, and all those things that you know we tend to We've been focusing on the first half for so long, you know, the first drive, first half, all those things that were falling apart in the couple of years previous here and now it's it's really going. It's swinging the other way. And that's a very like I said, that's just a great point. One of the things I thought was interesting was I think Ethan Postik the center. You watch him, I think, I really think if they let Keanu Benton play more nose tackle and play a little more one gap on him, I think they could do a lot of good stuff in the run game, letting him.
Beat up Postic.
I think Keen Keanno can do a great job on him.
You know, well, to that point, I agree with you, not specifically about Benton, because you look at that more than I do, you know, when you're talking about individuals, but I just think somewhat collectively. You know, the Steelers, they're more they're more of a two gap front, and I understand, and that's the way they want to play, but I don't know if in certain instances, and maybe they do. I don't know their exact philosophy or game plan for you know, individual games, but I think if they're not getting as much pressure as they would like, and look, we saw two stripsacks last week from their key outside linebackers, I get it, that's what they want from those guys, but I think that in certain instances they need to play a little bit more one gap with their front people when they're not getting home excuse me, on the edge because pressure is nice, but it's a whole lot better when you knock them on the ground and get them on the ground. And so I just think they need a little bit more of that from their defensive lineman. And it's interesting you point that up, because I think that's something that they probably need to do a little bit more of to be a little bit more effective of getting the quarterback on the ground.
And I would also point out to Jerry.
They run a lot of sorry Max, they run a lot of split zone, you know, where they bring the guy across the back, you know, of the of the line of scrimmage, and you know he.
Leads up in that.
Well, you can disrupt a lot of that with turning Kennu loose. I mean, Cano can go through Posk. I think sometimes like a rhinoceros through the wicker department at an Ikea, you.
Know what I mean.
He just stampede true man boom, you know, and I would love to see that that opportunity for him. I think he is on the threshold of becoming a very fine player and beyond. I really got a lot of respect for a Keano's game.
Well if I think, I think, and we saw it at times last year, to the point that this year they thought maybe Keanu could be like a six sack of guy. And I think if he is giving, you know, because for his bill, you know, he has some well he has athleticism and some quickness, and I think if he were allowed to play that way in their scheme, he might be certainly could be more effective in terms of getting that internal pressure up the middle.
Yeah man, I mean yeah, Okay, I got it. You know, I had to make sure. Yeah, so because also I know, yeah, we only.
Have Max doing is he's sitting enjoying the Arizona heat.
He's falling asleep. His compadre here jumped it.
You know, we we do a little well, he jumped the gun on me when I was about to ask a question.
So now I have to like wait to make sure I do it. I got you. Yeah.
But but but it is going to be a warm seventy four degrees here, Jerry. But no, you know, Jerry, I think one of the other things that you know, as we kind of looked at where the Steelers are, right, you know, you're at nine and three this game coming up, you know, of the couple of blemishes, this is a chance to really right the wrong of a previous blemish, right, and the fact that we're getting the fourth straight AFC Dorf game and it's this first bat you know, first time we're seeing a team for the second time, you know, for this Cleveland series.
I mean, the Steelers are three and two.
In the last five games against again, well i'm sorry, two and three against the Browns in the last five times.
We've seen them.
You know, just as anybody talked about just what the challenge that presents itself when you're talking about playing the Browns, because as much as you think, you know, we've had more success against the Bengals and the Ravens and transversely, the Browns have always been the bugaboo. Has has that been discussed at all? Has anybody addressed that at all that you've talked to this week?
Uh? Max, I'll be honest with you, They have it. You know. I talked a little bit about that with Pat Fryermer Tuesday night on our radio show. But I think you know, the problems they have with the Browns are in Cleveland. They don't have a problem with the Browns and Pitts. They've beat them the last twenty times. Here in Pittsburgh, the Browns haven't won a regular season game here since two thousand and three. So, however bad it's been for the Steelers in Cleveland, it's been three times worse for the Browns in Pittsburgh. So you know, if they dwell on that, which I'm sure they don't, then if you're looking in terms of history and you know, trends repeating themselves, well it certainly would benefit the Steelers. But somewhat to your point, Max, I think that's why it was so important to win that game last week, because you're coming off a game in Cleveland you probably shouldn't have lost, but they did, and you know, to a two win team, and you didn't want to go in and lose to a three win Bengals team and then do what you did last year, have that three game hiccup when you lost to the bottom feeders in the league, You lost to the two win Patriots, you lost to the two who was the other two win car and then you blow a thirteen to nothing lead in Indy in that three game losing streak almost cost him the postseason until Mason Rudolph rescues the season.
So that's why I.
Thought it was important for them to win in Sincy last week to get back on track and don't go have it, don't have another streak that like they did last year and kind of jeopardize, if not soil everything you've accomplished after starting eight and two.
No, absolutely, And that is a great point.
Yeah, the last time the Steelers lost to them, I was not on the team.
I mean not that I'm on the team now. But it was before I actually got drafted by being out the team.
So yeah, that's a lot of perspective right there. Well, Jerry, we want to let you go. We appreciate the time. As always hit the locker room. I'm sure there'll be some great quotes and we look forward to talk to you. Talk with you on Sunday with you and pursuit of.
All right, boys, I'll see at the ball yard. Stay warm out there, Max. I know it's sitting a little posty for you. I don't know how you're going to do it, but try and stay cool.
You know.
I'll do my best. I'll wear a taktop in some shorts and some flip flops. Don't worry, I'll sacrifice for you guys.
All right.
Well, with that, that was Jerry Doleg and Jerry do Like of course, is brought to brought to us by chup CU's Cafe to in the historic South Side. Enjoy five for fifteen course light buckets during all the pins game, catch all the games on their sixteen TVs and try their newest HOGI.
The Chuka Original.
And with that we'll be back with more here inside the locker Room on the Steelers Audio.
Network is in the locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by Akrosure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wilfley and Max.
Starks and it's time for the word of the day. The word of the day is Promethean. It comes from the name of the Greek demi god small g Prometheus. In Greek mythology, Prometheus was a demo god made from clay who stole fire from mon Olympus to share with humankind. As an adjective, when used, Promethean describes people or things that are rebelliously creative, calling back to the courageous acts of Prometheus in creating fire. So to use it in a sense, you could say the protesters described their mission as rebellious and promethean, or the Promethean scientists worked to prove the ground bak groundbreaking hypothesis. There's a lot of by by going on there, but I would use it and say we as ballplayers back in eighty two and eighty seven, we were on strike and we described our mission as rebellious and promethean.
We ate a lot of.
Donuts too, Yeah so yeah, yeah, well yeah, so I wonder I wonder if back in Prometheus's time.
If they actually made donuts or was it just like you know, raised flower. Well, you know, I.
Would say he helped to create fire, right, I mean suppose that is.
That is true? So he was technically the first baker of time. If you helped create fire.
Now, if you are if you believe the Polynesian legend, then you'll believe that Maui, of course from Wana too, was the one that brought fire from God.
Oh my goodness.
I was no, no, no, of course, not no, just because my kids are going this weekend without me.
Oh you know, you are such a daddy girl, you know I am. I am too. I'm a sucker like I am actually you know, you know, lightweight. I'm like, man, I would I want to go.
I think hopefully I can talk to him to going to see Wicked and then when I get home we can go see Maana too.
There you go, I'm with the secret.
I wouldn't do that, and that would be it, right, you know what I tell my girls all the time because you know Esther and Hannah, they're they're fourteen and fifteen, right, and I go listen, yeah, and I point to myself, I'm the only man in your life.
You got that right now?
Okay, you understand compreende, they go out and before they go out, you know, they go to youth group or something and go, what what's dad telling you?
They go, You're the only man?
Yeah, exactly, Yeah, I mean it's one of those things that and it always is like a full circle moment, right because now you're in the outer bands, but then it's slingshots right back.
You know, he's got to get through these teenage years and get back. But you know, I mean, and I'm still at that phase where you know, Quinny, Quinny, I'm definitely you know, Daddy's number one, right, you know that Daddy's girl right there, Waverley.
Waverley challenges me and she just looks, she just looks at me.
I love her to death, and she's like, Dad, you're being such a dad right now.
I'm like almost Promethean would say.
Almost Promethean and in the approach here, But you know what, I don't mind it. I'm going to continue to be prometheum and crimugenous and and pre antiquated.
I don't even know, I'm all the words.
You know, well, you know Wes is also he's a girly dad.
I got to Yeah, now there's still a little although my my oldest Olivia, who's three, told me that her and her and Brooks from school wanted to go on four dates.
Four dates.
Yes, they wanted to go to our house, his house, the movies, and.
Florida, Florida.
That's my three year old me last week.
Okay, is that the order too? Is that the order of priority to you know? That's a good question. I didn't ask. Yeah, I.
Feel like that's the next thing. It's like, hey, how soon is this Florida trip?
You know you paying for this Florida trip? I expected to flop this bill. Yeah, but exactly are you expensing this to your job? I don't know. You guys will laugh too.
So I've got a I've got a sister too, who's much younger than me. Right, she's still in college. I was thirteen when she was born, so she's a junior in school right now. So she just turned twenty one last month actually, so she's kind of at that age group. And you know, I see her a lot in Morgantown on football game days or I used to drop her off at you know, parties and things like that in the past gatherings. And I would always say to my sister, and I still do, like if she stops by our tailgate on a on a game day and hangs out for a little bit and then goes off with her friends, I always say the same thing to her.
I say, have fun, don't talk to boys. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, And I doubt she's listening. Have fun, don't talk to boys.
Well, she's doing it so well that she's she's put you in the boy category too.
You know, he's like, all right, I'm gonna block you on my phone. A buddy of mine exactly, he used to have this.
He used to he had a couple of daughters, and he would He got a Louisville slugger bat, you know, one of the size forty, really big ones, and he hung it up on the wall and he engraved on it the questions that the boys who came to date his daughter would have to answer, like, you know, where are you going when you're coming back? And he had one thing engraved down there at Danna says the see if I can get this right, he says, uh, the owner of the bat reserves the right to use the bat on. The holder of the bat should be above you know, the rules, not be up. You know, I adhered to you know though, that was great, man. You know I could you tell me these kids, you know they'd look at them like these big eyes you know as they're holding that bat.
Well, if you were there, and you'd have been like, what's that?
Say the the what time will we beat home?
Exactly? Ask her head to read this for me like you are by bifocals. Oh man, I mean my poor daughter, Megan.
She goes on her first date, right, and the parent pulls up with the parents pull up with with the boy, little boy, right, And I'm sitting there and I used to collect these fighting knives, you know, like a Rambo knife, you know, like a big twelve inch fighting knife. And I was outside pretending to clean my teeth with that like a toothpick, and looking at the little the young man sitting there with his Adam's apple like Bob, and I'm down like his eyes as big as saucers, and his mom like I could tell the mom was like, maybe we should bolt.
Yeah, maybe we need to start establishing our alibi, you know.
Oh my goodness.
All right, I think it's time to go on because we have the Power Hour coming up. We'll be back with more after this