Hr2: Steelers Nation Reaction

Published Nov 18, 2024, 4:00 PM
Max and Wolf go to the phone lines to get the reactions and thoughts of Steelers Nation the day after a big win over the Ravens.

This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Shure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Stark's.

Well, we are here. The hour has come.

It is the power hour.

Oh my goodness, our number two here. We are excited to be back inside the locker room. And wolf there there's victory Mondays, right, and then there's victory donut Mondays. But I would be very hard press to find a better victory Monday than a post Baltimore victory victory Monday. What would you say to that?

Oh, I'd say it's a double dunker, Yeah, you know, I mean, yeah, it's good enough to have one donut well dead gummy, you might have too, or half a dozen as it were, you know, whatever it takes to get the job done and do so respectively. So in accordance with the rules of victory donut Monday.

Well, absolutely absolutely. But I just I think you know, when you think of the as North Division, right, and the fist fight that it is and.

It was yesterday, was it not? Huh man? Literally, did you have a couple flashba?

I did? I did? I I had to I had to call myself a couple of times. Yeah, you know I did. I didn't cross the chalk. Now now I take that back, you know what, full disclosure and to keep a journalistic integrity of our show. I did cross. I did cross the white chalk. But when I was going to the end zone corners to get the back end zone views, I did. I didn't go the full l you know what I'm saying. I did. I did cut through. I made a little diagonal behind the pylons that I did, But I never stepped in the full field to play because secondly, it's still out of bounds. So I didn't get that close. But trust me, there there was one time and when we were walking in the tunnel a halftime, I was walking next to next to Kyle, one of our equipment managers. I wanted to say, Kyle, I know you got a spare uniform in there. I'm just saying we could put it together.

Just give me a helmet, man, helmet, Yeah, just one more. I just lay somebody out.

And now with and now with the kickoff coverage unit, I don't even have to run that far, you know. Yeah, I could do specialty that will just that part of special teams. That's about it. Uh yeah, just give me like ten yards of space to work with. I'm good, I'm good.


I mean you think about the kickoff return unit. I mean it's pretty much like like a like a pass rush drill. Yeah, you know, it's like you got your guy, he's only five yards in front of you. I mean, that's no different than the linebacker that's blitzing from depth.

Right, I got you. You know, I'm just saying.

I'm just saying Wolf, we might be able to make a comeback.

Like I'm sorry, but I come back ended long ago.

Well come on, say is just jo No, No, I'm right there with you. I would have been I would have been like Emmitt Smith sleeping on the bench if they would have been like all right, Mags, you're right, what what? What?


My friend, we got all are stacking up like Cordon Wood here. We better start letting them understand. Victory Monday is all about baby.

All right, And of course we're going to go to our first caller, the one that only Jason in New Hampshire.

Nice, nice little up tweet the wow.

Hauling in as always.

Position, give me reps.

You don't realize this.

You're giving me reps here, Jason.

So we do need to hear from you more often so I can finally get get my get my vocal pipes warmed up.

That's awesome. That's awesome to be able to hear you guys two weeks in a row, I know, but I got to tell you I'm exhausted. That was a long trip back after that game yesterday.

Oh did you drive back? Yeah?

Oh yeah, we always.

All right, who's more tired you are? Max? Let's say who got home later?

Yeah, Jason? What time did you get the plane though?


No, no, no, I did not. I got I got hit with with the beverage cart twice the flight, once in the elbow, on on on the outbound originally funny bone part of the and then I got no, I wasn't first class. I was back in the exit row. Baby, I was right by the cousin Eddy's r V. It felt like.

I thought you big timers always went first class.

Yeah, no, no, no, all that glitters is not necessarily gold.

I was, I was, I was back there.

In what I like to call the gim pop section of the airplane.

So I frequent that area much.

Let me say this, Let me say this real quick.

The only the only guy I know that it's green around the other side of the fence.

The grass is green on the other side of fences. Pack Queen.

Absolutely, I was wearing his. I got a jersey of his over the off season that I customized. It says villain. Oh because he called it because he called himself a villain. That's a you know, in the off season when he got Yeah, he called himself a villain. So I got I got a customer jersey like that. But yeah, So I didn't give a game ball last week. But I'm going to give the same game ball that I was going to give last week. And that's for the whole team. This team is playing like a team in all aspects special teams, defense, offense. It seems like whenever somebody's got to come up with a play and it's their term, they come up with a play, and I'm highly impressed.

You know.

The you know something touch and I used to talk about and agree on quite a bit is execution and last year I was all over the lack of execution. People are getting on the coaches all the time, and it's like the coaches were calling the plays, the plays where they they weren't executing them. This year, the coaches are calling the plays and the players are executing them. And then something uh.

Oh yeah, I mean, you know, it's it's one of those things like we were like, man, you know, you hold your breath because, right, because because the last couple of years that has been the case, and you know, I felt like we've always played games not to lose them versus playing games to win them. And this year it has been a start shift in that and that mentality. It has been, no, we're going to play to win. We're not going to play scared. We're the ones that scare others. We don't get scared, right, And that's a cool shift to see, especially when you've been watching the last couple of years and the way this roster is also turned over over the last two years. Jason, right, I mean, think of the job that Omar Khan's done to really churn this roster and genius. I think the combination with that the pieces you bring in and the veteran leadership that you have in areas has really led to that shift in mentality. You know, guys are like, no, we're not playing to lose, We're not playing to preserve, you know something. We're playing to put more, to attain more. You know why, because it's there for the taking. And that mentality has just been awesome to see.

And I agree with you on that for sure. The thing that I had noticed though, is that Tomlin's been preaching that every year. He's been in there every year, you know better than I. And yeah, the fact that it just didn't seem like the team was all buying into that, Like Kenny Pickett last year. The biggest thing that bothered me about Kenny Pickett last year was when he was on the sideline. He was kept on the sideline, and when asked if he was learning anything from the sideline, he goes, what do I have to learn from the sideline or something to that of that, And it's like, that's not the mentality we're looking for on this team and the altogether we can always pull together. It seemed to really tie in with I've listened to a bunch of what Russ has had to say since he's come in and granted it's seems stuff he's said through his career, but I think just these certain people that they brought in and really galvanized that message. And it might just me being on the outside looking in, but it seems like the team is more bought into that entire message than it ever or than it has been in a long time.

Not ever, Jason. Let me tell you this.

There's a saying for this, and it comes from my brother Ronnie Maxwell, not immediately, but it's about the guys you bring in, the Pac Queens and so forth. It's like my brother likes to say, you get enough dogs in your locker room, even the cats start barking, all right, so you get you know, that's exactly what it is. It raises the level, the room temperature in the locker room. And that's what Pac Queen has done. Defensively speaking, he's done a lot lot there. That's good stuff. And when the cats are all barking, Yeah, man, you got a team going, and my.

God, Payson or Peyton Wilson, man, that kid is gonna be something.

Yep. There's a lot of them.

Yeah, I mean, take a look, offensive we get we got two rookies starting side by side on the offensive line. We got a second year guy standing starting to the to the right of the two rookies, kad Zookes from the center to the right tackle is all youth. From the left side, we got the grizzled vet and we got a four year guy.

And they're playing like Steelers. They're playing like Steelers. Wolf They look like Steelers. You know that bad assy they had in that game yesterday. Like we're not taking anything. You guys aren't coming in here, top offense whatever. You know, They're all in it and playing like Steelers. I love you, guys, man. I'll let you guys go and comment on the rest of that and take some more calls, but I gotta.

Get some sleep, right, Ray to jump in. Jason Max is gonna join you soon he gets he gets off the air. Yeah all right, brother.

All right, I appreciate that. Uh, you know, that was a good one.

And always you know, I'm working on my new Hampshire. You know you're getting You're nailing it. I'm getting it wasn't perfect when he started off with it, you know.

Yeah, yeah, so so I think I think you know what we'll get there. Uh, got got to get to the next caller here and uh, you know, we love having him called into the locker room.

And and it's the one, the only, the not the not comical, the not the not oh so serious, but the oh.

So sarcastic sword one is, uh is who we have up next? Sword?

How are we doing today?

We're doing really good, guys, thanks to you, so many good things to say. A couple from the sheath. You know, is there more drama than in an NFL game? I mean, it's just a game I'd love to watch if for nothing else. Unscripted, unedited. When you turn your television on, everything you see is scripted, and this is minute by minute happening as you see it live. And to come down to the end of a game, game after game, it's just exciting as drama goes and entertainment goes along those lines. To watch Russell Wilson, who's been through all these years, super Bowls, everything else, but the excitement that guy exues almost like a young kid. It's hard to believe he's been in the league like he has, but to see him re energized in a major part of this team and the way he seems extremely excited about it, and it shows and rolls off on all of us. It's really neat to see an older guy like that so excited, genuinely excited like he is. Peyton Wilson has just mentioned his first real big play as a stealer. I'd say, still, you could see he's not one hundred percent loose. He's still thinking as he's going. When he starts reacting like he will, that guy is going to be something to watch down the road. And Patrick Queen, I don't know not enough adjectives to describe how he's played these last couple of games, and for all of it to come to ahead in that game yesterday and hopefully at a level now where he'll be the rest of the year or better, is something to behold. This team seems so far from being as good as they can be. You know, we're just it's not like we've arrived. These guys, each one of them will tell you we've got a lot more to do, and with that attitude, really like to see so much more I did expect. I'm not being negative, but I kept thinking, oh boy, Andrews is going to catch ten passes down the middle and end up being a big factor. That defense just was all over everywhere, and we didn't see that. We didn't see Jackson taking off the one thing. I don't want to be critical, but just objectively looking at it on short yardage plays three and one, four and one, I really don't know why they don't. Warren isn't in there, Nagy. I'm not going to take anything away from them. I love both of them. But he's more of an upright runner, and for a split second on short yardage he's upright and turning sideways looking for a crease. Where Warren goes where I'm supposed to go A to B immediately full speed, and if I don't make it, I don't make it. But if I do, I will. He goes exactly where he's supposed to go. And I think on a one yard play looking to gain a yard with the line knowing what the play is, I really think an accelerated bullet type runner would would work more times uh uh than than than than running Odgy. And one other thing h Fields. I honestly thought that bring him in a little earlier, guys, because uh one of the negative things about Fields was he brings the ball down maybe too quick and takes off with that defense of the Ravens and the way they were playing, that type of play might have worked very well to open the field up against the Ravens, where you did have to recognize his ability to run at any time. We've seen a glimpse of it there when he was used. And I'm not saying he's as good as Jackson, but he's pretty dog on close and when he would if he would take off, you know and get out of the pocket, unlike Russell who got you know, sacked and collapsed a bunch of times, I think Fields could have really opened that game up and maybe used him a little more than we did. But anxious, anxious for your comments, guys, and Tucker, what the heck?

I mean?

He if you look at his over fifty average, it's unusually. I think he only has four or five out of twelve or thirteen or something, which is extremely unusual for him. But you know, the football guards were there, buddy, yesterday, and we've seen ourselves a great game and it's evident that these guys are nowhere near how good they can get. And they're winning as they're getting better. And it's sitting back and smiling here guys today.

Absolutely sort I think it's well said by you. You know the thing about with Justin Fields, I expect to see a little bit more of a package that might have included back to back just to set something up.

But that's okay. You know, we're going to see how this unfolds.

We go along.

There's no rush in being able to say he's got to have six plays, he's got to have eight plays or something like that, you know, exactly because right now Russell has cemented his position as the QB one going forward and Dad gummt you know, let him, let him rock.

Yeah, I don't want to quarter back controversy, but when you've got a toolbox, you use all the tools that are in it, and I think Russ would agree with you. At certain times, it just breaks up the moment, you know, breaks up.


I don't want to say stale ones, but they were getting to Russ and they were collapsing the parkt. They were sacking him a lot of times, a lot of pressure on him, and he was kind of struggling back there where Fields can get out of that. And I think Russell Wilson would be right with me, hoping Fields would do that there was no controversy here. I think I think this is a team solved, especially order back, and those guys like each other and are learning from each other. I appreciate each other and should use each other as needed. I don't think there'd be any friction whatsoever. It's just something you have you should bring up, maybe a little more as the year goes on. But we'll say it's all unfolding, all exciting to watch, and thank you guys for giving me a few minutes or thank.

You thanks Sword, Nah, thanks Sword, And I'll even go a little bit further Wolf. I think this is also you want to tease it because you have to remember we still have five games of Division play left, so yeah, you can't unload the clip in the first division game. And you also gave other teams, you know, more stuff that they have to study and defend against with the Steelers. I think that was what that was. That was that was the teaser. That was the appetizer, and that wasn't even like a full order that came to your table. That was like the past appetizer. You know, where we got one left and they're about to walk back in the kitchen, and then you don't see it again the rest of the night. It was one of those I think that was the intent was we don't want to unleash the full package and give Baltimore game film to study, give Cincinnati and Cleveland something to get prepared for. I think they like to say, hey, look at when Justin Field comes in. He runs the ball. So now we have to worry about quarterback draw, quarterback boot run, and now we got a scheme for that, and then I think we probably see a little bit more added in as division play. HAPs It's different if this is like the third or fourth division game in the season, right well, m hmmm, where it's like, you know, we're going for the jugular now. I don't care if you're going to game plan us or not in these moments because we've got we're got to have it mode. I think there's still so much more left because of the backloaded nature of it. You have to kind of hold back what you want to do with Justin even though it could have been a good change of pace. You also wanted to get Russell in there and have him work through his struggles and not just have the fear of we got a guy off the bench let's just go ahead and replace him again, right, because think about this, Wolf, this is only Russ's fourth game. We've played ten games, so Justin started six games already this season, right, and play them in its entirety. Russ is still trying to get into his groove and he struggled. Listen, yesterday was not the greatest matchup because Russ is not that tall. A and B they have a very tall defensive line. Everybody except for Justin Monnibique. It's skyscrapers, right, Travis Jones, Brogerck Washington, Oh way right. They got all these humongous dudes that that are there, that that that made it tough for him, right, the hands up there standing there clogging the pocket and the inside to distort the view of what Russell wants to do. But when Russell has that moment right when he can plan his feet and he's he's what he's throwing to, he could still deliver those dimes that one to George Pickens. My god, down the sideline still one of you know, I mean we say this like every week. It feels like, oh my god, what a play, right, But those are the things that you know, you have to really say that's that's what that's what we're playing for. We're playing for those moments. We just want them to come a little bit more frequently. But you know, this was a tough matchup, and he worked through his struggles and the entire team had to kick in to win this game, and we did exactly that. So we can't just turn and and just you know, flounder by it, you know, every time a guy struggles. But at the same time, also realize we got more games to play. I mean we still have you know, seven very tough games, five division games and two non division games with two division leaders or yeah, non division, non conference games with two division leaders in their respective divisions. That will be we still have yet to see. So I'm okay with holding something back, and especially when at the end of the day it comes down, we still get the.

Victory, no doubt about it, my friend. Absolutely.

Yeah, all right, we're gonna step aside. We'll be back with more of your calls. Of course, the boards are lit up like a Christmas tree. I see a cr I see you want on the list plus more. We'll be back with more here inside the locker room after these commercial breaks.

This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, p n C, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Starks.

Indeed, we're back and we are ready to roll. Here.

We got some callers coming up. We got wan you're in South Carolina.


You're now in the locker room, My friend, what do you got to say?

Good morning guys?

How you're doing fabulous? What do you think we're doing? Huho? Wolf's on his third breakfast sandwich?

And who's counting here in the seventh coffee?

No calories.

Here we talking about here, we're talking about donors. I just went to Dunkin Donuts. I got my don got.

A man, that's the way to go.

You know, where'd you have a weight loss campaign last year? Your wife puts you? You know, talking calories anymore?

Baby? We're going forward?

Hey, yeah, the way the Steelers going. I'm going with the Steelers. I gotta keep keep eating up.

Man, that's it.

Don't you dare derail the season by not not having a donut victory Monday.

Yes, sir, yes, sir, right, so let's talk. Let's talk about the game. So, I mean, you know, y'all know I've been seeing it in balls like trash no matter what. So balls of this thing, balls did this thing as always yesterday and then on defense as I was tolding the guys on the show last Charlie him on the show last night, that play with pet and Wilson me, that reminded me of Devin.

A few years ago exactly.

And after against all those rap birds too, I mean, remember.

Made the play against you ran with the title him. I'm pretty sure.

It was.

Remember the one he wrestled away from the Seattle tight end. You know, I don't know, maybe there was more than one. I I just thought it was that. But if you're right, you're right, I don't care however he did he did it.

Yeah, So that was that. That was a game changing play. And then also with yeah.

We got the rap persure, uh the play you're right, you're exactly right. What was the Seattle one? There was a Seattle one that was I can I can I remember it, but I don't. I don't know it doesn't matter you. Hey, plus do you man, you got a better memory than me, which is that's obvious.

Yeah. Yeah, see, well even can cuss too much, man.

I think.

So that's all right, that's all right. You called it out. That's good, go ahead.

It did.

And then also with the offense yesterday, you know we in the raids going why not have Mike Williams in the game. We got a six six four sixty five guy Baudy. We should have had him in any game. He used to be on a couple of old Raiders on plays.

Sounds reasonable. What else you got got any game balls?

Okay for game balls, let's see where you can restart at. I mean, give it to the whole team, because we showed those dirty rat birds who runs the who's the King of the North. And then also with and how about teach it? I played he did on on King Henry. I reminded me of Bobby playing I'll hit it on on Henry.

Yeah, that that goes right up there. I agree with you. I would I would put that. I would put that right there because you know, talk about needing to make a play, wondering, hey, can we stop, you know, Derek Henry like he burst for that thirty one yard right earlier in the game, and you're like, man, this dude, Henry, I want to warm it up. You know, he started started inching and inchin and echine and then saying, hey, Steelers need to make a play. They just got a fresh set of downs and for him to go have that type of tackle for a loss and not just a tackle for a loss, but a commanding one on one stop him in his tracks. Can remember he would take first contact and he would get about extra two yards one And in that moment, I mean he went completely timber, like the final blow to a redwood and he just went down. That was a huge moment. I think that was also a huge momentum shift defensively, Like mentally, the guys are starting to feel a little discouraging. You probably felt like there was a moment where the damn could have cracked and TJ. Watt came in, came in like an old boy on the infomercials with with with That, with that clear tape where you know you see the water leaking into the boat, he just smacks a piece of tape on top of it, and all of a sudden he's he's he's he's boating through the Everglades and then this this quote unquote taped up boat. I felt like that was that moment where they just really took off and really said, you know, we can stop, we can out Dereck Henry. And they did just that.

Yeah, and Patrick Queen the last couple of weeks he was playing, he's playing lights out. And then also about PZR. He made out from last week because last week he got a couple of passing the fans and and then and yesterday he made the meet a game played with the two point conversions of PR did a pretty good job yesterday too, absolutely, and.

Had some fantastic pb us too. Remember I mean a couple of those like first down conversion and you know and touchdown type plays where he jarred the ball loose as well. He had that one on z Flowers across the middle where I mean he put the hand in the right moment and broke the ball up. I'm just thinking about like a couple of those like he had. He had some fantastic plays. So he took DPIs and made them pb us or TFLs and I thought that, yeah, you're right, that was awesome to really rebound from a from a slumping game in Washington.

Yeah, so we gotta be got a shot. We got the brownie. So we beat We got the brownie. We beat those guys, and we have a we cantrol out on distantly and and I love it. So I hope you guys can keep it going un lest some other guys getting shout out to my guys. Y'all, y'all guys, have a good victory money.

Thanks thanks for calling in. Good talking with you, brother. All right, next one up, we got uh, we got okay, we're going to CRR. You're in the locker room, buddy, you're up before that.

Mother mothers the w n W clue with Max and Wolf. Hey, hold on.

Hold on, hold on, hold on, no, no, hold on, because I got to get this out. My son texted me from Germany. All right, yesterday it was Veterans Day. He said, you make sure to tell cr thank you for his service.

All right. I just I just I just needed to get that out.

He wanted me to make sure that you knew and that he knew that you knew, or he knew you knew. But however, but thank you for your service.

There you go.

Well, well, you know what, you know, behind every good officer there's a great n c oh.

So he understands what that means. I appreciate that.

Thank you shout out to him when you get back to him. Hey, but guys, hey, you put me behind one. This is getting messed up.

But one.

He's sending all my thunder man. I was gonna bring up please too.

Uh, you got a one.

You messed up.

I tried to get a whold of you. I had a ticket yesterday. I couldn't go to the game. I tried to get that stuff away. I couldn't give my ticket away.


So anyway, let's.

Get down there.

What's going on here?

I got I got a couple of I got a next man Up award, and that next Man Up award is gonna go to the pat Quinn.


He the boy, he's doing what he's supposed to be doing. He had the chip on his shoulder here because he wasn't They didn't want him at the house. So he found Greeno passes on the other side. And then I want to go to Boswell, Boz. We had Baltimore sixteen at Pitchburg Boz a team, so boz I scored the whole Baltimore team. Man, and that's the second time that he did six field goals. There's another guy did it to a second player, John Carney. He was with the Los Angeles Sidney Devis the San Diego charged that he did a back in nineteen ninety three. And before I go any further, I do want to talk about this team. This team is on par to do what needs to be done. It's a very special team this year. A lot of things going on. People underestimated them.

They still don't do the steals the for real, but they are for real.

And I want to shout out to our coach because our coach is unique.

He is a special kind of coach. The media was out there talking to Tomaki yesterday about.

Them in seventy seven broders and they want to know, well, when are you gonna set him on the bench, And the coach stood up for him. I quote, I'm not worried about that. You guys can write all you want. Roderick Jones is playing right top for us. He is going to continue to get better. He is a top quality player in terms of his talent. He's a young guy who is experiencing them on the job training. He and I will not blank keep writing in the quote comments.

Perfect absolutely, yeah, no, I agree.

I think you know, there's certain moments where the aggression is necessary. It sets the tempo, it says the moved. And I think for Broderick, he thrives in that environment. He thrives in that adversity he had, thrives in the chaos, and he ends up kind of answering the call, which is what we all want to see, which is all you know. He has that potential, He has the skill set that he can go out there and he and he can be a bully when he decides he wants to be the bully. The one thing where I kind of I pushed back a little bit is I would rather it come right out the gate versus be reactionary, be proactive in your bullying. Don't be reactive in your bullying. And that's a young guy right now. That's that's that's the tail of the bull, right the young bull and the old bull going down the hill. And I think that's where you have to be. You have to be cautious. What I stopped it there, wolf stop it, don't worry, get your hand off that dumb button. Wolf.

Hey, the young bullet, the old bullets they are, Yeah, all.

Right, but I'm sorry. We gotta let you go because we got to get one more collar in before we go to break.

Okay, here we go, Here we go.

I just didn't want Mad to slip up.

Oh god, you stop it. I was done. I was done.

I know, I know, but I had to bust your chops.

Man, alread, we got one more calling before we get the break we got, Ricky, don't lose that number. You're in Georgia, but now you're in the locker room.

Hey, what's going on?


Good morning, Good morning, and won't getting money to everybody?

Victory donut Monday? My friend? Have one?

Good Yes, yes, I don't know. It's great this morning, along with the hot coffee.

Yeah that man, I like that.

Yeah, so I'm just making charge, you know. But hey, man, that game well today, it was a classic and I love it. And I wouldn't understand I want to spend too many points coming from that game because I know how the game was gonna of the time, was gonna be everybody still might be for the game point game. It wasn't gonna be that, and I just want to say this one thing too. We have fifty three volunteers on that roster. Everybody, did they joy your state?

That's what I love, Amen, That's what I love. And uh yeah, and my game boss. Honestly, I don't want to give a game about everybody. I can give a game about individually. But everybody did.

They part as it because it was It was a chippy game and it could have went bad, could have win much were but the referee then kind of throw them play like they that they was supposed to. I'm glad they didn't, but you know, end today it was still a verst raising game and we can we can take it as the still go no tone. Hey, that's all I need to get, no more opposunity. Where they proclaimed to be beat up on the whole game, they didn't do it. So shout out to everybody on the team.

Shout out to the defense for one absolutely all right, brother, thank you so very much for checking the locker room. All right, it's the Penn Ultimate segment right here, because the Ultimate is coming up as Max Texas, we got three more guys up. Will be back to you right after this.

This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by BET MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now, here's Craig Wolfley and Max Stark's.

All right, fellas we are in the last segment, there's the bell lap.

That's right.

Uh, if you have an indulgent victory donut Monday, then this is your early lunch warning system. But if not, just continue as you are. We're gonna yeah, yeah, you're already there. Well you got you gotta stay afterwards for the Mike Twan press conference coming up, so you know that's coming up right after this broadcast. So we're gonna go rapid fire water cooler here and make sure that we get all of our callers in before the end of the show. So first up, we got Circus George and Sarasota. What's up? Words, how we doing? What's your victory Monday thoughts?


I would like to see better third down conversion rates. I was a little surprised that Williams didn't get any targets, but Overall, I'm happy that Rappers went down for all those great lamar As far as I'm concerned, Fifth to Night is black and yellow. I'm loving it on defense, bringing it to camp. On offense, I'm getting it to U Chickens. Even though he didn't score, he had a good game and special scenes.

Actually do not give it to bars. So, by the way, we're gonna get a pulse on here.

It's gonna go down the fifties come Wednesday night.

Oh no, no, it's lovely. We can't wait.


It is. When it's colder, it doesn't rain as much.

I found out, by the way, Wesley, I'd like to do up the Browns scene song.

But you can play for the whole division except us.

Mm hm, oh my god.

That was awesome. Thanks George. We appreciated. And then we're gonna we're gonna keep the party going. We're gonna go to John and Michigan. John, what's up your inside the locker room? Game balls, postgame thoughts? What you got for us?


Oh, game balls? You gotta give one to Patrick Queen. That was out saying and the third one of private that Steelers defensive line between the battle balls down on third down and the pressures that you know, make Lamar uncomfortably. You gotta give them one mm hmm. So what do you guys think about You guys think and next week they will tune up. Mike Williams Moore, I feel like yesterday having a six or five guy in the red zone would have really helped our red zone woes.

Yeah. Well, and I said it during the broadcast, John, I was talking about you know, getting getting you know, Mike Williams, George Pickens, Darnell Washington, and Pat Friar move all in all in a red zone package together to give RUSS four skyscrapers back there.


Granted, he did try and throw to Darnell Washington, of course, I'm not sure if Darnell knew that throw was coming to him or whether you know, he was trying to get it out of out of the back of the end zone. However it happened and turned into an interception. But I would like to see a little more development. I think you're right. I think, you know, the slump in the red zone area, especially the high red zone, was something needs to be worked on. But you know, I completely agree. I think you know, when you look at just you know, as his team, that's an area that's that's in need of constant improvement. That's kind of been the one week spot. If you're looking at a negative, that's that's been one that's kind of traveled the entire year has been red zone offense.

And before I go, shout out to all the media that said we would finish last on the division this year.

You got to take care.

Yeah right, they can eat Raven, not just crow, eat some Raven on that one. Anyways.

All right, yeah, now we're cooking you wake up. But right there it is there it is.

Wait till the last four minutes of the show to really get me going. All right, last call. Here we got David Nashville. Dave, what's up, man, you're inside the locker room, game ball and thought process. We are inside the two minute warning.

All right, Hey, this is yeah today from Nashville, but I'm in Pittsburgh.

I went to the game yesterday.

All right, there we go, there we go.

I got a question. Here's my question.

Is the fact that our defense on the number one offense supposedly in the league and held them to our lowest score this year.

Does that make our defense and number one defense.

I think, but I love your math and by Steelers math. Yes it does. We are the number one defense. You can go poop poo and everybody else. But yeah, we did it better than the vaunted Kansas City defense and and Buffalo and everybody else that they think is the Bee's knees. We we we are. I mean, we're the best knees because we also have black and yellows our colors.

Sam save coach Bees had a great time at the game yesterday, especially with some of the Ravens fans.

I got to sit next to one.

She was having a great time.

It's just an awesome rivalry and it's cool that us and the Ravens fans can let the guys on the field do it out and we can have a fun time watching the game. I had a dangerous sandwich at for Mandy Brothers and I'm going to Calientes right now for a slice of pizza.

In a draft there, that's how you do He is winning the day, right there, is winning the day.

That's how you do well.

Dave, you enjoy it, man, And of course we appreciate all you guys calling in today. Uh short week. Cleveland Brownie is week, so we'll turn the page with Mike Tomlin, the press conference coming up right after us. He's Craig Woefully on Max Star's Wesh you are on the ones and two cj our Chief Gremlin Hunter, a k a. The head Hancho of the Ninjas. And of course this sends say Brian La Martina keeping us on the airwaves. We are we will be back tomorrow Saint Bat channel saying bat time. But next we got the Mike townand press conference. Go make it a great day.


In the Locker Room with Wolf & Starks (Pittsburgh Steelers)

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