This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by Akroschure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by BET MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wilfley and Max Stark.
A crowd on its feet, tals swirling an acrossure, snap back to Jones looking and has the ball bout it away and want covered by TJ. Watt stripsack recovery Steelers Paul tremendous turn of events late in the fourth quarter at Akrosser Stadium.
Oh what a moment that was.
I mean, that was significant, That was huge, That was powerful. You know, it's kind of amazing. Max's you know, as I relived that play and I go back to the week before and there was an offensive lineman named Jermaine the Illuminare all right.
I don't know what that was all about. That was the kind of day Germaine Illuminaire.
Yeah it was, yeah, exactly, you know, and so Illuminoor before the game. For folks that don't remember, you know, this is a guy that basically called out TJ Watt and said that, you know, I want to play him monoe mono. I want to play him without any help whatsoever. I want to be on an island, is what he said. And an island he got. So I thought, you know, that's that's kind of like, I don't know, poking the bear before you tangle with the bear doesn't seem like a good idea. I'm just saying, you know what I mean. I've spent some time at left tackle. I had a season which was I was only there because that was all that they had.
You know, all all imposed six.
Foot one and a half of yours, truly plain blindside tackle, you know, I mean there, you know, and I'm thinking to myself, I can't ever remember Okay turning down the wall coming to me, or a tight end chip or a running back chip. I'm sorry, but no, I was all for it, you know. And he's like, going, no, I don't want any help. Well, you know it didn't work out too good, did it, Max?
No, it did not. It did not. You don't.
Ask for the bull and not expect the horns, you know what I'm saying, Like it's like, no, no, no, I want to do it because I was trying to make myself look good by saying this and hight myself up.
No no, no, no.
No, And an illumin or needs to be illuminated on this subject that yeah, clothes mouths won't get beat as bad.
You know, here's the thing about it. After the game, and if you read today's news, it seems that that Germaine illuminor. I think at this point we're gonna call him Germaine delusion or all right, I think that's a better names. There you go, living in the land of confusion. That's that's all we can play for him. But you know, but I'll say for Jermaine because he came out and said, you know, I'm not gonna sit.
Here and you know, talk about how great TJ.
White was because he didn't do anything for three and a half quarters and had one impact play.
As if that wasn't enough, Max Max, here's his stat line.
Okay, TJ had six pressures, two sacks, seven tackles, two tackles for a loss, two quarterback hits, one fourth fumble, one formal recovery. I'm sitting going, I don't know, having spent a year at tackle, Okay, I'm thinking if I had a game like that, I would be hiding.
I wouldn't be going out and saying he didn't do nothing.
Yeah, like, what's he getting more? You know, gosh, where's it?
Where's your interception at PBu? You missed the category?
That's right, right? I mean, seriously, how delusion? Delusion or are you.
I'm looking once again, Max, he wants.
There we go, Phil Collins genesis, land of confusion or delusion however you want to frame it. But what world are you live in in that you think a stat like that, a stat line like that for your opponent is a good night's work.
You know it's against you, dude. You act like you're reading it and it's some other person. You know what I'm saying, right, you know, like he's reading like this dude's so lazy.
I mean, look at what this guy did.
I mean, he didn't even get He only had seven tackles and only had six quarterback hits, only two sacks, only two.
TfL oh and a single force fumble and fumble recovery. Get the hell out of here.
I mean, seriously, would you be bragging about that or saying that the claiming that your opponent didn't do anything, and he's got that step line and let's say, let's let's be frank about it.
He still got chipped half the time? All right? Why got chipped half the time that he was out there?
Officially that you know, that left on an island thing only didn't happen as often as what your main one to think. And the fact is when the one time that he got home, he was supposed to be chipped and Daniel Jones didn't put the tight end over there, and look what happened. You know, I'm just saying that's probably not something you want to brag about that you held t J. Watt to one impact play that basically helped.
To lose the game.
Yeah, because his one impact play quote unquote was one that they lost possession and the Steelers recovered possession, right, Like, that's not something to be proud of, no, And you know, for maybe that is what the Giants need. They need somebody to be delusional about their success so that they can keep believing in them. Maybe that's why maybe he is, maybe he's doing it on purpose, maybe he doesn't even really feel this way, but he's helping the New York fan base.
By being like a double agent.
Fan, a double agent fan.
I was, yeah, I mean it was secret.
Who was that Johnny what's his name? Secret agent man?
Yeah? Secret.
Hey, we better not saying your poor daughter we lost.
We were. We've already lost our street card with U with the twelve and below crowds, so.
So lose. Let's not lose another demographic.
Thecau There guys are dream is starting a K pop band one day.
Fellas, listen, our boy band hopes are still alive. We could we we could always go across the pond, fellas.
In other words, we are now becoming germane delusion or with that one. I just you know, I remember some of my worst moments that tackle. You know, well, my guard, Let's face it, over twelve years, you're gonna have a few of those those nights, right, And I'm sitting there trying to think of one time where I sat there and go, oh, wasn't that bad?
Well? Were you trying to figure out what what game you could have used that same type of press clipping material? Ah, you didn't do that much.
You only had one impact play against me.
Iiley had six to two six two, I mean and two tall Jones, You're six nine.
I mean it doesn't. Were you really.
Gonna have a bad game against me or a really good game? I got in your way?
Hey Max, Hey, I only had four holding calls in one game. I could have at least half a dozen more.
I mean, I mean, and I was in for all the plays too. I mean, you know, it wasn't that bad. That wasn't It wasn't It was great.
It was fine. It was fine.
That was tremendous, Like riding the bike, like riding the bike. Oh, you know, my god, Colonel Sunshine of the Spotless mind, right.
I mean, I just can't even conceive of your trying to just roll that out as being yeah, I played good. You know, he only did that one, just that one play, and I.
Think that one play the worst play ever. And it was like it was a you know, and actually that was a quadruple stat play, Wolf, Yeah, it was upon further review, it was not a triple stat play. Okay, it was a quadruple stat play, explain Man explain.
Not only was it.
A sack, right, but it was a tackle for a loss, right, a forced fumble yes, and a fumble.
Recovery yes, Okay, so you got the force of quadruples that.
Yeah, yeah, quad stack of of of plays made.
So Max, you you have that you have that night you go to Mike Tomlin, right he said, They go, hey, pretty good, Now, coach.
I really limited him. Do you think he says to you.
It wasn't.
I'm gonna say, like like like Cleo McDowell said, and coming to America, son, you want to continue to work here, stay off the drugs, that said. I mean, you know, like I mean, Mike TV be like the tape is the tape tapers are walking, talking, breathing resume.
I mean, let's say, does anybody else think besides me that maybe TJ's Monday Night football performance was kind of you know, defensive Player of the Year type quality.
You know, heck one of them was champion. There was was chanting.
M v P.
Just give him the m v P. Now there you go.
That's the first ever defensive player to win offensive m v P.
You know, I you know, and and I can you know, I go back to his his is the week before when he said he want to be on an island. Give him some credit for being confident. But I'm still stilling there going based your confidence is based on what because the year before when you were with the Raiders, you faced off against TJ and he hitcher for two sects there. Uh what what exactly are you basing this confidence that you don't need anybody chipping or helping you? You want to be on an island with the greatest quarterback hunter in the NFL right now? And what what in your past experience makes you think that you know, this is a good idea.
I don't know. I'm just trying to.
Get in the head of Jermaine uh And and understand kind of where he's going with this.
Yeah, maybe maybe you don't need to go there, Wolf, Maybe maybe the price of admission is too steep to understand what's in that mind? You know what I'm saying, Like, I just know some things are better to be left alone. Yeah, because you know, not not not everybody is, uh, you know, on an even keel. Some guys are cuckoo for cocoa puffs.
I think I think that's the area we're approaching, because that's certainly to me. Again, poking the bear before you tangle with the bear isn't a good idea. And then after the bear mauls view kind of like maybe you just want to eat a little humble pine, going. Yes, he's a great player. It was great to compete against him. Yeah he got he got me a little bit, but it obviously is not something that's in his vocabulary obviously, So we'll just leave that. Go next one up that I got, you know, in this kind of.
Real quick yep, real quick.
Uh TJ must be listening to this segment because he just sent me.
A response to all of this.
Oh okay, he said, tell mister Land of delusion, now go away, I don't do it.
End quote.
Yeah, there we go. That was a good one. Goodness, I'm good.
All right.
So now we we also have another another guy that's a little maya culpa here. I'm like our first thought, you know, first guy we're talking about was Mike Marlt right stink from the Denver broncos Mark.
Yeah, Claire, that's right. I can't. I can't.
I could not pronounce my own writing. Now I was looking and go, wow, that's really bad. So anyhow, uh stink right, he says, I was wrong? How about that? Now there you go. This is how it's done. You see, Jermaine, just take a lesson from Schlareth, and you go I was wrong, because Schlatte sits round says, you know, I've been hard on on Rush Wilson. I've said that he was delusional, all right. That's that's a quote from Schlarette, you know, saying he was delusional of that being Russ. And he had a whole lot of negative comments about Russ. And here Russ is, I'd say, he's doing pretty darn good. Well say you Max, Yeah, I mean, Russ is man.
He he's doing all the things that we wanted him to do that we hope he could do.
Right, This was the.
Hope of how we wanted to see this offense. Look, you know, being able to throw the ball downfield, being able to hit the deep ball, passes, the run game working in concert with the passing game, and vice versa. And there's just a different level of confidence and a different level of calm that Russell brings to that offense. And it works, and all the weapons that we do have, we know, they're all, they're all. They're all getting shown on display, right. Everybody's getting the ball passed around to him, and everybody's getting an opportunity to go make a play. I want to say, what eight different receivers on Sunday or on Monday night? So right there, ye, look at yeah, I think it was eight different receivers were targeted. So if that doesn't show you that, hey we got number two, we got number three, we got number four, we got number five, n six, seven, and eight. Right, we have options. And I think, you know, for a great broadcaster, like excuse.
Me, for the sake of journalistic integrity, it's nine okay, nine targeted.
Yeah, eight different receivers caught catches, correct, I think the targets no catching there you go, okay, yeah, yeah, So I knew I was like there was something about eight.
I just knew.
I couldn't remember that was the targeted receivers or who actually had a reception.
So, as I always say, when I'm quoting facts, you best fact checked me.
Yes, yes, exactly, fact check the factoids. But but yeah, so I mean so yeah, and you know, and that's okay to be wrong.
Yeah, and to admit it, you know, yeah, to admit it.
Nothing, there's there's nothing against it that you don't get penalized for for telling the truth more often than not, unless you did something bad and then you tell the truth about it after the fact that.
If you rob the bank, then I think, you know, maybe you want to keep that on that down low.
Yeah, yeah, that's one of the times you know it.
But but then again, also don't.
Tell anybody that could even write a report about it. You know what I'm saying, like, just just hold it in, you says, Hey, just t he whatever it is, you know, mentally like your own inside joke. But but I think how you have to look at this is is that this team, the way that they're doing the things that they do. You know, you have on one side you have the excuse making and the other side that's truth telling, right right, report the news. Here's where I'm at. I had this time type of take guess what it was? I was sorely mistaken. My bad.
We are we are we talking as Germaine or are we talking as Slaret?
Well no, no, no, But it's both sides of it, right. You have the Germaine side and then you have the Mark schlarev side, which the Germaine side is the delusional deny, deny, deny, And then Schlaret is like, now let's just call it what it is. Hey, my bad, my bad, I was wrong, And I think that's just two different approaches for the same thing, the same thing. Talking about the game and making your prediction ahead of time is to you know, and then when the game settles, the dust settles around it. Now I make my own informed decision, and that important moment of the informed decision says, man.
They were better than I thought.
Man, they look better than I expected, or that I talked about this week, Like those are okay things to say, Germaine illuminor But when when you're so delusive, you said that dude did not have First of all, those two as you call them, Wolf Turnstiles on the outside sent both t J. Watt and Alice heismanth to the Pro Bowl. Do you realize that that game, that game Monday night sent both those dudes to the Pro Bowl?
You would think so that.
Easy, that that that that easy, that easy with the stat lines alone, it's like, yep, nope, can't deny it exactly. Just cut hey, just cut the check, cut the check man, cut it down, going to going to wherever the Pro Bowl is because I don't know, well that's where where is it?
Is? It?
Is it in New Orleans?
With like, I don't even know the super Bowl city.
It wasn't Orlando, and then I thought they locked that for whatever reason, they ended up moving out of Orland. Yeah, oh it is that.
Yeah, baby, you know, you know you can't it belongs in Honolulu.
Come on, I mean that's.
I mean that, well, they won't build a new stadium, Wolf and I have to say, I get it.
I get it.
Well, you know what I mean. It's not the stadium, it's it's the place.
You know, it's the place that is the people.
Yes, it's the people's game.
For great I mean, listen, listen. The Pro Bowl has always, like you said, has always been Hawaii in my mind, but it's also been the week after the super Bowl, not the week before this in my opinion. Yeah, it's just it's a shame, Yeah, because because it's whoever wins that Super Bowl. It's a moment of honor to walk out on that field after you've won the Super Bowl and you're on a prop and you're playing in.
The Pro Bowl.
I just remember my opportunity, my first opportunity to go out and watch it right after we.
Won Super Bowl four. Were on the alternate team.
Remember, Yeah, we were all alternate, so we were not on the field. We were looking at the field. Well, I saw it from outside the stadium. I didn't get all you did. I would I went in because because you know, it was Marvel, Jeff and Red. It all went right, so our center and the whole left side went that year, and so you know, I went. I was sitting up there with Troy's wife, Theodora, my mom, and we're watching the game and it was just cool when they did the player intros that like, and now you're super Bowl champion, Pittsburgh Steelers Pro Bowl players, And it was going through the list because more often than not, team is going to the Super Bowl usually has a high concentration of players exactly, and that also eliminates all the alternates and alternates of the alternates and the ultra altar alternate.
But see, uh yeah, didn't you want to be out there on the field, your terrible towel, jumping up and down, going as they announced you as an all alternate.
I did you know?
You've literally had dreams about this.
It's just not surpressive. Have you been talking to Jermaine ILLUMINORIM have you been talking to I had my own delusional moments. Let me tell you.
Yeah, yeah, exactly. I was about to say, yeah that was.
No, no, no, it's fine, guys, it's fine.
No, No, I'm to go out.
I'm good.
I just want to be like you know, you're.
Like walking down to the bottom of the stadium trying to like hop over the wall there.
Yeah, that song he's about to get get a rubber room at the local laugh factory here.
Yeah, exactly.
Why does he have on zuba pants and spaghetti strap tank top for workhouse?
It says Buld's gym on it.
He killed me Fanny Packings rebought classics, you know with shades. Yeah, wait off, absolutely like the machio man Randy Savage shade.
Okay, we gotta go to break about the all right, brother.
You know something.
Here's a Pro Bowl little.
Tools to be out on the field right there, the night on the cream and the cream on the top of this Pro Bowl team.
You need to need left tackle.
I'm ready.
Okay, we're going to break.
Let's too trapped to break. Put me back after this.
Yeah, we talked to you on the other side.
Yeah. Yeah.
This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official insurance and Cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Stark's.
All right back inside the locker room here, you know, for journalistic integrity, I didn't really paint the proper picture before going into break wolf, So I just want to make sure that we also say that the tank time was a Ti Die spaghetti strapper said all alternate.
Too, but it would say all on the back.
Yeah, exactly.
Well, I mean ultimate all Ultimate team, like the Ultimate Maniacs. Yeah, oh god, all right, pick.
The picture right with my buffalo tan.
Yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly exactly. It's definitely you know, no summer screens. So so he is he is now at a clam bake because he is red all over except where where the straps of the take up is, because he's been wearing that shirt for the last three days on the beach.
What do you mean sunscreen in Hawaii? No, that's for whoosies, that's not for all alternate old stores.
Yea, the Ultimate all Alternate Team.
Nobody ever made an Old Star game by wearing sunscreen.
I'll tell you right now. Oh man, this is gonna be a long shot.
He's guns, don't burn.
I burned the sun.
Go on to the plane to fly out here.
And they said, sir, can you please cover up those weapons of mass destruction?
He said, stewardess, those are just the play throns. We got some great personat Macho man Savage. Oh my goodness, now my throat is gonna be shot for the rest.
I was about to say, yeah, we have to stop it at some point and just you know, just let it, let it go. But it's just so tough. And here's the here's the best part. I got to meet macho man Randy Savage.
Did you really?
I did? I did?
And he was It was him and and miss Elizabeth. They were both together and they were at a seven eleven and yeah, it was me and my buddies that went to the seven limits like by our school in Orlando, and uh, you know because like during high school, like junior and senior year, like you get to go off campus for lunch, and so we just had we were like, man, I just want, you know, just want a big bite and and Slorpy right, you know.
So we go in there and and I'm like, oh my god. My buddy's like what. I'm like, dude, that's Macho Many. They're like what, Oh my god.
And miss Elizabeth dude. And you know he's right by the cash register. So you know what's right by the cash register, right.
Slim gems?
Oh yes, yeah yeah.
And I'm I'm looking at the slim gyms. I'm looking at matcha man. I'm looking at the slim gyms. I'm looking at matcha man. And you could tell our eyes locked for a second, and it was just like.
Don't do it, don't do it, can't help yourself.
I know it was.
It was like one of those things where it's like, you know, like like Austin Patters like mole mole, but you like, walk up, Moley, you know what I'm saying. So I didn't do it, but I was like, oh my god. And he talked, he talked to it.
He what's up, fellaws.
I was like, oh my god, it's Vacho man.
He's in yeah, dude, dude.
And so yeah, so I I completely uh out for a minute. But yeah, I did get to meet him once and it was like the most random thing of seven to eleven in downtown Orlando.
Well, I actually got an opportunity to meet him. My high school teammate was Larry Fole, who was Lex Luger in the w W oh yeah, and so he came into town as part of the show. Was there to wrestle. So I went to the show, we went to dinner and stuff like that after, and it was it was amazing because everywhere he went people were all over him, you know, he was just like, you know, it was just it was just crazy and pandemonium, you know.
But I mean iconic, iconic.
And you know what else.
I mean.
You go, and he took me back into the locker room with him, right, So we go in there and there's the Road Warriors, you know, and there's the Iron Chic you know, and some of these other guys. And it was really funny because they're all, you know, just hanging out, just normal stuff like that. Nobody was putting on their persona thing, you know. They were just regular guys, you know, waiting to go do a job. And then then they explode out there in the arena of their personalities and it's just amazing. But yeah, Randy the macho man was there and it was just, I don't know, it was just really funny to see these guys where you have this expectation of chaos could break out at.
Any moment, and you know they're just not just hanging out chilling.
Yeah, I mean that that is wild.
And of course Lex Luger, if you don't remember his signature move baby, the torture.
Rack, the torture rock. Yes, you know, he was an excellent high school athlete. You know, we played together. It was really funny because our junior year, i'm sorry, our sophomore year on the JV we played. I was full back, he was tailback, and then we ended up in varsity and we played next to each other on the line, right and it was it was It was rather amazing because our defensive line also featured another guy, a guy named Jimmy Burt who went on to become a couple of time pro bowler nose tackle for the New York Giants, get a Super Bowl ring with the Giants and I think the forty nine ers, but another great player, you know, and we had the three of us playing the defensive line, and it was really funny because we played Springville the last game that we had of the year because our senior year we had we were five and oh we were about to play another five and oh team and we had a teacher strike that wiped out the season. But the last game, we knocked out the first, second and third string quarterback and they brought the first string quarterback back in to just hand off the.
Ball at to just get through the game.
So it was rather it was rather humorous in the fact that you know, all these they had this stuff going on between the three of us in high school.
It was a lot of fun we had.
We had.
It was a good team we had that year.
I mean he I mean, you guys literally put the entire other team's quarterbacking room in the torture rat.
Well that was you know, Larry, I will never forget. He would throw that.
He did the long jump in track, he did one hundred yard dash and through the shot, and it was so funny because you in high school, you know, you got sprinters. They're like, you know, five ten, one hundred and twenty pounds something like that, and they get the got their sprintered blocks, you know, they set them all up and everything and Larry would Larry would throw the shot, then he'd come over and he'd get the three point states. He's six ' four at that time, he was like two thirty five to forty, and he'd line up and run one hundred yard dashed with him, you know what I mean.
It was just a tremendous athlete, you.
Know, and the incongruity of seeing how big he was versus a little the rest of the guys where it was really kind of funny.
Did he get two lanes to run because he had to have been.
Yeah, tried to run. Really, he might have elbowed a couple guys on the way in.
Yeah. I was about to say, I was about to say, with with with the with with. He was so jacked. I was like, that's one of the things, like, yeah, guys, get out of the way, puny guys bouncing them off as he's running down the line. But oh, did you see over the weekend the Iowa sprinter. It was not gonna say. It was during halftime of the the Iowa football game. Their their their sprinter. They put them on the little on on the uh on the timer. Okay, the laser timer ran a four to one.
He did not really.
Yes, yeah, it was crazy.
Yeah, I just I just down thought about that.
Oh my goodness, we're watching it now. This guy ran a four to one four one five in the forty yard dash at halftime.
Oh my good halftime.
Like like, I mean, I was like, what the heck? Man, that's the athletes today. Man, It's just it's wild. You know, sprinder clock a four.
You know, they say Bo Jackson ran an unofficial four to one something you know at the combine or in the work I can't remember which it was. That's a that would be just unbelievable, though. I mean, you think about running well Houston McTeer, right. I heard rumors that he ran an unofficial three to nine. Somebody said, Now, I don't know, you know, I mean, that sounds ridiculous, but that would be a guy that, you know, if anybody was capable of it, one of those world class one hundred meter sprinter guys would be, you know, capable of possibly doing something like that.
Yeah, I mean yeah, I mean is it is it believable? Yes, yes, but it's just still wild to see it. So, I mean, so that's one of the things I was I saying when you said that. I was like, oh my gosh, you know what, Yeah, let me let me, let me bring that up because I had just seen that, like maybe twenty minutes.
Ago that I can't believe that the kid ran a four to one five.
I just you know I could.
I mean, but you look at his leg.
I mean he was moving.
Oh he was moving. I couldn't.
I couldn't fall off the edge of the Grand Canyon and move that fast.
Yeah, that guy was moving.
Man, like a pack of coyotes chasing me.
I don't know if I can get past a four nine nine, you know what I'm saying.
Like the worst part would be you'd pull a hammy and go down, and the coyotes and be on you.
In a second, and then and then and then and then it'd be what hammy because they're they're eating my hammy at that point, you know exactly.
Yeah, we don't want to go there.
But now it's torn, it's done. Oh man, oh my god. All right, we're gonna go to break once again because we we talked about nothing. I mean, you know, it's a bye week.
You know what I'm saying, This is bye week. This is you know, bye week. Come out with different stuff.
Hey guys, if you don't know, the Steelers are six and two right now, they've won another game and and and they got the week off, you know, so so we'll be back with war.
We'll talk about more here on the other side.
But yeah, this is what this, this is what in the locker room on a bye week looks like like we're not talking about game plans. You know, we're just here for practice at this point, you know, just shake the rust off, keep things going, make some corrections.
Play a little better, yea.
But yeah, we're talking about things like seeing the Iowa sprinter on on social media.
And wouldn't you like to have him running a go route?
Huh exactly?
I mean think about think about him blowing the top off the coverage, right. Literally, you could do any They just say, hey, man, here, line up in the slot. Just put these pads on. It's probably gonna be like a four to two six once you get the pads on because it's a little heavy. You're not running a single it, right, and uh.
Yeah, just do that.
But just actually I could probably use that because they do need offense to hear, do they?
God? God, they care.
I was like I was like, sign that kid up right now, just you know what, keep four to one FI into the locker room. We've already got a jersey for you.
You know what I'm saying. You can go out the second half.
Should have scored that game with like sixty three or something like that, you know, at halftime. But no, we'll be back with more. Here is I lock crew have these commercial breaks.
This is in the locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Shure, the official insurance and Cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wilfley and Max Starks takes it his.
Own seventeen yard line after the fifth twenty twenty five to thirty. He's off for the race is forty fifty forty five, forty thirty five thirty twenty five twenty there coach Deontae Johnson with the punt return touchdown.
Dog, don't see any markers.
Down to you?
How about that? That was twenty nineteen. Bill Hillgrove on the call. Obviously Chilli Billy hear Billy's voice. It's always good to hear hear Billy's voice and just love the man. And what a great call. It was Deontay Johnson, what eighty five yards or something against the Cardinals.
Five yards in twenty nineteen.
That was the last Steeler's punt return for a touchdown until Calvin Austin on Monday night.
There you go, and Max, he's off to the Baltimore Ravens. Oh, kind of interesting that he would wind up there in Baltimore with some of the other wide receivers that you've got, Zay Flowers, You've got Nelson Aguilar, you got yourself, Rashad Bateman, and DeVante Walker. W Walker, I can't I can't read. My glasses aren't that good here? I stole my wife's cheeters.
Probably Walker, I think.
Yeah, Walker, Darren Waller.
Oh yeah, yeah, all right, But but what do you think about the fact him going to the land of the the Baltimore Birdies, as my Ron used to call him.
Well, at least he went to a team that has more victories than the previous.
Team he was on. Yeah that's true.
Yeah, I mean, I mean he was not going to get nearly as much potential success.
With the Carolina Panthers.
I think they are and what we would like to call the tanking mode, you know, because their season is just yeah, I couldn't.
Imagine, could you?
I can't imagine?
Yeah, right, I've never in all of my professional sports, well I should say my sports playing period, not even like little league, could I imagine.
Being a team that.
Bad like or tanking or tanking you.
Know, yeah, or even tanking to get a better position to pick?
How was that?
And then you know, let me ask you this, Max, if they did it one time? I mean, you talk about destroying the culture in a locker room when you know, like that whole Miami fiasco years ago when we got Menka, you know, when they were literally it was a fire sail. I mean to look at what it did to Miami for years afterwards.
Yeah, I mean, and I mean and just you know, look at the Browns, you know, right, they never purposely tank, but they always tank, you know, I mean, it's part of their culture. It is, it's part of their culture. I mean, listen, when your name is Brown, you know, it goes in, goes in the toilet, you know, is flush it Browns?
Okay, I'm do you hear this? I'm met by that's right now, pretending to flush a toilet as I think about the Browns. But but I think, but I think that that this makes sense if you're Baltimore just because you know, this is kind of like the whole Kansas City thing, right, you know, when they went and got DeAndre Hopkins, Like I need a sure handed receiver, right and Baltimore just doesn't have it. Like Zay Flowers, he is that, he is that option. He has his own fluky moments like the fumble on the one yard line in the playoffs last year type of deal. But there's no sure handed guy on that squad. Like Rashad Bateman, you know, had like his second one hundred yard game of his career. He was a first round draft pick for him, so he's been you know, null and void for most of his career there. Like I said, you bring Nelson Aguilar, and Agalar is an awesome number three option, but you really don't have a true like number two go to guy for them and that consistently catch the ball, like like like mans are suspect and it's not like Lamar Jackson is inaccurate Lamar Jackson is a highly accurate quarterback.
I mean, the guy's a two time MVP for a reason.
Right, there's something that something says that you know something about that that says, you know, you can get the job.
Done that guy.
Yeah, you might be good.
You might be might be good. Yeah, so you might not be Alternate Ultimate.
He's not on the Ultimate Alternate team, which you and I are. I'm sure, I'm sure somebody in the Strip District can come up with a T shirt for us.
Yeah, exactly exactly.
I'm going to Ultimate Warrior, macho man. He's put the cowboy hat on. I'll take the streamers on the arms. You know, Oh my goodness, met crazy tasseled leggings out do it, you know, ball four party. But you know, you know kind of when you you know, when you think of that, it makes sense. I mean, and teams are making these moves to get those guys to try and bolster your roster for the second half right before the trade deadline next week. And you know, for Baltimore, that's some of your id you think about, you know, when you lose, when you lose momentum. Because I believe the reason why this was done. Was Jay Flowers went down in the Tampa Bay game last week, right, And so I was, I was partially watching the Cleveland Baltimore game, But I so I don't know if Zay actually was in that game, if if he got injured and they were down Zay Flowers, and hence.
That's probably why you lost to the Browns.
So I think they were looking for somebody to come in and help because injuries, you know, it's not a matter of if, it's just a matter of when. And when you're kind of down, some down, some down, some guys in that room, you want to bolster that room. And Deontay Johnson is a guy who we know, we all know, we're all very familiar with him. There's one hundred catch a season guy, you know. So he's a very sure handed receiver. And I go back to you know, when you saw DeAndre Hopkins, you know, move like. The Chiefs have won two Super Bowls back to back, and they've done it with not having top receivers. And you lose Rashi Rice, right, you lose, you lose, You lose who else they lost? They lost somebody else. I forgot who it was. Oh, you don't have Isaiah pa Check. Oh you don't have you don't have Kareem Hunt. You know, you're losing like all these weapons. So you got to go and bolster that. And I had the Chief Raiders game, so I mean, you know, I watched that one, and that's also why the naze Cleveland Baltimore. But all the teams that are you're looking around at that are making these wide receiver moves.
They all need it.
The Jets just did it out of pure vanity at that point.
Because they were trying to blame you know, blame everybody else but the quarterback. And that was like, oh, let's go get another wide receiver and like he still didn't help.
You know, you know what they need to do, the Jets, they need to go on one of those dark things, like.
That's that's a darkness.
Yeah, An he's taking it all the all the you know, back in the eighties and nineties, they started doing this like off season stuff, you know, like team uh, you know, team build up.
Type of stuff.
You know, Now, all you gotta do is you gotta have a a ron, get himself a big tepee, take the whole team in there and go in and go dark for a while.
You know, the only problem with that is if they did that right about now, I think they might actually beat up Aaron Rodgers.
In that moment. If they they go in the.
Dark street, hey, you'll never know who's.
Uh, who's face now.
Granted, half the team will probably be beat up as well. I thought you were him hot not you were here was like the Spider Man.
We gotta go because we got we got the great Jim Wexel coming up next. And before we get out of control yet again, we're going to the break and we'll be back with more at the top of the hour. Here you're listening to the Steelers Audio Network.