This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Stark's.
All right power hour engaged here inside the locker room.
And of course Mary is as called the one the only Optimist, has come through and once again did not stop.
But luckily I got my own doughnuts today, so I don't eat Optimist's assistance in that process, you know. But kind of as we kind of continue to to go on with everything here, it's it's pretty pretty crazy, you know, as we're winding down this football season and just knowing what is you know, kind of the next steps so to speak, right, I mean that that's essentially what it is. It's the next step for for these teams and trying to trying to uh figure out the business of football, like what's next? Who are who are these known you know, people that we're going to go.
After and who are some of the.
Who are some of the holdovers for for the very next year for the team. So, you know, just kind of getting through that and that that kind of frames your mind on what has to be done next, you know, for for the league and for these teams as well.
I'm just I'm like in this.
Moment, Wolf, where I am happy, Okay, you know, for the future.
You're happy because you had a donut. Come on, let's face it, that's you know, I.
Mean, yes, but there's other points to that as well.
Wolf, Well, it sets the stage. Having a good donut sets the stage for happiness.
You know, it does, it really does. I'm not even gonna lie to you.
It is.
It is something that I'm looking very much forward to because I know that, you know, at the end of the day, donuts make the world go round, and they are round on top of that that they are so so when I think of that, it can only make me, you know, excited for what what could potentially be in the future.
Well, that's true. Well, the big one was donut holes. Remember they came along. That was a great addition to the donut family.
It was it was it was because you know what, it used the whole donut. It was a holistic donut approach that allowed for you to experience donuttitude.
Yes, sorry about that.
I was I had communicate something to my wife. I mean normally it is that I'm talking, but you know, right now it's actually just talking to the wife. But yeah, I mean you use the whole donut, right, No dough wasted and I can't have that. And was it that they're poppable? They're poppable in those moments. They're fun and they're easy to do.
But but no, as we kind of talk about this wolf, like I was saying, excited for the future because you know, there this is the option where yes, we're not in the big game, but so are thirty other teams, right, I mean this is kind of you know, it's only one or two you know, teams and one that becomes the champion at the end of the day. So you know, for thirty other teams, it's about retooling and the fact that we get to get on top of that.
We had no turnover.
Really, you know, the coaching positions as of yet, so you know that the leadership is intact, but you've got to get to that point where you have the right personnel and that and that's the business of football. This week, you know, I forgot to talk about this earlier in the week, but.
This week is Senior Bowl.
Yeah, so coaches are all down in Mobile, Alabama getting ready, and you know, the Senior Bowl Committee, Joe Horgan and all those guys do a really good job of putting that together, selecting now the top junior and seniors. So it's no longer really a Senior Bowl, right, Wolf, It's an eligible players that are upperclassmen.
Bowl best the way of saying it.
So, you know, so this is an opportunity for that next step to get college, to get professional coaching, right, because these are headed by NFL teams staffs, the head coach is no longer the head coach. So this is something cool about the Senior Bowl, Wolf, is that they they pick assistance to take higher roles in in the actual bowl game, practice prep and you know, kind of get you ready for the next level. To give coaches an opportunity, you know, for ascension and to give them a shot like you know, it will be a position coach, it gets to be a coordinator, you know, coordinator I will get to become a head coach and vice versa assistant coaches become the head coach.
In their room. So it's a pretty cool experience.
And as I'm looking at im trying to remember which team, uh what Singer Bowl coaches, trying to see which teams are the ones doing it? Okay, so uh the coaching staff is, uh the Browns.
Actually, Browns are one of them.
Wonderful and yeah I can't and Giants so so. Assist codator Ross von Trone is the head coach of one team and Giants offensive coordinator Mike Kafka.
Are are leading it.
That's good stuff. That's okay, and Kafka are very close but not the same.
All right.
I do love I do. I do love a.
Good Oh Man, nobody made Turkish food like punches, mom, I oh my gosh.
They used to go up there.
We'd go up there, I'm Mount Washington and go to go to his mom's place. And it was like we called the Itens five star restaurant. Oh man, you had you talking, you would have gone hog wild with me. Man over the over all the different dishes. Man, that was good stuff. Oh she could cook.
Yeah, no, that I imagine that was absolutely delicious. I never want to try that.
Okay, So here we go. So for the American team offensive coordinator. Giants running back coach Joel Thomas is the OC for the American decordinators. Indianapolis Colts assistant D line coach.
Matt oh Matt Rach Maddie Rach.
Because he was he was Russ's assistant.
Okay, all right, okay, yeah, Maddie Rach, Okay.
That's awesome.
Then special teams coach is going to be August Mangen from San fran He is special team's.
Quality control coach currently.
And then.
Uh, Jason Vrabel is a pass game coredinator for the national team. And then decordinator is Jacques Cesaire. Oh remember I played against Jacques. He's a Browns D line coach, uh, because he was a defensive lineman. And then especially his coordinator is Perry Carter, who is the Titans coaching assistant. So yeah, so I mean a good group of guys, and I'm sure the assistants have filled out as well. I'm not sure who those are. They're not listed, but it's in there what they call their coach up format. So they try and get coaches and try to elevate them to get them prepared for the next level. If they so do Desire and it was Bubba. I'm sorry, not ross ven Trone because I actually played with Rosser and Trone. It was Bubba vent Trone. Bubba Okay, now yeah, yeah, not to be confused. You know what I'm saying, Bubbs, Bubbs is the the is the guy.
So I think that was a pretty cool thing.
Think about who the Steelers, because you know, they they got people down there who they spending time watching?
What group? What group?
Do you think they're really spent a lot? Maybe extra defensive line? Okay, yeah, that's what I figured. It seemed like that pretty good group of D linemen down there.
Yeah, they have they have some good ones. I haven't I haven't done my full research yet on those guys, but I am interested to see who those guys are going to be, you know, because I know one of my buddies already sent me information about Matt cornell as as a potential D lineman for us, So, I mean, he tends to like him very much. So from Ole Miss, you know, I'm going to be interested to see just kind of because that's the position that we do need to kind of take a serious look at. And we heard pursue to talk about that we've heard various guys talk about, you know, what what what that position group looks like, and how we kind of need to get you know, a little bit younger at that position group.
You know.
Yeah, well, you know, here's the thing about it, you know, I mean, you wonder how the only fear you have with Captain Cam is that you know, at that age you can go down hill rapidly, you know what I mean. Now he's showing no signs of that, and I expect nothing but a similar performance going forward from him. But at the same time, you got to be a little bit wary, that weary and wary about you know, the possibility that you know, you just don't know when when Cam is going to not be able to answer the bell in the way that he would like, you know what I mean. And so you got yourself some young guys like you got a candle Betton, who I thought, again is a guy that making some strides. But you know the problem is when you have such a stud as you know, Cam Heyward, it's the thought of replacing him is just like you kidding me after what fourteen years?
You know, It's it's tough, but I.
Mean, that's what you got to say that legends are very hard to you know, are hard to replace, but you do have to replace them eventually.
It is a circle of life in the NFL.
Yeah, so you know, you just kind of have to get used to that, and that's the reality of it. You know, you do have an expiration date, whether you want to acknowledge or not. But yeah, but it is the eventuality and you do have to plan for the future of those guys, right, I mean, well, no doubt about his game is all about Mobile, Alabama.
That's where I believe.
That's where we played the Blue Gray game back in nineteen seventy nine. Yeah, oh okay, yeah, that's where. That's where I was at. And it was funny because Hank Stram's kid was my roommate. Yea, yeah, Hank Stram. You know I also, yeah, he was a quarterback or something I think or defensive back I can't remember. Probably think he was a quarterback.
Something back, not something live right, I don't know.
That's so long ago. Yeah, Zeke's man. I mean, I mean, but you know, hey, that we played on Christmas Day, you know, you talk about that was a bummer. You know, you don't have that many people in attendance, and you come back to the hotel and it's Christmas night and all I got is I had the worst chicken dinner I ever had. That That was rubber chicken right there. Man, that was that was a little harsh on Christmas. But yeah, well we consumed it anyhow, you know, you get it done.
You go to too, man.
I mean, you know, hey, listen, rubber rubber chicken is the same as reggae chicken, almost.
Just bounces better.
Yeah, that's that's pretty funny. You know, well, what is what is one of the things that you were that that you're most looking to forward to this offseason?
Oh? One of the things the most forward looking to this off season?
Mostly? Yeah, I guess most looking forward to looking forward to most.
I gotta believe.
Just you know, I'm just chilling for a little while before we get back on the horse and all things start cycling up again, you know, being with the family. Now, if you're talking about with the Steelers, something different with that now, it's.
A little bit different.
You know.
The guy that I can't wait to see is Troy Fatana.
You know again, I had a conversation with him on the last plane talking a little bit, and that young man is he He is full of vim and vigor for the off season. He's ready to go. It'll be interesting to see what happens. But if you if you're talking about that, that's what it would be, if you're talking about the other you know, going dark for a little while.
It's not a bad thing.
It's a good exercise.
I like this exercise. Well except yeah, except no Iowa Oscar.
One Steelers related one. No, don't worry.
I don't think.
I don't think we were worried about.
That with you.
Just in case you were wondering, we're not gonna do any ayahuasca, all right, doesn't know, we're not.
They're not going to do a Netflix documentary on you.
Be sure.
That my life is so interesting that you could do a Netflix documentary on me for about forty five seconds. That's all the material you got, you know, a little bit different, Oh my goodness.
That I mean, you know, But but Wolf, at the end of the day, I mean you are you are a guy that you know, that that has that's all to the mountaintop, that's seen a lot. Your your sage wisdom is so appreciated. Max.
You were to the mountaintop. I watched you at the mountaintop.
You know when you stand out up there with a Lombardi buddy, you know, all that confetti, you know, it was so funny. Was in Detroit. My wife joined me on the field, you know, the good lady faith. She snuck down from the stands. She went over the wall and she had one of these you know, family passes, but it wasn't a pass for the field, you know, and she comes fromund I'm like interviewing of one of you guys after Super Bowl forty and all saying, I get this tap.
On the shoulder when I'm dunching around to my wife, I'm like, how did you do that? You know, she just pulled it off. Man.
It was so it was just absolutely phenomenal. We're staying with the confetti still coming down and everything. It was really cool. Oh man, that's all.
But I mean, and those are the special moments, right, oh yeah, when you can you celebrate that even though we're no longer active participants in the game, we're still you know, I feel a very important part of the game, and you know, it allows for us, you know, to have that engagement, right, I mean, to be able to bring the game to those who can't be there and talk about a team that we love and you know, get to you know, we get to help celebrate that victory with the rest of the Steelers nation and let them experience it. And it's cool to still be a part of an organization and it's as successful as the Steelers. Man, it's it's such a privilege and an honor. Yeah, to be a part of this. I mean, yeah, we you know, people can talk about, you know, what's wrong this, that and the other, but at the end of the day, until you catch up to them. Because even though the Kansaity Chiefs are on this historic run, guess what, they still don't have as many as Lombardies as us.
No, that's true, that's true, they don't.
They hope to be where we're at and they're working towards that. But there's only one other team that's up there with us, and that's New England. And what that what that guy TB twelve did uh you know, single handedly? I tell you, ah, you know, it was it was a different world. I mean we tried, I mean, we tried to fend them off and we did. We did on two occasions. But yeah, I mean, you know, that was a historic run for them, and that's what put their franchise on the map.
But now they've fallen to meeting.
And here's the thing. You think about all that success they had, Look where they're at right now? Have we have we? Have we done the same thing?
Wolf? No?
No, no.
And I think that's something that's also a testament that people kind of oft overlook them.
But still, you know, I'd rather be dead to get Tom Brady was a six round draft pick. He wasn't drafted in the first round. So everybody you know, complaining and belly aching about we need, we need to be bad enough to get a top ten pick. How many of those have actually worked out? How many in the one hundred plus years of the NFL, how many first rounds have been the elite, top of the top.
You don't get many. You know, That's why it's such exactly I hit or missed with the draft. Yeah.
Look how long it took John Elway to get his Super Bowls first round draft pick?
Yeah, Dann Marine don't never got it, got there, never never got one.
You know, he got close.
I mean the fact that you got there with the seventh round or mister Irrelevant.
And Brock Purty.
She'd let you know that it is a crapshoot at best.
Yeah, there's no question about that now.
And you can argue Pat Mahomes right now, you could argue Joe Burrow, but Joe Burrow has only been once. You know, Jalen Hurst was a fourth round draft pick. He's going on his second trip to the Super Bowl, right, Yeah, So there are all of these different elements that come together. So everybody looking for it's not about the best quarterback in thet it's about the right quarterback for your team. So figuring out who the right quarterback is is very key.
No question about it, you know. And that's it.
And we've got two guys that we're trying to fake make that decision.
On and we came full circle, went back to it, you know, but we got dead.
That's it dead, you know, at the end of the day.
That's what it is about. All right, Well, hey, we're gonna step aside. Well, Possession Arrow will turn back to you for for the penultimate segment in the show, But you're your ultimate segment coming up next on this Wednesday edition of Inside the Locker Room here on Steelers Audio Network.
This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Stark's all right.
Well, if you you know, if you think you're having a bad day, can always look at Bill's tight. Then Dalton kincaid, you know, between the you know, a drop ball versus k c uh. Then we find out that, you know, poor guy, he's got a torn PCL. He's playing with a torn PCL. So I don't know, Max, I mean, you know, the drop ball, the torn PCL, that's that's just rough living. I mean, he went, I guess it was week ten. He got a knee injury though it wasn't specified, so he was out for three games and then he came back and he's just been gutting it out. And the way you do when it's the end of the season and you're on a run, you got to come through for your boys. So you just either you know, take the shot, whatever you need to do to get yourself ready to go, and you get out there and you go, and then you have that fiasco where he drops the ball, which nine times out of time he catches that thing. I mean, it was it was ridiculous how it found its way to him. But then to have that that torn pcl, that's that's just you know, that's just a kick in the groin.
E'sn on literally well literally, uh, you know it's not it's not what you what you look forward to.
No have to say that, say say the least, you know, I.
Felt bad for the guy, you know what I mean, you're sitting out there, you're giving it, you're all you know, you're playing injured, you're not at your best, and then you know your bogart the pass that could have saved the game. And that's that's a tough one to I'm glad I never had to worry about that. You know, I might have given up a sack that didn't save the game. I might have given up you know, something else and missed the block. But at least I didn't drop a ball because it never came to me.
I mean that that is true.
You didn't drop a ball.
I mean, come on, you got it all.
Hey, it's beneficial to you, you know, I would I hate to have that on my gorge going into the off season.
Well, and I think that's that's the other thing, right, you know, is that you don't want to have to think about those type of things, you know, because is to have like an injury or something. I mean I dealt with this, trust me. It seemed like every postseason there was something right. I mean, if you think about it, you can always find something wrong. Sure, you know at the end of the day.
But I think the thing that makes you know.
Injuries and you know, stuff that has to be looked at like this is that time where you have to take a clear assessment and a clear view of Hey, what am I trying to accomplish here?
What is my goal.
Every year?
And so you know, some some surgeries you pick, you know, some are more elected, like can I move if I don't get this fixed? And that was a decision I actually had to make back in two thousand and five, really because I had a meniscous injury and Week ten and then I tore my labrom in like WEEKLVE over thirteen.
I hate Arren Labrams. That just stinks.
Yeah, frustrating all in all, Hold on one second. My dog just got into the trash.
I'll be right back.
Okay, Well, Wes, you can join in with me. You know, you think about Dalton Kincaid. You got a knee injury. Max is having a little bit of all.
To bring this full circle, Johnny.
You can't pitch to Johnny.
Johnny exactly from the Little Giants.
Yes, that's at the end. It's the final play of the game, right, and they need a touchdown to win, and they're like, well, what are we gonna do. What's the what's the thing they would expect us to do?
Least, We're gonna pitch to Johnny. Pitch to Johnny.
And so they're all in the huddle and he's like, okay, yeah, wait, pitch to Johnny. You can't pitch to Johnny.
I'm Johnny. There you go. That's what I feel.
At home radio. Sorry about that guy. Yes, working from home. You have some calonamities. One of them is called Oakley. You know it does happened.
He's Max, He's done.
Yes, Oakley is my dog and he is a terror. When he doesn't get attention.
Not a terrier a terror.
No, not a terrier. He's not to be mistaken with a school mascot or a home pet. But he is a terror because he will go through any trash that has an open lid. And I was upstairs earlier and I was like, and he was like, Oh, I'm just gonna lay here on the couch and just pretend I don't move like a stuffed animal. And so I kind of walked past him. And then my office is right below the area upstairs, so I hear rustling and I hear things falling over. I'm like, okay, I can't. I can't deal with this right now. So I'm like I had I had to had to take action because I hate cleaning up after Oh it's a mess. And he got through my backpack last night too. No, he tore he tore up all of like my masks and everything, like I had a little baggy with like you know, like antiseptic wipes masks when I'm flying on the airplane, tore through all of that, through all that, it was just laying on the floor because my wife left my office door open, and I'm sure he probably smelled beef jerkey from like three months ago, and you know, a scent, a faint sense and seed, that's all he needs. And he ripped through that and there was nothing there and he just left it there and walked off. So I come back in the house after grabbing dinner and it's just spread out, all of it.
I'm just like, I'm so mad.
So I heard that, and that was like, you know, it was like one of the things like a trigger warning, right, you know, it's just I'm like, I don't want to clean something else up.
I'm like, this is not on.
My watch, not on your watch, all right, So I apologize you, all.
Right, So we're gonna moving forward. Yes, a Dalton cocaid, we kicked that around. But you know there's another something too. I want to get your guys. You can chime in here.
TJ. Watt was talking.
About in early December, there was there was a lot of talk about him, you know, moving around. Well, he didn't really move around too much. And of course with that oh four run and five with the playoff game. You know, I'm just wondering because TJ has said, you know what, I'm open to doing more whatever I need to do.
The thing that's so good about TJ. He is so grooved on that left side. You know, the the the the angle, the footsteps, you know, how many to take three and then crash or two and crash whatever it is. You know, you've got that down. It's it's like automatic. And all the hand play that he works on is from that left side, a vantage point, you know what I mean. So I understand his initial reluctance to move around. I mean, but he would I wonder how he would do with getting the Micah Parsons treatment, you know, start moving around a little bit, because he's always getting the slides, he's always getting the the chips, you know, those sorts of things there and the ability to be able to move him around a little bit make him more viable in various situations that he could be a little bit more dynamic. Seems to be an interesting prospect, But it comes again with TJ desiring to be part of that, you know, because he has shown reluctance in the past from what they say to doing it, and one of them I admire.
You know.
It's like he says, what, I'm just going to move around and you know, just hog all the best matchups, you know, and I respect that you know, he's thinking about his teammates, you know, and thinking about what that would mean.
So you know, there's a lot there. I think that it.
Would be an interesting experiment throughout maybe you know, training camp and seeing what you know, they come up with, or even as far back as OTAs to start to look at what he might be able to do from various positions.
Well, and Wolf, my thing is is that I would rather see it, you know, because we've seen what what what the other way looks like? And I have just point to the last five games right right right and say, hey, what what were we doing here in this moment?
And when we talk about your.
Success, you know, it's it's what can what what can we do to help to help you out?
Right? I think that's the biggest thing.
And so you know, for him it is it is strictly that is strictly, Hey, we're trying to get you in a position where you can be at your best for us.
I wonder if you could work something out where you get a little bit of a little a little bit of Troy kind of you know, a little bit of kind of soloing a little with.
If you know, if you know, the game plan well enough.
I mean one was elt started all this Lawrence Taylor way back in the day, you know, I.
Mean, he he he.
He was a one man wrecking crew who, you know, just really freelanced a lot. Troy had similar okays or green lights from Dick Lebeaux to a degree that I've heard okay, and he certainly was one of those guys that absolutely mystified a lot of people out there. You know, the key they always say was follow the hair. Well, you know what, sometimes when you're moving around so much as he does, it was very difficult. So I just wonder if there's some conceptually similar thoughts that occurred, you know, with Troy to be able to that TJ might take advantage of.
Yeah, no, I think I think there is that possibility, right.
No doubt. I mean think about it.
You can't just can't plug away the same way getting chipped every single time. I mean because and especially when watching how they were chipping him towards the end, they weren't chipping him. They were full on face up with him and then they would release, which they didn't care, you know, I mean, they were just you know, the tight didn't get out lights. So what you got to get a good chunk. They were chunking TJ rather than chipping them.
Yeah, see, and that and that that's the issue, right, is that you want to have you want you want to make sure that you're giving t J the opportunity to be successful.
And I know, I know t J.
Hey, hey, I don't want to hog up all the best matches.
But when you're the best player, guess what you could you can demand that type of stuff, right, I mean, it's it's okay.
It's okay to look for a pigeon.
Yeah, exactly, it's okay to find to find the pigeon in the room.
You know.
It's and the effectiveness that he has, he's gonna draw attention. He's gonna draw those double teams. That's gonna say, Okay, all right, hey, we need to we need We can't. We can't just slide everything right, We can't slide everything left every single time because it's accessible.
We have to actually scheme a proper you know, opportunity for him.
So I think that's that's what we have to kind of think about, is how do we most effectively use our best weapon offensively on a game by game basis.
Absolutely, you know, and I just I don't know. It's just an interesting prospect. The thought of moving him where he's not a stationary target that everybody can you know, just say, okay, point at that guy. We got to take care of the guy. Everybody else to take care of whatever.
You know.
I mean, it's it's a serious problem to really take a look at, because it's like TJ said, you know, this was in his own words, this was a down year.
Eleven a half sacks.
How many guys would love to have that as a as.
A career best.
But you know, the fact is for somebody of his ability and still six forced fumbles, which was number one in the NFL, and the fact that he was injured nicked up towards the end there. You know, what we're me most was was the ankle, because if you don't have that ankle bend when you're trying to run the arc, you know, in pass rush, it's going to hold you back. I mean, you've got to be able to get the bend, especially with the big boys that you're dealing with, and the fact that you're getting chipped and or chunked and then you try to plant and get that bend. That's that's a difficult thing.
No, it is, it is. It's tough to do. But at the end of the day, it's it's.
Why you know, for a guy.
Like like like like TJ, you've got to move him around. You've got to give him opportunities where he can truly succeed at at being his best. Which we know what his best is, right, his best?
Yeah, defensive player of the year, baby, that's right, you know. So, which, by the way, I need this moment to say. And they should have given him the all time sack record when they took it away from Baltimore.
That was terrible.
He deserves it, he should have it. It should be twenty three sacks, not twenty two and a half. Just exactly, Okay, I'm sorry, and especially.
Especially when he earned it more more than you know, I hate to say, Michael Straighthand did oh yeah, you know, you know straight hand, you know, Brett Farv gave it to him. Yeah, laid down and uh, I forgot who who was it that was pissed? Who had the record? Wasn't it a Green Bay teammate or something?
Who was.
Yes, yeah, yes, happened a couple of weeks ago.
Yeah, what what happened? Gaston No confronted Brett Farv and said, you hurt me.
He said that was how you let how you let straight hand break my record, and that you know, still hurts me twenty two years later.
You know, he got to get over that. That's you know, that's ridiculous.
You know, now hold on, now, hold on, but.
Listen, I played against Mark.
You know, if you can't say anything good, you know, and I don't I don't mean quite yeah, I don't quite mean it that way, but it's you know, it just that's very, very unbecoming for him to do something like that.
You know, he definitely got in his grill piece about it.
I would say that leave you me.
There wasn't an offensive lineman in the league in the nineteen eighties that didn't want a shot at Mark when he'd do all that gyrating sack dance stuff. You know, at the beginning, that was just that was yeah, that was that was the beginning of it. It was it just wasn't good, you know. I mean I always go back to nineteen seventy six. I saw a clip of John bannisact the Great Steeler defensive end. It was I believe was seventy six, could have been seventy eight for all I know. But after a play he took down one of the I think one of the Houston and all his quarterbacks and he stands up at three rivers and he throws his arms up like a touchdown here, like a field goal or a touchdown. For the referees, they and the crowd went absolutely batcrap crazy, you know. And then like it really was Banni. Banny started this doing the doing the famous you know, putting the arms up like yeah, I just scored a touchdown, Da da da, you know, but I go to the hula girl, Yeah, yeah, you got you know, all this time I thought I was guessing on doing the sack dancing. Banizak was really the originator of it way back in there late seventies. Yeah, yeah, that's just my theory. That's my theory. I love Johnny John John's a great guy. You know, he and his wife Mary the just great people. But but I I it was just something that I saw when I was preparing for a Mel Blunt roast, and I saw that about Bannie. I couldn't help but prod him a little bit, a little a little bit about that.
I mean you know, hey, listen, records are there to be broken, right, so I just appreciate when they do. I mean, you can't necessarily call how it should happen, right, right, but just know it's going to happen. I mean, even for Eric Dickerson, you know, and you know how said he was going to be with you know, with Saquon taking his record, Oh he got an extra game. We didn't play that many gays, So does he really have the It's like, come on, man, like really, you know, it's good that they stand for as long as they did. You could say you had that record for however long it was. I can't remember when exactly Dickerson set the single season record. But you can't sit there and say it's like, hey, for your era, boom, he was the best.
You just simply make it. This is the new era. There's more opportunities for it, right.
I think that's what guys kind of get so hung up on, and it's like they just relax.
It's okay, it's okay.
It's not that big of a deal.
Okay, you know, you know, for their personality, right, I mean, I just and that's my thing I couldn't see being that hung up about. It's like, hey, I had it. I can say, you know, for my time, I had this record or whatever, but yeah, I'm not. Yeah, time has passed. You know, you have you have, I mean, and most of these guys have gold jackets.
You you know what I'm saying.
So it's like, stop it, Okay, I know you're the best at your time.
That's why. That's why you're enshrined and.
Bron I wanted to ask you guys about that. I'm surprised Mark Gastineau is.
Not in the Hall of Fame.
You just look at his resume, and obviously he played before I was alive, So but his resume, ten years in the league, Defensive Player of the Year in eighty two, five time All Pro, five time Pro bowler, twice led the NFL and sacks uh t J. Watt, Reggie White and Mark Gastono were the only guys that have led the NFL and sacks and consecutive seasons in league history one hundred and seven sacks. How's that guy not in the Hall of Fame?
Yeah, I don't know, you know, I do not know.
Backlog, Yeah, is the best way of saying it.
Yeah, exactly.
So well, you know what, Elsie Greenwood's not in the Hall of Fame, and let's put Drew Pearson exactly to get in.
Yeah, I guess let's get Let's get Elsie, let's get Highs, let's get James here.
Let's just throw them all in there, Andy Russell.
Not the bias exactly.
No, we were, but we were a mighty alternate group. You know, excellent.
We're the best alternates to ever play in the NFL.
I'll tell you that much.
You guys are in the alternate NFL Hall of Fame.
Where the other guys hall of Fame.
The NFL Hall of Fame is located in Canton. Where's the where's the alternate Hall of Fame?
Look, it's probably somewhere in the second Armies Chinese.
Ship exactly wherever they said, you know, the second the second set of Super Bowl jerseys. For sure.
All right right there, we got to break, Yes, indeed, God, okay, yes, we're gonna We're gonna break now. So so Max brings up the bell lap coming up here in the Locker Room on the Steelers Audio Network.
This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Shure, the official insurance and Cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Starks.
All right, you know what time it is? It Isabelle up. That's right, early lunch warning system in gaze for all of you out there in Steeler Land on a on a hump day. Was yo, we did not play Mike the Camel.
Oh wow, guess what day it is?
Guess what day it is?
Anybody, Julie, Hey, guess what day it is? Come on, I know you can hear me. Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike. What day is it? Mike, Lestlie, guess what today is?
It's hump.
That's right, it is hump dy love that gosh.
I mean yeah, you know what? You know why?
Because WEX switched his schedule, so therefore we don't get you know, our normal you know, WEX Mike the Camel uh mix up combo so that.
When you've disciplined yourself all season long, then you have these occasional lapses, right, yeah, because the schedule has been revamped a little.
It's like a trigger, you know what I mean. And I know that word's kind of changed. I don't mean triggered like oh I'm upset and angry.
I mean like, you know, WEX triggers me to play the mike the camel, Like when you see something you know that the linebacker with his movement and it triggers in your mind, here comes this and we got to do that. But yeah, no excuses.
Play like a champion exactly.
Rule number seventy six. Remember that, Wes.
I got Wednesday next week to get it right. I'll have to sit with my failures all off.
Yes, like Dalton can Killy Mark Andrews low Blow.
I'm sorry, I'm so.
Oh man oh but so true. Anyways, it is what it is. Once again, it is what it is. Well if you're absolutely correct, so we will.
We will be very quick here because I know it's top of the hour, but you know, just kind of we're gonna keep it moving. Uh, Thursday, do we have Jerry or was this last Thursday for Jerry?
We have a Jerry tomorrow, Missy Friday on Friday, Okay, because.
I'm going to bring on Durell Gilliam, the Light of Life, director of Light of Life, who had a fund reach out and really it was an awareness about the plight of the homeless and throughout that vicious vortex of cold weather.
Went down there.
He was outside for like twenty four hours or something like crazy. You know, it was just crazy sitting outside and having conversations with various people that he brought in to talk about the plight of the homeless. And it really is something that's near and dear to my heart. Light of Life, as it was to Touch who. Actually it was a touch that pulled me into Light of Life and it was very much all about touch. I mean, he really loved that the organization as it was because.
That's what my dad took me there when I was a kid.
Jesus touch you.
We'd go there and serve meals to the homeless.
Absolutely, So it's a great place. It's a safe place, and it's a warm place, you know. So anyhow, we're gonna get him on Friday. So Missy's on at ten forty, did you say, so? Probably around maybe.
Any time we'll fit them in.
We'll put him in, all right, well now that I love it when a plan comes together.
So with that, you know we will.
We will be back with more tomorrow, of course, saying bet Channel, saying Beat Time. Here inside the locker room, I'm Max Starks. We got Craig wolf Ley and Wesley Euler and of course DJ and the Sin say go make it a great day.