This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by bet MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wilfley and Max Starks.
Both of them see themselves as starters, and I don't know that they want to share the same job again next year. So you know, it sort of takes to the tango, and so we'll see where it goes. I think my preference would probably be to have something more than a one year in the place, you know, next time around.
But we'll see what it takes.
And of course that's Art Rooney on the quarterback room, and as he went on for to say, we've got a whole quarterback room to fill, so jobs are open.
Interesting, there's a lot of stuff coming up, and what we're gonna do is we're going to open up. And then as we move along, we got let's see a ten forty, We got Mike Pursuda coming on in eleven twenty. We got the great Bob Labriola, who is you know, so nice to drop in on the on the locker room here, and I'm excited to have him. So he's going to break down some of the comments. We're gonna break down the comments. We're going to talk about things, and we get rolling right off the top of the barrel here. When you talk about the fact that you've got two quarterbacks that you went into the last season with and you come out with different opinions of what's going on, what say you, my friend.
No, well, I mean I think this is kind of what was to be expected, right when you get when you bring in two quarterbacks on one year deals, you know, and you have one of the cheapest quarterback rooms a year ago, things are going to change. Especially with performance. You know, you realize both of them had a hand and getting to the playoff opportunity and getting us to ten wins last season. It's natural to think that, hey, I think I'm ready to be the man here, you know, for whichever way that that falls. So you know, for me, I'm like, just make a decision, because I think you know what you know what the strengths and you know what the shortcomings.
Are of each of these guys.
So it's which one do you do you want to work with, you know which one has the highest potential of upside between the two. So for me, I look at this as this was to be expected. This was par for the course when you bring two guys in, because you're bringing them in to make a decision on who's going to be the guy moving forward in the future. So you had your one year audition. Now it's time to pony up. And you know, like you said, the whole room is open for business. Or sorry, mister Rooney said, the whole room's open for business because all those spots need to be filled because nobody is under contract.
So you need to get guys under.
Contract before you go into the draft, before you go into free agency, and have something in place just in case at worst case scenario, in case something does not work out in free agency or the draft, you need to make sure you have a guy in place here, especially a guy who's already spent a year here in the system.
So a big decision to be made.
I mean, I know where I.
Stand with it is that I'm happy to have either one because I think, you know, both of them have their merit. I like what Justin brings to the table. As far as the youth, the legs, the explosiveness.
That he has.
But realize there is a little bit of a shortcoming with the touch balls and some of the and some and some of the more intermediate throws. But with Russ you have a great touch ball. Some of the decision making in mobile ability is what you're going to be lacking. So it's pick your poison on which one, you know, which negative you.
You you liked the most, so to speak exactly, you know, I mean, just as a way of just getting a little refresher here and Russell Wilson's first seven starts, he completed sixty five percent of his passes, averaged eight point four yards per attempt and two hundred and fifty five yards per game.
He also threw twelve TD passes and three i nts. Over his last four games, he completed sixty two percent we're just going to the end of the season of his passes and he averaged five point seven yards per attempt. His total passing yardage per game dropped to one seventy five with four tds and two i in ts. And uh, you know, it's interesting because the one thing that really concerned me that was the attempted yards per yards per attempt from eight point four down to what was it five point seven?
Five point seven?
Yeah, I mean like, yeah, zooks man, that's a big drop. That's shrinking the passing game down quite a bit. And I'm wondering, you know, going from two fifty five to one seventy five again, how you start to think about what are the possibilities of what could have occurred besides the normal you know, defensively, there was some problems and you know, but I mean when you look at it from that point, you like going was there a tiered arm? Was was Russ not you know in the you know, something was going on that we don't know about with Russ, you know, or was it just you know, poor performances going through that five stretch. And that's what they've got to, you know, make sure that they investigate, understand, get the metrics out. But everything that we've seen thus far really kind of points to the fact that you're looking for a younger, more mobile quarterback, and that of course would be something that you'd get from Justin Fields.
Yeah, there would be something you get from Justin Uh and the mobility, I know, the desire to be able to run the ball is always great.
So you know, is is that the case?
Is that what we're looking at, you know, is an opportunity to continue to keep that mobility or is it something where you know, you want the accuracy at the passing game? And I think you know, you kind of laid it out pretty cleanly that, Hey, you know, there was a significant drop off the longer the season went on. For whatever reason that may be. That's what they have to determine. That's something that we're not privy to. You know, like you said, was a performance of a player, an entire offense, an injury, et cetera.
And you know, neither one of us has that answer.
And I think that that's where we'll kind of wait to see how this does transpire. I think that will determine how negotiations go, because you know, they're currently engaged in contract talks with Russell and I imagine with Justin as well, So you know which one is going to be willing to take that bitter pill of truth and let it correspond you know, financially as well. And are they happy with that arrangement? You know, I think that's the other thing, because you have to think also what weapons are around, what the future is for those weapons. Also playing those quarterbacks decisions whether they want to stay or not and take the deals that are that are offered.
Well as well as the case for Rus, the case for Justin is he started the first six games four and two, completed sixty six percent on thousand, one hundred and sixty yards, passing, five tds, one interception, four to two record. We know all that if you you know, play that out over season, it's about thirty three hundred yards, if you know, just take it from the stats and multiply it out and you've got fifteen tds in three interceptions. Not exactly you know, Pro Bowl performance, but still, you know, a considerable upgrade in the sense of the youth of the man, his ability to run and things are like that, which is something that you got to put into context. We've been watching Lamar Jackson how many years now, you know, and you look at that guy and you see what he's capable of. You saw that he came in the league is you know, just a great talent, but it was a great athlete. Now he's a great quarterback with great talent or great physical attributes. I should say, you know, and he's using them in a very positive way and doing a great job there. It makes you kind of wonder, like, h, well, is that the blueprint for AFC North quarterbacking. You know, it's a mobile quarterback that can you know, work the deep ball, work the short ball, and be able to just take off and run and be part of the running game. So it's an interesting thing. And again, you know, trying to trying to decide how to forge ahead is going to be It's like last year when we talked about when we showed up at training camp, right the first thing that we were talking about was what the center position. You got to get the center position nailed down, because until you get that center position nailed down, the rest of the line is not going to get it. You know, it's not going to happen. Well, then you got the Morgantown maler coming in and he took over and boom, all right, so you got that and the line starts to fall into place. And this line has got great upside for the future. I look forward to it. That's another decision area they had come with. But certainly, you know, just coming back to this issue right here, until you get the quarterback room lined up, it's going to be difficult to move forward.
Yeah, and I think that that's what you know, has to be determined. I imagine that'll also be conversation, right is you know, what what are we looking like?
Protection wise? What what? What is the plan? That's why I think.
It's important to know what that plan is and have that talk with them about what the vision is for the future of this team, you know, and how do you see it constructed? Because you know, like you said, there will be questions on the offensive line, There'll be questions in the backfield with running back position, and also there there will be decisions and you know, pursuit about how do you craft the the other skill positions at wide receiver and tight end. You know, what is what what is your future envision? What do you envision this offense being Obviously I think they have a good idea with Arthur Smith, but you know, there's always going to be questions about you know, because as we look at you know, things got a little predictable and things were unsuccessful towards the end of the season where teams kind of had a beat on them. What are you going to do to stay up, fresh and original. Now that they have one year's worth of tape on you, you know, how do you reinvent yourself?
That's going to be a big pivotal question.
I think that that's question is not only for the quarterback position, but just across the board and all those position groups like we just outlined.
You know, I wonder what Russ is thinking, you know what I mean. He's made clear that he would like to come back to Pittsburgh, and I think that's you know, terrific.
And all else.
But the fact is to come back and would there be a real quarterback competition? I don't quite see it that way, you know that. I think there's got to be determination one way or the other. You know, right from the get go, it's just kind of instinctively what I feel. I think, you know, you've got to make that decision on whether Russ is he's gonna be what thirty seven? That's you know, that's that's an elder, a locker room elder. Okay that is. But would he come back as.
A backup then?
And your boy cam, you know, the fact is, you know, you look at it and go, well, what would he would he accept a backup?
Role, and I don't know.
I think Russ is still looking for that starter and you know, the type of position like you had last year. So I know if this is gonna be, it's a tough decision. And the quarterback drafting h is not it's not a great pool this year, is it.
Well it's not. It's not a particularly deep pool.
Okay, you know, like you said, yeah, you know there's Shudor Sanders, cam Ward, Dylan Gabriel. We kind of went through him. There's a Kate Club, Nick ness Meyer, Garrett ness Meyer, Jackson.
Dart, that's the guy I was thinking about.
Yeah, yeah, I mean Will Howard. Okay, So there's enough one that would be there, Quinn you Wards. So there's there's a lot of guys. It's just what you want. And when you talk about the upper echelon guys, there's not as much depth to the upper echelon guys that you would think like the first round draftable guys.
But there's definitely.
Some significant, you know, mid round guys to consider.
And that would be I look at Justin and again you look at the great thoroughbread that he is, what he could bring in that area. It's an interesting thing. That it's it's hard to put aside and say, well, you know, this could be very similar to the Derrick Henry and Lamar Jackson type thing. You know, you get it back, and that's another that's an whole nother, a whole nother thing issue.
To bring out here. But again, I don't know.
The quarterbacking has got to be something that they've just got to simply handle. And until they handle it, it's it's just not going to be You're not going to move forward at any great speed here, that's for sure.
The thing that's important is I'm glad to hear. It seems like everything I hear is that Arthur Smith is back. And I really believe in Arthur Smith. I believe that he's he's got what you need. I think he's got the ability also to open up besides just the jumbo heavies and everything else that he comes with in the sledgehammer stuff. I think that being able to ingratiate and pull in Justin Fields into some of his quarterback and stuff as he did earlier. But what that could have been towards the end of the year would have been very interesting to see because I don't think it would have looked the same.
Yeah, I don't think it would have looked the same either, you know, And I think that's also why, you know, it's it's interesting to kind of note that you know, you do have so you know there are some shortcomings, but you know, what is the vision, what is the plan?
Is what you kind of have the lean on.
It has that plan unwaivered from when you first got hired for this job, or has a scope changed after getting a year under your belt, after seeing what your personnel, what your personnel strengths and weaknesses are, and where.
You kind of get better.
So I think, you know, the biggest thing that this is, this is a cumulative conversation, right, This isn't an isolated conversation, right, because all these pieces fit into the puzzle. You know, it's not just hey man, you know, quarterback is just its own silo and that that's all we do.
No quarterback has.
To be in sync with that offensive coordinator, and the play calls have to come to the quarterback that are of strength and of comfort for him. So that conversation has to be had. But there's only so much you can do with the strengths of the quarterback. If you don't have the personnel to back up those strengths.
So you see.
Everything fits together, everything's kind of leveraged off of each other. So that's where guys have to be very you know, very conscious about that, you know, And I think that's why you know, having the end of the season conversations, the exit meetings, so to speak, Like those conversations matter on how you view yourself, how you envision this, how how invigorated you are to come back, what's the excitement level? And you know, what's the possibilities. And you know, none of these guys are true rookie, so you can't. You know, if you ask a rookie, hey, what do you think we could do better? He has nothing to weigh it off of, right, But you know, you you ask justin Fields, he's he's got a previous organization, plus he's got four years of experienced a way off of Russell Wilson, you know, two other organizations and over a decade's worth of experience to weigh off of.
You know.
You know, when you talk to an Isaac Camalu, you know he has two organized he has another organization, plus almost a decade himself. So you have guys at stages. But if you ask Roger Jones, he knows no different. You know, you might know a little bit because of the previous coordinator.
You can have some thoughts, but.
All of these things, like you know, are all cumulative, quantifiable, you know, data points that you need to have in order to assess your team and make sure you know what you're doing moving forward.
You get an idea for.
The personality, the appetite for what this guy wants to do, and gauge it against where you envision yourself to be at the end. So it's going to be a really interesting process to look at because I think that's that that's kind of the magic about creating these rosters and putting teams together is figuring out what what that what that right you know, linking piece is to keep everything on the wheel attached so the wheel can keep on turning.
Well, you know, again looking at Justin, this is one of the things that you know, it's kind of like the hidden vigor that I overlooked it, you know, and they just came up with it. But he was the third leading rusher with the Steelers. He had two hundred and ninety almost three hundred yards in six games that would have been you know, nine hundred or so, just under a thousand. You're talking about five tds that he scored with his legs, so you know, on top of the fifteen tds possible you know through the air, another fifteen tds on the lef.
You know, that sort of thing.
Being able to make him, have him go more of the lines of Lamar is something I think that would be well, it would be great for us, you know, if we can actually pull that off. But that's again comes with a little, you know, a little diceiness. It's kind of like, you know, you're not quite sure where this would go, you know what I mean. It's it's kind of and it's intriguing, you know, because you look at the physical skills of this kid. They are something. So I don't know, it's gonna be a lot of fun. We're gonna have a lot of fun coming up because we also, like I said before, we've got Mike Pursuda coming up at ten forty and a eleven twenty. We got Bob Labriolas. So it's all about making some decisions. And I think I'm gonna decide to go to break right now. That's the opening there you go, all right, oh hey Madi, all right, we'll come back after this.
You're listening to the Steelers Audio Network.
This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Starks.
Go back to the Ballimore game result aside, What was your perception of the defense, how it was playing, the engagement level, the flight in the defense of that game.
Well, I mean, it wasn't it wasn't good enough. Let's say that it wasn't good enough, you know. I you know, I think that you know, we were a team that was coming off, you know, for four losses in a row, and you know, we may have had some confidence problems going into that game.
Uh, I don't know for sure, but you know, it was, you know, it was a not a great performance and like I said, hard, hard to overcome that, but you know, but we will.
Yeah, that was that was the head man, Art Rooney. Another excerpt from his press conference yesterday, and of course you heard Mike Consuda, who will be joining us next so we can kind of expound upon his questions that he had. But I thought this was a good direction. I mean, you know, obviously a lot to be made about the quarterback conversation and topic.
But at the end of the day, Wolf, we both know this is.
A team game.
Complimentary football must be achieved, and so you know, that's the other side of it.
Right. As much as we give, you know.
Credence to the offense and their performance or lack thereof, defense also plays an important role, and defense wins championships. So was it a championship caliber defense that we saw on display and that wildcard round against the Ravens, and more so, for the better lack of better terms, the last month of the season, you'd have to say no, right, I mean you have to. You'd have to give it a no. As great as the players are and great as the guys are, and the plays that were made, they weren't strung together enough. They weren't consistent enough. And let's face it, a team that can saccurate with the best of them did not produce sacuration. Yes, huge, And so that's and that's that's really a difference. You have to in order to be a good defense, you must affect the opposing offense.
You must slow them.
And you know, we saw one of the We saw both of the teams that are going to be representing their respective conferences in this year's Super Bowl in New Orleans. And I'll be down there next week covering.
That with live.
Live, live live from the New Orleans Convention Center. It'll be me, are you going to get any jumbalayah while you're down there? Well, that's so silly. That's that one you just cleared the center field that exactly I know you did. I mean, this is one where you asked. It's like, it's like, don't ask. If I ask, when and how much right I will consume?
And also the dozens upon dozens of chargilled oysters that I.
Will be eating as well.
I am a little sad because it you know, it did freeze, so they kind of messed up crawfish seasons, so I can't really do my f like like I would nor say that.
That crawfish thing. I got to tell you that it's.
Mini lobsters, mini lobsters.
I got to tell you the first time I went down well that you know you I was sitting in the restaurant and the one was it was eyeballing me. I'm telling you, just giving me the side eye.
All right, you got the craw does have eyeballs.
Yes, yes, and it's it's right in the soup.
So you got the whole ball and the whole thing is like it's it's kind of it was I think a little little soggy.
You know.
It wasn't wasn't crunchy or anything like that. Was just kind of a little and.
That that's what That's what frozen crawfish tastes like. We want fresh.
Fresh, you want the crisp little pop I mean, and you're going for the tail mainly, right, you know what I'm saying, Like that right.
That's what.
So so you always ask for fried crawfish tails or you know, or you get the crawfish at tu Fe where it's already de shelled so you don't have to deal with that like sense of the chowder.
Or I just couldn't get over the thing with the whiskers in the side eye.
It was looking at me and I just.
I mean it would just be like somebody say, hey, can I get the lobster bisk with a whole lobster in it.
You know what I'm saying, Like.
That's yeah, yeah, that wasn't good anyhow.
Yeah, they're they're intimidating looking.
Yeah, no, I get you, okay, Because that was the first time we went to New Orleans, uh and and we had heard from some other guys where to go to a restaurant, so touch and eye, and usually we didn't go out the night before game, but man, we decided we heard how good it was. And then when we got there and they brought this bowl out, but again the mini lobster side iron and you know, whiskering up there.
No, I that's why you grab him by the show. You twist the tail and you suck the tail out and you discard the body.
Next time, if I ever do that, you know, I'll have to go with you so that you can.
Yes, you have to go with the season professional myself. Willie Cologne also a very seasoned crawfish eater. Even though he's from the Bronx, his his his bride is from Mississippi, so he he has been learned in the ways of crawfish eating. Oh yes, yes, yeah, And they had. They had a heck of a setup at their wedding too. I mean Willie and I at the reception that the or the like what's what's the what's the rehearsal dinner.
Rehearsal dinner. Yes, that's the night before the wedding.
Yeah, So so we were We're in Jackson, Mississippi, and we're down there and like they had this cool setup because you know, her family had like has like these two historical buildings down there, and it's huge parking lot. So they turned this whole parking lot into like a just a big, a big like reception area. It had it had tints, It had these crawfish stand up tables. So the crawfish table is like this big tall barstools that type table, but there's no barstools and there's a hole in the middle with the trash bag and you pour the crawfish boil all around on the table, which has like lips on it, right, so it keeps it contained.
And you just you just walk up, grab what you.
Want, whether it's crawfish, shrimp, you know, potatoes, corn, whatever, sausage, and you just boom. You just go to town discard in the center and Willie and I were tearing it up, and then a storm came through. Oh no, so a storm came through and everybody cleared out. Everybody's you know, inside the building. And I see Willie's still out there, and he's like, man, no, I like these crawfish. So you know what am I gonna do. I'm not gonna leave my brother by himself. So I take my jacket off, hang it to my hand, it to my wife. I had a nice outfit on, nice suit, serious sucker.
And Willie and I.
Continued to eat crawfish into the storm. In the rain, me and him sitting at the table and uh and we're just we're just going to town. We're both soaked, but we're having a good time. You can tell we're in a happy place. And uh so me and my brother finished off the table before it just got completely soaked. I mean, because the good thing is, you know, it's a boil, right, so everything's already used to.
Being wet and has full of seasoning. So what's a little rain drop, you know, what's a little rain drop on that?
Yeah, so we're both dedicated crawfishers, h crawfisher eaters.
That's just I just couldn't eat anything that was giving me the side eye.
I'm just telling you.
What about a cow? What if they brought you cow?
I'm not going to head.
I'm not going to get a side eye from a cow, all right, you know.
But but you might get that tongue out the side. You know what I'm saying that.
No, no, no, no no, Because when I go to have a steak, the steak is there, baby, I mean, it's right there, boom, That's all you need.
But what about if it's in a steakhouse where they have like the heads hanging up, you know what I'm saying, in the place and like animals, Yeah, I was about to say, what if that, you know, because there's a there's like a buffalo head like just staring at you and you're eating bison me, you know what I'm saying, Like.
Yeah, you know what I'm saying.
Or a deer while you're eating venison, you know what I mean, they're there. There's different ways of enacting it. I mean, I mean the least likely one is that I know he's cooked because he's red, you know what I'm saying.
So he so it's not like he's really looking at me.
His soul has gone to crawfish heaven before it's gotten to my bowl. You know what I'm saying, Like like he's he's in whatever muddy river locale in the sky, you know what I'm saying. So I'm just simply, you know, appreciating the nourishment that that h that his sacrifice.
Is giving me.
Got there we go?
AnyWho, All right, we're gonna step aside. We were supposed to talk defense and it got into a crawfish convert But you know, welcome to you that conversation with the guy who asked the question. When we come back here, Mike Persuda will be with us live here inside the locker room after these commercial breaks on the Steelers Audio Network.
This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Starks.
We got to play the cream of the crop there. You know, there's that three game stretch the Christmas Tournament. If you will you know, we played the best teams in the league, and obviously we could see we're not there.
Yes, indeed, of course that's Steel's owner Art Ruining the second discussing in a press conference yesterday, and we're joined right now. We're happy to have Mike pursued an in house, actually in house, not on a phone, not in Phoenix, but in the house right here. And so, Mikey, what do you think when you hear what Art had to say there? What goes through your mind?
He's got the right context for what they're facing. I can remember that very same press conference a year ago, and they were coming off an end of a season when they won three in a row, when they found a guy in Mason Rudolph who seemingly proved to them that yeah, you do have the right components on offense, you just need the guy to activate it and you can be competitive.
And then they were.
Coming off a playoff lost to Buffalo that was a seven point game in the fourth quarter.
And fast forward to the next year.
You still don't know who your quarterback is going to be as you did in a year ago, but you know you lost five in a row and you got flattened in the playoff game and didn't show up from a competitive standpoint defensively, at least that's.
My take on it. So, yeah, work to do.
Yeah, you were absolutely right, And since you were, you know, one of the chief question askers in there, Mike just kind of what was the general mood I think, you know in there outside of you know, the fact that he's having this press conference a lot sooner than he I'm sure he would have wanted to.
Yeah, I think understanding of where they are, or to put it in Pittsburgh East where they are at, because you know, you got to dangle a preposition if you're from western Pennsylvania. There wasn't any a whole lot of sugarcoating, I didn't think. Obviously, people wanted to know why he's sticking with Mike Tomlin, and I thought he made good points that you know, he thinks he has a good coach. He thinks the coach is not the problem, but there are a lot of other problems. And I'll go back to that no show performance in Baltimore, particularly from the defense. I thought it was interesting, guys that I asked Art specifically about that and he said, well, maybe there was a lack of confidence because we had lost four in a row. Usually when Art says, well maybe or perhaps he's not a Jerry Jones declarative statement, sound bite guy, but he usually lets you know what he's thinking. And I have been scratching my head since that game. I understand they didn't win it, but I didn't see effort. I didn't see competitiveness from the defense. I'm going way beyond you know, the relative quality of the personnel or the soundness of the scheme.
Didn't They didn't compete. You know.
The interesting thing is, and this is the last coment on with the three and eleven. You know, it was just I know some other teams did it, but just because another team is able to survive it doesn't mean you're gonna survive it. You know, all it needs is a nick here and an injury there, and you've got problems and issues that three. I'm just believed that three. I've played three games in fourteen days. And I did that when I was twenty four years old, you know, in September in December, when you've got some you know, older guys too, like a cam right, I'm sitting there going that's a brutal cheese, greater of a run there. That's really hard to overcome. Now again because some other teams did it. Okay, you think, well, we should be able to do well. You would hope to, but not everybody does. That's just the way the NFL. The life cycle in the NFL is, you don't know the landscape from weekend to week out. So just moving along and playing that game. Hey, Baltimore was building towards it. They hit that peak. Man, I'm telling you, they had that running game down and they were doing a great job of going out there and really using Lamar's legs, Derek's legs and then whatever else he had to do to get the job done. And the defense did not play well, that's for sure.
Any thoughts, Yeah, no, I think it's got to be something like that.
It's got to be something, you know, mysticals not the right word, but something intangible. It wasn't just oh your scheme was wrong for that opponent, or you don't have good enough players. I think they have really good players on defense.
That result does not.
Compute with me, you know what I mean.
So it's got to be Art said, lack of confidence, you know, something between the years. Something was going on that I think they need to identify. And perhaps it is as simple as hey, that schedule was just a horse that can't be road, you know, But they got to identify why that happened, I think, because to me, there that's an issue beyond whether you have TJ.
Watt try to tackle a guy who doesn't have the.
Ball on purpose.
Yeah, well, aside from yeah, the schematics, you know, but the point being is too an. I'll just jump jump on this Max to say, again, it's not the three and eleven days was not the reason. You know, it's never one thing is not the reason for a five zero to five collapse like that. But to place the doubt or whatever, there's no doubt in my mind, no doubt in my mind that you're going to be wounded. You're gonna be doubting rather than you know, triggering forward. You're gonna be having a little self doubt when when the ball is snapped.
What say you, Max, Well, I.
Think you're absolutely right, But I think also, you know, you have to realize, you know, in the midst of that three three game stretch in eleven days, two of those teams we played are in the Super Bowl. True, so you know what I'm saying, So listen the quality of the opponent as well. I mean, we could talk about Baltimore, but Baltimore the New York Giants is one of their teams, and that and that span, right, you know, not not all games are created equal. And I think that's the other thing is we literally went through the teeth of the NFL. We played three of the top five teams the NFL, and that and that's time span. As far as offensive production rushing, I mean, you could talk about it. I mean that's what I think is kind of overlooked a little bit. Is you know they're like, oh, well you win on three, but it's like r and three looks a lot different than another team's one and two or two and one. Now have we gotten some of the games like we got in the earlier season. If we played the Broncos, the Falcons and the Giants or the Cowboys at.
That time frame, we would have went three and oh as well.
It's a very point.
But I guess Max, what bothered me about that playoff game was I look at the regular season game in Baltimore, which was part of that three, and I think all right, don't fumble inside the four yard line and don't throw the pick six, and you're right there, maybe you win it. I at no point did I think they were in danger winning that playoff game.
Yeah no, And I think that that's a great point. And you I wonder if the wind was already taken out of the sail because of that game. Maybe, And now you're pressing towards it, right, because that is in the back of your mind. Man, we were so close.
Just don't make this mistake, and don't make that mistake.
Play a little bit tighter, right like we did in the first half, because I thought in the second half we started showing stuff. But I think the damn had already broken at that point in the second half when we actually started opening up the offense. I think we came out that first half a little too timid, a little too flat, and a little bit too shy because we were thinking about that previous game because it was so recent, which.
Doesn't that like a Steelers Ravens game. I never thought shy would enter into it.
No, by me.
You look at the first one an Actress shirt, they win eighteen sixty. What happens, Nick Kurbban comes off on early in the first series and takes down the raging Buffalo Derrick Henry in fumbles, you know, and all of a sudden you've got an inflamed defense coming out going after it. There was a whole different feeling circumstance at that point in time. The thing that always gets to me is the guys that went ten and three are the same guys that went zero and five, and that's that's there's something there that they've got. Yeah, it does not add up. Yeah, no, And I agree. I think that's kind of where the crux is.
But I think you hit you hit a point there, Wolf where you know, you talk about Nick Herbert creating doubt in their mind right early in that game, and that led to a domino effect. I think the same thing can be said about the Steelers. Doubt came into their mind early and it and it resided longer than we wanted to, and I think that played into us. So that's where that mental you know, preparedness has to come in. You know, this isn't this isn't the rivalry of old so to speak. You know, back when I played where it was just like, hey, listen, I'm out for blood, and that's it. Nothing else matters. It's whoever gets to one hundred yards rushing first, and whoever's going to punched the other guy harder in the mouth is going to be the winner. That's not what this game, you know, is now. I hate to say that, but it is morphinesse because you do have a Lamar Jackson over there on the other side, and he's so elusive and he's tough to catch, and you don't know how to how to, how to how to treat him, and then you get, like you said, the raging buffalo and Derrick Henry in the backfield with him.
You know, it's it's like, okay, pick your poison.
Now, I'm just gonna hit the guy that I think I should hit versus the guy with the ball. And that's what we did so early in that game, which was you're right, Mike.
It was confounding because they had.
Always handled those guys before. So the first time they played Lamar with Derrick Henry, I don't know why they overthought it the way they did it was it was somebody everybody else tackle the guy with the ball.
Yeah, well, and make sure it's not the backside guy. You know what I'm saying, because that's that's what the quarterback keeper is job. Make sure it's the front side guy hitting, hitting the running back, and the backside guy has to look for the quarterback that might pull the ball from underneath. That would And that was just my end zone view as I was sitting there on the field watching this, and I'm just.
Like, I see the guy with the ball. Why don't you see the guy with the ball?
And I'm like, well, technically i'm behind the line of scrimmage, that's off sides.
But and he was yelling that while he was eating a bag of cheetos.
It was not a bag of cheetos. It was an uncrustable thank.
You, thank you.
The rapper sounds very very similar over radio airwaves or something that's.
Not no no, no, are you kidding?
Meeting with no crustering around.
It's beautiful. The meat of the.
Bread, you know's a soft part.
But but I mean, but you're right, I mean there is something that has and and that has to be a mental preparedness thing.
I mean, you know, I would probably.
Look to the coaches to a degree, but I think at the end of the day, it's about performance, right. If you're a player of ILK and you're starting on that defense, I think you should understand what the rules are. You know, as far as how to attack the RPO game right or the double option, you should already have that down pat And like you said, it's an opponent you see twice a year, every single year, and I think that's that's what's really frustrating, because, like you said, you know, at the end of the day, you've wasted another year of Cam's career, right, another year gone, He's another year older by the time it comes game time next year, TJ another year as well. And I think you also have to ask how did they minimize your best weapon and asset on defense so well, because you know it wasn't injury for TJ and he was trying to tough through it, or was it a scheme thing that you just couldn't figure out how to unlock him. That's the other thing you have to ask, And I'm gonna say this, make a decision on what type of team you are defensively identity wise. Are you a three to four team or are you a four to three team or are you a four to two Nickel team.
The indecision, I think.
Also plays with it because they're two fundamentally different structures.
And if I'm looking at it.
One way, and you could correct me if I'm wrong, Wolf, if I'm looking at this as a three to four two gap defense, then I have to ask do I have the right personnel for that? Or if I'm a three to four defense masquerading to be a four to three defense or a four to two nickel defense, do I have the right personnel unless master the personnel to whatever the philosophy is going to be. I think it's too varied as well for a lot of the personnel on the defensive.
Side of the ball.
Conceptually, my thought was that this was a four to two groupe.
I got the nickel.
I want to play that as much as possible, create the four guys up front that they can turn loose. If you can get home with four, then you got dropped seven. That's that's the way modern NFL defenses operate now.
Seems like a lot of them there exactly right now.
The thing that you've got to understand and figure out was how bad was TJ nicked up?
You know? And was he able to not get off his mark.
I don't know.
He was hitting the hell out of Henry every time. Jackson was running around the end for twelve yards.
But I'm talking about the lack of sacks, you know. And the other thing about it, too is if you look at a lot of throwing times, there was a lot of increased action as far as throwing times. Getting it under two and a half seconds absolutely, I mean you can't you literally. I have seen bus and let's pick up where a guy rushes from the edge. I saw Alex Heismith couldn't get to Lamar Jackson one time when he blew right past Ronnie Stanley didn't even hardly touch on it, you know.
Which brings me my other great I don't know how to explain this sort of count for this point, and this was more obvious in the Kansas City game. But when the ball is coming out quick, how do you play nine ten eleven yard cushions on the outside. I get not everybody can play press man, but you can't give Patrick Mahomes a five yard out every time he wants it.
This is a great discussion.
Have the ball for ten minutes in the third chlore, I gotcha, It's aggravations coming out quick. You gotta get up in their face telling you he's not gonna beat you.
We gotta end on that because we got to go to break. This was a great we just got here.
We got pasted them into the Who do we got next?
No, we got labs that till eleven twenty.
We got one more, we'll do another. We'll be back. Hey, we're gonna go to break. We gotta come.
Back after this because things just got hot in the locker room. They're heating up.
Baby. We got Mike Pursuda, Max Starks, and myself right here with
Wesley Euler and you're listening to in the locker room on the Steelers Audio Network