This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Stark's.
All right inside the power hour. Oh there he is.
Optimists, always on time, never stops, but always on time to pass by the start of the Power Hour. But that's okay, Optimists. We don't need you today because guess what, we got.
Donuts out and did the yeoman's work and getting gathering donuts this morning.
Well for you and I not for Max. I mean that would have been a heck of a journey.
Well, yeah, that would have been a little rough.
Yeah, you had gotten the last couple of rounds of donuts. So I was do I owed you.
And I was self sufficient. I went out got my own, right, you know, not just looking for a handout donut here all the time it says it would be it would be nice, It would be nice. Uh you know if we if if in the future we get a donut sponsorship that sends donuts.
Well, we had duncan donuts. What would you have in Phoenix?
Uh? I went to the grocery stores. That was the closest donut spot.
Got it.
So, and there's always fresh. Their bakery actually does good. They do these things called they have these things called pershings, which are there there there donuts like cinnamon rolls, but obviously not cinnamon in between. And then they do it like they'll ic it with like maple, they'll do chocolate or they're dude like a glaze, so it almost looks like a cinnamon bum but there's no cinnamon in the ring. So it's a uh cinnamon less bun. Okay, very good indeed if that makes sense. Yeah, And then they're custard one. They so what they do is they cut the doughnut in half and they just cram like custard in it. It's not like the one where you pipe it in, like you put it through like a little slit and you squeeze it in there. They they actually cut the donut in half and stuff it with custards, so it's even more custardy. If you like custard. It's pretty pretty coloz. It's called a Bismarck style donut Bismark. Yeah, there you go exactly, but not Biz Marquis, gotcha, famous famous DJ rest in peace baby you you you got what I need donuts.
But you say it is just the glaze.
But you say.
You got what I need? Of course, come on.
Yeah, let's listen. One step at a time, West with Wolf, one step at a time.
We have issues, oh my god.
But any who, Yeah, we're we're we're going back with the high schools of purlgents fellas because because you know why, Because it dictates tribute. That's why we do what we do. So in spirits of where we're at, I am going to start things off again. Okay, you start them off, all right, I'm gonna go with most likely to be a missing member of the Begs Peyton Wilson.
No, no, no, no, no, I no. I like that one. I felt that was trying to figure out this.
Yeah, yeah, hey, I was.
I was big in the bump era man. Yeah, let me tell you.
Yeah, but I'm just saying, I mean, it's the hair man's it's the hair Peyton Wilson's got, and he's got the long Chloey locks. So you know, I just I went with low hanging fruit, you know, and making it fun. So Peyton Wilson most likely to be the missing member of the Beaches.
Okay, I like that, you know. You know what's interesting was I go back with Chilouch. You know Ton Chilkin. He used to tell me that they had in the seventies. It was at some ballpark they burned all the disco records like towards the end of the seventies or something like that, and he was there for it. Some some famous DJ in Chicago was doing, yes, disco demolition demolition the night Disco died, and uh, what's the same we oh, yeah, there was a riot, but Touch he probably kicked it off that goof you know, he was always he was. He was just one of those cantankerous guys from time to time. He just you know, that's the way he was. But that's funny. Yeah, nineteen seventy nine, the riot that killed Disco. It was a Komiski park there you go there, Wait, did dig that up?
Good thing for Touch?
They didn't have four K footage back then, so he couldn't be identified in the grain.
Video, Yes, exactly.
So well, then let's see that leaves me, and I would say that my first one up would be uh, Cam, it would be Connor Heywood, and it would be the guy that we need to hear more from next year. The guy that we need to hear more from next year.
That would be Cam. Yeah, he's now.
Remember a couple of years ago, his rookie year, he had six for forty receptions. Well, last year he had let's see twenty three for one sixty seven. I had it, let's see no touchdowns, but he's got one. This year they got twelve receptions.
He's glasses stink twelve for one fifty one, twelve.
Points trying to read off the computer here, you know there, Yes.
The old man, that's me, you know, but he scored a touchdown. Listen, Connor. Connor has unique skill set that I really I like, you know, not only he's capable of blocking. It's not that he's an overly great blocker, but he is a willing blocker. And in that you have, uh that's what you got to have if you're going to block. It's all about the want to more than the how to.
And certainly one.
Of the things that he does is that the kid's got a lot of want to and you got to look at his big brother and you know why. But the fact of the matter was his skill set and running patterns down the down field and being able to do it at a high rate of speed and understanding the past us route running. I think we're gonna we need to see more from him next year. I would think he'd be a guy that you want to get a little more targeting to. So that's that's my you know thing, Okay, the guy that we're gonna hear more from next year?
Hello, is it me looking for the tones?
Yes, you know what I mean. You know you kick him in every once in a while. You know, you got to just let people know that you still got it. All right, Wesley, what do you.
Have, bud Well?
In the I guess the spirit of today's Finally Friday donut Day. I have most likely to become a Michelin Star chef Mike Tomlin.
And you know I can't give you all the ingredients to the hot dog. You might not like it.
He knows how to pull this stuff off the internet, right, and he sits there smuggly going, I don't have to explain it. I let them explain it because I have the technology.
Today, you know, asking you shout, it's like dumb and dumber. You had a second pair of gloves this whole time.
Yeah, you never asked. I mean, if you guys want some bits for yours, you never asked.
You know the best part about it was, I remember back when I sprained an ankle and you know, you had to put your feet in the ice bath, Max, right, I'm sure we So you did that because you're a hockey player.
So then you know, after a little while, you realize.
That there's more than one like cut off scuba sock, you know that over your toes keep them from like feeling they're going to fall off. So we call those the toe sleeves. Yeah, the toe sleeves. So I put two of them on one time because they were sitting there. There was only two of them. So this rookie comes in and he's looking around, can't find and can't find it. He sticks his foot in the big tub on the other side for me. You know, I'm looking at him and just you know, so I go through. He probably came in. I was there for what is it, like, you go twenty minutes or something, and so that probably about he came in about twelve minutes or so. He's sitting there and he's just riding around, going, man, I can't believe I go, yeah, I don't know where that other.
Toast sock is at. And now then I then my time's up.
I pulled my foot out and I pull one off and go, oh, here's one. You had another pair the whole time another time. Yes, dastardly, that's what veterans do to rookies.
I mean that's the pa that I ever. Did you know in the fact that I just kept the extra toat sleeve.
Yeah, exactly, and just just decided, you know what, he doesn't need this toast leave, I need this toastleeve. So why you know he comes rolling in late.
You know that's just buyer beware. You know, you gotta know that.
Most likely to starship.
And you know I can't give you all the ingredients to the hot dog.
You might not like it.
I just wanted to play that click, you know, I like that.
I mean it's a it's a great clip, by the way. I mean, oh yeah, you can't can't really that mean Mike t puts it out there. He's like, hey, listen, you might you might not like it. I'm just I'm just being fully honest, full transparency here. You're not gonna like the ingredients, all right? Do we have?
Probably not not yet.
No one on the line, no one on the lunch.
Okay, all right, so we're gonna keep this going, all right. Next one is I feel like I need theme music now because Wesley's it's not it's not the same. Never mind, never mind, I'll just I'll just do this myself. I I have this one because now I'm like, I'm reading my list and my list sounds elementary, and I'm like now disappointed. It's almost like when you pull up to lunch with your with your with your sack lunch and you're you were ecstatic, but the fact that you had like a turkey and cheese sandwich iss opposed like a PB and J. You know, you're just like yeah, And then somebody comes in and they have like, you know, the Bento box and this in the it's in the cool thermos can, and and you're like, oh my god, this guy has he had he has macaroni and cheese, he has you know, he has he has hot lasagna, and you know, so some some steam veggies you know, just full, healthy and full schmorgasbord. And I'm I'm like, I got turkey and cheese, SAPs. That's how I feel now about my list after listening to Wesley, So thank you. Wesi McDonald's into lunch in school and you're like, man, my turkey sandwich doesn't seem so good.
Now you got McDonald's.
Yeah, you got McDonald's. You got the fries, you got a burger and the styrofoam. But remember the styrofoam containers that bicky Bees used to have. Oh man, it used to be so cool just to pop open this on top.
That was the dream as a kid, like have a doctor's appointment or something you had to go to, and then your and then your mom lets you get McDonald's and you walk back into the into the cafeteria like a conquering hero.
Back in my day, you get a burger and uh shake for like a buck, you know like that. I mean, way back then, I think included.
All kids deserve that after going to the doctor.
Oh man, yeah, exactly. It was.
It was better than get that stupid lollipop at the end. I'll tell you that much. Okay, Sorry, I digress. Because I'm I'm like delaying the inevitable. I'm like, do I ask for sound? But I'm like, then he has to look for the sound. All right, okay, all right, here we go. All right, Uh so quick recap. We did most likely to succeed Wesley of course, now most likely to be a Michelin star chef Wesley again.
So we have Zach Frasier.
Now Mike Tomlin, he's gone a big picture Wolf has done most unlikely superhero and that would be Nick Herbig And then what was the second one?
Second one was I forgot the second one?
Most likely to make more noise next year?
Yeah, oh oh yeah, but yeah, yeah, well we need to hear from more like that Connor Hayworth guy that I want to hear more from next year exactly. And I did missing and I did most likely to be the missing member of the Beg's Peyton Wilson and most likely and then most likely to be you know, an extra in a Marvel movie a landon Roberts. Okay, so that's where we're at all right now. Now number three, uh drum roll please, and there we go. My next one is, of course, best smile Larry Ogan joby ay. Yeah, because and there's more context of this. It's not just like in season like oh he's always He's not pulling like a Hines Ward like he just decapitated a dude's smiling about it, right, you know, almost like associopath, which I love that about Hines. Right, But it's because because Wolf we were in Mexico, right, we were a mono ray this offseason, right, yes, and we were down there visiting and learning about the culture and everything. But Larry smile the entire time down there is what stuck out to me, and so you know, one of those things. And then of course after Victory gets interviewed, boom does he do flash the Pearly Whites smile. So I give best smile to Larry Ogan Jobi.
Okay, okay. You know.
Also he also would win the award for arms like legs and legs like people.
Yeah, that's true. He does.
He does have well he is he is in the large arm competition conversation as well.
But that's a good choice. A great smile from him, you know what I mean. I frankly, I think I think that would he probably flashes that sometimes on passing downs. Rundowns and whatever. But you know, when he lines up across from a guy because you he's about to.
Get gets a little gets a little glint in his eye like, oh, yeah, I'm about to I'm about to destroy this dude.
Just wait, just you wait, it's about to go. I would say, now, let's see my turn. So the guy you are looking forward to watching next year, now that would be easy. That's Troy Fatana man. I am really looking forward to Troy again getting off the plane after Baltimore, just having a little quick conversation, just you know, uh, hearing his voice and the fact I know he was disappointed, obviously, you're so disappointed, you're when you're the number one pick. My gosh, that's a lot of pressure. And then for him to you know, do so well in his first start and then injure his knee in the next week in practice took him out for the whole year. So I'm really looking forward to what Troy is capable of doing next year because I think it's gonna move the offensive line along quite a bit.
Okay, I like that one.
I like that one.
That's a good one. Absolutely, yep, yep, I like it.
I like it, Wesley, how about we go here to you know, every every class needs the person who's just always in a good mood, who gets along with everybody, who brightens every room that they walk into.
So most likely to brighten your day. Our Walter Payton, Man of the Year in first team All Pro, and give him his gold jacket.
Cam Hayward, there you go, nice, mostly.
Most likely to brighten your day because whether he was eating somebody up in the backfield, or knocking down fifty seven million passes at the line of scrimmage, or just doing the great things that he does across the community every year in Pittsburgh.
Most likely to brighten your day, Cameron.
Hayward, unless, of course, you're a quarterback. Not my problem.
Yeah, Oh that's beautiful.
True story, true story, true story. Well I like it.
I like it.
I feel like that that that we've now given some great appartifs. I want to make sure we let Steeler Nation know it's a Friday. The phone line still work here, We're still employed, and the lights are paid at least through this week, so make sure you call in. The number to call in, of course is four one two nine one three one six, where you can talk about your Steeler superlatives on the season, or just give us, give us the handwritten note that you'd write in the Steelers yearbook if you had a chance to write in it, you know, kind of a little personal message, uh, to remember the twenty twenty four season. By we are here, We'll be back with more possession, Arrow Wolf when we come back here Inside the Locker Room on the Steelers Audio Network. This is in.
The Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official Insurance Sense Cybersecurity Partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by BET MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next, Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Starks.
You know, there are funny situations that always occur, you know, every day in the locker room. And I'm talking about back in our playing days, Max and you'll you'll, I'm sure that there's something that this will give you a little framework for reference for But years ago, and I got to tell the story because it's I think it's kind of funny, and I got a special request from somebody, so I got this and it actually would be my daughter Ester. So you want to hear about Uncle Tunch about the time he got busted, you know, no busted, not like a bust, but by Chuck Knowle. And here's what happened. Se we used to have the weight room. In the weight room, of course in Three Rivers, was actually a boiler room that was expanded upon and they built up and finally had a weight room.
So there we were. We're it's Friday. So we were working the guns. You know how you you know it's a gun day. You know, you gotta get the pipes, suns out, guns out, you know that sort of thing. Offensive lineman, you gotta you gotta have guns. You gotta fill out those jersey sleeves. Man, you can't have you know, those those noodles.
You gotta have something there, some meat, right. So we're getting into a real good curl session now. The thing you got to understand was that Chuck Nole hated bodybuilding, anything associated with bodybuilding.
He found.
He thought it was just it was it was like the curse of ballplayers that were too tight and not able to calcul you know, like get their their skills set matched with their strength, you know what I mean? So yeah, so he was always against all that stuff. And one thing he hated was seeing guys in the weight room doing curls. So we had to post a guy out in the in the hallway to watch the you know, the hallway see if Chuck was coming, you know. And there was Pete Rostowski, there was Tounchy Olkin, and then there's myself. So there we are. We're putting the guns out. We are just pumping them out. Man, we were getting reps.
And you know, so.
Touch gets all into himself, right, he goes, man, I got a pump going. He goes, where's the tape? Get the tape? He wants to measure the guns. Right, So we go, we get the tape, we put it on right. Just then Chuck comes walking into the weight room.
You know.
Now understand Pete Rostowski was at the door. He was supposed to be watching it. But Pete got all fired up, going all right, I got to see what what the tape measures? And son of a gun, you know, Harry comes. Chuck goes, hey, tounch what are we doing bodybuilding?
Oh? Do you get busted? He was.
He was just like apoplectic, you know, and Chuck was killing him. It was hilarious.
Oh my goodness, oh my god.
Oh you just.
You know, something like that. You couldn't write the script for that. It just happens, you know, it was hilarious. So but anyhow, okay, I did that my dear daughter Esther. So let's see.
Hi, my name is Esther Leowolfe.
You're listening to in the locker room with my dad, Uncle Max and the Ninjas on ESPN nine to seventy.
There you go, there's my daughter Esther. Boom, yes, boom, love Esther? Oh yes, indeed, she and Hannah loved her Uncle Max Man. I can't wait to get the girls together sometime, yours and mine. All right, let's see we've gotten Let's see the next superlative. How about the most likely to get honked off, rebound and have a great Mike Strahan record smashing year.
That would be TJ. Watt. You know, I mean, here you go.
He had sixty one tackles, eleven and a half sacks, a league best six forest fumbles, nineteen tackles for a loss, twenty seven quarterback hits, two fumble recoveries, and he calls it by his own standards.
He called it a down year.
Well, I say to you, you know what the secret to performance next year, it's going to be your child. You guys expecting a child coming along. It's going to change your life. Brother. And let me tell you something. There's no greater motivation to go out there and go after it and get it when you got a little one depending on you best of wishes and a safe and healthy delivery for mom and baby. But that's just a tremendous opportunity next year to be able to come in and boom, turn it all around, turn it up, and just smash that record that was already your record for crying out loud that they refused to give to you because of Baltimore. So there, that's my That that ends it. That's my rant. Okay, you get Yeah, I'm good, I'm good. I got it off my chest. I'm all good.
Not that he's been holding that in for a while or anything.
Yeah, I mean, nowhere near, nowhere near. This is completely completely accidental.
Yeah, exactly, I'm sorry if I got out of line.
There, you know, wolf Wolf, we're in the locker room. There is no.
Line, no line.
Yes, oh my gosh. All right, we's what you got.
All right, uh, and Wolfe's pointing at the screen. He doesn't realize I already got Ricky and Georgia up.
Okay, we're good, We're good.
Don't you listen? I got you, baby.
Sorry, I'm just trying to know.
That's actually half the time I miss it. So I'm glad you did point to that.
I just had to give you grief, you know, gentlemen, did a you know, most likely to brighten your day, a more heartfelt one for Cam Hayward there, So how about back to the goofiness class class clown?
Okay, and oh.
Well, hold on, I want to be clear with that. I'm just doing a funniest moment. I am not calling this is like when when wolf you know, shares the colin Ben's Cronick dart ball, right, it's an endearing term.
I mean this as.
Funny as Okay, so class clown is the moniker, but I mean this as funniest moment of the season. And to me, that was easily when Mike Tomlin called Dante Jackson small or little, and then this is how he responded.
I don't know where they get that little stuff from. I ain't been little since I was in diapers. But if you know, if it, if it get coach going, is all good with me.
I ain't chipping about it.
Class clown, funniest moment I am little since I was in diapers.
Yeah, and that that is definitely another Mike Tomlin reference. I'm just gonna put that out there, Wes. Your running count here is to Mike Tomlin's superlatives by default there, you know. And and I went class clown because I was like, you know, most likely to prank you deal. So that that so that's where my class clown comes in. And you know, I got it. I gotta give it to a guy who's how do you say it? Sneaky funny? You know, I think that's the best way of putting it. And you know what I gotta go with. I gotta go with a guy like and just hear me out here, I feel like Isaac Ciamalu is a closet funny guy really, just because you know, like it's always a silent was like, here's the thing, and well if you know this, Chris kue.
Me out to right right, okay.
Juice was the most silent person in the locker room, but away from the locker room, Juice would pull all the jokes out. You know, if we're hanging out or we're at his house, He's always cracking jokes, always trying to make somebody laugh, always doing something you know that's that's going to cause everybody just smile and laugh and kind of break the tension in the room. That was always Chris kum out too. That's what I love about Juice so much. Yeah, exactly, little known fact.
So I feel like Isaac comes off as this stoic, older season better, but I feel like he has some quality pranks in the back of his mind.
He could be a prankster.
Yeah, I think he could be a serial prankster. So I'm gonna go with that because that's one where I feel like it's sneaky because.
It's so.
Not obvious that it's got to be obvious, you know what I'm saying. Like it's it's it's that hidden gym. I feel like when he does something, it just it causes a riot.
I can understand. You know, those those guys that kind of cruise under the radar are there now. See Tounch was in over the top, you know, prankster in my day. Uh yeah, Mike Webster was the real prankster. He was the guy that put the you know, the big cup of gatorade in your shoulder pads. So when you pulled him off the top of your locker, that you know, you get a face full of gatorade.
You know. Oh, so he was he was.
He was the elaborate frank master.
The best prank he ever pulled was on Walt Evans, our strength coach. He stole Walt's shoes out because there's something about I don't know, Webby pranking uh Walt about his running shoes and then vaulted something about Webby's running shoes. So anyhow, he goes out and he puts him in uh Walt's car. He gets the keys to Walt's car. He jacks up the car just enough so he puts a block under the rear axle so the tires are like half an inch off the ground, right. So then he puts this running shoes on the dashboard. So, uh, I guess Walt was looking all over for his running shoes, couldn't find him. He's finally gonna leave the three rivers, so he goes out to this car. He gets his car and there's the running shoes. He's trying to figure out. So he goes to back up and you know, he starts the car, he packs up, he's not moving. Yeah, he looks in there. The tires are just about a half inch off the ground.
He was laughing his butt off. Oh my god, that's too much work for a prank.
If you ask that that that is I will I mean then again, we did do something similar with Chris Carter linebacker. He got in this brand new he had this really nice car. Okay, sorry at the Yon mid mid mid there that was it. That was a donut yawn. He so he got this Cadillac like st S Right is the sedan Cadillac. Well, you know, as a rookie prank, you know, we ended up or I should say the linebackers ended up stealing his keys, right.
We called an individual to come help us with with he had because they had to run to the movie theater down the waterfront and grab a jumbo trash bag of popcorn or bags of popcorn, and said player had had you know, gotten the key from Chris acquiesced. I'm not sure if he win his locker and got it, which I don't know if that's actually a felony of robbery or theft. But you know, a statue of limitations over what and Chris? And Chris is fine, he's he's now, he's now working back in California, so he doesn't hear this show.
He's probably just waking up.
We dumped an entire car's worth of popcorn of his car, oh yeah, yeah, to where he could not get in. And here's here's where, here's where the joke went wrong. Right, so we asked for popcorn, but you realize a movie theater and popcorn is already pre buttered. Oh so we didn't ask for extra butter. And he has his nice black leather seats, you know what I'm saying. And during during film session breaks, the the defensive team was passing out empty bags for popcorn, and they're like, hey, hey, everybody, take it back, take it back, take it back. Here, here's a back, get it back, get it back, get it back. All right, guys, here we're gonna head out front. We got we got a new popcorn machine. And it was Chris's car full of popcorn. When I tell you, Chris, his eyes and his soul sank it to his belly. Wow, because he's like, my car just started to a human popcorn machine. So then after we got it out, then I had to send it to my car wash to get it detailed.
So I love the fact. This is what Max goes. This is where the joke went wrong.
Yeah, exactly, this is where the joke went wrong because nobody thought about it in the moment that ah, this butter might actually leak onto these leather seats. So needless to say, he definitely had a buttery buttery smell in his car every time he got in it for like the next couple of months.
Yeah, we had we had to watch. We had we had to We had to go.
Through a deep clean and deep condition the leather like a couple of times to get the butter out of it. But but he ended up driving it. It was fine after the fact. But yeah, that's where the prank. You know, sometimes pranks can't go wrong.
They can't go wrong, there's no doubt about it. All right.
You know what, before we go to break, we got one caller and let's get Ricky in here. Ricky, Hey, how you doing, buddy, You're in the locker room. You got what he got to control you as far as uh superlatives, high school superlatives.
All right, man, I got I've been thinking about this. Next made my brain thankful little bit and made im back in high school again. And I'm done in a while. So I got I came home one, but I got three for you. I'm gonna make it real quick, but hopey, i'll make y'all laugh. So the first one is the most likely to eat to win hot dog contest. And I'm gonna say, mister Dundell Washington, now.
Is that with the without bun?
Oh, both of them.
He gotta have both of them all. He all may gotta have it all. So when I say that, think about the block he did on there he jokes it is. I'm like, oh, that's how you block. You grab it, throwing that, throwing over the So I think he could win that country that throwing the hot dogs. But like I ain't got great hands.
He can just do it.
Do it.
That that that and that's the original thought we're looking for in the show.
Yeah, I'll try to be I'll try and make me think. So, so I had to go dig deeperent this my arsenal. So and the second one is the most likely unit to not win a dance dance auditions featuring like the Michael Jackson thriller video the most the whole offense at the Washington Win, the reaction of the player jumping outside, like, uh, none of y'all gonna see what y'all celebrated. Everybody did something different.
There was no continuity in the choreography, zero.
No what soever. Even my reaction like I ran through the oh drunk, Oh got him. Yeah, that's why I reacted so And I went back and look at the replay. Everybody had a different reactions like react nobody ain't, no, no, it was all different. But I get it to them.
You're bat and two for two, Ricky, what's number three? You said you had three and the.
Last one is the most likely to kick a bad habit, mister Wizard of Bonds.
Love love that, Love that, Yes.
Ricky, he just became a locker room star, buddy. Way to go.
And I go to add this on a mass. I know y'all talk about the film studying. You know, to go back and this we look over, to go back in the film room and see what you did wrong and right. I can only imagine that rookie gone the next week watching it. I don't know how Coke dan Quinn is, but I can't imagine his anxiety going into that room.
With a fence.
Probably been the first player they showed on.
All right, Oh hey that that that that's one where it's like, hey, you know they always say, you know, not one play doesn't doesn't dictate the outcome of game except that one.
He's like the exception to the rule out like no, no, no, you cost us the game, like you literally call it, Like we could point to one point where it's like, hey, what went wrong?
Display right here was exhibit number one, Like.
Oh you know what mean?
Don't jump?
Don't don't you don't jump.
Or don't be him? You know what I'm saying when you become the object of the joke, Like hey, you could do whatever you want, just don't be him, you know what I'm saying.
Like Fells, we.
Gotta wrap it up here, we gotta go to breaks, and we got Max gott coming up in the in the bell lap here, but Ricky, way to go. Like I said, locker room started, Thanks brother, take care man, have a great day.
All right, we're back with more.
Right here is Max Winds it up for the week.
This is in the Locker Room, presented by Ford and brought to you by acro Sure, the official insurance and cybersecurity partner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, by Bett MGM, Huntington Bank, PNC, PEPSI, and by FedEx. Where now meets next? Now here's Craig Wolfley and Max Stark's.
All right back inside the locker room. One last segment for the week. We are working hard for the weekend aka lever boy wolf I believe you know that.
Yes, getting ready for the weekend.
Baby right is a young guy, Yeah, as a young guy. Now now is a more seasoned veteran. Let's getting ready for the reclining chair in front of the TV. Thank you, Yes, and a nap and lasagna and more donuts of course, healthy protein infused donuts.
If Faith is listening to.
The show, or some vegetable donuts.
I'm sorry.
Veggie, okay, you know what. You know what I will say, Veggie lasagna is actually good?
Is it?
I love it?
You know why?
Because because because they use the alfredo mixed with the Rakota cheese and instead of the meat, you have like this broccoli carrot like crumble type of deal or pure type of deal that goes in as like an extra creamy layer mixed with the cheese and the ricatta cheese. Once again, meat lasagna is number one. I'm just saying, if there was, if you had the choice, veggie donut or veggie lasagna, which one are you eating?
I'm telling you I want to eat.
And you know I can can't give you all the ingredients to the hot dog. You might not like it.
See when you start talking about, you know, the lasigna with vegetarian stuff in it.
I am sorry that just I just lost it over. We still got the dairy.
It's not vegan, but still cow's milk and cheese. Is this is all about comfort pasta and you're you're I was toning down your comforting because your because your wife is listening and I want your health report to be gone.
Okay, yeah, never mind, I forgot.
Thank you.
I was like, you're arguing about the wrong thing.
Like I said, if Faith is listening, That's what I was saying.
You know Faith, I should Am I crazy?
Am I crazy?
West? Absolutely not?
It's like you know what I'm saying.
You got to get out of our own way too. You play that one too.
See exact, Wolf can't get out of his own way. I was trying to help him. I was trying to let him go to the regrinder in a happy state.
You know, you know, I just need to sit back and shut up until we finish off today. Wow, I just blew an opportunity to come home smelling good.
There, Yeah, I agree. I got to get that vegetarian lasagna. You know.
See there we thank you, thank you, thank you for jumping into it. Then we have that now officially in perpetuity. That Wolf was choosing veggie lasagna.
There we go.
But no, yeah, I never wear a cap when I'm eating lasagna.
No, just to nap it around the neck is all I need. Oh but well, hey, whatever I was gonna say, it doesn't matter because we're out of time. There we go, Bell lap, Bell Lap. That's right, early now, late lunch warnings. This is not that early as it used to be. Uh so head on out and get yourself some grubbage. But no, but it's been an awesome week fellas. I mean, you know, we've kind of wound it up and kind of put a bow on a boat. Like I said, We'll still be coming here, I believe until the end of the month. If anything changes, we will let you know, Steelers Nation, but we'll be on these airwaves, and like I said, next week we'll have obviously the college football championship game we got, we got the Senior Bowls and and and East West Shrine and all the different all star games for college kids. So we'll be talking about all that kind of stuff. Further talking about Steelers off season and uh, you know, kind of finishing up a bow. But we will finish these high school superlatives. I promise you we will finish these by next week. We've gotten through four. We still have another one. And of course we welcome the input from Steelers Nation. As always on these airwaves, we want to join in on the fun. I'll post it on social later as well, to get the creative juices flowing over the weekend so that when we come back and start the week, we start the reekoff on the right foot. And also we can make it our own victory donut Monday, because guess what we term in the victories now it's no longer dictated by the Steelers, as dictated by the locker room show. That's right, victory. So Monday will be victory donut Monday. We will wear our shirts, guys, in honor of that. Right because we have these shirts, we got to figure out a way to wear them. Since we have no more games played. I might I might go play a game of mini golf and beat my kids so that I can have a victory. But we're gonna figure it out somehow, some way, all right, Well, with that, that's been a show. We appreciate all of you for Craig wolf Lee, A, Max Starks, west Euler on the ones and twos since A and CJ in the background doing the yeomen's work aka the ninja work behind the scenes to keep us up and running each and every weekday during the football season and beyond, I have to say, and beyond because we've finished beyond the season, we're still going. So AnyWho, with that, not only make it a great day, but go make it a great weekend, and we'll talk to you on Monday.