Bridger isn't consumed with rage when Rebecca Delgado Smith (The Alarmist Podcast) insists he accept an unwanted gift. The two discuss workplace theft, difficult restaurant experiences, and piles of garbage.
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Well, I invited you. Hear, I thought, I made myself perfectly clear.
But you're a guest to my home.
You gotta come to me empty, And I said, no, guess your own presences presents enough. I already had too much stuff, So how did you dare.
To surbey me? Welcome to I said, no gifts. I'm Richard Wine girl. LA's number one. It girl. We're in the backyard and it's not quite night yet. It's the light is fading. I mean literally and metaphorically that you know things are getting dark. But we're going to have a wonderful time here. Let's see what's happening. I mean, last night I went to a restaurant and an outdoor seating situation, and while I was eating with a friend, I counted at least seven rats scampering scampering through the parking lot, which is my number one nightmare. And so that's the sort of sleep I'm working on. It was obviously a stressful evening at home, but we're looking to the neighborhoods stray cats to protect me. I have contacted the establishment. I had to. They did not respond. So yeah, we'll see what happens. But I may not be eating there again. Unfortunately. Check all of your favorite restaurants for rats. That's all I'm saying. They may have a whole farm. Let's get into the podcast. I adore today's guest. It's Rebecca Delgado Smith. Rebecca. Welcome to I said no gifts, Bridger.
I couldn't be happier to be here. It's impossible.
Well, we're going to try to make you happier. I'm going to do something. I'm going to offer you some sort of illicit drug during the podcast. We're going to try to just blow your mind.
Oh my god, I've never done drugs.
Any drugs, So this is the perfect night for you to do heroin. They call heroin kind of a gateway drug. You know, that's the one you start with. Well that's easy then, yeah, I'll go get a spoon, I'll get a needle, and uh, we'll get you in a new state of mind.
Yeah. That should be really chill and relaxing.
I'm sure I'm a very late back user.
I mean, I think you do have to be a laid back drug user once you're on heroin. I don't know that there's any other state of mind. And I'm not speaking from experience. What if we found out now that I'm just a real Heroin user, that would be such a turn for the podcast. Maybe maybe one day we can always aspire. Okay, I have said that I will try Heroin if I make it past one hundred.
Oh well, I have always said that I'll smoke pot once I'm sixty five and retired.
That's a great age to start. I mean, whenever, you know. I think they say things like teenager shouldn't be, but sixty five feels like the right time.
At that point, we'll know if I have Alzheimer's right, dementia should be kicking in, so.
Cares, just go for it, absolutely, go for it. And then you'll be so laid back and you're golfing, you're pruning the bushes. Yes you're high, out of your mind. Yes you can't remember. Anything can go wrong. How are you doing?
I'm doing so well, and I really am thinking about you and your I'm just glad I can be here in your time of need. I mean that that story about rats, and I'm assuming it's a fame, like a favorite restaurant.
I hope, Yeah, I think we could. I mean, I don't, I don't want to get into the habit of beeping everything I say on this podcast. We recently beep something, but I'll tell you and then we'll keep it because I don't want to harm. It's harm. Of course, it's called it's a place in Silver Leg and let's beep even the type of food. My apology to the listener. You'll have to find out about the rats yourself. Firsthand. I cannot harm a small business.
But but I'm glad you alerted me.
Well, you need to appreciate it. I told on a least that I might tell them depending on their behavior tonight, and so now they know. Okay, I've been very good so far. But yeah, so it was. It was. The whole evening was ruined. I was sitting there my feet up because we were eating. We couldn't leave. And once I begin eating, I will finish, regardless of the circumstances. And so I saw one rat, thought maybe that's the end of it. And then they just kept going, just running in every direction. One came over under the tables, and that I mean, it's just I'm telling you my number one.
It was a family. It was a small town.
It was a small town. Yeah, it really was, and yeah, I don't know what. I feel like they may have been gathering food from the next door restaurant because I didn't see any of these ones coming out of this place. I'm also starting to wonder the word restaurant, am am I using? I mean, there aren't a lot of I like when I'm eating at this type of place. When I say restaurant, you kind of think, oh, waiters, I think I'm being seated at a table. But this is also a restaurant. Okay, right.
Now, you've lost it.
It's a small you know, it's like a oh and again we'll have to beep out even the description of bought it is. I don't want to give any clues. If you see a swarm of rats, you'll know which place I was talking about.
Now, But don't you think that rats are everywhere we eat?
I can't live in that reality.
Yes, you couldn't live in my brain. Not for one.
You're just constantly thinking about where rats could be. Yes, yes, but no, the I mean the question I'm trying to get at is can I call that a restaurant?
Or is that crazy? I mean, it's just this very small, no weight service, but there is food being cooked and served to me and tables where I eat it.
I think anywhere that where you're being served food, whether it's through a window or whether someone comes out with a with a tray yes and puts it on your table, right, I think that is technically a restaurant.
It's not someone's house.
Yeah, it is technically a restaurant. I just feel like it's too big of a word for this type of I mean, there are annoying words eatery.
Uh, like a food service.
What if I started telling people I went out to a food service last night. Now we've had in the other direction too far. Oh, the English language is too small, We've got and they need to think of another non embarrassing word that describes what I ate at that is like essentially a restaurant junior.
Okay, Well, I will say, I'm trying to think if there's a word in Spanish.
Oh that it observes right.
Interesting, Well, in Porto Rican I don't know if this is Spanish word, but in Puerto Rico there are things called chinchotos okay, which are kind of like off the side of the road, okay, and you can usually get like a drink right, and a fried piece of yellow something, oh, fried piece of food.
Some sort of fish or chicken or it's.
Usually plantain based or you they you know, like and maybe like a little meat inside.
Very tiny accidentally get meat any.
Yeah, but they're chicken wood and fish.
Would be part of it.
What is the word children?
Okay, how do you spell that? C H I N c h O R O okay, chinchio.
It might be missing an R in there can't.
I mean when in my mind a non Spanish speaker's mind. So I'm the expert at that, I imagine two rs kind.
Of it might be a yeah, yeah, it might be a double R.
Yeah, that comes closer. Huh uh huh More.
You're kind of like stopping at the side of the road. There might not even be a table, right, so you're standing Maybe you're like standing in the casual I.
Mean there are Let's let's be honest. Let's just lay out some of these words. Fast casual restaurant, which I will never say in a million years, bistro that doesn't describe it, cafe. No, there is one thing that describes it that I can't say because then it will give away the restaurant.
Is that gonna also be the.
This entire conversation is so alarming for the listener.
It's like a weather service report, like a national emergency.
Just be.
But again, I'm only doing it, yes, to protect a small business. Yes, yes, I mean, and I'm being very generous here because they didn't respond to my alert.
Well, they're busy, they're busy killing, they have a wrap problem. And you know this isn't a big, big establishment, right right right, They don't have the workforce, and and we want.
To help the little right a little.
I mean, I will push back in this particular situation. I do think they should be responsible because they they have this location as well as multiple other locations of another restaurant. Oh, I know they've got the money. I know they've got the time. Something's going. Maybe the rats are running the business. That may be the only answer to this, because maybe they're just you know, I've only give I haven't even given them twenty four hours, so maybe a couple of days.
Now. Are you're certain you got the right email or the correct I went.
To the right Instagram?
Okay, oh Instagram?
Yeah, I sent a message I considered email that I thought, does anyone email anymore.
I think so.
I mean, I certainly email, I mean even crazy.
Yeah, I mean called me old fashioned, but.
I feel like restaurants and that sort of thing, they're like, we communicate with our customers through horrible social media.
Yes, yes, yes, you know you think it's also it might be like their their son or daughter running their.
Daughters, sons multiple.
Running this Instagram account for for mom and dad or dad and dad or mom and mom.
You know, modern family, Modern family got it right. So this family of rats is not responding to my message yet, and that's fine because I'm protecting them. I will not be returning. Okay, there's some like, how could I return? Could I?
I wouldn't.
Yeah, I don't see any universe where I am in the right mind and drive over there and eat among the rats again.
Well, I'll tell you what this was many many years ago. I was in New York City. It was an anniversary. I'm celebrating in an anniversary, okay, And we went to a restaurant in the city, and it was it was at a time in my life where when I tell you that I was extremely.
Poor, I was more than poor, more.
Than whatever you're thinking, I understand.
So you know, we would do my now husband and I we would do this thing where we would put all of our change in a pig piggy bank for.
An entire year.
I mean that's how sure we were that this relationship was going to serve good for you.
You bought a piggy bank together. That really sealed the deal.
And then at the end of the year, we would take it to the bank and whatever we had saved up, that's.
How much we would spend on the meal.
Oh, that's so fun.
And I believe it must have been like one hundred and something like one hundred and twenty dollars.
We were dedicated.
That's a lot of change.
Yeah, I mean anything, you know, a buck, I mean, give me a half dollar.
Oh oh my, got a half dollar? Where's that coming from?
In there?
You're doing a legal business. If you have a half dollar, you actually robbed a bank. That's the only place that that would come from.
Well that.
Okay, So you had one hundred and twenty dollars, yes.
And we go to this restaurant.
And at the I would say, three quarters into the meal, a huge cockerroach.
Starts walking right up.
The wall and parks itself as if it's the third party at.
Our table, and what did you do?
I was so angry because I had saved up here right.
I called up the I waved the server and I said, look at this.
Suddenly you're in a mink coat and you've driven there in a Rolls Royce.
It's like, I don't usually I'm not this person, but you're making me be this person?
And what do you have to say for yourself?
And what did they say?
Well, they were very embarrassed, of course, and they every the meal was free, Oh my god.
And I left with one hundred dollars gift certificate to the restaurant.
Oh wow.
But then it left me with the predicament, do I return and use this very valuable one hundred dollars?
What do I do?
What kind of food was it?
It was?
I believe it was a Spanish very nice.
Yes, yeah, a.
Lot of good seafood.
I bet it was seafood. It was all nothing that goes with cockroach.
Not what a shame? Yes, I mean did so when they were embarrassed everything, what do they do? They like, knock it off the wall? What do you do in that? Because you don't just kill it in front of the customers. Didn't just slam it.
Just grab a paper towel.
Pull the napkin off of one of the customer's laps.
I think we quickly got up and left. It was toward the end of the meal. Oh okay, okay, And I think that what ended up happening, if I recall, was are there, our dessert got sent We went to the bar, oh okay, and the dessert got sent to the bar.
Interesting, and then they kind of we ented the area.
Yes, yes, we left the crime scene.
Oh that's I mean for me fully worth it.
Okay, Yeah, cockroach.
I mean every building in New York literally has a car insted. Oh they're everywhere.
Had it been a rat, that's a completely different tale. I mean I would have raised the building. It would have been over. I would be demanding ownership of the business for a rat to crawl up the wall during my one hundred and twenty dollars meal. It's out there screaming.
I don't know, but they're having fun having.
You have them a lot better attitude about this.
I yeah, I guess I.
Immediately just want to just shut it down.
It did sound like children, which could be good or bad?
That's true. I mean it's after bedtime, kids, it's seven sixteen, Get those kids in bed.
You know where your kids are?
Do you know it's seven sixteen? Do you know where your children are? I've never really had, outside of this rat experience, a real nuisance at a restaurant.
You've lived a fortunate life.
I've led such a charmed live. I do remember. I feel like once a year there's a New York story about like, and the kitchen was infested with rats, Yes, and they had to shut it down and then it opened a week later. Yes, yes, but now they have the rats are which La doesn't have.
And La the rats are?
Have you not heard about the rats are? No? She's incredible.
Is this a New York City personality?
I mean, I think she's kind of just become a person just by nature of this jobb being so bizarre. And she was hired or I don't think she ran for rats are? I think she was hired. Although I mean, if you want me to get voting, get the rats are on the ball qualifications. That's a good question. I think you have to think like a rat. I think you have to. I mean, politics, topical, every politicians are rat My apologies to everybody. No, I think she was just hired. She must be some sort of rat expert and her job is to just essentially eradicate rats in New York, get rid of the problem completely. And I think she's been doing a pretty good job. I think that they've significantly reduced the rat population through new I don't know, traps, garbage cans that have lids that seal. You just want to shut down the food Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think that's the key. I think I would be happy if the government took drained all of its funding from every program for six months to just take care of the rat problem in the United States.
Shut down the military, yeah, absolutely, Defenseless schools are shut down. Yes, I mean any kind of social service.
Garbage, Yeah, let it pile.
Up six months. We can we can all suffer through it. We did COVID. This would be the kind of the new COVID.
Okay, but you're not thinking straight, because if we shut down garbage service, that would be the Yeah, this is impossible. I know this because of the garbage strike of New York City.
Oh did you live through that?
I did not, But I just I researched it recently. There have been multiple There was a big one, I believe, I'm I mean, they've just they've been around all the time.
But I'm forgetting when it was.
Let's say, twenty twenty three.
I'm thinking of no, no, no.
You almost went along with I mean, just picking the year previous, maybe nineteen, I guess, like nineteen eighty six.
I think there was one in the eighties.
I know there was one around Christmas time, Okay, And this was a pivotal one because which Christmas time, Rebecca, I don't know.
Once a year, I don't know what yet.
But what's important about is that was right before Christmas and Christmas was about to be ruined for so many people.
What a great movie.
It was disgusting it was. They were living in phils. Oh you know, people were fighting outside.
The rats were taking everyone's gifts. Yes, they had devoured Santa Claus alive, Santa Skeleton line in the street. Absolute wasteland.
There's a happy ending. What because they are the people.
Of New York's of the government in New York City came together and ended the strike before Christmas.
It was a true Christmas miracle.
I was hoping you were going to say, a little girl made a wish, asked Santa. That's the movie, Santa solves the garbage crisis.
Well, this is what we're gonna we're probably gonna write this.
Tim Allen's looking for his next Santa Claus movie, and I think him just gathering garbage off the streets is kind of the ultimate.
Tim Allen is going to be the garbage union worker.
You know, he's gonna be Santa and he's just gonna show up. I think he's actually going to be a scab. Santa becomes a scab and does all the garbage lifting for himself and then actually harms the union. Yes, and everyone in the process thinking he's doing a good deed. But that sets you up for a sequel exactly because he hasn't I learned his lesson. Yeah, he put all these families out of I mean, everyone's starved through Christmas because of Santa thinking I'll take care of the garbage.
Well, and here was the problem. The garbage was piling up so high he couldn't see the numbers for the addresses, and so this this was directly impacting Santa.
Of course, he couldn't find the children. No, he goes by street number.
Yes, you know, he has very he's very organized organized.
Yeah, they should put street numbers on chimneys if they really want, I mean, if we really want to sell the Santa fiction.
That's a really good point. In fact, that's another thing we can sell.
This is the new giant skeleton at home depot would say chimney's street number and maybe a little mailbox that hooked your chimney.
Oh my god, that's such a good idea. It's a picture. You're a genius.
People have said up before, and they'll say it again. Interesting. Well, I mean, speaking of gifts and them finding themselves in horrible places, is this kind of thing good? Rebecca. I was really happy to have you here. I thought, Rebecca's going to come. We'll catch up. Maybe we'll find out some new things about each other, Maybe we can talk to the garbage crisis. Well, you know, these are the things that we're going through my mind about my podcast, I said, no gifts, you received emails. We know each other. You are aware I had this podcast. You're also in the podcast world, so you're a professional, and I expected professional behavior. Correct, So I was. I was a little upset when I saw you kind of trotting up into my backyard holding what is clearly a gift for me.
Yeah, I've let you down, haven't I.
You've let me down. I'm just I will say, I'm disappointed, not angry. Okay, I'm seeing oh ah, but the gift is beautiful. This is we should start a ranking system of how well wrapped the gifts.
Thank you.
This one's really gorgeous. It's in a kind of a white and gold wrap with this beautiful orange bow. You really did it. Do you like wrapping gifts?
I've out done myself.
You've out done yourself this time. I really love it.
I mean I do love wrapping gifts.
Okay, I will say I come from a wonderful gift wrapping family.
Oh it runs in your blood, it does.
Now, they're not good gift givers, but they're wonderful gift wrapped.
So you can set up an incredible expectation. Yes, just and then just swipe them, I mean knock them off their feet, just to disappoint them ultimately. Yes, Okay, so we'll see what happens to me. Okay, should I open it here on the podcast?
I would love for you to open it. I mean I do I should say I apologize, okay, thank you, but uh but I don't see I am smiling, so I know it doesn't come.
Off an apology. No, you're not an apology. If you were sorry, you wouldn't have done it.
That's very true.
And I apologize for my terrible apology on top of a terrible.
Thing that I've done. The mistakes are mounting. I'm going to stop you before you really ruin your reputation. Oh I love this ribbon. It's also you know, like a fabric ribbon, which is so rare. I can use. I can put this in my hair.
The wrapping is that something you do not that often enough.
It's a bag. I'll keep it sometimes, I guess will show up without wrapping, you know, and you know I scream and then I say, I can go get you a bag, and then we put it in an old bag. Yeah, I'll definitely repurpose. I mean see that, Oh you can't really see that cact just over there occasionally able to try to kill itself by falling over, and like, I don't know what how if that happens, but I was like, I need something to keep it up. That doesn't look terrible. And I had an old green ribbon tied it around it and out holds it up until it's decided it chooses life again. So this orange ribbon may find its way into the gardens.
Oh that's exciting. Yes, send me a picture.
I'll send you a Should I open these gifts either in any order?
There two gifts, some great question.
Let's start with the smaller. You want to start with the smaller and then build your way up to the.
Big one, right, okay?
Yeah, And I should say they're both pretty small.
They're hand hand size.
One of them is the size of a seventy inch television. A nice four three color square gel sharpie pens. Yes, now, should we start discussing these now or do I need to open the second thing to give them context?
You know, I think that they can talk. We can talk pens.
Okay, tell me why you brought me these pins?
Okay, these are my favorite pens.
I love when people have a passion for pins, when they really know pins.
And I will say these are special, okay, because you.
Haven't brought it up.
So I'm a little upset, but but that's okay.
We can get past it. They're all one point.
Zero one point zero okay, right.
Sometimes you will go online and you will find these a plethora of these sharpie gel pens, but they are a point seven smaller.
Does that mean smaller? What does that refer to?
Actually, it just means the line.
Thinner, right, And this is bold.
This is extremely bold, but it's not a sharpie right, Okay, so it really rides that like.
The sound of this.
And now I have these at work and people steal them from me.
Oh no, no, No, You've got to put a little uh like a choplifting alarm or one of those ink things that explodes if it needs that, they take it away. I think that would.
So be careful what you were you? Yeah?
Should I open and try it on this other I'm very excited about it.
Oh this is in one of those tricky wrapping so hard to.
No, you have to decide are you're going to do black, red or blue?
I think I'm going to do blue.
Okay, I like that. That's a good choice.
Be tasteful with the golden white on the wrapping paper.
Okay, Now you're gonna there's a little ball that's a it's a sounds nice, right.
Yeah, that sounds beautiful. People a lot of beeping and clicking on this episode. Okay, what were you saying? I'm so sorry.
There's a cover and the tip of the pen. It's for the protection of the ink.
Wow, so I have to take that off.
The people at Sharpie know what they're doing.
I mean, this is unnecessary. The fact that they've covered this up is extremely unnecessary.
But I respect because it means it's so thought out.
There's a factory somewhere that is producing caps that are smaller than a ladybug to put on the tip of a pen. I mean that's extraly. That isn't probably ladybug? I yeah, that is. This is this is what we're the real animate this little cap. I'll have to take a picture then share it if people will even be able to see it.
I mean, I'm sure there are like birds and fish dying because of.
These little swallow these things.
Yeah, so I apologize.
I could swallow that. It's very hard. It's like a piece of sand.
Don't try to swallow it all.
Swallow whatever I want. Okay, we've got the blue hair. Is there anything you'd like me to write?
Hey girl, No, I'm writing hey girl. Hey girl, Yes, queen, Yeah, that's fun. Oh this just I mean even on wrap, this wrapping paper that is not meant to be written, it's going on pretty well?
Is it okay? Good?
I'm sorry ass Yes, queen queen. Yeah, beautiful.
That looks gorgeous. Oh my god, really pretty.
And well I don't want to give away what's what's okay?
What's happening there?
What's happening now?
I mean I I do love pens of all sorts.
Are you a big pen?
I don't have the pen knowledge. I don't really have knowledge of anything.
Neither do I. That's why I came with pens. I don't know this. Is there anything more basic? I don't have to tell you.
People call me bridger a has qwina girl. I'm just kind of empty and have nothing to offer. But I do love pens. I love doodling with pins. I love writing with pens. I can't do a pen, and so I cannot write pencil no, thank you, but a pin. Oh, especially at work and you're bored and you're just doodling away the dream. Yeah, and these are so beautiful that these are going to have to read. I should put a little chain on them or something.
You should definitely put your name on it. They will be stolen.
How often you're getting a pin stolen?
So often?
And I see and you know, people have the audacity to then show up walk around work with these. Oh, and I know who you are because no one else here is buying sharpie gels at one point.
Oh the rest of your trash. Wow, that really is a bold move to take a pin that is so clearly not just an office pin. Yes, and then go about your day exactly.
It's not like the office depo pens that they put out for everyone.
No, right, Grameric, Yeah, you buy those in bulk. Yeah, these are stylish. They've got a rubber comfort grip, and they have the no bleed technology always vivid. So I'm sorry that you work with just a group of monsters, criminals, freaks and scumbags. Trust that if I, if we shared an office, I would respect the boundary that you were willing to put a little extra money into your pens, and I would continue to use crap, you know, because I that's the standard I hold for myself absolutely, And I see other people they deserve good pins. I can find one in you know, on the floor. You don't care, parking lot, wherever, wherever the pen comes from. Uh yourself, Well I don't. I don't need to. I just start a podcast, wait four years, record hundreds of episodes, and then it come to me. I have a list of things I'm just waiting for, and I'll record the podcast until they're all in my life. And you know this is step one.
This is your way of manifesting.
Yes, this is my this is my vision board. Okay, and it's working out incredibly.
I'm so happy for you.
Should I open the next gime? Yes?
I think you should. I think it's time. And can you guess what it is?
Just look, it is in the shape of some type of book. We can't assume, you know, I will assume it's a Daniel Steele or thank you.
I love that you thought I would bring over your Daniels Sell.
Everybody reads her. I mean we have to a Grisham clancy. You know, these are the novels I'm looking to guess. Okay, Oh that's this is tougher paper than I expect.
Well, it's expensive.
Now this is another beautiful piece. Wow, this is a gorgeous it's like a it is a journal and this is worry for Nothing? Cognitive? Oh it's a CBT journal.
Interesting, A guide, a guided anxiety journal designed to help break free of negative thought patterns. Oh, you're making some big assumptions about the way I think, and it's not the way I think.
Tell you, I'll tell you what it is there.
I was struck by this book because there's nothing for me more stressful than a book telling me to worry for nothing.
Of course, what is the book?
No, if you want to kill my insides, then be this book.
Where did you find it?
I found it on Amazon here.
So do you have any idea what's inside or anything?
I peaked?
It doesn't It doesn't help what's inside.
What's inside won't help you.
Okay. Yeah, it's a cognitive behavioral therapy journal. Yes, so it's not a a regular journal.
Now you can just read that. Oh okay, okay, okay.
I'm looking out for the listener here. I look out for small businesses listeners. You know, I'm a hero to so many. Okay, you're so close slipping off. This is essentially like the book's bra I'm pulling that off. Okay, I've taken that off.
Sexy, it's a very sex.
If nothing else, this is a very sexy podcast. Okay, I'm opening the book for worry for nothing. Own your thoughts, okay, okay, okay. So it is a journal, so I will be writing it. But initially it says.
Thoughts, Oh, I didn't read that.
Yes. Is They don't ask for permission or give advanced notice. They don't care who or where we are. They often weigh us down. That almost started to feel like like a pitch for a horror movie. Something's coming for us. And then it gets into various thoughts that's it, and then it gives oh it. It does give some examples of negative thoughts, such as, you're wondering, Yeah, I'm going to embarrass myself. I'm never going to be cool enough. I feel so alone. This is the rhythm of my day, we all know. Let's see and yeah they So this is just about stopping kind of these intrusive thoughts. How to use this journal articulation day date, day time, and location. And so I'm going to be making these entries about what's going on I think, uh, and describing how I'm feeling, then how I'm thinking. And see, I'll tell you I do write in a journal.
Oh, Okay, this is good.
But what I currently write in my journal are things like Monday, went had this for lunch, went here for dinner, watch this on TV. That's the yes essentially, So it does really. I mean occasionally I will put a lie in it. Okay, I'll put like a crazy thing that I did in case someone's looking through my journal in the future, I'll be like, I killed this person or and just hope that somewhere down the line they're like, oh my god, the things we're discovering.
Okay, I mean what you have is just like in case a crime is committed, people will know what went wrong, what.
Went wrong right, right, or it can be used against me in court and I'll be like, no, I was.
Kidding, right, and this podcast is proof.
And this podcast is proof. Yes, I will have to put on kind of a multimedia display to show them that I am innocent. I love to get into the court room and just do a slide show, do an audio presentation.
I have to say it's I am pro therapy. So that's that is, you know. The my my annoyance.
With this book is not because it's.
A therapy, of course, of course, right, It's more the book telling how dare you.
Don't tell me what to do, don't tell me what to worry about.
I didn't find you on psychology today. It wasn't extremely difficult to book you. Yeah, that's who I want telling me Yes, while I avoid eye contact with you. But this actually does feel like it could be potentially helpful for me. It gives useful journaling tips, practice, practice, practice, believable alternative thoughts. Okay, so I think maybe a step that we avoided here was that, like you write down what you were thinking, and then you write down an alternative thought. Oh so like you think about it in a more real you know, it's kind of a seabe.
I mean that is useful you think about technique.
Yeah, you step outside of the thought and compare it to what's really going on.
Complete the thought, complete the.
Thought, give it context, and make it seem as ridiculous as it actually.
Right, right, Like, you don't just say I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot, because.
Right then I write pages and pages. I'm demanding the newspaper publish it. I'm yes, you complete the thought, yes, but yeah, this is so interesting. So oh and so every day it has like a you write down your thought, what do you Okay, describe how your so, what's going on? Now? I'm giving the listener this so they can just essentially pirate their own version of this. They can create their own journal.
You don't need to buy it from Amazon.
No, no, no no. You write what's going on? Then you write describe how you're feeling. Then you write, now, what are you thinking? What evidence supports that thought? What about evident evidence that contradicts it? Got it? Let's try writing down an alternative thought. How do we feel now? Anything else?
Before you go anything else.
It really just carries you through through the thought process and hopefully all of your negative thoughts aren't real. Otherwise this book is going to be just dread chilling, Yes, just inescapable horror. Oh my god, I have these horrible thoughts and they're all true. I have so much evident supporting.
This is You were right.
Your first was this is a hard at the beginning of a horror movie.
And I think you might be right.
A journal that like turns your horrible thoughts into reality. Oh we should beat that. Nobody copied that. That's my that's my horror movie. Or write and then I'll sue you. That's always my fine. That's kind of my usual plan of throw an idea out there and let someone else do the work and then sue, yeah it was my idea, get at least partial credit for it. This is sorry by.
The Bridger Masterclass of Writing, of Writing and Lawsuits.
Yeah, well this is very exciting. Do you journal?
I don't, okay, because I have this terrible I you know, I recently told my therapists that I don't journal, okay, because she was like, you should journal, and said, well, she's.
New, we're getting to know, okay, you still hate her.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, she was like, you should journal, and I said, I don't do that.
Oh so declarative.
Yes, I have this horrible fear that people are when I die, Oh, there's just gonna be pages and pages of of my of my thoughts. And I'm sure that says well. Her response was, oh, so that's who you are, she said, So that's how you know I believe.
She said, oh so that's how you think? That says a lot about I was like, oh, does it.
You're already walking out the door ready to fight, just lunge. That's yeah. That's such an interesting opposite view of how I view the journal where I'm just looking to absolutely shift everyone's thinking about who I was as a person alive, where they think, oh, this is not the person that we thought he was, because they're saying like, oh, he uh, you know, burned a house down in twenty fourteen, he stole a car in twenty twenty two, he's responsible for a series of thefts throughout the San Fernando Valley. I put these lines in it, and then they're reading through They're like, I'm tired of reading what he about, what he ate for dinner? And then bam they read the lie and they think we trusted him and now we know he's a criminal. Wow, So that's what I think you should take that. And also you're going to be dead.
Well, this is yes, you're You're right. Why do I care so much?
Why do you Why are you so afraid of everyone knowing who you are?
Yes, I mean, I'm sure this is deep and dark.
It might be, it may not be.
But on the other hand, I do podcast a lot, so anyway anyone wants to know, I probably already.
Said, right, I know that's well, write it down.
Why do I have to write it down for you? Why do I have to make it easy for you, right.
Do you feel like when you began podcasting and we love to just discuss the art of podcasting, did it like, did it initially feel difficult to talk a little bit because you're like, well, I don't want to say that. I don't want to say that about myself. I reveal that about myself. And then did that get easier or I mean, from my own experience, it was slightly difficult, but it's really made my entire life much easier because eventually I'm just like, well, I have to I'm not going to skirt around this in a conversation. I'll just say it and then I can say it to other people.
Yeah, I think it has helped me.
So this is your journal, this is my journ podcasting.
Yes, this podcast today, with a.
Single episode, is going to unlock who you are to your entire family.
They don't listen. That's how I'm gonna get them to listen to my podcast.
When I die, my listen.
My downloads are going way up through the roofs.
That's so true. I mean, my family is gonna be like, we wish we had listened to it while he was alive, But then it's gonna be such They're gonna be like, actually, it's kind of great now we have all this annoying audio.
Yes, well I think about that all the time because you know, podcasting is a new medium, right, so there hasn't been like a generation of podcasters who have passed away, right, right, will.
Be the first generation? Yeah, wow of dead podcasters.
And but we're gonna have so much a backlog of audio.
But the thing that worries me is that, you know, the entire podcast industry is always on fire, more so maybe now than ever. Yes, what if they don't have the storage and they just start deleting it?
Oh well, that that is something to worry about, I will say.
For everyone to worry about not just poot it.
And put it on a CD and save it for your records.
Yes, the I've heard CDs. I mean we just were talking about CDs on the podcasts. I mean everything always makes it come back, And to own a bunch of CDs and DVDs sounds so refreshing. I do own a lot of Blu rays, which I'm happy. Like when I go and look at my closet, I'm like, oh, I can just select from these and I know I like all of these, and I won't be settling for whatever garbage Netflix is thrown up into a living room. Netflix, if you're looking, I'm always willing to pitch animated, live action whatever you need. I'm there are game shows. I do an idea for a reality show called Popularity Contest. Okay, I want to hear this, And it's just every episode someone gets voted off depending on how popular they are. Then that's it. It's just the b Yes, it's just about being cool, and so at the end they say, sorry, you're not popular enough.
I love this.
I'm obsessed. I want to watch it yesterday. I want to be like mid season already.
Sorry you're just not popular?
Ah? Is that how you get kicked off?
Of course?
Oh my god?
Can you imagine anything more devastating to hear?
No, I'm trying to think of something worse. I don't like you. I mean, I want a divorce. Is that worse? No?
No, Everyone on the show will be desperate to be popular, and they'll slowly find out that they're not.
There can only be one winner.
Only one person who's considered popular, and then they're the most popular personal for that year. That then they probably have to come back every year. The most popular person does have to come back and see if they can continue being popular. Okay, and it's difficult because they're aging and we live in an age of society, so there's a chance they're becoming less popular.
Oh my god, this is an incredible social experience which needs to happen richer.
And I'm I'm shown. I shook. But just like, okay, I watched Bachelor. You know I'm not a Bachelor Nation.
I'm not a Bachelor Okay, you're not that hard. I have a distant cynicism. I can be cynical, Okay, sure, but but maybe, yes, a healthy cynicism. Maybe there's like a popular nation, you know.
Where it's like among countries. Is that what you're saying?
Contestins, But you know, like Bachelor Nation, you're part of the Bachelor once you've been on the show, and depending on like how many weeks you last did, it's like your importance in Bachelor Nations.
So I whenever someone says Bachelor Nation, I just feel like they're basically being like, I'm a swiftie. It's not just a name for fans of the show.
Yes, one can say, like to Bachelor Nation. You're you're speaking to Bachelor Nation, but I would say, also there's the Bachelor family, which is also like like royal Bachelor Nation royalty, I guess.
Okay, and contestants from the show. Yes, yes, interesting and yes, so there would be a Popularity Nation Nation, and I get I imagine the setting would probably have to maybe a high school. Oh yeah, maybe we find in an abandoned high school somewhere and spit shine and then it all takes place there just sleep in the classrooms or something. I can't think of all the details.
There's plenty of those with our decaying educational system.
Yes, this is what we should do with public education is turn it into a tasteless.
Reality show to real so scared.
For the record, I'm an enormous proponent of the public education we love. I mean, it's my one one thing I care about is public education, and I've outside of rats. Once we take care of those, all the money should just be dump education.
But Popularity Contest coming potentially to Netflix if they know what's good for them, or elsewhere, and then probably on Netflix after it gets canceled on wherever it started. Okay, people are gonna love it. Oh, it's gonna popularity contest.
It's alrighty you hit.
It's already a massive hit. People are freaking out.
I think you've just got a million followers. I just like that.
I'm slowly becoming more popular just by pitching the idea.
Oh my god, you would be the most That is that why you're doing it?
Because I know I will be the most popular person on this.
Yeah, you're the creator.
Yeah, the creator just kind of cheats his way to the top every time.
I didn't know you guys liked me so much? How did we get to popularity?
And remember it was a turn. I know that we talked about Netflix and not really really.
Yeah, Netflix really threw us as entertainment professionals. We had to have immediately become desperately pitching to the network.
Hello are you listening?
Well, I'm so glad to have this little journal. Where did I put it here? Yes, darkness is so gorgeous and I will start journaling in it after my current one is full. And this one's going to be an interesting shift for the future reader at the estate sale or wherever they find it, where they're like wow. He really started expressing himself and dealing with the things that he refused to deal with until twenty twenty four. Yeah, very exciting.
It'll either be really interesting or extremely boring for them to read it.
It's like, I'll get over it.
Uh and if anything, they'll be like, what pen did he use? Just now? It's the gorgeous What brand is it again? Never forget it's Sharpie. Of course it was too obvious. It was right there, Yes, and I just assumed, what are other there's Bick Sharpie. I feel like there's one more.
Okay, I'm forgetting it. Hell with you, the ball point one, the oh my god, I'm so.
After kind of telling everyone how much you knew about pens, Is that a brand or is that an offshoot?
That's a style brand?
This is saying it's a brand, Ni ball reach out. We should get boxes and boxes of pins after this podcast. I'm sure they'll just be begging us to use their pins. So, uniball, Sharpie, Bick, we would like to test your pins, hundreds of them. I'm going to open a pin store. Well, I think it's time to play a game. Okay, on at least I'm trying to get us back on track here, what was the last game we played? Gift Master? Okay, we'll play Gift You a Curse today. So I need to get into the document here, and I need a number between one and ten from you. Oh eight, okay, right now, I'm going to use that number to do some light calculating to get our game pieces. So while I'm very busy, you can recommend, promote, do whatever you want with the microphone. I'll be right back. Okay.
So I mean I would encourage all of your listeners to check out the Alarmist podcast. We are We cover historical tragedies and we take these history's greatest tragedies and figure out who's to blame. At the end of the day, we come up with a culprit. And of course there's our follow up episode called The Aftermath, where we then discuss with an expert this historical moment, tragedy, you name it. And you can follow us on Instagram at the Alarmist Podcast and you can also find us you know wherever you get your broadcasts.
Beautifully done. It's such a good podcast, so educational, and we discussed a fake or a fictional disaster. We did a national Lampoon's Christmas vacation. Eventually you'll ask me to be on to talk about real Unbelievably, you thought he can't, he can't go beyond a PG. Thirteen movie. But eventually we're going to get to a huge disaster and I'm going to come on with so much information you won't even need the expert.
Oh my god.
So just be prepared.
This is going to be exciting.
This is how we play gift drinkers. I'm going to name three things. You're going to tell me if there're a gift or a curse and why, and then I'll tell you if you're right or wrong. Because there are correct answers. You can win big, you can lose big, you can do whatever. The middle thing is number one. This is from a listener named Sarah. Gift you a curse. The spilt food or drink decorations on display in furniture stores. Are you familiar with these?
Like the fake spelt food, like a can of soda with a fake.
Like a like an orange rubber that looks like, you know, the soda has been spilt there kind of you know. It's like a more evolved version of like a gag vomit.
Uh huh, yeah, I would say this is a this is a gift for the prankster at heart. Okay, it's a talking piece when you when a new person enters your home or office, right, it can really break the tension. You can also use it to you know, prank of.
Family member or a loved one. I'm just spit volume here. I probably set the wrong answer.
Wrong. Yes, curse, This is why I love them. I love being in a furniture store and coming upon the spilled soda, the spilled gravy boat. I don't think that actually exists, but that should exist, and I think that's part of why this is a curse. I know, actually, I know in my heart there's no such thing as a fake gravy boat where gravy's spilled everywhere, and that's the industry is in trouble. But my bigger problem is when I see them in these stores, I think, why can't I have these in my own home? Why don't I have a lot of these at home? And then the reason is is because they look bad in a real home.
It's messy.
I guess they look messy, and they make you look like someone who genuinely loves pranks.
Yeah, I'm embarrassed honestly. Then he said it was again. I wish I could take it back.
I mean, but at the end of the day, they are a lovely thing, and they're so they truly are the craftsmanship to create a thing that looks like a spilled sun kissed. I'm really stuck on Orange Solda for some reason. I think that they're absolutely beautiful pieces of art which are cursed in a way that is really unfortunate for everyone because they can only ever belong in our What is a furniture store? Blank? Yeah, you know, I feel like, what is the furniture?
What is the furniture it?
Can you think of a name? Oh? Why am I blanking on? Literally everything to Go?
Am I saying?
Is that what you were asking me to say?
Rooms to Go?
Is that Christmas? It's called rooms to Go?
Yeah, where you buy an entire room, kind of like bring it to your house.
I think Living Spaces does the same thing. Now we're getting into it, Ashley furniture I would love we're getting now we're moving up.
Okay, so now just that was for that was for my cognitive test, just so I could remember furniture stores. But we love to see them there and we can't take them home. It's like seeing a beautiful dog at the shelter and thinking, well, I don't have room for it right now, and knowing that it's out there somewhere and it can't be in my home. And that's why it's a curse. Yeah, and that's why you're deadly wrong.
And you're absolutely right. I should be thank.
You, thank you.
Number two, This is from a listener named Kelsey. Gift to a curse. When everyone else at the dinner table has their food and the one person who doesn't have their food served yet says, please don't wait for me, go ahead and gifter a curse.
Why oh oh.
I already said curse.
I mean you can't change your mind.
I just think that's a trap.
Okay, after trap.
You don't actually want them to go on because you're upset that you don't have your food and you're gonna have to watch them.
I mean, I understand it.
You're probably a nice if you say that, you're a nice person.
But there are also going to be a group of people that are have this has.
Learned behavior for them, and are not actually nice people who want you to eat and they're just saying, go ahead and eat, eat test, And that's a trap. So if I'm at that table, I.
Hate I would rather they not say anything at all.
Go completely silent for the rest of the.
Meal until their food comes.
Sure, kind of just simmer there and their anger. Yeah, okay. Interesting, So you're saying curse.
I'm saying it's a curse, that situation is a curse or yeah.
Wrong, of course, gift. I love a test and a trap. First of all, we're all starving, we are ready to eat. Thank you for the go ahead. You should have said this much earlier, you know, as soon as one plate got set down, everyone should have said eat the food. But the fact that you waited until literally all of us, I mean, it's an interesting behavior. But thank you for finally giving us the go ahead. And if it's your little mind game, good for you. I'm glad you're testing all of us and seeing how we react. We should all be constantly doing mind games with each other at restaurants most of all, so it's a gift if I have to sit and wait for your more complicated meal to come out. Oh well yeah, oh, the respect level is just plummeting. I mean, the hatred is growing. Let me eat my meal, Let me devour it in front of you while you starve at the table. That's all I ask.
I think what we've learned is that you and I can't go to dinner and we can't go shopping together so far.
So let's see what else we can't do together.
Okay, this is the final one. You've gotten zero so far, which is so humiliating. This is from a listener named Peter, and it's a gift to a curse semi.
Colon's I'm really.
Really thinking about this, and I appreciate that trying to dig yourself out of the hole.
I guess a curse because does anyone really know how to use a semi colon?
I mean, I I just hearing myself say semi colon. I know that I said it incorrectly. It depends where you're from. It's a regional thing, clearly, I don't. I don't use them very often because they make me feel uncomfortable, self conscious. Yeah, I not a not a fan.
So curse, oh to walk away with the zero. No one wanted you to fail completely. We were all pulling for you. It's a very small list of people. It's almost elite. I mean, you've entered an elite, elite group of losers, which is fine, Okay, you can't do everything right. You can't do anything right as far as I'm no, there are gifts. I mean, first of all, they're so tasteful, such a classy little you know they It is you're wielding a power when you know how to use a semi I mean it is. What s upsetting is the different pronunciations and I fluctuate between, which is maybe it's kind of fun. It's like, how am I feeling? Semi colon? Semi colon?
And you can put that on like a different jacket, which is exciting. It's you know, today I'm a semi colon person. Tomorrow I might be semi colon.
Is there one that's like meaner or.
I think semi classic semi is more American and it's.
More cowboy, like a semi truck.
Yeah, like a semi truck. Yeah. Have I ever heard someone say semi truck.
I'm not going to say no. I'm sure there have.
Been probably probably people in the UK, oh for sure, right, but they probably also have a different foldly different word.
They don't say semi, they don't say truck.
They I think they say LORI, right, I think that's a truck. In the UK. This is so insane they call it an articulated LORI.
Oh my god, they went.
Too far with this one. Well, you know we know that you have class.
Get over yourself, calm.
It's a big rig.
So semi colon is more. You know, we're trucking, we're and I found out we have listeners that are, you know, listening to the podcast while they're driving trucks across the country, which I'm just thrilled about. I'm kind of a Johnny Cash type, you know. You know they listened to Johnny Cash in the seventies while they were driving it. Now while they're driving they're listening to a boring podcast.
God, I'm so happy for you.
Yes, yes, yes, uh, semi colon. As we've discussed this a little class here, it's a little bit more. You're in your you know of a lord jacket. You want people to know you can actually use it. A semi colon. It's two independent clauses. It's two clauses that can stand as their own, that are connected to each other.
Puck us through this. I mean, I'm learning right now.
So it's like it's like a very powerful comma, you know, and I think that we always need a more powerful comma. You don't want to overuse it because then you look like a psycho. But when you occasionally pop that in somewhere, it tells people that you know more than they do. It's putting the reader in their place, and the reader needs to know that occasionally they're stupid and that's why they didn't write the book. It's kind of an insult ultimately, I feel it. And now that I'm saying it's like, is that is it too independent clauses? I think it's two clauses that can stand on their own, you know, that are basically sentences, but they're not quite strong enough to be their own sentence.
Okay, can you give us an example, because I this is my big question.
This is when I.
Die, if there's a higher being?
This is the question to IOA A right.
So yeah, I mean it is a tricky because it feels so almost optional almost every time. But let's let's try this. Rebecca had brought a gift semi colon Bridger hadn't seen this coming. Oh that feels about right. I would say both of those are sentences.
They're connected, but there should be a pause.
And you want to know, you want people to know that one they both really affect each other.
I assume, Oh, okay, well I love that you know.
And this is coming from somebody who did graduate in English poorly, who can barely explain this thing and is probably kind of wrong.
Well, you're talking to someone who graduated from acting school.
So I'm.
Just wanting to be anywhere I made it here. I know how to drive a car.
Somehow, and I.
If you want into a semi colon and a script, you're gonna have a breakdown, career, a ruining. So I'm saving a life tonight. Yes, yes, okay, well you lost deal with it.
I'm so embarrassed right about it? In your CBT journal, I don't have one.
Well, you're gonna have to get online or head to your local journal shop. This is the final segment of the podcast. It's called I Said No Emails, and people write into I Said No guess at gmail dot com complaining about the state of their lives, wondering where they should go next. What's wrong? With me this kind of thing, and they expect me to answer, and fortunately, I, you know, have generous and just a deep well of knowledge, which directly opposes to what we were talking about earlier on podcast. People call me Bridger deep well of knowledge. So would you hold me answer a listener question? I would love to Okay, let's get into this.
I was gonna say I would love to answer unsolicited advice, but this is solicited.
This is extreme overly solicited advice. They're getting into my private I said, no gifts, email and demanding answers.
You do love to email, don't you.
I can't get enough, can't get me away from the email. Okay, so this has Bridger common Usually they'll say, like Bridger and guests or whatever. So they really left you out here, which is wow, probably at least mildly hurtful.
Yeah, I just lost. I lost a game and now I'm not being included.
Invisible, which I will speak for you is horrifying, absolutely horrifying. This is Bridger looking for a gift for my middle aged friend who recently borrowed her husband's pickup truck to move my daughter into her first apartment. This friend, like me, has everything interesting little brag doesn't need more stuff to curate or manage in her and is not is not expecting a gift thoughts. That's from Julia. Okay, So first of all, I do want to point out she Okay, she's saying that she has everything. She's got it all. Her friend apparently also has it all.
Oh so you think Julia has it all?
Because the way I heard it was that her friend has it all, but Julia doesn't have it all.
Look at the email, babe, it says this friend like me in parentheses, has everything. Yeah, so she I don't think she even cares to get an answer. She just wanted to tell the world that she has everything.
Oh my god, did you just say babe? You've ever said babe?
Well earlier I wrote what did I write? Hey?
So it's seeping into the podcast. Who knows what will be next? Look, you know, I'll do whatever. Anale is a homophone. I'm surrounded by homophones. There's no My safety is at an all time risk right now. I could you know I could be attacked at any MoMA. This sucks. I hate being here.
No, Julia wrote into brag about how she has everything. Including a pickup truck. Okay, well, let's see, my friend recently borrowed her husband's.
She borrowed her husband's pickup truck.
Does she have to however, I'm actually questioning what this person wants.
Wait wait, wait wait, she borrowed.
This person borrowed her husband's Okay.
To move Julia's daughter into her first apartment.
I'm still stuck on the borrowing the husband's makeup truck. I'm sorry. Do you have to say?
Hey, honey, can I what this is?
I'm alarmed?
I mean there is, I mean, this is you know, the misogyny is just black. This husband is First of all, Julia's friend needs to leave the husband. That's a separate email.
And we're not telling you what to do, but we don't know.
If you have to like write in a sign out sheet to get the truck. No, the marriage is in danger, yes, but what we have to put that aside because she borrowed David's truck. Let's say, David, David is very protective as truck, but he said, honey, you can take it for the day, but don't adjust the seat to move Julia's daughter into her first apartment. Okay, Ultimately, this is between Julia's daughter and the friend.
The friend and also the husband did not offer to do any heavy lifting.
He was watching the game honey go on. So Julia, and now I've got a problem with Julia's ungrateful daughter. Why isn't the daughter writing in to ask about what gifts she should give?
This free question?
This family is a disaster. Stop listening to podcasts and get your life in order.
Get yourself a journal.
Yeah, get yourself a family, CBC journal. Are you all right what you're feeling and who you should be giving gifts? And what trucks you should be borrowing? I mean, if we, I guess we should answer what should Julia give this friend who borrowed a truck to move a snob daughter into an apartment?
I mean, for you're right, this is the dog. This is between again, the daughter and the friends.
This daughter makes me sick to my stomach. Oh, so she's just in her on her throne in her apartment.
I mean, Julia, what are you doing your your You're enabling Yeah, it's behavior.
When you should be there for your friends saying why did you have to borrow the truck? Yes? Isn't it just kind of your guys's truck.
And what was he doing that was so important that he couldn't help you?
Lift a dresser and my horrible daughter? Not and not, And I'm not not that the friend needs a guy to help it.
Right, of course, this is where it gets thorny, of course, But you've always said that women do need men for everything on and off podcasts.
I'm just saying, like more more hands creates less work?
Is more cooks makes the kitchen better?
I think it's the phrase?
Is it really no more hands?
I'm not good with phrases.
If you nailed that one, I'm really proud, like butter, But I do have a I have a suggestion.
Okay, let's hear it.
For what she can get the friend who has everything a prank canon.
For her furniture, for the husband's truck, for the Yeah, I know, I said I wouldn't do anything to the truck, but I had to have a sun kissed and now it's all over the leather seats. Real test of the marriage there, Oh my god. I mean you're gonna find out what David think, I mean, how he acts to an emergency when he sees that soda spilled all over his precious truck.
And now, dare I ask you, Bridger, do I get my point back now that we've agreed.
Not in a million years? Are you kidding again? It's not real. What are you talking about. You're not like waiting in the parking lot after Wheel of Fortune, like I'm sorry, I know the answer now. No, the game's over, the prize is lost, and it was a good price.
But we're still it was a good prize, excellent, precise, tell me what it was.
There are no prizes, credibility, respect from the community, this kind of thing, because my listeners will swarm your podcast with negative reviews.
Then no.
One stars, You're gonna just burn you down. She lost a game on another podcast, hers must be terrill.
Please don't do that. We can't afford it.
Oh no, no, nobody's swarm unless it's with good reviews. I mean, okay, I think that that actually is the perfect gift to the situation. It'll solve so many problems, bring up so many horrible things that needed to be brought out. Yeah, I mean. And then the other obvious one that Julia, like in her rush to tell everyone that she has everything, didn't realize her poor friend doesn't have a truck. That's the one thing she doesn't have. Wow, her husband has a truck.
So since she is wealthy, I mean, yeah, maybe not. Why am I assuming that because she has everything? Yeah, but sometimes people, you know, everything can be you.
Know, love.
I'm not getting that from Julia. I'm getting this as the material girl. She's got it all, and when she means all, she means earthly possessions that she can't take.
With her Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
And her friend. She's dragging her friend into this. Her friend has bought every type of car and ignored the fact that she might at one point need a truck. So now, Julia, you can take one of her trucks and give it to the friend.
So you're assuming Julia has a truck, has everything.
Didn't want to help her daughter with her truck because she hates her daughter.
One would assume that Julia doesn't have a truck because that's why she didn't help.
Okay, well, ask that Julia would give that detail. She's obviously a bad rider.
But Julia, this is my bigger question.
Why didn't Julia get in the truck and go along with her friend to help her daughter move in.
Well, now that's it's unclear if that happened or not. She might have shown up in one of like one of her helicopters or by boat. She probably just doesn't want to share airspace with another person. Oh and so she's like, well, I'll just bring my own personal vehicle. I have somebody to pick from. Why would I get in your husband's dumpy truck. I'll meet you there in my maserati m. She screeched up to her daughter's first apartment and said, I'm ready to lift boxes. Then I'll write and write emails. Julia, you did get your answer somewhere in here, at least two answers. The friend got an answer we don't want to ever hear from the daughter. She had her chance, and she blew it to us in a disgusting way. And Julia, I mean, take that answer. Do whatever you want. Do not write back into the podcast. Wow, perfectly answered, Wow, we nailed it.
Do you always tell your listeners never to write back?
No, this is the first time. Oh wow, this is this is the first time. Usually I'm very respectful. You know, a lot of thank yous, a lot of it means so much. This is the first time i've you know, Julia really got to me.
Wow, Yeah, you're in the zone.
I'm in the zone. Julia will never be in the zone. That's the one thing she'll never have is being in the zone. Rebecca, I'm I've got these incredible gifts. I'm so thrilled that I can actually use these things and discover what's wrong with me mentally and reveal the future generations that I had a lot of mental illness that went undiagnosed. But maybe this will lead to me getting a new therapist. It's so difficult sometimes it is. They do not make it easy, but everyone should try. If you need a therapist, you should try.
And keep trying and keep don't give up.
It's kind of like dating, yes, somehow worse.
I've been left by many therapists.
Oh well, they can't handle you. You're a menace.
I'm the problem.
Yes, you're destroying the psychology community. They have your picture on office walls everywhere. Do not help this woman.
They've given me excuses that are.
Real, flimsy excuses.
You know, I'm leaving the practice or I'm not taking your insurance anymore.
But trust me, it feels like abandonment.
Of course it doesn't. If you had your all, you'd be able to figure out that problem for yourself. But you never will. No, you never will. You you've refused to work on yourself, unlike me with my journal.
I've had a wonderful time with you here today, me too, whatever, Thank you so much.
For being here, Thank you for having me.
Of course any time, that's not true. We've got a book, you know. This variety is the spice of life. Many hands makes light work. Oh, that's what it is. I thought that's what you said.
I said, many hands makes less work, is what I said.
It's essentially the same, okaying, semi colon, semi colon.
I've learned so much.
I know we are it's it's a learning podcast. Ultimately, this is it's a resource for people. But again, thank you for me and listener. The podcast is over. I know we kind of made you think it was over, and then we dipped back into a little bit of extra delight, which I should charge you for. That's a mini So maybe we'll edit that out and charge for that. That remains to be seen.
Put it on the Patreon.
We're launching a Patreon with a thirty second episode with zero contest listener. The podcast is over, Get out of here, have a wonderful day. I love you, goodbye. I said, No Gifts is an exactly right production. It's produced by our dear friend Analise Nilson, and it's beautifully mixed by Ben Holliday. And we couldn't do it without our guest booker, Patrick Kottner. The theme song, of course, could only come from miracle worker Amy Man. You must follow the show on Instagram at I said no Gifts, I don't want to hear any excuses. That's where you get to see pictures of all these gorgeous gifts I'm getting. And don't you want to see pictures of the gifts?
But I invited you here, thought I made myself perfectly clear. But you're I guess to my home.
You gotta come to me empty, And.
I said, no, guess, your own presences presents enough. I already had too much stuff, So how do you dare to surbey me