Bridger doesn't have an issue with Eric Ledgin (St. Denis Medical) hurling an unwanted gift at him. The two discuss tennis, audiobook narrators, and living forever.
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Well, I invited you here. I thought I made myself perfectly clear. But you're a guest to my home. You gotta come to me empty, And I said, no, guests, your presences presence enough. I already had too much stuff, So how did you dare to surbey me?
Welcome to I said, no gifts. I'm Bridgard Wineker. We are in the studio. If if you didn't listen to last week's rerun, that's first of all, come on, you know. I left a little message on that one because I'm you know, I like to take care of everybody, and I in that episode I let everyone know that I'm alive, and now again I'm still alive. Things have been interesting in Los Angeles and on fire, so we're just kind of doing everything one step at a time. But I've cleaned the ash and the debris out of the backyard. But the air, I think, is probably going to be poisoned for the next who knows how long. So we're here in the wonderful studio on Aalise is not here. They've cooked up some excuse not to be here, and I find that just a little suspicious, considering we still don't know who started all of these fires, but we'll just have to wait and see what we find out about them in the future. On aalise, if you're listening, I've got my eye on you. Is there anything else? My cognitive decline is just exhilarating. I more and more forget to put on deodoranto the morning, and then it's two hours later I'm putting it on. I don't know what's happening. It's probably a red flag. Everybody keep an eye on that. And I think that's everything. I think we should get into the podcast. I just think today's guest is absolutely wonderful. It's Eric Legend. Eric. Welcome to I said no gifts, Thank you very much.
I'm very thrilled to be here.
You're driving from over from kind of my neighborhood. I'm in Highland Park. You're an Eagle row. Oh yeah, okay, how's the you know, how is the last week been for you?
It's been a true roller coaster, I feel, and I mean that in like, there have been some really great moments and touching moments, sure, and some awful moments, and it's not necessarily the obvious ones. It's like, so I'll just say when we had have to leave our house. It was not a mandatory evacuation, but we were like I looked at the map and we were the first house on the other side of the freeway from a mandatory evacuation, and I'm like, maybe we go. I have three children, And so we got up in the morning and we left and in the car I was talking to my wife about like what do we bring? And we had this very touching moment that lasted into our car ride, which was this, what are we talking about are stuff for? Like this is our we are our stuff, we are our house. And then we had this like really beautiful ride. And then that night I was like, I was curious to look at my like home insurance policy. I'm curious, like what happens if our house burns down. I saw the amount we would get back, and I was like, I need to get back to the house and protect our stuff, our real stuff. So that set off this is just like personal anxiety. And then to see everything happening with people I know, and we were very very lucky and fortunate for us our personal home in our neighborhood, but then you see people who aren't, and you go to this dark place on their behalf this tory place.
But then this is the roller coaster part.
It's like I see like the gofundmes, which I think is like very needed, like I.
Said, insurance policy.
But then there's like the one where I'm like, you have family money.
So it should be that should be at the top of every got fund me. There was a trust fund.
So long answer to your to your question, but I feel like that's that's the vibe right now for me. I'm like all over the place in self involved ways, all over the place and how I'm supposed to be feeling and how I do feel.
For the city.
I feel like I'm claiming Los Angeles like more than I ever have. Like I'm watching the coverage and I'm watching it burn I'm like, I love this place. I love the Magic Castle.
Actually I have personal problems with the Magic Castle, but that aside. They made me where I've been there once and I wasn't dressed up enough and they made me wear I think size forty two suit pant the entire night.
I was an mad for some reason. When they were interviewing like the inexplicably heavily Israeli accented manager of the Magic Castle all I could think of was like, I don't know why. I don't think a lot about Trump, but I was thinking about him watching it, and I'm absolutely sure he turned to whoever he was with and went, I've.
Actually been there.
I've been to the magic they make you say abrika dabra on the way and I can't do a good Trump. But I was one hundred percent sure he was saying mad.
Guaranteed I was probably wearing his suit pants that he left behind. It's all coming together, no, you know, I like the thing was crazy to me. I went to bed Tuesday night when everything was really starting to blaze, and there was like it's only going to get worse sort of information, and I slept so well. I don't I fell asleep almost immediately, had a full night sleep. The things that will normally keep me up at night, or absolutely I'll say one wrong word at a party and it'll be two weeks of insomnia. Yeah, but this I just felt. I don't know.
I respect that I am jealous I have. I have three children. It's not just that I'm worried about them. It's that my wife and I think we have like what's a very typical dynamic where one parent is like the anxious warrior and the other ones the like it'll be fine, and I'm the it'll be fine guy. But what that does to you is the warrior just like drops.
Things on you.
And if you are the one, the lackadaisical one, you're the one that's gonna be in trouble if your family burns, right, and you were the one that said not to worry about. So my wife's just like, I think we should evacuate, but it's vile. Let's go to sleep. And so then I'm up all night, like checking the alerts on this like watch whatever, watch duty. I'm the century who's up all night even though I think it's going to be fine.
And then we woke up and like, of course, I looked at it and they had all moved towards us, and I was like, we actually.
Creeping feeling Yeah, now did you leave? I left? I left Wednesday morning, which was another thing, the most shocking thing in the world is I made a decision which in any other situation would have been days or weeks of me thinking about it. But like I woke up that morning feeling very refreshed, and there was orange light kind of pouring through my house and smoke in the air, and so I quickly found things that are kind of irreplaceable, like bags of money and jewelry obviously put them in the car and then left. And fortunately I have a couple of friends who live in Palm Springs and I got to stay with them. Ended up being five days, and I started to feel like, oh, I've moved in here. But I felt so lucky.
And someone's going to make like a two million dollar indie film about the Palm Springs Crew.
It'll be the worst thing that ever exists. It's going to be called deserted and everyone will just hate it.
Yeah, the running around grabbing things is truly insane if you're not if you hadn't thought about it before. I think the only thing I grabbed, like we had this one box of like documents that nobody would care about except us. But I right before I left, I was like, oh wait, and I ran into the closet and I grabbed three hundred dollars that I had in cash, and I had cash in my wallet, like I had a few boxs like, but I was just like this is like I know that like per ounce this is like the most valuable thing in the house.
You leave your children behind, You've got three hundred dollars on the freeway. Yeah, it was. It was of strange and like I wasn't even sure if I should come back yet, except for starting to feel like I was being rude staying at my friend's house that long. So I think just like me being anxious about staying in someone else's home was what really drove me back to a city that was still kind of actively on fire. But now I think it's for past the worst of it, I think. So, I mean I did this.
I was at my mother in law's and then I had we had a bought Mitzvah to go to in San Francisco, and we were like I had canceled it all and uh, and then we were just talking about like, well, we're just gonna be here and like, let's say our house burns down, wouldn't it be kind of fun to be like dancing to like celebrate good times at about Mitzvah aspose just sitting here watching it on the news. So we went and then we came back and it was just like seeing the air quality as good, which like I know we've got all like the seeds of doubt.
Of what's something you listening to a QI? Okay, you've looked at five different apps and outside with your own eyes and nose.
And it was again started with my wife going, I don't think we can go outside without a mask because I know that AQI is good, but uh, I saw that there's other stuff in the air, Like where did you see that? It was in a comment on Instagram under a video that someone I don't know posted. But then it's like, so then it's on me if we get lung cancer exactly. So I like did some digging and I'm like, maybe it is not good. I don't know so, but we're here and we're staying mostly inside.
Right, Yeah, the air quality thing, I'm like, I guess I'll just put on a mask. I mean, as opposed to the typically crystal clear error in Los Angeles were talking about. But I need to stop getting news from Instagram from my most mentally ill friends. I think that's the thing. Just the most anxious people in the world just giving me the most panicked takes on everything.
It's it's truly the a major player in the down ball of our society. But I am on it constantly.
Oh yeah, of course. That's where I was getting most of my news about this until somebody posted a thing that was like that truly made me think, oh, now my house is going to burn down. So I looked at the full article and I was like, oh, this is nowhere near me. I context helped a little bit. Yeah, yeah, right, Well, anyway, have you seen this documentary about the man who's trying to live forever? I have not. Are you familiar with this guy?
I'm familiar with him. Like the things people say about him on Twitter.
What are they saying about him on Twitter? I think he's like a ghoul and.
That he's uh, it's like the drinking the blood of the young type vibees.
Except for it's his son that he's drinking the blood of essentially, is so bizarre. I'm shocked back.
Guy's a dad, and he does not give dad vibes to me.
I think he has several children, but I think a lot of the family is estranged, but he's the oldest son has kind of come back into his life just at the right time to give him his blood of.
Course, plasma blood both.
That's a good question. I'm not trying to correct you. I just don't know. I feel like i've heard Actually.
I think it's the plan what he needs and there's a benefit to his son because.
And there's some vitamins. I'd like to tell you it must what is it's probably who am I? What am I talking about? Plasma? Probably maybe you.
Got to tell me if you want me to watch these documentaries before I come on the podcast.
Well, this is a good selling point. He is starting to look like a like a stern Pilgrim wife. That's that's something to look at. That sounds right.
Yeah, I've seen some photos on he's posting the photos like look, how youthful I look right.
I think he doesn't look you. It's full. He looks strange.
Does he have a bioage or a what is it like A he's got his chronological agent bioage.
I think his bioage is Again, I watched this entire documentary and came away with no concrete answers for you. But I would say it's probably like thirty or something. But what he's talking to people who's paying to give him this information? So who knows for sure? But he's taking truly like three pounds of itamins a day. He's staying inside all the time.
It's just like the benefit of being when I think about like how old I am now, which is I'm going to turn forty six Bridgard No, And also why no, I'm turning forty five this month and it's the twenty eighth, if you want to, okay, I'm planning a little something, a little okay. So the benefit of being thirty to me wouldn't be like I guess it would be nice to be able to have like one more glass of alcohol without keeping me up all night. But it's really like situational, right, like oh yeah, of course, the freedom, the optimism, what's ahead of you?
Those things like those are all naive. Yeah, exactly that anymore.
I can't get that back, so it might as well like eat shit, yeah don't.
I don't know that there's been a biological age I've been yet that I'm like, oh, I want that back. There's been no time in my life where I felt good physically.
Fourteen I feel like was a good year. I want to be the guy that's like my bioage is fourteen. I feel pretty rad.
Yeah, there's a maybe at some point maybe when I hit my seventies or something, I'll be like, Okay, it's time to turn back the clock and hopefully this guy's work and it is work, I'll be able to take advantage of that. But as of right now, I.
Feel similarly to climate change, where I'm just like, we've gone too far. There's nothing preventative I could do that's going to move the needle, so I have to rely on technology to save me. So there's already like new knees and hips that are pretty good now, So I think when I'm seventy, they'll be like better than original hips and knees.
That's what I used to think. But as I like creep towards that, I'm like, oh, it's only a few decades. Maybe maybe they're not going to be able to save me.
I think they should call we should rebrand aging as creeping.
It's just creep day creeping up to forty five now, No. I Yeah, I used to be like, oh, I don't really have to take care of myself because eventually they're just going to have something. Yeah, I'm like.
I am starting to be like, like, there is some stuff I'm doing that I'm trying to be like especially from having kids.
I am just like I want to.
See what happens, just pure curiosity about like what's going to happen with them.
That's nothing to do with love.
No, no, no, the love is there, the love, the love will live forever, but I will not. And I make that clear of them every day.
I'm going to die multiple times before and after every morning, sweetheart.
And so like, yeah, I am starting to think about that. Actually at my am like I think I've put it off and that I need to start like doing all the stuff they say you need to do of just like less processed food and working out with weights.
I guess the real new thing. I think I feel like there's an article every day that's like, swallow as much protein as you possibly can every day while working your muscles.
I agree with you that it's a new thing in terms of like they've proven it, but it's hard to say it's a new thing. No, lifting weights and eating healthy it's not at the forefront of lifestyle science, but it seems like it is.
It's a fad and it's gonna blow over of their TikTok craze. People are gonna stop lifting weights and taking care of themselves. So what dietary changes have you really made? What are you eating?
This is all aspirational, it's all stuff I've been saying I'm doing. But it's like then, like the fires happen and you're like, I'm not doing that now. I'll do it when fire is over it. Yes, we've conquered fire. Then I will start cutting out sugar that's not like natural, right, So that's the goal. And fasting. I was doing well with fasting for a while.
You were doing fasting how like every day.
Or I was doing it like every other day. I wouldn't eat all day long, I from wake up to dinner. And then I started going. I started actually feeling good from it pretty quickly, and so I would do longer and longer fast And then I got up to like a five day fast where I didn't I really eat. I had like a cup of broth or something five days. Yeah, yeah, and then I started to have some health problems.
I hope.
So I don't think I don't think related to the fasting for the record, Okay, but when I'm going through, I'm finding as I get older, I somehow get more fragile. I thought I was going to get stronger and more resilient and more I'm getting more free. I'm going the other way with it because I am I'm kind of like a I like to go against the knowledge, the contrarian. So I'm getting weaker willed. And anytime like something disrupts my schedule, the fire, if I get sick, if like on one of my kids has something going on, I just all bets are off for like self care.
So oh yeah, of course, So.
I kind of stopped doing that, and but I'm trying to get back to that. And I think sugar is a lot of it for me. If I'm not eating it, I do feel better.
And like when you're fasting, I mean for me, I'm just in I mean, and it's not fasting, I'm just like between meals in the worst possible mood.
Did you refer to the three or so hours between breakfast and unjest fasting and fast?
Yeah? Does it affect your mood?
The sometimes it does? And the first time I did it, it did. I used to fast like once a year for Yom Kapor, the Jewish hollowing, and it would always.
Affect my mood.
But when you do it like a few times in a row. I would say by the second or third time, I was like, oh, this feels good and right and actually gives me energy. Wow. The way it was explained in a book that I didn't bother to look if there was any proof for was that from an evolutionary perspective, when we would go on the hunt, we would have we would go without food for these long hunts, right, and then you if you didn't catch anything, like if you the people who would then just die were sort of like weeded out.
But the people who.
Found like another reserve of energy and actually clarity and more focus would get better at hunting because somehow.
Your body is like we've got a we have to yes, we have to Yeah.
So for me it would be like, you know, we we have to find this blow for act two of episode three.
This was going to be my question for you doing it while working and you were yeah, yeah, yeah, Oh god. I would be an absolute nightmare at the office.
The writers didn't like it, but I didn't do it for I Actually like this last season of the show that I was doing, I got I ended up in the hospital in the middle of it, and after that it was like there was no fasting. There was no like in regard to anything except what I needed in the moment for the last few months.
Right. Yeah. I've had bosses in the past who will do fasting and you knew the day they were doing it because like suddenly no pitch was being accepted. You were doing you were doing so much more work, and it's like, oh, they're just in a bad mood. Nothing will please this person, and you hope that they accidentally eat a life saver or something, right right. Yeah.
I found that if I was like eating healthy and fasting, I would find the clarity and feel good. But if I was using the breaking the fast as an excuse to eat like shit, then it would just be this.
Like all over the place, yo yo kin, Yeah, are you a big treat eater? Unfortunately?
Yeah, I have like a major sweet tooth. And this is one of the many ways that like having kids sort of exposes you because my first my oldest son. I have three boys, and the oldest son has what I have, but I've never seen it from the outside. Right he is like if there's ever a thing where it's like a pinata or something like that where they're like we're giving out candy like he's running in and hoarding it. He's like, this is all mine and I'll eat it now.
Thank you.
And that's uh, that's kind of who I am, and so and I my second son just like couldn't care less. I'll have a couple bites and be like my body's telling me I'm full, and I'm like it it must be nice.
Do you have like a go to treat?
It's like whatever is It's not candy, it's like whatever kind of like rich. It could be a donut that's like a peanut butter chocolate donut with marshmallow frosting? Is that my go to tra It's like the most decadent thing possible would be my go to.
Yeah, I've noticed, like as a kid, candy was obviously a thing, And now if I ever have like a full sized candy bar, I feel so insane. I'm like what am I doing eating a candy bar? But like I love cookies and cake and that kind of thing. Yeah, like I'll.
Eat this stuff that has that much sugar in it, just not in such an unabashed I wanted to at least be a little ashamed of it.
So right this was made recently it's healthy. Oh well, there's something else I'd like to talk to you about. I don't love bringing it up, but I don't really feel like I have a choice right now. Look, the podcast is called I said no gifts, and I thought, Eric will come on. He's a lovely person, will have a nice time. What could go wrong, you know? And obviously you've been receiving plenty of emails you know the name of the podcast. So I was sitting here minding my own business in the studio and here you come trotting in holding a massive gift bag, which I'm going to assume is for me. It is indeed for you. Okay.
Interesting, So I who's listening to a couple of several of podcast episodes for your show so that I could pretend I listened to all of them, and I noticed that there were some people who violated the role.
Interesting, and I.
This is like a trigger area for me of anxiety, Like nothing can ruin a moment of like a vacation for me more than like, am I supposed to tip this guy? And I always try to error on the side of something I can't be shamed for or keep myself up about.
So I did bring a gift.
I hope it was not the wrong move, but I felt moved to bring something.
Okay, well, I'm we'll just completely shame you. You made the wrong choice. But I mean it's here. It's so big it's tempting that to not open. I mean, I have to open.
I wanted to bring it something with a splash and also something that was in my closet, and h this was one of the extra gift bags that we had.
It's a gift bag that I would say is about as half as tall as I am with a shark. Yes, I am.
Some insane child brought this to my home. I imagine at some point if you notice there's this shark bite taken in the top.
We've gone too far with gift bags. It has like a novelty bite out of it that's actually been Wow, that's fascinating. I mean, this is this is more don't do this. It's not as big as a shark bite, so it doesn't make any sense logically.
It's also like the gift bag companies are like, oh, this is what we're doing.
Now you had to We've got to push the interactive. Okay, I'm going to reach into this reaching in hand. Lol, we've got some tissue. We love some tissue by the mic and.
Oh my god, everyone loves a book.
It's a victory for Ankle's man search for meeting. I have this on my kindle and it's always just there. Is it really mocking here? It's like I need to get around to it, but I still haven't.
Well, the nice thing about hard Top He's able to get this one signed for you.
So if you if you open it up there, oh this is right in his voice. This is bee Wine. Enjoy the enjoy all the meaning your boy. Vic. These are the typical emails I'm getting from him.
Ye DMS. He's he likes being in touch with like this, sort of like gen Z jargon.
I love, by the way, to have a on this book. It says over sixteen million copies, so that's like putting that on the Bible or insane. So many people are seeking meaning.
Let this Holocaust survivor tell you what he gleaned from watching thousands die.
Reese Witherspoon loves it. Wow, this is fast. Okay, Well tell me more about why you brought this so.
Everybody everybody needs more meaning. And I thought especially during this time that because I was I was personally going through these ups and downs, that I might get back into this book, which I read, I don't know, like almost a decade ago, and that thing that gets thrown around a love like a book that changed my life or whatever, this one actually did. I read this and then I left my job at the time.
I was.
I read this during like season three of Superstore, and I read this book and it's about purpose and how you're getting in touch with your purpose can sort of like get you through anything essentially, and I was what I took from this was I.
Can't write any more Glenn Bee.
Stories, and so I gave up the living I was making and I had one kid in one on the way. And that's how much this book affected me. And I thought you might want to be affected.
You looked at me and said, there's someone with a hollow life.
There's someone who needs some train anything.
But well, I didn't know that about that. You would quit the show.
Yeah, And don't get me wrong, I went onto a different show like three months later, but he was on HBO oh okay, and it was a bad experience. But but yeah, I find I think what I'm really doing is projecting onto you what I'm feeling like I need to get back in touch with. Even by getting it for you picked it up, it's used, it's I leafed through a couple of pages and was like, oh, yeah, I forgot about that way of having meaning and so it's already helping me.
So when you quit the job and before you realized that you were wrong and that you had to get back to television the most meaningful thing of all, what were those three months? Like? Are you trying new things? Yeah?
I was trying to just well at first, I was like, is it about like my writing and my career? And not my career, but I mean like what I want to do as a writer, because maybe this, Maybe I have something else in me that's not this, And if I keep doing this, is it going to make my writing just like this?
And and then I had this kind of bad experience on something that I thought would be something more in line with my point of view. And then my second son was born, and I realized afterwards that I am like a lot more basic of a person than I thought I was, because I think, is it hook where he's like being a father? That's my happy thought or whatever. I realized afterwards that like my kids and my family really were that the right, what I felt like was my biggest purpose. And it's not like that took away from all the other things I wanted to do, but it made those sort of in service of this sort of greater at least greater for me thing that I that just meant so much to me as a person.
Don't remember what your question was, but you did the powerful combination of hook and man search for me.
And then Okay, so circling back, Okay, I do have I can stick this landing, I swear. So then I realized, like, well, if that's true, then if my job doesn't have to be my identity, then maybe my job can be something that makes me happy that I actually enjoy doing and I don't have to put so much on it that has to be everything for me, right, And so I ended up going like back into these like sitcoms and having so much fun working on them. I worked with my friend Sierra on Brutherford Falls. I went back home and worked with Justin Spitzer on American Auto, and I was just like having a blast again, like just laughing with people I like all day and then coming home to like my beautiful sons and wife and family, and that also like stops me from sleeping and occasionally makes my life absolutely miserable of course, but I found some balance that I think now partially because I have a baby that's again ruining my life, I'm hoping to get back to.
Is this therapy? It is? This isn't being recorded? Okay, yeah, no, no, no no, I'm going to charge you after this, and it's it will not be covered by insurance.
I'm still gonna submit a super bill, but that's fine.
Well, if we don't accepting super bills, I will make your life hell.
I will send the super bill to the company and I will find a way to subtly signal Louis G. Mangioni and just put him in the in the zeitgeist of the super bill, to put a little fear of them into.
No. I think that's very nice because I think as a writer myself, you get into these TV writing rooms and frequently people are so miserable, and it's you're supposed to be doing something fun and enjoyable, and it can be, but it becomes so stressful for almost no reason at all. People just start layering their personal anger and problems into it, and the thing you're like supposed to be making funny television and everyone's mad. Yeah. Yeah. So to be able to just be like to even push a little bit of that away, I think is nice. I think you get to go home and not be mad totally.
I think it applies like on a micro level like that, and in the sense of, like there has to be joy in the room to make a really funny show. I think less it's going to be like super cynically funny and that's it. There is going to be a ton of stress, as I found out running my first show this past year. But I think it's the job of the showrunner and to a certain extent, like the number two on the show, to kind of absorb some of that stress and find ways to get it out that aren't putting it on all.
The writers right.
Sort of do have to be protected like babies in a way, just in the sense of like they're there to like have fun and solve problems but also be playful and come up with creative solutions, and so you do need like the vibe is a real thing. But also I think like the times we're in Like all you hear is about how dark the times we're in r and how bad everything is. And I don't subscribe to that.
Voted for Donald Trump.
We're all good. No, But I think it's like I even now I hear the other voice being like, it's easy for you to say, and like it's not. I mean, it's just it actually is. It's easy for anyone to say, like things are bad, but like there's also a lot of good in the world. I think, like the aftermath of the fires has certainly shown that to people who live here. And so I do think that like having something that you're that's an anchor in your life. And I'm so sorry this isn't funny, but having something that's an anchor in your life, I do think can really help you change your perspective.
Of course, is something meaningful, Yeah, and I yeah, obviously, like sometimes moment to moment things can be horrible, but like, yeah, I remind myself of that all the time. If I can just like zoom back into my own body and life and just like look around, I'm like okay, I'm okay. Yeah, Like I'm watching TV.
Yeah, that can be yours watching TV.
It is and it always will be. If you want to just jam on some of what your purpose could be watching a television show that I am reluctantly watching.
Your purpose, Bridger, is the two screen experience. It had to be someone's and buddy, it's yours. That's the real gift. It's not the book, Bridger, it was never the book. It is the book.
But no, I really could pick up some hobbies. I could use more things in my life. I was rock climbing for a while but then stopped doing that, and now climbing rock climbing, that's indoor rock climbing. Let's not get okay, so foam climbing. What is the material like hard plastic climbing? All I know is ain't rock. It's certainly hot, and you will never see me on the side of an actual rock. No, thank you. Yeah. But then that went away and I realized that I've gotten.
Featuring you like free soloing, and I was just like, what this person, No, no, no, At the Pasadena Community Center, there's a little six and a half foot wall.
No, do you have hobbies?
You know I do have hobbies. I went almost my I went a lot of my life without hobbies. After my midlife crisis, I feel like happened around thirty nine. In anticipation, I was trying to get ahead of it, keep.
An eye on seventy eight everybody.
And I started just like jumping into stuff. I very lazily played the guitar my whole life, like just chords, just I could like try to figure out the basics of a song.
And I was.
Like, I should try to get better before I die. I might as well try. And then I started. I had like hurt my ankle playing basketball, and I was in bed for a few days, and I started trying to learn Italian one of those apps. And then I started sailing, like right before the pandemic, and I tried to hear.
I don't know why I saw having a melt up.
Yes, it was a response to a midlife crist that became a joke in my family and extended family of like what the next thing is and how there's no chance I'll be sailing six months from now. But I started just like picking up a few things and just going with them. And I started playing tennis about a year and a half ago, and I went to my first I took a lesson with this guy who is about ninety seven years old, and he told me he had to sit for most of the lesson because he was like in an extreme pain because he needed.
Surgery that kept getting rescheduled. Anyway, he took this.
He was like, I'm gonna take a video of you and this will be like the before and then we'll do like six weeks of lessons and then we'll we'll show you how much better you got. So I'm like, I haven't hit a ball since I was a kid. So I get I get him mostly in and I'm like psyched. And after a few he's like, all right, stop, I gotta.
Turn off the machine. Hold on, we're gonna stop the video, all right. I think I think we're not ready for the before video.
What he says it was, I'm not good enough for the before video. He wants me to take a few lessons and build up to the before video.
This will destroy yourself content.
I'm telling my wife this and she's in between laughing at me. She's like, well, he's probably trying to like neg you so that you'll like take more lessons interesting and get And I was like, no, I signed up for an hour and a half and he cut it after under an hour and was like, let's just wrap this up.
I'm sick to my stomach here.
And so I took that as a like, now I need to get good at tennis. Like now I need to learn how to play tennis. So I hire this local coach and negro Rock named Merlin to teach me.
I love the name Merlin, such a good name, and so we've never addressed it. I've never been able to be like, so let's talk about Merlin, and it's just like this his name, and that's it, and I'm not allowed to say anything.
You have to address that with that name. When you say my name is Merlin, you have to say something.
And here's why it should take you six minutes just to introduce yourself. When your name is Merlin, there needs to be at least one apology.
Do you. Oh, I guess we can't say his name on the podcast, but I assume it's Jones or Anderson. Right, So are you feeling like you're you've gotten to a point that you could at least do a before tennis video.
I've certainly graduated well well past before you get competitive. I do, Yeah, I am like a I'm a competitive person when I'm like into it and something. And so I've been taking these live ball classes recently where you're kind of like cycling through like these little mini battles. It's like a group class, and so you can be really competitive for like two points, then like someone destroys you and you go wait in line to lose again. But yeah, I do get that way in the moment and also in life generally, and also very intensely with my spouse.
Very hard to I don't think I've ever successfully hit a tennis ball over a.
Net, really, and that is how many attempts.
Well, probably not enough, but I think every time I've ever tried it hasn't happened.
It's very it's not as intuitive as it seems like it should be, right. And that's a tricky thing about tennis, is like you think you're just like whacking the ball and that should do it, and then they're like, no, you need to actually learn this very awkward like wind up and.
Right the risks in all of that, it's not worth my time.
Yeah, I'm also always I should say I'm competitive without having sufficient natural ability to be competitive.
Oh so it's just it's just hard.
I have to ruty every situation.
Are you still playing the guitar?
I am still playing the guitar. There was a period where I was doing it like obsessively, especially during the pandemic. I was like practicing eight hours a day, and I feel like I got to like intermediate, and I'm I think I'm happy at intermediate. So now I'm just like trickling a little better every six months.
Or so, and that's enough to probably play most of your favorite music unless.
It's all like no, and I like these very like soft boy like folks songs, and so it's like I've reached the point where I'm like, I I can play well enough that I feel like I should be impressing my wife, but she doesn't care. She'll occasionally, like I'll feel like she's about to, like say a compliment or whatever. I'll finish a song and she'll be like, do you want this chicken broccoli?
Or should I throw it out? I'm like, oh, devastated, I want it, sad. You know, I'm just realizing is one of the most irritating things I could possibly see. And I apologize if you've done this before, but it's when somebody plays the tennis racket like a guitar. Can you imagine that's just such an annoying thing.
But like it's been a while, I'm picturing like a Bill and Ted Era, like someone being like like doing the noise, and the choice of the noise the knee, I think is what would really.
Push it over its.
Our mutual friend Justin Shanes told me that I think think it was an insult. He was like, you both get really annoyed at little things.
Oh interesting about both of us.
Yeah, he said it about you, and then he goes, so, I think you guys would really get along, And I was like, I thought you were just talking about him.
Wow, I'm glad to know some of the gossip that's going around about me, justin spreading these lies. No, I'm very easy going. Nothing bothers me.
Your whole body tense stuff, it's like absolutely paralyzed.
No, these are the sort of things that will just drive me out of my mind. Somebody, if I were to see a friend playing a tennis racket like a guitar, they would never hear from me. Again.
There's a lot of like little I guess there's a good internet term millennial core that comes to mind. That's just like doing like like silly things that like I'm just like a kook, like that vibe of I'm just to cook. It could be playing the tennis racket as a guitar. It could be like having a you know, a pillow with a little expression on it.
There's so many.
It's a wide swath of annoying things that I don't know. Sometimes it's weird. It's like as I get older, I get a little more and it worries me that I'm getting a little bit more accepting of those things.
Uh huh, they're not bothering you as much. You're letting your guard down.
My mother in law has a I think she used to have like a clock that said it's wine time with Cindy.
Sure. I support that, And I was like that's adorable, that's.
Great, And then part of me was just like, no, you hate this. You must hate this.
Keep the flame alive. Six months from now, it's wine time with a yeah, yeah, no, yeah, it's a whiskey thirty. There is still a lot of it. There's like there has been this movement of like let people enjoy things, and I get where people are coming from.
I understand as if like live and let Live is like this new idea.
It's like a gen Z trend that and weightlifts. But I can't let it happen. I am kind of trying to.
You're trying to push civilization forward.
With snobbery, with robs have gotten through the pure snob just being kind of a horrible guy. No, I think we need to know. My meaning is being critical, overly critical and mean. I think that's what we should all have in our lives. That should be our core that we turned back to. Uh No, but it is just you know what you're talking about. And then like there's just something about like the risky business of it all. Seeing somebody slide across a hardwood floor. I the gun is coming out. I'm shooting you. It's too much for me, the risky business of it all.
Yeah, I mean it sort of depends though, because like it's again not to bring I'm not trying to. I'm not trying to shame you for being childless. I'm not trying.
But again we that we do know your voting record and underpopulation is a problem now, but like you see kids do these.
Things from this like pure place, and like, for some reason when you said that, I was picturing like one of my kids sliding across the floor in their socks, and if they did that, I would be like, that's the greatest thing I've ever seen.
But again, it is just child, yes, yeah, yeah.
But so what's interesting about that is that there must be an age at which a day actually there must be a moment of someone's life where they go from being young enough that that's adorable to that is cringey and sucks, and they should be told to actually stop doing that.
I think if you can file your taxes when you have, when you're responsible for your taxes, none of that goes anymore.
That's you're giving a lot of leeway. So you're saying, like, so there's like nineteen year olds in college can be walking around tennis racket.
They can do the Deliverance banjo song Okay.
Red when he learned to read okay banjo?
Not as bad? Not as bad?
Why is it not as bad? Because it feels like it's a little riffing on the guitar thing.
Right, we're taking it one step removed.
I'm making fun of the people who play guitar on tennis rackets. By playing the banjo on a tennis racket. Now I'm off board again.
No instrument unless you're doing it as a stand up bass.
So what if someone's doing it to you knowing you hate this and they're doing it, but they're still doing it. Does the does the irony of it like supersede the fact that they're still doing.
You might as well be ironically shooting someone in that hand in front of me. It's still a bad thing. Yeah, I think I agree with that. Don't put that image in front of me just right. Also, speaking of justin saying think little things bother me, justin Shane's I'm just gonna put him on fold, I'm.
Sure you've had a list going in your head since I said that day.
No, I I think if my reputation is that I'm just no one can please me, and everything bothers me? Good for me?
Good for me?
What is there any other little thing that really like that stands out that bothers you, that's something you just can't stand.
This is so unfair because like of all the strangers that do shit constantly that really bothers me. I don't love a virtue signal. I really don't. But for some reason, the only thing coming to my mind is when my wife, who does probably ninety nine plus percent of the upkeep in our house, will leave like a dish that's like out with like food crusting. That's going to make it harder to clean even if she's going to clean it. I'm like, but now you're going to use more of your time, and that's time you could be hanging out with me. You're doing this to me, listening to me playing the guitar.
Coming up with a compliment.
You are you're stealing from.
Me right now. You are robbing my life and I have meaning that seems say, I can understand that. I feel like, yeah, it's hard to like think of those things in the moment. I mean, like right now, like I'll.
Give you an example of like the and this is something I do, so I can't I'm putting this on other people. But I'm talking about the fires, talking about the way it is right now.
How are you doing.
Well, you know, as good as can be expected or like those answers that's like I'm not allowed to just say how.
I actually yeah, I'm actually fine.
I just had a really well proportioned flat white from and I'm actually doing pretty well instead of the like I have to say this in this voice because we all know that I'm a monster if I.
Don't completely just tell me, Just tell me, yeah, yeah, I like. The only other thing I can think of right now that's like in the last couple of years that really sets me off is when I'm in public and I see somebody walking their dog that I and I like the dog, and I compliment it and they give no response. The anger that that sets off in me. Yeah, just say thank you or literally any reaction.
I get the furious on behalf the same issue. My one of my boys has almost like it's just become a habit that any dog, no matter how hideous or mundane, he goes I like your dog. I like your dog, same c voice every time, same intonation. Uh. And that occasionally a person will not answer, And I want to be like a child spoke to you, a child was vulnerable to you. You answer that child.
I'm on your side. So if you would like me to walk with you, I will have or at least record. I can have a little button I push. You could say child, You could say a child just said something to you. I don't think people will be that shocked.
I would love to see the reaction I spoke said something to you, their double take to you like no, but wait, wait but.
No, I don't know what to do. Oh boy?
Well, before we move on, is there anything left we should say about this insult of a book you gave to me, just absolutely calling me out as someone with nothing going on.
No, I just I'm excited to see how you wrap up the podcast once you read that and realize this doesn't matter.
What if I don't.
Are you going to delete all the previous ones.
Yes, they'll be scrubbed from the inn. There will be no trace of this thing ever happening. So that's why we have you signed an NDA before.
Do you care that no one listening to this podcast has any idea who I am? Because I was listening to one of the one of the sample ones I listened to. You're talking to someone who was like known, and you were like, uh, this person needs no introduction, and I remember distinctly thinking I'm gonna need a long introduction.
He jumped in. I was like, people are like, I don't care, guy, and no, you're a person in the world. You've created funny television. That's the thing about this podcast. I don't care about this like the entertainment industry element of it at all. I like the less we talk about the worst business in the world the more, and so if the listener has a problem with that, that's their issue. I knew you would be fun. That's literally all I care about.
Well, I should say I the times that we have met and talked, I've always really liked you. You're very liked across the board, and I was eager to listen to some podcasts and find out why I don't actually like you.
There's so much that hasn't happen yet.
I'm gonna I gotta do a deeper die.
Mountains of evidence. You're going to despise me. Okay, Well, we're going to play a game, but I need a number between one and ten from you. Nine. Okay. I have to do some light calculating to get our game pieces. So right now, you can recommend, promote, do whatever you want with the microphone. I'll be right back.
Oh okay, I feel like someone's gonna say something like scolding to me if I don't mention my show Saint Dennis Medical that we just got renewed for a second season, and we're on NBC on Tuesday nights at eight pm and then on Peacock. And it's a mockumentary that takes place in a hospital in the emergency room.
Is that a good pitch. It's a great show. Thank you, And at least Naomi K. Paragan, former guest of the show, writes on it, I love her and it's got a lot of great people working on it. Go watch the show.
What are your like five let's say, favorite storylines and maybe.
Go from there. No, it is a good show. I mean, like, especially right now, there is no comedy on television, so to see like a good, solidly made show. I don't know, it feels like we're moving back towards like actual sitcoms. I think people are like star for a sitcom.
I think so it's it's weird to like people are actually saying that, yes that they and I get it, like it's completely it seems I don't know, laughing, seems something positive.
I don't know. Uh, listener, go watch it. Support something decent for once in your life.
This is one of the playing tennis racket as guitar things would be like because if we didn't laugh, we'd cry. Now they're flooding in saying we're storytellers.
No, I support that because we are and what we do matters. And yeah, okay, oh yeah, there are plenty of those. Once you start thinking about people, that's the thing.
I wasn't thinking about people. Things I don't like our people related.
Start describing their behavior. Yeah, okay, this is actually a good game for both of us. It's called Gift or a Curse. I'm going to name three things. You're going to tell me if there are a gift or a curse? And why I know the game.
I'm an avid listener of three episodes.
Oh bullshit. And then I'll tell you if you're right or wrong, because there are correct answers. Okay, So this first one is from a listener named Colin. Gift or a curse a very chatty male carrier slash male person.
As is often the case with these that I've found, and I've tried to put myself in this chair and gone, how would I answer that on the day, Well, I'm sweating, and I there's a lot of variance here. Because I love my occasionally chatty male person. He is a wonderful man. So I out of being a person who's trying to get in touch with my optimism again and not be so easily rattled by the world. I am going to say that it is a gift. You want to hide from your mail man, hide from your mail man, But I, for one, I'm going to face him. I'm gonna try to do bits with him that he's not going to catch onto the fact that they're bits, and he's not going to yes and properly, and then we're both gonna be feeling awkward, but we're still going to smile, and I'm still going to tell him to have a great day and still say safe out there.
Stay safe out there. He hates you.
He showed me his step count once. It was alarming.
Eric, correct, it's a gift I love. First of all, I love a male person, I love a male person's outfit. I love everything about the postal service, and this is one job. But first, I mean I should say I'm probably so off putting that none of them have ever talked to me. I'm just completely unapproachable apparently. But it would be a dream to suddenly have this chatty friend who's kind of locked into my life. They unlike other people, they can't not respond to text. They're at my mailbox every day. I would love to have a chatter. Yeah.
I think it's like they renee my mailman. I think I don't think he'd be shy about me saying his name, his addresses. He has like chatted my kids up and that's micro babysitting and I'm appreciative of that.
This this person starting to push some boundaries, but I'm not totally comfortable. I did.
I went to a movie with like a new friend once, which doesn't happen much as an adult male. And uh, and he brought a couple of friends and one of his friends brought his mailman. What that I found to be both alarming and insane.
How was this? Uh? Like, how did they explain this to you? This is my friend Neil the mailman he said.
I don't think he said it in front of him. I think it was like, this is my buddy Neil, and that's actually his mailman.
That's incredible. What a beautiful relationship. Yeah, we saw Maverick together. That's a great guys movie to see. Uh wow, that's an interesting I mean, it's dangerous to have a maleman that deep in your life, because if there's a betrayal or if they do something that they cross the line, they still have to come to your house every single day.
Yeah, they What if they see something you don't like, some organization you've joined.
That is return address the KKK and suddenly there's a problem. Okay, we've gotten one correct so far. We'll see what happens for the rest of the things.
As I said, I'm competitive, and I'm actually I'm getting a little bit of a charge right now of like I don't know if it's adrenaline, but it's like it's some hormone as coursing through my body that wants to win.
You're gonna leave the studio very okay. Number two, this is from a listener named Lizzie Gift. You're a curse audio books with celebrity narrators.
Audio books with celebrity narrators, this is the challenge. I'm not an audiobook guy. I'm gonna say I have to say curse because it's very distracting, I would think, because you're thinking about all their personal shit, and there are probably better readers, maybe a reader who likes to read the Harry Potter books to his children. Who does all the voices? Who would love to have that gig? But suddenly, all of a sudden, it goes to John c Riley or something.
Doing the worst British accent.
I'm gonna say, curse.
Correct. Yes, I can't believe this. I can't do a celebrity voice in any situation. It is so distracting to me. That's all I'm thinking about the entire time. When I see an animated movie, I don't I don't want celebrities voicing anything because I'm just now picturing and thinking about them, and it's poisoning the experience. Unless it's their memoir.
Sure that okay, of course, of course I'm not only fine with that, but I find it highly sus in touch with the young people, such if they didn't read.
If they didn't read their what is that about? That is bizarre? How am I supposed to trust anything being said? At this point? Even you won't stand behind it. No, that's the only time it's appropriate. Otherwise, keep your celebrity narrators out of I mean, and this is also speaking of someone who doesn't listen to audiobooks, But if I were to, I would be enraged to have Glenn Close reading you know my John Grishakoff.
You should read the you should listen to the audiobook of Man Search for Meaning. It's Nick Cannon.
That's the It could only be. It could only be. Okay, you've gone two right so far, and now I'm starting to get angry. Okay, number three give you no better result would be me leaving psyched and you furious. And I finished the podcast.
I have to take it over. You've read the book decided that this is harming the world, not helping it. It's toxic for you. I take it over. I take it to new heights.
Oh, I'm watching you climb in the charts.
It helps me realize that my children were not my purpose, that actually being a podcast celebrity was it for me.
You do become the Joe Rogan off the left, this mysterious.
Force finally filling the void. But the success turns me to a Joe Rogan of the right. And now there's two Joe Rogans and there's zero left Joe Rogans. That changes everything. Maybe maybe that is the correct Another thing that annoys me.
Let me be clear. Oh, I don't like when people say no. Let me be clear. It's so annoyous, so irritating because whatever they're about to say is not that important.
No, it's become just a handle completely.
Let me be clear. Oh, don't lecture me, get out of my face. Okay. Number three this is from a listener named Katie Gift or a curse scented liquid hand soap bottles in public restrooms that have been refilled with industrial liquid soap.
This feels like a clear trick one, but is it a trick on a trick hmmm? Where it's actually like no, no, no, it was really just bad. I am going to say that it's a gift and I will tell you why.
I think so.
When you started with scented soap in public spaces, I was like, fuck that. You don't decide what my hands smells like. Even I don't decide that. The world decides what these hands smell like, and that's how they smell. But anyway, if it's filled with the industrial soap, you know you're getting a like a bleachy, sanitized product. There's a charm to like some human being went to the trouble of using I guess all of the original soap and then refilling it with what is clearly fraudulent pink soap that is not ASoP or whatever. So there's something that makes me smile. If it makes me smile, as we said, lefter is important, it's a gift. And that's my final answer.
Oh my god, Oh you win the game. I love this. First of all, let's uh, we're being very frugal. We're, you know, making do with what we have. And I love it. I truly love it. That bottle shouldn't be thrown away. That bottle. I love the pink soap. Who cares about the expensive soap. Yeah, when you see kind of the medicinal, fancy bottle and then you pump it and you're getting the pink soap, my heart is a flutter. Yeah. I'm so happy that we said, Okay, we spent fifty dollars on the first bottle. From now on, we're getting the bags of pink slime and the customer can deal with it.
Also, we live in America, so if there is a bottle that is refillable in a public space that you can be private in, someone's put in some weird liquid in there and it probably came from and the pink soap purifies that yes, that's something designed for America.
It's essentially penicillin pencilin. So no, it's an absolute gift. And I mean, I couldn't be less happy with how this game turned out. And you know if, I don't even know what to say at this point, but good for you.
Part of me wants to ask for like an hour long bonus round, but part of me is like, take the win. Why are you trying to double down? This is why I don't go to Vegas. Why am I doing this?
You could ruin everything? Okay, well, congratulations or whatever. Who cares. This is the final segment of the podcast. People write into I said no gifts at gmail dot com. My listeners are desperate for answers in their own lives. I don't like to say it. I'm not proud that most of my listening audience is just constantly dangling from a thread. But I try to help and get them back on the path. Will you hope me answer a question? That's what I'm here for? Okay, this says Okay, Well.
It's literally not why I'm here, but sure, okay, this says dear Bridger and surely, amazing guest.
That's very nice. I hope you're having a great episode so far. Well, it's been fine, I would say fine at best.
I knew how fragile your ego was. I should have let you get me on one.
Okay, I'll say it's been a very bad episode, maybe unreleasable. Okay, says I need help deciding what to bring for a couple hosting a New Year's Eve party at their house, and I will Okay, So we're clearly like catching up here. Well, there's always another New Year's Eve party.
In the North Hills of Altadena, and I think it's gonna be a real.
You know, we're trying to catch up. Listener, you're gonna have to whatever advice here at your next party, and that's your fault. Okay, I need help. I need help deciding what to bring for a couple hosting a New Year's Eve party at their house. They are the oldest friends of my newish boyfriend. My guy took me to their Halloween party too, but it was before we were official, so we brought over some drinks for ourselves but nothing for them. Slashed the party. Okay, well, you each brought a beer, Okay, whatever. I think they're a little suspicious of me dating their friend because I'm the first girlfriend since it's divorced two years ago, and we are non monogamous, whereas they have a traditional college sweetheart type monogamous straight marriage. Well what a mouthful. So I want to bring them something this time to make better impression. Okay, so still't make it this email. That's my first piece of advice. Crumple this up and throw it out the window. I know you printed a details to know. We are all mid to late THIRTI living on the East coast of the United States. The hosts have two extremely cute dogs and one medium cute dog. Oh that's rude. Why they are great cooks Italian and Puerto Rican cuisine. He's in a very loud band and she is a nurse. Oh interesting, You've got a lot of insight here. My best friend and fellow listener Eve. Okay, now we're bringing another listener into this problem. My god, Eve suggested bringing something for them to have for breakfast the next day we are not staying over. Eve is almost always right. Well, I'm just gonna say right now, Eve's wrong, But I worry if I bring something like that coffee cake muffins or something. They'll want to put it out that night and it will be weird. Please assist. I'm begging you, thank you. And that's from Tito, Tito, Tito, Tito, Oh my god, what are the details we're working with here? First of all, she broke up a marriage, So this is kind of the someone who's ruined a relationship, and that's got to color everything that happens from here on out.
Dare I say, Tito, you might be overthinking this. Uh, it's there are so many You have so many bigger problems than the one you're asking about.
The ex wife is trying to kill you, and you're worried about like a party gift. Who cares? Okay, So this is this is a woman. This is a woman, Tito, who is married.
In a non monogamous not married, non monogamous relationship which is which is official, with a divorcee.
With the divorce of two years. And it seems like they're at least worried that everyone in the boyfriend's life hates them, right, All the old are uncomfortable around them, right, And I'm on their side.
I am on almost everyone except Tito's side in this story, including the medium cute, especially the media.
I'm cute dog.
It's being slandered for no reason, just like just sidekick to the ball of someone standing over the rescue. Okay, right, yeah, in theory, I actually thought when I heard breakfast the next day, I was like, that's a great idea.
You never think of that.
No, And it's like they're tired, They're going to be worn out. I suppose you could like pre order a Postmates that is going to deliver them a couple of breakfast burritos.
Oh interesting, interesting, Or.
Give a little Postmates Gifts card with a note saying that right. So that would maybe be how I would solve that problem. I ultimately would just like grab a bottle of something. Sure, stop thinking so much about your life.
I mean, if the concern is about the breakfast item them not being clear of what's to be used for, do something that's obviously a breakfast item. An omelet, scrambled eggs, a box of cereal. These things are not gonna put out.
Yes, charming gift a box of cereal and some milk. A box of egg omelet might be tough.
I cooked this a few hours, just leave it on the counter.
Here's what you're gonna do, uh, this is sort of a model omelet. You're gonna want to make this with whatever you have.
Okay, so, now that we've said it aloud, omelet is the thing they should bring. It's like it was so obvious all along. I want them to bring an omelet so badly. A nine egg. Put some Puerto Rican ingredients in there, top to a samaranara so we could get kind of a fusion thing happening. And you're gonna wake up to this and just be so refreshed and happy that I brought breakfast.
You're just gonna be thinking about how cool and thoughtful and normal I am.
Wow. Well, Tito, you've got your answer. Don't write back in.
Honestly, stop listening the podcast.
You need to be changing everything. Yes, and you tell the listener every episode. I'm begging them. Stop listening. Do not tell anybody else about the podcast. Leave the negative reviews, spread rumors, just destroy me. Am, Well, we answered it perfectly. I think you've won the game. You're part of a very small group of winners. The group of full losers is still a little more elite. But I guess that you want to be a winner. Ultimately, and now I have this book which I now it will be taking up physical space in my home, so I have to read it rather than just constantly going to the bottom of the kindle list.
You have to read it so you can pass it on to the next person that you see flailing.
I want them to know that I'm quietly judging them and think that their life is a mess.
Uh, a mess empty you would love.
Yes, there's something to work with when you've got a mess. You can organize a mess staring into a cave.
You can't organize empty, bottomless.
I've had such a wonderful time, came here today and thank you for this beautiful book and being here. Well sixteen wrong, Well, listener, the podcast is over. I think you knew that. I think that if you've listened to at least one episode, you're clear about how this works. Eventually the audio comes to an end and then you immediately start the episode over, so soon you'll have to do that. You'll play it over and start memorizing for your lip syncs. But we'll see you again soon. I love you, goodbye, I said. No Gifts is an exactly right production. Our senior producer is on Alisa Nelson and our episodes are beautifully mixed by Ben Toliday. The theme song is by Miracle Worker Amy Mann and we couldn't do it without our booker, Patrick Cottner. You must follow the show on Instagram. At I said, no gifts. That's where you're going to see pictures of all these wonderful gifts I'm getting. And don't you want to see the gifts?
Why did you hear?
Gonta made myself perfectly clear. But you're a guest to me. You gotta come to me empty. And I said, no guests. Your presences presents enough. I already had too much stuff.
So how do you dance? Survey me