Her date was supposed to be Guy but something changed! Find out what happened and who became her suitor.
Cheryl Burke is breaking it all down with Kelly including reading all the texts to you.
Plus, what happened to Mr. Tennis?!
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It's ide Part two and I'm one of your celebrity mentors, Cheryl Brooke, and today I'm at the iHeartRadio Music Awards in Los Angeles. You guys know, on the podcast we played a fun little dating game with fellow mentor Kelly ben Simone. So today we're going to talk about how she's feeling before her big date. There was also kind of a twist since this all went down. So let's just get right into it, shall we call?
Never met in person?
I've never met in person. I mean, can you believe this? You are so beautiful.
Last year, I know, so tell me about I.
Haven't spoken to you in so long. This is wild. And I know we were like December. I know that's crazy. It's crazy.
Mister Tennis, So he's so great, He's so nice. He is such a stellar human. It's just like he lives in LA You knew that already, I know, And I just was like, I can't.
Off do I influence you whatsoever?
No, But I also like, you're such a girls girl, and I love that you like really were like this is how I felt. And I think he's a great guy. It's just I just am like I'm not in La and he's just not it.
Wasn't worth it for you. No, as far as and you knew right away.
I knew right away.
I mean I spend time with him and he's just had so much funk and I'm just like, what am I doing?
Right? So then you play the dating game.
Then I played the dating game, which was so much, so much fun. Say, was the best time. By the way, I'm like, I feel like I'm dating, but no, no, no, please do because you're so gorgeous you have to eventually yes, yes, oh my god, tell me. The dating game, which was hilarious. I mean it was very authentic, asking these wild questions like what just like you know, if you were going to cook for me, what would you cook? Give me your famous you know, like can't call and here you're going to be like, you know, your primal like all these primal things. Like it was really fun, I mean really fun. So one of the guys I picked, he's a doctor. He's and I didn't you don't see them, you just you know, listening to their voices. And so I was like, he's a doctor and and he he said that, he was like, I'm a doctor, and this is what I do, and he was he seemed very like organized with his thoughts and his intention and I was like, you know what, that's what I need. I'm looking for solid I'm looking for the rock. I'm not looking for the rock actual rock. No, no, not that, okay.
No not yes. So I picked guy from the Golden Bachelorette.
And then he asked for my cell number and he starts texting me like these novellas.
And I was like, Spanish, no, it was just doesn't joke, like no, no, no, it's just like there's just so long.
They're just like so beautiful monologue, like just so long.
And I was like, I usually people are like, hey, what's your vibe?
How are you a text her like like crazy texts photos like I'm going.
To show you.
But anyway, I'm like and I'm just find like that's great. That's how I text, how I text back. I'm like, that's great, sounds fun, look forward to, can't wait whatever. And it was like buth and I and I like this and I like that, and I think you'd like this, and I think you'd like that, and going on and on and on and on, and here's a photo of me without a pocket square, and I was.
Like, I was like, what is going on?
Then, because he knew that we were coming here, He's like, oh, by the way, I have I'm going I'm dating someone. Here's her name. And I was like, wait, I'm sorry what. Then he's like, by the way, here's her name, and then sends me more images and then I'm just like himself and I'm just I'm gonna show you.
So he's a narcissist.
And then I'm like, look, i'm not I'm blue.
Then he shows me like how is an actor? I'm like, that's the yeah, no, not good.
Red flag. Red flag.
I'm like, I'm only into the green flags.
That's right, girl.
Yeah, I don't know.
I did meet one guy on the dating game, this guy Gary, who I'm super excited, so they're going to be run up.
He came and he was he's my runner.
Und and he agreed to you.
He's here, he's here, he's here, so we're going to see him tonight. We have so much fun.
Have you met him yet?
I didn't meet him.
We literally ran into each other yesterday when I got off the plane, and he's so polite, so well mannered. I was like whoa like very very elegant, very chic. That's like, yeah, I'm telling you rock, Like we don't want the rod, we want the rock.
Are you walking the carpet tonight?
Yes, I'm walking carpet with him.
Yes, photos, that's official.
He won the dating game. He deserves it. We're gonna have so much eaten.
Great, Like I'm just saying it's a red carpet, like that's official. People are gonna like your faces are going to be on the cover of some magazine or some blog about like oh this is it's official, okay, And you don't care no, like you don't think that's gonna like cocklok, like because that is official, Like I normally like I don't know, don't don't ever take advice from somebody who is me right now who obviously.
I always take advice from me, like sounding board. You're like my You're like my north star for dating. I'm like, that's the problem.
I'm gonna tell you right now, that is the problem. That is not you have amazing advice and you've done the work. Everyone else is like this is what I should do. I'm like, you've never done the work. You don't know what you're doing the work.
Has he done the work? This guy, I don't haven't aske him yet. Well, you don't need to ask him. You can tell, you know, I just met him. You can feel it.
All I did is just I watched him, like, are you excited? I am excited. He's so nice.
Are you nervous?
I know if I'm nervous.
Are you nervous now that I'm telling you that it's official? Like it's official, you know, I'm just saying yes.
But look at all these He was like.
No, we're not. We're done with this guy.
This is wild.
That's that guy's now in the past.
But why are men like that? Why?
I mean, I don't know, I mean honestly, but right away. I mean, first of all, you shouldn't have engaged.
I try to be nice. No, because I met him on the pod.
I didn't want to be time is valued.
No, I don't like to be rude, don't wan people to be alone.
But this is rude, like that the monologues and the telenovelas like that is first of all, this guy has zero sense of any type of like awareness obviously zero, like the fact that he's sending you this and you're not responding for most of it, and then if you are, it's one sentence. The guy has to literally check himself. That I mean, he has no self awareness, right, That's what this tells me without even reading it.
Maybe because he's an er doctor in.
Doctor should not should be selfless. I'm about to interview Gary.
Oh my god, you are to get everything. You have to get quality. We need to know everything.
What is one question that you want me to ask him?
Why is he married?
He was?
But he's not now well either?
Are you so?
So you want to get why do I like literally broke it off? You want to get whatever?
He wants to get married again?
How about that's great?
Do you want to get married again?
Of course yes, I want to get married, but I don't want to have to That's why.
Of course I want to get married, but I want.
Real, well as supposed to fake. We're not doing fake anymore.
Yes, thank you too. No no, no.
It's the real deal. We're sealing it and you're really ceiling it by walking the carpet. But I can't wait to see you guys and hang out with you tonight.
I'm just like literally thinking when I get when I get married, Cheryl's gonna be like's gonna be like think ding ding.
I have a question, my detective test.
Let's go, let's go. I got you.
I love you the night.
Are you gonna I think you're gonna have to move here because all your you know, dates have been definitely from California.
Definitely, I mean I should move here.
This is yeah, I mean first of thinks forever. So you know what, We're fine. I'm going to check in with you right after the concert, okay, and we're going to just have a little pow wow, the three of us. But first let me interview Gary. Get the tea and.
I'll report back.
Yes, okay, love you girl, more more, go get sexy. You are sexy. Actually, Hi Gary, my name is Cheryl Burke. Welcome to I Do Part two.
Cheryl, thanks for having me.
Thank you of course. Well I know this is not your first rodeo. You did just finish playing a dating game with my girl Kelly.
So much fun.
What type of questions did she ask you? And did that make you nervous?
No, it just kept it fun and exciting. One of them was to sing a song to her. Oh, and I came up with this amazing song and lyrics that I thought fit for the moment. And then another one was like.
Just on the cuff, like it was just a song, you mad a.
Cuff on a cuff, And then she asked us to do a cockle doo to do.
That's kinky?
Oh myself, that was just can.
I hear your cock a doodle? Don't?
Do you do? When you do what you do?
I love it.
You should be a voiceover for the next KFC commercial.
Okay, I hope you're out there listening first.
So tonight is your first date?
Are you nervous?
No, I'm more excited, I think than anything. This is such a humbling experience and more than that, just blessed to be a blessing and I'm receiving all of this in such a great way.
So that's beautiful. I feel like you're very is actually really refreshing. When I walked in here, I was like, came in, as you know, all flustered, and I was like, hi, I see me. You like trying to put lipline around my face and you were just zen. So I actually will take that and I will First of all, that is a green arrow like that's a green flag for sure and an arrow. So you were runner up? Yes, now not so much, but you were. And so when she asked you to go on a date, right to go and do this tonight with her and go on your official date? Was that hard for you to accept?
Or it wasn't hard at all? No, not at all. Runner up, first place, second place. I'm the guy that's you know, that gets to to go and have fun, so.
Exactly not see a man with no ego is the sexiest thing in the world. Would you say ego?
No ego here? I mean, you know, there's a difference in ego and confidence. I am very confident being the man that I am, and it feels good. It feels good.
Tell me about yourself. Have you been married before?
I have been married before. I've got two beautiful children, they're adults. I have a grandsons, and so yeah, yeah, I've been down that road.
Would you want to get married again?
I do believe in the institution of marriage. I do. In fact, I know she's right around the corner. I want to see her face, I want to hear her voice. But yeah, I think it would be a lot of fun.
You're talking about Kelly. So when you go into this, are you thinking about the future.
I'm just in the moment. I didn't want to, but hey, stay close, sweet, we need you and I need you to all right, you stay absolutely love it.
So were you just dodging a question or.
I'm not really sure how to answer that. Ask me again, Ask me again.
I don't even know what I just asked. You're off to a great start. Well, yeah, you are ready for the future. Yes.
I like to stay in the moment. Okay, in the present, in the moment, in the present, the here, the now. This is all we have is right now. Do I look forward to the future, Absolutely, But I enjoy where I'm at right now. And what's coming is going to be a fabulous evening. I can't wait.
That's right. And are you dating other people right now?
The infamous dating?
Because you know it's it's it's.
How are we quantifying dating? Right? Dating as in going on dates? Dating is in there is one special person.
What's your definition of dating?
I think my definition of dating is oh my should.
You're keeping this fun in Lewis. I like that. I think of dating as taking someone out to eat on a regular basis. Just this is your date, not just for the evening, but someone that you're with and spending time with.
And so when you do when you're there with somebody, are you allowed to do that with somebody else?
I don't think that would be a good idea to do that.
You're a loyal man. Yeah, yeah, what's your sign?
I'm aries the ram.
Oh you're in retrograde right now? My friend?
Baby, what's your I don't know all that.
Okay, you're on fire tonight, Yeah, going to be.
On fire, outstanding. Yeah, I love it. I love you.
You're great.
Keep smiling. I do need you. Keep smiling.
Person next to you guys all night. I'll be that. And then I'm going to interview the both of you.
Okay, Yeah, I kind of get and then we're going to.
Get engaged and then, like you guys, we're just gonna do it. We're gonna make it quick. We're going to go to Vegas.
You know, let's do it and do it fast and then just don't look back.
Correct, We're in the now.
That's what's important.
I love it. So what are you hoping to learn about Kelly? Are you do you have a type? Like is your type?
Well, I would answer that I think all women are your type, and character is very important that comes with that, and then there are a host of other things for me. Just seeing her h in her fun moment, you know, I like, again, this is probably a third time I've mentioned this. When we stay in the moment and have as much fun as we can, and that's what I want to see in her. How much fun are you having? How much fun can I bring to your world right now? Because this only is going to be for the moment. Right now, this is all we have, So I'm looking forward to her funny out how much fun she likes to have.
Do you meditate?
I don't meditate. No, I pray. I pray. I'm Christian and I'm a good christ Like man. And I again, you know, I used to be afraid to say that. Why is that?
I don't know.
I don't know either, I mean, but I can guess over the past six years, I have really grown to be an amazing light, if you will that I like to carry and inspire and motivate and all of those things.
So I feel it. Yeah, thank you so much. I can't wait to grill you. Came no goodness, I will have my one eye.
You have to be nice to me.
Is religion one more question? Is religion important and spirituality important for you and whoever your partner will be.
I think it is. I think that you have to be equally yolked in that way. I think if you have some of the same beliefs that it's very important and can go a long way. Yeah, thank you, until next time until we meet again.
Seeing a bit, see you in a bite a bit.
Four hours later, after the iHeartRadio Music Awards, Kelly and Gary are back from their first date.
So, first of all, I do I'm going to speak of you in third person. I love him. I think he's a great guy, the best he really is.
Let me warm that.
Yeah, No, I just love how his his philosophy on life?
What is this philosophy? And him tell me what is your philosophy on life?
Have fun, Enjoy the moment, stay in the moment. Today. This is all we have.
Love that right.
Now here we are. There's no tomorrow, right now here, we are.
Right now, and I am don't get too comfy.
Cheryl's like, that's my friend. Don't get too comfy.
Yeah, we don't have tomorrow. It's true. What's your philosophy of life?
It's actually interesting because mine is very much the same. And you know, I always tell all my friends, I'm like, you're never going to have this conversation this way ever again. This is this is, this day is never going to come again, and so we have to really really be mindful and grateful for what we have and who we are and where we're going. So I I have the exact same philosophy.
Some people are like, I mean, it's funny the boxes in my head.
Yeah, I liked it. I'm keeping score. Don't worry. Now, what did you guys?
What did you guys talk about? Because you were like, I'm going to talk to Gary.
When we play makeup. I'll tell you. I mean, you are just like I had asked a couple of questions that you probably would be interested in hearing. Okay, do you remember how many use all of or not all of olives? The Gray Groost? Did you have? Is that the drink that was?
That's my drink?
You got it?
That's right. You could be a bartender is a listener? That is my memory?
So that consider a cheese drink.
Yet, so you walked the carpet. You made it kind of official. It was a crazy carpet tonight, Like it was nuts.
It was wild.
Yeah, to be with a bachelor and Gary on the carpet like in.
Se Yeah, I can't imagine.
You're like Gary Gary over here.
So did you get asked? Like were people asking you?
They were like, what is girl? Was shot on?
Now the teaser was? The teaser was And I said, there's so much more to come. You have to keep watching, keep watching?
What exactly that part?
That part?
That part right there?
You are so funny. Are you active on social media? You're going to have to watch.
Yeah, social is going to go wi people like what's going on? Did you get everything? Wait?
So how does that feel for you?
It was really fun. We had such a great time. It just feels good. It feels I mean, it's fun. Yeah.
I mean I'm I'm in such a good place. And if this would have been like a year ago, I would have been like, no, I can't do that totally. But I am in such a good place. But you know, it's interesting because Gary was like I said, I really.
Appreciate being with you and we're having so much fun.
And because guy, you know said that he couldn't walk the carpet because he'd fallen in love and he was going on a TV show.
So I was like, that's great, and then he kept texting me saying.
Was im, I don't know talking about like we haven't even met yet, and so we had such a fun time.
Did she hold up to your fun standards?
She totally, she exceeded it because just being her and who she is, just her personality and her character made it easy for me. Yeah. So it was fun.
Absolutely, you're a good time. Yeah, you have really great energy about you. Just in case no one heard.
That, I appreciate you.
You know.
It was really interesting is that Gary was like, well, I'm you know, I was kind of like the runner up on the dating game, and so I was kind of like I.
Just took someone's place. I'm like no, no, no no, because I was going to choose you. I like that. I was, well, yeah, I was going to choose you. And then I was like, wait, which I do? Whichuld I do? And I was like fine.
It was the song that ultimately obviously it was meant to be.
Yes, let's not talk about the past right.
Right, the talk about where you are right now, what's in front of what is unfolding in front of us right now?
And what is that just we're having such a good time. We had so much fun.
It really was okay.
What I really liked was how we were playing off of each other. The batchero meets the housewife.
Mm hmm. That's show itself.
That is he does the cooking and the singing and she does nothing.
Well, I wanted her to I wasn't gonna say nothing. I want her to say that.
I know what I was saying.
I was like, house would I say these jobs our husbands they lose their lives bachelors like they get a wife, they get a family, get.
We get nothing.
But we're going to change that narrative.
Yes, totally, totally. Yeah, she is still deserving of something so much more and bigger and grander.
Cheryl is a big reason that I'm actually I'm here today.
I want so much together. And Cheryl was like, you have to do the work, and the work is the work. Yeah, and it's like not just.
Like sitting at the therapist and having them say like, you know, you're so great.
That's the wrong work, that's the wrong therapist. She must be fired.
I mean, there's certain things that Cheryl says sometimes and I'm like, I don't know what she's talking about, but you do. But then I googled it and I was like, oh my god, I just ask me google It means.
I love you.
That's so cute.
Like what she was like, are your attachment, I'm like like.
A super glue or.
I'm more like double tape, like I can get away.
Yeah, it's actually more.
But since learned, are you valc No, I'm not valcal. I have been valco though I have been.
Yeah, thank good Thank goodness. I don't think she is.
Has any Have you ever been ghosted before?
Just like never, never.
I don't know what.
They're a good man, Like you're a really good man. I feel in my bones. Yeah, and my bones are right most of the time, not for me but for other people.
Well, but I get that. And you know, as I told you earlier, I'm just comfortable in my own skin being the man that I am. Yeah, and I'm not afraid of me. Before it was like I was afraid to just be.
Right. You put up all these facades in these different things, But now I don't really care what you think or say. I'm comfortable in saying why I am in the things I like to do.
And here's a perfecticular waited a hold on, but I need to give you a perfect example of him being is that we're talking you, we're talking to the press and they're like, we're talking. They're talking about Mariah Carry at the iHeartRadio Music Awards, and they're like, sing a song and Mariah has song.
The song and instead of.
I'm saying like, I don't know the words or whatever, he just starts singing a song with words.
Like me he's made up. But that was a tone of Carry.
And I'm just like, let me hear.
I'm like, I don't know that song. It's okay.
I don't listen to the words.
A song had like the may Carry melody. And I'm just like.
We're all.
Either like like song and faces like.
But the words I don't really and I'm looking at kill it. She's like he just keep going.
Keep saying you're doing great, You're doing great.
I love that you are really comfortable in your own skin.
I love.
Makes them different though than your other dates.
Just incredible confidence, just like really like yesterday, so we met yesterday. He's like, that's Kelly. I'm gonna say hi and say hello to her, introduce myself.
So you knew what she looked like. You knew her.
Of course when we did our dating game, I got a chance to see her and she didn't see us.
No, I didn't.
I get it.
It was a dating game, you know, you don't get to see the contestant who you're you know, asking the questions.
I got it. Yeah, that makes sense.
I like it.
I like it.
The voice I'm hoping she remembered.
But the voice.
I was like, how can you not? I know?
Both? Thanks?
I was like nine nine am. Like he's just gonna like lull me to the comments. He's like, Gary, the cam out.
You get paid big bucks for that? Did you guys get a little dirty dancing.
In total chair dancing? Gary? Gary, guys, what do you say, like bump with me or something? No, not bump, no.
Bounce, bounce He's like bouncing, I mean and skinny Like I'm like.
My shoulders are just touched in with just like I'm no sure of her, believe.
Me, no, one, we're not compared.
I mean I don't even like I can't even move my body at all. But Gary was like literally bounce and we had we had a lot of fun. I'm like, oh my god, we're cherry dancing. Look at us, I know. And then Gary like put his arm up.
Like dancing, Like, so, is there chemistry?
I'm sorry, she's yes, totally.
I'm asking the both of you.
Absolutely absolutely, Okay, great, so fun the chemistry Like the next time I talk to you, which I hope it isn't, like.
Yes, not like like five months, I was like, what happened? Where's my shirt?
Well, first of all, I'm just a phone call me and you both are not good to Texas. I suck at that, but I hope this is something you guys continue doing now the long distance? Does that bother you?
Or yeah?
But you know what, like I can go in wherever I want. Yeah, there's a plane, there's a train, that's an autumn being.
Like this is an international airport.
Now, so it's a lot easier said than done, just saying yeah, I'm not going to be the you know, bearer of bad news. I could easily go down that rabbit hole. But because that's if you do, I hope you don't.
Right because I did in all transparency.
I did meet someone who was super nice, like it was from California and he's so great, but I was just like, there's no way.
I mean, I live in New York City, Like I live in New York.
City, but it's different now.
Well also he had young, younger children too, so.
I also felt like you young No, no, no, like they're they're teens.
I mean, they're beautiful kids.
I never met them, but I just was also like, that's like, okay, how is that.
Going to work?
And like we're going to have to take X amount of time in order for me to meet the kids and what's going to happen?
And like I get in my head too, I'm like, you know, unfortunately I need to like shut the head of.
Figure what's next for us?
What is next for us? I don't know we're going to I know we have to figure it out.
Do you not like to talk too far in advance, like especially you, because you.
Say some dudes, I think that it's good to have a plan to look forward to something. But the gift is right now, correct, this is the gift?
Yes, But you know you don't always live by that, do you?
You always you'd.
Be surprised how important it is.
He also has a big meeting on my.
Actually, I have one more question. Are you religious?
I am?
I know that about you.
I love it well. I am technically Catholic. I was baptized and everything. I mean, like my mom goes to church. I used to go to church every Sunday. But I do believe in God.
I do too, and I mean I don't. I don't tell anyone to do anything.
I just believe in spiritual integrity.
The beauty is that we can all have our spirituality and the things that we believe in. I'm Christian, right, I'm not going to thumple Bible in someone's face about faith. That's great because that's what I believe in. You know, youve got to respect people for the film because.
I did ask Gary today. I was like, is that important to you? And I didn't know that about you, so I didn't know.
What's important to me is when people have a moral code and a moral compass. That's like really really, because.
I do you know, I always try to do the right thing, even though it's not the right thing for me.
But can people do that without believing in the Higher power?
I don't really know.
I don't really think so, because they in order to have a moral compass, you have to have respect for something bigger than yourself.
Yeah, and I'll give you a short one with that. If you're going to talk the talk, you got to walk the walk. And if you just talk and you don't walk, then people are looking at you saying, eh, not real, for real, Yeah, faking all this. And so if they're not true to themselves, how can they be true to their partner or anything else. Yeah, so you got to walk the walk.
Yeah, just don't talk.
It's hard. Thank you Kelly and Gary for letting us play keep it here on the podcast. That was so much fun and getting to hear all about your very first date that I would say I was a little bit responsible for a little bit, just a little bit. I'm like, your like weird step daughter, you know it's weird. Anyway, Listeners, I'm talking to you. Are you struggling with dating like I am? Clearly need some help in that area. Just let us know, call us or email us, follow us on socials. All the information will be in the show notes. Make sure to rate and review this podcast. I do Part two and I art radio podcast where falling in love is the main objective. People, Okay, get with it. Get with it my main objective, but maybe ours. I'm not vain. I'm not vain. We're just like, we're just need.
I'm strong, we're strong.